¶ Life Is Time!
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This life is a gift of time. It does not really matter how mathematically long a time our earth–life is, but rather, what we do with the time we are given and experience; what we come to understand within that time, and thus what we become, today and then forever, because of it. How many waking hours is devoted to the existence of money? That is also a big tell!
We know that some who die as children will often display an unnatural level of maturity and wisdom that seems to defy their lifetime: this is not coincidental. In fact, it is evidence, but only unto those few with Spiritual eyes and ears. Prior to our earthy existence, we experienced no experiences; we were timeless, which was nothingness, perceptually. Or at the least, we retained no past memories.
We humans had no consciousness because we were not yet brought into time: new Souls are created (initiated) within humans. Science today, teaches us that corporeality itself is a vessel of and for matter; that matter is subject to time and space, which are effectively the same thing. We know that corporeal matter (itself) never really goes away, it simply changes form, and is thus, eternal, or at least ongoing in that sense. Time is a product of space (or vice versa?), and as such it is more accurately called spacetime .
Notwithstanding, what we individual humans spend the bulk of our lifetime doing; that becomes the sum of our existence; that sum is but the collection of our worship (Rom 12 :1–3). Messiah Yeshua was the One who brought this to our minds; He said that we cannot serve Elohim and Mammon ; this central and critical theme runs throughout, not only the parables of the Master, but throughout all of Scripture, and in many differing ways. But it is not spelled out as a Law list, or in do not do this fashion; there is an important reason for that.
When we spend enough intimate time with our Heavenly Father, we become an individual that has no real interest in lifetime; like brother Saul put it: To be absent of the body is to be present with The Lord (2Co 5 ). This Life Is Not Even About This Life !!
But everyone knows, deep–deep down inside; well hidden in one of their many darkrooms, that they do not belong to YHVH; even the highly religious know (or gnosis ) that after they die on Earth, they will not be among the resurrection of the Just. The evidence to support this reality is not their devotion to the productions of religion, but in their desperation to survive for as long as they can on Earth, knowing that this is it for them.
So it becomes cult like, such as with the Doomsday Prepper , who are ironically but not surprisingly, predominantly the christianized. The notions within post–scarcity will remain in the realm of science fiction, simply because the bulk of humanity are mere automaton–drones of their respective Enculturation paradigms. As such, they do not have the mind of Messiah, and from there, its higher thinking and ways (Heb 3 ; Rom 8 ; 1Co 2 ).
Once an individual is One with YHVH; once John Seventeen defines ones daily existence (instead of money or consumerism or economics or politics), the only prayer one will have left, will be for the strength to continue to meaningfully worship the only King, with whatever amount of time is left in this life; the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much (James 5 ), but the "much" has nothing to do with earthly possessions or activities (Luke 12 ).
Once an individual understands the core of the Gospels, the Luke 16 parable makes sense. At the core: Money is the root of all evil; the love of it being downright satanic; people cannot serve YHVH and mammon (money), for they will have to defy YHVH by/in their investment in Satan's Earth productions: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! The lazy people cannot dig; they cannot work with their hands the things that are good (Eph 4 ; 1Co 4 ); they cannot live Simple .
They think they are above constructing homes or growing food or making clothes, or any/all the other sweat of the brow laboring that it takes to bring all useful material things into being. They believe they deserve all these things, and in massive abundance more than others (even those who make them), but believe, as supreme beings, that others should bring those necessities into being, and they simply take them. Economics is the ploy!
But the simpleton gullible masses cannot see any of this; they are so beguiled by Satan's systems, they are unable to see life on Earth as anything or anyway other than what it is; what is before them now. And even through the Garden of Eden parable was given to all of us via the Tanakh , most cannot see the true meaning of it, for being enraptured in the literalism of it.
But there is no way to obtain these things without being murderous thieves, or some other system in place to make it so; and today we call this system, money economics. Satan's people built the money economy, off the backs of the laborers, and for power and control; Satan's trademarks. All these money–loving people believe they deserve massive volumes of resources (primarily money in the post–Messianic Era), and others do all the sweating and laboring. Satan's social stratification is the result; a result limited to this Earth experiment, thankfully.
But the labor it takes to bring about a Simple life, is what is being defined here. Scarcity is not about the lack of a resource, but about control over those resources, from a dependency upon them; it is about power, and Satan is all about power. After all, Satan wanted to usurp YHVH as the El of all Creation! So, YHVH gave Earth to Satan and crew, with limitations; a proverbial short leash; the ultimate play of which was/is to discover the people that are like Satan, religious or not (John 8 ; Matt 13 ).
Religion itself was/is a byproduct of money economics; the money–changers in the Jewish temples got that message from The Master, and most deliberately (Mark 11 :15–19; Luke 19 :45–48). It is the only record of Messiah Yeshua getting outright violent; this alone should make anyone interested in Messianic doctrine, to be at that focal–point. The cleansing of the temple narrative was a major act by YHVH–in–skin; it is central to all other theological considerations. Christian Doctrine Is Not Messianic Doctrine !!
¶ Laborer For The Lord!
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Whatever people spend the bulk of ones lifetime doing; this is what is loved; denying this reality is delusional, though convenient for a season. This was/is the central message in/of the parable of the Sheep and the Goats . What you say or think or believe, has no bearing on your eternal destiny; only what you do, and do not do, will matter (Matt 5 :14–16; Matt 16 :27; Matt 23 :3–5). We Are What We Do And No More !
The Spiritually transformed few, do not care what was already established (by former generations), when and where they/we were born, because they/we are born again anyway; the life we now life, we live by Faith, not be sight. What our eyeballs see is irrelevant to the higher minded. The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are not spoiled by the world; we do not see the ways of the World to be the best way to live on Earth anyway.
But the Spiritually blind can only follow those before them and/or in front of them: Religious or not, the worldly copy–mimic–parrot the world; they highly esteem the same things (again, Luke 16:13–15); they defy YHVH by making an offense of the Temple of Ruach HaKodesh; they seek labor–free money always. All religion is a distraction from all of this!
The Spiritually blinded religionists, market and sell the notion that if you accept Jesus as Lord then you go to Heaven in the end. I call this the Great Lie! Romans Road is just Broadway renamed, and Narrow Way never crosses paths with it. Heaven is not a single place; it is a state of existence that encompasses the Cosmos. Likewise, Hell is also not a place or a destination, but a Spiritual condition or state of consciousness, which will indeed, be a hellish million millennia in the Abyss; extreme outer Darkness .
One can make a thousand "alter calls" and never partake in the Heavenly Kingdoms of YHVH. Anyone can make a verbal profession in/of anything: Talk ain't cheap it's free! (1Co 13 ). Peter swore sincerely to Messiah Yeshua that though all others might forsake Him, he (Peter) would be there until the bitter end, but Yeshua immediately told Peter that before the days end, Peter would deny Him thrice (i.e. you lie), and then he did (Matt 26 :75). Ouch!
This is why Yeshua taught all His apostles and disciples that we are to look, only at action and inaction; that the tree is known by the fruit it bears (Matt 7 ); that it is in daily lifestyle choices and decisions, far more than in the cloaked acts of religious consumerism, that exposes ones true heart condition.
It is easy to use words, prayers, self–professions, lip–service, attend church services, enable religion businesses of any kind, and read a bible. But is entirely another thing to surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die to this life; die to one's own dreams and desires; die to pride–ego–emotion; die to sedentary living; die to how most people live; and die like that, daily (Luke 9 thru 11; 1Co 15 ; Rom 6 ; Gal 2 ).
In summary, to (proverbially) let the old man and the old life, die by fire, and ashes buried, and from there, be remade (born again); be renewed and healed and restored by the subsequent Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 3 :3–5; 2Co 5 :14–17; Eph 4 :20–24).
Considering this modern age and the fact that we are deep into the corruption of the Eschaton Era; if your lifestyle is even remotely like it was before you accepted Jesus as Lord then you did nothing and your eternal destiny remains as it was before: Doomed! E.g. Those who still partake or enable the Car Cult , may be too far from the Messianic Cross, to ever get even near to it (Mark 12 :28–34).
Messiah Yeshua called away His disciples and apostles from economic roles; most notably, Matthew the tax collector, a hands–out taker, and Saul of Tarsus, the professional religionist; they all died as simple laborers of one type or another. Everyone else, Yeshua included, continued to fish, garden and gather for food, and did other Tekton crafts and other labor traits to support themselves, even as missionaries.
When Saul of Tarsus became Paul the apostle, he went from being an elite religious professional (Saul the Pharisee ) to an often homeless tentmaker, and otherwise worked with his hands until death (1Co 4 :9–15).
In like manner, all future resurrects Saints of Adonai our Elohim, are called away from the sedentary, exploitative, Mammon centered, monetary world, and given opportunities to labor by the sweat of their brows and the callouses of their hands, as a living witness of Messianism. It is lifestyle evangelism at its best, but of course, the Pharisees of every generation, oppose this very notion; they have to.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, with very few exceptions, labor with our hands (Eph 4 :28): Not to do so, is akin to thievery, for you are being a mammon servant by exploiting the monetary system, created and sustained by Satan and his human agents, to buy labor, so that you can avoid producing your own food, building your own shelter and other constructs, and any other labor intensive effort, which supports your existence. Most people exploit others because they never Love; it is impossible to Love, without Love installed: YHVH is Love and the Holy Spirit is YHVH.
The logic is simple. To think that you Love on your own is to believe you are a god (consciously or not); it is woefully arrogant. But that same aura of self-importance; that egocentric state is exactly what YHVH intends to weed out from among us. Material things give people power as well as a sense of entitlement. We are witness this with the Car Cult and its devastation to the very planet its abusers are leaving the children they are convinced they love.
¶ Blind Enculturation: Economic Tribalism!
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The monetization and commodification of the creation of YHVH was/is the single greatest act of evil in the sum universe forever, and thus, the love of that money is the root of all evil. A dependency on, and devotion to, the making and the usury of money, is the evidence of a love for it. Monetizing people is yet another manifestation of this human created sin above all sins ; we call it slavery.
