¶ Broadway Is Wide & Narrow Way Is Narrow For A Reason!
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This is obviously specific to christians and the christianized, because Muslims and Buddhists and Atheists, do not employ the name of Yeshua (or even Jesus) as their Lord. Still, there is no better experience (or experiment) to understand what it is like, to be judged, than for someone to live as (or be) a poor person in a Mammon affluent society.
The superficial masses are quick to judge people based upon how they look, but have no concept of righteous judgment. In fact, the bulk of the human species are judgmentalists; they are judging via unrighteous judgment, every moment of everyday. Judging can only take place, out from under the Messianic Cross, because it is impossible to do so for those under it! We can only Love everyone the same.
Under the Messianic Cross, all future resurrected Saints of YHVH, are painfully aware of our own corporeal state, as sin–driven beings. We know that self-righteousness is the greatest of all other possible sins; that is because it assumes the self as righteous by the act of opposing others who commit biblically exposed sin acts.
If anyone really wants to truly learn the Gospels, do as Messiah Yeshua said; sell all, redistribute those assets to the poor, and then, you can begin your walk with Him (Luke 18 :18–30). Self empowerment, via monetarily abundant resources, is too great a distraction; it makes life too easy. For our power is in weakness; our richness is in faith dependence daily.
One must be disengaged from the world; one must be disenculturated. I have an old tee shirt that says: I worship a homeless brown Jew! (Luke 9 :58). That gets the judgmental looks! But know this; only those who think of themselves as the gods among men, self qualify to be the judges of men. The most judgmental of people like to say: I'm not judging here! When in fact that is all they do; it is the very core of their mentality!
Judgmental people judge other people, not just as a single thing to do; it is verily a large part of their overall mentality; it is their mindset. It is included in all assessments of other people. Without Ruach HaKodesh, bringing (installing) YHVH Love into an individual, that person will live in a Loveless state, and in that state, they cannot and do not, see all humanity as the precious individual creations of YHVH with eternal souls of incalculable worth.
Consequently, they can only see individual people, and then groups or clusters people, from a Loveless carnal/primal point of view; who they are socioculturally, or what they possess, or what they look like at the moment of being looked at. Oh, just wait until you see your six decade old face in a mirror, if you do not yet get what I am saying here!
The judgmentalist cannot see others with Messianic eyes; indeed, they cannot so much as fathom the Messianic Cross, much less do they live under it daily; much less do they volitionally bear it daily. Therefore, other people are mere objects (study objectification ); even those near to them relationally are mere objects, but since objectification is all they know, and it is all they are, it is hard not to judge others in this manner.
So, they go about in the world of other humans, and automatically look at all other people, and decide upon first impressions, what this person is worth to them, or, if this person is worth anything at all. Everyone is potentially, a mere vessel of personalized condemnation. Whenever a person is privileged and/or entitled , the judgmentalism is snobbish, harsher, and even brutal.
Still, being money poor is the fastest way to come to know Messiah Yeshua. YHVH decided not to come onto Earth as the child of a rich or powerful person, like the son of a (human) king. Adonai purposefully decided to take on human form, and be born of a simple poor virgin girl who would marry a construction worker. There is great purpose in that for those who care to know it; to understand the deeper meanings. None of this is random; in fact it is profound.
Unfortunately for most, religion/god/bible are just mechanisms for a better consumerist life in the here and now; a mere venue for more earthy power. Rather than being born the son of a king, YHVH decided instead, on a more unorthodox way of becoming The King; He died on the Cross as the Son of Man! This was more to demonstrate Love in action than any humanist doctrine that has been ascribed to it by the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists.
By being like Him, we learn to obey Him, but most importantly, to be the living recipient of miraculous supply; in that wonderful manna from the heavens experience, money (Mammon ) is only rarely involved; only when cash is the last option, and only unto those empowered to handle it; the power to easily surrender it (Matt 19 ). Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
The entire mammon economy is a byproduct of the Satan influenced, over many dozens of generations. The slow decline has reached its zenith in the Eschaton, as capitalism is metastasizing outwardly from the YHVH Monetizers , which will destroy everyone eventually. The monetization and commodification of the creation is soul crushing and planet killing. YHVH teaches Messianic disciples how to live on Earth without relying on the worldly ways of doing things; a daily living Faith! (Matt 6 :24–27; Matt 14 :25–32).
¶ Judgmentalism & Rankism!
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The Faithless Loveless masses ― religious or not, biblical or not, churched or dechurched or unchurched ― enjoy covertly (and nowadays openly) snubbing their noses at the money impoverished; those who dress poorly or smell bad; the Homeless or those who just look poor; those with bad teeth ; the physically ugly; the unemployed; the elderly; the disabled; the uneducated; all those who have any mental illness; indeed, anything outward or immediate to see.
The self-righteous are necessarily, partakers in victimism ; inside their fictional delusion, they are the righteous ones, forced to live among all the lowly heathen. They actually need to fear the poor, automatically tagging them as dangerous to others, with themselves cast as the the good one in their victim/villain social productions.
The judgmentalist will assess others at face value, to see if you have any imperfections; any ticks; any ways, no matter how big or small, that differ from their own, or what they are accustomed to (See: Enculturation ). They will rate you and then place you in one of the many disqualification boxes they have created as judgmentalists. The human race exists in their world, only as beings who exist only to be judged by them at face value.
I was able to observe a career judgmentalist couple at work: They drove a nice car, wore high end clothing, lavish bling, and thus, were likely not from the Body of Messiah Yeshua, the Labor people: And, they made sure others knew it, by their bling laden social show. Like many in the modern West, they are likely well paid time traders.
Time traders are those who make nothing, but only trade time for money, in meaningless employment and/or mammon investment. They do not build homes, grow food, harvest trees, improve the natural world, or anything that the Elect of YHVH, need or want (1Ti 6 :6–11). If they did not exist, humanity would survive (indeed, thrive) comfortably without them.
These particular judgmentalists sat in the bookstore cafe (a few tables from me), making the strangest of noises. There were many grunts, snarls and huffs, but they did not shy away from also stating outright, in loud whispers, their disapproval of just about everyone that passed by and within their gaze. Extreme behavior perhaps, yet many think it, but without such outward displays.
It is as if they deliberately go out into society, just to sit in judgment of virtually everyone who is not nearly or exactly like them, and I can only imagine that their judgmentalism does not stop there; I speculate they make such snap judgments, even of their own kind, clan and kin as well. And I'd bet a bunch they attend religious services: The sin of religion raising its ugly head yet again.
¶ The Idolatry Of Self: Narcissism!
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Social Media thrives because it morphed to become just such a medium: It is an expression and mirror of the greater secular society (i.e. social acceptability): It is an electronic medium that does not require whispering because people can hide behind such devices. There is the hunger–lust to rank (see rankism and ethnocentrism ); to belittle; to laugh at; to degrade; to demean other people; these are just methods of elevating ones own ego at the expense of deprecating and demoting others, and in any way, and at any level.
This degradation is also expressed on TV shows and/or with anger faced personalities, all of which ultimately center upon (and end in) the criticizing and/or demeaning of others. I can remember when smack talk shows first came out, I thought to myself; there cannot possibly be enough people (on Earth) that could be entertained in this deprecating way! Wow, was I wrong!
I know now that we are well into the Eschaton Era (Matt 25 ); that the many prophesies about these times is empirical and unabashed (2Ti 3 :1–13): The fast growing percentage of inhuman people is alarming, and most heinous when that is cloaked in religion. Think, westernized capitalistic politicized evangelicals, as their public hate fest festers throughout these West–centered nations and their many different media outlets.
All this is a demonstration of a faith in self, which is all that remains when there is no living Faith; no faith in a (future) resurrected eternal life, in/with/for, Messiah Yeshua; no living faith in anything that is not physical (Matt 6 ). But the irony is this; they are obliviously mentally disturbed, but from Spiritual depravity occurring over decades of existing in a Loveless state, which is a consequence of their atheistic state.
