¶ Ekklesia With Koinonia: The Elect Of YHVH!
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Aloha; Saludos; あいさつ; Namaste; Bonjour; Ahoj; Shalom; 问候; Hallo! I am Pávlos, a Messianic disciple; a monk of YHVH ; a Tekton ; an Oracle of Adonai my Elohim and Love (1Pe 4 :11), and thus compelled to be an author (Eph 5 :6–13; 2Ti 4 :1–4).
I am not a christian; indeed I am anti–religious! And I am nobody special. I do not suffer from a God–Complex , a savior or rescuer complex, or a messiah complex (Matt 23 :15). However, I write and publish only to expose truth to those that YHVH calls and gives Spiritual sight to: Predestined seekers; truth miners; those in search of The Way . I do not want to be a leader; I do not want a stage (or platform), so I can be the center of attention; my ego is dead in that way. I have no unique revelation; I have never audibly heard from the incorporeal realm.
I am merely a carpenter (emeritus), who was/is conquered by, and often overwhelmed by, YHVH Love , and that is only because of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which inspires me and all that I do or write, as an Oracle . Spiritual inspiration is by no means limited to the script, canonized by catholic monks; indeed, the entire bible does not reflect a fraction of the work of the Holy Spirit (John 21 :24–25), from among all generations of disciples. And remember, canonization was about monetization, and little more: The proof is money–hunger itself. But everything belongs to YHVH (Matt 5 :43–48).
As a devout student of, and ever hungry for the scriptures (since the late eighties), I focus on the Red Letters of my Master, Messiah Yeshua, and like my Master, I am a radical pacifist. I am not a leader seeking a followship, nor a follower seeking leadership; I seek only friends (John 15 :5–17); a collective and communal unity.
Any form of hierarchy or class is a sin–evil; it sows discord which YHVH abhors most. I avoid Christianese terms such as ministries, pastor, leader, pope, reverend, or any other such egocentric, hierarchical mentalities that plague the end–time anti-Messianic religious, who blindly monkey–see–monkey–do their culture, and everything it tells them to be and do and think. But those born eye blind cannot know of the world of the eye sighted, apart from what they are told about it (Matt 15 ).
Notice the word choices of my Master, when asked: Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? (Matt 19:16). Messiah Yeshua could have responded in a number of ways, for example, like a protestant: For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God! Or, Yeshua could have said: Repent, you heinous sinner; there are none good; no, not one!
Instead, He answered as He did, within the context of the conversation, to point out the much more important theme: that lifestyle choices are the only true measure of a person, in a Spiritual context. This man chose mammon and its earthly power to be his barometer, benchmark, compass, core, and guide for this life.
When people remain trapped in Satan's monetization systems, they must compromise constantly, for its acquisition and protection; their very survival depends upon it. The money secured do not need to rely on YHVH daily, for everything; no heavenly manna necessary for the mammon–centric. Satan's people are Satan's hands and feet on Earth; all acts of Satan and crew are done only through humans.
It is that state of Mammon compromise that exacerbates cognitive dissonance among the westernized–monetized–industrialized; the Spiritually blinded and thus blindly enculturated masses (John 14 :25–27). Money hoardings create a self–empowerment that opposes YHVH–Love, as well as true, living, daily Faith; in daily celestial provisions from the natural world alone (Matt 6 ).
The very word Ekklesia was coopted by the westernized–monetized–industrialized religionists, early on, to represent the COP Cultist church–businesses. It simply means the "called out ones" which we now refer to as the Elect of YHVH. An Ecclesia is a variation, mostly applied to a "gathering of people" and is used in scripture (as well as in secular writings) to specify when many people leave many homes and gather in a larger public places: The Athens Ecclesia for one example.
Prior to the YHVH Monetizers , who wantonly coopted Messiah Yeshua to make money from His existence (due to the widespread devotion so many had shown for Him), The Way, in the 1st & 2nd century, assembled in homes or public parks; this was intentional. It exposed the sin of Temple–centered religion as something to avoid; to act as a true family would, who do not buy stage–centric warehouses to assemble in!
This was also necessary because the culture and society was already established to be like it was: fractured; segregated; divided; denominated (i.e. collectivist v. individualist cultures ). Thus, The Way had to adapt to the infrastructure that was already established by former generations, just like it is today: They met in homes, and obviously because they could not communicate regularly in any other way (e.g. the Web and tech).
Salvation is not a group thing, nor can it be (Matt 10 ). And while it is a good thing to come together in a Spiritual family setting, that hope has become a very rare thing, here in the Eschaton Era. And society has continued to splinter into subsets of subsets of humans.
Now, the very need we once had for one another, has all been replaced with an unsustainable world; grocers on every corner; cars that take us far distances and planes even further still. We are consuming decades of (YHVH) resources daily; this will end us!
Messianic disciples, as individuals among the masses who experience an epochal and radically transformative Spiritual metamorphosis; the hope of being among others who have also gone through such a radical Spiritual transformation, has become a unique experience, and now in the Eschaton Era, the world is too far gone for such a thing to occur, with very rare exceptions. Be deeply thankful if you are blessed to do so!
Life takes humans into directions that long ago, were shaped by Satan and his demons and humans (now the bulk of humanity), and that has created a very dark world and lifestyles. Many try church attendance, but eventually realize that Messiah Yeshua is no part of Christendom. Many still sing: Open up the Gates of the Church and let me out of here !
Always keep in mind, the planet you live upon; YHVH created it, and what was created, was first modeled in the Garden of Eden. Since then, the Faithless Loveless human masses (over 99% of all humanity forever), have been at war against their Creator, and specifically through the created world, by killing and stealing and destroying it (John 10 :10); and in the last two {+} centuries, do this so they can monetize it for personal power.
But in doing so they created a perfect for humans only world; represented most profanely in any modern human infestation. What the Indwelling Holy Spirit does for all disciples of Messiah Yeshua (then & today) is to expose this truth, which always sparks repentance and its subsequent adjustments toward peaceful lifestyles. We are in the world, but we are not participants in its destruction (e.g. the Car Cult ).
Indeed, the very end–time prophecies were of men from antiquity, seeing images (dreams & visions) that horrified them, and what they saw (future) is what you and I see today when we look at Earth, and especially from overhead images.
Since we have seen nothing else, we can mistakenly take it all for granted; assume that everything that is, has to be the way it is, and there is no other way; it is normalization. But our modern world is the dystopia seen by ancient prophets. Most think a future dystopia is what science fiction shows portray it as.
Know and understand; what has happened to Earth was not the will of YHVH, but rather, the hunger–lust of the atheistic human infestation, moved by temptation, directed by the great tempter. The consumer culture is but the end–time result of demonic victory over the masses of monetized drones; the true destroyers of worlds!
¶ First By Flood Then By Fire !!
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A "new earth" or virgin planets, and in new parts of the galaxy (and beyond), will be the virgin places fit for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. Planet Earth will eventually become a corpse in space and serve as an everlasting celestial reminder; a monument of sins consequences on a global scale. It effectively has already happened; it will happen; it is happening; it has been foreseen and thus prophesied about. YHVH went forward in time and has already seen this Earth Life movie event titled: First By Flood Then By Fire !
This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you. In both, which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of The Lord and Savior: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying: Where is the promise of His coming?
For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of; that by the word of Elohim the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment, and the perdition of unrighteous men.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing; that one day is with The Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of The Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; Earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and Godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of Elohim, wherein the atmosphere being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness will dwell. Therefore beloved, seeing that you look for such things, be diligent that you may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless. (2Pe 3 :1–14) {cf. Rev 20 :11; 21:1; Isa 24 ; Isa 65 :17 & 66:22–23}
It is not that this particular planet is evil (it is just a planet), but that Satan, as the god of this world (or just god), will render it desolate, and will use humans, exclusively and only, to bring about such devastation, which is happening in slow motion now but accelerating exponentially when compared to times past.
Indeed, the Car Cult alone, has done more planetary damage and killed more people (directly & indirectly), and more animals, than all human activity prior to Satan's prostitution we call the Industrial Revolution .
Therefore, when Messiah Yeshua entered Earth, it was already showing signs and symptoms of what has become the inevitable prophesied devastation. People were not living in Love–driven Community; they were living separate lives and in separate places; scattered like sheep without a shepherd, as my Master put it (Matt 9 :35–38). Earth itself could recover eventually; we have already seen signs of this healing ability . But all the pain and suffering caused here, will mean YHVH will destroy it utterly.
People were boxed up by the monetization process, into what has been normalized as social class . Normalization via enculturation is exactly what the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit sets us free from: Was blind but now I see! That entire monetary system was turned upside down by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, who radically alters how a person thinks, and thus, how and why they (we) live. We read about this radical transformation in Acts chapters one through five.
Weekend church therefore, was/is not the goal for the Elect of YHVH, for that is not what a genuine and eternally linked family does. You do not move young children across town to live, they live with you. The true family of Messiah Yeshua, the Elect of YHVH, was a promise by my Master (Matt 19 :25–30; Mark 10 :28–31). Whether or not it manifests on Earth does not matter ultimately, but it is the will of YHVH, that while still on Earth, we become One: It is the sum meaning of the actual Lord's Prayer in John Seventeen .
¶ A Servant Is Not Above His Master!
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As a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, I am non political, just like my Master, Yeshua the Messiah (whom I Love, adore, and worship with my time/life). Like all Messianic disciples, who are not of this, The World (John 18 :33–38); I/we might even be thought of as anti–political, but assuredly apolitical , knowing what these anti-Messiahs did to my/our eternal Spouse, Messiah Yeshua (Eph 5 ).