Nevertheless, anyone who turns human into a dollar increment (unpaid slavery or wage slavery) will suffer from the same fate as the mass murderer. The final nail in the proverbial casket was/is capitalism, or the total blind acceptance of the Satan servants economic or money systems, which will be the prime weapon in all end time prophecy.
Capitalism was/is built upon the premise that there are superior people and inferior people: It created (and then normalized) the entitlement mentality; a class warfare, which pits people against one another. This learned behavior is passed along by generation, with the objects of opposition ranging from religion to skin color (and a host of other things), which are just excuses to hate; to justify Satan's mentality productions that lead to any/all forms of us–against–themism.
The class structure was/is a byproduct of money economics, because money is a thing that can be hoarded into wealth, and it is that hoarded wealth which pays for all military organizations that will ever exist on Earth. Before all of that; people built shelters, grew or caught or raised all their own food, and nothing could be hoarded for very long before it rotted or died. But money changed everything, and Messiah Yeshua arrived on Earth (when and where He did) exactly because of it; the timing was not accidental or coincidental; it was indeed celestial!
The labor roles of Messiah Yeshua, all the apostles, and almost all the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, did what the modern capitalistic elite refer to as menial work: Labor! They see themselves as above it or elevated from these peon social roles.
But a money economy is the major player in all Eschaton Era prophecies, which would be impossible in a Messianic world. If all people lived a Simple life and was contented and peaceful, the predicted Eschaton Era events would not have manifested: Money economics first had to happen; beware the Monetizers !
Within that economic system (which denigrated into what we call capitalism today), there must be what is often referred to as dead jobs; things to do, to trade time for money, and then to use that money to buy the things that YHVH expects each of us to labor for, on our own; to suffer personally from the labor curse and let that serve to buffet us from a certain feeling of entitlement (which is pandemic in the Eschaton).
The very design of the human body demonstrates that hard labor is healthy for us, as is simple whole foods and an otherwise stress free way of life. Life is only complex because the bulk of the human race are Faithless Loveless and thus atheistic beings; they remain the sum of their micro–experiences; never enlightened by Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Here is a hypothetical picture to demonstrate: Imagine that everyone (without exception) gets a bachelors degree or greater, and in every category availed: Now what? The attorney–class alone, requires there be a few thousand criminals and victims, per attorney, in order for them to become wealthy, which is their central goal of existence. But if everyone had a formal education, the competition for such jobs would be far more competitive that it is already. If everyone was well educated and committed no crimes, how would a trillion dollar Judicial Industry even be?
Even if it were possible for everyone to be gainfully employed in high paying jobs, who then, would the attorney–class have to criminalize? To make into victims? There is no profit in true justice; certainly not within Authoritarian Economics, nor in grow–or–die economic paradigms. When you need a regular supply of money just to survive, whatever it takes to get that money is the core of compromise within the human condition (1Ti 6 :6–10).
I Am the bread of life! Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread that comes down from Heaven; that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I Am the living bread, which came down from Heaven: If anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever, and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this Man give us His flesh to eat? Then Yeshua said unto them:
Amen, amen, I say unto you; except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Who so eats My flesh, and drinks My blood, has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For My flesh is true meat indeed, and My blood is true drink indeed. Those that eat My flesh and drink My blood dwells in Me, and I in them. As the Living Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father, so he that eats Me, even they shall live by Me. This is that bread which came down from Heaven; not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. Those that eat of this bread shall live forever!
These things said He in the synagogue, as He taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of His disciples, when they had heard this, said: This is a hard saying; who can hear it? When Yeshua knew in Himself that His disciples murmured at it, He said unto them:
Does this offend you? What if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before? It is the Spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Yeshua knew from the beginning, whom they were that believed not, and who should betray Him. And He said: Therefore I said unto you that no man can come unto Me, except it was given unto him of My Father!
From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. Then said Yeshua unto the twelve: Will you also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life! And we believe and are sure that you are The Messiah, the Son of the only living Elohim. Yeshua answered them: Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is of the devil? He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon, for it was he that should betray Him, being one of twelve. (John 6:48–71)
YHVH only provides through what YHVH made; YHVH provides only base needs and only through the natural world. YHVH provides manna, and conversely, Satan provides only through mammon. Money is accursed; it is how Satan creates a dependency on anything but YHVH alone. Messiah Yeshua said: Why do you worry about the things of tomorrow? There is enough to concern you for this day! Now, that does not make much sense to the money dependent, money servant, grocer dependent people of the Eschaton era.
To trust in natural provisions on a day by day basis, in nature, is a life they cannot even fathom, much less does it define theirs! We disciples see this again and again, but a favorite is when Messiah Yeshua was faced with a money demand; He did not reach into His pocket and pull out a coin; no, He asked His disciple to go the the water, grab the first fish, and in its mouth would be the very coin of mammon that was commanded from Him from the money dependents; dependents that He too, had to be around.
This is why a fake economy and a money system was spawn by Satan and his massive human and demon crew, to begin with; to create dependency upon those who possess the drug that is Mammon ! Simply criminalize any freedom wherein we can interact with the natural world around us, and then control the land that the food comes from, and presto, you control everyone.
But without validated trust or real living faith, most stick to the (seemingly more sure) money system, operated by Satan and his demon crew, who work tirelessly through people, from generation to generation. But Yeshua knew from the beginning who they were/are who did/does not really believe!
¶ The Devil Disciple?!
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One of the most famous of the 12 disciples was Judas the capitalist. He was like the Pharisees; a money lover and dependent, and knew that he could gain mammon by his infamous act of betrayal. This was one of those predestination moments: Judas knew that Yeshua was the prophesied Messiah, but could not stop himself from the opportunity to (yep) capitalize upon this situation. On the one hand he knew that doing so would likely doom him to outer Darkness , and yet, he did it anyway: He could not help it! Hence the quote: Predestination: You Can; You Should; But You Won't !!
Of course, soon after, he regretted doing so, and in his despair took his own life, but many theological thinkers throughout time have speculated that YHVH did this on purpose; that Judas was a strawman for Elohim. I do not think so; volition is genuine, but an absence of real and genuine faith, even in the smallest portion (Matt 13 :31–43), is all that is needed to keep people trapped by blind Enculturation .
Matthews portrait of Judas is notably different. To him, Judas is neither a straw man who is quickly set on fire and engulfed in flames, nor is he some kind of embodied personality disorder that is eventually cut down from the noose and set before us as a noble example of something. Rather, his Judas looks a bit like you and me; a guilt–ridden sinner in need of serious help. He serves as a mirror in which we can and should look into our own Soul to see if our dark sides resemble his and to see if there is any traitorous inclination that would lead us to leave the God we love. ― Matthew (St. Andrew's Expositional Commentary) R. C. Sproul
Judas had the volition to "just say no" to the money offer. Yet, our Heavenly Father knew the character of Judas, even before he was born; from that volitional reality, YHVH knew which direction Judas would go. It was foreknowledge unto YHVH (who has already seen this movie we call Life on Earth: Isa 46 :9–11), but we who are still the subjects of time and space, must wait for it. We can learn all about the Savior of the world, via the Messiah Scriptures , and we can become very sure of ourselves that we will follow Him, come what may.
But it is only in the course of life that we can be tested; that test exists to see if our protestations and self-beliefs have any eternal roots. Many learn about the price, and know deep inside that they cannot pay it; they cannot or will not resist the devil and his many temptations, and yet, many will still go through the motions of church attendance and religious rituals, nonetheless.
The atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, will manifest an almost pathological desire for self survival, and that grim reality infiltrates all their thoughts and deeds. This is because, deep deep inside, they know they are eternally doomed, and as such, they clamor for more of this life, for it is all they will have, and (deep down inside) they know it. This is why they will focus on survival at all costs; why they are trapped in the same mentalities as the rest of the Faithless world.
They can claim outwardly to be a Christian; validating those claims with church attendance and tithing as physical manifestations of their protestations: However, lifestyle alone, apart from religion, is the only true measure of a human. How we live upon Earth is the only paradigm of one's true Spiritual status at any given time.
¶ Victimized By The Capitalistic Agenda!
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A money driven culture cannot be sustained. But the brainwashed masses simply cannot fathom a life lived without an economy, and thus all the competitivism that comes packaged with it. Within the consumerist life therefore, the need for meaningless employment is obvious in our economic system today; indeed, employment gives people a false sense of what is labor, scripturally speaking.
The sweating of the brow is not the same thing as the trading of time for money. Living a Simple life with only food and shelter as the main consumer products, is a mystery to mindless consumerists. This is why many are beginning to understand the difference between necessary work, and dead (or BS) jobs just for the sake of employment, which is just for money to buy things. This self deprecation (or depreciation) is expressed partly in LARPing Your Job!
Furthermore, everyone cannot simply get an education, and magically all things will work out via some guaranteed high paying employment role; that simply cannot work and it does not work. In all class systems, a large underclass is necessary for the upper class system to work.
For a laborer to pursue a formal education is far different than when a build–nothing grow–nothing make–nothing person looks at the Education Industry. For Messianic disciples (and the few that think like us in this particular matter), education is far more than a pathway to dollar acquisition. It is more about a wisdom toward earthly or corporeal knowledge with focus on the physical creation of YHVH. We do not think of profit in monetary terms; profit is always Spiritual. We cannot serve Mammon because we serve YHVH; no human will ever once do both (Luke 16 ).
Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before The Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. Study to show yourself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babbling, for they will increase unto more unrighteousness. (2Ti 2:14–16)
He therefore that despises, despises not man, but Elohim, who has also given unto us His Holy Spirit. But as touching brotherly Love, you need not that I write unto you, for you yourselves are taught of Elohim to Love one another. And indeed, you do it toward all the brethren that are in all Macedonia; but we beseech you brethren, that you increase more and more, and that you study to be quiet, and to do your own business and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you: That you may walk honestly toward them that are lacking, and that you may have lack of nothing. (1Th 4:8–12)
Rejoice in The Lord always! And again I say, rejoice! Let your moderation be known unto all men; The Lord is at hand! Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto Elohim. And the peace of Elohim, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Messiah Yeshua. Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which you have both learned, received and heard, and seen in me, do, and The Lord of peace shall be with you. (Phl 4:4–9)
Go now, you that say: Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, buy and sell and get gain! Whereas, you know not, what shall be tomorrow. For what is your life? It is but a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. What you ought to say is: If The Lord wills, we shall live, and do this or that! But now you rejoice in your boasting; all such rejoicing is evil. Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin. (James 4:13–17)
The very purpose of education and knowledge and learning – for the Messianic as the (few human) partakers of the Kingdom of YHVH – was/is meant to lead to a Spiritual wisdom; a profound and empowering peace; a transcendent understanding of the purpose of this life, which is life–eternal. This life is but a vapor; in and of itself it is vanity: Ecclesiastics summarized.
Satan reverses nearly everything. Being a servant is the single highest calling, for all who live under the Messianic Cross; in Satan's humanist world (The World ), the servants are low–life's; underlings; the person that most try to avoid being or believe they must rise above. The attorney has prestige and power and money, but the carpenters and laborers are at the bottom of Satan's scales. Messiah Yeshua intentionally came as a carpenter, versus a human king or a high–order Pharisee (and so on), exactly to make a major point of all of this.
What Satan does inside of his religion businesses, is to attenuate or eliminate the major themes of Messianism, and invalidate the Supreme Doctrine of Messiah, via a complex level of scripture twisting and manipulation, which exposes itself in the summary of COP Cult theology.
It is not the one unrepentant lie that is at issue here; telling lies is very bad indeed, and can have devastating outcomes. But then, so is all sin–evil, regardless of human sensibilities toward them. Telling one lie is like committing one murder. Thus, the reason why all liars will be cast into the (proverbial) lake of fire, is not because of the lie itself, but what it takes, to be indifferent to it to begin with; the substance of ones character is what is at stake here.
If a person wants to murder someone, that (itself) comes from the hate that is already within them, murder committed or not, because it is what is in the heart that matters. All these things are impossible with the Indwelling Holy Spirit, also dwelling within, because YHVH is Love; the Holy Spirit was/is the Soul of Messiah Yeshua, which was (and again will be on Earth) the Human Form of YHVH. Messiah Yeshua said: Those that have seen Me have seen The Father! (14 ). We must (and we can) become One with YHVH: John Seventeen !
Messiah Yeshua taught us to go the second mile when human law commands we go just one; all Messianic disciples are willing go that second mile or more. We are not here on Earth to live this life only; This life is not even about this life! Well, to the future resurrected Saints of YHVH at least. As for the rest of humanity, this life is all they will have (Matt 5 ; John 8 & 18 ).
The anti-Messianic, religious or not, will rebel; they live in a state of perpetual defiance, and refuse to be told what to do or how to live. They are driven by Satan via pride–ego–emotion, and not by YHVH via Love–wisdom–humility. In fact, they think that (YHVH) Love and peace and pacifism are weaknesses; they prefer machismo and domination and controlism; to be the gods of their own lives and world. Don't tell me what to do!
But defiance and rebellion, which are always accompanied by anger and vengeance, bitterness and revenge, are manifestations of true fear; that is why these kind of people also love guns (weapons) and big cars, because they empower those who are otherwise powerless. But only Love is Power! My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness! (2Co 12 )
Loudness Is Always A Cry For Help !! Loudness, aggression, and all forms of attention–seeking acts and activities, are outward cries for attention and help, by those weakened by Satan and the demon crew, as they prey on weak humans, to push them away from the Messianic Cross. The conundrum is that those weakened in this way, overcompensate by acting out in opposite fashion, and worse, they cannot admit to their internal weaknesses, and so they never lean toward the Messianic Cross, where strength is found only in weakness.
Satan owns them, and they know it, though that knowing remains deep–deep within them, often hidden from their conscious view. That which is their deep places is just the place they avoid, and fear is why they cannot look deep within themselves.
They are vessels made for destruction; they could spend their entire Earth life with Messiah Yeshua and at the end of that time, still be cast into outer Darkness; still eternally doomed. Why? Because they love darkness rather than the light! YHVH knows the human heart deeply; whereas we humans can only watch human action and inaction to determine ones true intentions: And they can suddenly change!
What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with Elohim? Certainly not! For He says to Moses: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion! So then, it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of Elohim that showed mercy. For the scripture says unto Pharaoh: Even for this same purpose have I raised you up, that I might show My power in you and that My name might be declared throughout all the earth! Therefore, He has mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will, He hardens. You will say then unto me: Why does He yet find fault? For who has resisted His will? Nay O man, who are you that replies against Elohim? Shall the thing formed, say to Him that formed it: Why have you made me thus? Has not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor? What if Elohim, willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had before, prepared unto glory, even us whom He has called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? (Rom 9:14–24)
Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, so that whoever believes Him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved. Those that believe Him are not condemned; but those that do not believe, are condemned already, because they have not believed in the Name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither will come to the light, lest their deeds should be exposed. But those that do truth, comes into the light so their deeds may be made manifest; that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:16–21)
In the distant past, people built their own homes, grew their own food and made their own clothing; life was simple and most did not want for more than what they could make. But even then, there were those who would rather steal or con, than to labor with their own hands to build and grow and make the necessities of life, and to be content therein. They wanted more; much more than could have been attained by sweat labor and a Simple lifestyle.
The kings and lords, overseers and rulers of the past, created a hunger for power within the next generation. These blindly enculturated young people could see the advantages of being wealthy and powerful, and the atheistic among them, likewise wanted to be that way too. Discontented and thus ambitious, the human masses began to cheat and lie and steal to get ahead in this human created fantasy of superiority and excess.
A Simple life was just too simple; it was boring; the pretty girls preferred the rich men to the poor men, and so the poor men sought to be rich as well. Indeed, soon most everyone wanted to be rich. Building a simple structure alongside of one spouse, and having a few animals and a garden for food; this was not the life that many imagined.
Instead, they wanted (and still want) to be kings; queens; lords; bosses; leaders; superior; dominionist: this depravity degraded into elitism and classism and social stratification .
In the Kingdom of Heaven, there will only be one King; one Lord; one Master: YHVH, Adonai our Elohim! What this life on Earth intends to reveal, are those who are content with a Simple life, versus those who want more and evermore. This life is about temptation versus temperance; subjugation versus surrender; predation versus provision (Isa 11 :6–9; Isa 65 :19–25): It will divide the discontented, from the peaceful; those who have surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, versus those (religious or not) who clamor for evermore in this life.
Lifestyle is the evidence, not religion. Satan was not satisfied with the YHVH designed system, and so he sought to change it and get on top himself. This is (in part) why Satan was sentenced to life on Earth. The God–Complex can also be witnessed in people; those who are not just discontented, but who then seek to use this life as a way to be a little god with whatever power they can obtain. Even the bosses of the employed become like little dictators.
¶ Capitalism Is Economic Predation & Parasitism!
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For a small time, of time, Satan gets to play god by tempting people who are characteristically, just like him; those who are power–hungry, discontented, materialistic, capitalistic, and superficial. For us humans; our lot in this life is irrelevant: those born into poverty, and those born into wealth, still have volition; they can either be content with a Simple life, or they can go the other way.
The greed driven naturally desire capitalism, for they (too) are capitalistic; they prosper from it and because of it; they can gain without much physical effort. Indeed, everyone who makes money without laboring (including the religionists) favor capitalism, for it allows them the "freedom" to exploit other people, so they can remain both sedentary and prosperous.
The evidence of all of this surrounds us all: The Global Import business, is itself, the fruit–evidence supporting the fact that the bulk of the human species (the masses on Broadway) live in a horrifying state of peacelessness. They not only do not comprehend that peace which surpasses all comprehension (Phl 4 ), to live in the embrace of it, would seem implausible to them; even the among the christianized.
Poverty is a dirty word in the Eschaton; this is because we are so far down the ruthless path of the capitalistic that it all seems normal to us today (now that is blind enculturation). Discontentment and excess have become commonplace; the easily exploitable state of ambition, and greed, and ruthlessness, and wealth mongering; these are not only legal and socially acceptable today, they are prized attributes (when evil is good and good is evil, indeed). Money economics, inflationary economics, and profiteer economics; these were (and are) necessary dynamics and mechanisms, for all the planetary cataclysms to occur.
Global planetary destruction (at the hands of the atheistic masses) would not be possible if everyone minded their own business, built their own homes, grew or raised their own food, and remained living a simple subsistence lifestyle in peace with their neighbors and the creation.
When we see life from the much larger biblical perspective, rather than from blind enculturation, we can see all these things unfold; we profit from prophecy. Capitalism as an economic paradigm, is but the last manifestation of deprivation; the final expression of unrighteousness, before the end comes; indeed, it will be the very substance of the Eschaton.
Humans have basic needs; our physicality demands it. This life therefore, is used as a test, to experience and to record, who will be providers and makers, versus those who will be profiteers and takers. It is to allow volition to decide who will be the weeds versus the wheat; the sheep or the wolves; the pacifists or the predators. There are no presets in creation; none were created only to be destroyed. But there is predestination, which follows foreknowledge, and foreknowledge is the ability of the Creator of time, YHVH, to go forward in time, to watch the outcome of time.
Defiance was/is the central feature of Satan (and his trillion demon army), and thus by extension, all people that are not conquered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Since day one, the lazy human creature has been trying to defy the labor curse upon them, all the way until we arrive at the Industrial Revolution , where man finally beat this curse... or did they?
In solving one problem, people have created hundreds more; living fattened, slothful, sedentary, ignorant, self-centered lives, as a result of that victory over the labor curse. Humans are now killing planet Earth: That is amazingly moronic. The (not so revolutionary) Industrial Revolution did not take that long, given geologic or even YHVH time (since YHVH is creator of time, space, matter, and energy, YHVH is not guided by any of them).
