¶ The Dehumanization Of Economic$!
Among the most powerful chapters ever written by humans anywhere, Luke 16 and John 17 are super powerful. The Gospels — the Messianic Doctrine — are the centerpiece of all other inspired writings by all humanity. Everyone even near unto the Messianic Cross are moved deeply and shaken to the core by them (Matt 11 & 12). We who are under the Messianic Cross daily, are shaped, driven and led by them. It is the sum of our sustenance; our Living Water and our Bread of Life! Those red letters of Scripture are the only YHVH Doctrine on Earth.
The very presence of money, has been as dehumanizing, as will any other thing or event, extant on Earth forever. It is so cripplingly depraved that anyone who cannot see it, and in an overwhelming way, are not just Spiritually blind and eternally doomed (they are assuredly that), I conclude they are far too deep into Satan's pocket, for any chance of making it out, and then under the Messianic Cross, in one human lifetime; they are the future chiefs of the Satanic world.
The very existence of money will be the downfall of the human species; the evidence to support that fact is greater than any other fact known to humankind. Everyone who lives under the Messianic Cross, knows this completely; intimately; painfully: It is like standing in the presence of a hundred suns! Money is {a} god to the bulk of humanity: If only they could serve YHVH with a fraction of the dedication they devote with/to (their god) Mammon.
Even those who are not (yet) under that Cross, can still see, at least, pieces of all that empiricism. But most humans lose their humanity; they are the inhuman masses; they will never see any of this during this life time. But one day, and for millions millennia, it will be all they know and think about.
Outer Darkness will be all the inhuman masses will see, during their forever (guesstimated to be a quarter trillion years). The wailing, weeping, cursing and gnashing, will not be physical, but psychological, and the source of it all, will be primarily from ones memories. YHVH will cause no suffering; by Love, YHVH will simply separate out the beings that are harmful to other unharmful beings, just like humans cage others proven harmful to the whole.
The dedication to money service is a sin–evil unrivaled. Most humans today believe they only exist in the Cosmos to be devout money servants; their dedication to it is complete and unwavering; they spend little of their waking existence thinking about or doing anything else that is not centered on money. Religion itself is just a monetary production. It is both enlightening and insane to be eyewitness to it; the Elect of YHVH now see prophesy unfold blatantly. The line between serving YHVH or money has never been clearer.
Satan wins his humans via the (internal) mechanisms of pride–ego–emotion, and then in that Spiritual blindness, which includes blind Enculturation , Satan uses the (external) mechanisms of money economics, and all that falls out of that; namely, government, politics, militarism, and the worst, religion.
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! But know this; Satan is not a formal name but a trait designation (e.g. accuser; adversary; corrupt; liar; evil). Satan is the head of all demons, and those demons are fallen souls that all originated from another planetary "test world" (for lack of a better description), likely in our galaxy, but which ended similarly, and long before humans even existed.
Satan is incorporeal (not physical); he and his demon hoards oppress humans; before the Ascension of Yeshua they could possess humans. They make or keep their humans small thinkers and gullible; they make humans believe that all of life centers primarily on money, and all the poison that drips from economics. They do not possess the cognitive ability to even imagine any other way to live, much less can they construct a detailed sustainable plan for such. They are eternally doomed!
Allow just one simple example among many dozens of other possible scenarios: If money did not exist, and the pathetic desperation of men to be superior to others did not exist, we all would only make what we need; there would be no need to think in terms of profits. I make (say) 100 carts for the 100 village households to use to haul things, and once everyone has one, I stop building carts and I do something else.
But, I/we are always growing food, maintaining our simple structures, and tending the natural world, because after all, it is the Handwork creation of my Lord and my Elohim, YHVH. So I am a faithful steward over those resources primarily. The main purpose of a corporeal being on a corporeal planet with limited resources, is to focus our minds and work toward protecting them. We will focus on sustainability and a healthy future for that planet. Human pride–ego–emotion will not exist; that is all an influential byproduct of planet Earth's god Satan.
So, all that you and I do, beyond tending our own homes and gardens, is whatever we are gifted to do; everyone has a gift, and a worthy one, and a needed and useful one. But Satan's morbidly corrupted systems, blind most people to what that gift is; some even believe that their gift is something within these resource–wasting economic paradigms. No no my friends, it is all accursed and exceedingly vexed!
The hunger–lust to burn–burn–burn; the passionate dedication to consume all future human's share of the non–renewable natural resources, is literally a collective insanity. People are either horrified by it, or indifferent to it; either horrified as we watch is happen, in real life, live before us, or, people are fully invested in being a part of the devastation, oblivious to the dystopia they are in and furthering. The planet–killing Car Cult is a massive global piece of empiricism. Again:
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! The Kingdoms of YHVH will be utterly void of all of these, or even a hint of any of them, for they are unimaginably accursed, and will be remembered no more, by the Elect of YHVH. But for those cast into outer Darkness , it will all represent the only source of their everlasting suffering. They will learn, only after a million years, bodiless in empty space, that their entire Earth life, was meaningless and completely wasteful. The only outward value on Earth, was Earth itself, the Handwork of YHVH, as well as the life–forms upon it, with special focus on all humans.
The inhuman masses are Loveless, and to the point of being unnatural, and thus revealed in one or more of these: fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane; immoral; unethical; carnal–primal; power–hungry; anger–ruled; greed–driven; dread–filled; superficial; indifferent; simpleton; domineering; self-righteous; hoarders (money/things). But it is the complete blindness to it all that is terrifying to think about; to know that they will remain oblivious until Judgment Day, when all facts will (only then) come flooding into their eternal consciousness, and they quickly and horrifyingly realize all things (Matt 7 ; John 3 ).
The money–loving, money–serving, money–hungry, justification–seeking masses (churched or not; educated or not), will rush through this page, hoping that the word "mammon" (ממון ) is defined as anything but money. After all, in a capitalist culture where almost everyone has sold their Souls daily unto god Dollar (Satan) for their never–enough, slice of the {$} mammon pie; they need that word to mean something else: I get it.
However, it only means money: Sorry! You might as well turn from this right now. This will be incomprehensible; unbelievable; radical; for those with too many justification one–liners preloaded, this will not be helpful, and will even be offensive toward your god, Dollar. You will not get it for millions of years from now, but eventually it will be the sum of all you will know.
In a world where everything is a commercial; where all activities are an act of commerce designed around advertising to make evermore $, the bulk of the human species are too mesmerized; too commercialized and indoctrinated to understand much of anything beyond that shoebox of blind Enculturation . The average human needs their minds expanded a hundred–fold or more; the Indwelling Holy Spirit is the only (and best) way that can/does happen. Again:
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! Mammon servants are those stumbling drunk on the cultural Kool–Aid ; the ad–fed commercialized; the media–indoctrinated; the empty–brained consumerist adult masses. They not only serve Mammon faithfully, they expect and even demand that everyone else do so as well (e.g. the Car Cult ): They believe they have to. To see another way to live on Earth escapes them. Obviously, YHVH cannot given them an eternal body and park them on another planet.
Even religion itself is the monetization of a god figure, which of course is the single greatest sin–evil on Earth forever. Yet, the masses also know (consciously or subconsciously) that they are the slaves of the evil one; that they are not the chosen ones; that they are not the Elect of YHVH . The evidence abounds in their devotion to this temporal life.
Instead, they are the YHVH–Monetizers ; they are atheistic (religious or not), and so they serve Satan daily, and thus for life, and thus forever. Their bitterness toward any and all who evade such Satan–service, is palpable, especially in money–centered cultures such as the West, which metastasized globally, as we find ourselves now deep within the Eschaton Era. Mammon Metastasis is terminal; Earth will burn because of it all. In the predestined future it has already happened; time unstoppable will reveal it; foreknowledge and predestination are one in the same.
Unfortunately, as humans become more and more dependent upon money — man's mammon versus heavenly manna — the compromises for it, also become more acute. Today, as the capitalizers (or economic opportunists) seek more market products to solicit, Messiah Yeshua gets prostituted by these money serving pimps as well. The growing 21st century Messianic market is but a byproduct of Satan's christendom of the West. Messianic themes have merged with evangelical protestantism, due to the omnipresence of the multi–billion dollar christian industry of the West, which is now an integral part of the global economy.
¶ It Is Not Freedom With Money; It Is Freedom From Money !!
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Among the most deceptive words of Satan, out of the mouth of his humans, is this: Money is not evil; it is the "love of money" that is evil. Busted! Heart condition exposed. Satan is the master of scripture–twisting and abject adulteration; this line is often spoken or written, via the human mouthpieces that are counted among Satan's masses of money–hungry followers and devoted servants of every generation. Imagine getting people as committed to the Messianic Cross as they are to money (Luke 16 ).
What we disciples, and indeed all truth miners, ever dig deeper for, is to know what the sum of the Messianic message is, rather than to be automatons and mindlessly swallow the cut and paste theology of the money–loving, money–hungry, bibliolatrous Xians of Religianity .
Bibliolatry itself is another viscous theological production of Satan and his demonic and inhuman crew. The heroin addict both loves and hates heroin; they hate the addiction but love the high; they hate themselves for being weak via the addiction, yet they seek out their drug with reckless abandon.
Money (as the drug) is the same way, producing all kinds of hatred, but masked in socioeconomic obscurities.Money was the death of true Freedom. Internally, they may dislike being money–hungry, and yet they love the power and easy living that comes with/from money, and thus, they abhor those who will not (likewise) sacrifice their Soul in its acquisition.
We are well into the Eschaton Era now, but such times are not possible without certain things to be present and predominant, and money itself is indeed, the root of all evil; therefore, it is the prime mechanism of Satan in/for the Eschaton. Just because religions, ministries and church businesses abound, does not mean that any of them have any association whatsoever with the Creator of all, Adonai Elohim (YHVH): Because they do not.
Scripture implies that the vast majority of the human species will be extremely money devoted; utterly compromised to it and corrupted for it and because of it (2Ti 3 :1–5); cold and hardhearted toward the poor, unemployed, broken and weak.
Having self-beliefs also has no connection whatsoever with our Father which art in Heaven: YHVH. Lifestyle choices are the only tree fruit, or observable evidence (Matt 7 :15–20 & 12:33; Luke 6 :43–44; James 3 :12), since self-beliefs are most often contorted or even delusional, with the pandemic of cognitive dissonance the empiricism.
Such dissonance is the result of the Holy Spirit in the world, allowing guilt–shame–condemnation (Rom 8 :1–4) to turn people toward the Cross; to mercifully break them: Or not! That is predestination summarized. This life is but a volition test to observe and record people as they confront all the random obstacles of this life. Judging will be the end result of the test.
It is no coincidence that there is a correlation between those who opposed religious accountability — those who despised being governed left Europe and risked an ocean trip to come to the Americas for freedom — being predominantly White christianized males, who were more interested in freedom from accountability, and freedom to do as they pleased, without the Catholic Church or the Church of England being their moral police.
Satan's defiant and rebellious christianized colonialist Europeans — who long ago, were already way too far from the Messianic Cross to ever reach it — wanted to commit the genocide of roughly 9.7 million (Native) Americans , and enslave Africans and others, with impunity. They hunger lusted to monetize everything and everyone around them, which they could justify (Luke 16 :13–15): And they did! Beware the YHVH Monetizers .
That is why White privilege and entitlement thrives into the 21st century in the West and especially the USA; most White people are oblivious to it in themselves. It is now an embedded mentality that permeates their very thought patterns; it is foundational to them. It is why these White ancestors are Satan's most outspoken freedom cheerleaders; chauvinistic Americanism and White Power are one in the same: Light Skin, Dark Hearts. Privilege and self-superiority are brazenly and unabashedly anti-Messianic. To be Messiah unto everyone, is way–way too far beyond their grasp.
