¶ That Which Is Highly Esteemed Among Men!
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Esteem is a trait and a mentality that only adult humans (and all demons) are capable of; esteem is a factor of ego. Therefore, holding things in high esteem (on this planet anyway), includes money–wealth–power, popularity–stardom–attention, self-importance and self-superiority, narcissism, dominionship, pride–ego–emotion, and so on. These are abomination unto YHVH: These are defining human traits (Matt 15 ).
Ultimately, this Satan–mimicked power–hunger will culminate into the complete control–fear–obedience of others, which is that final stage of Spiritual degradation just before total Spiritual bankruptcy; the pre–sentencing and heart–searing by YHVH, assuring eternal damnation. Once a person has demonstrated a disdain for anything covered by YHVH–Love, they are officially lost; many religious end up in this state, and do so while remaining devoted to church attendance and its productions.
Messiah Yeshua taught all His disciples, past, present and future, about how to see fruit–evidence; Judging righteously, and then (proverbially) dusting our feet of them and moving on (Matt 10 ). It seems cold, but the masses on Broadway (the superhighway into the eternal Abyss of Darkness ), will not be counted among the Elect of YHVH. We would be spending precious Earth time, trying to reach someone who is already eternally doomed. Those open to YHVH–truth, in the moment, will be highly receptive to Spiritual things.
Pride–ego–emotion rules the mind–heart–Soul, in the absence of Love–wisdom–humility! Note the compound words; that is because they are all associated, conjunctive, and intimately linked together, for good and for evil. YHVH has (proverbially) already seen this movie called Earth life; all that will happen has already happened. It is to understand Foreknowledge and Predestination .
In scripture, the World does not refer to the planets, including this one: Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof! But then, so are all the other planets and heavenly bodies that comprise the corporeal Cosmos. We read: For all that is in the world ; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world ! It does not say: for all that is in the world; the animals, the mountains, the wilderness and oceans.
According to my Master, Messiah Yeshua, when He refers to the world , He is referring to the collection of soul–endowed beings, and by reason, the collective earthly consequences of the human species. The more one becomes pro–Messiah, the more one becomes anti–worldly; the Messianic light overwhelms the darkness of the human masses and their earthly agendas, which are led by god or Satan.
There are 183 keyword cases of "the world" in the Messiah Scriptures , and only a few represent Earth. The Eschaton does not refer to the end of the world, as in the planet itself; Earth will exist for a very long time. The end–times is the end of human time; the end of this human experiment, when the Satan led human masses render Earth uninhabitable for the human mammal. There will be no post destruction human reign upon this one planet.
Satan is the ultimate groomer; Satan leads a trillion demon army, who collectively have one goal; to influence the human species to become (or remain) worldlings; to be worldly; to be small; to be so caught up in the minutia of this world that they never transcend it. Satan makes them comfortable in the world they inherited, but also to perpetuate it unto the next generation. Satan and crew are incorporeal; they have no physicality, and therefore, all the works they do on Earth are done through the inhuman masses!
Furthermore, demons do not die when their human host dies, they simply move into/onto the next generation of willing vessels. And as evidence abundantly displays, the bulk of the human species are willing vessels (my guess is 99.25% to 99.75% of the entire accountable adult human race). Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! Satan uses the internal trinity of human pride–ego–emotion, to move people through the worldly productions of economics, politics and religion, to do almost all evil deeds: None of these three will survive beyond this Earth experiment.
The dystopian appearance of Earth, here in the Eschaton Era, is caused in large part by the Car Cult ; it is surely heartbreaking to all of us, who are fulfilled, in/by the Love of YHVH, abiding daily under the Messianic Cross. We so deeply Love our Heavenly Father that to look upon this Garden planet, as a heavily polluted Asphalt dystopia, is devastating to us. But to the world, it is all doing just fine!
As the Personal property of YHVH, the living Oracles of YHVH, get a front–row seat to witness how Satan (and the demon crew), via their devoted human masses, are wantonly destroying it, in slow motion; prophesy being fulfilled before our very eyes! We can only await new Earth's; that is, the billions of still–virgin planets that only the Elect of YHVH will be stewards over (Matt 25 ; 1Co 6 ).
We know the elements that are dangerous to Earth life. Yes, YHVH created them all, and even more on other planets we still know nothing of. But that does not mean we can help ourselves to it. It all still belongs to its Creator, YHVH. We are being tested; our stewardship is all we are here for! We are being tested in the corporeal for a life that will be both corporeal and incorporeal, and eternal.
Now of course, the YHVH Monetizers (those who gain Mammon from religion) will disagree, and indeed they must; otherwise, they would have to repent of (and end for good) most of their lifestyle choices! That will not happen. self-justification is all they have left; that plus the bible that can be twisted to justify their anti-Messianic lifestyle, to their entourage of likeminded people.
I thank Messiah Yeshua our Lord, who has enabled me, in that He counted me faithful, by putting me into His ministry. Before, I was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious. But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and Love, which is in Messiah Yeshua. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation; that Messiah Yeshua came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief! Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy; that in me first, Messiah Yeshua might show forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter, believe on Him unto life everlasting. Now, unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible; the only wise Adonai, be honor and glory forever and ever: Amen! (1Ti 1 :12–17)
Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' Hill and said: All you men of Athens, I perceive that in all things, you are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD! Whom therefore you ignorantly worship: Him I declare unto you! Elohim, who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth, dwells not in temples made with hands ; neither is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He gives to all, life and breath and all things.
He has made of one blood, all nations of men {humanity} , dwelling on all the face of the Earth, and has determined the times, before appointed, and from the places of their habitation; that they should seek The Lord, if freely they might seek after Him, and find Him, though He be not far from everyone of us. For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said: For we are also His offspring!
Inasmuch then as we are the offspring of Elohim, we ought not to think that the Divine is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance Elohim allowed, but now commands everyone everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He has ordained; whereof He has given assurance unto all men, in that He has risen from the dead! (Acts 17:22–31)
We know the specifics of these conversations, but what else they can teach us is very important; it is how the scriptures work; there is more to the message than what was applied to it, at the time. We must know what it meant, when it was said or written (contextually and culturally), plus, what it can extrapolate into, plus, what and how it could be applied to the now. In this particular case, ignorance. We all do things that are bad or wrong, but that does not make us irredeemable, it just makes us hopelessly human.
The wise are wise for knowing there is far more to learn than what is currently known about, and are further humbled by that reality. Conversely, the simpleton does not possess the mental capacity to see this, instead becoming confident in the little knowledge they gain, thinking it represents far far more than it actually does.
Their entire world is a shoebox, and once they think they see all within it, the need to learn more is not necessary; the ego is satisfied and confidence in their ignorance cemented. But the remain oblivious to the much greater world that exists just outside of that shoebox. And assuming the brain is working properly, the vast differences in knowledge and wisdom, from one human to another, can be attributed to ones experiences, more than access to data.
For the Elect of YHVH, we have an external or other data source, in Ruach HaKodesh: The Indwelling Holy Spirit. That Spirit yokes with, or heavily influences, our heart–mind–Soul, which is the very Spiritual enlightenment (wokeness; wisdom) that the Messiah Scriptures teaches about.
Therefore, it is what a person does once we realize something; the moment that light is placed upon one of our stupid decisions or beliefs; it is in how we react that exposes everything! Do we justify it away? Or do we change? Repent? And repent means first to stop doing it, and then confess it as wrong and then never do it (or think it) again.
Backsliding is a christian word–concept; it is not scriptural and has no place among the Elect of YHVH. Once the Elect are made aware of any lifestyle that can do harm, they/we quit it immediately, repent, receive its forgiveness, and never go back: E.g. the unimaginably destructive and terrifyingly dangerous Car Cult .
Satan will work through the bulk of humanity, to bring about ecological calamities at a cataclysmic global scale. Humans are deliberately pumping tar oil, held deep under ground for good reason, as it became an integral part of the structure of the mantle. Those people then chemically alter (unnaturally process) the countless quintillions gallons of tar, so it can be chemically refined, and then poured into internal combustion engines, now by the billions, as well as to be used in many other applications. And horrifyingly, they actually believe in the magic of eternal reproduction; that fossil fuels are forever!
All of these complex and unnatural processes, cannot happen in nature, or without human intervention from the Satan driven masses on Broadway; indeed, it will not happen on any other planet in the sum of the Cosmos forever. It is this radical and catastrophic denaturalization of the YHVH creation that will be the scientific explanation for the Eschaton. All Messianic disciples already know the Spiritual implications. Add to that several thousand nuclear warheads, and I think you can get the (now) dystopian and (soon) apocalyptic picture.
The faith beliefs that imply that humans are "advancing" ourselves on this path, will be sour in the soul of the masses, cast into outer Darkness , where they will experience hellish millions millennia, separated from all planets, and all light, and all biological matter; they will remain in an incorporeal state, far far apart from the presence of and Love of YHVH. It will be hellish indeed!
The peacelessness that defines the bulk of the human species, will be the causal core of the Eschaton. The Car Cult is but one such empiricism, supporting the presence of the anti-Messianic masses, and the terror they pathologically unleash upon Earth. The peace that surpasses the comprehension of the bulk of humanity, comes only from Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, installing within us, Love .
The sin–evil and the consequences of those uncountable acts of sin–evil, via the mind–heart–Soul of the human masses, will be the responsibility of 99.25% to 99.75% of all accountable adults, counting from the first to the last of us, as a species. Wide is the Broadway (path) to eternal destruction indeed, because The Way is {a} Narrow Way, and few there will be that find it, or seek it, or ever trek upon it: Matthew 7 summarized.
We Messianic disciples, are disciples, only because we are like our Master (Luke 6 :40); we are not of this world (John 18 :36). We too are born on this planet, which is created and owned exclusively by Adonai Elohim (YHVH ); however, the bulk of the human species, the world, (Matt 7 :13–14) use their superpower of volition, to serve Satan the god of this world (2Co 4 :2–7).
The human masses, including the christianized, serve Satan by the ways they create or perpetuate things among themselves; e.g. the human created religious, economic, and political/military system/s. Again: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! Thus, all that is of this world, are all distractions that keep Satans people too busy to seek and find the Messianic Cross. The West's Military Industrial Complex, are not protecting Western nations, they are dooming the human species and most other Earth mammals.
All of Christendom is just an exhibition of humans interacting with the world of Satan, fully sold out to it, but then christianifying it. They do not live purposed lifestyles that exhibit a Spiritual metamorphosis; they do not study Messiah Yeshua so they can mimic Him; they simply display to all with Spiritual eyes to see/hear it, their complete soaking in Satans world.
The christianized are fully enculturated in this world; fully invested herein; and then, they create this mockery of a religion with the name of Christ Jesus assigned to it, believing any of that, has anything whatsoever to do with YHVH. All religion is a mockery of Adonai our Elohim.