This bold defiance may empower many in the short term; the military's of the dominators may rule for a span of time, but eventually, people will fall into the destructive pit YHVH dug, even before we were here. The idea behind swords to ploughshares (Isa 2 ) was that one day all militants would turn in their weapons to be converted into farming equipment for a peaceful world.
But (in reality) we know that only with the return of the King, could such a thing happen. The meek shall surely inherit the earth, but not this one. Indeed, a new earth (in a different solar system) is on the agenda (2Pe 3 ; Rev 21 ; Isa 65 thru 66), for there has been too much suffering, pain and death on this planet, for YHVH to allow it to remain as a reminder of it all.
¶ The Seat To Seat Lifestyle!
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There is no such thing as "work" that involves sitting in a chair all day. The "hands in the pie" parasites of taker economics, actually believes that if they trade time for money in some meaningless do nothing, make nothing, grow nothing, build nothing lifestyle, they are doing something good. But all they ever do is evil always.
They do not have the Spiritual sight of the future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim; they are not the Elect of YHVH; they are not Messianic disciples. They are worldlings; religious or not, educated or not, churched or not, they are the World . As economic predators and carnivores, all they do is take take take and then die. Earth is their carcass!
As we can witness, YHVH made us to labor; burning calories working from the sweat of our brow, not merely getting resources from the Mammon gained from some purposeless, worldly, human created, culture driven employment position. A sedentary lifestyle is clearly more dangerous to health than hard labor: Even captive (once wild) animals suffer the same health problems as captive people.
Furthermore, when we rely on YHVH to provide for us from the ground, and not just the grocery store, we develop character; we increase in appreciation, perseverance and duty. We also engage nature daily, and this develops other characteristics that YHVH wants us to have.
The bottom line is just sheer laziness; today people claim that we have machines to do all the labor, but these people were the same people, Spiritually and thus psychologically, who used to say that we have nonwhite sub humans to do all the labor for us greater people (I will not use the N word here).
They too, were not content; they too, were not at peace; they wanted wealth and used slaves to get there, and without lifting a finger if possible. For them, avoiding the labor curse was the main goal; a commitment to live an anti-Messianic existence, whether they were/are openly aware of it or not (and most are not).
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! Religions are passionately devoted to them all! US religion businesses are nothing more than yet another platform for 501(c)(3) tax exempt salary trough entities, exploited to justify the recruiting of funds, to avoid labor. Some people exploit causes to refill their salary troughs, not because they have any real or lasting dedication to justice or human dignity, but because they are Grifters for God, or just for themselves!
However, the only way to rid society of capitalistic parasites and predators such as these, is to make it unprofitable for them to continue exploiting other people via profiteer economics. Since that would require a huge standing army to impose Martial Law upon the bulk of humanity, and thus, globally criminalizing profiteer economics; the Eschaton prophecies are assured.
There is a huge difference between profiteer economics, or capitalism, versus free market economics. Not only are they Not the same; in many ways they actually oppose one another. The only way for a free market to be actually free for everyone, would be to create laws that protect everyone.
Those laws would serve one main paradigm: To prevent any one individual or corporation from taking too much of a market share of anything and everything. I.e. Reduce a businesses footprint to allow others to partake in that particular market, or be eliminated; a complete physical and economic destruction of that business entity.
¶ The Script Of American Capitalism!
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The capitalist mindset is to divert attention away from them, and place it on another issue altogether; to use (indeed, exploit) the word "freedom" to apply to their wanton monopoly over any sector of the economic system (which is itself, morbidly corrupt). Capitalism is about greed and domination, which is why the masses are all for it. Why?
Because one day they too, hope to profit from the system. Capitalism is the end result of a (now epidemic) lust to have way more than is necessary to exist comfortably, and then exploiting the laws of the former generations of capitalists, to rationalize, validate, and even glorify this hunger–lust for evermore.
For another example: planetary resources belong to all of humanity, and not a select few wealth mongers who can buy their way into their exploitation paradigms, no matter how legalistically, politically, or ethically they manufacture and present those paradigms (via the human created political and judicial industries). But since wealth begets wealth (the sum definition of capitalism), the only true justice that can or will occur on Earth, will be with the return of The King (Messiah Yeshua).
Today in North America, it is the immigrants from South America (mostly Mexico) that must cross a dangerous desert to trek to locations where they provide the manual labor in/for the construction and farming industries; this is a reality, exactly because the bulk of Americans are pathologically lazy. It is also destroying human relationships by making every act an economic one, which in turn, will collapse.
Laboring is also a deep connection to the natural world, which they also oppose; they do not mind viewing the majesty of the created world so long as they do not have to get dirty; so long as they can stay inside human made boxes. The idiom: "out of the woods", implies that being in the woods is undesired; an idiom popularized by the urbanized. Laboring, hunting, walking, and hiking, fueled by a good clean diet, equals good health.
There is a direct connection between the reprobate mind and mental illness (Rom 1 ; Titus 1 ): The long–term mental health of people is tied directly to the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which then, changes how we live on Earth, because YHVH changes how we see Earth, the planet owned exclusively by YHVH, and that comes with no human ownership options.
What YHVH has created, let not man tear asunder. One of the most important aspects of laboring together, is that it builds human bonds and relationships that last into eternity. Seeing someone for several minutes at a weekly church service is not a relationship. But for the anti-Messianic religious; this is all they know.
We humans live by the choices made, from within the choices. To put it another way; we first decide how we are going to survive on Earth, and then we select the options that fit within that paradigm; that box if you will. Here is a common scene:
I am not going to labor with my hands, and live a Simple life upon this earth; I want what my eyes are tempted by, and I will not settle for less. I will exploit one of the many opportunities this capitalistic money economy provides and let others do all the grunt labor on my behalf; I am above that!
In other words, this person has already made a lifelong commitment, as to how they are going to survive on Earth. From within this set of boundaries, all other choices are made. This also explains why the rich commit suicide ; why so many of the money rich during capitalism's money dependent Great Depression committed suicide (or lost their mind) once they lost their wealth. Why not just get a labor job and work? Why die? Horrifying laziness! They chose death over humility; that is the superpower of volition, with pride at its core.
But in order to make billions, there first had to be billions; hence, the economic construct we have today, which will bring about the Eschaton. The mammon economic system of the modern capitalistic states is ingenuous in its state of pure corruption: Never has there been such a masterminded construct to befall humanity. But this all had to come into being, because the Prophets seen it all happening from antiquity. It is surely the will of YHVH, but it is also a manifestation of Satan as the god of this world and age (2Co 4 ).
The Federal Reserve {the Iron Bank? } is sustaining US capitalism ― directly by loaning to corporations, and indirectly by loaning to the federal government ― to run a huge deficit, excess of trillion dollars... The federal government is not an intrusion; the federal government is the only thing that keeps private capitalism from a complete bust... And what do we know about this way that the Federal Reserve is keeping capitalism going? It is funding the most extreme inequality in a century of American history. ― Richard Wolff
¶ Capitalism's Create–A–Job Economics!
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Have you ever noticed how a particular product or service starts out so good but then gets really bad after some time? This is due to (what I call) deadwood dynamics. A company will create a product or service, but then they have all these employees that have to do something to earn their mammon (salaries), and so they will spend the bulk of their work/time either shuffling meaningless paperwork, or they are put in charge of reinventing the proverbial wheel. They cannot leave well enough alone.
If it works don't fix it! This is the logic of my youth. But within the money dependent capitalistic economies, simply making something of quality, and then duplicating that, just seems too simple. After all, profit above all else; that is the core of capitalism, is it not?
It is just not enough to create the wheel, and then merely reproduce it for the same profit as before. No, more is better. Let us cut corners; we must find cheaper parts or ingredients or methods to increase profits. That is the American Way, where the shareholder is the god of the religion of capitalism, where the sin–evil of economic profiteering and parasitism and predation are praised!
In the warped minds of the wealth hungry (owners, shareholders, execs), keeping up with the Jones's ― the even richer billionaires ― is an evil obsession. The thought of living on a mere 3 million a month, has to be overcome with evermore profits: Enough is never enough! They need 10 million a month to afford all they crave and lust for.
So, they have employees in "Top Management" whose only job, is to suck–out evermore profits; as predators, parasites and cannibals, they greedily gang up, to rip and tear at the (proverbial) carcass of that wealth, with a rage and furor. The bugs on that carcass are not even a thought; indeed, they are even an incidental part of the meal! The bugs in this analogy are the employees who make the business run.
But businesses provide far more to/for the human psyche, than mere goods and services, or even profits; they provide opportunities for the lordship (power) that most people desperately hunger for. They become ranking mechanisms that allow one person to be above another: Hierarchy, which is Satanic to its core. From this normalization, we also find economic class and racial segregation also quite normalized among the secular masses.
Working together as a family, and as Community; this is the only plan, because there are no worldly careers for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. Conversely, there are multitudes of things people can do within the atheistic economies that were created by countless millions; the atheistic masses (which always includes the anti-Messianic religious) who sought to avoid laboring for their own needs, via these "create a job" programs that now make up the bulk of the capitalist economies.
Most of the problems that people face today, all stem from this system. Imagine if everyone takes up a small place on the land, and via simple living , they intelligently take from ― and give back even more to ― the natural world; they become a gentle part of the ecosystem they inhabit, rather than seeing it as an enemy that must be killed or tamed or poisoned or manipulated or destroyed. The Kingdom of Heaven will have no predators, only pacifists .
Permaculture , as a symbiotic micro system, will provide all YHVH wants us to have; food, water and (the renewable materials for building our own) shelter, as well as a place to enjoy the creation of Elohim, and worship our Adonai within it, and for it, and from it.
We do not need to drill or mine or tap Earth; in fact, it is better if we do not, for all that is sustainable and renewable is found on or near the surface (reaching the water table would be exception to this general understanding). Forests, clean soil, and fresh water streams are all we Messianic disciples need.
A Simple lifestyle does not require a connection to any electric Grid 🎥 , because the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH do not use much electricity to begin with, and for that we generate it ourselves, via solar, wind, gravity, caloric, and even literal horsepower. And believe it or not, it is fine to live completely without it for awhile, like 9 hours every night while sleeping.