They are the Faithless Loveless (i.e. without Faith, there is no YHVH–in–you; without YHVH–in–you, there is no Love , and thus, only mammalian attachment ). Their poverty is not financial or economical, it is the poverty of all poverty; it is a Spiritual poverty, which is bankruptcy of the Soul (Pro 30 :8–9).
The popularity of Social Media and (portal) phones, here in these destined end–times, support the fact that the human masses, hunger–lust hourly for the continuous approval and/or praise of others, when living void of that overflow of Living Water, Bread of Life: The Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Once one is actually Soul Saved (versus emotionalized, lip–service, professions of faith), people give up most of the lifestyles they were living before their epochal transformation: New Creations .
Unfortunately, most people do not seek YHVH for a life altering new life; they are content to enable religion businesses, assign to themselves labels (i.e. christian), speak christianize around other socially/culturally christianized people, but still continue living much as they did before (John 3 :19–21 & 4:13–14; John 6 :32–51 & 7:38). And it may be hard at first, to face those that you talk about behind their back, but part of narcissism is to learn to talk bad about others, and then face them with ease.
¶ Seeing Everyone Through The Eyes of Messiah Yeshua!
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We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we do not spend our days trying to keep up with the culture we just randomly happened to have been born into; via Spiritual enlightenment (was blind but now I see), we recognize that we are one among a species of beings designed for/by the planet we are on, by our One and only Creator, YHVH, (hence) our Heavenly Father.
As the offspring of our Heavenly Father, YHVH, as manifest in the Person of Messiah Yeshua, we Messianic disciples recognize all creation, as the creation of our Lord, and so we treat that creation with the utmost dignity and respect, via measurable lifestyle stewardship paradigms. It is analogous to any role, wherein one cares for another; you may not particularly like the personality of one of your offspring, but you still care for them and protect them anyway.
But we understand that personality is always an act; it is the public mask just behind the true private person, and that true person can only be defined by their character, which is only witnessed in actions and thus lifestyle. We Are What We Do And No More! Unlike the bulk of humanity, all Messianic disciples Love everyone the same, because we are commanded to do so, by Messiah Yeshua. It is the Messiah Doctrine; it is not an option; obey or burn.
One of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him: Which is the first commandment of all? And Yeshua answered him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, Adonai our Elohim is One Lord, and you shall Love Adonai your Elohim, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength! This is the first commandment, and the second is like it, namely this: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! There are no other commandments greater than these!
Then the scribe said unto him: Well, Master, You have said the truth, for there is One Elohim, and there is none other but He, and to Love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to Love his neighbor as himself, are more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Yeshua saw that he answered discreetly, He said unto him: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! And no men after that dared ask Him any questions. (Mark 12:28–34)
Messiah Yeshua did not proclaim, what He later said to the thief on the Cross, dying next to Him on His day of murderous crucifixion: Amen, I say unto you that today shall you be with Me in Paradise! (Luke 23 :43). No, Yeshua had only revealed to this particular scribe, that at this level of comprehension, he was getting close to that very Cross; getting close to the root of the Gospel message itself. This gave him a chance at the eternal Kingdom, though it was still not guaranteed to him, at that point in time, because people change their heart/mind.
Think about a dog rescue outfit, who (say) rescues a pit bull, once exploited to fight; the dog is aggressive and dangerous because it was raised to be that way. This is not directly the fault of the dog, but, they are naturally aggressive as predators (designed that way by YHVH), though domesticated dogs are typically not as aggressive as wild canines. So what do we (humans) do with this dog? Kill it? Many would advocate for it.
However, if you are a dog lover (like me), you know that this dog cannot be placed into a home with children. But there are places other dog people have made available for dogs like this; they are cared for by people trained to do so, at remote locations wherein they are allowed to live out the rest of their days in peace. Sure, it is more of a prison than a home, but it is still far better than judging the dog unfit for existence. And the people who work at these places genuinely care for these dogs, and so they get as much affection and care, as is safe.
How much more does our Heavenly Father Love all of us (all of us); even those who are viscous and depraved and evil. Why? Because they too, have been damaged by those around them; altered by the circumstances of/in this life that alter people, and for some, to a point of no return; think Judas Iscariot as (once) a disciple of Messiah Yeshua: And Judas was not alone! Such abuse may damage the brain itself. Then what? Put them down? Or Love them anyway?
Then Yeshua said unto them: Amen, amen, I say unto you; except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Who so eats My flesh, and drinks My blood, has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For My flesh is meat indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. Those that eat My flesh and drink My blood dwells in Me, and I in them. As the Living Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father, so he that eats Me, even they shall live by Me. This is that bread which came down from Heaven; not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. Those that eat of this bread shall live forever!
These things said He in the synagogue, as He taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of His disciples, when they had heard this, said: This is a hard saying; who can hear it? When Yeshua knew in Himself that His disciples murmured at it, He said unto them: Does this offend you? What if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before? It is the Spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Yeshua knew from the beginning, whom they were that believed not, and who should betray Him. And He said: Therefore I said unto you that no man can come unto Me, except it was given unto him of My Father! From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. (John 6:53–66).
The evil one and his massive army of incorporeal demons, continually tempts the mind–heart–Soul of the human masses (Eph 6 :12). We humans either surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, or, we remain as free agents and fair game for the evil ones. And freedom is what motivates the masses. Freedom and liberty without the guidance of Indwelling Holy Spirit, contorts and will warp into defiance, rebellion, vengeance, revenge, anger, bitterness, self-importance, and every other sort of evil (Gal 5 :13–14; 1Pe 2 :13–16).
The few, the humbled, the redeemed; we die to the former life we inherited from former generations; we are disenculturated! We are freed from the Mammon curse via lifestyle choices, which reduces our dependence upon it (Matt 6 ). In that freed up time, we study (2Ti 2 :15; 1Th 4 :7–12); we learn of our Heavenly Father, and all about the YHVH creation. Messianic disciples study Sociology and Theology and Environmentalism, whereas those of the World will study Business and Economics and Finance.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we could care less about learning how to make more money; instead, we learn how to avoid its need to begin with. We grow and build and make, by the sweat of the brow and from the natural (YHVH) world, debt free. Then with more time, we study many things; for example, all disciples of Messiah Yeshua, know all about sadistic personality disorder and/or Schadenfreude and summarily, the malevolence of social stratification .
Indeed, we know all about Psychology and Sociology; this is because these cover issues and topics that impact people: And like our Master, we imitate Him (Luke 6 :40). We are people centered, not money or economic centered; these are of Satan. We see everyone through the lens of our Lord, not our Enculturation blindness.
Messianic disciples of all generations, share in YHVH Love, and the evidence of that is in how we see other people, for/of whom our Master died for, and thus indirectly, we do to (Gal 2 :20). We do not judge them for their station in this life, mostly because we do not acknowledge such human partitions.
We future resurrected Saints, do not study money, nor anything directly or indirectly associated with it: We study that which has the potential for eternal returns; the temporal is the domain of the Faithless Loveless masses, Satan's domain, which is consumerism economics, and all that falls under that curse.
¶ Modernity Seen Thru Scripture; Not Scripture Thru Modernity!!
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The very world we live in, is but the culmination of the god of this world; the god of this age; the god of this era; the god of this human species; the god of this timeline; the prince of this world (2Co 4 :1–6; John 14 :28–31). Everything and everyone on Earth is impacted; the social and anthropological; the economic and political; the religious and educational; the moral and ethical, and so on.
Thus, it is vital to fully understand the underlying and historical reasons for all human behavior, so that we can explain perspicuously, as disciples of Messiah Yeshua, why we are pacifists and peacemakers; why we Saints do not engage the world, or partake in the World , or see the human made world, like the rest of the humanistic world does, churched or not, religious or not, educated or not (John 15 :17–19; 2Ti 2 :8–16; 1Th 4 :7–12).