Spiritual metamorphosis results in an entirely different lifestyle on Earth. We do not enable Satans trinity, which is economics, politics and religion; we purpose to expose them for what they are. That which is highly esteemed among men, is what the Elect of YHVH reprove (Eph 5 ).
Indeed, those who are religious, and economic, and political, are the farthest from the Messianic Cross. Consumerism , the main production of economics, is what drives this, the world, which is orchestrated by Satan through his human masses. The peace that surpasses all comprehension cannot be theirs; thus, the masses scratch for evermore material things, until Earth will no longer be able to support the unrelenting predation of the YHVH creation.
Many people suffer from a type of hoarding pathology, wherein they feel compelled to possess way more resources than would be logically necessary to live a comfortable life. This pathology morphed over time (via the influences of Satan), until it was no longer considered a Spiritual depravity, but instead, this ambition to possess massive amounts of money and real estate holdings and other monetary products of Satan economic paradigm, became normalized into what is commonly known of today, as capitalist economics (or just Capitalism ). This normalization of being capitalistic, is what causes all economic imbalances, and from there all social injustices; the Homeless for one.
The precious few on Narrow Way; the few, who live out our repentance in our lifestyles; we are the only humans who will eternally survive this Earth experiment. Our world is not the same as (this) the world, which was/is created by the atheistic human infestation, inspired by Satan the god of this world (of humans), during its very short human era. Messianic disciples do not approve of a monetary world; or an economic world; or a political world; or a militarized world; or a religious world.
The planets or Kingdom worlds of the Kingdom destined, are planet worlds, where we will honor what our One Creator provided us, from whatever planet world we are allowed to occupy; we will not, and thus we do not, taint those planet worlds with such humanist ideals or constructs. That will be the downfall of (this) the Earth.
When Earth was free of humans, it was also free of sin–evil: Only humans (and demons) are capable of malevolence. We are all aware of our place in the Cosmos, and how we are empowered over other living beings. But Earth was once innocent; free of evil or malevolent intent; there is no evil in the world, once dominated by the animal kingdom; sin–evil only resides in the hearts of humans, and the demons that inspire them in and with this world.
But what we learn from scriptures (and other ancient writings) was how Satan, a beautiful and popular and talented angel, wanted evermore power; wanted to be a star of stars; indeed, to be a god and not a mere subject thereof. YHVH banished Satan, and along with his trillion followers, sent them to Earth. Why? Because we were about to be!
Humans, as a species of soul–endowed volitional beings, were reaching that stage of natural development, wherein the experiment could begin: Adonai Elohim was/is growing a family to expand the uncountable Kingdoms of YHVH, spread out in time and throughout the vastness of the Cosmos.
There is one human family, not defined by how close we all are on the biological tree, but rather by the fact that we share one Heavenly Father as Creator of all. But the primal–carnal are still animal like; territorial, proximal, polygenic, narrow minded and confined. Then these same (Spiritually) unenlightened people get involved in their cultures socially popularized religions, but do so completely carnal, and the results of that is what we see today in all religions.
¶ Why Christendom Quickly Failed: The COP Cultists!
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Christendom (christianism; christianization; christianistics; christianizers; christianifying; christianity), summarized in the COP Cultists (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant); these Spiritually vacuous, YHVH Monetizers , were (and still are) merely business or economic models, which were already normalized by the early second century, operated chiefly by those who Satan covertly uses to monetize YHVH, always and everywhere: the god marketeers! The religion businesses spawned, thrived, but the direct representation of Messiah Yeshua, faded and died in short order.
It is these kind of humans that Messiah Yeshua exposed, from among those near to Him; the Pharisees. People who profit monetarily from the presence of YHVH (who they appropriately call, god); these are the most evil of humans on Earth; they are anathema or accursed, and thus, the only people who are 100% Spiritually bankrupt and thus eternally doomed and Darkness destined. Ironically, they are prophetically the last to see it or believe it (Matt 7 :21–23).
It all began unofficially, and relatively at the very start; the Johannine Epistles carefully but somewhat covertly, covers this early split; this distinction between (lifestyle) discipleship versus (economic) christianity, or the anti-Messiahs . Money economics and its subsequent social stratification , Satans master plan, was/is a major theme in understanding the converse life of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Indeed, the Lord's Prayer, John Seventeen , centered on the reunification of the species. But Satan wanted the opposite, and uses the bulk of the (human) species to cause divisions; all us–against–themism, including religious self-righteousness, is its final fruit.
As time marched on, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, remained at the margins of society, not belonging to this, The World; not being like the bulk of the human species. Nevertheless, the money–loving, money dependent money servers, recognized an opportunity to capitalize upon, and monetize our precious Adonai, through this new sect called christianity. They eventually became the Catholics, who split into the Orthodox, and finally the Protestants, with the sinister Eschaton Era Evangelicals, the farthest of them all, from the Messianic Cross.
These power–hungry men teamed with the earthly kings, and the Constantinian shift was born. But the long dead husk (or shed molting) of the original Messianic message, via christendom, was dragged through time, by the culturally christianized, but as a talisman and an avatar; a meme which was (by succeeding generations) waved like a nationalistic cult flag, to justify all kinds of demonic evil, done in the name of Jesus: And it is still happening! False Messianic discipleship is Christendom; the terms cartoon christianity & fictional faith are appropriate here.
It is not too difficult to be nice or caring, when all of ones material needs and wants and desires are met. But true character shows itself when we are challenged, and that is why YHVH allows Satan and his trillion demon army to put pressure on the human condition: The Job Effect! We are tested as with fire, to bring out the precious metals in the assay (Col 3 ).
Earth is a planet conquered by Satans humans. This planet, and all other planets in the sum of the Cosmos, are owned exclusively by YHVH who created them, and all that is in the corporeal and the incorporeal, and throughout infinity. This tiny quick human experiment was/is designed to watch and record, volitional sentient beings, navigate this one little planet, and who either become the advanced state of YHVH via a personal relationship, or, remain the bipedal hominid mammals they were design/evolved to be.
The Messianic Cross was the epoch of that endeavor; it was/is the point in time when humans had been tested, but kept escaping the proverbial cages, seeking freedom from Messianic constraints. But YHVH is assembling a Family (volitional) for eternal and universe–wide purposes. The one main factor, is the ability (and desire) to be a part of a family paradigm to begin with; the Human Family is the Earth test: John Seventeen . Will you accept all humans as your family? Or not? Do you Love everyone the same? Or do you pick and choose? Do you seek out any reason or any justification for hating others? Or to Love?
Satan works through the humans masses to create division; to make humans hate other humans. It is in our differences that humans find self-justification for hating or rejecting or opposing "other". YHVH is recording all of it; the sum of your corporeal life will be a hellish replay for you. As you, watch you, being you, and rejecting or fighting or opposing others, for who Messiah Yeshua sacrificed for; this alone will cause weeping, wailing, gnashing and cursing, for your million millennia in the empty spacial darkness of the Abyss.
Satan and the demon crew work hard to make people hate people, and, for some of the most sinister superficial reasons imaginable. Most humans are demon oppressed, especially here in the Eschaton, where the justifications for hate and rejection are becoming evermore meaningless. But it is from Satans trinity productions that the hatefest is most prominent.
Here in the Eschaton, people are noticing, even inside of a few generations, the acceleration of hate, venom spitting, and vitriol that is being unleashed all over the world; it is shocking even to the unregenerate. To all of us who abide daily under the Messianic Cross, we have seen it coming for many decades now.
We know this is the Eschaton Era, as all the prophetic signs are there. The most notable among them all, are the christianized; the lukewarm; the bibliolatrous and thus eternally doomed churched. But where the word Eschaton means "last" or "end" it inversely means beginning or rebirth. The "last of days" simply implies the end or conclusion of the human experiment, and Satan and his trillion demon army are major players in this timeline of events; something we are not yet privy to.
The realm of the anti-Messiahs is where money is god; where Satans trinity thrives. In that anti-Messianic world, humans vie for social positioning; sociologically, Satans master plan of social stratification . Those who fit into the more profitable profile, do well in that setting: Those who come from inherited beauty, or money, or fame, or power. Those who start out at the bottom of these human–centered monetary games, can also climb that proverbial ladder. Nevertheless, it is all demonic!
The trinity of Satan culminate in all the human societal games, masterminded by Satan through his trillion demon army, who possess or oppress, thus manipulating the bulk of the human species, the goal of which is division, and then destruction. Satan is successful when he wins a divisionist; an opposer; those who always and are ever justifying, why it is acceptable to abuse other humans, or just oppose them; keep them the enemy in ones us–against–them games.
Notwithstanding; all of this, must be exposed and reproved by the living Messianic disciples of every generation (Eph 5 :6–17; John 3 :19–21): It is one of the many more vital things that we disciples are on Earth, for (Mark 8 :33–38; 10 :27–31); why the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in every generation, was/is so vital. Without that Spiritual enlightenment, the religionists of all generations, can only adulterate the scripture; it is needed to justify all sorts of evil, done as god service.
¶ Looking Down On Us From Above!
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The dead "sleep" (1Co 15 :50–58); unconscious and unaware of time. This does not include everyone, but mathematically it does include almost everyone. My Master said upon the Cross: Amen, I say unto you that today shall you be with Me in Paradise! (Luke 23 :43) He was talking to a genuinely repentant thief being tortured to death next to Him.
But, Yeshua did not say that to the guy on the other side of Him. Why? Genuine repentance! Total surrender! True regret! Tangible humility! Who qualifies for that? The innocent by nature (e.g. children; the mentally ill), and, those by Spiritual Metamorphosis; the accountable adults who are made and become innocent like children (Matt 18 ).
One of the many sinister falsehoods, coming from the COP Cultists, is that of the recently dead relative who is looking down upon us from (an imaginary orbital) heaven. This is one of many parts of the cognitive dissonance that spills out of the religion of Christianity (as well as other religion brands): This is all Satans doing! All religion is Satan inspired.
The sum of the Spiritual realm, actually encompasses all directions, yet ironically, Satan is called the prince of this world, but also the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2 :1–3), so keep looking up or pointing upward, ye who worship the god of this world during Earths relatively quick human era. Ruach HaKodesh abides within, not outside of us; YHVH abides only within human hosts, the only Temple of YHVH.
Likewise, if a person has been christianized, and who believes in near instant creation, such folk will not like this ongoing piece of reality living. Indeed, to imagine that YHVH created the Cosmos, and all the other fascinating things about the corporeal universe, which we better understand today, the very notion of (a magic wand style) instant creation, would be a disappointment by comparison.