Also, YHVH does not expect us to travel all over the world, like the jet setters of the atheistic world does, in their temporal conquered state of lifestyle economics. The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH does not entertain ourselves at the expense of the biosphere or the health of other people. Only those in Darkness live that way. Our lifestyles are the evidence of our Spiritual status. The internal transformation that is inevitable for the Elect of YHVH, manifests outwardly, in lifestyle.
Because so many people are dependent on the internal combustion engine, they never burn the calories they consume eating (they burn gasoline instead, and pollute everyone; even their own children). Therefore, they have to find ways to burn those calories (or, they get obese), and so the few actually drive somewhere to perform physical activities in order to burn the calories they would burn if they obeyed YHVH and labored with their hands; if they just got rid of the car and walked and biked and hiked.
Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit bringing both light and conviction to the human Soul, these atheistic people (including the anti-Messianic religious) live much like whatever the culture that they inhabit. They are not transformed by YHVH, and so they are conformed by (and to) the world: The fruit evidence to support that fact, is witnessed in how they live; how they navigate this life: Lifestyle. Every act of human slavery or subjugation was either an attempt at avoiding manual labor, or to just get wealthy.
¶ I Am! Therefore I Am Owed!
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People simply justify their laziness through and with the money system, for that system makes it legal and socially acceptable to enslave others (e.g. wage slavery ) to do all the labor that YHVH expects each of us to do for the things we need; food and shelter primarily.
Like most of humanity, the Pharisees (too) thought that because they exist, someone owed them: Thus, they exploited the Satan servants, economy centric money system, sanctioned by Caesar and the Roman Empire, to exchange their (hands out) ill gotten gains, for those labor intensive commodities such as food, clothing, structures, and other craftsmen items.
Indeed, the bulk of the human race will live and die, completely oblivious to any other way of living on Earth, nor on any other planet for that matter. That is why they cannot be allowed (bodily resurrected and placed) onto any other planet of YHVH in the sum universe.
They cannot think for themselves; they are the willing drones, assimilated into money economics, and for this Earth life, it is all that they were, thought, and believed. Living an economic life is what defined the sum of their corporeality.
Conversely, the first disciples lived just as Messiah Yeshua described them throughout the gospels. Money or currency allows people to justify their disobedience to YHVH by not laboring by the sweat of their brow, to use and enjoy those things that require much physical labor, such as home building, food production, and so on.
Today of course, people are so morbidly lazy that they cannot walk; they drive, and care nothing for how that entire process infects the planet and the global community; the collective human impact on the environment . Satan's Eschaton Era agenda is clear to see, with Spiritual eyes/ears. The upside down Kingdom is the flip side of Satan's Earth; the god of this world is orchestrating the Big Burn indeed.
¶ There Is Nothing Dignified About Gaining Resources Without Labor!
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The mammon dependent are takers; they want a cut of your labor, and they made sure to close all loopholes. You (now) cannot live on Earth without Mammon . If you try to exist without it, you are a criminal (you are criminalized).
The land is owned by a human, as individuals, businesses or governments. There can be no freedom where money is the barometer and benchmark of living. But the atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious (collectively, the anti-Messiahs ), are oblivious to this reality: Why? Because they too, are money addicts. They too, are the mindless productions of their micro–experiences; drones of their Enculturation .
Everyone born into Capitalism must be one, or will suffer from criminalization, via the insatiably profit hungry Judicial Industry. The only true form of freedom is to be able to exist on earth, and get all you want or need, from the grocery store of YHVH: Messiah Yeshua and His Disciples lived primarily from this source. Though they were forced to partake in Caesar's mammon coinage while in urban settings, they had plenty of rural country from which to hunt, fish, forage, and camp.
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, need and want the praise; the credit; the acknowledgment: This is because they are empty inside, and as such, they must seek affirmation and self-worth from outward sources. Because of this reality, they expect to be thanked and respected; indeed, some even demand it and teach this to offspring.
Whenever someone thanks me, I encourage them not to thank me, but that if they are truly thankful, to offer all thanksgiving unto YHVH, and then make lifestyle choices that prove their loyalty. I am not worthy of thanksgiving: I possess nothing and thus, nothing worthy of your gratitude.
Whatever I give you, be it of my time or of a material matter; none of these are mine. The time that I have is a gift from YHVH, for whom I thank; all that I ever possess, belongs to YHVH, and therefore, it is not right for you to thank me for what belongs to YHVH. All that I do, is not for you; it is not so that you will glorify me in any way; it is for eternal rewards (Matt 6 ) and I ask that you do not take this from me. Once again, the tree is known by the fruit it bears.
Messiah Yeshua knew that everything belongs to YHVH; however, the atheistic, Loveless dominators are ravenous, and grow to actually expect others to give to them, whatever they demand, via their lord money. This is why we have taxes and tithes: It is called Takerism , which is one of the fruits of the anti-Messiahs .
The takers are sick with greed, predation and conquest; indeed, it was Messiah Yeshua who said of them: Father forgive them, for they know not, what they do! Indeed, they are blind, deceived, and lost. But the religionists are at the salary trough, precisely to keep them in that blindness, via false salvation through religious consumerism.
Without YHVH–in–us, the atheistic hominids are Loveless beings, and as such, cannot help but to look upon the creation, as a thing they can take, own, conquer, control, kill, destroy, rape, plunder, flatten, pave over, mine and drill and tap: They are oblivious to their own corruption. If they had a YHVH perspective, they would labor with their hands, and be content with what YHVH provides them, from natures grocery store.
¶ Theological Ethnography!
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I watched on TV as those who had suffered losses from natural disasters (quakes and hurricanes and tornadoes), who got angered by the lack of support and help; they would whine about how no one would come to help them to rebuild; they were actually angry that everyone was not there, doing everything for them. It never even crossed their mind to get off their two asses and rebuild for themselves.
They wanted (and indeed, expected) to sit idle while others came upon them to rebuild their damaged homes. They were bitter by their circumstances, but made no effort whatsoever, to help their own cause. When the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH suffer from such losses, we get busy right away to rebuild our homes that we built in the first place.
The atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) are lazy; the servants of the idle idol. They have to be picked up after; they have to be told what to do; they have to be herded; they need to be entertained like infants. In America's own recent past, White christianized men used slaves to do all the dirty, laborious work for them.
Even to this day, people will cheat or under pay other people, in order to increase the bottom line profit of some business venture. Business becomes the reason for compromise and the attenuation or loss of virtues and ethics: Ethics Are Negotiable; Morality Is Absolute !!
The business is their own; it is owned by them: It is not a blessing from YHVH to share equally among all participants; it is a product of their own greatness; their own efforts; their own education; their own wise choices.
Employment is indeed a "ploy" that is marketed as work (and work is not always labor); when in fact, most people only squander natural resources for no good use, other than to appeal to the egos of other humans; to get mammon so they can avoid labor. This is why the term dead end job exists as an idiom; the dead part so true.
In the cultures of Affluenza ; the landfills, global pollution and health pandemics; these bear witness to this mindless onslaught. {Ploy: deceptive tactic or maneuver, especially one calculated to deceive or frustrate an opponent. Encarta Dictionary}. Serfdom is alive and thriving in modernity; it just looks different.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH do nothing of the kind; we work together as a team family; as equals; we all live communally in Community, just as the New Covenant describes (See Acts 1 thru 5). We own nothing, for everything belongs to YHVH; we are mere stewards of Earth; pilgrim hands that serve and give and nurture.
The hands of the disciples of Messiah Yeshua, are not for extending to take from others, what we are unwilling to produce; the atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) suffer from Takerism. We protect and nurture Earth so that we pass it onto progeny in better shape than when we got here.
The atheistic are as the Bible describes; always willing to take from others to avoid laboring for their own needs; always cheating, lying and deceiving for personal gain; they are here but to steal, to kill, and mainly, to destroy.
¶ Theological Filter Of Capitalism!
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Those who are Tekton (like Messiah Yeshua) are treated as second–class; unseen even, like the drive train of a car; needed but not loved, and only hated when we did not work. Whereas in times past, carpenters, craftsmen, fishermen and farmers were respected by those of their village or community; class, of course, is one of the mentalities of the anti-Messiahs . Today, people who cheat others and become mammon wealthy without working at all, are the one's admired and respected by the masses.
Welcome to the Laodicean Age (Rev 3 ); welcome to the capitalist agenda; welcome to the Eschaton! The capitalistic, materialistic over consumer is admired and imitated; parading all the monetary (and psychological) bling things of this life, which elicits praise. All religionists are foremost capitalistic, and so naturally (for them), they filter Scripture through this enculturation.
But the Messiah Scriptures reveal how to differentiate between the churched, versus the Spiritually regenerated; between the transformed (the Saved), versus the anti-Messianic religious; between the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, versus all other earthly religions (including atheism).
Today, we have an easier to see root: Mammon ! The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH live from the ground up; whereas, the rest of humanity need money to survive, so they take from other humans, and have no conviction for doing so. The political and economic world was a hard lesson for this mere carpenter.
A carpenter since 1974 (now retired), I became a Contractor a decade later. With 5 employees (+/-), we worked as a team/crew for a month framing homes. The first time I learned about a Grifter was when we were laboring hard on a sweaty hot summer day, and a Real Estate Agent came to the house next door, that we had framed a few months before. She met a few buyers there, and was only there three hours on one day. As she departed she said: "I just made more money on that house than you without lifting a finger!" That was this young man's first experience with what I now know of as a Grifter; someone who exploits other people for Labor free profit.
After that experience, I thought I too, would learn how to sell homes; first I looked into becoming an Agent, and then later a Licensed Broker as my second business venture. I would design, build, and sell! But the more I learned about it all, the more disheartening it became. I was still an Atheist at that time in my life, and yet, I still could not navigate the moral or perhaps ethical implications of such a thing. It was all too easy; it meant accepting a line of terms and conditions that in good conscious I would not cross. I stayed with building.