But even that stereotype is finally beginning to wear thin; even the unchurched are beginning to see what Messiah Yeshua warned (us) His disciples about, two millennia ago. Power corrupts indeed. This same mentality of I will do as I please as their prideful protestation and definition of freedom, is why they act almost entirely with self-interest as their only compass. They serve money and all it represents, and do so, unconscious of the sell all Love of Messiah Yeshua.
All of Satan's occultists are brainwashed, conditioned, indoctrinated and enculturated, to believe they know what freedom is. But the only true bondage in this life, has nothing to do with imprisonment or political paradigms; it has only to do with where we are from a Spiritual standpoint. The bondage of freedom is seen within the things that lord over us.
If (say) you and I were on an entirely different planet (or during a different time on Earth), and had an entirely different mindset than what we all simply inherited in this planet (Earth), we would just live simply. There would be no ownership of anything; there would be no economics, or politics, or religions. In fact, both politics and religion are just economic productions themselves.
If we lived as free human people on an Earth like planet, no one would own any land; that would go against the 1 Law of Love and no one would want to violate it. Therefore, we would all just live simple lives, and build our own shelters and grow our own food, all cooperatively, and share everything always. Those with varying talents would happily share all the special or unique things they are gifted with; what they can make or build or grow. One person enjoys growing specialty cauliflower , whereas I just grow only one kind or none at all.
So, they share with me, freely and joyfully, the excess of what they grow, and I am honored. Thus, I in turn, share with them the specialty things I build as a wood worker, and with the same excitement of sharing freely. There is no money; there is no economy; it is not necessary. That is true freedom; that is where we get the word free, from. If it costs any kind or amount of money, it is not free and not freedom. Again:
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! Economics (Mammon and its Monetizers ) came first, and all the other anti–freedom paradigms flowed out of that. The only act of violence (recorded) done by Messiah Yeshua, was turning over the tables of the moneychangers; this is gigantic in its implications; it is epic symbolism. But those who seek to justify themselves before other humans, must and will, dismiss this.
History records that the moneychangers used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance. (Olive Cushing Dwinell: Story of Our Money
¶ Of Mammon & Men!
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The money serving masses, must and will, justify their addiction and dependency upon human created resources — especially money here in the latter days of the Eschaton Era — because they will never surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to this life; die utterly to their pride–ego–emotion, and allow a Spiritual defibrillation back to Life (born–again), and be Spiritually enlightened by the subsequent Indwelling Holy Spirit, who will humble them even more than whatever took place in their lives to drive them to (and under) the Messianic Cross to begin with.
The bulk of humanity will never see beyond their primal ways; beyond their Enculturation ; to realize an entirely different existence, than the one handed to them or inherited. They (proverbially) swallow the entire cultural bucket of poisoned Kool–Aid . But the proof of this topic being so important, reveals itself by/in the number of criticisms to it, which come almost exclusively from the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized.
Ironically, no opposing correspondence has ever come from any others. Why? Because Christendom itself is a production of Satan; indeed, every religion–business that will ever exist on Earth forever, is a byproduct of Satan, and as such, the (proverbial) heat that arises from this topic reflects that reality.
The addict has a long list of self-justifications, validations and rationalizations, loaded in their pocket to recall, whenever anyone gets between them and the products of that addiction or dependency. But since no one can reason away logic, the only other avenue is to "shoot the messenger" or ad hominem .
This is why all the authors (my fellow disciples and monks) of the canon and noncanonical works, did/do not reveal real names or identities; self protection through anonymity is wise (Matt 10 :16). Our/my Master was hunted and murdered for exposing religious frauds, and so were many apostles, and many other disciples throughout time–culture.
Messiah Yeshua was YHVH–in–the–flesh , and that physical presence was necessary because the inspired words collected in the Tanakh was already so far from its original intent that a Personal visit became necessary; if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself.
That visit served primarily to expose the sin of religion; hence, it was the professional religionists (of that time–culture) who sought to assassinate Messiah Yeshua, and they did, via their manipulation of the political construct, in force at that time: Sound familiar?
¶ The Evils Of Economics; The Amorality Of Money; The Scam Culture!
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Since most are enculturated into economic (or mammon centered) systems, they cannot see this on their own; still in Spiritual Darkness (or blindness), they can only see what is in front of them, and/or what came before them, and/or what they were told or taught. They cannot even imagine an entirely different sociocultural paradigm, or outcomes. And yet with just a few tweaks, made along the trail of times past, everything would be different today; much different. But for the blind, all that is, is all there can be.
They are simpleminded; no original thoughts or critical thinking abilities. Horrifyingly, the bulk of our species will live and die, as slaves to their pride–ego–emotion, and being monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drones of all that is before them, or came before them, within their micro–experiences, during their blink–of–a–blink of life–time, confined within only one possible paradigm.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, do not blame or criticize or condemn them for their Spiritual blindness; their smallness. Instead, we (the Messianic disciples) shine the proverbial light upon them, via our lifestyle choices (Matt 5 :14–16), and the YHVH–installed wisdom. Unfortunately, most people ignore or even flee from that light (John 3 :19–21), and even YHVH cannot violate the power that YHVH gave us all; the human superpower of volition .
Mammon refers to money specifically: We know this because logic dictates that humans have always traded or swapped (or stole) things. The history of money is not specific as to when it began, but a general understanding comes from the logic that a full monetary system (a regional economy) would not be necessary in small populations of people, living simply from the earth alone, as YHVH originally intended: the garden of Eden paradigm .
For example, there was never a complex monetary system anywhere in the Americas until the White European anti-Messiahs , came here for the precious metals and other natural resources, and land to lord, and thus the people to enslave and/or monetize in other ways; any/all of which so they (the Monetizers ) could monetize, hoard that mass of money, and become (or remain) powerful.
Understanding the history of religion (in general) is the passion of all disciples of Messiah Yeshua; the history of the catholic church would thus be near the beginning of such research. Skipping ahead in time: By the thirteenth century, Europeans had been many many generations, corrupted by the YHVH–monetizers of former generations, via Spiritual blindness and thus gullibility to Enculturation (Matt 9 :35–37).
Economics itself is one big scheme; it is how/why men would formulate corruption; it gave them something to be rich and powerful with. The very beginnings of a universal money system was one of Satan's first successful acts among his human masses. The timing of when/why/where, YHVH decided to land on Earth, was in no way coincidental. The reasons for coming in the flesh to walk among us, had more to do with what was happening, and what was about to happen, in the world of men, then, more so than for any other single theological reason. After all, many ask a legitimate question: Why not come even before the time of Moses? That question is covered perspicuously by this oracle .
Later, when they arrived at Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter and said: Does not your Master pay tribute? And he said: Yes! But when he returned to enter the house, Yeshua prevented him, saying: What do you think, Simon? Of whom do the kings of Earth take custom or tribute; of their own children or of strangers? Peter said unto Him: Of strangers! Yeshua said unto him: Then the children are free. Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, you go to the sea, cast a hook, and take up the fish that first comes up; when you have opened his mouth, you shall find a piece of money. Take that and give unto them for Me and you. (Matt 17:24–27)
At the same time as this, was Matthew 18 . Always study what was written before and after a chunk of text applied, so the context is not missed or misapplied; also understand the place, time, events, culture, and so on. Now, look at how carefully this was crafted by Messiah Yeshua, knowing that what the Q-Source scribes were writing down at the time, would be altered in their derivatives and reproductions, by future generations, if it were too openly opposed to the money system in place at the time and forward. Here is the best take on this from outside of the COP Cultists unidirectional theological treaties: numismatics.org
The message on the surface, for the literalists (who put it in their theological "miracles" box), centers on who pays custom or tribute, and why or why not. This is all true. And I firmly believe this miracle happened; that it is not only a literacy piece. But the underlying message is right there in the message, but only known to those who are Spiritually transformed; the Elect of YHVH as the few on Narrow Way, with the Indwelling Holy Spirit enlightening all things, including scripture.
This was necessary to preserve the core of those words into our Century. If anything were too bold as to offend the monetizers and/or the powerful, over time those passages would have been quietly altered or just removed. This has already occurred to much of the text, but fortunately they did not see things like this. YHVH knew that Satan would be manipulating humans, via their pride and ego and emotions, and would use primarily the human institutions of economics, politics and religion, to make effects; the 21st century evidence to support this fact is overwhelming.
Notice that Messiah Yeshua did not simply reach into His pocket or purse and hand over any coins, like what was customary at the time and now. Instead, this elaborate miracle story, so completely unnecessary at this point, as to warrant many disbelievers claiming it was made up sometime long after the first century. And I understand why one might think that. But the real miracle here was how cleverly the core of the message was lost in the miraculous distraction.
The point of this was how Messiah Yeshua did not carry money, and did not so much as handle or touch it. The coins necessary to operate in a money–hungry society that was the Middle East at that time and locale, required they had to carry some, but notice how it was one person with a moneybag that carried all the monies they would all need along the way. And remember that He instructed them to bring nothing with them; that they were going to rely on the proverbial manna from the heavens, rather than the $$ mammon of men.
Money was impure; it still is. Messiah Yeshua was/is the pure Lamb that came and offered Self for us all. In the course of His life of purity, the touching of any unclean thing, was unthinkable. Furthermore, the faces on all minted coins then, were of the humanist gods of those regions. It was a idol and the money system is itself idolatrous. But as it was there and then in the 1st century, so it is today, only far worse because humans have degraded from generation to generation, until we reach a finality, wherein the Satan led human masses finally destroy Earth and thus all life upon it.
¶ Satan Keeps Humans Mesmerized By The Power Of Money!
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But all that corruption began with the first Soul–endowed humans (Gen 3 :1–7), and degraded over time, with the sin of religion masking its evil in theological themes. But YHVH took on flesh (became Human form) as Messiah Yeshua, exactly to expose them. If you want something done right indeed! By the second century, the religion of christianity was a grand manifestation spun by Satan, which declined ever further over time.
The very presence of money provides a level of power that is wholly unnatural to the human species; with larger numbers of it, those who possess it, in turn, possess the power it wields. Money is of course, a Satanic invention, where the love of money, is just the love for Satan, god of Earth. Satan has no physical form, but money does. All gods require and expect, worship, adoration, fear, and a devoted service unto them. Satan uses and abuses and controls the human masses, via pride–ego–emotion, to work Satan's earthly programs.
In the world of men, mammon or money gave them a power that could not exist without it; it is concentrated wealth and thus power, but its power is only powerful because most humans submit to it. Or more accurately, they submit to the inventor and creator of it: Satan! What degraded over time, also became cultural (shaped cultures); money shaped everything else, and that was Satan's plan from the start.
Logically therefore, an Arms Maker will give a large profit cut to their (human) king, who sent out sentry's to warn neighboring kingdom sentry's of the looming threat of war, and they too bought piles of weapons, based on this gossip. The Arms Maker makes a killing (pun intended ;-), by creating an apparent need, and then being the solution provider, by selling arms to the other side.
This economic game is the longest running and most profitable, of any other mammon exchanges before the late 20th century. Now it is the Car Cult as collectively the largest industry on Earth, and by far the most destructive; it is World War 3 every year.
In the same way, Bibliolatry is to exploit the written words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to make gains in the now; to pacify their pride–ego–emotion; but also, to gain power over others; to be lords among men; to solicit any form of adulteration (2Co 4 :1–5) that has benefits for them personally in this life. Primates with bibles. Satan masturbates the human ego with offers of power.
Religions or its professionals (another money–centered word), cannot call their followship unto any form of genuine repentance; instead, they validate their lifestyles of sin–evil, by living that way too, and do so for the money it brings in. This is why they justify war.
Conversely, truth miners seek YHVH always, and study scripture so they/we can change how they/we live and think and act. But the Monetizers and mammon servants, mine the scriptures only so they can manipulate others.