Obviously, Genesis was inspired writing, but it was never intended to be a science book, and yet, studying the corporeal creation is science. We are expected to do so (1Th 4 ; 2Ti 2 & 3)! Indeed, this is what sparked the umpteenth anti-Messianic division ― the abject sin–evil and corruption of religious denominations ― from among the COP Cultists: Christian Science. They are surely christianized, but they are not scientists.
The Father Himself, which has sent Me, has borne witness of Me. You have neither heard His voice at anytime, nor seen His shape. And you have not His word abiding in you, for whom He has sent; Him you believe not. You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; yet these are they that testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life. I receive no honor from men! But I know you; that you have not the Love of Elohim in you. (John 5:37–42)
The heaven/hell production is also a big part of the manifold demonic products of the COP Cultists (Christendom): cartoon christianity, fictional christianity, nominal christianity , psychological christianity, muscular christianity , egocentric christianity, cultural christianity , and educational or academic christianity, which is summarily, Bibliolatry .
It is to mentally know about Christendom and its rites, rituals, traditions, theologies, and so forth, but without a radical Spiritual metamorphosis; without a disruptive transformation which expresses itself primarily in lifestyle, which always includes a repulsion to any and all organized religions. There are no churches under the Messianic Cross!
The fact that the christianized cannot free themselves from such obviously flawed labels, is because that is all it is to them: Christendom is an earthly production and nothing more. Religion consumerists and enablers of virtually every religion brand, become devotees of/to the contents of that production, which ever one it is, taken from a long list of religions . But that devotion is rooted in (demonic) pride, not YHVH Love .
Now, all such lies and myths are evil at their core, but we Messianic disciples, living eternity even now, know from our Master, that the bulk of the human species are Spiritually blinded and eternally doomed, and thus worldly: Narrow Is The Way . Because of that Spiritual blindness, they simply repeat what others (of former and current generations) have implied, and then believe that as truth, without any inspiration from YHVH directly.
These myths are pervasive, because they are demonic at their root; they appease for a moment, the guilt–shame–condemnation that people feel, once they realize that someone they knew personally, is now locked into their doomed eternal state. But without YHVH inside, humans remain bipedal hominids and thus, monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automatons. And such drones are those who watch what others do and copy them (yes, adults). High five everyone! ✋🐵✋
Of course, all true Atheists commit suicide once their offspring are able to reproduce. Without an eternal Soul, we humans are meaningless reproduction machines; there is no purpose to existence, as mere spacial accidents who live meaninglessly, merely occupying spacetime . The purpose of life, of a universe–wide corporeality, is reduced to meaningless procreation. What an unimaginable series of bizarre accidents and coincidences, with no enduring function.
Once all atheists purpose for existence ― procreation ― ends, they are a waste of natural resources and should "beach" themselves, for the sake of future generations. With no other function, any caring intelligent atheist would terminate, purpose completed; back to utter oblivion forever. This all repeats with successive generations, with no meaning to any of it, other than the unimaginable malevolence of a mere blink of temporal corporeal existence.
However, for those few who know intrinsically or intuitively that this life is far more than just this life, we (the few; the humbled; the redeemed) as the Elect of YHVH; as Messianic disciples; we seek truth, come what may; we become truth miners. And YHVH has a huge library of data to pass down, for those tooled up for the dig (you are in one of those goldmines, right now); the Elect of YHVH driven to keep digging, even when entering into new and strange territory.
Fast forward in time, to Earths human experience and experiment: In the atheistic humanized world, the bulk of humanity are heavily influenced (even oppressed) by demons. Satan is the god of this world , but, for a much bigger reason than a seeming corporeal malevolence; therefore, it is for the truth miner to learn why.
Demons are cruel indeed, but then, so is corporeality itself; just wait until you get old for more information! However, the life of Job , for just one example, is not the only story of excessive human suffering. But there is always a purpose, a method behind the madness (Rom 8 all).
¶ There Are Few Who Find The Way!
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The Way is narrow and strait and difficult indeed! My Master and King and Spouse, Messiah Yeshua (Yeshua means Salvation), will also be The Judge of humanity; He gave us the general "math" of the equation by saying:
Enter in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it!
Not everyone that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of My Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to Me on that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you! Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. (Matt 7:13–14 & 21–23)
Broadway versus Narrow Way! These are indicator hints of the fate of humankind: Thus it is called the Math of the Messiah! Versus 21–23 are the Matthew Seven Christians; they are the only humans who call The Messiah Lord! The christianized (here) are correctly calling Him Lord, so how is it, that they do not know Him? The word know here is the same word used previously (and elsewhere) in scripture:
Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of The Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not, until she had brought forth her firstborn Son, and he called His name Yeshua! (Matt 1:24–25)
They certainly know that The Lord exists; so did Saul on the Damascus Road . What is being conveyed here, therefore, is a way of "knowing" that is deeply intimate; closer even than a spouse, wherein coitus is two becoming one flesh. It is a daily, marriage level personal relationship. And this is impossible with Someone that we only know about: that is just porn! Religion is one pornographic production of YHVH.
Pride is also Satans porn; Satan uses pride all the time; it is Satans go to temptation paradigm; Satan masturbates human ego and emotions primarily with pride. Patriotism is pride; all us–against–themism is pride. Anything that an individual can use, to feel or believe they are, in any way, superior to others. If an individual thinks they are even a fraction of a fraction, better than another human; this very mentality is at the core of evil; it is the centerpiece of Satan, and thus, all who follow Satans beliefs. Satan believed in a certain self superiority, and expected to be treated special because of it.
The Lord Savior (past) will also be The Judge (future). The bulk of our species will live and die inside of a tiny little world, sociologically called Enculturation ; ones micro–experiences; ones immediate indoctrination; ones tiny world.
It is analogous to people who look at an ant hill; to the ants there, that two cubic yards of Earth is the sum of their year long life. To us humans, that seems way too small and way too short, but to the ant, it is all normal. Likewise, they cannot and will not be made aware of, what we disciples are aware of, concerning them, be it ants or humans.
In like manner, when an individual has surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, died to this temporal life, and thus to pride–ego–emotion, and likewise, died to all earthy dreams, desires, power hunger, money hunger, and any/all earthly lordship paradigms; only then do people begin an eternity with our eternal Mate (Mark 12 :28–34): You are not far from the Kingdom of Elohim!
This life becomes (indeed is) that ant hill; a "blink of a blink" of time; a micro–experience (Phl 3 :7–11). But to the Broadway masses, the proverbial ant hill is life! Nothing else matters! And thus they build monuments to it, upon it; they build churches upon it, but remain ants the whole time.
In the tiny atheistic world today, those who are paid with Satans Mammon are called the professionals, and it is the professionals that have the (purchased) authority, and, who are also the experts of a subject, no matter what that subject is. That is a capitalistic thing, not a Messianic thing.
In the context of theology, the elitists are those who attend and enable and collaborate with the church businesses, as well as their spawn colleges, universities, and seminaries that haunt the Eschaton Era. These are the Pharisees of today: politicized; popularized; polarized.
But YHVH does not recognize human made authority, or professions, or governments, or quantities of money held, or human issued and validated credentials, nor any other human–made form of earthly empowerment or entitlement: There is only One Lord in the universe!
Formal educations are not sought for the sake of wisdom, but for a credential that will be monetized, explaining why most "students" are not interested in being taught informally (i.e. wisdom miners). The many conflicts that arise with paid credentials only exposes further, just how problematic being a servant of money is, and how that collectively impacts humanity (Col 2 & 3).
My Master, Messiah Yeshua, said that humans are analogous to stray sheep (Matt 9 :35–38; 10 :5–7,16; 18 :12–14; 25 :31–33; 26 :31; Isa 53 :6; John 10 all): Sheeple! Blind followers! Culture copiers! Automatons! Drones! Worldly Satan slaves! The Broadway masses show that the afterlife is not worth their time or study or investment. This worldly life is their only life; proven via ones time investment in it and for it.
Oh, and scripture? TLDR ! As are these lifelong inspired works being read now. In fact, for most, it is TLCR ! However, a hundred billion years in the vacuum of empty space (outer Darkness ) should give most people enough spacetime to put all the pieces together (קֹהֶלֶת ): Hopefully!
The Spiritually (eternally, predestined) doomed, will show their hand by (for one) scrolling down these very long pages, and pass. But this world is all they know and want: Satan calls them daily; hourly; every minute a host of demons quietly calls them to come back to the world; it soon becomes an unbreakable addiction.
Thus, all these human–made, human centered, corrupt systems, continue generation after generation, even though the wise few can see their inherent flaws, with a duty to expose them for what they really are, rather than enabling them and justifying their existence as necessary.
The bulk of humanity will seek (and use) the validation established in the world , by the worldly and for the worldly, as their benchmark, core, compass, and barometer of virtually all things: Their people in authority are authorized and legalized exclusively by (and through) worldly paradigms. While the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH live as bondservants of a Master, Messiah Yeshua, the bulk of humanity see and seek, only that which is in and of and for the world.
But that is the way of the worldly, who only see the world through the eyes of everyone who came before; those former generations who tell them how to look at the world, how to live in it, and why: Enculturation . But Satans trinity, which is all the primary human systems, are evil, nonetheless.
There will be no money, nor the mention of it, on any planets, which represent (the culmination of the metaphor referred to as) the Kingdom of Heaven, which will be led by the Fellowship of The King; the Elect of YHVH; all the future resurrected Saints; the daily Messianic disciples!
Again, when Messiah Yeshua or any of His disciples (past or present), refer to the things or to the people of this world , such references have nothing to do with planet Earth. The context is always the human masses on Earth; these masses collectively alter the planet, the animal kingdom, and the other people on it, for reasons that are always demonic at their root and core. Therefore, of this world refers to the god of this world , Satan, and all of Satan (the devils) earthly followers (John 8 :44–47), as well as the influential demonic realm (Eph 6 :10–13).
Then said they unto Him: Where is Your Father? Yeshua answered: You neither know Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you should have known My Father also. These words Yeshua spoke in the treasury, as He taught in the temple. But no one laid hands on Him for His time was not yet come. Then said Yeshua again unto them: I go My way, and you shall seek Me, and shall die in your sins. Where I go you cannot come! Then said the Jews: Will He kill Himself? Because He said: Where I go, you cannot come . So He said unto them:
You are from beneath, I Am from above; you are of this world , I Am not of this world . I said therefore unto you that you should die in your sins, for if you believe not that I Am He, you shall die in your sins! Then they said unto Him: Who are You? And Yeshua said unto them: Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning. I have many things to say and to judge of you, but He that sent Me is true; and I speak to the world those things that I have heard of Him.