But that meant an uncertain financial future in the construction industry. The 2 wives I married and the two fiances that also backed out last minute, all did so, because they (very beautiful women who could easily upgrade from me) had all eventually met wealthy men, and decided they wanted that life instead of the one I had. I had the Love of the Messianic Cross, and was faithful to them all; only one of them was faithful to me.
But I experienced and endured great grief from all of this, even before I had myself, landed under the Messianic Cross; the "what's Love got to do with it" became their life theme song, and I was easily expendable in today's world. I will continue to Love them, as my Master does, and for as long as Messiah Yeshua allows me.
But here is the part I did not see, while crushed beyond restoration from these series of relational losses; the devastation drove me to the Messianic Cross. I remain faithful to my last wife to this day, and will remain celibate until death, because I made that marriage vow unto YHVH: So I am a Monk! My last wife lives in a Mansion in a gated community in a hillside community overlooking the ocean, with a rich husband and 3+ children. I am comforted that she found what she really wanted; I can only pray always, that it will not result in her eternal doom. I long to see them all, among the many "Mansions" throughout the Cosmos of (occupiable) planets that are collectively referred to as the Kingdom of YHVH!
I also learned along the way that politicians are just profit and power seekers; State, County and City building projects are for skim. People often question why they keep urban sprawling, when the current (mechanical & Heavy) Infrastructure cannot handle (even) current populations. Sprawl makes places suck! It gentrifies other areas. There are a number of reasons excuses for all this, but the centerpiece is profit; back alley cash! And the higher you go in it all (i.e. National), the bigger the profits become. The skim of Military Contracts are immense; the mismanagement further exacerbates the stunning losses!
As General Contractor I (remember, still as an Atheist) tried to play the Big C game (on a city level); I can now write about it because my livelihood cannot be threatened by doing so. The Big C? Big Contracts! Building homes, one by one, is how I started off, but I wanted to do much bigger projects; the multiple million dollar kind! Urban sprawl infrastructure! Entire subdivisions! That was a lesson in itself. But eventually it also became a line I could not cross. It seems my future fate was being orchestrated long before I heard the song: foreknowledge and predestination!
I noticed the amounts of monies awarded and I wanted in! Building is hard; it is laborious. And those of us who construct the human built world, should make more monies than the economic parasites and skimmers, such as lawyers and the entire manufactured–for–profit legal world. But I quickly learned why those contracts were (are) so lucrative: There is much cash involved in these negotiations.
When there is a large carcass availed (i.e. a bank account with billions in it), the (human) scavengers encircle it. Cash, as in pay–outs; secret pay–outs to politicians. The contracts are much larger than what is needed to do the actual work, and that is why they were so lucrative looking, from a still naive Building Contractors perspective. Being uneducated in the process, I was never awarded a contract; this was because I did not know how the game was played. I do now!
And no one volunteers that information either; there is no published instructions; no proof–of–fraud databases. Those possible cracks have all been identified and filled in long ago. But, if you do not get it, you cannot play. Once I figured it all out, I was out! Once I got enough hints dropped, and with other Subs giving me the down low, I decided I would not violate my integrity in this way, not even for larger monetary profits, not even as an atheist. The business of Big C was too seedy for me, and those involved must first lack any integrity to begin to play that game: The Monetizers !
The average person does not understand the whole of politics or politicians. Most think it is some honorable thing to do; that all involved are selfless citizens who sacrifice a career in the economic world, to be in service for the people. That is ludicrous, and terrifyingly naive. Politicians are some of the most power and profit hungered cutthroats of all humanity. And the artificial machine of the body politic proves it.
It was the culmination of these life lessons, alongside the heartbreaks that came from being abandoned by my life mates (obviously I was not that for them), that made this economic beta male , question what this life was really all about; why am I here? Why are any of us here? Is life only about money? I could not possibly be that superficial; that utterly meaningless. Then I added a trade; I became a truth miner.
Sampling all theological constructs, from the most popular of religions (Abrahamism), I landed in/with the Western themed Protestant Evangelicals. It was culturally familiar, and so this atheist turned agnostic, could be there without any sociocultural discomfort. But as with the business and political world, it did not take too long for the beasts therein to expose themselves. After all, every tree bears its fruit in due season.
They all, must and will, justify it all, until the end; the predestination paradox answered. We who claim Messiah Yeshua as Lord, must not be deceived by the masses, who live only for the me/here/now . In order to remain unspotted from the world requires that we keep our distance and avoid yokes therein; we live in such a way, that we are not addicted to the world and its products, otherwise we will suffer from the same fate as the worldly (2Co 6 ; James 1 ).
¶ Imitation: The Greatest Form Of Flattery!
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The question is answered by a look: Whom do you emulate (Luke 6 :44)? Wealth, prestige, power, popularity and social stature are the things most highly esteemed among men. For example (in modern times), the suit and tie was the Industrialist's way of showing off economically; that he was a lord and did not labor with his hands, but was rich from his prowess; his superiority; his entitlement; his business greatness (though most of them exploited workers as wage slavers).
They (as sexist men) wanted to impress the women and make other men envious: They increased their coitus partners and lured mammon from other people: This was (and is) only about ego (the ever deflating human ego). This fact has not changed, even to this day.
This is why adversarialism, competitivism, hierarchy, oppositionalism, and authoritarianism, are so pervasive in the humanized world, but especially among the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized masses and their mindset, where it is deeply entrenched.
Now clearly manifest, here in the Eschaton, oppositionalism seems to be the only point of it. It is not the topic (e.g. politics) that causes the opposition, it is the need to be oppositional; to have anything in ones life to oppose; it is primal/carnal; it cannot be overcome by higher education. This is because oppositionalism is among Satan's classic and sinister us–against–themism.
Labor was not really about serving YHVH; it does that: Laboring by the sweat of the brow was more about operating within the design we were fitted for; manual labor plus walking everywhere; this is how our bodies were designed to remain physically healthy. There is no need to have an exercise program if a person simply makes and grows and hunts and traps and fishes and builds and maintains what is constructed for basic human need.
The main reason why we should labor, and only for our base needs, is primarily to avoid the money system itself, which was created by Satan and exploited by the human masses that daily serve Satan. If I provide for myself and others near to me, the basics of life and living, and exclusively from the natural world, I will not ever become a dependent upon the evils of mammon, and all the subsets of evil that its normalization has infected the human condition with.
Usury was once illegal because it was (and still is) a sin, no different than murder or stealing: Usury was to use money as a way to make more money, but without actually producing anything; gain without the sweat/labor that brings necessities into being. Today, people trade time for money; a corrupt system which they have voluntarily made themselves a slave to; also a heinous sin unto YHVH, though clearly not unto the Faithless Loveless masses.
The presumed work ethic went from this basic principle of sweat labor and the actual creation of a thing worthy of selling (food, houses, etc.), and degraded into the most evil of all economic paradigms: Capitalism! This made the Industrial Revolution possible, which made the human population grow far faster and much larger than the design paradigm allowed for, which in turn, is an unsustainable drain on Earth, which will in turn, ultimately bring about all the prophesies of the Eschaton.
Those who enable this system will be held accountable unto YHVH, the most hypocritical of which will be the Christians, because they proclaim a connection to Messiah, whom they have renamed Jesus Christ, even though they live patently anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles.
Messiah Yeshua condemned, not the prostitutes, but the Pharisees (indeed all religious professionals), as well as the Attorney class, and the Roman lords (or government). The reason for this are multifold, but in short, it was their professed connection with Father Adonai, all the while they were money dependent, money loving, sedentary and labor free; they were hypocritical.
YHVH surely allowed things to degraded over time and over generations, as witnessed with Noah (the great flush), and on a smaller scale, the lava bath of Sodom Metro. In every attempt of YHVH to excise the tumor of sinful people, the cancer always quickly came back. Laws issued and the fear of suffering or death for disobeying them, obviously was not working. But the experiment had to be run.
¶ Noose Of The Capitalistic!
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Conversely, Messiah Yeshua and the Apostles worked with their hands to support their earthly needs and (more importantly) their missionary endeavors. They were common men and had no design or desire to impress with their outward appearances; the disciples (then and today) are/were driven to imitate the Master . To wear a suit and tie is analogous to Messiah Yeshua wearing a Pharisees vestment: Heaven forbid! Messianic disciples dress labor ready always!
Religionists simply do not know Messiah Yeshua personally (via the Indwelling Holy Spirit): Thus, many "dress to impress" and to be seen of men (Matt 6 ; Matt 23 ); to be the center of attention, which is egocentric; not Messiah–centric. And, since the suit and tie is this culture's badge and barometer of authority and affluence and success, many of the anti-Messianic religious will (likewise) intend to be caught dead in them. There are no Spiritually transformed people (imitating or) wearing any of the Pharisaic or Romanesque vestments of the atheistic materialistic consumerist capitalists: No, not one!
¶ Teach A Man To Fish!
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The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH have the mind of Messiah; likewise, we have His mannerisms; His attitude; His directives; His perspective; His lifestyle most of all (Psa 128 :1–4; Pro 13 :9–11 & 14:23 & 21:25–26 & 23:4–7; 1Th 4 ).
The Indwelling Holy Spirit turns everyone, without exception, into simple living , self–sacrificing pacifists, overflowing with peace and contentment (John 14 :24–27 & 20:21–22), which manifests outwardly in a non materialistic (non consumerist) and easily sustainable lifestyle (Heb 13 :5–6), freed of blind enculturation and the choking machines of modernity.
Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the brain alone cannot understand scripture; therefore it has to compartmentalize it; it has to either take it all literally, or not. The pathology (the thought process) is extreme because the brain is. With YHVH–in–us, we have Love , and from that core comes peace, understanding, compassion and balance; indeed, we have the mind of Messiah!
However, left to our self, the human is lost, compulsive; impulsive; extreme; emotionally immature; generically unstable. This is why the atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) chase after this world, its people, its ideas, its media, its markets, its brands, its styles, its foods, and so on. They have no other source to emulate; they are blind and must follow what is in front of them.