For as long as humans have profited monetarily from weaponry, the rumors and the gossips of war, or the threat of a war, has made men wealthy beyond measure, relative to their culture. War is a booming business (pun intended); just get the society at large to fear "those others" (and who "they" are is irrelevant to the profit motive), and everyone will take up donations and collections (today it is taxation) to finance those war efforts. Assuredly, the weapons manufacturers, like fireworks makers, will supply all sides.
But fear is a natural response; we were created with a fear drive, like all other mammals. The goal of YHVH is to see who will use the superpower of volition to die to all of that, and be transformed by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, into a Spiritual being.
But for the rest of the masses? Pretend or fake caring (as only one symptom), is the natural outcome of most people, dependent upon the money of others; pretend or fake caring is now a major integral part of western enculturation.
Conversely, we disciples of Messiah Yeshua get all we need from the land and soil alone: e.g. plant based food; water; trees; fish; etc: the renewables. Fortunately and for identity purposes, there are no future resurrected, Heaven bound individuals from among the human species, who today (knowing all that we know), consume nonrenewable resources; that is isolated to the domain of the demonic; the indifferent; the Temple haters.
¶ Money Is The Benchmark & Compass & Barometer Of All Inhumans!
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If I were to spin a tale in the form of a parable (a metaphor), hopefully you would know, not to isolate one sentence from it, to make an entirely different point from the tale (Matt 13 ); you would understand the general idea behind the tale. The bibliolatrous are that way, because they cannot see the greater meaning; that is because Satan has blinded them from knowing YHVH truth.
Consequently, they can only read into it (eisegesis ), or isolate from it (pericope ), what is verily a summary of their (otherwise) atheistic character. They are Law-lords , not humble servants of The Lord.
Therefore, they cannot comprehend the spirit of the law, and so they can only see it as a prescription, or a rule book, and thus, they can only see the letter of the Law . This was a major issue confronted repeatedly by my brother, Saul of Tarsus, a former Pharisee himself.
This is because people like the idea of being issued authority over other humans; in any amount, but the more the better: It is called the God–Complex , which was Satan's downfall, and likewise therefore, the sheer masses of the human species who mimic him in this, daily.
They are blinded by demons; trapped in the demonic blindness that Satan exploits within them daily, via their pride–ego–emotion (plus christianization equals assured damnation: Matt 7 :13–23). In that Spiritual Darkness they remain deep in the pocket of Satan, just like the bulk of the human race on Broadway.
They are far more evil than any other humans, in that they claim to be associated with the Holy Spirit, through the Propitiation: Messiah Yeshua, which the English anti-Messiahs renamed Jesus Christ about 4 centuries ago . This was due in part to their bigotry, which no Spiritual person experiences on any level; the 2 most prominent forms of bigotry are gender and race or ethnicity.
Within that Spiritual darkness, they stumble about blindly in this life, trapped in their tiny enculturation shoeboxes, and in there, they can only parrot everyone around them. Therefore, they are of/in the world, for the world, and shaped by the World ; and, they cannot do, or know, anything else (that is, until a radical Spiritual metamorphosis).
This Spiritual blindness can be observed by the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, the only humans with Spiritual sight; however, the sheer masses of humans are Spiritually blinded, and religious or not, biblical or not, churched or dechurched or unchurched, they remain in Spiritual darkness. In that Darkness , they simply float along with all enculturation directives.
Therefore, they can be detected by their blind compliance to the cultural directives and prescriptions they are born and raised into, and, they never even question any of it, but rather, act as if they are blind people, going about merely following all those who are in front of them or those who came before them. They are as sheep without a Shepherd (Matt 9 :35–37): Sheeple!
One of the more obvious clues, is an acquiescence to the money trap; e.g. that if I pay for a thing it is mine to do with as I please, such as the buying of gasoline justifies the squandering of it as a nonrenewable natural global resource, which truly belongs to all humanity forever, as well as the air pollution it causes being the inevitable collateral damage, and thus not my fault and thus not my responsibility. The opposite of Love is indifference.
The masses are like zombies who cannot see past their enculturation; they do not just live a monkey–see–monkey–do lifestyle taken from everyone around them, eventually, they become that which they spend their entire lives, being impacted by and with; their very minds and mentalities are shaped by experiences. They are stuffed deeper into Satan's pockets until they finally become unreachable: Romans 1 summarized.
¶ Wealth–Hoarding; Consumerism; Materialism; Ecology; Environment!
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The connections between these, literally shape Earth today. Imagine if this planet never had humans on it (a garden of Eden indeed), or, imagine that humanity never had Satan the great tempter, so deeply influencing so very many people. All that black gold we call hydrocarbons, would have never been extracted, refined (cooked and blended with a veritable list of chemical additives ), sold and burnt in combustion engines now numbering in the multiple billions planet wide, earth and sky.
The very crust of the earth is massive, no doubt; however, when you drain out countless trillions of barrels of thick liquids that have nearly always been there, the net result of such voluminous losses is subsidence ; this cannot and will not be good; it will be a major contributor to what is now called Armageddon. We read of earthquakes in a variety of places, but also in otherwise rare or unexpected locales.
Some level of this subsidence happens naturally, but it can be greatly accelerated by humans, not only by the load of our buildings, but by our extraction of groundwater and our production of deep lying oil and gas. (Source: BBC )
The natural world alone, could not do to those stored hydrocarbons, what post industrial humans have done with them; that would be an impossibility. There is nothing in the natural world that could combine, to produce the gasoline (or other liquid fossil fuels) humans buy and burn. The air we all rely on to breathe is heavily impacted by this process, and everyone knows it; even those who anesthetize themselves to avoid its eventual pain, if only for a few decades.
Eventually, it will be all they ponder, during their millions millennia floating aimlessly in empty vacuum of space; the abyss of extreme outer Darkness . Imagine YHVH giving them a body that will not age and cannot die; a body that can be corporeal and/or incorporeal, just like we learned about from our resurrected Master. Then imagine them having full access to any other planet, from now on; terrifying. Obviously they cannot be a part of the eternal Kingdom plans of YHVH (Matt 24 & 25; Luke 16 ).
Back on Earth; the connection between the industry of Big Oil (indeed all industries), and consumerism, and wealth building, are all one manifestation of only one thing: Desperation. The Indwelling Holy Spirit supplies Love (to otherwise Loveless human animals), and then, from (YHVH) Love comes all other traits, such as humility, satisfaction, completeness and fulfillment: the Living Water and Bread of Life is overabundant.
But the Spiritually blind live in a state of panic and stress continuously; yea, desperation. It is what produces money's mass materialism malaise. And the over consumerism and dedication to materialism; the commitment to buying way too much, never satisfies for long, and so, it must continue and increase, just like an addict of any substance is never satisfied for long (where more is never enough): I.e. Darkness .
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, all clamor to the money wealthy; indeed, the World is money–centered, and money is their only god. In capitalist cultures, money (outward appearances) makes the man, not his character.
This is why corrupt wealthy men are so powerful, because the bulk of the human species, not only allows for it or tolerates it, they see it in themselves, and thus seek that life for themselves. My Master said that they fall in love with their evil ways and their darkness (John 3 :19–21): The end for them will be Darkness .
Satan is a power monger and so are all who follow him. The very money system is a corruption and anyone who says otherwise only exposes their own corrupted ways. Inflationary economics is proof among many other empiricism's to support the fact that the system is heavily rigged; the money economy is just one big gambling table and/or a slot machine. In its early corruption, sedentary power drunks took the monies of the labor class to enrich themselves, but once that amount was not even enough, they concocted ways to make money from money itself: Usury.
¶ Great Wealth Is Impossible Without Slavery Or Usury Or Money!
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There is no such thing as a rich honest or honorable person. It is a mathematical impossibility to have way more than one needs, without first harboring the desperate need for having way more than others have. If a man were to honor Adonai Elohim and Labor by the sweat of his brow, and taking from the Earth of YHVH, only what is necessary (1Ti 6 : Heb 13 ). We do this, in part, as a demonstration of daily faith in YHVH our Provider; too much excess would simply be wasteful, and therein sinful. To be rulers over much (like other worlds), we must first prove we can do so, during this tiny life experiment.
Without the Spiritual enlightenment of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the bulk of the human species will live and die, oblivious to any reality that does not include money, mammon service, and the monetization of everything and everyone. But it is not just a mentality, it is a reality for them, wherein no other possible reality could exist.
This is a terrifying blindness; this is psychological sleep, and they will never be woke from that sleep; they will remain in that sleep state until decades into their eternality in outer Darkness . Even those who recognize economic discrimination still cannot see it from outside of its capitalistic web, nor untangle from it. They cannot see that all inequality is just economic inequality, masked or not. Converting all things to a numerical value must and will lead to discrimination and inequality; it already has.
Discrimination itself is just creating a category box to put that grouping into. We see this with generational discrimination where generations of people (mostly among the Westernized) are given titles such as Boomer, Millennial, Gen X, and Gen Alpha (etc.); these are all a still–acceptable form of discrimination. It is no different than putting people in such boxes because of skin color, nationality, language, religion, sexuality, and so on. Born in 58, the N–word was certainly not the letter N! It was as casually used as Boomers is today.
For all of human time past, and then up to a dozen or so generations before the 1st coming (Advent) of Adonai our Elohim, as a Human, everyone simply labored with their own hands the things that are necessary or good. But once the ideals behind a monetary system was devised and then, as always, exploited by the Satan led masses and then normalized, it was the time of the beginning of the Great 3 Headed Beast we commonly accept as economics and politics and its military enforcers.
The heinous sin of usury was all about making money, which could buy, what everyone once had to labor for themselves to have, which was food and protective shelter mainly. But Satan's masses were always a threat; they were as their lord, for they reflected his traits, and were here, but only to kill, to steal, to destroy, to lie, and to deceive. That was their only true modus operandi .
What money does, is it provides a way for men to circumvent the labor curse of YHVH, and thus defy their Maker. And how Satan masters this sin–evil is the exact same way Satan does with all sin–evil; it all gets justified away, inside the world of men (Luke 16 :13–15). But in the Messianic world, it is still a sin–evil that we, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, must endure as earthlings, and thus expose it all for what it truly is.
Human slavery was for a long time in the darkness of human history, also a way for these evil ones to gain far far more than they could if they did all the work as one man. They would exploit other humans by first being able to monetarily hire the bullies and the murderous that indeed, account for the vast majority of all human males. These brute beasts bloodlust to dominate others; the many demons that rage within them are exactly like a drug to the brain.
With a little money, one could hire a small army of militants enforce their will upon other humans, via slavery, and thus, increase their wealth portfolio all the more. And since money, unlike vegetables or other perishables, can be hoarded and hoarded, the ability to gain far far more than one sane person needs, is what exposes this as sin–evil, and a sinister darkness within those who hunger for wealth. This is why my Master said:
Then said Yeshua unto His disciples: Amen, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you; it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH! When His disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying: Who then can be saved? But Yeshua beheld them, and said unto them: With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all things are possible.
Then Peter answered and said unto Him: Behold, we forsook all, and followed You. What shall we have therefore? Yeshua said unto them: Amen, I say unto you; that you which have followed Me, in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. (Matt 19:23–30)
He lifted up His eyes on His disciples and said: Blessed are the poor, for yours is the Kingdom of YHVH. Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be filled: Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy. For, behold, your reward is great in Heaven. For in the like manner did their fathers do unto the prophets. But woe unto you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. (Luke 6:20–24) {cf. Luke 16 all & 1Ti 6 all & James all}
¶ Money Hoarding Is Spiritual Depravity!
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Excess destroys! Too much of anything is harmful to us. Too much money damages us; indeed, money itself is excess. People with way more money than would be needed to live a comfortable and simple life, cannot live a simple life. Well, technically they could, but they do not.
What else is a person to do, with tons of money and no need to Labor for food or shelter, but to shop; to spend it; to be empowered with it. And the capitalistic cut takers (economic predators & parasites) that have been pounding their drums for a millennia now, are worshiped by the money lovers.
