¶ The Will To Power: Root Of The Dark Side!
The very downfall of Satan was his thirst for power; indeed lordship! And humans that surrender unto Satan, expose it in the character traits of narcissism, self–supremacy, self–righteousness, self–importance, self–superiority, money–hunger, power–hunger, dominion, controlism, lordship, rule, domination, hierarchical leadership, inequality, inequity, and the like. But inhumans masterfully cloak these inside of personality traits.
This is just a small list of the more egregious physical or outward character exhibitions and manifestations. These are the tree fruits, which all Messianic disciples are trained, by our Master, to look for; righteous Judging . These character traits are exhibited and observable, via Satans human drones, who are just like Satan, including the christianized, who are the prophetic anti-Messiahs .
To submit to ones pride–ego–emotion, is to daily surrender unto Satan . The trillion demon army of Satan, have been trained, since the oppression of the first humans, to manipulate humankind via pride–ego–emotion: The Adam–Eve Paradigm or Paradox! All the works of Satan on Earth, are done exclusively through humans in this way.
Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!! All evil is worked through human hands, via their heart–mind, and witnessed in the World via these 3 main sociocultural paradigms. But Satan has no physical form; Satan (and the demon crew) have not so much as moved a grain of sand, ever! Without humans, Satan does nothing in the corporeal .
The most successful of Satans weapons is to make (almost) everyone, not see Satans influences or oppression, or even to acknowledge Satans very existence. And though the Book of Job explores the satanic, it is still contested as a possible morality fiction; this is because it would be impossible for any human to record a conversation between YHVH and Satan, and because humans are, by nature, adversarial.
Nonetheless, any mention of Satan brings stigma with it, even among the religious. That is because some of the christianized help form this stigma by blaming the devil or demons for all the negative consequences of their otherwise anti-Messianic lifestyle choices.
In Spiritual darkness, the Satan–led (those void of YHVH Love ) become inhuman . The inhuman are Soulless and thus Loveless, degrading to the point of being unnatural, and revealed in one or more of these character traits: fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane; immoral; unethical; carnal; primal; anger–ruled; greed–driven; dread–filled; superficial; indifferent; simpleton; discriminatory/racist/bigoted; close–minded; domineering; self-important; self-righteous; power–hungry; hoarding/hoarders (of money and/or things).
The declining steps from being Soulless and Loveless, to becoming sociopathic and psychopathic is not that many. The Satan–led are known for being self–important and thus self–righteous, and therein they are anger–driven for thinking they are good, and others are bad, often based on random bible passages. These are among the most evil beings in the Cosmos, but they think they are the good ones, who just suffer from all the bad people around them: Victimism !
Messiah Yeshua clarified when He said: Why do you call Me good? (Mark 10 :17–23) Five minutes under the Messianic Cross, and every one of us, understand that we are no more good or righteous than any other human being on Earth, forever: True Salvation is truly humbling! And, the Indwelling Holy Spirit installs the exact same Love that kept Messiah Yeshua on the Cross! It is that Love–in–us that brings mercy and forgiveness and longsuffering for all the human family of YHVH. It is sin to ever think of ones self as good; to think ones self as better than Messiah Yeshua, who is YHVH–in–skin!
What is terrifying is that these Satanized masses live among us (the Elect of YHVH); they attend church services and grace the pulpits; they pay their taxes and are good employees, customers, citizens, and so on. But something is missing deep within them: a connection with their own Soul; a Spiritual enlightenment; Light! Life! Woke! Hence the common euphemism, Soulless that attenuated over time into (lower case) soulless, to mean dull, uninspiring or unremarkable.
But because they must serve Mammon , and because they get that money mostly from other humans, they must play nice; they must pretend to be a caring human; they must fake caring , fake kindness, fake fairness, fake justice, and even fake christianity, or whatever religion–brand their culture normalizes for them to consume. But for them, Love is the great mystery; they will live/die utterly oblivious to what Love even means, even as they parrot the word over and over again.
¶ All Liars Shall Have Their Part In The Lake That Burns With Fire!
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When my Lord, Rabbi, Master and fellow tradesman, spoke to the professional religionists of His time/culture (Luke 11 ; John 8 ), He exposed them for being who they were; the servants of the devil, who proved themselves by always lying, then trying to cloak the lies. They can lie easily and for no life saving reasons: Liar Liar, Lake of Fire! Liars expose their demons, as they casually spew lies, just like their true god, the god of this world Satan. Messiah Yeshua said:
Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My word! You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it! (John 8:43–44)
Again, you have heard that it has been said by them of old time: You shall not forswear yourself, but shall perform unto The Lord your oaths! But I say unto you: Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, for it is the throne of Elohim; nor by Earth for it is His footstool; neither by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great King; neither shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your communication be: Yea, yea! and, Nay, nay! For whatsoever is more than these comes from evil! (Matt 5:33–37)
Lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created us, where there is neither Greek nor Jew (circumcised or uncircumcised), Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free. For Messiah is all, and in all! Put on therefore, as the Elect of Elohim, holy and beloved, be moved by mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another and forgiving one another. If anyone have a quarrel against any, even as Messiah forgave you, so you do also! And above all these things, put on charity {unconditional Love} , which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of Elohim rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called one Body; and you be thankful! (Col 3:9–15)
He that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his Elohim, and he shall be My son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death! (Rev 21:7–8) {cf. Pro 6 :16–19; 12:19; 19:9}
While the Spiritually lost (and thus) darkness–destined masses, use human sensitives to determine what is good and what is evil, YHVH does not use such emotion driven paradigms. Emotions are exclusively a mammalian brain function that does not exist in the universe, or in time, anywhere except in physical mammalian brains, and only on Earth as far as we currently know.
A liar is just an individual exhibiting the acts of the demons that rule within them. A person who tells one lie, is no different unto YHVH and The Judgment, than a person who murders a child. Left unrepentant, and the action unchanged, damnation is their eternal destiny. YHVH is not mocked or fooled like humans are (Gal 6 ). Anything can be justified in the brain, but in The Judgment, all of that will be useless: Pure truth is all that remains there!
¶ The Greatest Of Cries In The Abyss: I Was Following Orders & I Was Doing My Job!
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Blind followship is itself, a sign of demonic oppression; it is a fruit of ultimate pride. And pride is the most vile of all human traits; YHVH abhors pride. Humans have a built in propensity to be loyal; humans are programmed, so to speak, for devotion. But that devotion is intended to be unto the One Theos: YHVH. Earth God Satan, hijacks all human traits, and twists them for his purposes. Thus, human are either driven by pride–ego–emotion, or Love–wisdom–humility.
Authoritarianism is the collective (basket of) fruit from/of that darkness! It is the blind following the blind. The self–professing christian must ponder this: Do you let the things you do, determine your walk with the Lord? Or does your walk with the Lord determine the things you do? Are your lifestyle choices a mirror of Messiah (and His doctrine), or not?