And they crucified Him by the subtle instructions of their bedfellows, the (1st century) religious elites, who were powerful because they had a large followship and thus that corporate money that empowered them, within an already deeply and demonically corrupted economic monetary Mammon system. Some things never change!
For decades I have studied passionately and intently, His words and teachings, as well as His demonstrated lifestyle, in order to simulate, to the best of my abilities and within the timeline and culture I inhabit, Messiah Yeshua; my only Master, Lord, Boss, Hero, Star, King, President, Judge, Friend, and only Leader.
I am not ashamed to call myself a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, over any other title or designation found comfortable by most people, still trapped within the shoebox of blind Enculturation (Luke 9 :23–26; Rom 1 :16–17 & 5:1–5 & 10:11). Almost all are blinded to the Messianic Cross by christendom itself.
As such, I discourage people from participating in, or being yoked with, the atheistic world in general, especially within the new religion like cult, now plaguing and dominating (an end–time) Earth: Politics! From god bless/save the Czar to god bless/save the king or queen to god bless/save the president , we witness this devotion to Satan's hierarchical paradigms, even by the anti-Messianic religious christianists. This is how we, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, know that Christendom is a mere sociocultural production; a mere byproduct of enculturation, with no connection whatsoever to/with Adonai our Elohim.
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! This is primarily why my Master avoided these worldly paradigms to begin with (John 18 :36), opting instead to congregate with the poor, the lost, the blind, the sick, the ugly, the unpopular, the forgotten, the homeless, the unwanted, the untalented, the workmen, widows and orphans, the disenfranchised; in summary the losers of any money as barometer culture. Satan's greatest achievement and prize from his people is Social Stratification .
Messiah Yeshua was invited by Pharisees to dine (Luke 7 & 14); in other words, He was not intentionally avoiding others, in and of the world. It is just that the atheistic masses (including the culturally cocooned, westernized–monetized–industrialized, or pharisaic religionists) remain driven by ego–pride–emotion, which will lead to evil desires, and until they truly want to know The Creator of all, YHVH, they will not have any true or lasting interest in following (mirroring) this average, unattractive, run of the mill, brown skinned, poor rural Nazarene carpenter.
Whenever a person reads (any) scripture academically ― that is, literally and without the Supreme Decoder, which is Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the very inspiration source for the text ― they remain trapped in literalism, and unwittingly expose this state to others in the process. They see the words on the page, but Spiritually blinded, they cannot become them (Psa 119 :10–12; John 1 :1–3).
Yeshua began again to teach by the sea side. And there was gathered unto Him a great multitude, so that He entered into a ship, and sat in the sea; and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land. And He taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in His doctrine: Hearken! Behold, there went out a sower to sow. And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. And others fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some a hundred.
And He said unto them: He that has ears to hear let him hear! And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parable. And He said unto them: Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of YHVH, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be transformed, and their sins should be forgiven them! Then He said unto them: Do you not understand this parable? How then will you know all the parables? (Mark 4:1–13) {cf. Isa 6 :9–10}
Then Yeshua goes on to spell out the parable in more perspicuous terms and with its direct applications. But notice up front the conditions; He taught in parables and in His doctrine! The word "doctrine" differed from the word "teaching" and that is why both words are used, even though they have the same intent; to learn. Herein, it is to gnosis ; to achieve level of enlightenment; to be awoken; to comprehend the mysteries, the greatest of which is Love ! They all had physical ears and eyes; He was exposing the reality of Spiritual ears/eyes. Literalism is the outcome fruit of Spiritual blindness.
Christian Doctrine Is Not Messianic Doctrine!! People inadvertently or unintentionally expose their inability to comprehend all the mysteries, and thus all of the scriptures, and are rendered unable to rightly divide Truth. Therefore, only literalism remains, and that does not calculate to produce Messianic doctrine; that produces COP Cult doctrine! Spiritual transformation and metamorphosis is the outcome of the internal change. And that can only be seen in our action and inaction: We Are What We Do And No More !
This is also why (the written) Law failed, because most people cannot understand the spirit of the law, because they are trapped in the letter of the law (hence, Bibliolatry ). This is a hopelessly human condition; to take whatever resource and lord it over others. The human masses are doomed; Broadway is wide for a reason (Matt 7 :13–14). Consequently, the sheer bulk of all humanity, will not understand the Scriptures, because the Indwelling Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary, both for its creation and its interpretation (1Jo 2 :20–21).
All Spiritually transformed, Indwelling Holy Spirit endowed, Heaven bound individuals (the Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples), will live lifestyles much like the American Amish do, except of course, without the authoritarian, hierarchical, patriarchal ways; summarily, the byproducts of COP Cultist Bibliolatry .
Amish folk are continuing in some traditions that Messiah Yeshua actually did not teach; however, their lifestyles of rejecting everything modern, and remaining simple, apolitical , conservative, and modest, are verily the traits of all who are disciples of Messiah Yeshua, male or female and of any ethnic background. Unfortunately, one cannot put new wine in old wineskins; i.e. one cannot teach new ways to people still encapsulated in old ways. We must be born again; we must be able to hold the new, by first pouring out all the old.
The designation of Father when referring to Father Adonai, has nothing to do with human gender (beyond correlation): Father was once used as a term of endearment; we all have earthly fathers, and in the past ― before the ravages of the Eschaton Era, prostituted and distorted everything ― people associated their biological father with positive characteristics; hence the association. The earthly father (dad or papa) was the larger person and thus, was the frontline protector, and did most of the heavier lifting. He was the provider of base needs.
But the bibliolatrous , patriarchal, misogynistic, hierarchical, authoritarian, bigoted, merely christianized, were prophesied to be among us (1Jo 2 & 1Jo 4 ); they were becoming rampant in 90 (±) when the Johannine epistles were necessarily written, as addendum course corrections (or amendments), and, they are even more so needed now; the human agents of Satan posing as Christians, (the anti-Messiahs ) now outnumber the Elect of YHVH by multiple millions to one (Matt 10 :16): The Messianic disciples will eventually be hunted and persecuted by the Xians of Religianity sometime during the latter Eschaton Era.
Messiah Yeshua made it clear that gender is only an Earth trait; a way of procreation, not domination; not a weapon to lord over someone (Matt 19 all & 22:28–30). I am not patriarchal , considering biblical patriarchy a convolution of demonic proportions, by prostituting scripture to justify lording over other humans; one clear symptom of demon oppression.
¶ Messiah Culture Within Secular Cultures!
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All Spiritually transformed, redeemed, Heaven bound, daily–dying servants of The Master and Lord, Messiah Yeshua (the Elect); we have all, been so profoundly and thoroughly humbled by this calling; this honor; this duty; the very idea of lording anything, anywhere, anytime, over anyone, is simply not in our mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :11–16); not in our Messianic DNA. We are all equal partakers in, and the benefactors of, a Holy and royal Priesthood (1Pe 2 ), with only 1 Lord Leader. If you need to be a leader or a follower, you are still nowhere near the Cross of Messiah, and thus we are surely on different paths.
Some fundamental differences should be presented upfront, so that the vast majority reading this, can be offended and exit now. All organized religions are operated by the anti-Messiahs : Messiah Yeshua died on the Cross to destroy all organized religion and to expose these dens of thieves as demonic at their root. The YHVH Monetizers are the most evil of humans on Earth forever: Every religion (and religion–business) on Earth forever, are demonic: All the ancient gods of this world were just Satan and crew, playing with people.
Anyone who considers an eternally enduring fellowship of Love bonded individuals; an egalitarian Community of believers in Messiah Yeshua, to be anything remotely like Sunday church services at a tax–exempt, male dominated or male centric, religion–business, staged production, is in serious need of a hands on exorcism. My only response to such people is: Get thee hence, Satan! I would honestly and humbly attempt to cast out at least some of those many enduring demons that have long festered within you, but you first must want it (Matt 17 :20–21).
The worldly use brute force to impose their will upon others, but to do this sin, while using god/religion/bible; that is demonic evil. Men have been exploiting scripture since the 2nd century, to justify their dominion over women, and then, even other men, once the culture at large permitted money to be the barometer of power and self–worth.
This is why an egalitarian Community of believers must be avoided by the power–hungry, because in a true Messianic (Kibbutz) Community, everyone has the same power, there is no hierarchy, and those of the dominion cannot share power. Men love to exploit scripture to validate and justify their carnal–primal wants and needs. When the power–hungry lords among men, challenged Messiah Yeshua on this topic, He said:
The same day came to Him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked Him, saying: Master, Moses said that if a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up seed for his brother. Now, there were with us seven brethren: The first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. And last of all, the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife shall she be, of the seven? For they all had her.
Yeshua answered and said unto them: You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of Elohim. For in the resurrection, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of Elohim in Heaven. But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have you not read that which was spoken unto you by Elohim? Saying: I Am the El of your father; the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Adonai is not the Elohim of the dead, but of the living! And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at His doctrine. (Matt 22:23–33) {cf. Exo 3 }
Women's suffrage and basic human civil liberties; being castrated and abused in Muslim cultures; beheading by kings; being burned alive by witch hunters; even being the targets of inappropriate behaviors in westernized–monetized–industrialized, "civilized" cultures; these acts and too many more from our history books to even list here, are the evidence of Satan's impact upon the masses. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
But it is not a case of women being innocent and men being evil (our Savior was male), it is a case where the more obvious of evils can more easily be seen in acts of abuse. But all evil begins in the human mind. Any form of hierarchy or class is evil. We are all equal in the eyes of YHVH; male or female, young or old, black or white (and so on). Those who exploit religion to gain power or authority over others, are demon oppressed. They are not the Elect of YHVH, and will likely never even seek out what that means.