Such a gross excess of money damages the Soul, and thus the heart, and eventually the mind (Matt 19 ). It is impossible to "earn" even a million dollars a year; it has never happened. How then are there 2800 billionaires and over 47 million millionaires?
Capitalism, unlimited money in circulation, and a satanically inspired, Eschaton Era level of fraud, deception, scams, profiteering, hoarding, economic predation and parasitism, takerism, and murderousness; it is all summed up in one word: Usury! Do you feel used? Usury in this context is to gain anything, but without any labor input on your part to bring it into being, thus thwarting the Labor curse of Elohim.
What need of YHVH do they have? Oh sure, they can hold self-beliefs and attend church services and play the Xians of Religianity on the stages of this life, but the hollowed out place within them that only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can fit–in, and fulfill, cannot be purchased with money, and indeed, the money itself, is their main obstacle to Spiritual metamorphosis. It is the physical evidence that will condemn them on their Day of Judgment (Luke 18 :18–27; Acts 8 :14–24).
When money came into common use by the vast majority of humanity, economies were created. But money economies, though they make wealth/power possible, are bad for the planet. Consumerism is bad for the planet, and all the weapons and tools of the economy, such as the Car Cult , are devastatingly catastrophic to Earth. But humans are clearly driven by demons; the evidence to support that fact is just too voluminous to argue.
Even secularists have the ability to see that the economy is rigged : Spiritually blind, even they can recognize (by smell alone) what all disciples of Messiah Yeshua know intrinsically: For the Elect of YHVH, that wisdom is based upon the doctrine of Messiah Yeshua.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we have a front row seat to the prophecies of the Eschaton Era. However, it will not turn out, quite like it is peddled by the money generating productions of the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, religionist COP Cultists. Once natural resources are depleted below global demand, the nukes will soon fly. All that radiation will fill an atmosphere that will already be greatly compromised by decades of massive pollution (Rev ).
¶ The Rush To Monetize Earth And The End Of The Human Species!
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The denaturing, deforestation, and resource extraction, imposed by the demand–drives–supply, gullible, monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, mammon–serving, money–hungry, human consumerists globally, is becoming exponentially ravenous, as the prophetic Eschaton Era timeframe moves closer to its inevitable end.
We are eyewitnesses to a supernatural (may I say paranormal?) event, where logic and reason, science and fact, have been all but abandoned in the dogged pursuit of intense levels of resource extraction, to feed the millions of ravenous ultra–wealthy, as they rush headlong in the drill–drill–drill & burn–burn–burn portion of the latter days of the prophetic Eschaton Era cataclysm's.
With only 50 years of viable fossil fuel reserves , the need to consume all future generations share of Earth's nonrenewable resources, cannot be a mere act of greed; it is that for sure! But it is far more; to knowingly end the species as we know it, requires more than the Pandemic of Psychopathy.
The Pandemic of Indifference is a new phenomenon on Earth; what we are witness to is supernatural at its core; prophetic indeed. Even those who are not awakened or woke by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and still in their Spiritual blindness, can recognize the oddity of this historical event.
To watch those who want desperately to monetize every salable object, and on every location on Earth, is both captivating and terrifying, to the Spiritually sighted. There is no money profit in the saving of inedible animals, which YHVH expects humans to be the stewards thereof: The dedication to destruction is terrifying.
Planned obsolescence ; the Great Pacific garbage patch ; the fact that wildlife services killed a million native animals ; Climate Change cover–up ! These are just a few examples from a very long list of other manifestations of indifference; an insanity plaguing Earth, via its Faithless Loveless human infestation; the living testaments to the fulfillment of Eschaton Era prophecies, which the masses are oblivious to. They will have no options but to try to explain it in purely human terms.
But the greater horror centers on the fact that the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized anti-Messiahs among us — the christianized — are fully invested in all of this as well; the Christianized are among the most dedicated to these demonic directives. They (too) live but only to kill and to steal and to destroy; to lie and deceive and to cheat always, just like their true inspiration, guide, and god, Satan (John 8 :44 & 10:10).
Then Yeshua sent the multitude away, and went into the house, and His disciples came unto Him saying: Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them: He that sows the good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one! The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels! As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth! Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net, which was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (Matt 13:36–50)
How are secular world leaders (political or religious) responding now to obvious ecological crisis? They are easing any control over the causes of pollution, and adding more military spending. In other words, this is Satan winning the battle on Earth, which will lead to Armageddon: And Satan will win the battle here on Earth, but not the greater celestial war.
Dread not, ye who are the devout servants and disciples of Messiah Yeshua, for there are new planets in new solar systems (aplenty) for we, as the future resurrected Saints of YHVH, to inhabit. Earth will be like a sunken battleship, floating dead in space, battered and beaten; it will remain in infamy as an everlasting memorial unto the collective consequences of sin–evil unleashed and accepted by the masses.
It must be understood that when you die to this life, and become the product of a radical, epochal, metamorphic, Spiritual transformation, life takes a reversal; an otherwise sudden alteration from the former primate state: Disciples of Messiah Yeshua become far more like John the Baptist than like the average Joe Urban buy–it–all. We become odd to the masses. We are not cultural drones; we do not become the children of the corn , we become The Children of The King!
This earthly life attenuates and fades the farther we ascend Spiritually. And like our brother Saul of Tarsus (or king Solomon, or Job), we grow tired of this life; we are readied, and ready always, to yoke with our precious Lord; Master; Spouse. However one affectionately thinks of YHVH, being in our glorious eternal state is our ultimate destiny. This life is a nuisance; our purpose here is not to live, for this life, but to be light (Matt 5 :14–16) for the few earnestly seeking it.
¶ The Patriotism Monetization!
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Patriotism is a public declaration of us–against–themism; the anti-Messianic trait of neighbor–hating, justified in the sight of men and their humanistic, freedom–loving, personal accountability hating societies. Whenever the wealth–class (of any place/time) would hire militants to fight for them so they could remain in power, the motives for getting so many men to risk violence and death, had to be varied and relevant to the times.
Most militant hirelings (just like today) were bloodthirsty males who enjoyed being bullies; playing gods among men by submission, subjugation, or even murder: They enjoyed it! That is why Patriotism Is Like Racism . It is worse; it is a chauvinism that will have map line border holders, arm themselves for war, until there is so much raw destructive force, that the outcome will surely be apocalyptic: Armageddon!
But still others were less motivated by blood lust, and did it more for the pay (and its power), than for the bullying, dominion, and killing alone. They needed added incentives, like the threat of harm, coming to their wives or children or siblings. But what about the unmarried? Thus, the wealth–class needed something that would appeal to male ego: Nationalism! The great masturbation of pride, one of Satan's chief weapons and main puppet string.
Fighting for territory (territorialism & landlordism ), the primal/carnal fight to defend map lines, made by these prisoners of geography : Patriotism was born. With enemizing normalized, and savior/heroism connected to it, pride–ego–emotion was satisfactorily masturbated: Satan smiles. But it is all deeply demonic, and thus subtly terrorizing, certainly bullying, and an abomination unto YHVH.
The wealth–class productions of kingdom building, thrived under the carnal–primal process (or mentality) of us–against–themism. The (bored, sedentary, elitist) wealth–class consolidated power, gaining ever larger followers or subjects (citizens) to worship them, via service and taxation.
These citizens would even host plays on ancient arena stages in their honor, often portraying these kings and queens (and other nobles) as saviors; godlike people, which would appeal to their ego. And though the social roles have been renamed (from culture to culture), as has the terminology overall, the essential process of kingdom building remains to this day: Human ego is why.
Today we use different terminology; nation or country rather than kingdom, and president (etc.) rather than king/queen, but the underlying theme (and mentality) is exact; the rich rule, and the subordinate drones follow. But they follow with a bizarre devotion that is beyond mere human fascination; it is assuredly, influential of/from some greater force than the human brain alone would manifest.
We disciples of Messiah Yeshua believe that overwhelming force to be Satan and his trillion demon army of influencers . Based on all the surviving written works concerning the demonic realm that connected with the human realm, demons can only appeal to (human) pride–ego–emotion (Matt 4 ).
This is why people are blind followers of the blind (Matt 15 :12–20); that strange devotion to people and places, manifests in all the many fake productions that account for the human condition. Nationalism and patriotism make people feel noble and important; the standing, the bowing, the saluting, and all the other bodily posturing that elicit emotions toward the devotion of whatever or whoever one is following.
The Elect of YHVH are devoted only to our One and only King; Messiah Yeshua, and our devotion manifests in discipleship, which in turn reveals itself in lifestyle choices (Matt 7 :15–20 & 12:33; Luke 6 :43–44; James 3 :12). But the faithless masses (churched or not; religious or not) are not Messianic disciples, and so they find their devotion in the things and places and the humans, in and of this, the World .
Patriotism, nationalism, and chauvinism, are themselves, proof of people who have no loyalty unto YHVH, our Father which art in Heaven. All the biblical justifications for human carnality will surely work among the churched drones, as well as it does among those of the Cult of Politics, while here on Earth.
But after Messiah Yeshua brings truth and justice, for the very first time, to this planet, such neighbor–hating divisiveness and paranoia, will not be any part of the Kingdom of Heaven, and neither will there be any monetary or economic, military or political systems. No hierarchy whatsoever.
These are all the productions of Satan's puppets; the bulk of humanity indeed, but the christianists are clearly Satan's favorite puppets to play with. Conversely, we as the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we will live our eternality, much like we live now; in our Masters eye; in Love , peace and pure equality.
¶ Doctrine Of Messiah: Theology Of Disciples!
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Most people, even the christianized, will live and die without so much as a conceptualization of what Lordship is, nor what it represents in this life. There are no church going people who have a clue of the ideals espoused in Messianic Lordship, and therefore, they cannot live under the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, nor could they (or do they) even recognize someone who is.
Consequently, their lords are from among men (and women), and from among the works of men. They remain in Spiritual blindness, and the proof of that is their devotion to their micro–experiences (their Enculturation ), and all that is going on inside their tiny shoebox of immediate and proximal experiences. They cannot follow the Lord in His Lordship and so they remain the puppets of Satan and live for this life alone, following those other humans that came before them, and religiously.
North America was conquered by the greater military power of White colonizing invaders with firearms, practiced military tactics (mastering the art of murder), and most crippling of all, Eurasian diseases . They colonized with the exact same egocentric, false sense of self righteousness, that compel all Satan–led humans of every generation, who metastasize most prominently from among the christianized.
What made the conquest and colonization of the Americas more heinous than any other such recorded conquest event, is that its militants pretended to be associated with Christ; the christianized; the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists. Today, the direct connection between the Eschaton and evangelicalism is palpable.
The inability to live a mammon free life and lifestyle, begins with an oblivion to a Messiah–centric life; they cannot have a money free consciousness or mentality, because all things center around and upon mammon. Money dependency which too often leads to money–hunger, is the greatest addiction to plague the human species. Money is the greatest weapon of mass destruction; its systems exploited to control populations on every continent. It is the source of power for all things demonic. Such a state of existence is not found anywhere or at any level, under the Messianic Cross.
We, the Elect of YHVH, are fully conscientious of this happening here, on this planet, owned exclusively by YHVH; we know that YHVH is sacrificing the planet, just as Messiah Yeshua was also sacrificed for us. YHVH gave Satan and his trillion demon army of tempters, a limited power over all his humans, armed with the superpower of volition; this was to test us. This was/is done to observe and then (proverbially) to extract an infinitesimal few wheat from among an overgrowth of weeds (Matt 13 :24–30).
The theology of the COP Cultists has morphed from small errors in the monetization process, into outright fraud by the third and fourth centuries: The leaven did its anticipated work (Matt 16 :6–11; Mark 8 :15–21; Luke 12 :1–3; 1Co 5 all).