I can often discern in the eyes of those who once tasted of the heavenly fruit, a mask of desperation, as they fall deeper into Satan$ pocket; a quiet desperation indeed (Matt 6 :22–24; Heb 6 :1–6). It is just like sinking into slow sinking sand (Matt 7 :24–27). But the power of pride/ego creates the wall, which even human emotions cannot breach: Indeed, emotions are too often employed to justify the pride.
They have been serving Mammon for so long that they cannot see any other way of living, and so they have acquiesced to their sinking fate. They have sold their Soul to the devil in the service of mammon, even as many will continue to attend church services. For others, the cognitive dissonance becomes too much; suicide seems the only answer to the loss of all integrity unto the service of their almighty god, Dollar! But all suicides are demon inspired.
They get trapped in the bondage of economics. They must rationalize freedom from money via a pseudo freedom with money, even though that is Spiritually carcinogenic, and deep inside they know it. Thus, internal darkness will eventually transfer into eternal darkness.
In the meantime, some will fear life, and try to end it; trapped in the belief that this life is all their is, dying solves things; death ends the pain of a compromised and fraudulent state of existence. Still others fear death, because deep inside they have some awareness that the blackness of darkness awaits them; even among the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized: predestination indeed. Therefore, avoiding death for as long as they can will represent the theme of their earthly life, and from that theme, the sum of their mentality and its lifestyle fruit.
That explains the Car Cult , the gun cult, the many geographical cults; patriotism, nationalism, and so forth. Earth is The Lords and the fullness thereof! To try to isolate any part of Earth; to make lines on maps and claim MINE! This is a sin–evil hard to fathom for the Elect of YHVH. The entire planet belongs only to YHVH; no one human has any claims on any of it, ever. All the life forms on Earth also belong only to YHVH; all who fear YHVH expresses that reality by respecting it all equally.
But the primates in the jungle, and the inhuman masses in the human built world, differ very little from one another; they are territorial, dominating control freaks. They not only believe in nationalism and nation building, they join armed forces to secure such human made borders, and in addition to that depraved sin–evil, they try to make it all noble and respectable. In YHVH truth it is abomination; outer darkness will be their only home. Without a death to self, the self will be ones death! The Dark Universe will be the only place to park them.
¶ If You Do Not Die On The Inside Before You Die On The Outside You Will Die On The Other Side!
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The human masses live for the World ; they live for money; it defines and consumes the bulk of their lives, and witnessed in their lifestyles; they squander this vapor of life for the temporal within it. They do not die to this life; instead they give up eternal resurrection for it. However, they remain Spiritually blinded to doing this, even though deep deep within, they know intrinsically that they are missing their true purpose for being human.
They exist in fear/paranoia, the natural state of all mammals, and how YHVH created all life forms on Earth. Cowardly humans must therefore, arm themselves with human killing weapons, out of that fear; a fear hidden in human–created social or political themes (e.g. the right to arms ).
All wars are waged for and fought by the lost sheep that account for the vast majority of our species; to see war and militarism (and military's) as anything but demonic at the root/core, is revelatory in itself. The West's Military Industrial Complex, are not protecting Western nations, they are dooming the human species and most other Earth mammals. They will provide for the Armageddon of the Eschaton Era.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, transcend all that is of the world (1Jo 4 :17–18; Rev 21 :7–8). But the bulk of humanity are driven by the primal/carnal, and cannot trust in (nor Love) the Lord with all their heart, mind, body and Soul, and so they put their trust in money: Satan owns all of that! Satans weapons of manipulation is (and relies upon) human ego, money–power, and emotions (pride–ego–emotion). All religions are sociocultural productions driven by emotion , with no direct connection to The Creator of all, YHVH.
In a Koinonia letter, it implies that to be absent this body is to be present with YHVH (2Co 5 :1–10); or, to remain on Earth is to extend our current separation from YHVH in the eternal Kingdom, as well as the various levels of suffering, from mere aging. Of course, our lifespan here is so very small that relatively, it is not such a long wait for the Elect of YHVH, but for the rest of humanity, all that awaits them at death, is more death (Rev 2 :11; Rev 20 :14–15; Matt 7 :13–14): The masses on Broadway are running nearly unobstructed into the abyss of the Dark Universe, and will remain unresurrected there.
Consequently, they are fearful and paranoid always, and the evidence of that fear/paranoia, is open and plain to see; they do not try very hard to hide it; paranoia has become the major theme for the majority, escalating here in the Eschaton. This is why people justify war and killing (James 4 :1–10); why people arm themselves; why they are willing to take the lives of others to preserve their own: They must exist on Earth for as long as they can.
They may be churched or christianized; however, they truly do not believe in the resurrection, because if they did, they would invest all of this life, fully into the next one (2Co 10 :3–7). Instead, they do the opposite; they prostitute YHVH and scripture to gain earthly advantages, only. They are not true believers; they are the Apostates referred to in Scripture. If they truly believed in the afterlife, they would know beyond doubt that it is worth unimaginably more that what this life represents. To employ a carnal math paradigm, this life is a dollar and the afterlife is many billions of quintillions dollars.
Without the universal, unconditional, unidirectional, uncontrollable, unending Love of YHVH, ruling and reigning within; all they are left with are the same capacities and mentalities, witnessed in all mammals: Attachment , which is always mistaken for Love by the Loveless, plus territorialism, adversarialism, hierarchy, and Satans most prized productions, social stratification . All of this, summarizes all those who are westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, but not (yet) transformed via a radical (Spiritual ) metamorphosis.
Consequently, pride–ego–emotion summarizes and defines all their corporeal experiences; they are thus brain–centric; culture–centric; whereas, the Elect of YHVH are Messiah–centric: A radically different existence. Only the Elect of YHVH have the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :9–16). Demons easily manipulate humans, via pride–ego–emotion, and especially among those still incarcerated within their tiny Enculturation shoebox. Demons fear the truly Spiritually transformed, as living vessels of the Holy Spirit: Ruach HaKodesh. The demons flee in our presence, flooding into the church–businesses instead.
¶ Doctrine of Messiah Yeshua!
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The Elect of YHVH have already studied the Master exhaustively, and in that study, we know of the contrasting differences between the atheistic masses, versus the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH: We are polar opposites in many ways; Messianic disciples are radically different than Christians. Messiah Yeshua constantly said in contrast: But I say to you! Life may be this way, or people may say that; but I say unto you, the opposite of, or the contrary to this and that. It is how and why we Love our enemies because we Love all that YHVH created.