All have sinned and need to repent of their/our own evil acts and intentions; but to use scripture as a justification weapon to mistreat anyone, is anathema; it is the unforgivable sin. Women are the (physically) weaker human vessel (1Pe 3 ), and just like children (who are also small and fragile), we males are to protect them, with our very lives if needed; not be the ones who endanger them. It is called Love !
(Writing about The Way): We assemble to read our sacred writings; with the sacred words we nourish our faith, we animate our hope, we make our confidence more steadfast; and no less by inculcations of God's precepts we confirm good habits. In the same place also exhortations are made, rebukes and sacred censures are administered. For with a great gravity is the work of judging carried on among us, as befits those who feel assured that they are in the sight of God; and you have the most notable example of judgment to come when anyone has sinned so grievously as to require his severance from us in prayer, in the congregation and in all sacred intercourse. The tried men of our elders preside over us, obtaining that honor, not by purchase but by established character.
There is no buying and selling of any sort in the things of God. Though we have our treasure chest, it is not made up of purchase money, as of a religion that has its price. On the monthly day, if he likes, each puts in a small donation; but only if it be his pleasure, and only if he be able: for there is no compulsion; all is voluntary. These gifts are not spent on feasts and drinking bouts and eating houses, but to support and bury poor people; to supply the wants of boys and girls destitute of means and parents, and of old persons confined now to the house; such, too, as have suffered shipwreck; and if there happen to be any in the mines or banished to the islands or shut up in the prisons, for nothing but their fidelity to the cause of God's Church, they become the nurslings of their confession. (Tertullian , AD 197)
Up until the time of Messiah Yeshua (all time BC), the mixture of the demonic and the human world was different; we read of demon possessions that were often and obvious. Now of course, modern people today believe that because we can identify and label certain psychological traits, doing so rationally explains away, any incorporeal explanations for human behavior: It does not. But something major surely did happen since ancient times: the epoch of corporeality, Yeshua!
After the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua, the ability of the Holy Spirit in the world, to virtually occupy individuals, rendering us saints, changed how (and why) the incorporeal demon class navigated Earth. Unlike fiction ghost stories, real demons can only exploit human weaknesses temptingly, but especially via human ego; thus, pride–ego–emotion are one codependent thing. All who have studied the temptations by Satan unto our Master (Luke 4 ), already knows the details of how and why that happens (can be summarized in bestowing earthly empowerment).
This is also why an in depth understanding of (at least) the themes and meaning behind the Constantinian shift and Christus Victor , are so relevant to connecting the history of The Way, as it contrasts with, and to what (otherwise) morphed into the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists social productions of Christendom.
The infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH; we were and still are, committed to learning YHVH–truth, regardless of what we were born into; that of our enculturation, education, and indoctrination, and all its past or current productions. One of the main purposes of the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit was is to help us fully transcend our (otherwise) tiny shoebox of Enculturation . We see the World through the lens of Adonai our Elohim, and not the way the bulk of the human species sees it.
¶ When Yeshua Discipleship Became The Jesus Religion!
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Once, it did not matter to me what you called the Savior of humanity; once, I was accepting of either. But I was being permissive, based upon a consideration for those, not yet taught about the name of my Master, Yeshua the Messiah. Once I had learned that His name was never Jesus Christ in the 1st century (and still not in the 13th) it became bothersome; that still small voice got bigger.
Now, if His original language name was long or difficult to spell or pronounce, then we humans typically allow a nickname to make it easier for others to call upon us. But Yeshua (which means Salvation) is easy to spell and say, in English or other tongues; it even sounds sweet to say and hear. Yes!
Therefore, I did not see any reason to continue to copy–mimic–parrot His human given name anymore. It is a sign of generic human respect to call someone by the name their parents gave them, unless they instruct otherwise, and even more important when it is your Master. But that is when the truth of this matter came into better focus.
Most people are not really interested in a profoundly intimate, life–altering, life affirming, deeply personal relationship with Messiah Yeshua; they are verily, only interested in the religion productions of cultural or social christianization. If the other people (who they truly follow), call Him Jesus, then so do they: And they get prideful about it! Why? No genuine active interest in a one–on–One real relationship; they have other motives, masked in personality and lip service, but exposed in lifestyle choices.
All alone, a name is just a name; if your parents name you Moon Unit, that is what everyone who understands what common respect, is, will call you (even a sociopath), no matter how strange that name might be. It is not the collection of letters that matter, so much as it is the simple respect to honor it, as it came to that child, and until that person instructs otherwise.
Now of course, if you have fallen in Love with that Person, and they are now deceased, you will protect their honor, and as for their proper name, showing respect should be a relevant part of that defending honor. So be it! My Master is not here to correct you, and so, I will, on His behalf.
That very act is just what we disciples of Messiah Yeshua are to do with our lives; we read of the life, and the lifestyle, and the teachings of our Master, and then we see and understand all other things from that Core; that paradigm; The Way: we read all other scripture from the Core, out.
Metaphorically, we nevertheless keep a stock of quality infant formula at all times because new babies are born everyday; we must keep the toys and the textbooks of all grades; we do this because there are more on their way. Just because some of us are older and wiser now, does not mean we abandon the resources that those still on their way, will need; we think of them and their initial needs, as well as our own.
In like manner, we who are Spiritually mature, allow and even encourage, if needed, the Spiritually young to take what they need to grow and maturate and thrive; we protect those resources. One day, Lord willing, they will volitionally join us at the table for meat; First Corinthians summarized. In the meantime (metaphorically speaking still), we do not discourage them when they return to the bottle, if that is what they need at the time. that is Love in action!
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are Love filled ― YHVH is Love and the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH ― and from that Love/Core, we Love unconditionally and unidirectionally, everything and everyone; therefore, we are peaceful, patient (indeed, longsuffering), respectful, humble, honorable, contented, Simple living , servant hearted always, and especially non bigoted in every possible way; we live by/for the law of the Sermon on the Mount , as Messianic disciples.
Conversely, the blindly enculturated masses of culturally christianized people, cannot see this; they are far more interested in cultural followship than biblical discipleship (e.g. christian swingers , christian atheists ; anything the imagination could conjure up). This is why bibliolatry itself so deeply impacts the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists.
Any and all religion businesses are merely primate level socialization productions; mere extensions of the Monetizers . All secular socialization is ultimately about meeting new coitus partners. Still, it is amazing to witness people living entirely anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles diametrically opposed to The Way, who can still delude themselves (via religion adherence) into believing they have any part in the Kingdom of Heaven (now or forever).
¶ All Anger Fueled Satan Speak Is Self Justification!
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The westernized–monetized–industrialized people, are so deeply committed to their former lifestyles that they never actually leave it; instead, they merely add religion–business adherence to it: Parable of the Seed fulfilled! When they read YHVH–truth from a living disciple, they deflect it via self-justification, appeal to the bible which they do not even comprehend to begin with, whenever a truth opposes or exposes their already decided upon lifestyle; especially truth that exposes them as frauds.
The Holy Spirit humbled, always ponders deeply, the words of a fellow disciple; but the monetizers have a very earthly agenda that they are running, and being a saint is not a part of that agenda. This explains why people perform random acts of kindness in public; it is a reaction to the guilt of living an anti-Messianic lifestyle the rest of the time, and there is no personal sacrifice in the doing.
I cannot know the internal motivations of the Europeanized Whites who translated the Messiah Scriptures , and so I must attenuate an opinion on the matter, until more empiricism enlightens my view on the topic. But this I do know: all Spiritually transformed, Heaven bound disciples of Messiah Yeshua (the Elect of YHVH), are radically different than the masses of humans, which are shaped and defined by the monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot demonstration of life on Earth. We still harbor in human bodies with the same basic needs, but the things we do not need, we do not want.
The Faithless Loveless; the westernized–monetized–industrialized; the Xians of Religianity are right now, thinking negatively as they read this, assuming they even made it this far (few do). Trapped in the primate state and thus unable to be freed from the bondage's of the carnal–primal mind, they really have only one other option, besides rejecting this text and/or responding with argumentum ad hominem . Neighbor hating (indeed all bigotry, and any form of the "us–against–them" mentality) is very normalized and encouraged in the human primate kingdom, which is anti-Messianic in every possible way.
By the way, that one other option (unfortunately for them) is Narrow Way or the Narrow Gate (Matt 7 :13–15), which is narrow exactly because only a fraction of humanity will traverse it or go through it. It is a prophetic hint of how this Earth experiment will conclude. Messiah Yeshua was quickly distorted (resulting in the Johannine epistles ) by Satan and his demon crew, with the very same weapons, techniques and mechanisms that they used on Messiah Yeshua: The same techniques they used on the Pharisees, including brother Saul before his radical, transformational epoch.
Money is the main weapon today, and why Messiah Yeshua so adamantly opposed it, and those who loved it (Luke 16 :13–15; Matt 26 :14–16), promoted it, and exploited the Mammon (money/economy) systems of His time–culture, knowing the future implications of its global normalization (e.g. the IR ). But again, the bulk of humanity cannot see themselves outside of their tiny enculturation shoeboxes, until they are set free of it by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
¶ When Christendom Replaced The Way!