Here in the Eschaton (the 21st and last human century), the most distorted of all theological productions, comes from those the farthest away from the Messianic Cross, in every possible aspect; ethnically, culturally, socially, geographically, and by generations (time): Evangelical Americans. They are the prophetic (seared–minded ) anti-Messiahs .
There are almost no signs of The Way that was birthed and developed in the Middle East of the 1st century, remaining or to be found anywhere in North America, with a few rare exceptions, such as some from among the unchristianized or unsullied Native Americans, prior to the European infestation.
The same is true as well, from those among the more simple living or plain lifestyled Anabaptist ; they sailed to the Americas with bibles, but like almost all within the COP Cults, they were never Spiritually transformed. Unfortunately, they have been far too protestantized to be considered living disciples of Messiah Yeshua.
The history of interpretation and reception history exposes the bias of enculturation, the truth of which is unveiled by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, only unto the disciples of Messiah Yeshua. The Holy Spirit inspired the original writers to write what they did; in like manner, that same Spirit must be actively in you, in order for you to decode those inspired words, as works of publication.
Any merely academic attempt at such cognition will fall woefully short. In primate studies, chimps seem to learn that two plus two equals four, but are they calculating based upon a deeper understanding of mathematics? Or are they merely regurgitating a learned response to illicit the prize of food? We Are What We Do And No More!
¶ Wealth & Money Hoarding: A Manifestation Of Exploitation!
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The Attorney–class run the US ⊛ ; a manifestation of the monetization or mammon mentality itself (expounded on in Law-lords ). Every armed militant to ever live on Earth, are the strongmen of the wealth–class; they impose the will of these monetizers. The worldly masses are primal/carnal in all their ways and thus mentalities, even after decades in church services, which often makes things even worse.
The Faithless Loveless; the unregenerate; the churched; they still remain primal/carnal, and thus remain competitive, adversarial, fearful, hierarchical, territorial, patriotic, and self-centered; always thinking that someone is opposing them in some way; always on the defensive or the offensive.
These anti-Messiahs among us, suffer always from us–against–themism and enemizing (also a mentality), and as such, they cannot Love nor even comprehend what YHVH Love is. As such, they cannot comprehend all the subsequent attributes (or subsets) of YHVH–Love: compassion, mercy, forgiveness (or forgottenness ), Sainthood, discipleship, or unity via community. Love is a verb! Christianity clearly does not represent Messiah Yeshua, nor is it connected in any way with the Creator of all: In fact, all religion (without exception) is of demonic origin.
The pathological need to monetize YHVH — or the creation, or other humans — is its visible fruit. Like the Garden of Eden and the manna from the heavens, YHVH only provides (or blesses) via the natural world; hence the vital importance of our intimate engagement with it, and wise stewardship of it; that is the test.
From our genesis, humans were given intellectual power, so that we can manage the natural world, and indeed, that is the central purpose of this Earth experiment. YHVH will separate the metaphorical wheat from the weeds; the useless weeds will be cast aside and the wheat will be used, into time future: the resurrection. In other words, the Car Cult is a horrifyingly devastating creation of human monetizers and profit seekers; however, Earth is the Personal property of YHVH (alone).
Christendom itself, is an open manifestation of atheistic enculturation. This is witnessed in a bizarre devotion to mammon service; to unabashed us–against–themism; to an entire planet being monetized to literal death; a time when billions claim to be little Christs but (as sheeple) live in stark oblivion to the who/what/why of His very existence and His reason for visiting Earth in human form to begin with.
It is the rampant manifestation of blind followship (trapped in one's micro–experiences, such as consumerism), and enculturation, and the general drone state of existence that defines almost everyone; this is the biggest tell that we are verily into the Eschaton: People who actually believe they are christians, but who live patently as anti-Messiahs in life and lifestyle; living opposite of the paradigm of Messiah Yeshua, as much as that is humanly possible. It is both fascinating and horrifying, having a front row seat to Eschaton prophecies.
¶ Use Money To Serve People Or Use People To Serve Money !!
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The Way has remained on the sidelines (the margins ), as it was usurped by Christendom in pop–culture, via those who were mammon servants, posing as Saints (this is still going on, only many times more). The Johannine epistles were written (in the first century) in response to these very people (1Jo 2 :15–20) already plaguing Messianic Koinonia by 0097 AD.
And this is why you cannot trust any of the leaven laced scriptural interpretations (Matt 16 :6–12), coming from the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized. They are equally victimized by mammonism , where all things and people are monetized units; where the barometer of worth is determined in monetary dollar increments (today it is the USD). We are indeed, well into the Eschaton.
The YHVH paradigm is MSV (Messianic System of Valuation). Satan's paradigm is USD (United States Dollar). Satan's people have no idea what a valuation system is, from the standpoint of the eternal Kingdom/s; for us, the Kingdom of YHVH. For the Elect of YHVH, the value of other humans is full equality; every human that will ever exist are equal in value. Satan attempts to distort this reality by using a numerical unit to replace it with. Whoever has the most USD units (or any monetary system or numeric system anywhere anytime) is worth more due to the nature of it being numerical. But Messiah Yeshua sacrificed Self for all humanity: 100%. But not for Satan and crew; they have already been judged, and that reality enrages them.
But the mammon mentality degraded over many generations, until it morphed into the capitalist mentality by the sixteenth century in Europe ; hence, the complete inability to think outside of the Monetizers mentalities: Unless one harbors the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :9–16). Self-belief does not change the Soul and thus the heart–mind–Soul; only real and living faith can do that; only a death to self and thus a death to this life, can/will yield eternal fruit. But YHVH came to bring about Salvation, and Salvation was His name: Yeshua!
There was a certain man called Simon, which before time in the same city, used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that he was some great one, to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the great power of Elohim! And to him they had regard, because he had long bewitched them with sorcery. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the Kingdom of Elohim, and the name of Yeshua the Messiah, they were baptized, both men and women.
Then Simon himself believed also, and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs that were done. Now, when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of Messiah, they sent unto them Peter and John, who, when they came down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet He was fallen upon none of them; they were only baptized in the name of the Lord, Messiah Yeshua. Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying: Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands; he may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said unto him: Your money perishes with you, because you have thought the gift of Elohim may be purchased with money. You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of Elohim. Repent therefore of this, your wickedness, and pray if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I perceive that you are in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. Then Simon answered and said: You pray to the Lord for me that none of these things that you have spoken comes upon me. (Acts 8:9–24) {cf. Matt 7 :21–23}
¶ Relinquishing Earthly Power!
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They very notion of monetizing Elohim, in any way or form, is repulsive to all disciples of Messiah Yeshua (Saints); however, to the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, it is their normal. The bulk of humanity are driven by the god of this world (Satan) via one or more demons from among his trillion demon army of hate makers.
They are heavily oppressed by one or more demons; a Spiritual reality that is best witnessed in how they live on Earth; by how easily they appeal to the monetary value of things. Like Simon, they are unconscious of being the devout servants of mammon, even as religionists.
Consequently, they are pulled along by these massive demonic forces, which is evidenced by their mentality; they are ego driven, not Messiah driven. They are dominated by what other humans think of them, but oblivious or unconcerned to/by what their Creator thinks of them. Like the wealthy young man, they like the good news portion of gospel discipleship, but they cannot and will not, surrender any of their earthly power (much less all of it), and instead live under His Lordship, forward in Faith. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely! And money is power: Well, for now.
When Messiah Yeshua crossed paths with that wealthy young man, who had evidently kept the Law (Luke 18 :18–30); he had much wealth/power; the power that comes to people when they have huge $$ mammon holdings. The message behind this (short but powerful) exchange, was more about earthly power, than money itself, even though money itself is the very weapon involved here.
Other forms of power exist apart from money, such as brute strength, weaponized force, and (generically) the fear of bodily harm or death, or the loss of resources of any kind. But those willing to kill for another, are doing it for the money, and for the adrenaline thrill of playing god by ending life; Satan's modus operandi and thus his human servants.
This wealthy young man was not a bad guy, when calculating the word bad guy from a secular perspective. In fact, the secularized world, including the atheistic as well as the anti-Messianic churched, will use the barometers on atheistic men (e.g. the paper laws of the Judicial Industry Law lords ) to define what is good and evil, but YHVH does not use nor care about secular barometers of good and evil. To YHVH, a person who plants false witness is every bit as evil as a mass murderer (Matt 15 :16–20 & 19:16–24). Self worth (ego) that is built upon the defamation of others is both evil and sad.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we never use dollars as a barometer of anything whatsoever; however, to the mammon servants, money is their lord god and thus their only barometer, infiltrating all thoughts, used in all calculations, and representing the purpose and foundation of their very existence. They can lie to self and to others like them, but YHVH is not mocked or fooled, nor are the Spiritual children of YHVH.
¶ The Horrifyingly Pathetic Life Of Money Hoarding!
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By not having worldly power, such as large money hoardings (mammon wealth) availed to all who possess them; we disciples of Messiah Yeshua, must seek other ways and means to service our mission (and calling and lifestyle), while here on Earth: The lesson in that alone, is priceless.
Money makes too many things too easy, and yet, ease is the very lifestyle and mentality of the slothful (e.g. the Car Cult ). For the Elect of YHVH, it is called living Faith, and thus, the capitalized word "Faith" in this context: Faith (too) is a verb (e.g. Messiah walking on water and Noah the inland ship builder: Heb 11 :1–7).
For most of Christendom, and the adherents therein, life is still carnal, primal and base. In other words, everything is still processed exclusively and only through the mammalian brain, which is our biological computer (and necessary). But there is another "brain" of sorts, which is exclusive to the children of YHVH (the disciples of Messiah Yeshua); those that live as Messiah Yeshua lived (lifestyle), and, who obey His commandments and live by His doctrine (Matt 22 ).
The mere churched will use the bible as a document for these paradigms, but scripture was never intended to be a Ten Commandments type, book of laws and rules. Scripture either alters your very consciousness and mind, or not. The Indwelling Holy Spirit actually rewires the human brain over time (1Co 2 :10–16; 1Jo 2 :15–20).
I will often (metaphorically) sample the soil to see if an individual is good soil (Mark 4 ); testing to see if that person has been sifted, turned and pulverized, so that the soil can now receive the wisdom seed, and grow, be it thirty or a hundred fold.
It is surprisingly easy to test that soil, because most of humanity are Spiritually blind, and so, it is analogous to putting something out of its place, within the home of the eye blinded; they now cannot find it. The same thing with the Spiritually blinded; since they do not see anything that the Indwelling Holy Spirit reveals openly to all disciples of Messiah Yeshua (the Elect of YHVH), a few well placed questions will expose that blindness, which they are oblivious to. I have done so, many times, and these christianists all walked away unaware that even happened.
If Elohim was your Father, you would Love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from Elohim; neither came I of Myself, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My word. You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe Me not. Which of you convinces Me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do you not believe Me? Those that are of Elohim hears His words; you therefore hear them not, because you are not of Elohim! (John 8:42–47)
¶ Satan's Favorite Puppets Are The Control Freaks Among Us!
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The control freaks among us, operate much like a dog and his trainer. Successful canine training facilities work on the hunger principle, not the pain principle. In other words, they begin the day with hungry (but not starving) dogs, eager to get those single bites of food from the trainers, and will thus do anything for them, knowing they will not get a morsel without completing the trick, on time and in the correct way: If they jump when ordered, they get a morsel, and if not, they are deprived the resource.
Pet ownership is almost always about controlism; to be in control of another life form, mainly or only for the purpose of exacting control over that living being. Of course, people do it with other people, but when humans are not availed — because it is illegal or at least frowned upon — the dominators will take out these demonic impulses on animals. This can surely become outright abusive, but more often it is subtle (the Pathology of Obedience), because this is foremost a psychological bent, spawn from Spiritual vacuity.