We are mammals indeed; there is nothing wrong with that, for it is the way that YHVH decided it to be. However, YHVH created us soul–endowed beings; a way to transcend that bipedal hominid; that carnal/primal animal man (Gen 2 :7); to molt into Love–centric humans being. And what was/is important to recognize, was how the devout religious people were the most Spiritually lost, out of all humanity. Here is that contrast:
Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. For truly I say to you , till the heaven and the earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in any way pass from the Law, until all is fulfilled. Therefore whoever shall relax one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so; he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say to you that unless your righteousness shall exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You have heard that it was said to the ancients: You shall not kill! And: Whoever shall kill shall be liable in the judgment! But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be liable in the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca , shall be liable to the Sanhedrin; but whosoever shall say, Fool! shall be liable to be thrown into the fire of hell. Therefore, if you offer your gift on the altar, and there, remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go: First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him; that the opponent not deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Truly I say to you; you shall by no means come out from there until you have paid the full amount.
You have heard that it was said to the ancients: You shall not commit adultery! But I say to you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart . And if your right eye offends you, pluck it out and throw it from you. For it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be thrown into hell. And if your right hand offends you, cut it off and throw it from you. For it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be thrown into hell. It was also said: Whoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you that whoever shall put away his wife, except for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery. And whoever shall marry her who is put away commits adultery.
Again, you have heard that it has been said to the ancients: You shall not swear falsely, but you shall perform your oaths to the Lord. But I say to you , do not swear at all! Not by Heaven, because it is His throne; not by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet; nor by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great king; nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your word be, Yes, yes; No, no! For whatever is more than these comes from evil.
You have heard that it was said: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth! But I say to you , do not resist evil. But whoever shall strike you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. And to him desiring to sue you, and to take away your tunic, let him have your coat also. And whosoever shall compel you to go a mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and you shall not turn away from him who would borrow from you.
You have heard that it was said: You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy! But I say to you , Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, so that you may become sons of your Father in Heaven. For He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect! (Matt 5 :17–48)
¶ Ethics of Hypocrisy!
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The Indwelling Holy Spirit empowers us to a life that is seemingly contrary to our nature (1Co 2 :10–14; 1Co 15 :44–46; Rom 8 :5–7; Eph 2 :1–3; 2Pe 1 :2–9): Messiah Yeshua used parables and metaphor exactly to confound those who had no true motive for ultimate truth (Matt 7 :6; Matt 13 :10–13). Most people seek (in the Messiah Scriptures ), only what will validate, rationalize, or justify the lifestyle they have already decided they are going to live. This is why lifestyle sins differ so much from sins of circumstance (Pro 30 :8–9): those who seek to justify themselves before men, do so more as a distraction than a lesson.
For example, a committed married person is situationally tempted sexually by another, and commits adultery. They are not intentionally single for the explicit purpose of perpetual fornication (or adultery if they coitus a married person): They are married, but were tempted, gave in and failed. They confess and repent; they admit to the sin and never commit it again. Conversely, a sin lifestyle is to intend or purpose to live that way (e.g. a player), today, tomorrow, and unabated into the future. Each time we read about fornication in the Messiah Scriptures , we learn that intentional singleness for the sowing of wild oats is nothing new.
Lifestyle (sexual) sins would include fornication, adultery, rape, pedophilia, bestiality and homosexuality: However, any lifestyle that does not glorify the holiness of YHVH would be similar. If, for example, you own a motor vehicle, or let your Temple get obese, you are as sin–dedicated (or sin–indifferent) to those lifestyle choices, as any sexual disorientation; however, until a person can see that fact themselves, no amount of reading (or words alone) will otherwise convince. The more people do a thing (anything), the more acceptable it is to those doing it, regardless of what it is. Drones are drones!
Very few people use the compass and barometer of YHVH; instead, they appeal to the paper law paradigms of atheistic men prospering from the Judicial Industry; the Attorney–class; the Law lords . The religionists will even use scripture as if it is a book of Laws . It is not! It is the Book of Life. That is a distinction they cannot fathom.
A murderous person is always willing to (and wanting to) kill, but may only be prevented from killing because they fear getting caught or fear imprisonment (the consequences). But YHVH is not mocked or fooled (Gal 6 :7–8; 1Co 6 :9–10) by self–delusion nor by a personality mask; YHVH knows the true heart condition of all humans.
The act of murder is not necessary for YHVH to know that you would murder, if you knew you would get away with it (Matt 5 :21–26). Murderousness cannot exist in the heart of the Redeemed, but it can easily rule the enemy makers, the patriotic and nationalistic (territorialism), the fear driven gun cultists, as well as other neighbor hater types (the us–against–them people), which unfortunately account for the bulk of humanity, churched or not.
Of course, YHVH knows what we would do, if we were not restrained (in any way; e.g. human laws) from doing so (1Pe 3 :1–4; Rev 2 :23): The same is true for those dedicated to lifestyles of consumerism or materialism, a blind compliance to cultural directives (obedient to enculturation), sedentary lifestyles (slothfulness), wealth hoarding or money dependency, or, one that is as serious as murder itself: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor . In other words, it is really about what is going on inside of you; your heart–mind–Soul. Anyone can fake a personality; however, lifestyle is the true measure of the man (Matt 7 :15–20; Matt 12 :31–35).
Everyone will have moments of sin; sin acts: However, YHVH is judging what you intend to deliberately do, now into the future. Stumbling off the path temporarily is one thing; intending to walk another path entirely, is entirely another thing. Those dedicated to the anti-Messiahs lifestyles, be it the religious or the nonreligious, are effectively doomed, if left unrepentant, regardless of ones religion consumption, religion–business enablement or adherence, or self–beliefs.
¶ Penitent or Penitentiary?!
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The punitive aspect of hell is reserved primarily for the theaters of the religionists: The second death (Rev 2 :11; 21 :8; Rev 22 :14–15) is reserved for the frauds (Matt 23 :15), and those dedicated to sin lifestyles, especially among those dedicated to authoritarianism and lordship: the dominator . Messiah Yeshua always implicated the Pharisees (and their cohorts) dangerously (Matt 8 :11–12; John 8 :42–59), but lived and served among (or reached out to) the hopeless; the sick; the poor; the marginalized; the rejected; the lost. Messiah Yeshua diametrically opposed religion, but built genuine (untainted by money) relationships, and served people daily; this is the key difference!
The state of nonexistence (or nothingness), is that which is outside of (or void of) spacetime and mass–energy : This is the fate of those who did not truly believe in the Kingdom of Heaven or an afterlife, but who otherwise lived responsible citizenry. But perhaps the true Atheist will simply cease to exist, just as they believed would happen (Matt 7 :1–2).
Eternal separation is reserved for those who prostituted or pimped YHVH, as well as those who lived only for the carnal life; it will be their own memories that will haunt them; the severity of the metaphorical lake of fire, will be based upon the contents of memory; the compilation rerun of life experiences, acts and thoughts (Luke 13 :23–30).
But forever is the confusing part of all this: The case for Annihilationism must be considered. What did happen to Messiah Yeshua during the days when He was dead? Did He descend into hell? Indeed! It could be that at the end of this human experiment, when YHVH finalizes all things after the Day of Judgment, those who had been in the City of Death, Hades, along with those more recently dead, will simply be no more.