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Technically this never literally happened, because that would operate on the assumption that all individuals within any human group are all the same based on the group. But what did happen, is what always happens to all the monkey–see–monkey–do masses; they go with the cultural flow. The masses are the Spiritually blind, who must therefore, follow those before them (past generations) or those in front of them (their enculturation).
The garden of Eden paradigm created by YHVH, was/is so abhorred by the bulk of all humanity, that Earth itself will soon become a floating epitaph of blind followship, by/from the bulk of humanity, punctuated by the unending acts of egocentrism by the few rich/powerful, look–at–me sociopaths.
The Way (the discipleship of Messiah Yeshua) was/is not a religion; it was/is a discipleship; a fellowship; an eternal Family ship! Religion is only on the outside, whereas, Spiritual transformation is only on the inside. When a person has an actual, deeply personal, marriage–level, profoundly intimate relationship with Messiah Yeshua via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, all corporeality itself is radically different than it is for the masses.
Ruach HaKodesh is the very Soul of Messiah Yeshua (John 16 :7); however, the outward religion businesses are seen and known, just like my Master looked upon the temple moneychangers. The YHVH Monetizers represent the supreme sin–evil, or anathema, and monetizing and commodifying humans is not much better. It creates a numerical value that YHVH does not recognize and considers sin–evil. In writings about The Way :
For they are distinguished from other men neither by country, nor language, nor the customs which they observe. For they neither inhabit cities of their own, nor employ a peculiar form of speech, nor lead a life which is marked out by any singularity. The course of conduct which they follow has not been devised by any speculation or deliberation of inquisitive men; nor do they, like some, proclaim themselves the advocates of any merely human doctrines.
But, inhabiting Greek as well as barbarian cities, according as the lot of each of them has determined and following the customs of the natives in respect to clothing, food, and the rest of their ordinary conduct, they display to us their wonderful and confessedly striking method of life. They dwell in their own countries, but simply as sojourners. As citizens, they share in all things with others and yet endure all things as if foreigners. Every foreign land is to them as their native country, and every land of their birth as a land of strangers.
They marry, as do all others; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring. They have a common table, but not a common bed. They are in the flesh, but they do not live after the flesh. They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of Heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men and are persecuted by all. They are unknown and condemned; they are put to death and restored to life.
They are poor yet make many rich; they are in lack of all things and yet abound in all; they are dishonored and yet in their very dishonor are glorified. They are evil spoken of and yet are justified; they are reviled and bless; they are insulted and repay the insult with honor; they do good yet are punished as evildoers. When punished, they rejoice as if quickened into life; they are assailed by the Jews as foreigners and are persecuted by the Greeks; yet those who hate them are unable to assign any reason for their hatred. (Excerpt from the Epistle to Diognetus , AD 130)
¶ The Monetization Normalization!
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Religion is what people do when they are not Spiritually transformed; redeemed; renewed. One is either christianized, or metamorphosized ; people either pimp YHVH, or enter a deeply personal and intimate (marriage–level) relationship. Religion is summed up primarily in church attendance (the glue of religious adherence); in rites, rituals, bible studies, holidays, tradition and so on; outward stuff. Religion businesses are just mirrors of their own particular enculturation productions, with the sin of monetization itself, defining and shaping them. The sin of usury was just one manifestation of the sin of monetization.
Consequently, Messiah Yeshua had/has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the organized religions of the world, and especially of Satan's church businesses, the darkness of them all, being the farthest in time from His Cross, protestantism; and, the newest and most sinister from among their sin sects, americanized evangelicalism; the bigger players in Satan's end–time events; the most sinister of the anti-Messiahs that will exist from among all of Christendom.
Conversely, for an individual to surrender unconditionally unto the supreme, eternal, and actual Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die to this life (pride–ego–emotion mostly, and all earthly dreams, just for starters), and are subsequently (and only then) reborn or born again; only these few individuals will traverse or pass (Matthew Seven's ) Narrow Way into the Kingdom of Heaven: The christianized will not; they will remain as they were; on Broadway!
This seeming shock on their Judgment Day is palpable in the text, as they learn, and for the first time, that Romans Road is not The Way! For the masses of humanity, their Judgment Day is just a formality; they have been seared minded , as if it were with a hot iron that is used to seal their doom as the walking dead, holding them captivate within their pride–ego–emotion, which are their only compass and core and barometer of this (and all of) life.
The Xians of Religianity are the lost among the lost; that is, they actually think they are Heaven bound based upon self–beliefs; they think that Romans Road is Narrow Way: It is not! But they cannot see this truth, otherwise the prophecies about them in Matthew Seven would not come to pass, and we the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH , know they all will.
Simply put, they cannot (and will not) humble themselves and learn about Messiah Yeshua, because they think they are "the saved" who are reaching "the lost", oblivious to the fact that they too are lost: But their pride–ego–emotion prevents them; they cannot (and will not) swallow even a pound of the megatons of pride that will assuredly sink them.
Messiah Yeshua clearly opposed all organized religion ― it is what got Him crucified ― as well as the monetary systems (the Romans at that time/place ) that corrupted everything and everyone. But the blind followers of their enculturation, cannot see past what is in front of them; they cannot see the past, present and future as one time; they cannot see all of humanity forever, as one creation of our supreme Creator. They are like their primate cousins: fearful and paranoid, territorial and adversarial.
The reason why the cult's of politics differs little from the cult's of religion, centers around Satan's people, using them to create division among the human family, thus exposing the sin–evil that defines them. I call these people, the Gullibles! The most recent and fully publicized satanic cult event known to humankind, was the politics of Satan's favorite nation; the U.S. The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH got a front row seat to one of the most famous of Satan's political cults.
It was painfully obvious to anyone, even near unto the Messianic Cross (and of course to everyone under it); how a ruthless capitalist criminal with a God–Complex , not only managed to stay out of prison, but then it all degraded even further, to the point that such a person could be elected President. The unimaginable gullibility of this entire fiasco is compound evidence that we are now deep into the Eschaton Era.
All of this brought an end to any speculation that Satan, the god of this world, was in full control of the U.S., here in the latter stages of the Eschaton Era. It was also empiricism supporting the fact that there is no Justice System, anywhere on Earth, nor anything even resembling such. It is the U.S. Judicial Industry, which is just another monetary economic production, utterly void of Just people.
This is the Epidemic of Indifference; The Pandemic of Psychopathy; this is a mass–blindness to anything even remotely Spiritual in nature. Even Atheistic Astronauts see more than any God–serving religionist! This blindness is the direct work of Satan and his trillion demon army, pushing ever harder upon the humans masses, now at their greatest numbers ever, as this unique dispensation of time declares. The gullible masses are the drones of Satan; they serve him faithfully with their very eternal souls!
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! The blindness to everything happening to the planet of YHVH, by the world of men, is staggering. The sin–evil of Satan's economics is wreaking havoc on all the YHVH systems of Earth, established millions of years ago. But it is only now that Satan's humans have degraded to the point where money is the centerpiece of the species; where the monetization of literally everything, is driving Earth to new lows ecologically.
The Car Cult alone, is fascinating in its destructive scope; it represents the single greatest lifestyle act, ever lived by the human species, with such a destructive force to all of Earth. But it is also a paradigm that helps to expose the Elect of YHVH from the bulk of the humans species that are devout consumers, money servants, and driven by pride–ego–emotion in all things.
¶ The Americanization Christianization!
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To those who are the devotees of Satan's Cult of Politics, everything has some political root or background to it. Politics is raw pure evil, but those who are Spiritually blind and oblivious to almost everything, cannot do anything else but to follow those before them and in front of them. They are the automaton drones of their culture; they have few if any original thoughts or any useful critical thinking skills.
These people simply cannot process any input data without first running it through the narrow filter of adversarial politics. In modern times, the devotion to the religion of politics almost rivals that of the religions of old. When a person comments about anything, it is always from one side of the political spectrum or another.
All three of Satan's (Earth) trinity of destruction (Economics; Politics; Religion) has much blood on it. In the numbers game, Satan's religion is number one, and then politics; but soon politics will surpass it, as the new religion of politics takes hold to bring about the final course of the latter stages of the prophetic Eschaton Era.
Economics is involved in all of it; money is indeed the root of all evil, and those who accept the sin–evil of Satan, love money, and/or want money, and/or justify the money system. This oblivion to all all that was presented to them in their youth, (unfortunately) becomes to sum of their entire world. They never gain the ability to transcend their Enculturation. Everyone under the Messianic Cross, completely transcends their enculturation, and even some secularists can see bits beyond it.
Without the natural challenges of corporeal life, humans can get very spoiled; modernity has exposed this root very well. Most Nations that have vast monetary wealth, also have some of the most spoiled people on Earth. When a person can simply learn some procedure that allots them large sums of money (i.e. most of modern economics), they do not have to face the challenges that shaped our species, and was a major part of the design paradigm.
By removing the necessity for physical Labor, the naturally lazy human, will slide into a proverbial rabbit hole of selfishness, greed, and then self–importance; they become indifferent to those without the same resources. Also, they will collectively accept superficial judgementalism; economic inequality; racism and bigotry on every level. Ironically, those who judge others superficially (e.g. looking down on the poor), will criticize those who are (say) racial bigots, oblivious to the fact that turning a nose up to anyone, who is not them, is equally bigoted: The not–like–me people are opposed with similar fervor.
When an entire Nation (indeed a continent) is filled with lots of spoiled people, things will get ugly. Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit bringing Love (the only Love source) into these masses of people, their Loveless (indifferent) state will make them careless, and thus, only Fake Caring prevails; a caring that is set by social acceptability. And that can vary based on many variables. Love has only one variable! Love cares for everyone as ones self, equally and always; there are no levels of care!