¶ The Anthropocene Apocalypse!
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Disregarding overwhelming physical evidence that humans are creating and marking literal geological time, Scripture is clear about it. The Eschaton Era is literally marked by the Anthropocene ; we are now deep into it. Everyone who has even made a cursory reading of Scripture can see this plainly, but we are dealing with satanic forces here; this is a part of the prophecy itself. It is like staring at the sun but being unaware.
The denial of the reality around them, is what I call: The Noah Paradox ! Noah made multiple warnings of the impending dangers about to befall Earth, and yet no one listened to him. And what is ironic about the Eschaton Era, unlike the Great Flood era, is that there is way more evidence pointing to it, than there was for the flood. That blindness to the obvious is not mere human arrogance alone; there is clearly demonic forces at play here.
Mass materialism and the Car Cult are clearly devastating Earth; these brazen acts of disrespect and disregard will eventually be settled: The prophetic signs of the Eschaton Era are the 5 A's: Anthropocene; Apostasy; Abomination; Apocalypse; Armageddon! The human masses (religious or not) will continue unabated; denial will produce the business as usual lifestyles being witnessed and measured (Luke 17 ). People really only need food, shelter and clothing (1Ti 6 ). For those of us living on Earth as Messiah Yeshua did and would; it is an honor for us to live simple like our Master: The greatest form of flattery is imitation.
Conversely, Satan's him,an masses hunger–lust for evermore. But to copy that atheistic world, is a testimony, in itself; it is fruit on the tree. We who live daily under the Messianic Cross, want to Labor with our hands; want to be at peace always; we want to teach future progeny that they can live upon the YHVH–creation gently; that they do not need all the things of this world, to have value or worth.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, teach their children, by lifestyle example, how to maintain a sustainable world, but the atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) care nothing about what they are leaving behind, choosing instead to entertain their children; to distract them to the cold realities of their life of indifference. The Anthropocene Epoch is that (proverbial) fruit on the tree (Matt 7 ).
Humans are extracting countless quintillions of gallons of black sludge buried deep into Earth, deliberately pumping it back up to the surface, then taking that massive volume of sludge, to facilities all over Earth, to spend evermore resources, chemically converting it into gasoline and diesel and jet fuels, and other liquid and gaseous products, to market for untold profits.
This is an act that was unimaginable to anyone prior to the Industrial Prostitution of this YHVH created and owned planet, that Satan's people named Earth. Such a thing will never happen again; not anywhere in the Cosmos forever. This once in an eternity, universe wide act, will be exclusive to this one little planet in this one little galaxy, over a blink of a blink of universal time. it is all pure evil; Satan is in charge of virtually all of it. Those who enable it or collaborate with it, are doomed alongside Satan and his demon army.
YHVH allowed all kinds of things to exist on Earth, and in the Cosmos; YHVH also allowed a perfectly good fruit tree to exist in the garden of Eden paradigm ; the healthy apple tree. But then, YHVH commanded that they do not touch it or eat of it. Why? We know it is a wise thing to do; we know it is a good tree that is good for us. So why deny us?
Again and again; this life is a test; the item itself is irrelevant: This Life Is Not Even About This Life !! Each individual will be given a random hand to play; the hand itself is irrelevant because the test is just to see how we will play it. Apples or oil, the point of the test is to see what free will, fully volitional, fully autonomous beings will do, with what is here. We could have been another species on another plant all together! The test is to determine the wheat from the weeds! Love will win, or not. Broadway is a wide superhighway for predestined reasons.
¶ Stop Taking & Start Making!
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The Elect of YHVH help each other out with this life's basic needs, so that none go without (food, shelter, raiment). We help them build: In other words, we need more non lazy people to help those without; but without what? First, we are to live simple on this Earth, therefore we help each other out, as sisters & brothers, to build a home and a barn/outbuilding, and then a garden. After that, it takes hard work, but YHVH provides for those who honor Him with their labors.
We are not to go into debt to live, we are to be patient in desired acquisitions, and let YHVH provide then in His timing, or not, and whatever the outcome we are content with what we have. I will teach you how to fish and hunt; I will teach you how to build buildings and other tools.
I will even buy you a meal, but I will not give you money; that would be a disservice to you and your family. Food comes from the ground; it comes out of the lake; shelter is built with labor. People not willing to labor are thieves; they are takers and money makers.
Love and compassion is to just say no to the addiction of others; especially addiction to the material world; to materialism itself. The anti-Messianic religious, pound their ceilings with prayer for things that YHVH never wants us to have to begin with.
Once we have sunk so low that we beg YHVH for our material fixes, it is time to surrender to Messiah Yeshua, or face a certain temptation from the prince of this world, who wants passionately to offer you anything and everything to bring you down to his level. Want creates debt; debt creates compromise: Choose this day, whom you shall follow and serve.
As for the Takers, they will always tighten the noose; the taxation of the masses will never reach balance. Every growing oligarchy, religious or political, have collapsed under the weight of greed and money service. Capitalist America is the worst of all possible scenarios, but a major player for Satan's (human puppets) to inflict the planetary cataclysms of the prophetic Eschaton. The catholics likewise used their military forces to keep them in power (Study the First Crusade and the Knights Templar just for starters).
¶ If Anyone Will Not Labor, Neither Should They Eat!
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Anyone who does not labor are stealing; they are thieves. They trade time for mammon and then use the secular economic systems to get others to provide those things that can only exist via sweating and getting dirty. These people will justify their atheistic lifestyles all the way to Judgment Day, and the exchange with Messiah Yeshua is noted in the parable in the latter half of Matthew 7 .
The atheistic enjoy mammon centric cultures; they prefer to be among the heathen; the mammon servants, and then attend churches with them. Why? Because they like the idea that exchanging time for mammon is called work, and even accepted socially and culturally as such. If a man does not work; neither should he eat. And since I am an employee getting mammon in exchange for time, I therefore, work. But employment is not always labor.
However, this was not about starving out the poor: This was about laziness. There were people (here) that were lazy and did nothing; they went about as busybodies, taking food and other things along the way, but never produced anything (though they were physically able to).
How is work defined? They worked with labor and travail night and day. Why? So the Messiah Scriptures and Ekklesia cannot ever cost money. Indeed, if we read it in its full context, theologically, socially, culturally, and economically, the lesson is clear:
Finally, my brothers, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it also is with you. And pray that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for all do not have the faith. But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you and guard you from the evil. And we have confidence in the Lord regarding you; that you both do and will do the things which we command you. May the Lord direct your hearts into the Love of Elohim, and into the patience of Messiah. Now we command you brothers, in the name of our Lord Yeshua Messiah, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks disorderly, and not after the teaching which he received from us.
For you all know how you ought to follow us, for we did not behave ourselves disorderly among you, neither did we eat any man's bread freely, but we worked with labor and travail night and day , so that we might not be heavy on any of you: Not because we did not have the right, but to make ourselves an example to you to imitate us. For even when we were with you we commanded you this; that, if anyone would not labor, neither should he eat . For we hear that there are some who walk disorderly among you, not working at all, but being busybodies.
Now, we command and exhort those who are such, by our Lord Yeshua Messiah, that they work with quietness and eat their own bread. But you, brothers, do not be weary in well doing. And if anyone does not obey our word by this letter, mark that one and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. And may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. The greeting of Paul by my own hand, which is the sign in every letter, so I write. The grace of our Lord Yeshua Messiah be with you all. Amen! (2Th 3:1–18)
Matthew Henry Commentary (2Th 3 ) Those who have received the gospel, are to live according to the gospel. Such as could work, and would not, were not to be maintained in idleness. Christianity is not to countenance slothfulness, which would consume what is meant to encourage the industrious, and to support the sick and afflicted. Industry in our callings as men, is a duty required by our calling as Christians.
But some expected to be maintained in idleness, and indulged a curious and conceited temper. They meddled with the concerns of others, and did much harm. It is a great error and abuse of religion, to make it a cloak for idleness or any other sin. The servant who waits for the coming of his Lord aright, must be working as his Lord has commanded. If we are idle, the devil and a corrupt heart will soon find us somewhat to do.
The mind of man is a busy thing; if it is not employed in doing good, it will be doing evil. It is an excellent, but rare union, to be active in our own business, yet quiet as to other people's. If any refused to labor with quietness, they were to note him with censure, and to separate from his company, yet they were to seek his good by loving admonitions. The Lord is with you while you are with him. Hold on your way, and hold on to the end. We must never give over, or tire in our work. It will be time enough to rest when we come to Heaven.
¶ Hunger For Superiority!
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The rights or authority mentioned in this postal letter, is not the church lord pathology witnessed within the State approved religions; the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists: Instead, what is being taught here is egalitarian unity. The authority here, is speaking of (and to) The One; the fact that Adonai our Elohim owns everything to begin with. For anyone to claim anything as their own, is blasphemous.
You take or get nothing, but what is allowed by YHVH; some of it may even be a curse, though you do not know it yet. You can boast of your greatness in decision making, or educational pursuits, or your DNA; you can brag about how attractive you are or how much more superior you are compared to others.
But know this; you have what you have because YHVH allowed it. And no matter what one gains monetarily, or by their worldly empowerment status (economically, politically or otherwise), the harsh reality of old age, a dead certainty for all, will wipe that smugness off of the countenances of even the most vial among us.
To put it in context here; if (say) you give me a meal, it is not you giving it to me; YHVH allowed you to have it, and it is not yours, nor was it ever yours. Humans become profoundly cocky and prideful when they acquire resources; but verily, this is part of the much larger test or experiment. YHVH wants to see you be you, for better or for worse, till death do you part.
Today in the Eschaton Era, people claim and own, dominate and control, the planet and property of Elohim, including all that is in it; however, in the end they will be judged because of it. But beliefs and even the laws of men (the Law lords ), mean nothing unto YHVH, and thus by extension, nothing to the Elect of YHVH. But this does not mean we take anything by force or coercion. Instead, we set the example for physical labor; to plant and grow, hunt and fish; we are willing to toil the soil to get food; we are building so we have shelter; we live Simple which is something anyone can do right now.