Satan enjoys making others follow his lead (Matt 4 :1–10). Likewise, Satan's human led control freaks, treat everyone (or think about others), in just this way; only, it is not food hunger they utilize to exploit others with the most; they use money predominantly, or sexuality, or social or political power, or psychological manipulation , or just raw fear and brute force (brute beasts indeed: 2Pe 2 :12–17; Jude ).
Living under the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua is a mystery, even unto the christianized masses, who will not so much as comprehend the concept, much less will the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, impact their daily lives and subsequent lifestyles. They remain the lords of self and then subsequently attempt to be the lords among those around them, even as many of them will attend church services and play the social games of Christendom, via christianization, christianism, and christianese, but without Spiritual transformation or Soulful metamorphoses (Rom 12 :1–2; 2Co 11 :10–15). They parrot christianese, but never learn the language of Love .
People use all kinds of tricks to divert attention away from them; the justification paradigm actually defines many people. Often women, when confronted with a truth, hidden behind their personality mask, will respond with emotions like crying (even fake tears), as a way to divert the focus from self.
Such diversions are among the many ways that the atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, keep their pride in tact, and avoid personal change, which comes only from self awareness, and then confession, and then repentance, and then a radical lifestyle alteration that endures a lifetime.
To admit that they are wrong, about anything, is just not a part of their character, unless they are caught or exposed, in which case they may even concede to it, but doing is usually to protect their ego and/or assets, so it does not (and will not) alter their Soul consciousness or their heart (Psa 51 :17). They are far more concerned about being right, and/or being approved of men, than they are about being righteous in the eyes of YHVH (1Co 8 :1–3). Thus, even their wrongs are really alright.
You shall know them by their fruits !
A certain ruler asked him, saying: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Yeshua said unto him: Why do you call Me good? None are good, save One; that is, Elohim! You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery. Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Honor your father and your mother. And he said: All these have I kept from my youth up. But when Yeshua heard these things, He said unto him:
Yet you lack one thing; sell all that you have, and distribute unto the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven: Then come, follow Me. But when he heard this he was very sorrowful, for he was very rich. When Yeshua saw that he was very sorrowful, He said: How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. And they that heard it said: Who then can be saved? And He said: The things, which are impossible with men, are possible with Elohim! (Luke 18:18–27) {cf. Matt 7 :13–23}
¶ False Witness And The Credibility Conundrum!
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Why do the COP Cultists destroy the credibility of scripture? Because they are the purveyors of Satan's popular and successful religion productions; they are Satan's devout mammon servants. Satan and crew have been undermining scripture since even before it was canonized, and even more so, during canonization itself. Editing, brevity, correction, amplification, omission, and simplification, all took place hundreds of times, and then again from within the many linguistic translations, done over the millennia.
YHVH did not preserve the texts literally (the ink on papyrus and paper); YHVH continued the Inspiration, in perpetuity, from generation to generation, from the 1st to the 2nd Messianic Advent, via the Messianic disciples of every human generation therein. Bibliolatry is (itself) a byproduct of Satan's religion.
Literalism has been wildly successful; it distorts all that was written, via a convolution of the parables and the metaphors alongside the history and the real events. Take the Flood; this was promoted as an actual event for a very long time. And it was easy to fool the simpleton masses, because humans during those times were not privy to all we know now, and all we have known for nearly a millennia. Science is the deep study of the YHVH Creation. Messianic disciples study these things, not Satan's things.
There was a certain rich man, clothed in purple and fine linen, who fared sumptuously everyday. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried. In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. So he cried and said: Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
But Abraham said: Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted, and you are tormented. And beside all this, between you and us, there a great gulf is fixed, so that they that would pass from hence to you, cannot; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence. Then he said: I beg you therefore that you would send him to my father's house, for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment! Abraham said unto him: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them! And he said: Nay, father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. But he said unto him: If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. (Luke 16:19–31)
Remember that flame and fire, torture and pain, are all metaphorical, because YHVH will not give an everlasting physical body to any humans except unto the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. There is no literal lake of fire; again, this was/is representative of a perpetual and unending suffering, but that suffering is far worse than any physical pain, for it is a moral, psychological, mental pain; it is grief, regret, horror and sorrow.
The human Soul is our consciousness; it is incorporeal, now and forever. Trying to explain this to humans that only know the physical, it was known that our bodies we can sleep; they can be anesthetized; they can seek many avenues of distraction: The human brain can be turned off, as it were. But the Soul–consciousness cannot be turned off or distracted in that way. It will be 100% aware, every second of the individual's forever; not infinity, for only the Elect of YHVH will exist for infinity. Forever is just the period of time; a very long period indeed, but not infinitely.
YHVH will still be merciful even unto those who reject the Messianic Cross and the Lazarus–level lifestyles that often accompany it. All true believers — and none of us being religious nor enablers of anything else that is Satan–driven — we all see this temporal life as the two–penny life, and the afterlife as the ten trillion dollar life. Consequently, how and why we live this two–penny life, is itself the evidence of this truth–belief. The tree is known by the fruit it bears. We Are What We Do And No More !!
Those who invest heavily in this life, that will be their only reward. But it is not an award system, per say; that is, how (and why) we live, is the proof of what we truly believe, and yet, most people deceive themselves, and try to deceive YHVH (Gal 6 ), and then other humans, by their consumerism of religion productions; by their religion–themed self-righteousness; by their superficial acts of goodness. But they are all Satan's works.
This is where false witness is also so damaging. Their personal stage show involves them always being cast as the rescuer or hero, or the subjects of Victimism , with the narrative being manipulated to fit that frame. This means that anyone who can see through them, must be spoken negatively of, or portrayed in a bad light, especially when the narrative is being altered by that person. But it is us–against–themism that is so profoundly evil. Sowing discord is abomination unto YHVH; it is evidence of demonic oppression.
Hence, gossip and backbiting serves to divide, and it is in the human divisions that Satan wins the battle. The ego is protected at the expense of relational unity; at the expense of the dignity of others. The pathology of us–against–themism is well–rehearsed by many, but refined over many generations, and most masterfully by the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people, Satan's most favored puppets.
One of the central reasons behind the acts of miracles, centers on the human predilection to false witness; to impose an ad hominem style of shifting the light of truth from ones self or group; a distraction employed by attacking or defacing or defaming those who bring that light of truth to bear. Notwithstanding, the Messianic miracles are not for us to mimic.
My Master, Messiah Yeshua, was reduced to that of a simple carpenter (a Tekton ) who could not possibly know anything valid, when compared to the formally educated Pharisees, and others in the more important businesses of economics or politics or religion; the trinity of Satan. He was even called a mad Man and demon oppressed. Credibility was hard to come by then, just as it is today.
This is why false witness is such a grievous sin–evil (Matt 15 :10–20 & 19:16–19; Deu 5 :20). What it can do to the word of us Messianic disciples, of every generation, post propitiation, can percolate out into the culture at large, negatively impacting unknown numbers of other people, of whom the Indwelling Holy Spirit is attempting to affect in some way through us.
All the enemies of the Messianic Cross, both human and inhuman , incorporeal and demonic, work tirelessly to trash talk and/or otherwise attenuate the lifestyle and/or the messages of those who serve under and for that Messianic Cross.
The distractions do not even need to be true, or have any evidence to back them up; just a bad word can ruin any testimony, even among the most righteous. One can simply imply some impropriety and that will cast doubt in the minds of others they influence: e.g. the condemnation of Messiah Yeshua Himself. Thus, the supernatural acts of Messiah Yeshua was intended to overwhelm these distortions or outright lies about Him.
And since this Messianic disciple cannot literally walk on water or empty hospitals of the sick, it is rather easy to assign to me (or any other Messianic disciple, living or dead) a socially repulsive label. Any church group, employment position, or any other collective in human society, one can be permanently scarred by false witness; either by outright lies about someone, or just whispers of unfounded rumors, if only to sow seeds of doubt about a persons integrity or intentions.
Those of us closest to the Messianic Cross, are the greater targets of Satan and his trillion demon army of temptation advocates and purveyors. They work tirelessly, and through the anti-Messianic mostly, but also through the other religionists, and agnostics, and atheists, to sow discord, and to trash the character of the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH.
This is because we as direct disciples, are the physical manifestation of Messiah Yeshua, here on Earth; we are His living witnesses and ambassadors; we stand in His stead until He returns at the Second Advent. The demonic beings are incorporeal, and so they cannot get near to any of us who harbor Ruach HaKodesh (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), but they can (and do) occupy most of the human species, either periodically or perpetually, as it is and must be with the christianized.
But the sin–evil of false witness is surely not limited to Messianic disciples. It is a powerful tool for the victim–class and the sympathy hogs, who need to be surrounded by bad people, and/or enemies, and/or those worth less than them in some way, so they can feel superior, and at the same time, pose as the victims of all these other bad people that they must sacrifice, in order to be the victors.
¶ The Pandemic Of Psychopathy & Capitalism!
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Money and shame are the outward things, which drives and motivates the masses: More specifically, it is money–power–control, and then, guilt–shame–condemnation (Rom 8 ). The internal sources are ego, pride and emotions, and since they are all interconnected, they are grouped as pride–ego–emotion. All egocentric people suffer from some level of narcissism and psychopathy, to a greater or lesser degree.
However, the level or the degree of those traits varies, and so it is often not noticed right away; well masked psychopathy is well–known among the mind science pros, but most others are easily deceived. But psychopathy has been at a pandemic level for the last millennia globally. It is the malignant symptom of Satan and a trillion demons, oppressing the human masses, from generation to generation.
These people create most of the problems they face in this life, due to the fact that they live lifestyles as anti-Messiahs , which are shaped by the demonic influences they surrender to daily and hourly. Then, they play the victim roles which then become the victor roles. Victimism is now big business. But being among these people is a stress filled venture, for the Elect of YHVH, and why we are not to yoke with unbelievers (2Co 6 :14).
These people cannot be in Community, because in Community everyone knows everyone personally and everyone is exactly equal to one another. And to be known too personally would expose their true characters, which always rears its ugly head sooner or later. This is why hour weekly church is so successful for the frauds of Faith; they can manage their social masks for such short blocks of time.
(2Co 5 & 6): Whenever I am out in public, I overhear conversations that all involve an obsession with the world; the drama and the trauma that plagues the atheistic masses often. When someone engages me in conversation, it never lasts long because I eventually interject the perspective unique to us disciples of Messiah Yeshua.
I cannot and do not enable their delusions in this life (2Th 2 ). It is a calling and a duty for all Messianic disciples to expose truth at all times to all people; indeed, it is the only way that YHVH can and does use us humans. It is that supreme act of compassion to firmly force people in front of their Creator: That is Love manifest.
My Master (Messiah Yeshua) withheld no truth, and, He angered many in the process. But first He often demonstrated Love, via action; the miracles of faith healing, exorcism, the resurrection of the dead, control over nature, and the feeding of the multitudes, as the paradigm of lifestyle for us (His) future disciples.
We cannot cure eye blindness or raise the dead or make baskets of food out of thin air, but the model is still relevant today. We are not like the worldly, who are more interested in (yep) yoking with the worldly masses than they are being living disciples of Messiah Yeshua. As such, they will instead, masturbate peoples pride–ego–emotion, rather than sharing YHVH–truth with them, come what may.
Most people whine and complain about the manifold injustices (or unfairness) in this life (indeed, this defines the content of most socialization in the World ), most all of which are the consequences of their own lifestyle choices. E.g. For some of us; our heart hurts for those suffering and dying of lung disease, from a lifetime of heavy smoking, but it is more difficult to really feel sorry for someone who literally spent a lifetime, and lots of money and devotion, just to smoke, knowing the potential consequences.