The anti-Messianic religious, hunger to be worldly, and so much that they have managed to make so much heresy and hypocrisy, seem scriptural. Because they do not actually, truly, know Messiah Yeshua at all, much less intimately as a Spouse, they have only the words in their talisman bibles to hold up like the idols they truly represent in their lives. Christian hate is anti-Messianic and a hypocrisy at its most comprehensive level.
They are pride–conquered and demonic in every possible way, and actually act demonic as they pridefully proclaim that their bible is their god character. Their pulpit pride stage shows would actually scare the apostles, if they could be transported in time (from the 1st century) to the Eschaton Era.
In fact, the greatest evidence of scriptural truth can be measured by the denial of the masses of christianized churched people, living anti-Messianic lifestyles; the prophetic Matthew Seven Christians, here among us in the Eschaton Era (Matt 7 ).
The westernized–monetized–industrialized, will read from the church notes (epistles) as if they were the Ten Commandments of YHVH, parroting over and over again, this one line from their bibles as justification: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2Ti 3:16–17) .
This is a statement that I actually live by, whereas, the westernized–monetized–industrialized, merely attach it to the end of their heresies, to add an air of authority to their scripture twisting, as they pimp their god for a tithe/tax/cut of Mammon to avoid Labor and a simple life.
Of course, every disciple of Messiah Yeshua knows that when this epistle was written, the actual New Testament as a bible, was still many decades away, and neither the author nor those the letter was intended for and destined to, ever knew during their lifetimes, that there would ever even be, a New Testament. This was only in reference to the Tanakh , but the logic is applicable to those who demonstrate a lifestyle that mimics the Master.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit inspires me to write, in the exact same way and for the exact same reason, as the Holy Spirit inspired any other human being on Earth forever. But those who exploit the bible and/or religion, via the monetization of God, truly exposes their motives for personal involvement (Matt 12 :31–34).
Life on Earth has moved well into the Eschaton Era, with a summary of life itself, being little more than a power show of the egocentric, power drunk, narcissistic, hierarchical wealth–class, playing their own personal Game of Thrones ; those power trip games, both small and large, with the rest of us, merely their collateral damage; the masses being nothing more than their audience; their subjects; their subordinates ; yes, even their customers.
After all, one cannot be a lord without subjects (or objects) to lord over! The rich/powerful live only to serve the rich/powerful, as they are privileged, measured in USD increments. but wealth hoarding is itself, symptomatic (and evidence) of Spiritual depravity. This is a moral decay that must and will lead to extreme ethical compromises, via the cognitive dissonance, which itself often leads to substance abuse, consumerism, conspicuous consumption , and more.
These inherited traditions of westernization ― summed up in hierarchy and class and possible only with a global monetary system ― has been a copy–mimic–parrot act, by the monkey–see–monkey–do masses, which continue to support morbidly corrupted power systems. Westernization has Satan's fingerprints all over it!
These corruptions were built off the backs of the masses, via outright slavery, or just via a tithe or taxes or profits, all of which is the sin of usury; labor–free ill–gotten gain via the hands–in–the–pie, build–nothing, make–nothing, do–nothing, money–loving, money–servants (Luke 16 :13–15).
But these injustices ― all of which were/are instigated by the attorney–class in concert with their politician bedfellows ― will be destroyed, but only upon the return of The King, Messiah Yeshua, and not one day before Him. However, if YHVH decides that earthlings are not worth the effort, we will assuredly implode and become extinct in a mere blink of geological time.
The human brain alone is utterly incapable of YHVH–Love. The very purpose of the Indwelling Holy Spirit was to bring Love into us, for the very first time; it is YHVH–Love, which is our true power, but as we witnessed with our Master and true King, Messiah Yeshua, crucified as an innocent, such Love will not protect us from being the targets of injustice and abuse by the bully militants of the money hoarding financial dominion: They will not learn the error of their ways, until long into their eternal blackness of darkness, the Abyss.
Satan's COP productions actually includes teachings that imply their sheeple must mindlessly comply with evil people and their collective institutions, based upon theological soundbites that leave their simpleton drones of blind Enculturation , willingly falling into line with it. But of course, their ultimate motives for keeping human hierarchies socially acceptable is due to the fact that they exploit them for their own Mammon hoarding power–centric directives; the hands–in–the–pie taker, monetized tithe/tax/cut, exploited as their weapon.
¶ Fake Christianity; Fake Love; Fake Caring!
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Why do the westernized–monetized–industrialized people, fake noble ideals? For the same reason all other humans do: Because they see noble concepts in scripture, and also (mostly) in pop culture media productions, and they like the emotional impact of (either) being a hero, or a victim turned survivor, as such pop–culture themes saturate all media. There are people who live in Spiritual blindness, but who eventually learn some of the Spiritual fruits.
How? Study the eye blind person (Matt 15 ): After all, a sighted actor can play a blind person. But another major reason they fake noble attributes, is because they are Monetizers . They are pretending to care so that you will return with more money to give them.
How many times, here in the Eschaton Era, do we hear/read these parroted words? We are like family! Ironically, not even 1% of the human race occupying the entire westernized–monetized–industrialized world (and esp. the US, the most Spiritually corrupt nation on Earth forever), will for one second cradle to grave, have so much as a conceptualization of what the word Family even means or represents.
But then, this is a sign of the Eschaton Era itself; people who are as far from the Cross of Messiah Yeshua, as any human being to exist on Earth forever, acting as if they are a part of the Family of Elohim (Matt 12 :31–34). Thus, they fake everything that is noble, as a facade or a mask of their true Spiritual status. They are Spiritually blind, and as such, cannot know it.
Time, patience and caring, and a hearty education from those with eyesight, can aid the eye blinded with tasks that would seem improbable for those of us with normal vision. When on a city bus in Denver, a small group of legally blind people boarded the bus I was on. They all used their guide canes to board, pay fare, and sit on that bus.
Impressed, I asked one person where they are able to go on city buses, and they all took turns to educate me on how the eye blind navigate the greater Denver metro, on the Metro! What a blessing it was to make contact with these people, and for me to learn about this.
Even those who remain Spiritually blind, if given enough training by the Spiritually sighted, can learn much, even though they are in fact, still Spiritually blind. Obviously, they cannot learn anything on their own; they have to be guided in every way by the Spiritually sighted (Gal 6 ), but there are multitude examples of impressive amounts of Spiritual truth and wisdom, being posited by the (otherwise) Spiritually blinded masses.
To clarify; I do not know and cannot know, who will end up in the Kingdom of Heaven, when this Earth experiment comes to its fiery end. In the meantime, I must give much grace to all, except of course, the religionists (the YHVH Monetizers ) who unabashedly defraud my Master, Messiah Yeshua; YHVH our Father in Heaven. It is those I am duty bound to expose (Eph 5 ), just as my Master demonstrated during much of His Earth life, in His many religionist confrontations.
I read or hear of all the trauma drama that goes on inside of Satan's many church businesses, and to the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, armed with Spiritual eyes and ears, it all sounds notoriously like the worldly. And indeed it is, because as our Master and actual Lord said: The tree is known by the fruit it bears.
I say it differently: We are what we do, and no more! Our lives are but the sum of our actions (and inaction), and in no way, the sum of what we think/say or believe about ourselves. Most humans are self–deluded, with the many social masks as empirical to that fact.
Consumerism itself, is one of many outward (though unrecognized) pleas of desperation, which the masses divulge as they scratch and clamor to stay just above the sinking sand of their fake lives (Matt 7 :15–27). When materialism and entertainment fails, they will turn to other more potent forms of anesthesia, to numb them from the cognitive dissonance that haunts their corporeality. Other desperate pleas are substance abuse, which would include anything that has short or long–term impacts on the Temple .
People have always been attempting to use fake things to represent real things (e.g. money is fake; food and homes are real). We know that Satan (exploiting human pride–ego–emotion) tempts people with power, prestige, wealth, and so on; every young disciple who intensely studied the life of the Master, Messiah Yeshua, understands the implications of the Great Temptation , not to mention the times Messiah Yeshua taught outright about the supreme tempter (indeed the bible ). But the vast majority of people ― and why it is called Broadway, versus Narrow Way ― prefer the darkness they had always inhabited.
They may like some of the things associated within the social or cultural christianization process (especially as yet another venue for their pride–centric emotion driven world); however, they have no intentions of walking away from a sure thing represented in this life (Matt 19 ); after all, this life is certain (we are in it now), but this afterlife thing? Bodily resurrection? Who really knows, right?
So, I will (metaphorically) keep my feet in the pool, just in case: Fake Faith! And YHVH knows it; YHVH knows all, and always. Therefore, those with real, living, tangible, lifestyle exhibited Faith, are far more concerned with the Eye of The Lord, than they ever are, of what other humans see of them. What we do, in public or in private, with no one knowing, except YHVH; that is all we Saints care about.
But the fake Faith kind; they do not really truly believe, and so they are always concerned or even conquered by what other humans see them do, or not do. The YHVH Monetizers and their church businesses, provide needed justifications for Faithless living, and do so for (yep) a tithe of money. Motives revealed! Money obsession is a sign of demonic influences.
Consequently, these part timers never take the full plunge; they never get soaked in the sum; they merely dabble around the edges, but eventually the neverending calls from the darkness draw them back into it: And money is the single most powerful lure of Satan; and if you want it, you love it! Does your daily lifestyle choices expose your devote intent to need as little money as possible? Or is it centered on more more more?