The many opportunities to use ones superpower of volition, and live an entirely different life based upon (and as a reflection of) a radically changed heart, will haunt the lost forever. Those eternally lost will remember all the times that their Creator sent an angel or a servant or disciple (like right now!) to minister to them, but pride–ego–emotion ― their only true guide, compass, barometer and director ― quickly dismissed it (Matt 25 :31–36,46).
We, the Elect of YHVH, are each disciples of Messiah Yeshua: He is our Rabbi, Master, teacher, inspiration, hero, and everlasting friend; our very paradigm for living! We try to mimic His lifestyle as best we can, and verily to obey His commandments as if our lives depend upon it, because it does (Luke 6 :46–49).
Conversely, the anti-Messianic religious masses are blindly enculturated, and as such, they are drones of their micro–experiences; they mimic the World that surrounds them, just as any eye blind person is confined to the world, staged for them by the sighted.
Literalism obscures scripture; this was intentional (1Co 11 :16–19). Messiah Yeshua was YHVH–in–skin, and as such, knew the future of the world; YHVH knew about we/here/now (John 17 :20–21). When employing metaphor, part of the intent was to expose the literalistic so that the Elect of YHVH could see that particular fruit–type (Matt 7 :15–20).
The money–loving Pharisees constantly tried to employ scripture ― often in soundbites too ― as a way to justify their otherwise corrupted lifestyles. Hence, the evils of all organized YHVH Monetizers ; the money taking religion businesses.
Christian people as well as the Christian bashing people, both believe the same theological misinterpretations, and then proceed in this life, exhibiting the subsequent evidence of that via cognitive dissonance in all their acts and mentalities. This is a byproduct of literalism, which is necessary when one does not harbor Ruach HaKodesh, the One who inspires all acts, canonized (biblical) works or otherwise, and throughout all human generations. YHVH is exactly the same, in every realm, corporeal and incorporeal, and in every second of time. Humans change!
People who use scripture, as did the Pharisees, are the false shepherds (John 10 :11–14): they adulterate scripture (2Co 4 :1–4) to avoid physical labor, unity and egalitarianism ; they are driven to control other humans; thus, a literal rendering achieves that goal; it is the very motive behind Bibliolatry ). When Messiah Yeshua discussed the pain of hell, He was employing metaphor: There will be no physical bodies cast into the Dark Universe.
¶ Why Hell is Not Hot: Burning In Reality!
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We can see throughout the Scriptures (for one example and there are many hundreds), the lake of fire mentioned only in Revelations (20 ), was/is not a literal lake or fire, but was/is metaphorical; nothing in Rev 20 is literal, and indeed most of Revelations is parabolic in nature! A literal reading means the true point and message of it all, eludes the COP Cultists, who have spun some (may I say) demonic conclusions in their doctrines of men, as the prophetic anti-Messiahs . When fire was mentioned in Scripture that was not referring to actual fire (to cook or heat), it was metaphorical.
We, the Elect of YHVH, see the initiation of this; Messiah Yeshua was teaching from His Doctrine, how eternal suffering will be analogous to a burn victim, in that the suffering never subsides (Mark 9 :41–49). Before drugs that numbed or knocked us out, humans died if too much of their bodies were burnt; not because of burnt skin alone, but because such pain is never ending they could not sleep. This collapsed their immune system, further exasperating their already wretched condition. They could die of infection but only if they survived that long.
Hell actually has nothing at all to do with fire or flames or heat: Again, it is a metaphor! If a person cannot grasp the concept of metaphor or parables (Mark 4 :11–13,33–34), they will have no other option but to take letters literally. Prior to pain medication, burn patients died because of the pain alone.
The metaphor was about unending nonstop suffering: In this life we suffer losses but (as the saying goes) time heals all wounds. The point of this metaphor is that in this case, time will not alleviate the suffering! In empty space, there will be no distractions to the unending reality of ones true self. You will be the only source of suffering you will ever experience; the eternal rerun of you will be your only source of suffering. Regret and remorse will be ones hellishness.
Fultz is an athlete and former Marine. A self described adrenaline junkie, he has earned more than his share of stitches, staples, and broken bones while skateboarding, mountain biking, and playing soccer and lacrosse. He is no wimp, and yet he describes the pain from his burns as savage and relentless. He hurt whether awake or asleep. The mere sensation of air hurt his burns. Fultz said: I felt it everyday, every minute! Though he was on pain medication, with extra doses before dressing changes and physical therapy, Fultz says his pain never completely went away. (Source: Johns Hopkins )
A physical or corporeal body can only survive on a planet, and, it must be made from the elements of that planet, and for the particular planet is will exist upon. Therefore, no corporeal body can or will, survive in space. The human soul is incorporeal; it is not physical. All physicality dies in time; bodies, planets, suns, indeed the universe itself. But a Soul can easily survive in the vacuum of space. Put another way: Reality Without Physicality Is Incorporeality!
The very idea that YHVH–Love would actually place a person's eternal Soul into a physical body, which is specifically designed only to be eternally tortured, is beyond a mere demonic level of evil; it is heinous and malevolent, even beyond any evil that could be exacted by any human.
These very notions are, in no way, created by YHVH, but are in fact, the evil inventions of men who hunger–lust to see their enemies suffer unimaginably and mercilessly. They then imprint their own evil onto YHVH, of whom they simply refer to as god, who is really Satan, the god of this world, era, age and life; Satan is the god of the humans, and all human evil is just demon porn!
¶ The Devil Made Me Stupid!
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Satan and the trillion demon army, now possess most humans, and then manipulate them daily. It is the Eschaton Era! Too often, the humans are too enraptured by/in their own pride and ego to even notice the acts of manipulation they are performing for the demons within them; the ones they do not believe are even there.
Demons easily manipulate the simple–minded, but to make matters worse, demons can make people stupid, and the already stupid even more stupid. This is why even intelligent Atheists can see how stupid, demon oppressed people are. They blame it on the human, and that is surely correct to do so, but it is not the entire reason. There is far more going on than they can comprehend; hence their disbelief of all things incorporeal.
Satan comes but only to kill and steal and to destroy! Satan is master distracter ; Satan works in the minds of his minion masses, to keep his agenda on track. Satans earthly agenda is to take as many down with him as possible, and to muddy the character and the nature of the One who doomed Satans loftier goal of being god forever, by overtaking YHVH somehow to be the 1 god.
Satan had to settle for being the god of this world (Earth); however, Satan does not care about the YHVH created planet, and so destroying it is as satisfying as is taking the bulk of the human species into the Abyss with him and his trillion demon army, which he is increasing with lost humans. This is accomplished in a number of ways, but primarily through denial itself; a denial of the incorporeal world itself, and then a denial of incorporeal beings such as YHVH as Creator of all, and then demons and angels and so on.