They understood not, that He spoke to them of The Father. Then said Yeshua unto them: When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then shall you know that I Am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father has taught Me, I speak these things. And He that sent Me is with Me: The Father has not left Me alone, for I do always those things that please Him. (John 8:19–29)
And Yeshua answered them, saying: The hour is come that the Son of Man should be glorified. Verily, verily I say unto you; except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: But if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. If any man serves Me, let him follow Me, and where I am, there also shall My servant be. If any man serve me, him will My Father honor. Now My Soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour? But for this cause I came unto this hour. Father, glorify Your name!
Then there came a voice from heaven, saying: I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again! The people therefore, that stood by and heard it, said that it thundered; others said, an angel spoke to Him. Yeshua answered and said: This voice came not because of Me, but for your sake. Now is the judgment of this world ; now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me. (John 12:23–32)
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If you Loved Me, you would rejoice, because I said I go unto the Father, for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that, when it has come to pass, you might believe. Hereafter, I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world comes, and has nothing in Me. But, that the world may know that I Love the Father; and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise; let us go now. (John 14:27–31)
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: For if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you. And when He has come, He will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you will see Me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak, and He will show you things to come. (John 16:7–13)
Hear therefore the parable of the sower: When any one hears the word of the Kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away that, which was sown in his heart: This is he, which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the word, and anon with joy receives it, yet he has not root in himself, but endures for a while: For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word; and the cares of this world , and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word and he becomes unfruitful! But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty! (Matt 13:18–23)
For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us that are saved it is the power of Elohim. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent! Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world ? Has not Elohim made foolish, the wisdom of this world ? For after that, in the wisdom of Elohim, the world by wisdom knew not Elohim, it pleased Elohim by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Messiah crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness: But unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Messiah the power of Elohim, and the wisdom of Elohim. (1Co 1:18–24)
¶ Temples Of This World!
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Churches and universities are just physical monuments to the gods; mere monuments of human ego. They are all an attempt to appease the gods by constructing something physical or tangible; yea, even grandiose (oh, the egos of atheistic men).
From the myriad of pyramids all over Earth, to Stonehenge, Mounds, and a long list of other earthly constructs, churches are no different in that hope attempt at reaching for the favors or attentions of their respective Maker.
What differentiates Messiah Yeshua, from virtually all religions practiced by humans, including christendom and/or christianity, is that Messiah Yeshua ― and all His disciples throughout all cultures and generations ― understand that we can only have a personal relationship with YHVH, via the incorporeal Soul within us. We can only have a marriage level, daily dying, intimate personal relationship with our Adonai Elohim, post surrender.
My Master was hunted and murdered for His anti-religious stance, and taught us that we would be similarly persecuted by the religionists (and other forms of power mongers, such as politicians, landlords, employers, lenders, etc.) that are all around us, as Monetizers and economic parasites, seeking personal gain.
Listen to my Spiritual brothers and fellow disciples words, how they just assumed that everyone who had been Spiritually transformed, should naturally know this fundamental data, as it applies to the Elect of YHVH (i.e. What? Do you not already know this?):
Meat is for the belly, and the belly for meats, but Elohim shall destroy both it and them. Now, the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. Elohim has both risen up the Lord, and will also rise up us, by His own power. Do you not know, that your bodies are the members of Messiah? Shall I then take the members of Messiah, and make them the members of a harlot? Hardly!
What? Do you not you know, that he which is joined to a harlot, is one body? For two, says He, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is One spirit. Flee fornication! Every sin that a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body. What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you, which you have of Elohim, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price! Therefore, glorify Elohim in your body, and in your spirit, which are all of Elohim. (1Co 6:13–20)
For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of Elohim; a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from Heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, so that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now, He that has wrought us for the selfsame thing is Elohim, who also has given unto us, the earnest of the Spirit.
Therefore, we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Therefore, we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Messiah, that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done, whether it is good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto Elohim, and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences. (2Co 5:1–11)
Our physical bodies are just temporary containers to bring our eternal Soul into being. It is our conscious conscientiousness; it represents an important first step in our Spiritual evolution. But ultimately, this earthly tabernacle (our bodies) will return to the dust from which it came (Gen 3 :19): It is the Temple of The Lord, for us Messianic disciples, while on Earth.
Once we physically die and are freed from the bondage of corporeality itself, we will be empowered far beyond what we were, in our current limited corporeal form. This is why it is so vital for YHVH to make sure that we, as eternally volitional beings, can be trusted in an eternal body.
If I loan you something that is of value to me, and you take care of it, you expose to me that you respect me, by caring for my borrowed object, returning it whole and undamaged. But if you carelessly handle it and break it or render it valueless, you are disrespecting me in the doing.
That object will one day perish, as will all things corporeal; it has no eternal value, and so it is not the object that is as important, as is your act of respect, or disrespect, of me in the handling of the borrowed object. One cannot respect the inanimate, but only other people. In like manner, my body does not belong to me; it belongs to the Lord: Why?
I am crucified with Yeshua; nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Yeshua that lives within me. And the life which I now live, in the flesh, I live by faith of the Son of Elohim, who Loves me and gave Himself for me! (Gal 2:20)
The old me died; my former person ceased to exist. Once I died of me; once my earth life was destroyed, the Indwelling Holy Spirit had the space in my inner rooms (in my Soul) to occupy me; I was (and am) born again. The Holy Spirit does not, cannot, had not, occupied any human Soul that refuses to die.
But that death is not a corporeal death, obviously, and so, it is a death to the self; it is primarily a death to pride, to ego, and to emotions, as they were the former core and center; the former lords and masters of a human centered world and mentality.
This is the world that Messiah Yeshua was referring to, and not the planet itself. All the planets and heavenly bodies belong to YHVH; everything is owned by YHVH. But we humans, alone, were created with (initially dormant but) eternal Souls, which is what separates us from all other corporeal lifeforms, on Earth and perhaps elsewhere (Ecc 3 :19–21).
Those who are pride driven to remain the gods of their own life and their own world, are thus, hellbent on seeking and finding data that aids in justifying or validating the beliefs they now must hold firmly to, as pride always demands. That was/is the downfall of Satan and all his followers, christianized or otherwise.
Pride is the eternal doom of the prophesied masses on Broadway (Matt 7 :13–23): Pride leads to every other vice; it is the complete anti god state of mind! (C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity). But the pride conquered must and will deny it is so; Satan works almost exclusively, in this world, through human pride–ego–emotion. Lewis was a Protestant; still not yet under the Messianic Cross, and he comprehended it (Mark 12 :28–34).
The pride conquered are not interested in YHVH–truth, nearly as much as they are in proving their particular interpretations of scripture are the correct versions. Thus, we have a huge number of pride driven, Satan–inspired christians, roaming Earth today. Ironically, it is the scriptures that prophesy their presence, here in the Eschaton, as well as their oblivion to being those very seared minded people.
Hence, they are Matthew Seven Christians! In the world of the COP Cultists, what is classified as anointed, is gauged by its human emotional responses, not by any Spiritual content or context: If it draws tears it must be from god: If people are willing to pay mammon {$} for it that means it is godly. And since Satan exploits human emotion, and Satan is god, I must concur.
The Matthew Seven Christians can only see the scriptures as literal writings directly from their god figure, which takes three forms, or a repackaged polytheism (the Catholic trinity model ), though they will deny it: Pride! But all of christendom; the entire COP Cult clan, are one in the same theological production, with only minor variations between them all, though they assuredly will see them as major.
But these are primal, carnal, territorial, adversarial, hierarchical, worldly people, merely pretending to be associated with my Master, Messiah Yeshua, Savior of humanity: Salvation is His name! And it is this faking that will be their eternal doom and the source content of their unquenchable suffering.
¶ The Psychological Impact Of Competitivism & Hierarchy & Adversarialism!
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Two distinct paradigms of Enculturation emerge among those of this world ; competition and cooperation. This eventually gave way to the (now dominant) western paradigm, versus the indigenous paradigm. The numerically greatest genocidal act on Earth, and thus the greatest act of evil ever perpetrated on Earth, was done by the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, capitalistic Europeans, hunger lusting for gold or money power, and looked upon the indigenous (Native) Americans, as merely subhuman vermin savages to be killed off, whenever they stood in their conquest ways.
Is any of that even remotely Messiah like? Of course not! It was in fact, demonic at its very core. These self believing christians were in fact, among the most evil of all humans on Earth forever. But how can self-professing christians throughout human history, be so anti-Messianic?
And the answer to that is simple: Satan, as the god of this world , always works through those who are faking christianity, to destroy the name and character of Messiah Yeshua (renamed Jesus Christ, later in time), because The Messiah was the one to doom Satan and all who follow him, enable him or mimic him.
Therefore, since we have this ministry, because we received mercy, we do not lose heart, but have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of Elohim, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves unto everyone's conscience, in the sight of Elohim. Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Messiah, who is the Image of Elohim. For we do not preach ourselves, but Messiah Yeshua as Lord, and ourselves as your bondservants, on behalf of Messiah Yeshua. For Elohim said:
Light shall shine out of darkness! He is the One who has shone in our hearts, to give the light of knowledge about the glory of Elohim, witnessed in the life of Messiah Yeshua. We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of that power, will be of Adonai our Elohim, and not from ourselves. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed but not despairing; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed; always carrying about in our body, the dying of Messiah Yeshua, so that the life of Yeshua also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Yeshua's sake, so that the life of Yeshua also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death works in us, but life in you! (2Co 4:1–12) {cf. Gal 2 :20}
Sports, or any form of competitivism, is a relic of the ancient humans who were once much closer to their primate cousins, than we are potentially, with the Messianic Cross now availed unto all. What separates the carnal–primal inhuman masses, from the humane humans, is the ability to see past the past; to have actual original thoughts and measurable critical thinking skills. But this all has a root: Love ! The fruit (empirical evidence) of Love, is wisdom, and wisdom will produce an atypical intellect.
Pro Sports was (and still is for the masses), a way to display to all, ones personal prowess; ones superiority and/or skills. It is a show that puts on display, the best of the best, at whatever activity formula they are doing. But just like with beauty competitions, or any form of competition, there must be the losers; the lesser than; the inferior. Rather than abandoning all such things, parents teach it to their kids, and on it goes through the generations; normalization .
The masses (the Spiritually unregenerate bulk of humanity) fully believe that it is normal to compete; for them this is surely true. As an inhuman cocooned in their monkey–see–monkey–do fate, whatever others are doing in front of them, or who came just before them, that is all there is, on Earth or in the corporeal realm of the Cosmos.
Note also that "critical thinking" in most University system settings, is typically reduced to believing only in the corporeal; that anything incorporeal is unscientific and not worthy of consideration. How they discuss Dark Matter is another, even darker matter! But the corporeal realm — the sum of the Cosmos — does not represent 1% of 1% of all that is.