In fact, money–hunger itself, is a rather large Broadway road sign that a person has acquiesced to an anti-Messianic life and lifestyle. All money dependent Rabbi's of religion must and will, water down the Scriptures, whenever the light gets too bright in their corner of corporeality.
But their messages are clear (and in this case); that it is acceptable to be a money servant, so long as you do not love the money. But anyone can fool themselves into believing that they do not love it; that is the trap. But scripture is referred to as the two edged sword for just this reason; for some it will be used to change how they think and live, but for the vast majority, it will be employed to exploit other humans to avoid labor and Simple living.
Thus, they must justify gain as righteous, and actually adulterate the scriptures to do so. Church attendance is the enabling and collaborating with such gainsayers and money dependents, of whom we, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, withdraw ourselves from and expose as frauds. The tradition of religion is powerful indeed, and why Messiah Yeshua confronted the issue with the pharisaic.
If anyone teaches otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Messiah Yeshua and to His doctrine, which is according to righteousness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strife's of words, whereof comes envy, strife, railings, evil surmising, perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is righteous; from such withdraw yourself. But Messiah–likeness with contentment is great gain! For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out. Thus, having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
But those that want to be rich, fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil; which, while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of Elohim, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, piety, faith, Love, patience, and meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto you are also called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses. (1Ti 6:3–12) {cf. 1Th 4 :7–12}
This I say therefore, and testify in The Lord that you henceforth walk, not as Gentiles and others walk: in the vanity of their mind; having their understanding darkened; being alienated from the life of Elohim through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart. These, being past feeling, have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you have not so learned Messiah, if it is so that you have heard Him, and have been taught by Him, as all truth is in Messiah Yeshua; that you put off, concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the Spirit, in your mind, and that you put on the new man, which after Elohim, is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Therefore, putting away lying, everyone speak truth to your neighbor. For we are members, one of another. Be angry, but sin not! Let not the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole, steal no more, but rather, let him labor, working with his hands the things that are good, even so that he may have extra to give to those in need. (Eph 4:17–28) {cf. Psa 4 :4}
¶ Spiritual Transformation Versus Cultural Conformation & Religious Reformation!
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The implication is clear, but, only to those with Spiritual eyes/ears. We only need food, shelter and clothing; however, those still in darkness cannot see, but only what they want to see/hear; these Rabbi's of religion must and will, brew a concoction of Scriptures (what I published in the nineteen nineties as soundbite theology ; a product of Bibliolatry ), which they need, and thus, must repeatedly point out (2Ti 3 :16–17); that all Scripture is all equally inspired and thus, it is all equally YHVH Speak: It is not!
In fact, only what exited the physical mouth of Messiah Yeshua, Himself, is actual YHVH–Speak (or Godspeak as used by the religionists); this is an overflowing reality unto all of us who are His actual (Messianic) disciples. For the westernized–monetized–industrialized religionists (the fakers takers moneymakers); they think the bible itself is god.
However, this deception is because they have no personal relationship with YHVH. Therefore, they exploit god/religion/bible, for personal gains (e.g. an entourage of mammon sharers). But what is so ironic about all of this, is what precedes it (all of 2 Timothy , but specifically):
Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous ; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disrespectful to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent ; fierce ; despisers of those that are good; traitors ; headstrong ; aristocratic ; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. {cf. Rom 1 ; James 5 }
Now, as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth; men of corrupt minds and reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto everyone, as theirs also was. But you have fully known my teaching, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, persecutions, and afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, but out of them all, The Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live righteous in Messiah Yeshua shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
But you; continue in the things that you have learned and have been assured of, knowing of whom you have learned them. And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Messiah Yeshua. All scripture was given by inspiration of Elohim, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the people of Elohim may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2Ti 3:1–17) {cf. Rev 21 :8}
For if you love them that love you, what thanks have you? For sinners also love those that love them. And if you do good to them that do good to you, what thanks have you? For sinners also do even the same. And if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thanks have you? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But you: Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the children of the Highest! For He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. You be merciful therefore, as your Father also is merciful.
Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal, it shall be measured to you again. And He spoke a parable unto them: Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his Master: But everyone that is perfect shall be as his Master. (Luke 6:32–40)
Yeshua turned unto His disciples and said privately: Blessed are the eyes that see the things that you see: For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which you see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear, and have not heard them. Behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted Him , saying: Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him: What is written in the law? How do you read it? And he answering said: You shall Love Adonai your Elohim with all your heart, with all your Soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself! Yeshua said unto him: You have answered right: These do, and you shall live! But he, willing to justify himself , said unto Yeshua: And who is my neighbor? Yeshua answered and said:
A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite , when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan , as he journeyed, came where he was; but when he saw him he had compassion on him, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an Inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him: Take care of him, and whatsoever you spend more, when I come again, I will repay you! Which now, of these three, do you think was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said: He that showed mercy on him! Then said Yeshua unto him: Go and do likewise! (Luke 10:23–37)
The very point of this (and indeed all parables) was that those, chosen to become disciples of Messiah Yeshua; those with Spiritual eyes/ears; the (past; present; future) Elect of YHVH; they/we understood (or will understand) the victim of the theft crime here, represents the entire human race; any one of us. The good Samaritan acted out Love unto a complete stranger, for Love is a verb, not an emotion or a sentiment.
Neighbor is obviously not about proximity or geographic location or nationality or ethnicity; it is a recognition that YHVH created all humanity, and that was vital because Messiah Yeshua was about to be crucified for all of us (John 3 :16–18; Gal 3 :27–28; Acts 17 :24–28). True belief is seen via action and inaction; our lifestyle, not our words alone; what self believes versus beliefs about self.
But religious delusions, allow the pharisaic Law-lords of every time–culture, to formulate religious (and even civil) laws and doctrines, rules and directives, which they can market for a tithe/tax/cut, to their equally blinded adherents (Matt 15 ). Religions themselves, are a distraction from these realities (the opiate of the masses indeed); the state of Spiritual blindness perpetuated, twisted and refined; christianity itself is a distraction from the Messianic Cross!
It (and them) exist as the weapons of Satan to deceive the masses; to generate wants that once did not exist; to tease the mind–heart–Soul with power and control, which degraded into the Eschaton Era life you/I are now a witness to: Authoritarianism, hierarchy, dominion, blind followship, class systems, bigotry of all kinds, the wanton monetization of everything and everyone, and so on. Neighbor hating is fully justified! Evil is now good .
For the Christianized here in the Eschaton Era, they have barely any trace of Messianic doctrine left in their scriptural conclusions or theology's. Establishing an official religion that will be politically defended (as it was in the 1st century), are among that ever–growing pile of fruit–evidence. There will be no future resurrected Saints who will participate in Satan's heinously evil politics; indeed, all Saints oppose and expose these sin–evils; it will be this exposition that will result in the persecution of Messianic disciples, by the Christianized, among others.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the Elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then, if anyone shall say unto you: Lo, here or there is the Messiah! Believe it not. For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false prophets, who shall show many signs and wonders, inasmuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very Elect! (Matt 24:22–24)
Some who are leaning away from Satan's religions, especially Christendom, will be further deceived by Satan, by parallel ideals and terminologies, designed to keep them away from the Messianic Cross. But this also serves the Elect of YHVH, because the only reason why someone would accept any of the tenants of Christendom, is because it is deep into the world of men, via money and the unHoly Mammon system, now fully normalized.
We see these subtle compromises with the Christianized who try to incorporate Messiah Yeshua into their sinister religion businesses and/or market productions. Jesus Christ is an avatar and a theological meme. We, as the Elect of YHVH, know this by how those who proclaim this name, live their lifestyles. We watch the tree fruit, we never consider only their words.
Just for one simple example (among hundreds), no one who is even near unto the Messianic Cross, can or does, participate in the Car Cult , the most dangerous thing any individual can volition to do. The very first tenant of YHVH Love is: Do No Harm! Cars are stunningly harmful. But, they have been normalized. And as such, those who are more concerned with fitting into the world, will acquiesce to them. They are not compelled by YHVH Love, even in the least. This is both a sign and a symptom.
There are those who proclaim Yeshua as The Messiah; the Christos or Anointed One, but who also acquiesce to the world, via the religions with the most money; Christendom! But it was just such a compromise that Yeshua Messiah warns His disciples (past; present; future), that is the fruit to be looking for.
The Spiritually dead masses, religious or not, are deeply focused on the temporal; on all the things important in this life; yea on money! They are consumed with the hoarding of it, the protections for it, or the investment in it; they put on this open display to all with Spiritual sight, but are oblivious to doing so.
They are Spiritually blinded, which also reveals itself in a blind acceptance of the status quo, whatever that is. But whatever most people are doing, which is destructive in any way; this is what sin–evil looks like. But what extreme sin–evil looks like, can only be seen in religions that closely resemble the Messianic Cross.
This is only Christendom, and many therein, knowingly or unwittingly, work with Satan to deceive the Elect of YHVH by posing as one. We see this degradation, here in the Eschaton Era, where Satan's political forces are once again taking the power away from the citizens, and concentrating it among the wealth-class. It is the same demons who oppressed the political in every other human generation that are manipulating the same people–type now in our generation.
At the same time all this is happening on the political stage, Satan's Religion types are wearing Messianic masks, by incorporating Messianic terminology, and giving money to Messianic ministry's, and supporting Messianic Jews in Israel. Unfortunately, most Messianic Jews have swallowed whole, the same proverbial Kool–Aid that former generations did, when they stood with the Pharisees and the Roman Federal Government against Messiah Yeshua and His disciples.