The Elect of YHVH ― the Body and Bride; the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; the Heaven bound; the future resurrected Saints; the very few on Narrow Way or The Way – we all judge this human filled world, from our Spiritual transformation; our metamorphization , and not from our Enculturation .
E.g. We are not the byproducts of Americanization; we see the American cult from that same perspective as YHVH; the much higher platform of our only King and Lord. We do not try to defend or justify the politicians that hold power over us; we see all things, not in time or place or culture, but from a timeless universal judgment, centered upon YHVH righteousness (John 5 :30).
The christianized will parrot from among themselves often, this slogan: God is in control! Technically this is true, but then, one must understand this in the context of everything. For example, no humans die of Bobsleds Disease because YHVH did not create it to begin with, or made it even a possibility within the Earth creation. I just made it up fictionally; I created it!
Nothing exists, the good or the evil, that The Sovereign Elohim did not make possible, even before the beginning of spacetime . Elohim created Satan! But you see, as a disciple, my only duty is to Love everyone and everything, everywhere and all the time (Matt 5 :43–48; Matt 11 :28–30), not solve the riddles of the corporeal creation. I am never to withhold what inspired within me, just to protect human emotions: A persons current temporal state is not nearly as important as their eternal one.
But I did not design the world (thankfully), otherwise I would have eliminated many things that we all suffer from; all the unnecessary symptoms of senescence itself: I would have eliminated aging altogether. But I trust my Heavenly Father; all that may seem merciless to us, has within it, something much greater; far more long–term than our current perspective can see (1Co 15 ).
We need the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :12–16), so that we can have a much better perspective of this life; a YHVH point of view, made possible only by the Indwelling Holy Spirit: Ruach HaKodesh. From that vantage point, more things begin to make sense from an eternal, rather than a temporal viewpoint (2Co 12 ). Lord, I Thank You for This Thorn .
In all recorded cultural settings where monetization was thriving, the resource affluent Monetizers were powerful, and treated the poor, as if they were implements or tools; they were a means to some materialistic end, and subjugated for that purpose: Why? Social stratification, which is a primal–carnal manifestation. Slavery was not called that for most of the human experience, but the humanist drives of pride–ego–emotion, have always been in play.
¶ YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!!
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Money is a numeric; a quantifier, thus, it can be counted, and when you have more numbers than others, this too is a source of self-superiority and pride. This is economic superiority, or class. The Spiritually blind have severely damaged egos. Ego damage is analogous to skin burn damage; the least little thing touching damaged skin is excruciating.
The ego damaged are hypersensitive to any outward contact. They are not thick skinned and softhearted; they are just the opposite of that. Thus, the desperate need to elevate self above others; to judge others in a negative way, so that it lifts them up. This is the God–Complex (a heavily demon oppressed state and trait), and atheistic people suffer from it, at one end of the spectrum or the other; to a greater or lesser degree: But the religious have it bad!
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Messiah Yeshua, The Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there comes unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment, and you have respect to him that wears the fine clothing, and say unto him: 'Sit here in a good place' but say to the poor: 'Stand there or sit here under my footstool,' are you not then partial in yourselves, and have become judges with evil thoughts?
Hearken my beloved brethren; has not Elohim chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which He has promised to them that Love Him? But you have despised the poor! Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by which you are called? If you fulfill the Royal Law, according to the scripture: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! In this you will do well.
But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin, and are convinced of the Torah as transgressors. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For He that said: Do not commit adultery, said also: Do not kill! Now, if you commit no adultery, yet if you kill, you have become a transgressor of the Torah. So you, speak and do, as they that shall be judged by the Law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, he that has showed no mercy, and mercy rejoices against judgment.
What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you says unto them: Depart in peace, be warmed and filled! Notwithstanding, you give them not, those things which are needful to the body, what does it profit? Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone. (James 2:1–17)
Humble yourselves in the sight of The Lord, and He shall lift you up. Speak not evil, one of another, brethren: He that speaks evil of his brother, and judge his brother, speaks evil of the Torah, and judge the Torah. But if you judge the Torah you are not a doer of the Torah, but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: Who are you that judges another? (James 4:10–12)
¶ How To Judge!
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Typically whenever you expose someone to YHVH–truth, they like to parrot the slogan: "Judge not lest ye be judged!" This is typically a diversion tactic to avoid the light of YHVH–truth (John 3 :16–21), which ironically is the root of Bibliolatry . YHVH does not use human level ideals about sin–evil and its subsequent judgment. I.e. the one who lies ten times is the same person as the one who murders ten children, and the obese church devotee is just like the homosexual. In fact, all Temple violators are lost Souls on display for all to see, like fruit on the tree.
When Messiah Yeshua talked about judging, He was teaching His disciples, present and future, His Doctrine; that being quick to judge was deciding that person's worth, by the things they possess, like money (which is prophetically most prevalent here in the Eschaton); or, by the positions they seek or hold culturally or economically (Luke 12 ), or anything outward, like fame; like lookism ; like social stratification ; anything which demonstrates unrighteous judgment, or the fruits of Lovelessness, all of which violates the one Law of Love .
But righteous judgment involves knowing the character of a person by their action and inaction; their lifestyle choices especially, as they impact others (e.g. the Car Cult ), and other fruits of/on the tree; making my Masters words so vital (Luke 6 :37–42). We must spend quality time with someone, because the personality is too often a facade; a front; an imaginary person that humans delude themselves with. This is why people do random acts of kindness, for they help support the self created person; the good person, which people like to think of themselves as (Matt 19 :16–21).
But true character exposes itself in time (and develops over time), by how people live daily, via their lifestyle choices: We Are What We Do And No more ! Disciples are the servants of a Master (John 13 :13–16 & 15:19–21); everyone else are (themselves) masters seeking to be served by others on some level or in some way (Mark 10 :42–45). How they judge others is but an exposition of that mentality, and the mentality a reflection of a vacuous Soul.
I never understood all this until I got serious about following Messiah Yeshua. I started off as a fledgling protestant (pentecostal, baptist, then evangelical): I was churched, even played in a worship band; but, I studied scripture intently and often. Still, I wanted to live, just as I witnessed in my culture, and not really as a living disciple.
Church attendance sufficed for awhile. But when prayers were not answered, and my life fell apart around me ― mostly because of associating with the churched to begin with ― I prayer begged to be transformed into His disciple, come what may. That Prayer was answered (it always is): How? YHVH answered none of my other prayers: None!
Why? Because the anti-Messianic religious (the atheistic churched, myself included at the time) seek a higher power to give us what we want; we do not seek our Heavenly Father, Adonai Elohim, daily, to break us utterly; to remove every splinter of pride that festers within us; to crush us to an unrecognizable state; to burn us to the ground, and then rebuild us (from the ashes) into a useful vessel; into the vessel that YHVH needs. We do not want to work for YHVH, we want YHVH to work for us! Prayer remains a covert way to judge others (e.g. I'll pray for you, sinner! ), but not as a pathway to self-abasement.
But as a living disciple, I no longer want to be, who/what I want to be; I want to be who/what YHVH wants, and that is all (Rom 9 ). I am a disciple, and no more; if I cannot be a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, then I do not want to be or do anything else while here on Earth. To be nothing more than a money making citizen and materialistic consumerist, would destroy me. It destroys everyone!
Once the Soul has been radically transformed by Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit; once we have been Spiritually metamorphosized; from that epoch forward, every human face you look upon; every eye you look into, without exception; you will see what my Master, Messiah Yeshua sees (and thus, what all His disciples see); precious eternal Souls of incalculable worth, whom He died for.