And yet, this is just the point; by limiting the consciousness to the corporeal, it also impacts its conclusions, and these people do not possess the intellect to comprehend beyond the corporeal, or more restrictively, even beyond their Enculturation shoebox.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of the accountable adult human species, are not seeking Spiritual wisdom; have no interest in it at all. My Master, Messiah Yeshua, instructed His disciples (all of us), how to recognize such people, and what to do when facing them: "And whoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet."
One should read and understand, all of Matthew 10 (this is verse 14), to keep it in its context. But zooming out and onto the view of the larger canvas, the message was about how to deal with those, too caught up in this life to even consider things beyond it. There is no such thing, as being too Heavenly minded to be of any earthly good, but the opposite is assuredly so.
Satan and the demon crew, operate the Earth trinity, through humans, precisely to keep the human masses occupied with their Labor free consumerist existence. In that money–corrupted world, they are continuously (drip–bag) anesthetized by the Earth trinity productions, and therein they are driven ever–further from the Messianic Cross, which represents the opposite of all of that.
Verily, Messiah Yeshua (as YHVH in Human form), was leaving behind a critical record for future Saints. That is why it was imperative to make sure, all that came out of the mouth of YHVH in skin, was recorded verbatim, by the Q-Source scribes, for the Oracles of every post–Messianic generation.
The Abrahamic religionists do not truly believe that Yeshua was YHVH–in–skin; as Polytheistic, they also do not believe in the word of Almighty Elohim (Creator of All), which is predominantly the red letter Gospel records; they represent the only direct–from–YHVH Word. All other scripture, written and published, was by inspiration via Ruach HaKodesh, just like it is with everything you are now reading by this Oracle .
My Master taught me that there will be only a few; those on Narrow Way (the one per many millions) who are (or will become) dedicated to seeking YHVH–truth, over anything they could possibly do while on Earth, versus the masses who are so consumed by all that is happening on Earth, they are for the most part, oblivious to what is going on in the Spiritual realm. They live and die, only experiencing 1% of 1% of all that is.
And for most of humanity, it has degraded to the point that they do not truly believe in the incorporeal at all. Even the devout religious are unbelievers; they instead, believe in the religions of men, be it metaphysical or political or economic in nature. But that was/is all prophetic.
Satan and crew have developed so much business on Earth, the distractions are now overwhelming. Few transcend the human culture to live the Christ Culture! In that overwhelming state of human cultures, humans suffer through it, but this is because they are devout Satan servants, knowingly or not; most are unaware, and even wish to intentionally remain un–woke.
YHVH intends enlightenment; Scripture was given only for Spiritual enlightenment. All sin (past or present) must be acknowledged before it can be confronted, and then to repent . After a genuine repentance; a deep brokenness, a new life emerging from the new person, will display itself primarily in lifestyle choices (e.g. the Car Cult ).
One of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him: Which is the first commandment of all? And Yeshua answered him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, Adonai our Elohim is One Lord, and you shall Love Adonai your Elohim, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength! This is the first commandment, and the second is like it, namely this: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! There are no other commandments greater than these!
So the scribe said unto him: Well, Master, You have said the truth, for there is One Elohim, and there is none other but He, and to Love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to Love his neighbor as himself, are more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Yeshua saw that he answered discreetly, He said unto him: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! (Mark 12:28–34).
In the Kingdom world of all Messianic disciples, of all generations, the things of this world have no meaning or substance or clout. All sociocultural or political power, or the quantity of USD or Mammon riches, or popularity or stardom or fame; none of these make any difference to all those who lived (or live or will live) under the Messianic Cross.
However unfortunate, Messianic disciples are trapped in human form, and locked therein to a planet, where the god of this world is Satan, and his trillion demon army, and where the Broadway masses of Satans human followers, now number into the multiple billions: The Eschaton Era!
This world is not our own. So, as it was written: our Kingdom is not (even) of this world; for here we have no continuing City, but we seek one to come, though elsewhere in the Cosmos. In the meantime, we are to live separated from the bondage of all the unclean things. and yet, be the proverbial light as a city on the hill. This can only be demonstrated via lifestyle choices. Those called or chosen by YHVH will seek that light.
Everyone who has made it under the Messianic Cross, for even a day, no longer cares about material things; the temporal is just that; temporary; a blink–of–a–blink of time in the grand scheme of things. It is analogous to trying to conceive a millisecond inside a millennia! Not only does this Messianic wisdom knock the world out of us, it strips us of our individualism as that manifests in selfishness and meism; in us–against–themism. We see that all creation is one thing; there are no divisions.
The very notion that YHVH was only interested in one portion of the human creation, is absurd, even to any mindful Atheist; it is insane to everyone who has even gotten close to Truth: "You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH!" In other words, one may not yet be under the Cross, but are showing hopeful signs of such influences.
But the potions coming from Satans Earth trinity, are outright sin–evil unto all who have been under the Messianic Cross for more than a day! It must be understood that everything theologically that comes from the Christianized, is fodder and foolishness. Indeed, most COP Cult theological spins are Straw Men, spawn from other disturbing theological distortions.
The El of all creation came via the Jewish people first, at least to our limited knowledge, but this was incidental; YHVH had to start somewhere, and the Jewish people were getting closer to a humane state than other humans, at the time of the earliest writings.
But all humans everywhere are the YHVH creation. For one example, the Native Americans were spiritual because of YHVH; all creation is initially drawn to YHVH. Conversely, the Colonialists were far too deep into the Satans Earth trinity to see any of this. All they could see of the YHVH creation, was money.
YHVH considers equally, about all creation; not just some humans on a portion of Earth, but all living beings on Earth, and on any/all living beings on other planets that make up the countless quintillions planets in the current state of the sum Cosmos. But that is just how small the minds (of the masses) are, without Ruach HaKodesh within. the Christianized are no exception.
Consequently, their theological conclusions can extrapolate from their literalism, to get quite absurd. Once an individual surrenders this life and the world and all that is in it, they are given a new internal entity; they die, and a new creature takes the place of the old! It is not a remodel, it is a burn to the ground, with a pile of ashes from which the potter can formulate a new pot to fill with the Holy Spirit.
Once that actually happens, how the newly Spiritually transformed, live on Earth, changes radically. One example among possible dozens; the stewardship principle forbids us for doing anything that has even a small chance of harming other humans or animals, and any act or lifestyle that will do harm to the planet of YHVH; hence, we cannot and do not participate in the Car Cult . And that is just one thing; there are many others. But those of the world, cannot think on this higher level; they are so consumed with this world, they have no other options but to integrate scripture into that deprivation: Hence the absurd theological conclusions.
The anti-Messianic Christians, prophetic of the Eschaton Era, are indeed here among us. While they proclaim that they are the ones qualified to mark other humans for destruction, they are themselves the very essence of such a mark! First, there is no such things as the Romans Road or the Great Commission; these alone are the sufficient fruit evidence of Satans direct influences upon them.
Christians are as worldly as any other humans from the sum of our species. Again, a blind compliance unto worldly things, such as the Car Cult, professional Sports, Nationalism and/or Patriotism, and indeed, any involvement on any level, with any of Satans Earth trinity, is anathema and accursed. In the competitivism of sports, the fans experience the emotion of winning, but, it is winner by proxy; they do not partake in the competition, they just observe.
¶ Demonic Oppression And Its Egotism, Power Mongering And The God Complex!
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Consequently, the trillion demon army that serve Satan, influence primarily the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, to do their bidding, and thus to bring about the prophetic events of the Eschaton, which are soon to culminate. Naturally, the incorporeal demons cannot touch the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH.
It is the Messianic disciples that they fear, most of all. Like our Master and King and Lord, who was filled with the Holy Spirit (and who was/is that Spirit), the demons and the demon oppressed, run from us or avoid us or curse us (Luke 8 :28–39).
In fact, only Satan himself dared to tempt The Messiah (Matt 4 ), and that was only under very unusual circumstances. Satan knew he would be squandering his time limits, trying to tempt Him further. And so it is with the Elect of YHVH; we are nearly immune to Satans incorporeal demon armies. But the residual impacts of being surrounded by literally billions of demon oppressed humans is challenging.
However, the anti-Messianic religious are almost always surrounded by these demons, desecrating any and all things, found commonly under the Messianic Cross. In fact, it is the many anti-Messiahs for whom we are (also) to be wise about (Matt 10 :16–18). We are to honor The Lord with our Temple ; the only Temple on Earth that YHVH inhabits!
Therefore, we care for it intently! Thus,. there is no logical reason for going out to eat; to go from one indoor space to another indoor space. Modern homes come fully equipped with a kitchen, a refrigerator and a stock of food. It is cheaper and healthier to eat from home; one can control the ingredients one puts into their Holy Temple. So why do so many go from their indoors to another indoors? There is no logical reason, but there is a psychological explanation: Peacelessness!
The peaceless masses are verily just bipedal hominids; primates; mammals; homo sapiens. All people are primates in every corporeal sense. But to be fully human is another thing all together. We get the word humane from the word human, but we do not attribute conscious altruism or mercy or forgiveness, or justice as fairness, to other primates. These ideals are far beyond their primal state.
We all gave emotions (e.g. attachment), but Love is another matter. In summary, the Love of YHVH, as demonstrated upon the Messianic Cross, is the ultimate expression, understanding, and exhibition of Love, which is a character trait that far transcends all the primates. All mammals can mimic and pass down, the character traits of Love, that comes only from the infinitesimal Elect of YHVH, but to be love is not possible, without YHVH in us.
For I have been crucified with Messiah, and yet I live; not I, but Messiah that lives within me! I have been replaced: The Indwelling Holy Spirit. And that Spiritual (Soul into my soul) yoke, is not some magical event that takes place within religion after a pledge or prayer chants. Religion itself is an affront unto YHVH. Belief is not what one thinks; belief is seen in how one lives. True belief enacts metamorphosis; false belief reenacts religion productions. Lifestyle is that fruit!
Therefore, the Elect of YHVH (and others) will use the term inhuman when describing those people who are biologically human but who are not fully humane. Without YHVH–in–us; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, it is impossible for anyone to Love. YHVH is Love! The Holy Spirit is YHVH. Without Ruach HaKodesh, we people remain mere primates. When true life threatening (or life altering) challenges confront us, emotions steps back as character steps forward.
But character is also expressed daily; it is what and who we are, for good or for evil. The Broadway masses of humans, spend the bulk of their conscious life, feeding their flesh, and I am not referring to the body itself, though it includes that too. Mainly, it is the ego; the pride; the emotions. These are the things of the flesh. If and when an individual makes a profession of a any religion; without a true Spiritual metamorphosis it is just another thing they do from within the confines of their pride–ego–emotion, which is the root/core of the self. There, self-justification is all they can contend with; the horror of which is their complete unconsciousness, of it and to it.
