Definitely Defined!


Capitalism/CapitalistForeknowledge/PredestinationGlossolaliaGod–ComplexInhumanInfinity; Forever; Eternal


To capitalize upon; to con; to scam; to resell; to exploit; to take advantage of; to profit from: e.g. a Grifter; a scammer; a cut–taker; a profiteer; in summary, those who practice the sin–evil of usury.


Most humans recommit to Satan daily; it is not a conscious verbal profession, but far more important than that, it is a daily affirmation via their lifestyle choices and the things they focus their attention and energy upon; these acts reestablish their commitment to Satan. They become so attached to the demons that oppress them that they cannot say no to them any longer. They would faithfully serve the dark side until they were 200 years old if they lived that long; evermore dedicated as time moves forward: YHVH knows of this (Rom 1 & 2; Gen 6:3).
YHVH has already seen future events occur, by those of us inside of spacetime; limited by/in time itself. So, it is not a case of YHVH deciding beforehand, who will be Saved and who will not; it is those who will come unto the Messianic Cross, versus those who will not (the Broadway masses: Matt 7); who did not come, in the future view (or rerun) of YHVH.
Knowing they will never come unto the Messianic Cross, YHVH deems them unworthy, even while they are traversing time now, knowing what all humans are going to do: walking the dark side or the Light side. Each human is personally, and only, and singly, responsible for their eternal state; this life is fully volitional, as volition is our only superpower. YHVH does not directly interfere, allowing random circumstance to play out, to record what each individual will do, with the (proverbial) cards they are randomly dealt. YHVH is building a Family that will serve the Kingdoms of YHVH, which is the material world that we know of as the Cosmos; occupiable planets that we will govern. Our Earth life is a test to see what we will do with the little things of Earth (Matt 25).


Satan works through his religion products frequently; the early fellowships were severely oppressed by demonic influences, which is (in part) why the postal (travel) letters were addendum to the doctrinal Messiah Scriptures. The new languages posited by Messiah Yeshua (Mark 16:15–20) was not about any separate heavenly or non–human language (γλώσσαις (glōssais)), because human linguistics itself was/is a poor communication medium. When it's said that a painting is worth a thousand words, a word–picture expresses this idea.
This was more about how we think than linguistic itself, and from those new thoughts, how we will speak changes too. With Ruach HaKodesh, Spiritually metamorphosing the Elect of YHVH, we take on the mind of Messiah Yeshua (1Co 2:10–16); our physical brain is slowly altered physiologically from this radical transformation; human intellect soon soars under these maintained conditions. What we think and say changes radically, like a new language within the former.
All Heavenly rewards will only be given, from the genuine altruistic acts, which no one but self and YHVH will know about (Matt 6). Those who live by true Faith–Belief will care nothing of what other humans think of them; all they/we do is for the hereafter; that is fruit–evidence. But Satan's people run on pride–ego–emotion; all they do is to satisfy them.
Pentecostalism itself is driven profoundly on pride–ego–emotion. One minute after an individual becomes Messianic, via the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the very idea of being the center of attention, on a stage, or in any other act of attention seeking, becomes highly offensive. It is impossible to live under the Messianic Cross for a day, and then expect to be rewarded for anything that any human on Earth could ever do.


Those who suffer from a god complex, do not go about openly claiming to be god; they probably do not think to themselves that they are a god. But they act like they are gods. All their decisions are infallible; they cannot admit that anything they say or do is wrong; all that they do is perfect, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. When faced with facts and reality, they only have one other option; to lie; to spin; the deflect. (Technically they do have 1 other option; humility and honesty, but that requires they reenter the human race).
Due to a lack of self-esteem in demon oppressed humans, they live in a constant state of paranoia and self-loathing. Consequently, they look out into the world and feel compelled to overcompensate for perceived shortcomings. Since all demons rage–hate, they work their humans always; Satan's humans allow and soon prefer to hear from the demonic realm. Demons work all sides of all human conflict; therefore, demons work to bring about a gradual insanity in their humans, so those humans can tolerate all the increasing darkness they receive from their demons. They may attempt distractions to drown out the demonic voices; substance abuse or attention–seeking. These are some outward fruit–evidences.
Substance abuse speaks for itself; it is a way to anesthetize the self so the demonic voices are muffled, even though they receive guidance from them always. And always being loud, they seek out loud music, loud machines, or just being aggressively loud themselves (from whence comes Attention–Seeking behaviors, and Histrionic Personality Disorder, and Main Character Syndrome). These people are what Saint Peter referred to as partyers; those seeking their own form of anesthetization; they go to places that are violently loud, even physically violent. Cowards, they must carry weapons, but with the chance of fighting, hurting, and killing; they make sure it can be justified to avoid criminal prosecution. To play god is to decide the fate of others; to alter the corporeal course originally set by YHVH.
In the grips of this paranoia, us–against–themism thrives; one is either with them or against them, and "them" means Satan's people serving Satan's directives: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!! Satan, working exclusively through his people, seek only to kill, to steal, and to destroy (John 10). Aware of it or not, Satan's people hate YHVH, and so they are heavily destructive toward the YHVH creation, represented in the natural world.
In context; if for one example, you are not a devoted part of the planet–wrecking Car Cult, you are against them; that you are one of them or you are the enemy! They are fully committed to Satan and his Earthly trinity, and seek to do harm always; to hurt others always; to inflict suffering and stress always; and then call that abuse "their freedoms". Such delusions gives it all a cloak of goodness.
They boast always, and in/with all things, because they feel inferior if they do not. All that they do is the best of the best: the nation they live in is the best because they live there; the local portion of that nation (or State, etc.) is the best, because they live there; the sports teams they are fanatics of are the best because it is their team; the brands they buy are the best because they buy them. I trust one is getting the pattern here: Egocentrism & Narcissism! Self-superiority! Supremacy! Self-righteousness! If it is what I do/think/say/believe, it is the very best, because it is me, and I am a god, and gods cannot be wrong, ever!


Inhumans have been metaphysically drained of all traces of humanity, degrading to the point of being completely unnatural. This is revealed in one or more of the following traits: fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane; immoral; unethical; carnal; primal; power–hungry; anger–ruled; greed–driven; dread–filled; superficial; indifferent; simpleton; discriminatory/racist/bigoted; close–minded; domineering; self-important; self-righteous; hoarding/hoarders (of money and/or things).
Inhumans are biologically compatible to reproduce with humans, but otherwise the differences are striking; even more so than those posited between the Sapiens and the Denisovans. On the metaphorical stairway of metaphysical advancement, the primates (e.g. chimps; gorillas) are on one step, and one step above them are the early big brained hominids, and one step above them are the inhumans (the masses); then a dozen steps above them are the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, which is a rare and supernatural occurrence. Some even suggested the word, Third Race! But there is (and was) only one biological race, or one blood; the human species (Acts 17:24–31).

Infinity; Forever; Eternal!

Infinity is an incalculable time set, representing all past time, the present, and all future time; there is no end in any direction and thus it is technically, not time at all. Forever is a set period of time, forward of now, or forward from the first minute of spacetime remembered experientially. Eternal is somewhere in between; it is all time forward of spacetime remembered experientially, but then without end. So, forever will last from the moment a living being, capable of possessing a Soul, experiences spacetime, but only until the end of the universe that individual was created within. To use current vernacular, from the Big Bang until the Big Crunch will be one forever!

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