Query with Monk of YHVH


People try to draw me into Social Media platforms to communicate, which I have (and for a decade now) already made clear I want no part of. But emails ask questions, more as a challenge to their carnal–primal world, than as a pathway to Spiritual wisdom. Still, not wanting to seem uninterested in answering, I thought it easier to make a question and answer webpage for anyone who can access it. I publish nothing private, so anyone may share freely and consider anything here as Open Source.
The world of the anti-Messiahs are shoebox thinkers; without actual critical thinking skills or original thoughts, they can only monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot, what is in their particular Enculturation box, which is 1% of 1% of our box, and it is 1% of 1% of 1% (and say that a million times more) of the Big Box of YHVH. To try to give it scale; if the average human box is a standard shoebox, this makes the box of the Elect of YHVH is the size of the Milky Way Galaxy. YHVH is immutable; immeasurable; incomprehensible; YHVH cannot technically be counted or be summarized numerically. The sum of all corporeal matter in the cosmos is still 0%!
Here are some repeated questions posed, which are of course, limited to the smallness of the time–culture we are currently in. And while truth miners ask different questions, like, what happens to us from between the week after our corporeal death and the year ten billion AD, most humans cannot think at that scale, or they just do not believe they are anything more than biological reproduction entities that have no other purpose in the eternal and vastly expansive cosmos, than that. They are likely inhuman (inhuman = unnatural; fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane). So, in sticking to that theme, here is question one:
Q: Are Messianic disciples pro life?
A: Yes! We are certainly not pro death and even implying such is insulting. But remember also; we are not Christians; they have an entirely different set of beliefs, most of which have little to do with the Messianic Cross or Messiah Yeshua. We believe in the sanctity of life, including the unborn. But we also acknowledge science ― the study and explanation of the YHVH creation ― which includes the professions of Medical Science.
So, if a Medical Professional concludes scientifically that it is wise to terminate a pregnancy, due to medical reasons, then it most certainly should be legal to do so. No Doctor should be criminalized for primum non nocere. Should late–stage or regret abortions be considered as a method of birth control? No! Be married or do not have sex; couples can take precautions such as condoms, birth control, hysterectomies and vasectomies. You know, Medical Science stuff!
There is nothing that will occur on Earth, forever, more incredible, more valuable, and more miraculous, than giving birth to a new human. I call it the ten trillion dollar act! But you see, in capitalism, where all life is reduced to the USD, and careers sought to make the USD (and the personal power that comes with it), are more valuable than human life, the subsequent notions spawn from this inhuman mentality are to be expected. But what Medical Science teaches us, is that a human fetus is not a part of the host body, like an appendix or even a tumor; there is a DNA identity that is independent of the parents; that fetus is an individual: We humans are not clones at any stage!
I use the term "host" so as to not prostitute the word mother! It has never occurred, and it will never occur, wherein a Love–driven human mother (indeed any primate) so much as entertained the thought of terminating her unborn child, and quite the opposite; they would die for them. It is for these few humane humans that we must have legal access to professional abortions, so that such women do not die for their unborn children if a Medical Professional says termination is needed to save her.
That unborn child has a Soul; some have even entertained the idea that since YHVH has foreknowledge and has seen the future already, even though it is all new to us locked in spacetime, that the angels of The Lord volunteered to be that babies Soul. I am not sure of such a thing, but understanding the deeper mercies of YHVH, I would not want to doubt it as a possibility either. If that pre born child has its own independent soul, we who serve under the Messianic Cross, will one day come to be at One with that individual, as the Family of YHVH in the many Kingdoms throughout the Cosmos.

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