All disciples of Messiah Yeshua, Love everyone with unconditional, unending, universal, unidirectional, uncontrollable Love . Once Spiritually metamorphosized, you will truly, actively, and daily, Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12 :28–34; Heb 13 :1–3); as kin. But the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious; they look upon other people and judge their worth, based upon outward things; based upon circumstantial things; based on tangibles (Luke 6 :35–38). That is unrighteous judgment; it is also shortsighted.
The worldly minded, churched or not, self-beliefs or not, cannot see outside of the tiny shoebox of their Enculturation ; they can only see what is in front of them or nearby them; out of sight is out of mind, indeed. But we, the Spiritually sighted (Gal 6 :1–3), do not criticize them personally for this blindness; instead, we try to get them to seek the light, via our lifestyle witness and truth telling; by our lifestyle choices and our character, which reflects the lifestyle and character of Messiah Yeshua (Matt 5 :13–16).
¶ Living Disciples Are The Mirror Of Messiah!
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The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, cannot (and will not) alter the volition (or free will) of another; they must first be prepared by YHVH; soil made ready for the proverbial seed. Judas Iscariot spent part of his life alongside YHVH–in–skin, but died not really knowing Him at all (Matt 22 :14); many others too, walked away (John 6 :44–66). How much easier it is to walk the path of self, even while being churched and christianized, simply because there are no living disciples of Messiah Yeshua in proximity. That is why the chosen are eventually drawn to the Elect of YHVH.
Those of us, who spent too many adult years, as the lord of our own life, may not get to see the fruits of our labors for YHVH. Saul of Tarsus was not an earthly benefactor of his own conversion; even though YHVH used Saul greatly, he was never healed of his own bodily infirmities (his thorn in the flesh ), and, he ever got to see most of the fruit trees of his mission blossom (Rom 15 ). All of the fellowships initiated or maintained by Saul eventually disbanded.
Nevertheless, it should always be this way: Why? Because of the many Spiritual infections we get from soaking in the perpetual bath of worldliness, which damages all who soak in it for too long, before an individual (myself included) finally surrenders completely and unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua (2Co 6 :14–16; Luke 9 :23–26).
And though YHVH surely heals us Spiritually, YHVH cannot un–flesh us, short of killing us. The brain/body is a demanding entity, and wants to rule us: Satan has access, only to that flesh via temptation, and will exploit it nonstop, until we die. YHVH must buffet us to keep us from regaining earthly pride; regaining earthly power (esp. with money): YHVH must chasten us to keep us humbled and thus perfected, until we are set free of the mortal flesh (corporeal death).
Saul of Tarsus (the apostle Paul), mass murderer of the Koinonia, did not provide us Messianic disciples, with any doctrine. He was not an official apostle; he was an example of the power of forgiveness. Nevertheless, those postal letters he wrote or cowrote to his fledgling fellowships (or Koinonia), were significant enough to include in the canon; they will expand ones perspective on many topics. But for YHVH, that inspirationally driven canonical inclusion, had nothing to do with building any doctrine from, and thus, not to be used to pull theology from.
More than anything else, those postal letters (epistles) exposed just how Satan would enter in, to attenuate and/or distort things, both said and written, and to confound those who would volitionally come, to face the prospects of the Messianic Cross. Christian Doctrine Is Not Messianic Doctrine !! All Messianic doctrine began and ended with the red letters; but before it, and certainly after it, there was a lot of other overtly human–centered religious doctrine, and yet, it was that very doctrine that YHVH had to come onto Earth, in the Flesh, to eliminate and disesteem: If you want something done right you gotta do it Yourself!
However, what the catholic monks canonized from among those (and many other) letters, is relevant to understanding the Gospels and the cost of Messianic discipleship; from His Resurrection, forward in time, until the Advent of the Eschaton. Much of the early writings still holds great significance, but only unto those enlightened to it.
We must know who we are, only because on saving grace; that it is not of ourselves, lest any man should boast: For knowledge alone puffs up, but Love is always edifying, even when emotions flair from exposure to light (John 3 :19–21; Eph 2 :8–9; 1Co 8 :1–3). If we judge others based upon their clothes or physical appearance; their church attendance; their machines or cars or tech; their successes or their failures in the atheistic monetization systems; we too, will be judged by YHVH in like fashion, and you definitely do not want that (James 2 ). It is impossible to misjudge someone (anyone) when you never superficially judge at all.
Humans deceive the self; the enemies of The Cross deceives the worldly as well, and thus, we see ourselves only in artificial light; Christendom is that artificial light. Messiah Yeshua does not say not to make judgments; indeed, He is the Author of how to judge ; a fruit ministry, if you will: Was blind but now I see! Clearly!
We are expected to Koinonia alongside other Messianic disciples, if we can; to live in a communal way with them daily, but not to yoke with the World of the worldly (2Co 5 & 6). We are instructed in such discernment. But we must also know the Judgments, past, present and future .
¶ It Is Not Freedom With Money; It Is Freedom From Money!!
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And the only way we can know the difference, is to learn scripture from the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and then apply it to our perceptions; that of self and of others. We cannot learn YHVH–truth from precept by precept, but only from disciple to disciple; only from a Holy Spirit inspired writer to a Holy Spirit inspired reader.
Messiah Yeshua teaches (nearly) the opposite of what the world teaches, which is the hoarding of money, and the monetization of everything and everyone, and then, do public good–guy acts and Alms to compensate (Matt 6 ); this too is an act of pride fueled look–at–me–ism.
Earth is Satan's world; the evidence of that is starkly overwhelming to anyone with Spiritual sight. But to the Spiritually blind, it is simply not there. Satan is the god of this world's people; the Broadway (human) masses, fast–tracking themselves into the Abyss of outer Darkness .
In this Satan–led world, what is normal or normalized, is utter depravity in the purview of The Lord of Hosts. Money hoarding is a sign and a symptom of Spiritual depravity; it is physical evidence of the extreme mental illness that is brought upon my moral decay.
But this reality is not recognized by the human masses; they are the opposite of all that is represented in the Messianic Kingdoms, where Love rules and reigns; where money lovers and hoarders like this would be cared for by being institutionalized and treated for their exceeding greed and desperate need to have power over others. Normal people do not need two lifetimes worth of resources, let alone thousands of lifetimes worth.
But these people suffer from a host of maladies; wanton consumerism is easily seen when it is a poor person hoarding low value things in a small house, but when it is a rich person hoarding higher valued things in a massive house, the same illness goes unnoticed by the Satan–led masses. They are void of Spiritual insight as well as compassion.
The worldly churched (the anti-Messiahs ) want you to make money so you can give a cut of it to them, but Messiah Yeshua taught an entirely different way to live; freed of Mammon service and dependency: Independence! But one cannot learn this by academics alone; it is Spiritual.
And behold, one came and said to Him; Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? And He said to him: Why do you call Me good? There is none good but one, that is, Elohim. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. He said to Him, Which? Messiah Yeshua said: You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, honor your father and mother, and, you shall Love your neighbor as yourself. The young man said to Him; I have kept all these things from my youth up; what do I lack yet? Messiah Yeshua said to him: If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. And come, follow Me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
Then Yeshua said to His disciples: Truly I say to you that a rich man will, with great difficulty, enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say to you; It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Elohim! When His disciples heard, they were exceedingly amazed, saying; Who then can be Saved? But Messiah Yeshua looked on them and said to them: With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all things are possible. Then answering, Peter said to Him; Behold, we have forsaken all and have followed You. Therefore what shall we have? And Messiah Yeshua said to them:
Truly I say to you that you who have followed Me, in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many who are first shall be last; and the last shall be first! (Matt 19:16–30)
He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the fellowships. And unto the angel of the Koinonia of the Laodiceans, write: These things say The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of Elohim; I know your works; that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say: I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing! And yet, you do not know that you are wretched and miserable, and poor and blind, and naked.