This is the lesson here. It is not at all, about securing man's mammon; it is only about burning calories to make or build or grow; to honor the Temple ; to set that example for equality in sister/brotherhood. None of the Elect of YHVH has ever, nor will ever, take money hand outs from others, under the guise of a tithe, just so they can exchange with the nations, and avoid physical labor.
The Eschaton is what it is (and will be), and we cannot change their outcome via political means, or even to rage against the many social injustices. YHVH will work through those injustices for causes far greater than their implications in the here and now, and we must allow for that.
People will continue to look upon Scripture through the filter of modernity, whereas we, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, must continue to look at modernity through the filter of Scripture. The anti-Messianic religious will continue to look upon the Messiah Scriptures , through the filter of money, but we must again, do the opposite.
Laboring is humbling; it is challenging; it is toil. But it is also satisfying; rewarding; honorable, and, it burns lots of calories. I have built over a hundred new homes and done another two dozen home improvement projects (and wrote four books), and the feeling of creating a home is awesome: To take a yard full of materials, and make it a habitat for humans is gratifying, and that is how YHVH made us.
As a home builder, I cannot imagine why anyone (indeed, everyone) would not want to at least build their own home. It is the same with growing food (plants); to see life come from a seed; to nurture it along the way; this is so rewarding. Strip these rewards away and all that is left is lifeless consumerism.
I could not fathom sitting in some air conditioned metal office box, surrounded by atheistic and Loveless people; all the games played trying to get ahead, while counting beans and shuffling meaningless paperwork for some bloated corporation (or what Scripture calls busybodies; meddlers; profiteers; takers; non–laborers).
These people are as lifeless as the concrete building and all the dead, human made things within it; whitewashed tombs but filled with dead human bones. The pathetic plant on the desk next to the photos of family, are the extent of their humanity; in truth, their dignity.
Now, it does not mean that we all need to be construction workers or farmers or fishermen to honor YHVH in our labors. I did these for much of my life, but now in my elder years I am an artist in another way: As a wordsmith apprentice! Still, there is a mission for all of us, that goes beyond food, clothing and shelter; it is to make sure everyone that we come into regular contact with, understand what it is to be Love, and how that Love comes to us.
I'd rather see a sermon, than to hear one any day! We can share Faith with action/inaction, far better than we can, living like the world, and then sharing about The One that is not of this world, to the worldly. We honor our Lord by/in Community. We have to act like Him too; we have to talk like Him and be like Him.
The predestined; the chosen of YHVH, will see YHVH–in–us, long before they will rationalize our words about Him. The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are the living light, but it is the Holy Spirit in the world (not the Indwelling Holy Spirit; the Comforter) that draws them to the light.
Therefore, living as a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, is the part of that living testimony that words simply cannot suffice. We live in respect of the Elohim creation, not just to preserve resources, but to show others how YHVH wants us to live upon Earth.
When we live as YHVH intended, we are not in debt; we are not employees; we are not a resource; we are Family and so we live and work together providing the Simple life, giving ourselves more time to serve YHVH and sharing (our food and labors) with the world and one another. I believe in hard labor, not slavery; not being workaholics.
The reason why this world is a tough place, is only because of the multitudes of atheistic people seeking to take from others, rather than toiling the soil, and gaining all they need from nature alone, for themselves. If everyone labored for their own needs, earthly life would be safe, peaceful and harmonious; at least, as perfect as it could be, living on a planet ruled by the evil one: the god of this world, Satan, the most glorious being YHVH created; he operates all religions, with protestantism the last of those whores.
¶ I Do Not Like That Version of Jesus: Give Me Another!
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And that is how we got to mass denominationalism . Nevertheless, people are slaves to those who have the things that such people are enslaved to. E.g. I do not want (nor own) an automobile; I learned to live my life without one; thus, the automobile industry, the petroleum industry, the insurance industry, and all others directly and indirectly supported by/for the Car Cult , has no power over me.
Too many people make Mammon from the presence of the machine industry. The same is true with all things equally compromised by/in money economics; e.g. the pharmaceutical industry . What makes the capitalist plutocratic corporatocracy, unique in the human experience, is that almost everyone makes a profit from other people; profiteer economics rather than product or produce economics.
Everyone is a slave to that, which they want and need, and if all that you want/need comes from mammon, then you are its servant and the slave of those who give that money to you. Money dependency is a horrifying state of existence, except of course, to those who know of no other life; no other way to live. Money dependency is not the will of Elohim for any of us; we are to be 100% YHVH dependent, and YHVH does not use any human money; nay, not one penny.
Money economics is from the devil. YHVH is opposed, in every possible way, to money. Much of what Messiah Yeshua taught His Disciples (then and today) was to refuse mammon, and all that comes to us (directly or indirectly) from the mammonite masses; even if we have to suffer because of it. When we eat from the table set by YHVH, other people are not resources to us: Indeed, they are Messiah Yeshua to us (Matt 25 :44–46).
Other people are opportunities to give away all the excess YHVH gives to us, via His creation. We do this by the 150% plan; to have surplus in the lean times, and extra in the meantime (Eph 4 :20–28). YHVH does not deal in the currency of mammon (the source of evil), and this is why Messiah Yeshua refused it. Currency will be our undoing; it will be at the core of almost all Eschaton events. It was not the way of Messiah Yeshua; mammon belonged to Caesar and the wealth class; Satan's mastermind paradigm of social stratification .
We share in His crucifixion, simply by living among the worldly; however, we do not partake in their worldliness. We are not dazzled by shiny things (gold and silver and diamonds); these are but rocks to us; the Rock we worship and serve is eternal; immeasurable; incorporeal. This is why the (traditional) Anabaptist was/is a follower and imitator of Messiah Yeshua. It is not that the rest of scripture is attenuated, but rather; that we first and foremost, follow the life and the teachings of the gospel Messiah; our Grand Paradigm.
Mammon economics took over the world, which then brought about the Industrial Revolution, which was a necessary step to bring about the Eschaton. Prior to that timeline, most people had to labor with their hands (on some level), and though men have been enslaving others to avoid the labor curse, money was not yet how most people survived on Earth. Consequently, when we read the New Testament, we must understand how it was in the first century.
There will always be thieves, but the definition had to change. In the past, almost everyone labored with their hands for the things that are good (Eph 4 ; 1Co 4 :12–16; Acts 18 :3: Acts 20 :34; 1Th 2 :9; 1Th 4 :9–12; 2Th 3 :7–12; 1Ti 4 :10); with the word good meaning things like growing or raising or catching food, and building shelter and making clothing, as opposed to warmongering or prostitution (1Pe 5 :1–4) or grifting or stealing or conning or monetization/usury or profiteering or capitalism; to make money with money, or by raising the price of something made by the hands of another for profit; e.g. the sin–evil of inflationary economics.
¶ The Bibles And Bullets Christians!
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We disciples do not make money from YHVH, we live for YHVH. The anti-Messianic religious; the fake Christians; the YHVH Monetizers ; and specifically herein, the White men who sailed from Europe to the Americas; these people's ancient relatives, had already prostituted and diluted scripture, never touched upon Narrow Way to live The Way , starting instead, the religion of Christianity; this was within a few (human) generations from the Resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.
Satan had a firm grip on the masses who consumed the traditions and rituals of the religion of Christianity, long long before any of these neighbor hating anti-Messiahs sailed (or metastasized) into the Americas. By the time these arrogant pride–driven money–loving Aryans got to US shores, they were already full fledged servants of Satan, but portrayed as Christians; they were the manifestation of the many anti-Messiahs among us, prophesied in the Epistles of John .
No Spiritually metamorphosized (radically transformed; Soul Saved; Heaven bound; future resurrected) person would so much as think about doing to the Native Americans (or the Africans, the Alaskans, the Mexicans , the Hawaiians, or any other aborigines ), what the anti-Messiahs did to these ethnic groups. If you could even imagine Messiah Yeshua doing anything even near to this; that would prove you are too far from the Messianic Cross for any shot at eternality in YHVH service.
These were demonic religionists, bearing the flags of their respective (mostly European) nation–states, fully equipped with catholic or protestant priests who employed their own religion–branded talismans, to "bless" their anti-Messianic (anti–Love) activities, all done in the name of their king or queen, and country, and all while prostituting their Jesus mascot and their English king's bible talisman.
These are the bibles and bullets christianized! Abomination and anathema! All Messianic disciples, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, here in North America in the Eschaton Era, are still surrounded by their descendants; we are pacifists surrounded by capitalistic predators and economic parasites, exploiting and prostituting our precious Messiah with their atheistic christianization.
They go about like loins, seeking whatever or whomever they can devour; going about as their lord Satan leads them, killing and stealing and destroying the YHVH planet and all its life forms and natural systems (John 8 :44; John 10 :10; 1Pe 5 :6–9).
The Bravery Of Pacifism Was The Messianic Cross !! Such is on exhibition daily by the Elect of YHVH, here on a planet, filled with fear–driven, paranoid warmongers and weapons owners, who are that way, because they know deep–deep within that they are eternally doomed at the end of this life–experiment. We Messianic disciples ― the only future resurrected Saints of YHVH ― feel pain for them, but our Master will judge all according to their deeds, nonetheless.
Artificial lifestyles create artificial solutions, like drugs or other potions, rather than living by design. The purpose and function behind the daily physical struggles, such as walking year round, enduring cold weather, laboring by the sweat of the brow, spending most of ones life outdoors, sleeping 9+ hours per cycle (though not always all at once), and so on; these struggles; these ebbs and flows, are not bad for us, but are good for us.
On the one hand, modern humans have more ways to protect overall health, but on the other hand, are poisoning the air and water and soil, and treating Earth as a mere product to monetize, for ever–more and never–enough: the Mammon of the Monetizers . Such lifestyles and thinking and living, thankfully will not extend beyond this quick planetary experiment, which we call human life on Earth. Workism Is Making Americans Miserable! Go figure!