Conversely, for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, our core is Love–wisdom–humility. We comprehend that we are redeemed from the primate state; that we will remain mammals until we shed this mortal shell. We are quite simply, fully disqualified from Judging anyone but self. And so, while it is obvious to the Elect of YHVH, why most people venture out ― and that it is becoming a very ecologically taxing part of the human condition ― we can only set the example of Love , as stationary lights on the proverbial hill, and welcome those called unto it, before the annals of time itself. No one comes unto the Messianic light through religion, because religion itself is one manifestation of darkness.
Peacelessness is a more public exhibition; discontentment (mislabeled ambition) is what drives most people to venture out, seeking the things that all primates seek after always; better mates! The office life of the Monetizers was only about expanding ones pool of mates; this was proven, yet again, during (and after) the 2019 Pandemic, and the subsequent fall of office life. As good as it was to surround ones self with potential mates (lovers), getting sick for it defies survival mechanisms that overrule it.
Now, the more primal–carnal primates (gorillas, chimps, etc.), will seek out food, but humans have that covered in modern times; kitchens. And, we do not need more territory to expand our mating gene pool; there are plenty of mates to select from in urban life. This also explains the rapid expansion of urban life . But the (unconscious) primal–carnal compulsion to see and be seen, drives primate behavior. This behavior also drives the Car Cult ; the most dangerous, ecologically damaging, insane inventions of the human species ever.
It is not a sin–evil to be a primate though. It can turn into that for sure, but the fact that we are mammals, was at least foresaw and allowed to be, in the greater design of the corporeal universe. Obviously we were not designed directly, because a perfect El would not have even imagined things like disease, much less the cacophony of diseases that plague humanity. Now, the religious have come up with some (may I say) moronic explanations for all of this, but that is because they start with a false premise to begin with; the Genesis of Earth Life!
Without the overwhelming fullness that comes to all who harbor the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the vast majority of humanity will live in a peaceless state; that is, they will never be whole or complete, and as such, they will never experience enoughness , or contentment, quenched or fullness, or a true joy in simple living , as we were designed (Luke 3 :10–14; 1Ti 6 :6–11; Heb 13 :5).
Instead, the demons that haunt them continuously, push them with ambitious thoughts; and fear of all kinds (1Jo 4 :18); they clamor for more and evermore; they hunger–lust to dominate (just like their primate relatives do) in their territorial pursuits. They are driven always by greed, hoarding and ambition. Just look at any modern map; to the Spiritually sighted, it embarrassingly screams: MINE! MINE!
Primates have no Soul; thus, they do not have the tool for living Faith. They operate purely on instinct and emotions; they strive to survive; they are in the moment always. They cannot trust in a "Higher Power" to provide for their future, and so they risk death daily to survive; they will murder for it. Once survival is seemingly assured, the next step is superiority; lordship first and then all out dominionship.
The monkey trap is an excellent example taught to children, about this dilemma. A primate puts its hand into a trap, where the hole is only big enough to get the empty hand in, but not the fist full of food, back out. Rather than just releasing and escaping, instinct demands never to let go, once it is owned: Greed, materialism, wealth building, amassing, hoarding, stockpiling, and consumerism.
Money hoarding is the inhuman version of this; it is among the most obvious manifestations today, but such hoarding behavior is what ultimately led to Capitalism , which is an economic and thus political system, and the core of the Eschaton Era. The Judicial Industry too, is just an economic production. It is all a money–making scheme; it is all consumerism; it is all, mere Mammon service.
Territorialism is a carnal/primal (sin) trait, which also haunts the bulk of humanity, who (likewise) have no direct connection with their own Soul, which is the only way to connect to YHVH. They are little more than animals on Earth; inhuman; they remain in a state of existence, for which Messiah Yeshua died, precisely to eliminate; surely to disesteem. Hence, they continue to claim land as their own; colonialism, nationalism, patriotism, nation building, map line making, and all its paraphernalia; namely, us–against–themism! Satanism!
All humans are issued a Soul even while still in the womb (Matt 18 :1–10); however, those who are not the future resurrected Saints, the Elect of YHVH, but, who associate in any way with Messiah Yeshua (or Christ; e.g. Christians; Christendom ), these unfortunate people are what my Master referred to as the utmost lost, in Matthew (Matt 7 :21–27). They collaborate with Satan, in that they do not expose the sin of religion, but instead participate in it; they yoke comfortably with the world that does evil always.
These Matthew Seven Christians are assured of their eternal doom, exactly because they thought they were saved, through their religion centric associations, their self-beliefs, their outward rituals, and their verbal professions of faith in Jesus! Ironically, it is the devotion to religion itself, which cauterizes their eternal doom.
The major thing that Messiah Yeshua did, on the Messianic Cross, was to expose the fraudulent nature of organized religion as the den of thieves that twist and prostitute and adulterate literally everything that was represented in the Gospels, and in the life and lifestyle of Messiah Yeshua Himself.
¶ Westernized–Monetized–Christianized–Industrialized: Satans Eschaton Era Blend!
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That prostitution morphed over time, and was the cause (and the root) of some of the most profound manifestations of evil, ever perpetrated by the human species forever (e.g. the American Holocaust ). It was so profound and comprehensive in its scope, it could not be an intrinsic or a natural phenomenon: Indeed, it was/is supernatural, but it was not YHVH doing it; it was the god of this world , Satan, and his trillion demon incorporeal army, infecting anyone who flew the flags of Christendom.
Why is all this so? Because Messiah Yeshua was Satans only real enemy; Messiah Yeshua doomed him eternally, upon His resurrection from corporeal death (in 0033 AD): Consequently, the demonic wrath of Satan was expressed mostly (but not exclusively) through the Matthew Seven Christians, which developed from the first century split (1Jo 2 :15–20) from communal discipleship, and back to the pharisaic religion–business model, which Yeshua opposed and exposed (Matt 21 :12–13).
That model morphed over a few dozen human generations, into what we know of today as westernized christianization: Perspicuously what is clustered into the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized. All these are really one thing, once a person comprehends Enculturation .
Therefore, the evidence of all this, can best be seen in the products and byproducts of the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized; e.g. the fictional war between the scientific and christianized communities of the westernized world, and mostly in the US; Satans playground, or Sodom 2.0. This is seen also in the COP Cultists pride driven belief that the bible in one single and literal Law book written by god. Indeed, that was (and still is) the great error. Satan successfully uses the christianized to demote creationism itself, (mostly) outside of Christendom.
The atheistic, the anti-Messianic religious, and all other religion brand adherents, all copy one another in this world. The anti-Messianic religious show forth whom they service, even though they themselves, are oblivious to it all. The god of this world is thus all around and all over this planet; where ever humans are! In fact, my brother and fellow disciple said/wrote it this way, of/for the Spiritually awakened Elect of YHVH:
And you He has quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in times past, you walked according to the course of this world; according to the prince of the power of the air ; the {unholy} spirits that now work in the children of disobedience. Among whom also, we all had our conversation in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. (Eph 2:1–3)
Focus for a moment on just the location: the prince of the power of the air! Ever notice how people point upward when they think they are referring to god? Indeed! Their god, the god of this world Satan , is very much above you; below you; next to you; indeed, in you! Satan works only through humans. There are no acts on Earth done by any incorporeal being.
And no, our dead relatives are not looking down on any of us; they are unconscious; they sleep; they are currently in oblivion (1Th 4 :13–18; 1Co 15 :20; John 5 :28–29); the human dead are literally below you. But the attention to up and down is itself, revelatory of blind enculturation and the human predilection to follow Satan so easily, so mindlessly, and so casually.
¶ The Mind Of Messiah Versus The Mind Of Mammon!
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The worldly cannot think with the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :11–16); they are Spiritually blind and therefore, they can only think inside the tiny paradigms of their own micro–experiences. Without the mind of Messiah, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, people remain one dimensional; they monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, everyone always, unable to think for themselves; to have few if any original thoughts, or possess critical thinking skills; to see outside of the tiny boxes of their own education; their own enculturation.
The worldly are worldly minded, but unfortunately, Spiritually blind. Thus, they live just like those who directly influence them. Consequently, they are Judging all things in dollar increments. Beware the Monetizers ! The only way to know more than the capacity of the human brain itself, is to possess a metamorphic transcendence to it: The Indwelling Holy Spirit and the subsequent mind of Messiah Yeshua; to potential the eternal wisdom of Adonai our Elohim.
Most COP Cultists never come unto the Messianic Cross; instead, they come first to a religion business, and its particular religion productions; and of course they all have bibles. But they come to all of this as the person partially created by Satan, by being in Satans world; they are first and foremost, the products of their Enculturation. Then, they will see all of scripture from the lens or optics of that Enculturation, whatever that may be. Thus, they come as they are, then they have to conform the scriptures to their Enculturation. But YHVH wants it to happen just the opposite of that!
We are do come unto the Messianic Cross, ready to die; in other words it is a calling, and a calling is just simply YHVH who travels back and forth through the YHVH created spacetime continuum, and has already witnessed what you and I will do, even as we travel fixed within that continuum. We cannot know the future like YHVH does and can. Therefore, in the paradigm of foreknowledge and predestination, YHVH already witnessed who of us chose YHVH volitionally, versus those of us (the masses of humanity) who did not choose YHVH, but chose Satan and his temporal world instead.
For the Narrow Way few, we chose Messiah Yeshua above all else; we commit to being one with our maker, no matter what obstacles that this life may throw at us. But Satan knows that, and will work extra hard to kick us off of Narrow Way and onto Broadway with the masses! This is where YHVH applies just a touch of angelic pressure, to keep us on that path. Why not do that for all humans? Free will; volition; these are vital components for YHVH to honor and respect, and thus, YHVH cannot and does not violate them.
However, for us Messianic disciples, we metaphorically take up our cross daily; we die daily; we seek The Lord to protect us the from the daily temptation sin–evil productions that Satan and crew will try to use against us. We know that Satans Earth trinity is Economics, Politics and Religion. And the trinity of the human condition that Satan exploits is pride–ego–emotion: The external and the internal! The evidence to support all of this, is just about everything, and so, why do so few come unto, and then under, the Messianic Cross? They are not true believers; they are samplers; they are the just–in–case people; the lukewarm! YHVH cannot make anyone a believer and will not even try.
The Messianic Cross solved all of it, but most look upon it, and may be moved emotionally for a few or several seasons, but they are not in it for infinity! And it is their investment in this world that become the demarcation of who is who. The summary of all of this can best be measured in the collective onslaught upon this YHVH created and owned planet, Earth, which is taking the brunt of the damage from the (proverbial) rage of the machine we call humanity. Those who collaborate with Satan in this destruction, will not be issued another corporeal body, nor will they be allowed anywhere near another planet. No corporeality and not even near to it: Outer Darkness !