Ironically, Satan used professional religionists the most, all through human history (prior to the popularity and empowerment of politics), to conflate scriptural texts to imply all sorts of wild theoretical theologies, such as a near instant (Genesis) creation universe, which was ideal material to turn around and rend them with. It allowed for the flushing of all such creation stories and thus all the religions tied intimately to them. Being dogmatic was the pride glue that secured their fate.
And while Messiah Yeshua did quote from certain of the Tanakh, this was by no means an endorsement for all that it became in the hands of sedentary men, who were/are, being manipulated always by Satan, via their pride and ego and emotions. In fact, the reason why YHVH took on human form; the One we Messianic disciples call Messiah Yeshua, was/is to exhibit truth in lifestyle.
This is also why we Messianic disciples do not use the terms Jesus or God; these are the distraction avatars of the professional religionists; the later day staged translational productions of Satan.
There is the material economy and the psychological economy: The material economy is that of the basic goods necessary for life; housing, food and clothing. This is how humanity survived since the beginning of our species, until the presence of mammon, created an economy via the sinister act of monetizing everything and everyone. Again, Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!!
¶ Fictional Hell And Real Demons!
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Just because it is the 21st Century, it does not negate the presence of real demons and the demonic realm among us; the dispensations do not impact this reality (nor do they unfurl any biblical prophesy). The many fictional portrayals of Heaven and hell, and of angels and demons, has been very wrong, and for a very long time. Dante's Inferno was among the first popularized fictional portrayals of hell; it was fueled by, and has since fueled, the many myths that have escalated to where we are today.
But demons are very active, except, they can only act upon human minds. Fictional portrayals of demonic oppression are wildly inaccurate; demons oppress many within the human species, but nearly none are aware of them/it, because they have been tricked into believing that demonic oppression is just like fictional versions, or, that there simply is no such thing. The demonic realm is incorporeal; that means that there is no physicality to it or them.
There are no outward signs of demonic oppression, except in those who have been opressed by hoards of demons and over decades of time. This continuous demon domination begins to reshape the human face; certain physical traits begin to emerge, but even then it is rarely recognized by those who are not Messianic disciples. The Elect of YHVH can recognize it rather easily most of the time. The other proof of demon control, is in how humans live. The Elect of YHVH live by the axiom: Do No Harm! The very notion of doing anything whatsoever, that has even a small chance of harming anyone or anything, even a little bit, becomes an impossibility for the Elect of YHVH.
As just one major example, the Car Cult is by far the most dangerous thing humanity has ever allowed themselves to be suckered into. But participating in this stunningly dangerous activity, is itself, that fruit–evidence that we as the future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim, are taught to look for, and also to expose as the sin–evil it is. And so the math is easy: The Elect of YHVH cannot and does not participate in the Car Cult, and, we are known for exposing this danger to others.
Of course, not everyone who recognizes the many dangers of the Car Cult are the Elect of YHVH, but all the Elect of YHVH cannot help but to see it; it is blindly obvious. Five minutes under the Messianic Cross, and anyone would horrified by such sin–evil. A grievous repentance for ever partaking in this, and any/all acts of sin–evil, is all that remains for the Elect of YHVH. Every Love conquered individual gets a sick feeling, at the very idea of continuing to do or to be anything that has even a very small chance at doing any harm to any of the YHVH creation.
Unfortunately, the bulk of humanity are influenced by demons, to a lesser or a greater degree. Those who are heavily influenced, and those who show a certain rage (always) at their perceived enemies, are a few of the openly visual symptoms. But each individual is an individual Soul. Therefore, it does not matter if that Soul was randomly born as (say) a human male to Brown Muslim parents in the Middle East, or was born to White Christian parents in North America: Those grown men would hate "other" with the same zeal; this is because hate is hate, and those bent toward evil will do/be so, regardless of Enculturation .
All us–against–themism is a manifestation or fruit–evidence of Spiritual vacuity; a soul disease that has nothing to do with where or when or who we are as humans on Earth. The enemies that are perceived, are those that Satan and his demon masses, hunger–lust to engorge any individual who is a willing recipient. But slogans aside, humans do not excise (or face) their demons, they become them! Terrifyingly, most who walk weekly into an organized religion business, are demon–led, but blinded to truth, and eventually hardened from the truth; they are the walking dead (2Th 2 ).
Demonic oppression had to be logically explained away as fodder, by the new sciences of psychology and medicine. The sciences are not bad, in themselves, but what they must provide is a tangible explanation of the (otherwise) intangible. In place of incorporeal demons and demonic oppression, the formally educated (but otherwise unenlightened) masses, must therefore validate their corporeal realm, by noting repeated human character traits (Psychology), which are issued official names or titles (e.g. the Dark Triad ); this is all fine because doing so does not negate the presence of demons or of demonic oppression.
An Atheist or Agnostic (christianized or not), cannot accept incorporeal explanations of events or ideals; this is understandable. But it is not my place to change anyone's mind (Matt 15 :14): YHVH (via the Holy Spirit in the world) uses human suffering, more than anything else, to humiliate or break the (do as I please, "freedom" loving) humans, which then goes in one of two directions; closer to, or even further from, the Messianic Cross. Evil is displayed unto all with Spiritual eyes and ears; evil is violent; openly murderous; fear–driven; power–desperate; control–freaks who think they are the only righteous ones: Summarily, this is the God–Complex .
Messiah Yeshua clearly presented earthly parables to explain a Spiritual truth; we must remember that all parables are just that; they are not literal, though they do have a literal application. There are certain parallels which must be deciphered, but this is only possible with The Supreme Decoder; the Indwelling Holy Spirit (John 14 :15–27; John 15 :26–27; John 16 :7–13).
Darkness is a very important topic today, just as it has been for millennia. Of course, it has been more of a stumbling block than anything else. Even so, fear of going to hell will not alter the number of Heaven bound, versus those cast into outer darkness, by even one person either way; that number was set before the foundation of the world (Eph 1 :3–6). Here is that allegory by the Master, which are a series of metaphors concerning the Kingdom of Heaven and eternality:
He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the Kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the evil one. The enemy who sowed them is the Devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. Therefore, as the weeds are gathered and burned in the fire, so it shall be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send out His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom, all things that offend, and those who do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then the righteous shall shine out like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which when a man has found it, he hides it, and for the joy of it, goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls; who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea, and gathered some of every kind; which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. So it shall be at the end of the world. The angels shall come out and separate the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth! (Matt 13 :37–50)
Depart, ye cursed, to whom everlasting wrath and ruin belong, who are by your own wickedness prepared for nothing else, but to be firebrands of hell, who are the fit objects and vessels of the vengeance and fury of the Almighty, into fire. He will not send them away merely into a loathsome prison, the receptacle of the filth and rubbish of the universe, but into a furnace of fire. That must be their dwelling place, there they must be tormented with the most racking pain and anguish. It is everlasting fire. There is eternity in the sentence, which infinitely aggravates the doom, and will make every word of it immensely more dreadful, sinking, and amazing to the souls that receive it. (Source: Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758): The Final Judgment).