In other words, they worked hard to bring this fate upon themselves, and no one else is to blame for it, and yet, many smokers will still try to blame the tobacco industry, or the stresses of life as a perpetual victim of all those mean people out there; anyone else but self, for their condition: That is pride manifest (and Satan is pride).
¶ Unequally Yoked!
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Because all disciples of Messiah Yeshua are driven and compelled by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which installed YHVH–Love within us; that Love compels us daily to think about others before self (I do think about myself too). Therefore, I do not participate in the car culture; I know too much about it and even wrote a book on the subject: the Car Cult .
When I hear all the tragic stories of loved ones killed or permanently disabled for/from their participation in the Car Cult, I never hear anyone repent of the lifestyle choice. The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, all point to other causes for their losses; to blameshift is the term, a subset of the false witness paradigm (Matt 15 :16–20).
When I expose such a reality, people are done talking to me; they want to have someone validate their pain, via this standardized blameshifting so culturally normalized, here in the Eschaton. They do not want to accept any of the blame, much less all of it. They daily make this dangerous lifestyle choice, and then when it costs them dearly, they are quick to blame others; oblivious to the fact that they chose it volitionally.
Now, the worldly will surely comfort them inside their denial, but that is not Love, because doing so will not move them any closer to their Creator: Self-justification obscures the Voice of Truth. I cannot pass by that golden opportunity to insert a YHVH seed into their consciousness, just to (instead) say words that will only appease their temporal emotions for an hour; we disciples are designing a much much longer play (John 18 :36–37).
Being unequally yoked can surely mean that we should not marry or go into business with worldly people; this makes sense. But it makes sense for the reasons taught herein, and not as the YHVH–monetizers (the COP Cultists) teach it. Ironically, I council other disciples of Messiah Yeshua, not to marry anyone that is devoted to church attendance itself, nor those devoted to any of the atheistic worldly systems that plague the Spiritually blinded masses.
The more devout money servants are among the most evil humans on Earth, and thus, a clear sign of an unbeliever. But churches are worldly because they oppose and mock YHVH, who died on the Cross to expose the fraudulent nature of all religion businesses; it is what got Him killed.
The atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, want to live in the World and be of the world (John 3 :19–21), especially its economic systems: They have no intention of surrendering all of that over and unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua. And the church businesses will respond and say: No problem! Give us money weekly and we will assure you of Heaven in the end.
¶ Theology Of Ego!
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The very world we live in, is but a manifestation of this reality; the proof supporting this fact is virtually everything. For one example among thousands: A democracy would be non–hierarchical and thus would exclude a presidency, or kings and queens, lords, and so on: Hierarchy. What separates a democracy from all other forms of government, is in its design that intentionally eliminates one individual having any level of power over any other individual. Democracy and capitalism are antithetical.
The USA is obviously capitalistic; plutocratic; oligarchic; a corporatocracy. None of these are found in any democracy. But this teaches us the difference between human ran government centered around humans, versus governing for the sake of money, at the expense of humans. In all these non democratic paradigms, humans are the tool and/or weapon and/or victim of Economics. The USD is at the center, and all else revolves around it.
Any government entity where one person has any more power than another, is by definition, not democratic. North America is not even similar to a Democracy, a Democratic Republic, or even a Constitutional Republic; it more observantly a Capitalist Plutocracy or Oligarchy or Corporatocracy (See: The Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power ).
Not one day on Earth during the human experiment, will there be a true democratic or free society, nor can there be among the anti-Messianic human masses. Those (precious few) of us who serve under the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, have zero interest in any of the social or religious or political products of the Faithless Loveless masses that we are unfortunate enough to share this planet with.
We, as the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we actually prefer being the servants of a Master; that is, our only Master, Messiah Yeshua. All humanity are equal and the same. However, the freedom seeking masses, verily want to be accountability free; free to live anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles, and thriving here among those they emulate; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people.
Humans as a species, are fully deceived by innuendo and misnomer. Yet another example? No human on Earth, forever, will fight for their country. This is one of the monetizers many misnomers; a parroted slogan that the simpleton masses easily buy into. Why? Because they want to live in the World created and sustained by the anti-Messiahs , thus living as dominator bossy boss control freaks. But in fact, we are one species created by One Lord, on one planet that is owned, exclusively and forever, by that 1 Creator (Acts 17 :24–28).
Not one human forever, will own one square foot of Earth, for even one second. But the unregenerate primates will fearfully establish their territories (small & large), which YHVH never recognizes or accepts. Therefore, the anti-Messianic religious will actually promote the idea that YHVH was/is on their side (e.g. Satan's Manifest Destiny ), as they wantonly conquered and colonized other locations, wiping those cultures; all that land is the Personal property of YHVH alone; the humans there are the Creation of YHVH.
They are stunningly evil people, who divide up the YHVH Creation among themselves, and then build corrupt (political, military, judicial, economic, religious) systems to maintain their demonic territorialism; their dominion; their lordship. However, everything that is done by them, is evil continuously and only; even their hero productions are sinister.
We are not unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, in that we are, where and when we are, by the grace of YHVH alone, and for no other cause. Anyone therefore, who claims anything on this planet as their own, are not only evil and lost, but if they do not repent and stop it, they will be cast into outer Darkness , religious or not. And there, it will be only wailing and weeping, cursing and gnashing (Matt 22 & 25; Jude ).
They cannot and will not, be bodily resurrected (their eternal Soul placed into a corporeal body that cannot die), and then placed upon another still virgin planet. You either live on this planet (Earth), totally and completely respecting that YHVH Ownership, or, you are doomed to the Abyss, just as it should be: righteousness and justice demands it. YHVH must and will, protect the protectors of the natural world of YHVH.
When men are driven by Satan, via their pride–ego–emotion, and these same men — still not transformed; a radical and epochal transformation, which comes to all, only by the Indwelling Holy Spirit — these men must and will therefore, read into and shape their understanding of the scriptures, from that tiny shoebox of Enculturation . A major tell embedded within the epistles, exposes this reality to all Saved transformed people of all times and cultures that had the scriptures to read for themselves.
The epistles were never written for, nor intended to be doctrinal; they exist to reveal how the world was going to be after the propitiation made it possible for still sin capable humans, to harbor the Indwelling Holy Spirit (for the first time in history). The very first human to harbor the Holy Spirit, in Person, was Messiah Yeshua.
But once He left Earth, His departure made it possible, for the first time, for me and you to also (potentially) be the vessel of the Holy Spirit, or, the very Soul of Messiah Yeshua. The Holy Spirit abiding in me (and possibly and hopefully you) right now, is the exact same Spirit that was in Messiah Yeshua, for that Holy Spirit (versus unholy spirits) was the very Soul of Messiah Yeshua (John 14 thru 17).
¶ Widows Houses: Monetizing The Elderly & Dying!
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There are few other proofs of a depraved and morally bankrupt society, than one who exploits their elderly (Matt 23 ). By the time YHVH came in the Flesh as Messiah Yeshua, Earth was already showing signs of the Eschaton Era; the only thing missing was eight+ billion humans metastasized all over it, and armed with planet–killing weapons, and normalized modern, ecologically devastating things like the Car Cult . The religious and political sedentary people were already monetizing death, the widowed, and children. Inhumans were already growing into ever–larger percentages of the human species.
(Mark 12 :38–40) YHVH created the universe and all the planets within it. Satan and his trillion demon army of tempters, tempted humans until they created a monetary system, so they could better enrich (and empower) themselves; a weapon to enslave others, by exploiting them to also monetize the YHVH creation, we humans call Earth: The westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people are the latest installment in the ongoing saga.
Humans are hellbent on avoiding Labor and a Simple life; hence, they cannot be placed in everlasting bodies and allowed on a still–virgin planet: What they did here (on Earth) would be multifold worse there; they prostituted and raped Earth. Capitalism itself is nothing more than one very large monetization orgy; mammon economics itself is a global Ponzi Scheme and an MLM . None of it will be repeated anywhere in the Cosmos, ever again.
The single greatest Ponzi MLM on Earth, was/is money Economics. Most understand the paradigm of such schemes to be within economics itself, which is true, but if one has the mental ability to zoom out, quite a bit more, to see things from a (proverbial) "Gods–eye view" of things on Earth, in geological time and on an Earth–sized expanse, then one can watch us humans, in one experiment (among many) we will call the Europe Experiment: Simply watch from that Gods–eye view, European development from (say) the first to the twentieth century. What happened? Summarily simple.
Food is life; land produces all food; one human per thousand acres means plenty of food to go around; one human per half acre, totally different story. Land is power over other humans and land control assures food for self first. Land once provided enough food on its own. Humans picked it clean, but without a virgin ecosystem to move the village into because there is already a village of humans there, competition for basic resources began.
Too many humans present, only meant one of two things; everyone work together cooperatively to make Earth even more sustainable, by learning about how ecosystems work and thus would thrive, and then live within them, working them under these learned paradigms and models, with equal distribution of those collectively gained resources. Or two; see Earth as a human food farm, and a thing to be dominated, which would include other humans, and then create a mechanism that would give one individual an advantage over all others, but without an army to enforce such controls initially: Monetize everything and thus everyone!
The process of monetization was wildly successful; it was among Satan's turning points in his puppetry of the human masses. Satan used those who had a natural bent towards controlism, and worked relentlessly through those humans (mainly), from generation to generation, to bring about what we know of today as the Mammon System of Economics. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
The inhuman masses have been, and will continue, to con others into doing all the manual labor; that is how money came into being; how slavery came into being; why mammon will be central to all planetary environmental devastation, leading to the tribulations of the Eschaton Era: Money is indeed, necessary for the Eschaton Era populations and the subsequent planetary cataclysms to occur. The presence of money economics, plus the limitations of Earth land, and the numbers of inhumans trying to occupy it, will only have one outcome; it is already happening; it will happen: The 5A: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse!
Surely there are explanations for how this all came about, leaving out Satanic influences, and I know them all well; no need trying to point them out to me. Remember, this is all from a higher perspective than the immediate or the corporeal. The sum of the entire corporeal realm (spacetime and matter) is still not 1% of 1% of all that is. The stunning mind–expanding epoch that is the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, brings to us the Wisdom of YHVH. We are no longer trapped in the confines of the World ; instead, we take on the Mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :9–16).
The worldly, westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people, must/will side with the rest of the atheistic world, in validating their anti-Messianic actions, cultural products, and social stages, because they too, are part and parcel of the atheistic world that they truly belong to (1Jo 2 :15–20). They only pretend to be Christ associated; they fake love and fake caring, and only to make gains of some kind, in (and for) this life. This is why they so desperately monetize everything and everyone: Beware the Monetizers .
Thus, they will find many likeminded people (from among the human masses) to agree with them or side with them (e.g. justifying their participation in the Car Cult ). After all, Earth life could not have gone, any other way but the way it went. The YHVH monetizing religionists will appeal to scripture, not for ultimate, epochal, life altering truth and wisdom, but rather, to justify their life and lifestyles as anti-Messiahs . For example, they will magnify the following scriptures to justify their devout yoke with the atheistic world, as if blind compliance is somehow righteousness:
The Lord knows how to deliver the righteous out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto their Day of Judgment, to be punished. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh, in the lust of uncleanness, and despise governance. Presumptuous are they; self willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of celestial beings. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, do not bring railing accusations against one another, before The Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not, and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. (2Pe 2:9–12).
Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor; that the name of Elohim and His doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved; partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort. (1Ti 6:1–2)
They will exploit these verses, or others similar to it, as a way to justify their devout yoke with the atheistic world (2Co 6 :14); their hunger for earthly power over others, and the many abuses that come from that. They are critical of anyone who does not swallow everything that comes from the Satan serving, domination seeking, land lording people; those who are government employee hirelings, or in other human imposed social hierarchical roles.