The temptations that Messiah Yeshua was warning us to avoid, was not about the natural world; for example, sex or attraction or mating. Since this was/is the medium for which YHVH decided to bring about the human species, it is only a sin to look upon any of it as anything but the YHVH creation. On the other hand, it is the things of this world; the things of Satan that we must recognized, expose, and avoid as much as we can. After all, we are now into the Eschaton Era, on a shrinking planet filled with 8+ billion humans, the vast majority of which are fully invested in Satans trinity. We are as sheep living among and surrounded on all sides, by wolves, and so we must be wise.
YHVH came in the Flesh ― Messiah Yeshua ― to set all things back upright. The problems we Messianic disciples, face to this day, were all there back then: Economics; Politics; Religion. And we know how artfully and carefully our Master navigated them all. On the one hand, He did not teach outright, some opposition to the byproducts of blind Enculturation , and yet, He also provided a way out of it: The Messianic Cross! That act came with an array of purposes and meanings: propitiation; Love in action or Love as verb; the path to The Way : Narrow Way!
Wealth empowered men thought (and still think) it acceptable to take sexual advantages of women, who were either in need of, or were just desirous of what they offered or had in that power state (2Ti 3 :1–7). So too, do people in general, who think that the possession of money gives them liberty to take advantage of the things they should not.
They lust unto such acts as the squandering of global natural resources, which belong to all of humanity, such as fossil fuels; hence, the open acceptance of the Car Cult , though equally oblivious to how the car cult impacts Earth itself, or other lifeforms. Money becomes the central benchmark/barometer/compass/core, of all other subsequent thoughts.
But for the Love conquered Elect of YHVH; we make all our life choices based upon how they impact other humans and animals, locally and globally. We care little about the numerations exacted by the Monetizers , as they evaluate anything and anything; we will in fact, spend more money protecting life, rather than to take the easy way out only to save monies (e.g. abortion: Matt 18 :1–11): That defines Love succinctly!
Make an offer any female who contemplates an abortion because of fear, or because a child would inconvenience their capitalist agenda, and offer to give them (say) four million dollars if they have the child, and I would wager tenfold more, that a hundred percent of them would quickly find it in their hearts to go through with the pregnancy.
Why? Because this is really all about money; it is about personal control and sexual freedom; it is Satan usurping himself in the pride–ego–emotion of his human infestation, which dominates the atheistic that have overwhelmed and thus doomed this planet.
¶ Being Pro Life Does Not Make One Pro Messiah!
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To devalue a unborn human is to display an indifference toward all life. A fetus is a person, not a tumor or a failing appendix or tonsil, and thus, has her/his own unique DNA ID, unlike a tumor or appendix, which is a part of the host body. A fetus is not a part of its mothers body; mom only carries their child until it can survive on its own; it is the mammalian way; it is how all mammals come to be.
But when people commodify and monetize all of life and all of creation ― the goal of money–making and its "hands in the pie" sin–evil of career–seeking and its money–empowerment ― these quickly take precedence over Life. And Life is how all of us came onto this planet, including ironically, those who are pro–money, pro–death, pro–car and pro–gun (Matt 18 ). Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!
Anyone who would even ponder the idea of an abortion, are secretly screaming unto their Maker, of their disdain for how Creation came to be; for the creation paradigm; declaring their defiance that they want desperately to be Mammon servants, ready and willing to sacrifice their own offspring, just to maintain a sociocultural and/or socioeconomic directive that will not endure eternity. The distraction from this cold reality is that this is merely health care. But the health of who? That only a doctor should decide, but abortions cannot be birth control. That is na human being, not a now–unwanted thing.
Notwithstanding, the reason why this pro–life individual is for legal abortions, is for the health of females who will seek out abortions anyway, and from other more nonprofessional sources; if a pregnant female dies the baby dies anyway. As a male, I do not know how abortions are done by anyone, but I hope that the pre–born child is needle euthanized before removal. That should be the requirements of legal abortions to eliminate fetal pain or suffering. All who abide under the Messianic Cross already know what is by far, most dangerous to children; guns and cars! Only the anti-Messianic own either of them.
The horror of that indifference unto the post–born, is the number one and two child–killing cults; the Car Cult , and of course, the equally unnecessary Gun Cult . All Messianic disciples ― the infinitesimal Heaven–destined Elect of YHVH ― are patently anti–gun and anti–car. One cannot be pro–life and pro–gun at the same time; being pro–life and pro–gun is not only oxymoronic, it is demonic!
To be blunt, no one even near unto the Messianic Cross, even thinks in such ways; such a mentality would not only be evidence of the heinous sin–evil of hypocrisy itself, it would be a bizarre hypocrisy, clearly inspired by demon oppression. The christianized are no closer to the Messianic Cross than anyone else; they too are fully inhuman .
For another example; the mockery of Prayer ; praying to the god of this world , Satan (or just god), but thinking it is YHVH, and doing so intentionally or ignorantly; this is a manifestation of Spiritual darkness that exposes demonic influence on some level. It is far worse than any of the lifestyle sins that the religionists condemn others for, which by the way, is always a distraction from their own darkness.
Those target sins include (but are not limited to): gluttony and obesity and sedentary living (slothfulness), pedophilia, homosexuality and infidelity (lust), murderousness and abortion (wrath), consumerism and capitalism (greed), pride and envy (ego), and the like; the 7 deadly sins . The 8th is Vanity: narcissism and self-importance! Much of this manifests in economic exploitation, predation and parasitism, via the sinister acts of monetizing and commodifying and adulterating, anything and everything, everyone and anyone; it is all, equally, an abomination unto YHVH.
The reason for this is Messianic: My Master and lifestyle paradigm, Messiah Yeshua, openly opposed the religionists of His time/culture, for being worse, sin wise, than the most heinous of sinners elsewhere. In fact, thieves were considered the worst of all sinners, back then; it is why He was deliberately (and thus mockingly) crucified in between them .
Messiah Yeshua sought fellowship with (and service among) the socially marginalized, the leper and the pauper, and not with the lawyers or politicians, the wealthy or mammon successful, the church or religion businessmen (e.g. the Pharisees). No one can take money because of the existence of The Creator of all, and do so without a demon present within them.
There are people on Death Row now, for sin–acts (crimes) that are heinous and unthinkable to our human sensibilities, but to YHVH, they pale in comparison to faking a religious stance. Why? All sins can be forgiven, except the eternal sins ; central to those is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and that is only possible if one first represents ones self as an individual who is personally yoked with the (Indwelling) Holy Spirit, but who in fact, is not, but who then proceeds to act (in the world), or present themselves, as an official ambassador of YHVH, through that Indwelling: i.e. Christendom!
If an individual has not surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and has died utterly to this life; dead to pride–ego–emotion, and dead to all earthly dreams and desires, and have only then, been born–again as a completely new person and new creation, they are eternally doomed. Those who were religious during this life, will be the most abhorred in the Abyss of Darkness .
If an individual has simply added religion, as an addendum, to their otherwise anti-Messianic life and lifestyle; that individual is just Pharisaic, and as a modern day Pharisee, they are more sinful than the most sinful individual, even on Death Row, based upon that religious fraud alone. They are every sinner, compounded by their self-righteous hypocrisy.
Telling one lie is exactly the same as committing one murder unto YHVH (Rev 21 :6–8; 1Ti 1 ; Pro 6 :16–19; 19:5). In fact, telling one lie (a false witness ) could cost many lives! Left unrepentant, the eternal price is the same. What is YHVH approved is vastly different than what is human approved! Thus, our lifestyle is that fruit evidence of who we truly belong to.
¶ Great Swelling Words: The Damnation Of Self Belief!
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They will treat you like family so long as you keep bringing them money, but the Homeless and/or poor, they treat poorly; that is the way of the world . Most people do not believe in demons, or at least, in demonic oppression; however, this is not because there is a lack of evidence, but because of what artists and writers have created fictionally to represent the demonic realm. Even scripture can give the impression that demon presence or demonic oppression is obvious; sometimes it is, but most of the time it is not (2Th 2 ; 2Pe 2 ).
But in fact, demon presence and demonic oppression is only recognizable to the Elect of YHVH, which is about a tenth of a percent numerically, and that is just from among the accountable adults at any given point in spacetime. And, only so many from among the Elect of YHVH have the maturation for/of such discernment, though all are capable or armed for such. Just because Dark Matter cannot be measured, does not mean it is not there; we know it is there by how it impacts all that it surrounds (John 3 :6–8; Acts 2 :1–4).
For the vast majority of all humanity, what a person decides is truth, then becomes the target and focus of their research (Luke 16 :13–15): They seek only to validate or confirm (i.e. confirmation bias ) what they have already decided to be truth (John 17 :16–17). But what that truth must (and does) align with, is the sum of their Enculturation .
And their enculturation and socialization, is powerfully impacted by the core/base self, which is basic survival, as they see it: And survival in modernity is summarized by/in money–hunger, and thus, whatever self-delusion is needed to keep those dollars flowing in. This is what will represent the sum of them; hence, the epidemic of cognitive dissonance . And the cure is death; either to the self in the now, or in physical death.
Most humans are not merely influenced by (present) demons; they are themselves, future demons. Demonic influence is observed in the characteristics of Satan himself; power hunger being the most prominent, and from that core identity, we have all the other manifestations of power hunger; employment based or money based power positions, as well as political and religious (or human–made) power structures. A Messianic identity completely escapes them.
What makes evil people evil, is not demons first and then evil second; it is a propensity for evil first, and then demons second. The demonic realm simply tempts those who, all on their own, show a bent toward the dark side. The demons watch humans behaviorally, and then target those they think they can turn to the dark side. Much of the Messiah Scriptures focus on this reality; temptation is a big part of those teachings. But first, they must not believe in demons for it to work.
Satans demons have been possessing humans since us hominids had an eternal Soul (the Genesis breath of Life); they mastered the human experience. They have refined over many many generations of cohabitation, the manipulation of the human masses; temptation and dependency are the centerpiece methods of trapping most humans. This is why Satan and crew, worked so hard to create the mechanisms that now rule in the Eschaton Era: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!
But the best way to witness the motives of the heart, of any individual, is to listen to them justify any of Satans Earth trinity productions. Since they are committed to the dark side, religious or not, they really have no other option but to rationalize the works of Satan. The only other option is a death to self; but that is not on their agenda. All that is left therefore, is to rationalize the sin–evil, and for the religious, it cannot be sin–evil to begin with.
The humble at heart will always question their position when challenged, to make sure they are seeing things as they are; they/we know how tricky Satan can be. But what makes Satan, demonic, was/is the fact that Satan is {a} god; Satan the Great! Satan as god can make no mistakes, do any wrong, need forgiveness or redemption, or ever need to repent or apologize or admit wrongdoing. And the humans who are this way volitionally, tend to lean toward that darkness.