I counsel you to buy of Me, gold tried in the fire that you may be rich; and white raiment that you may be clothed, so that the shame of your nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see. As many as I Love, I rebuke and chasten: Be zealous therefore and repent! Behold, I stand at the door and knock: If anyone hears My voice and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with My Father by His throne. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the fellowships! (Rev 3:13–22)
¶ Adonai Elohim Values Our Soul!
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In the world, the more dollars you hoard, the more important you are. That is the theme of capitalism, a root production of Satan. The enemies of the Cross (corporeal and incorporeal) dislike the laborers; the carpenters, the fishermen, the farmers, the builders, the servants and makers; the maids and others who Labor with their/our hands and by the sweat of the brow in the natural world.
This is not coincidental; indeed it is a sign; evidence of an embedded inequality, and thus, those dedicated to the sin of sedentary living, labor free profit, all caused by the Spiritual darkness of Satanic influences and even direct oppression. People think they are better that others because they lack self–worth in themselves; it is an over–reaction; an over–compensation. And the more earthly power one gains the more superior one thinks of self; more external dollars means more internal worth or value.
The darkness–destined masses will look upon us laborers as mere implements that bring about all the necessary things, which they boastfully gain by exploitation via the economics of the Monetizers . They get the suckers to do all the heavy lifting, while they live clean, sedentary, idle, make–nothing, build–nothing lifestyles of leisure and excess, possible only via Mammon . The suit and tie was/is that vestige symbol of urban success; that look–at–me bling that indicates economic success at the expense of the laborers: Suckers!
Messiah Yeshua ― Adonai Elohim as mortal Man ― decided to be a carpenter; a Tekton ; a sucker; a common Man in a rural setting among Aramaic speaking Jews. Why? This was obviously intentional, because YHVH could have easily been born into royalty and/or wealth, and anywhere and at anytime. But we learn from Genesis that what we were originally created for, and why, changed once we took on the (mostly earthly) knowledge of Satan.
In the wisdom of YHVH, we were sentenced to hard labor as a species, to survive (Gen 3 ). But many people reject that notion, and that sentence, and have wreaked havoc throughout the human experience (and experiment), as they constructed ways to manipulate their fellow man to do all the heavy lifting; slavery is but one example. Even the theory of evolution came indirectly from the COP Cultist's theological adulteration's.
¶ Theology Of Evolution!
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The Whites thought they were superior beings to the similar looking but dark skinned bipedal hominids; the African blacks, or the brown skinned folk they found all over the globe, including the Americans (Indians, Alaskans), the South Pacific Islanders, and so forth.
This is where White Male Privilege and Nationalism find their roots. White Supremacists are terrorists (always have been) and White Nationalism is terrorism! These are among the most evil people from the sum of our species, and they proudly fly the flags of christendom.
In other words, white men were Christians and as such were a superior race ; whereas, the nonwhite populace were more on the level of animals. From that we see the justifications for slavery, rape and abuse, dominion, or, unabashed human rights violations in general. Besides, they had the COP Cultist priests, ministers, bishops and pastors in their midst, to "bless" all their colonialist dominion conquering activities. Obscuring such a past makes sense.
The primary weapon of Satan was/is mammon or money or currency; a weapon in the hand greater than the sword. Satan worked through people to create most of what people do in this, the World ; economics, politics, religion, and virtually all the sin–evil they produce.
These human centered paradigms expose the root of almost all human suffering. YHVH knew that all of this would escalate (or degrade) and become the defining feature of the Eschaton (the 20th & 21st centuries). Money was and will continue to be the core of war, conquest, colonialism, dominion, lordship, and the like (1Ti 6 :6–11).
It will be the COP Cultist churched, thriving here in the Eschaton, which manifest the time we live in, and the Broadway that even the self-professing (Matthew Seven) Christians will ride upon. People get cocky when they have all they need or want; oblivious to the fact that, to YHVH, they/we are still morbid, sin soaked little bugs that should be squashed underfoot (Rev 3 :16–19).
Instead, YHVH made a way to actually save us, and because of that, I am His bondservant now/forever, and humbly pray never to become more than that. It is pathetic and hypocritical to value or devalue any other creation based on our personal criteria; even based on what is culturally normalized (i.e. ethnocentrism ). But then, prayer is too often a psychological distraction to any form of genuine discipleship witnessed under the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua.
YHVH created that broken down, impoverished, drunken smelly Homeless man, with as much Love (demonstrated on the Messianic Cross) as He did for you, your spouse or children or kin. Indeed, that poor homeless person is somebody's kin, and though they may not care about him, Messiah Yeshua does, and so does His disciples.
To judge in this way is to determine a person's worth, based upon a particular societal standard. So what if a person does not trade "time for money" as an employee for money; are they worthless because of it? They are worthless to the Monetizers . But my Master died for them as if they are worth a quintillion dollars. Which benchmark do you use? That matters a lot, because it will be your judgment paradigm (Matt 7 :1–2).
In the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized cultures; the capitalistic economies of the prophetic Eschaton Era; the mammon serving Monetizers ; the wealth mongers; the bold and the beautiful; all these people are elevated to god status, via stardom and/or heroism, by the Satan–inspired, gullible followship masses of consumer drones. Stardom (itself) is a product of/for the gullible followship masses. No one with the Messianic mind, looks upon any other human as better than another.
All the while, the poor; the ugly; the homeless; the broken; the unemployed; they are looked down upon as slackers, scumbags, failures, and losers, by the Loveless judgmentalists. That is the politics of economics, one of Satan's most prized earthly productions: The Broadway masses drink that cultural Kool–Aid by the gallons daily, and dedicate the sum of their very existence to it; even the churched and the dechurched!
Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the Saints? Do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know you not, that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life? If then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the congregation. I speak to your shame!
Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goes to law with brother, and that, before the unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because you go to law one with another. Why do you not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? Nay, you do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. (1Co 6:1–8)
¶ Disciples Will Stand Beside Him, Not Before Him In Judgment!
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It would seem obvious that the Judge cannot stand before the Judge, but the christianized COP Cultists have been promoting theological byproducts of fear/paranoia for millennia; it was/is a great driver of/for tithing. The worldly masses will be judged far differently than the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH will be.
The Body of Messiah Yeshua; Messianic disciples; the eternal children of The Judge, will not face Messiah Yeshua in Judgment; why would we? We have been washed as white as snow; all our sins, past/present/future, have already been atoned for; as far as the East lies from the West, indeed (Psa 103 :12).
Today we will be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23 :39–43): When we die, we go straightway to be with our Heavenly Father; our Spouse; our Friend. But the unregenerate masses will sleep; held in limbo as the time arrives for the judgment of the World , which we Messianic disciples will be an integral part of.
The Kingdom of YHVH is within us Messianic disciples, right now (Luke 17 :20–21), and unabated into eternity, via the (bodily) resurrection of the Just (Luke 14 :12–14). We Messianic disciples will not face a judgment for our sins; instead, we will be rewarded based on our Love acts (1Co 3 :12–15), and will be co–judges with our Master on The Great Day of Judgment!
The worldly like to watch TV media Judge shows; they crave comeuppance (Matt 18 :21–22) or rejection, humiliation and belittlement (Schadenfreude ); a word that has no English equivalent because of the normalization of competitivism (and us–against–themism, competition, comparisonism, and adversarialism), embedded in the mind–heart–Soul of the English speaking Europeanized colonizers for a millennia.
But the judgment that Messiah Yeshua was teaching us about, was opposite the worldly ways, including the ways of the anti-Messianic religious, the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists; the churched (Matt 6 ), witnessed most prominently in the West, which is itself a byproduct of christianization, which itself is a direct product of Satan.
