Home Free Living!
During The Great Depression, so much suffering and death took place, the US Feds decided it would never happen again, at least not from an economic collapse, caused mostly by the rich who were not physically impacted by it. Social safety nets were created to prevent it, and they still work, for the most part, as experienced during the Great Recession. But with Capitalism's legal Real Estate Industry, homes that were once shelter for all, morphed into mere profit products for/by the rich. Profit Before People = Homelessness!
So, if you have been pushed out of the Real Estate Industry, so that those who do not build homes, can profit from homes? Welcome to Capitalism, where "to capitalize upon" is the mantra and theme! It is unfettered greed and Labor free money personified! I got mine so FU! And that is why they hate Socialism; they want a system that gives those who have, opportunities for evermore: Sharing is obscene to the greed–conquered. But, they need a few million money–enslaved, Mammon serving nobody's, to give them that money.
So, if the system has broken you; if one loss has crippled you in the long–term, all this is for you. Some will lose a spouse or a child, and be so devastated it can take years to recover, especially without mental health services availed to all. So, self medicating often leads to addiction, and that too, is yet another profit trough for the already–rich; they prosper from human suffering, and indeed, it is a multi–billion dollar industry in itself.
Addiction? Or Not?
Many are homeless because of addiction, but the addiction is too often caused (directly or indirectly) by the corruption and unfairness of the system itself; it was obviously rigged by the wealthy for the wealthy. Even social experiments like the Rat Park Experiment, exposes the fact that even those who are not Love–centric because of their marriage–level relationship with YHVH–Is–Love, can still figure out what Love commands: Understanding, compassion, mercy and empathy, just to name a few.
But some people are homeless by choice; these people refuse to be a profit slut for the wealthy any longer; they refuse to sign a lease that obligates them financially to someone who does not Labor for their monies, but who instead takes it from their victim–obligants. It is all these low–life's that cause the wealth–class to hate them even more. These people suck from the tits of social services, paid for by those who can pay, and they want the money–poor to suffer and die because of it.
Those who are well–off financially, but not technically rich' they have sold their eternal souls to the devil, and give a huge chunk of their little monies to feed the pigs of capitalism; they too will hate the poor, but for them it is because they play their corrupt economy games, and the homeless do not. Long ago the wealth–class mastered the art of turning the middle–class against the poor, so that they battle one another, and distracted, the rich just keep on sucking their life–blood daily. Lately it is generational; the Boomers are to blame by later generation boxes.
So, here are a few ways to survive and even thrive, if you have been evicted from the economy, which can be caused by anything from an array of personal and financial losses. If one such loss causes a tenant eviction, it is hardly possible to get another rental; remember, Home is no more; the Real Estate Industry is now a profit–only production. Unfortunately, addicts will stay close to others who give them $–money, so they can buy the products of their addiction where cash is needed. One cannot buy alcohol or weed with SNAP benefits.
If one is an economic rebel, and not an addict, I recommend not staying too close to other humans; go farther out into the woods. It is easy to hide ones homeless state; one must keep clean, and do not pack too many things into peopled areas. With a few good backpacks and a decent bike (and lock), one can exploit the resources of the human–built world, for little or no monies. The Public Library is a good first choice, but they are well–known for a homeless community; not the best if one is trying to stay off–grid, or off the proverbial radar as a known homeless person.
The IGMFU People (I Got Mine FU), bloodlust to see all homeless humans die; if these economic vampires cannot suck the life–blood of your existence, then you must not exist at all. So it is wise to understand the full scope of the battle if one expects to survive it. Speaking of which, a registered pocket pistol is a good idea as well; never show it to anyone unless there is a real threat; it is a possession worth attempting to steal by those with criminal records that forbid them buying one.
To be clear; these are Satan's people; they have always been among us; they know that Earth belongs only to YHVH; that we all need it for food and shelter. Therefore, those that control the land, control the people: Everything you see on Earth today is that evidence! It is control–power they crave most. Consequently, they seek ways to punish, or kill, all those who refuse to play their game called: How To Survive On My Earth! Landlordism is one main method.
Modern housing, including all rental properties, are way over priced due to the many hands–in–the–pie taker capitalists that expect and demand to profit handsomely from your existence. These would require a full time job, and by the time you pay them, there is little left over, which is part of the greater economic design of dependency; Dependency Theory works in macroeconomics as well as in microeconomics.
Shelter; Transportation; Communication!
Many think having a vehicle is a good way to live home–free, but those come with their own sets of problems, which are legal (tickets & cops mostly), and the other is their perpetual costs. Even a cargo van, which is how I used to travel, is problematic. Homeless people can use any official Homeless Shelter as a legal postal address, and from that they can get things requiring such, like licensing a vehicle. But the cost of car ownership is not like it once was; I bought used vans cash, self repaired & maintained, never had auto insurance, and gas was cheap. Those days are long gone!
I recommend selecting a Metro and staying inside of it. Weather is a major consideration; not too hot and not too cold. But so is general safety, so a low crime rate is also important. A bike culture is a good thing, because that means that getting around on a bike as primary, will not be difficult. And a City Bus & Rail system is also beneficial without a car. But there is always Ride Share Apps for those rare trips. Finally, there needs to be publicly–owned wooded areas nearby that are not owned by individuals; many hunger–lust to kill people who they find on "their" land! US County's have maps for that!
Have a shelter–pack that includes a pocket saw, a hammer/ax, and a large camo tarp. Build a frame from fallen wood; use jute twine to tie at jointed connections (carve out to interlink where wood meets wood to prevent slipping); all to run a large tarp over all sides! Mound dirt and rocks all the way around the tarp (on the egress side; rocks inside) to hold the tarp down and to keep out critters, big and small.
Leave the wood frame up; leave no trace of human–made worldly things behind, especially anything not quickly biodegradable; animals will investigate the space soon after. If left alone long enough it will revert to the soil like the rest of the forest litter. Until then the frame can be reused by others, and yourself. I advise building many of them all over, so one can wisely rotate locations.
An air mattress keeps you off the cold ground; but not a heavy or big or expensive one; you will buy a few every year as they do not last. Plus they can just be left at the camp site. But a quality cold weather sleeping bag is a wise investment; keep it with you on long trips away from camp.
Talk and Text and the Web can be accessed with only a phone; in the US there is the Lifeline Program. If one has a phone there is Qlink Wireless; if you need a phone there is Assurance Wireless. There is free WiFi at Public Libraries (they have PC's), but also at coffee shops, and almost everywhere now days. Set the phone to automatically connect to networks previously connected to.
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