As we can witness from this response perspective from Jonathan Edwards, many well–meaning theologians were literalistic, but this is because they were foremost, the products of westernization, academia, education and indoctrination (i.e. Enculturation ), and not the byproducts of a radical Spiritual transformation, followed by a marriage–level personal relationship with YHVH, which would have rendered their lifestyles of leisure unpalatable to them. Unaware here, Edwards was expressing the sum of his inner person; that of the vengeful torture of the other not–like–me people in his purview.
Edwards was not a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; he was yet another sedentary old Westernized White guy, who published; he representing an infinitesimal fraction of the human experience. But the haters of this life, love the idea of a Torment Hell Hotel, where all those who did not agree with them, or live like them, or look like them, would go to be tortured mercilessly forever and ever. I think they think they will be the ones to fuel the Lake of Fire forever. But the passionate hunger–lust to watch others suffer greatly, comes directly from Satan who owns these people.
The very idea of those others ; you know, those you do not like; those not like you; any and all of them who you would like to see suffering miserably forever? This is delightful to these kind of people; they are Sadists , though they would never confess it quite so obviously. But the fact that they believe YHVH would do such a thing, is simply anthropomorphizing , and that alone exposes much (Matt 6 :19–24).
Hell has been the theological weapon of choice for the vengeance driven anti-Messianic religious since day one! The anti-Messianic religious lust at the idea of hell being a tortuous and merciless event, because they too, lust for vengeance; they dream or imagine opportunities to hurt those who hurt them in this life.
Driven by demonic revenge and vengeance and rage, they get excited when thinking of their adversaries suffering: They are utterly Loveless beings and enjoy the thought of suffering enemies (Matt 5 :43–48), especially those that would not submit to their authority or ways.
¶ Literal Hell Versus Literary Hell!
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Indeed, Hell is that one topic which turns multitudes from the christianized: But that is fine! Hell, as it is described from the interpretation products of the anti-Messianic religious, would be analogous to mercilessly torturing a teenage car thief every day for the next 70 years (or until he dies from the torture) for stealing 1 car. In fact, hell would be many times worse than that! It would be like torturing him every minute nonstop for a million years.
Hell would be the complete absence of Love; it would be the summary of mercilessness! Indeed; there will be no evil on this planet, collectively, during its existence (as a planet), which could compare to such evil, as such a fictionally described hell would represent. Such a place would even be well beyond the evil of Satan.
We must understand motive: Verily the religionists ― past and present and of any religion–brand on Earth forever ― represent some of the greatest sin–evil that will ever occur on Earth. Among the greatest of evil humans, will not be a popular nemesis such as Hitler, or other popularized mass murderers: No, the greatest of evil humans will always present self with a righteous facade: attractive; charismatic; wealthy; intelligent; law abiding and tax paying; desirable; envied! That describes Satan and thus his followers goals (Matt 23 :27–28; Luke 11 :43–44).
The prophetic individual, referred to as The Anti Messiah, will be a charismatic and well–received religionist. Religion itself, is the sum manifestation of evil, but this White political person, will not necessarily need to be a devout church–goer, just one that claims religious things. Messiah Yeshua was crucified by the atheistic Romans (or man–gods), but as directed and financed by the anti-Messianic religious Pharisees, which Yeshua confronted at almost every opportunity. All religious people despise Messiah Yeshua, and thus His disciples in/of every generation (John 15 :17–21).
The bulk of all humanity will never see, The 1 Anti Messiah; instead, it is the many anti-Messiahs (the christianized, or fake Messianic disciples) that most of humanity will have to contend with, personally and daily. The religionists like diversion; they like to play up the Satan possessed, end of the Eschaton Era, 1 Anti Messiah, even though almost none of the Elect of YHVH, will even be on Earth when Satan appears in that state, and at/in that narrow window of spacetime.
But this will not be because of any rapture rescue, but rather, because the Eschaton will be marked by a near end of those being Spiritually transformed, even as human populations reach their highest numbers (2Ti 3:1–5; Matt 24 :36–42). As it was with Sodom or Noah, the few that are counted as the Elect of YHVH, will need to be removed from the destruction of the Big Burn. But it will not be as the COP Cultists propose, which is a mass exodus rapture of the Saved Christians, because (for one) Christians are not eternally Saved! They are those who claim Lord–Lord, mentioned in Matthew Seven .
Messiah Yeshua had fellowship with the sinners, as they were tagged by the religionists of His time (the Pharisees and others). However, He criticized or outright condemned, these religionists at almost every confrontation. This is because Messiah Yeshua was Elohim in the flesh, who was confronting Satans minions. The religionists are among the many anti-Messiahs warned about in the Epistles of John .
These anti-Messianic religionists assumed roles as Christian leaders and formed (what came to be known as) The Catholic Church Incorporated; later in time, those of the same mind; a new generation of men, regurgitated variations of Catholicism into Orthodoxy, and then the counter–responses of Protestantism: The anti-Messiahs are they, for Satan rules them all!
¶ Earthlings: Terrorists Of The Great Abyss!
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Some of the most evil beings anywhere in the universe, will come from among the human race on and of Earth. There are people alive on Earth right now, that are so evil, they will cause concern, even for Satan himself, once this planetary experiment has run its prophesied course. In other words, they are or will become, even more evil, than the demons that serve Satan right now. They are only limited by their physicality.
The money dependent are compromised in every possible way; they live a 100% anti-Messianic lifestyle and existence. As a distraction, they must magnify The Anti Messiah even though the bulk of humanity will never see this individual during their lifetime (1Jo 2 :18–21; 1Jo 4 :2–3). But they themselves are anti-Messianic, and they are surrounded by many anti-Messiahs daily, but are unconscious of it.
Consequently, they cannot be trusted, nor their interpretations of scripture. Their goal was (and still is) to use the Scriptures, the paper laws of the attorney class, and also, outright fear (such as the threat of hell), to coerce the masses to consume, The Mass; that is, to participate in organized religion, pay them for these "services" and thus become collaborators in this ruse (Matt 23 :13–15), financing the religionists anti-Messianic lifestyles (which is foremost, a dependency upon money). I will teach you to fish and farm and garden and build, but I cannot give you the money that keeps you from those necessary servant endeavors.
All Labor hating hands–out takers, live an anti-Messianic existence, always. They cannot even define Lordship, much less does it define their very lives, mentalities, and daily lifestyles: They cannot so much as conceptualize a Messiah–centric way of life, much less become the sum totality of that lifestyle. The Way was attenuated; Messiah Yeshua and the gospel core, was replaced by apostates, who later became the proprietors of Christendom (and from the 4th Century to today, all of Christianity). Study the notion of a Pauline Christianity and the Constantinian Shift , as just a milky appetizer (1Co 3 :1–3).