Like with machismo , the pride–conquered (of either gender) are proud of themselves when they secure things; educations, jobs, money, power, property, even time lived. They take pride in self, in this life (1st John 2 :15–20), which is itself corrupt and evil. They lift themselves ever higher, until they (metaphorically) must look down upon others of lower social class; lower economic stature; lower! (Rev 3 )
In fact, anyone (anywhere, anytime) that creates or enables any such human centered hierarchy, are by that very fruit–evidence, Spiritually blind, and will perish eternally if they do not repent and convert (Mark 10 :24–25); to become obedient unto the Cross, and Love all as YHVH Loves all. Any sign of social stratification will result on ones eternal doom.
The Faithless Loveless will judge by appearances, by belittling others, in any way, as yet another way to elevate self: Even political leaders are now name calling bullies! But they are too often oblivious to this; some are subtle about it, even punctuating their quick judgments by actually saying: I'm not judging here! When that is exactly (and only) what they are doing! It is a Freudian slip . But this is another manifestation of Lovelessness.
YHVH gives all us humans a thousand options; however, the worldly only see a dozen or so, and most of what they see, comes from Satan the god of this world; the god of this human race, and not from Adonai our Elohim. Nevertheless, the worldly will select a half dozen options (from Satan's options list), and then call that freedom; a freedom of choice. Oh, the pompous egotism of the blind who claim sight! They live and die, oblivious to all they had access to.
All egotists are demon feeders! Demons do not die like humans; they simply transfer onto the next generation of those willing to feed them what they want: Power! The thrill of evil acts! But the many flavors of power are what we Messianic disciples are to discern. The more obvious are those seeking positions of power within Satan's trinity of productions, which accounts for most sin–evil in the World .
The continuity of sin–evil comes from the fact that the same demons occupy someone new with every human generation. That is why the themes (e.g. barbarism) never really change, they just morph with the time and culture they inhabit. And it is the religions that teach its adherents the biblical godly acceptability of these anti-Messianic mentalities. It is just atheism taught as a religion, the most heinous among them all, fall under the Abrahamic umbrella.
Religious or not, all atheistic people are very shortsighted; they live within a very small micro experience, and are quite puffed up with confidence that life will go along, next year, as it did the last (James 4 all). If they are fortunate enough to live beyond eight decades, their body will tell them, what their younger brains could not fathom at the time: It is easy to be bold when you are able bodied. Just keep looking in that mirror; you will shrivel up and become ugly and unwanted; all those around you will hover, awaiting your death, but only so they can take your things, not because they genuinely care about you (Luke 20 :45–47; Matt 24 :28).
History has taught us that on every continent, humans lived quite well for generations, and then, instantly, life was radically altered by war, dominion, natural disaster, economic calamity, and so on (to name the big few). If you live Homeless for just one year, you will see how quickly other people can become puffed up, self-superior, and even arrogant, just because they have money, and you do not; just because they are an employee with a bank owned drywall box.
And even though Mammon is a horrifyingly superficial benchmark or barometer which to judge others by, it is the way of the blindly enculturated; the worldly; the fruit–evidence of the Faithless Loveless among us; the atheistic churched; the secularized. I found greater acts of kindness from among the unchurched. Even those who practice other religions such as Sikhism are more Christ like than most of the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized.
Him that is weak in the faith, you receive, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believes that he may eat all things; another, who is weak, eats herbs. Let not him that eats despise him that eats not; and let not him which eats not, judge him that eats, for Elohim has received him. Who are you that judges another man's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Yea, he shall be held up, for Elohim is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let everyone be fully persuaded in their own mind. He that regards the day, regards it unto The Lord, and he that regards not the day, to The Lord he does not regard it. He that eats, eats to The Lord, for he gives Elohim thanks, and he that eats not, to The Lord he eats not, and gives Elohim thanks.
For none of us lives unto the self, and no one dies unto the self. For whether we live, we live unto The Lord; and whether we die, we die unto The Lord; whether we live therefore or die, we are The Lord's. For, to this end Messiah both died, and rose, and revived, that He might be Lord both of the dead and living. But why do you judge other believers? Why do you look down on them? For we shall all stand together at the Judgment Seat of Messiah. As it is written: I have sworn by Myself; the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness and shall not be revoked: Before Me every knee will bow; by Me every tongue will swear! So then all of us shall give account of our life unto Elohim. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but judge this rather; that none become a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brothers way. (Rom 14:1–13) {cf. 1Co 6 ; Isa 45 :23}
Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogance come out of your mouth, for YHVH is an Author of knowledge, and by Elohim, actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they who stumbled are girded with strength. They who were full, have hired out themselves for bread, and they who were hungry ceased, so that the barren has born seven, and she who has many children is waxed feeble. YHVH kills and makes alive; YHVH brings down to the grave, and brings up. YHVH makes poor, and makes rich; YHVH brings low, and lifts up.
YHVH raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory, for the pillars of the earth are Elohim's, and has set the world upon them. YHVH will keep the feet of Elohim's Saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness, for by strength no one shall prevail. The adversaries of YHVH shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall YHVH thunder upon them. YHVH shall judge the ends of the earth, and shall give strength to the king, and exalt the horn of Elohim's anointed. (1Sam 2:3–10) ― {Messiah Yeshua is that King; the anointed of Elohim are all past/present/future disciples, the Kingdom–living, future resurrected Saints}.
¶ Whores Of Satan: Mammon Servants Of The Eschaton!
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Exhibitions of self importance are psychological conditions created by the accumulation of the USD. People who posses large sums of USD, in the capitalist culture of the USA, not only believe, but prove in all they do, that because of that accumulation of USD, they are better than those with less USD; that they are more important and thus have the say in how all people live in any geographical setting; city, town, county, territory, or nation–state. Let them teach this with NIMBY :
I own property because I have the USD to do so; therefore, whatever happens in and around me that might impact my property values, I have the say in what occurs, because I have the USD investment in the affected area. Since my life is all about me and mine, I only care about my investments; in this case, my real estate portfolio. The rest of the species around me, must therefore, bend to my will on these matters that might impact my investments, because I have them!
My Master taught a clear message; one cannot serve YHVH and money! This is because of what money itself represents: Power! So, we all have the choice as to which source of power we will yield to: to relinquish all power unto the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, or follow Satan's path to power: The trinity of Satan (on Earth) is Economics, Politics, and Religion! When confronting the wealthy ruler, Yeshua gave him the opportunity to make his choice, which he did (Luke 18 ).
Pride conquered people become arrogant, self important, and entitled, when they gain or have money or great possessions: And the amount of money is less important than the power it derives! For those that believe material gain is righteous; from such withdraw yourself (1Ti 6 :3–8).
A person who (say) has a home they inherited from their parents, can lord that resource over a homeless person who is cold and hungry. To an impoverished person, someone who only has five thousand dollars can still have great power over them. Indeed; a prostitute will sell her body and Soul to the devil, for fifty dollars an hour; that rare woman of integrity would not do so for a trillion dollars.
To a broke and hungry person, twenty dollars seems like much, and so, if getting it requires groveling, then so be it. In like manner therefore, a Spiritually lost person will submit to the self issued authority of a churched professional; but it is all subjugation. And my Master abhorred that kind of thing, most of all; the only outward display of outright anger was the cleansing of the temple .
For the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, we know that all we have, belongs to our Lord and Master, and as such, we do not lord anything over anyone at anytime or under any circumstance. We do not boast of how we help others when we give them things, because we know who/what we are, and are not; we know what we have, and why we have it.
Every second of our time in this life, is allowed us by our Master; everything we gain, even in Labor , is still not ours to do with as we please (1Co 7 :20–24). We are mere stewards of virtually all things in this life; there is no yours or mine in our world (Job 1 :21; Luke 18 :21–25; Acts 4 :32–35).
The atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) do not boast of their possessions; they boast with their possessions; be it material things, physical beauty, power or money, with anything and everything. They can thank {a} god for their blessings, and then turn right around and hoard them as if they are more deserving of them, than others are. And to think that you give anything, to anyone, at anytime, is a testimony against you; a judgment (Rev 3 :16–19).