All human sin was atoned for upon the Messianic Cross. There is no laundry list of things humans do that separates the evil ones from the Elect of YHVH; that fruit on the tree for all to see, is the compilation of lifestyle choices, which either protect, or harm, the property of YHVH: Earth! Adonai our Elohim, created a garden world, filled with the animal kingdom. Satan's human masses, exhausted themselves in the desperate effort to destroy it all; to burn–burn–burn until there is nothing left to burn.
¶ The Incorporeal Self: The Hollow Men!
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This (Earth) life is just the character test; think of it like a staging area (if you will) to watch Soul awakened (Gen 2 :7), volitional, self–aware, intelligent beings; to record stats and then judge, in the end, who will be worthy of an eternal service gig with YHVH as ones "Employer."
Simple put, if you cannot demonstrate satisfactorily unto your now–observing Maker, during this blink–of–a–blink of life–time, we call life on Earth, how or why would you live entirely different upon a virgin planet, in a body that will not age and cannot die, with the power to traverse spacetime? If you yoke with other destroyers now, you would be a destroyer of worlds. There is a safe place for such people: The Abyss! Darkness !
This very life itself, is a platform for humans to prove that a trustworthiness unto YHVH–Love, and from that Love core, to care for all living beings within your sphere of influence or impact; how then, can YHVH place your immortal Soul into another corporeal body that is incapable of ever dying, and placed upon yet another one of billions planets readied for habitation? (John 14 :1–4) Could you imagine hoards of these kind, on any planet, and forever? Horrifying! That would be a true Hell Planet!
Earth will be rendered destitute by (a comparatively small number of) humans that only live, at most a century; imagine how much death and destruction they would demonstrate over a billion centuries! That is why these people will not (indeed cannot) be resurrected corporeally. They are hollow; Spiritual vacuity is all they are (Rom 9 ).
Obviously, a physical resurrection would have to occur on a planet, because outer space is uninhabitable and useless for corporeal life forms, as we know them. And most people think it is merciless for our Creator to park evil Souls in the Abyss; extreme outer Darkness .
But in fact, it is an act of mercy, intended to protect the innocent from the takers; the pacifists from the predators. We know that pedophiles hate the public shame, and the social restrictions imposed upon them, and prison time; but in Love we must act for the welfare of innocents first. Sorry dudes!
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are the only made innocent humans apart from actual children (Matt 18 ; Mark 10 ). But we all must understand predestination thoroughly; each individual has an eternal Soul; deep deep inside that Soul consciousness, is some level of awareness that they are Spiritually bankrupt and thus eternally doomed, (pre) destined to float in the empty vacuum of deep deep outer space, seemingly forever.
Given this awareness, even if it is not a fully conscious awareness, this destined future reality, greatly impacts their Earth life. It explains why so many people are so seemingly hell bent on being gods and lords, bossy bosses, and general control freaks, during their Earth life: Deep down inside, their mind somehow knows that this will be their one and only chance to play god (John 8 :44–45).
And yet, this is a classic Satan trait; the god of this world who hunger lusted for power, and was cast out by YHVH, for that very reason. We witness this god complex in the bulk of humanity (to greater or lesser degrees); those on Broadway, who will thus exploit whatever opportunities their personal enculturation products allow them, for power over others now; this is witnessed in the secular and the religious realm, because it is a human trait. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
¶ Why Law Of Love Violators Obey Human Written Laws!
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Bibliolatry was exactly what the Pharisees were doing with the scriptures when Messiah Yeshua came on the scene (and what the pharisaic are still doing with bibles): They were creating or perpetuating, dens of thieves, by the YHVH Monetizers , so they would not have to do all the heavy lifting (Matt 23 ).
They joined forces with the attorney–class and collaborated with them, and their lawmaker politicians, and thus with their law enforcers, so they could exploit Satan's culturally accepted monetary systems, wherein everything (like today) revolved around money.
To this day, the anti Messianic religious humans are devoted to keeping human written laws, but live in polar opposition daily, to The Law of YHVH: Unconditional Love for all! The Eschaton Era is ripe with patriotic christians: Anathema! The pinnacle of evil indeed; however, until their Soul is prepared for Heaven by Ruach HaKodesh, they will remain in the pride bath of blind Enculturation and utterly oblivious to such eternal truths.
Pride (not sin) is the great barrier between humans, and the Messianic Cross. The further people move away from the Messianic Cross, the thicker the pride gets. Once they are past the point of no return ― which will happen to the bulk of humanity who move intently and quickly along Broadway ― pride then becomes one of the larger badges of that Soulless egocentrism.
We witness this within nationalism and/or patriotism; the pride that people hold for the land they randomly were born upon. And even though their ancestors likely took that land, owned exclusively by YHVH, by military/monetary force, from another group of humans, for whom Messiah Yeshua died upon the Messianic Cross for as well, they take pride in all of that: It is pride in pride! Anathema!
But of course all the land of Earth ― indeed all the planets in the Cosmos ― belong only to YHVH, and thus, it is only temporary; the Elect of YHVH steward it, but Satan's people lord it over others, by economic/military force. This is done by some of the most evil humans out of the sum of our species. And then, these Satan servants praise god for it! The god of this evil world that is: Satan! God is Satan! This is the supreme anathema; the maxim of all possible sin–evil! Dominators and powermongers are the most evil humans out of all humanity. Capitalism itself is (metaphorically) the final nail in the coffin of Satan's death to Earth!
All manifestations of controlism and power–hunger are among the fruit–evidences of heavy demonic oppression. The most important factor of including the Book of Acts was in its root beginnings of chapters 1 through 5. The exhibition of lifestyle change was the main theme; the death of ownerism and the control over earthly things was (and still is) at the root and the beginning of true Spiritual transformation. Love is generosity and sharing; hate/evil is dominating and controlling; hoarding money/land/things is just an act of fear, but perfect Love casts out all fear!
The base, cannibalistic, parasitic, carnal–primal humans, lived in fear and paranoia. But once the species reached a state of development, wherein they could transcend the animal–man, YHVH breathed Spiritual life into humans; a Soul; the Genesis! The Elect of YHVH know that YHVH is Love and the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH; that YHVH–Love becomes us and we become Love in that yoke: John Seventeen summarized. From that epoch forward, we are new creations; the old man dies indeed (2Co 5 ).
The carnal–primal human masses, living in their god Satan's fully controlled world, remain like him; they hunger–lust for power, in whatever form they can gain, based on life–circumstances. Without Spiritual sight, they remain blinded to the Spiritual realm and become or remain unbelievers; they are as the Sadducees who did not believe in an afterlife or resurrection; they were the first public Atheists (Acts 23 :8). All religious people are as the Sadducees, but the Christians are also like the Pharisees (Matt 16 ).
Messiah Yeshua said: It is finished! The works of YHVH was to change dramatically, from interacting supernaturally to impact human movements (see the Tanakh ), to ending all supernatural activities and interventions, as the Holy Spirit in the world, would also become the Holy Spirit in us: Ruach HaKodesh! The Elect of YHVH are the only Temple of YHVH. From the Messianic Ascension, forward in time, YHVH works only through the Elect of YHVH. Satan remains the god of this world; the World of the human masses who perform Satan's desires. Satan the Great Thief, came only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10 ): Messiah Yeshua, via His Love–led humans, are the salt and light (Matt 5 ).
Earth is now mostly a Satan–designed planet; his human masses have greatly altered the YHVH–creation into a fully human–centered world. Mammon service made all of this possible. Most of the human–dominated parts of Earth are polluted and abused, and degraded to the point that all that was there, before Satan's people took over, is gone. All humans with even a pip of Celestial Light can recognize this (Mark 12 ); however, the bulk of humanity will live/die blinded, trapped in the darkness of Spiritual depravity, which is what causes the fear/paranoia and hunger–lust for power. And that degrades into self-superiority and then self-righteousness.
This is part History; in Feudal Europe's landed gentry (landlordism), and continuing today in many sibling concepts such as anarcho–capitalism (I got mine, to hell with you! ). These are the anti-Messianic results of the Satan–controlled world, where his greatest success was/is social stratification , witnessed in more recent history in social class in the UK . All this was/is caused by the Monetizers who, driven by the hunger–lust for power and control over others, metastasized globally, spreading this disease, but making it seem righteous by cloaking its evil in religious garb. All religious evangelism was just a precursor to justified genocide, the greatest being the Americans .
This open and unabashed display of controlism and dominionship, is actually twisted around, by Satan, through the humans who serve Satan, to make it look as though that pride in a place (i.e. carnal–primal territorialism), is somehow good and noble and honorable; they even get emotional in these sinister moments of patriotic displays. It is heightened emotionalism that seemingly grants it validity.
But such an exhibition only cements the fact they will live and die, oblivious to YHVH–Love, and all the sub sets of Love, such as honor, duty, loyalty, respect, service, and unselfishness. YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!! Again, it is pride in pride! It is ego masturbation from Satan that humans love to experience emotionally, and even return for more.
It is the monkey–see–monkey–do lifestyles of the westernized–monetized–industrialized, which is that fruit on the tree for all who can see; the evidence of the lost sheep who mindlessly live lives and lifestyles, as cultural drones and automatons; base, and thus driven by fear and paranoia, and helplessly trapped in cultural mimesis (think Car Cult , Gun Cult, gross consumerism, etc.). Their entire world is not universal and eternal; it is small and very much ape like.