¶ The Great Falling Away: Christendom Is The Great Apostasy!
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The 5–A is happening: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse! The great Apostasy is complete; the Anthropocene is now at its point–of–no–return; the rest will happen rapidly thereafter. Satan has masterfully conned the bulk of humanity to mindlessly go along with whatever they inherited when/where they were born (e.g. the Car Cult ). Without a radical Spiritual metamorphosis, the human animal remains that animal, driven by me–here–now and confined to the blindness of their Enculturation . This exposes itself in us–against–themism, and all the byproducts of volitional beings, void of Love .
Christendom was the beginning of the great Apostasy, which began shortly after the Messianic Ascension, and thus, the central motive and need for the addendum Johannine epistles . For one piece of fruit–evidence among many: There is no such thing as a "Messianic ministry" that needs money; mammon servants have no part in Messianic kingdom directives. YHVH first provides the necessary means, and then (sometimes much) later, the vision for applying those means. Money is only rarely involved. Money is the root of all evil and thus all types of evil.
Therefore, the Elect of YHVH; the actual Body of Christ (John 10 :7–16), are the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples. They/we were/are therefore dispersed on Earth in order to be protected from (both) the professional religionists, and from secular forces that were financed by the (mammon empowered) church–business oligarchies. We see this same process occurring today, with completely secular (or atheistic) federal, state and local government people, being manipulated financially by the wealth–class of today, many of whom are (prophetically) devout Christians; the Eschaton Era mechanisms of Satans Earthly trinity.
The wealth–class have always used money–power to shape the culture in their favor; the fear of Labor and the hunger–lust for power, is why money came into being to begin with. But this process is as old as mammon wealth itself, and why Messiah Yeshua made it clear that you either serve YHVH or mammon (Matt 6 :24), and no one does both; no, not one! Hell therefore, was a mere theological product that these religionists capitalized upon; subsequently, it made them mammon fortunes.
The very fear of hell via the wrath of god, perpetually torturing them for not listening to the religionists, religiously, would push people, like herds of sheep to the sheerer, into the weekly fleecing "services", to cut/shave that weeks sin growth from them, so that if they died that week, they would be prepared for the whole afterlife god thingy. These monetized rituals and traditions were condemned by Messiah, and then replaced by His death; the Temple is us! To recreate them in any form, even the ritual of Communion or Eucharist , is an open shame unto the Messianic Cross.
¶ Floated: Broadway Unto The Empty Abyss Of The Dark Universe!
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No one will go to Heaven as a result of believing in Jesus Christ or parroting back an emotion charged prayer. There is no Romans Road; there is only Broadway and Narrow Way (Matt 7 :13–23; Luke 13 :24–28). But these are the great lies of Satan, via the mouthpiece of the religion class; making religious acceptance priority over Heavenly Kingdom entrance.
What you believe has no meaning: Every soul–endowed being will have beliefs; having one belief over another has no literal meaning in this life, and therefore, not in life–eternal. It is only about what/who you become, not what your brain deceives you with.
YHVH is running this earthly experiment for one reason: to transform human Souls into Heaven worthy beings, who endure unto the end (Matt 10 :22–38; Matt 24 :12–13); that occurs well before Kingdom entrance. We become the Kingdom while on Earth (Luke 17 :20–21), and then our Soul transfigures after bodily death.
During our earthly time, the Elect of YHVH never become superior beings; we actually go the other direction; we become small; humble; weak (John 3 :30–31; 1Co 4 :10; 2Co 12 :9–10). Cults are often built from the ego of one human who thinks he has some gift above all others! Like minded (or gullible) people soon follow.
The slogan What Would Jesus Do? ⊛ WWJD was itself, an absurdity coming from evangelicals, who had/have no idea about what that even means. Hence, it naturally attenuated into a mere product; a pop–culture parroting among the anti-Messianic religious; a slogan to market coffee mugs, key chains, shirts, and bumper stickers.
In fact, it is verily, WYDD: What Yeshua Did Do! It does not matter what one thinks He might do in a particular situation. All Messianic disciples, already do, what He did; myself included, to the extent of my personal talents, my age, location, resources, and navigating currently inside the Eschaton (Luke 17 :26–30; 2Pe 2 :1–7).
Thus, I do not need to ask that question, because we are to be the replacement for Messiah Yeshua; so too, are all humans (past/present/future) who surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to this carnal life (die to self; die to pride–ego–emotion), and effectively be defibrillated back to Life, via the shocking epoch of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Elect of YHVH are those who are radically renewed; terminally transformed; the proverbial old man is extinct (Rom 6 :3–7; Eph 4 :20–24; Gal 2 :20; Col 3 :8–13) and a totally new creation emerges from within (2Co 5 :16–17). To be born again is still a mystery to those who will perish (2Co 4 :1–4).
In other words, the term born again became a pet slogan (or buzzword) media popularized by the anti-Messianic religious money addicts of the modern capitalist regimes; the religionists of North America and other westernized cultures infected by Americanization: the Xians of Religianity! These money dependent consumerists are, empirically, blinded to the Spiritual realm, which is the realm of YHVH.
They are the Matthew Seven Christians (as opposed to John Seventeen ), prophesied by Messiah Yeshua, which means they cannot see themselves as that manifestation. We are not to be mere followers; not of Popes or Pastors; the Elect of YHVH are to BE the earthly replacements of/for Messiah Yeshua (John 20 :21; 1Co 12 :26–27), empowered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 15 :8–9).
Like Wandering Stars for Whom is Reserved the Blackness of Darkness Forever! (Jude 1 :11–13)
When Yeshua heard it, He marveled, and said to them that followed: Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. And I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. | Then said the king to the servants: Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen. | And cast you, the unprofitable servant, into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matt 8 :10–12 | 22 :13–14 | 25:30) {cf. 2Pe 2 :4–22; Rev 21 :8}
Great Cosmic Nothingness Found!
(Source: The BBC , 08/07) Astronomers have found an enormous void in space that measures nearly a billion light years across. It is empty of both normal matter, such as galaxies and stars, and the mysterious dark matter that cannot be seen directly with telescopes. The hole is located in the direction of the Eridanus constellation and has been identified in data from a survey of the sky made at radio wavelengths. The discovery will be reported in a paper in the Astrophysical Journal. Previous sky surveys that have traced the large scale structure of the nearby Universe have long shown, for example, how the clustering of galaxies is strung into vast filaments and sheets that are separated by great gaps. But the void discovered by a University of Minnesota team is about 1,000 times the volume of what would be expected in typical cosmic gaps. It's hard even for astronomers to picture how big these things are, conceded Minnesota's Professor Lawrence Rudnick. If you were to travel at the speed of light, it would take you several years to get to the nearest stars in our own Milky Way galaxy; but if you were to go to this hole and enter one side, you'd have to travel for a billion years before you would get to the other side. The void is roughly 10 billion light years away and takes a sizable chunk out of the visible Universe in its direction.