Let me say candidly; you have nothing, you give nothing, and you are nothing, but only what YHVH allows. Every breath you inhale, is due to the providence of Adonai our Elohim. To think of yourself as a giving person is arrogant and atheistic; the byproduct of living in a nation of excess, and in a state of Lovelessness for an extended period of time, attenuating into pride and ultimately (if unchanged) Spiritual death. People perform random acts of kindness to compensate for a lifetime living an (otherwise 100%) lifestyles as anti-Messiahs .
When Ruach HaKodesh enlightens your current darkness, you will fear YHVH and pray for His forgiveness each and every time you compliment or praise yourself for anything whatsoever. You will fear YHVH, repent, surrender, and serve. You will thank often and praise your Master, Messiah Yeshua, for keeping you under His Lordship (even when it hurts). You will actually weep as you give away what you once treasured, for your treasures in Heaven are growing in direct proportion to their reduction here on Earth (John 3 :30–36).
And He said also unto His disciples: There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. And he called and said unto him: How is it that I hear this of you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you may be no longer steward! Then the steward said within himself: What shall I do? For my boss takes away from me the stewardship. I cannot dig! I am too ashamed to beg. I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.
So, he called everyone of his boss's debtors unto him, and said unto the first: How much do you owe my boss? And he said: A hundred measures of oil! So he said unto him: Take your bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty! Then said he to another: And how much do you owe? And he said: A hundred measures of wheat! So he said unto him: Take your bill and write fourscore! The boss commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: For the children of this world are in their lifetime, wiser than the children of light!
But I say unto you: Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when you fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much: And he that is unjust in the least, is unjust also in much. If you therefore, have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! And the Pharisees, who were also money lovers, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim! (Luke 16:1–15) {cf. Matt 6 :19–24; Luke 6 :20–26}
In other words, if those supposedly dedicated to being disciples of Messiah Yeshua, would be as dedicated to Him, as are the worldly, those who will be cast into outer darkness, are dedicated to their worldly ways (herein, the carcinogen of money), they would indeed make a powerful team for The Lord.
My Master, here in this parable, was comparing how devoted the atheistic are, to Satan's monetization world that defines them, now and thus forever. Ones Earth life will be the content of ones hellish eternal life in Darkness .
Making yourselves friends with the servants of mammon (Luke 16 :13–15); be it human, inhuman, or demon, will benefit you somehow, in the deep spacial abyss of empty space (outer darkness), which is eternal separation from YHVH.
If you want the things in this life (1st John 2 :15–20), you expose your true Spiritual condition, unto YHVH, and the Elect of YHVH (currently alive) here on Earth. The worldly, churched or dechurched or unchurched, can easily be tricked by words and fake caring , random acts of kindness, and outward religious acts. But YHVH cannot be mocked (fooled or tricked) in this way (Gal 6 :7–8).
Messiah Yeshua was exposing a dedication of two opposite kinds; those dedicated to the World and its worldly ways, which are often cleaver, unique, well thought out, and intentional, and to (hopefully) see the disciples of Messiah Yeshua do likewise (Matt 10 :16): We use our wisdom to serve YHVH, without any money, but with as much creativity and time investment, as do the eternally doomed masses who serve money as Monetizers .
There is no greater demonstration from among the anti-Messiahs , then to think of what you possess as your own (ownerism), and then lord that resource over others, to control them, subjugate or tempt them. The Elect of YHVH rejoice at opportunities to (with wisdom and prayer) give away what YHVH placed in our stewardship, and yet, we often languish over having too much to manage. I actually pray that YHVH does not give me too much, and would consider becoming money–rich a curse.
Conversely, the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, capitalistic minded masses, hunger–lust for wealth/power, even praying to their christian or other gods to make them money–rich, or, to pay off the debts they incur in their quest to appear rich; to be seen of men and be acceptable to them. The dead Soul craves acceptance from other mortals, but the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, seek only and exclusively to please YHVH, with nary a thought for what other mere mortals think.
If most people could see who they really were, they would make a bloody mess of their own suicide; it would be an awful sight. But most people are oblivious to their own condition; they will say things that, if they were Love–centric, they would be horrified to even think the thought, much less speak the words out loud. But they are Spiritually and morally bankrupt, and thus, ethically compromised, and eventually, psychologically depraved.
Indeed, it is this chasm between the Love–centric, and the Loveless masses, which provide the empirical data supporting the fact that YHVH exists and that Scripture is real. The conundrum is Spiritual blindness; the response to YHVH–truth is too often self-justification via ad hominem (Matt 13 :53–57).
The person born physically blind, simply cannot see, and it really does not matter how many words they learn, or hear spoken to them: Sight cannot be replicated within any language. And in a greater travesty, those who are Spiritually blind also cannot understand Spiritual sight, nor the Love of YHVH, or the scriptures.
This is because they are Spiritually blind, and no amount of words or reading or academics can make them see or understand: They are blind! And so, we who can see, do not condemn them for the stumbling about in this life caused by being blind, but then, we also cannot force them to see. Hence, we just Love everyone equally and let YHVH do all the rest of the work, knowing Matt 7 :13–14.
In that Spiritual blindness or darkness, they are as any primate; they will (literally) monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, any and all things from others like them and/or near them. However, they can never come to the eternal knowledge of their Creator, or take on the mind of Messiah Yeshua (1Co 2 :12–16): YHVH wisdom comes to us humans, only after we surrender unconditionally unto the supreme Lordship of Messiah Yeshua.
We must die in order to live; we must transcend our Enculturation and be disenculturated. We must Love; then, we will not judge according to sight or appearance, but will always judge righteous judgment. The tree is known by the fruit it bears! (Messiah Yeshua, Matt 7 :15–20): We Are What We Do And No More!
¶ Precious Eternal Souls Of Incalculable Worth!
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Do you not know that you are worth more than planet Earth itself? Our Creator would destroy an entire galaxy of planets, just for you alone; your value is far greater than what can be monetized on any planet, or even a galaxy of planets: The Cross confirms this. People value each other based upon monetary units, but our Father in Heaven places a value on us that is incalculable; YHVH has created a universe so rich in planets that such losses go unnoticed. But to lose you is insurmountable in scope; hence, the Cross.
Nevertheless, volition is your superpower; your God likeness! Thus, only you can decide your eternal destiny. Earth is not eternal; no matter what happens on any planet in the cosmos, its own sun, will in time, consume all the planets that orbit it: Earth is no exception. Planets come and go; many billions are right now at the stage Earth was at the beginning of humanity. If you want to know what eternity is all about, ponder this reality.
How we transcend this Earth life is called Resurrection . We who Love Adonai our Elohim,
sing songs ⊛ about these very realities. We will all die a physical death, and the products marketed by the YHVH monetizers; the professional religionists, like to sell the potion notion that you will not have to experience a physical death; that you (the christianized) will be magically hoisted up to Jesus in a rapture. They compile a bunch of verses to justify this protestant religion product. They first decide what will sell, and then they scour the scriptures to construct the product: The desperate buy into it.
But for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we know beyond doubt, because of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, where/when we will go and who/what we will be; this course is our destiny and so we do not fear death, for perfect Love (YHVH Love) casts out all fear: All (1st John 4 :4–21). Those not chosen (predestined) will naturally fear death, and will live and make life choices, as a reflection, and the proof, of that cold reality; fear drives them to the human created religion businesses, for weekly assurances of their eternal fate, but of course, the YHVH monetizers are also eternally doomed, and more so than any other human in existence: They cannot give you what you deny yourself.
And He also spoke a parable to them to teach it is always right to pray, and not to faint, saying: A certain judge was in a certain city, not fearing Elohim, nor respecting man. And a widow was in that city. And she came to Him, saying: Avenge me of my adversary! And he would not do so for a time, but afterward, he said within himself: Though I do not fear Elohim nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her, that she not wear me down in the end And the Lord said: Hear what the unjust judge says. And shall not Elohim avenge His own Elect, who cry day and night to Him, though He has been longsuffering over them? I say to you that He will avenge them speedily. Yet, when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith on the earth?