Indeed, the relationship between the Nazi Party and the Catholic Church is well known. It is analogous to the Jews and the Roman Empire . And the protestants are worse than the catholics and the orthodox combined; the darkest of them all throughout their presence, being westernized White evangelicals, who are the (perhaps unwitting) major players in satanic Eschaton events, with Satan's political constructs as their favorite playground.
¶ Game Of Resources!
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Ironically, it is the representatives of YHVH that these verses are referring to; first and foremost, those who reject the authority of Messiah Yeshua, the only human that was YHVH–in–the–flesh, and then secondarily, the disciples of Messiah Yeshua as the only living oracles of YHVH, and of/in every generation, from Pentecost Day until the Second Advent.
The messages are clear: we humans are stuck on Earth together; however, we the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are not on Earth to play gods or lords among men; that is what the eternally doomed are doing here. We are not here to buy buy buy die ; our purpose transcends the here and now.
In the month of my sixtieth birthday, this Messianic disciple had a knife flashed in my face by a young man aiming to rob me of my cheap laptop in a case over my shoulder, while I was walking in an urban area (I do not own/use cars; I would not do that to you my friends). The suddenness of such an unexpected thing startled me, and so the first thing I did was pull out and drop my wallet.
When the (taller but much thinner) young man, bent over to pick it up, I kicked him in the head; he dropped the knife as he went down. I felt so bad that I apologized; he wailed and cursed and ran off, clearly still dazed and bleeding. I wanted to go help him; I wish I could have caught up with him; I wanted to hug him; to teach him and to show him who I really am. I wish I would have just given him all my stuff.
I hope that one day I can tell him all this; you see, I Love him too. He reminded me of so many other young people, who are so conquered by their culture; so deep into the pocket of Satan; so committed to unholy mammon, as the Monetizers , that he was about to possibly (but unknowingly) kill a Messianic disciple. And for what? I own nothing expensive: And he lost a really nice knife in the exchange.
I was ashamed, but when telling the story, the worldly people (christians too) act as if I did some good; that I am an inspiration to all older Americans. But I repented of it unto my Master and King, because that is not what He (Messiah Yeshua) would have done in that situation; that is the part I like to share, but few find it as interesting as the brutishness (the machismo ) that I so loathe.
¶ Money Is To Life What Prostitution Is To Sex!
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Ruach HaKodesh teaches all Messianic disciples, of all generations and locations, the inherent dangers of money, how sinful money makes men, and of a desperate dependency upon it, and how it prostitutes all things. But Satan is only able to manipulate what we humans grant Satan, because no demons can create anything, nor do anything in the corporeal realm, because Satan and his demon army are incorporeal beings; and, was placed on an even shorter leash by the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.
Therefore, the demons rely upon willing humans to do all their bidding here on Earth. The devil made me do it! This is quite accurate, as that is indeed the case for the vast majority of the human species most of the time (Eph 6 :10–13). As an example, for anyone to even consider participating in the Car Cult ; that is a sure sign (tree fruit) that such individuals have allowed and followed the promptings of demons, and for a very long time, even prior to that one act: It is premeditated sin, just like all lifestyle choice sins are.
We know that Satan did not push Messiah Yeshua off the cliff, but tempted Him to jump willingly, so that the results (Elohim preventing His death at that time), would be seen by other humans as bravery and a miracle that Messiah Yeshua could benefit from. Assuredly, as we know, it was not for the benefit of Messiah but would have ultimately benefited Satan.
In exactly the same way, once we mortals become dependents of the very power weapon that rules Earth — $ mammon $ — Satan can manipulate us therein; casually and easily. Consequently, YHVH wants us to learn how to live without it; the very reason for the encounter with the rich young ruler (Luke 18 :18–30). When we are dependents of anything, we become its slave; money, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, even power (i.e. drunk with power). The paradigm of salvation cannot be more simple:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in them. For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof; but those that do the will of Elohim, will abide forever.
My teknion, it is the last time, and as you have heard that The Anti Messiah shall come, even now there are many anti-Messiahs, where by we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But, you have unction from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written unto you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. (1Jo 2:15–21)
Love not the World ; that refers to Satan's army of human servers that account for the bulk of all humanity, requiring Broadway to be wide to accommodate all of them (Matt 7 :13–15). Likewise, the things of this world would then be all the things that those people (Satan's devotees) produce; enculturation in general, but with an emphasis on human character; the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
In all New Covenant (testament or testimonial) instances, the World refers to the masses of atheistic humans, not the actual planet, which is the very creation of our Father in Heaven. You mess with that and you must/will be Soul parked in the spacial abyss of empty space.
The coin in the fish's mouth (Matt 17 :24–27) was a miraculous provision for all disciples of Messiah Yeshua (then & now), and yet, only to appease the demands for it by the Faithless Loveless masses that surround, all Messianic disciples of all generations; to be as wise as serpents, indeed. YHVH would never curse someone with the very prime weapon of Satan: Money! We know that one disciple (Judas) carried a money bag with coins in it to pay the temple taxes; they did not accept fish or labor. But my Master would not so much as soil His hands with it.
We disciples today are likewise forced to partake in Satan's money system, just to navigate our way around Earth; a planet that is evermore (or Eschaton level) decimated by money–hunger, populated by money lovers who are deeply infected with/by money addiction, unable to even comprehend a non monetary economy . Yet, even those who are not disciples of Messiah Yeshua can recognize the inherent flaws of the current monetization system (e.g: The Next System ).
¶ The Un–Economy!
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YHVH does not use or get involved in the human centric world; indeed, much of the New Covenant doctrine was about Spiritual enlightenment that came into this world via the propitiation on the Cross of my Master, Messiah Yeshua: The Indwelling Holy Spirit being a necessity, because we mere mortals were/are incapable of Love on our own, or even comprehending YHVH–Love beyond fickle human (mammalian) emotions.
The Logos had to become flesh (John 1 :1–5); YHVH had to take on human form and set the record straight, in Person, once and for all: It is finished indeed. The Logos became flesh and dwelt among us, so that His sacrificial death would make it possible for that same Word — the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit — to now dwell within us (Rom 8 ).
I do not merely study scripture, I am scripture. Thy word have I hid in my heart (Psa 119 :11). For everyone else it goes something like this: Thy word have I hid in my head, that I will sin against Thee! We either become the Logos (John Seventeen summarized), or, we spend a lifetime trying in vain to comprehend (this) the otherwise incomprehensible.
But YHVH does not interfere with human events, otherwise this Earth experiment would be tainted and thus, unjust, and we serve a fully just Creator. We were endowed with an eternal Soul; that Soul gave us a unique intellect that transcended the very animal kingdom that we share our earthly DNA with. All life on Earth was created from the elemental soup bowl unique to Earth (from the dust and to the dust, indeed).
Do all humans even have an eternal Soul? It is certain that many people live and act as if they do not; they can exist as Soulless beings, and thus do not even have the same caring capacity as dogs do. They are surely malevolent animals. This can be explained as sociopathy or psychopathy, but those are just words created by the mind sciences to describe and diagnose a trait; I use them too. But that alone does not explain the root why. I am still of those who believe all humans are given that breath of eternal life: a Soul. But I am also open minded (e.g. the Book of Jude ).
The differences between animals and humans were once noted in this arena; that animals were not capable of outright sin–evil or malevolence; that animals were instinctual and only became violent when they felt threatened or were starving. They did no evil just for the sake of being evil. Only humans show that trait or ability. But no matter how many demons an individual has within them, there is only so much pride those demons can pump into that human before they go mad and likely commit murder or suicide (or both). Demons do not care because there is a new generation everyday; they hop from one human to another.
When YHVH eventually "breathed" an eternal Soul into us bipedal hominid mammals, we became eternally living creations; we became soul–endowed : aware of spacetime ; aware of mortality; aware of our place in the Cosmos: we are Soul aware. But such awareness does not alter our greatest superpower: Volition and free will. We alone control our eternal fate.
Since the beginning, this Earth experiment has run a course that YHVH has had very little to do with. The snake oil salesmen of religion; the YHVH–monetizers; the COP Cultist's; even the culturally christianized anti–church groups; they have all been (creatively) creating some very disturbing interpretations of Holy Logos ; fortunately however, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are not limited to the productions of other humans: Was blind but now we see, and indeed fully woke to everything (1Jo 2 :15–20): The Parable of the Wicked Mammon .
Therefore, we no longer see scripture through the filters of our Enculturation ; instead, we see our current enculturation through the filter (or Light) of scripture. Consequently, we do not blindly go through this life as the blind followers of the blinded generations that came before us, or the masses currently around us. We are completely new creations; radically different than the masses on Broadway. Consequently, we do not merely follow like mindless drones, all that is about us today. We see all things through the eyes of our Maker; we have the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :9–16).
With this new and stunningly immense vision or perspective, we no longer feel the need to go along with everyone else. We are no longer cultural slogan absorbents who merely regurgitate our enculturation productions. We disciples have our own original thoughts and actual (life altering) critical thinking skills; neither of which can be taught via mere academics. No one can learn common sense, because it is what intellect and wisdom are built upon. The bulk of humanity can only monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot, as automatons and drones, from everyone and everything around them: E.g. the Car Cult ; WW3 in perpetuity.
¶ Trusting In Uncertain Riche$!
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(1Ti 6 :17) Rather than Narrow Way, they instead follow the Darkness destined masses, down the primrose path , with a devotion that is both impressive and eternally fatal: the Parable of the Unjust Steward indeed!
And the economy itself is just one manifestation of that collective blind followship; a demonstrated indifference to walking away from the world (1Jo 2 :15–17 & 4:4–13). Everyone without the mind of Messiah (and thus Spiritually blinded) must hold tight to and follow behind those of their culture. But Broadway is a doomed path; a dead end; an eternal separation from Adonai Elohim.
The only part of this world that YHVH interacts with — think Garden of Eden — is the same world that existed before the human infestation metastasized into the entire world, which is now impacting the very planet itself. The economy is the very mechanism making this destruction possible, with unholy mammon $ as the fuel.
And the Xians of Religianity are as blinded as anyone: They actually offer Prayer unto their god — whom they call Jesus but is really Satan the god of this world/age/era — to provide for them from among the things in/of this atheistic, human centered world; they actually believe that YHVH has anything whatsoever to do with any of it (Acts 7 ; 2Co 4 ), and then beg their god for more of it: Anathema!
The freedom in Messiah Yeshua, is itself, the realization of this prison world, created and sustained by the predominantly atheistic human masses of every generation: But they too, want to be in the world, and of the world, and for the World (John 3 :19–21), and so they merely christianized it: metaphorically, they build churches in Sodom. YHVH calls us away from it entirely. We know that YHVH engages humans only through the natural world; the YHVH–created world, and not the human centered new world, ordered and built by the masses on Broadway (Matt 7 :13–23).
We must be as wise as serpents (snakes are deceptive, stealthy, venomous, cannibalistic , carnivorous predators), but harmless as doves (Matt 10 :16). We learn and understand predation, and then prepare ourselves, as pacifist foreigners trapped on a planet filled with human predators, so that we live harmless; we are the light of the world (Matt 5 :14–16).
Those who consume and survive from their own (dog eat dog), are the parasites and predators (e.g. economic cannibalism ); people who make money from other people to avoid manual Labor ; and especially sinister are those from among the Monetizers (Isa 11 :1–9), for their days are numbered.
Conversely, we the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we strive to get our "heavenly manna" directly from the very place it grows; the garden Earth of our Heavenly Father, our Adonai Elohim. We purpose our lives, to be as free of money dependency, as it is possible for us. You see, the "snake" that we must be wise about, is not in the actual woods.
The woods — a preference for the wilderness or nature (Luke 5 :16) — is where you will find Messianic disciples, abiding as pacifistic and humble Saints, occupying peacefully with our Master, Messiah Yeshua, via the (Living Water–Bread of Life) Indwelling Holy Spirit (1Th 4 :7–12; 2Th 3 :7–12; Eph 4 :28–30).