The human masses live this way, not only to avoid Labor by the sweat of their own brows and the calluses of their hands, but also to gain earthly power via their monetary hoardings, which they could use to pay the militant class (their blood–lusting enforcers), to enforce their Satan–inspired, human–written laws and rules. They are no longer kings; today we call them politicians, who seek power themselves, and are led the wealth–mongers who pull their puppet strings.
This power over other humans was/is titillating; it was (and still is) the pinnacle of temptation, but only possible via a monetary {$} system, accepted by all. But the monetization of everything and everyone, is necessary to bring about all end–time prophesies, which only those of The Way can see coming, and even now.
If everyone simply grew all their own food needs, and built their own shelters, and made all their own clothing, and lived a simple and peaceful life, what need of money would there be? Well I can assure you, the money lovers have a long list of intricate (self) justifications for its presence in this world.
However, you must know this: YHVH will not allow money or any such monetary system, to exist on any other planet, at any other time, forever. We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, will be the only beings from Earth, which will be resurrected bodily, and then employed by YHVH to assure this never happens again.
Lifestyle is the proof of what one believes; not what is said or thought: The westernized–monetized–industrialized are not believers, they are the blindly enculturated followers of the money dependent religionists, and nothing more.
Pride is the great wall that even YHVH will not attempt to traverse. Volition is indeed, our superpower. The freedom hungry will be granted complete freedom, as they float aimlessly in the vacuum of empty space, forever, continuing as the gods of their own fate, and never once having to be a servant of a Master.
The devil, and all entities (humans or demons) who copy Satan's directives, and for any who get sucked into his many temptation paradigms, almost all of which center around money; these bodiless entities will be cast into outer Darkness ; left unresurrected (a bodiless incorporeal Soul–consciousness), they will forever be kept far from any/all planets.
We know that character is what transfers into the eternal, due to how Messiah Yeshua described it, though in His classic parable style (Matt 7 :21–23): Lord, Lord, have we not, done this and that, in Your Name? Then frantically listing off the many ritualistic productions of their religion. They actually believe that it is salvation by religious consumerism or by association.
On this their Day of Judgment ― the only seconds of their eternality when they are actually in the presence of Messiah Yeshua ― as they are freed from the confines of a human body and brain and its mammalian emotions and delusions and self-justifications, they still express a denial of their eternal fate, because they were religious adherents and proudly devoted to their church–business brand, and their bible talisman and their theological theme spin: Bibliolatry !
They are still not yet comprehending Lordship itself, nor the entire spouse–level personal intimate daily–dying relationship aspect of Salvation. A few billion years to ponder it might work, but the lesson here is the overwhelming power of pride; the fact that personality (the facade) will die with the brain; the lies and self–delusions will eventually fade into nothingness; but their character, witnessed via action and inaction now, will continue with them (with all of us) into the eternal realm of spacetime . We Are What We Do And No More !!
This Earth experiment, initiated by YHVH but (allowed to be) taken over by Satan and his trillion demon army (as part of the volition test), will come to a prophetic fiery end. The ashes of its destitute future, will be a floating–in–space reminder of sin–evil and its consequences; when volitionally super–powered human beings refuse to live under a Lordship; the actual Lordship of YHVH, as expressed here on Earth by Messiah Yeshua! This life is a staged test to see what you will do with the proverbial cards you are dealt. Cheaters always turn to money–power (Pro 30 :7–9).
¶ Jesus Christ: Caricature of Christendom Vs Messiah Yeshua: Salvation From Religion!
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These are two paintings side by side: the handsome blue eyed White Jesus Christ caricature, as the artist rendered mascot or avatar of their religion production, painted by the westernized–monetized–industrialized; Jesus Christ is the meme of the capitalistic, consumerist, money–serving, westernized Whites. Next to that painting is Messiah Yeshua in an archaeological rendering , based upon evidence of what He probably looked like when compared to others of that place–time.
We disciples of Messiah Yeshua know that our Master was not outstanding; He was average in every way (Isa 53 :1–3; Phl 2 :5–8). Most women today would simply ignore Him; and they do! After all, Messiah Yeshua was a brown–skinned homeless Jewish construction worker with no earthly assets.
We know that when we read modern English translations, the name translated Jesus Christ was actually Yeshua The Messiah, and used by all until around 1625 AD. There would be nothing wrong with using Jesus Christ if it were not for the many frauds of Faith, and some brazenly evil men, who also use it, all throughout post–Messianic human history.
Confusion was (and still is) perpetrated with the idea of a counterfeit christianity, when in fact, Christendom itself, was/is the counterfeit of The Way . When the Johannine epistles were written, there were already many people who were not Spiritually transformed by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, as a consequence of unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua. As it is today, there were many religion–brands; the gods and goddesses abound.
And just like today, those who were not chosen/called/predestined, to bend the knee and come under the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, still wanted in on all the profitable bustle. We read this: They were from us, but not of us! (1Jo 2 :18–20). This was/is rather obvious, and had nothing to do with ethnicity: These were/are the anti-Messiahs ; the imitators; the earthly benefactors and profiteers; the mammon–serving money–dependents (John 18 :36–37; Acts 5 :1–5).
We learn about how those of The Way, lived via Acts (1 thru 5 specifically); communal and equal in every possible way: Genuine Family! And with no regard for genetics. But by 0099 AD, many people throughout the Middle East had learned about Messiah Yeshua, popularized especially by His supernatural miracles; they were the people in close proximity to those among The Way; the Elect of YHVH; those found daily under the Messianic Cross.
All supernatural events or acts must work in the corporeal, via natural laws: There is a scientific explanation for all of them. The issue at hand therefore, is how much science knows, even about the corporeal world; they surely do not want to know anything about the incorporeal one.
That is ironic, because the sum of the corporeal realm still only represents 1% of 1% of all that is! And so, to limit ones self to just what is happening in this life, and then just in this time, and then just in this culture, is immeasurably, infinitesimally small. It is not one grain of sand among all the beaches of Earth, it is that one grain of sand, cut into a million pieces, and then just one of those pieces!
In the 21st century, humans know far more about the corporeal world, than they did in the 1st century; far more about space; far more about the proverbial X–Files type of phenomena. Something magicians do today, would have seemed like supernatural magic in the past. Today, we know it is a trick, even though we may not always be able to explain how it is performed.
Satan (and crew) exploits whatever weakness humans reveal, be it physical (our body) or emotional (our brain). Victimism is a major product for Satan and crew; they promote or create divides, and then play both sides against one another. We see this in differing ways within each of these: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! These are soaked in division, exposing the anti-Messiahs.
The 1st century supernatural miracles were to establish the supernatural state of Messiah Yeshua, not for us to replicate for some form of Spiritual self–validation. The sin–evil of faked, manufactured or fictionalized miracles, is intended to be used as an exploitation mechanism for the YHVH–monetizers, as they pimp, prostitute, and commodify our Heavenly Father, to avoid Labor , and Simple living, and gain godly power over others.
And, it is most likely that the many small handwritten texts extracted from the Q-Source were shared in/with Koinonia . However, the monetizers of those days (as it is in these days) capitalized upon this popularity; they knew they could market this new and popular god figure for some quick and easy cash (Acts 8 ): Beware the Monetizers !
There are websites galore, which are still attempting to whitewash Messiah Yeshua: But why? Does it really matter what His skin or eye color was? Well, no, not to the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we know that we are one species (race ) created by One Creator, living on one of many created planets; all by YHVH, Creator of everything and everyone, everywhere and forevermore (1Co 11 ; Isa 49 ). All other distinctions are strictly human–centric, and will cease to exist at the end of this life experiment. Blind Enculturation is (itself) that fruit on the tree for all who can see (Matt 7 & 13).
In the meantime, we all must share this planet, which is overrun and overwhelmed by the sheer masses of humanity, who are Satan servants; temptation whores; bigots and neighbor haters; rabid consumerists ; Mammon lovers; money servants (Eph 2 :11–22; 2Co 6 :14–18; 1Pe 2 :9–12): And those among all humanity, still in Darkness , are those who mock YHVH and thus blaspheme the Holy Spirit (Matt 12 :30–34) by pretending to represent Messiah Yeshua.
Messiah Yeshua was later repackaged by the YHVH Monetizers as Jesus Christ , the mere meme of the westernized–monetized–industrialized religionists; their mascot and avatar of all their religion businesses that became incorporated, legalized, and nationalized, alongside their bible talisman: Again, study and understand the basics of the Constantinian shift ; the summary of which is simply called Christendom , which is still proselytized evangelized by the money dependent religionists.
¶ There Is A Name I Call Upon!
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To say that a name is just a name, must be rethought; meditated upon by those who currently think that it does not really matter what name we call upon. If a person is, in fact, one of those people who exploit god/religion/bible to monetize The Creator; these people are eternally doomed, if left unrepentant, and no amount of empirical data will sway them or anyone.
Without the overwhelming presence of Ruach HaKodesh, people will remain Spiritually blind; poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity; embroidered in and branded by the mark of the beast, the USD, via the sinister trap of money–hunger; this will be the ultimate undoing of the Broadway masses, and thus their eternal doom, left unrepentant.
Please, I insist; allow me to introduce you to my Master: Salvation is His name! The El of Creation; the Great I AM: YHVH! In human form, we just call Him Yeshua! Turn from anything and everything made by human hands, and raise your hands unto that which was made by the Holy Hand of YHVH! Surrender: Unconditionally!