There were no wealthy people before money. Power was physical in nature; the strongest and/or biggest and/or the largest group; that was power. Weak men could not hold large land holdings nor control large herds of anything. And bartering was often one sided. But monetizing things changed all that. At first it all seemed good; fair; balanced. But bait always seems alluring at first; it is not until the hook is set that the knowledge on ones doom reveals itself.
To summarize, demonic oppression, or just demonic influence, reveals itself in authoritarianism, dominion and domination, landlordism, controlism, leadership, hierarchy, anger fueled acts and thoughts to gain control or to bully, money hunger (empowerment), materialism, consumerism, and so on; or to summarize it all in one compound word: Control freaks!
The god/s of this world, are those with the most money (or a hunger for it); those who are considered the best looking are worth more than the rest, as the culture openly displays everywhere. Among the Faithless Loveless masses, humans are elevated to god status; humans are the heroes of other humans; people are the lords and leaders of the masses. Eventually, such narcissism , has become publicly acceptable, degrades into more extreme forms of mental illness, such as open sociopathy or psychopathy, here in the Eschaton Era.
Those who read these words and do not like them, will really only have one option to silence them; they could track down the writer and murder them, I suppose, but the more likely scenario is to pull out their well used weapon of ad hominem : Attack the messenger for their undesired or revelatory words; discredit the person rather than (and because they cannot) refute the message. In the absence of genuine YHVH centered wisdom (or, without the mind of Messiah Yeshua), the mere mortal have few other options.
We Messianic disciples, know painfully, all the ways of the world we live in. We know that we are into the Eschaton, and though we do not know when the return of The King will be, we surely know that the season of that Advent has arrived.
For much of the past, the social contract favored the elderly; elders were revered by the young and had a respected position in societies (in rare places we still do). However, as the end of days worsen, those who do not make money (the root of all evil), but who actually cost the young their monies, via social programs; elders are now becoming expendable, and ageism gradually normalized: Welcome to the Eschaton Era! Use Money To Serve People Or Use People To Serve Money!
Christendom fell victim to monetization on day one; all religion is the consequence of it. As with all "ministries" or church "services" or any other economic tag, for those who are the dependents of, and thus in the service of, the unrighteous mammon, for them compromise is a certainty; and it is daily. It is an absurd level of hypocrisy to read or hear from the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, about how their fellow lifestyled christians, as anti-Messiahs , compromise themselves, once tempted by the bigger bucks, and/or the ego masturbation of the Stage.
Christianized music artists will "go secular" once they make that big hit, and then, all the other christianized capitalists will write in protest to this seemingly great compromise; this exodus from the COP Cultists business interests. But the irony is that the sum of the COP Cultists is secular.
Even though they too are money dependents; they too, have their hands out (e.g. links for offerings and other forms of monetization), waiting and expecting others to give them money, just for existing, and doing whatever they want to do, absent of manual Labor . Hypocrisy!
These are all the same exact people; Spiritually bankrupt byproducts of their Enculturation , they are all playing one other, in their common mammon service and dependency, in almost the same exact way. But because they are all, Spiritually blind (churched or not), they cannot see themselves as the same.
The music is equally worldly, for it appeals to (yep) pride–ego–emotion. The emotion inflaming themes of victory and success (or blind devotion), thrive within it, but what they see as being a victim, is really just the defeat felt from the failures of living anti-Messianic lifestyles to begin with.
¶ The Analytics Of Emotionalization!
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Ever since music has been the target of the monetizers, the study of human emotions in relationship to music, has been intense. And while those who monetize music study ways to increase emotional stimulation to differing notes and words (of their combinations), others in Neuroscience take note (pun intended) of this process: The "worship music" industry does too! It has indeed become a science.
They offer no sweat of the brow Labor ; they are not building you a home or growing you food, or anything necessary and tangible (1Ti 6 :6–11; Heb 13 :5); instead, they adulterate the scriptures (a sin that transcends all earthly sin), as they occupy spacetime and expect others to do all the sweat labor for them.
All the while they live a sedentary (evil) lifestyle; they defy the Temple daily; they put a hand out, and actually expect others to hand them Satans mammon. And for what? At least the musicians are offering entertainment, even though it is not what they expect that music to be.
But any music with the word Jesus stuck in there somewhere, is close enough, I imagine. You see, they are not the Messianic disciples, and as such, they are not filled with the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and thus endowed with the Love of YHVH; driven by Love, wisdom and humility.
Therefore, they remain in the primate state; driven by pride, ego and emotions, they suffer from territorialism, adversarialism, and competitivism; a generic us–against–themism rules them; covert neighbor hating virtually overwhelms them. In that competitivism, we (disciples) see all their fruits openly, even though they will remain blinded to them.
As time moves us deeper into the Eschaton Era, we Messianic disciples can see plainly, how the cult of christendom has gone from a fake Messianic discipleship, in the first century, into a full force mammon empowered demonic cult, here in the twenty first (and last human) century.
¶ All Patriotism Is Treason Against Elohim !
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Pride is a shield to hide from the guilt–shame–condemnation that is instilled upon (almost) everyone, by the Holy Spirit in the world. Pride in ones nation (patriotism and/or nationalism) is a shield response to the sin–evil of colonialism and general dominionship. This is why patriotism is so heavily promoted in the USA, because the greatest slaughter of the humans that YHVH allowed to be here, was at the hands of christianized Europeans; the American Holocaust .
Patriotism is the praise and worship of a land mass; its outward acts analogous to a prayer service; it is a grossly sinister act by humans who own no land: Earth belongs only to The Lord! Satan uses humans exclusively, and Satan pulls the proverbial puppet strings, only through human pride–ego–emotion. Virtually all sin–evil that will occur, will be by Satan and the trillion demon army, who works exclusively through humans, through the psychological mechanisms of pride–ego–emotion (the internal trinity of Satan).
All self-justification is made by the pride conquered masses; employed to mask the sin–evil they represent. Anyone who has gotten near unto the Messianic Cross, are horrified by the acts of sin–evil, perpetrated by the christianized of the past. But those who seek to justify themselves before men, are blinded; they cannot help but to seek and find justifications for all sin–evil, from those for whom they share a common theme: Christendom!
The imposed guilt–shame–condemnation, does not impact anyone under the Messianic Cross (Rom 8 ), but for the worldly masses, it defines the sum of their life: It explains why cognitive dissonance is pandemic. The result of this pandemic is a culture wide creation of, and a participation in, the justifications witnessed in public displays of patriotism, wherein this indoctrination is normalized through enculturation; thus promulgated by the culture created religions, such as Christendom.
This then expands into the victim villain paradigm, witnessed in war memorials and other human praise monuments, to the sin–evil of Satans people, by making evil good, through the villainization and the enemizing of other humans, for whom Messiah died equally for upon the Messianic Cross.
All fighting and war are themselves exhibitions of freedomlessness ! Fear is what drives virtually all violence, and thus, only cowards own or use guns or weaponry. And they must, because this life is all they will have, and deep deep down inside they know it, even while they are praising Jesus in church!
All humans those who take sides with one another over the owning of land that belongs only to YHVH, are demonic just for doing so to begin with. To then justify the sin–evil with a mockery of YHVH, through the promotion of their gods as the agents of their victories, is anathema and a sin unrivaled.
Westernized Americanized evangelical christians, are the furthest from the Cross of Messiah Yeshua, and worldly in every conceivable way; in lifestyle, in theology, in geographical distance, as well as time distance. They are comprehensively and unabashedly, the anti-Messiahs . The Pharisees stood in the Presence of YHVH–in–skin, and was oblivious to it.
The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bare witness of Him, and cried, saying: This was He of whom I spoke; He that comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me. And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the Torah was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Messiah Yeshua. No man has seen Elohim at any time; the only begotten Adon, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. (John 1:14–18)
Yeshua answered and said unto them: Though I bear record of Myself, yet My record is true, for I know where I came and where I go. But you cannot tell where I come, and where I go. You judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, My judgment is true, for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent Me. It is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true. I Am One that bears witness of Myself, and the Father that sent Me bears witness of Me. Then said they unto Him: Where is Your Father? Yeshua answered: You neither know Me nor My Father! If you had known Me, you should have known My Father also. (John 8:14–19)
Yeshua cried and said: He that believes on Me believes not on Me, but on Him that sent Me. And he that sees Me sees Him that sent Me. I came, a light into the world , that whoever believes on Me should not abide in darkness. And if anyone hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not, for I came not to judge the world , but to save the world . He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of Myself, but the Father that sent Me; He gave Me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting. Whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto Me, so I speak. (John 12:44–50)
Give thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet, to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, and who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, in whom we have redemption, through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins; who is the image of the invisible, Messiah Yeshua, the firstborn of every creature. For by Him were all things created that are in Heaven, and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers: All things were created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist. (Col 1:12–17)
Elohim, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past, unto the fathers by the Prophets, has in these last days, spoken unto us by Adonai, whom He has appointed Heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds {planets} ; who, being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had purged sin, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; being made so much better than the angels, He has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they. (Heb 1:1–4)
The modern day pharisaic (christians) are even worse than the first century Pharisees! They are fully committed to us–against–themism, or nationalism and patriotism, which is primal territorialism; they are fornicators with the Federal government by their enablement of politics itself; like the Pharisees, they (too) are the dynasty of Bibliolatry .
As Messianic disciples, we future resurrected Saints, are first of all, not Christians; instead, we are ascetically devout servants of The Lord. Conversely, christendom is of Satan the chief devil, and does not represent Messiah Yeshua at all; not even close. They are of the world ; they make claims upon what is owned, only by YHVH; they live this life for this life and exploit religion and the bible in that effort.
My Master, Messiah Yeshua, was falsely criminalized and murdered, while exposing those practitioners and benefactors of the sin of organized religion, who were fully and unabashedly monetized and politicized; sound familiar? All organized religions, on Earth forever, were/are driven by the god of this world , Satan. There is a long list of religions , and all without exception are demonically perpetuated; christendom itself was started by Satan, via Satans humans.
We, as the Elect of YHVH, do not serve money at all, and, we teach others of the curse sign: $. We are blessed with manna, not mammon; we labor with our hands the things that are good, and receive all our blessings from the natural world, created by YHVH, not the corrupted and sinister economic world, created by Satan and perpetuated by the Faithless Loveless human Broadway masses.
When a person needs money, they become its servant; they display their Faithless state of existence; they expose their need for mammon, and one cannot serve Elohim and mammon (Luke 16 :13–15). The money dependents are the worldly masses who (churched or not, religious of not), announce their true positions, via their dependence upon money to live; however, only those with Spiritual sight can see this. The rest must/will justify it away, until their Day of Judgment.