And He spoke this parable to certain ones who trusted in themselves, that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed within himself in this way: God, I thank You that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice on the Sabbath, I give tithes of all that I possess. And standing afar off, the tax collector would not even lift up his eyes to Heaven, but struck on his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted. (Luke 18:1–14)
Judgment Day Will Be Silent!
Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are that judges. For wherein you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you that judge, do the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of Elohim is according to truth against them that commit such things. And do you think, O man that judges them which do such things, and does the same; that you shall escape the judgment of Elohim? Or, do you despise the riches of His goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of Elohim leads you to repentance?
But after your hardness and impenitent heart, you treasure up unto yourself, wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim, who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life: But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath; tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that does evil; of the Jew first and also of the Gentile.
But glory, honor, and peace to every man that works good, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. For there is no respect of persons with Elohim. For as many as have sinned without the Torah, shall also perish without the Torah. And as many as have sinned in the Torah, shall be judged by the Torah. For not the hearers of the Torah are just before Elohim, but the doers of the Torah shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the Torah, do by nature the things contained in the Torah, these, having not the Torah, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another, on the day when Elohim shall judge the secrets of men by Messiah Yeshua according to the Gospels. (Rom 2:1–16)
¶ The Monetization Justification Doctrine!
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YHVH does not and will not, curse anyone with mammon: Messiah Yeshua in fact, said that we all must make a choice between serving Elohim or Mammon , and no one can or does or has, done both (Matt 6 :24). Messiah Yeshua knew that mammon (money, currency, legal tender): The Monetizers ) numerating of all things, was and is, the scourge of humanity, but it will not end until after the return of The King.
With rare exception, all human suffering and all injustice comes from (or for) the root of all evil. Those who serve mammon, but who like the byproducts of cultural religion, created a social product they could market for money: organized religion. YHVH came in the flesh (Messiah Yeshua) to expose all of this to those willing to see and hear it. (Read free online: The Development of Social Christianity in America )
It is not that the currency itself is evil or bad, it is what it does to the human psyche that is bad, because it arms us with a weapon far more insidious than any other wielded weapons forged by humanity. It places a numerical value to things and lives that should not be monetized in that way.
We all serve a master; anyone who does not see this is doomed to follow blindly, those who established what life is, for them; former generations; the sum of their Enculturation . Therefore, we must choose which master we are going to spend our earth life serving. For Messiah Yeshua, He made it simple: Serve YHVH, or serve money; mammon; currency; the monetization process. They are opposing forces.
The Way was cooped by the Satan serving monetizers, early on, and from that timeline forward, Satan has sifted religious men thoroughly (Luke 22 :24–34). Early on, the idea behind vows of poverty centered around the obvious problems, witnessed by, and inherent when people monetize things and beings into units of currency.
However, since my Master told me through His words that this would occur, we know that YHVH had a hand in preserving those words, by making those who preserved those words, through time, oblivious to the deeper meanings embedded within them. We know this by what was allowed into the canon by the catholic monks over the hundreds of generations of people who handled these words of life. The preservation of scripture was not about YHVH having a physical hand in it; such preservation was about obscuring content, within those who handled it, from its future meanings. The Wisdom of YHVH is always on a need–to–know basis.
What was preserved was other copies of all that was written during times past (future scripture); this allowed a comparison in more modern times, of what the catholics (and later the Lutherans) were up to in their decision–making endeavor, when deciding a canon for scripture. And while it began with over 80 books, it was over time, dwindled down to 66 books by the European protesters of Catholicism, and would have been edited further, if Luther had his way with it.
This shifting about, had zero to do with YHVH–truth; this was all about the monetization of YHVH, via organized religion (or the reaction to that); all of which, Messiah Yeshua died on the Cross to ameliorate. It was becoming implausible to live as money dependent mammon servants while the works of the Antilegomena remained valid. This is why Bibliolatry grew so rapidly; why the extreme westernization of the Gospels poisoned everything that was represented in the life of Messiah Yeshua.
¶ Self Righteousness Is A Cloak To Obscure One's Own Greater Sin Evils!
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Organized religion itself (i.e. the proverbial altar call of Satan), had become evermore evil, due mainly to the monetization of YHVH and the 100% compromises that occur therein, whenever people create a numerical value to things they cannot own. Beware the Monetizers ! (Matt 10 :16). Messiah Yeshua came to expose it all and to destroy it all; He renounced all organized religion as dens of thieves, and indeed they are (Mark 11 :14–17).
Messiah Yeshua died to replace the lifeless and cold manifestations of Law ; the written commandments, rules and ordinances, ritual sacrifices and any other temple act/s (extorted by the Law-lords ); replacing it/them all, with YHVH–Love, via human relationships that centered upon self sacrificial service unto one another, even unto our enemies (Luke 6 :27–37); to Love all everywhere. The temples made with hands are no more; well, not for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH: We know that the human body is (now) the only Temple of YHVH. All church businesses are demonic at their root.
But organized religion has played an important role in the manifestation of YHVH, just not in the way the enabling masses might think. The Way was about walking away from all organized religion, especially the monetization of YHVH (the sin of all sins); a truth which gives the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, the advantage of distinguishing Saved people, from the rest, who exploit or enable the businesses of religion, as a distraction; as a place to hide from a true and everlasting Spiritual transformation, resulting in human to human relationships that are a mirror of the relationship, taught to those with Spiritual eyes and ears, via the Lord's Prayer of John Seventeen .
Without YHVH–Love installed within, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit: YHVH is Love (1st John 4 :7–16); without that unconditional, universal, unidirectional, uncontrollable Love, we humans are doomed to be little more than primates (Jude 1 :10–13); thus, attachment and other emotions will be how love is defined. They merely copy the emotion acts from, those that influence them; in modern times, it is whatever they watch on various media devices.
Fortunately, the Elect of YHVH do not consume the world like that: We get all things directly from the Holy Spirit, dwelling and reigning within us: The Logia continues unabated for all devout disciples of Messiah Yeshua, from the 1st to the 2nd Advent: Reformations will challenge preconceptions until the return of The King (John 21 :25).
These things have I spoken unto you, that you should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time comes that whosoever kills you will think they are doing a good service. And these things they will do unto you because they have not known the Father or Me. But these things I have told you, that when the time shall come you may remember that I told you of them. And these things I did not say unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. But now I go My way to Him that sent Me, and none of you asked Me: Where are You going? But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send Him unto you.
And when He has come, He will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and you will see Me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak, and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify Me, for He shall receive of Mine, and shall show it unto you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore, I said that He shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you. A little while, and you shall not see Me; and again, a little while, and you shall see Me, because I go to the Father. (John 16:1–16)
There is therefore now , no condemnation to them that are in Messiah Yeshua, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit, by life in Messiah Yeshua, has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the Torah could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, Elohim, sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of Torah might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, for it is not subject to the Torah of Elohim, neither indeed can be.
So then, they that are in the flesh cannot please Elohim. But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Messiah, he is none of His. And if Messiah be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Yeshua from the dead dwells in you, He that raised up Messiah from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by His Spirit that dwells in you. Therefore brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if you live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, they are the sons of Elohim. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry: Abba, Father!
The Spirit itself bears witness with our soul, that we are the children of Elohim: And if children, then heirs; heirs of Elohim and joint heirs with Messiah; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature, waits for the manifestation of the sons of Elohim.
For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. (Rom 8:1–23) {cf. Gal 2 :20; John 6 :53–58; John 14 :9–11; 2Ti 1 :14; 1st John 3 :21–24 & 4:12–16; John Seventeen }