Dark Evidence!
Today, this light shines at microwave wavelengths at a frigid ―270C; and observations of the CMB made by Nasa's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe show a particular cold spot in the direction of the newly identified void. The explanation for this may lie in the enigmatic dark energy that scientists know so little about but which is said to be accelerating the expansion of the Universe. Light particles passing through the void would be expected to lose a little more energy than those passing through space cluttered with matter, if dark energy is stretching the Universe apart at a faster and faster rate. Scientists refer to this as the Integrated Sachs–Wolfe Effect and a corresponding warm spot in the CMB associated with an area of space dominated by a super cluster of galaxies was identified some years ago. In essence, this latest study gives us a very elegant demonstration of the existence of dark energy in a way which is very convincing; We keep getting evidence for dark energy, this component of the Universe which is so dominant, and yet we still have only a tiny glimmer of what it could be. The reason the void exists is not known. That's going to be a challenge for people that work on the development of structure in the Universe. It's a very hot topic in the cosmology right now.
The Smell of Space!
(Washington (09/09/09): NASA astronauts aboard the US space shuttle Discovery have said that the smell of space is strong, metallic and unique. There is one smell up here that is really unique though and that is the smell, we just call it the smell of space! Said NASA engineer and astronaut Gregory Chamitoff, who is on board US space shuttle Discovery. I haven't had a chance to do a spacewalk yet, but when the other guys did and they came back in, there's this really, really strong metallic smell. For rookie astronaut Kevin Ford, Discovery's pilot, both the sounds and smells of space have surprised him. It is like something I haven't ever smelled before, but I'll never forget it. You know how those things stick with you! Astronaut Whitson said: Some people call it kinda ozone like. I wasn't sure what ozone was supposed to smell like, but it's kinda smoky and a little harsh, bitter smelling, and it lasts variable amounts of time. I noticed that it didn't last as long in the docking compartment after we had done three spacewalks out of the airlock here. But it's really interesting because it is very distinctive; I think it kinda has almost a bitter smell in addition to being smoky and burned. ― {read also: When Galaxies Collide: Our Milky Way's Future }
Of course, this science news is intriguing to ponder; it is not posted here as confirmation of what "hell" will feel or smell like. The Messiah Scriptures reveal that hell is not a prison or other physical construct: It is the blackness of darkness; it is nothingness; that could be a black hole or something else we know nothing about, and is referred to (generically) as The Abyss or just outer darkness. It was also likened to Sheol (the grave), which is also black and cold, lifeless and still.
We do know, to the best of our (finite brains) understanding, that the Soul of man is eternal; since the terms "forever" or "eternal" are relative to our corporeal experience of spacetime , we can conclude that it is a very long time (knowing that time is not strictly eternal or without end; that spacetime is not immutable, but YHVH is immutable ): There can be a big bang big crunch, repeatedly, or perhaps it is something else altogether .
Also, for those who seek autonomy and freedom in this life, they will be granted such freedom, in the next life: But they will not like it! The blackness of outer darkness makes up the bulk of the universe: have at it. I would rather be a slave in the confines of Heaven, than a king in the open freedom of the eternal Abyss (Rom 1 :; Gal 1 :10; Phl 2 :5–7; Titus 1 ; James 1 ; 2Pe 1 ; Jude ). We, the Elect of YHVH, are bondservants of a Master (Messiah Yeshua), and as such, we are not our own (1Co 6 :19–20; Gal 2 :20).
Freedom hunger is the craving to do whatever one wants to do, without restraint and without accountability. Those who tout personal (physical, earthly) freedom, only display a self–interest, unto all with Spiritual eyes to see, for they think that physical freedom is the same as being free (1Pe 2 & Rom 6 ). Brother Saul was truly free, even as he wrote to the churches, while bloodied and hungry inside a dank cold prison cell.
¶ Only Truth Can Make Us Free!
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We, the Elect of YHVH, as bondservants, are the slaves of His service, and will suffer in want (if need be) in the doing. The Roman Imperialists, who were subjugating and abusing the ethnic Jews, caused many back then, to despise such dominion , as anyone would. But Messiah Yeshua was teaching that this hatred for (and the potential for violence with) the atheistic Roman Imperialists (politicians and their soldiers), would ultimately not help them, nor would it be useful for YHVH to draw people closer to Him, through His chosen; the Elect of YHVH (Matt 20 :25–28).
We are on Earth, not for social justice, but as vessels of YHVH and mirrors of our Lord and Master, who said that we would suffer a similar fate, if/when we follow too close to Him; when we closely model His lifestyle and mindset. The human centered World is all about capitalizing upon one another; it is all about parasitic economics and consumerism; to look upon other humans as a potential resource; to exist in a mentality of us–against–themism.
Conversely, Messiah Yeshua taught us (instead) to Love our enemies (Luke 23 :32–37), and the epistles remind us of this "converse reality" reserved for the Elect of YHVH. Messiah said these things to His disciples (past, present and future):
Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brothers, you have done it to Me. If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake shall find it. Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
Those who are born without eyesight, will maturate and know of nothing but darkness. Thus, they are not bothered by it, because it is all they have ever known (they acclimate to it). We, who have eyesight, would be horrified by a diagnosis of total eye blindness, but this is because we would go from sight and vision, to total darkness. This same analogy is true with Spiritual blindness (more so even): Those who have never had Spiritual light, grow to be comfortable in that darkness; they acclimate to it.
It seems that the older people get, the more content they become in the dark. They can learn about sightedness, but it has little meaning to them, because they have no images to compare. However, those who could once see, will know what they will be missing. The fruit of the Spirit is Love (YHVH–Love): From that, we see contentment and peace, duty and dedication, commitment, truce keepers, Simple living, and most certainly, wisdom (higher intellect).
Educated but atheistic people think religions (and the religious) are simple–minded: Indeed! First, a good scientist seeks evidence to support postulations; why not do this with those who profess to be Christians? Why accept a person's professions of "faith in Jesus" even when they do not live like Him? Because these scientists are gullible: A person can just go to a Christian–labeled church, bark bible verses, and say "Lord, Lord", and the atheistic easily accepts them as Christian.
But this is not evidence, this is self–belief. Evidence is tangible and measurable, and so, those who are the Elect of YHVH are Messiah–centric; to live, act, believe, speak and think like Messiah Yeshua: My sheep know My voice, and they follow Me! But know this; like all things are allowed, intelligence is allowed to the atheistic for one very important reason; to devalue, attenuate and/or dilute the truth of Messiah Yeshua. Those who are "not" the Elect of YHVH are also (and necessarily) manifest.
This means that there will be self–professing Christians who will know much truth, but with a subtle amalgam of distortion and lies; leaven (see: Matt 13 & 16; 1Co 5 ). The new age (modern day) Gnostics are much the same way: They have a good grasp of certain aspects of Faith that even the Orthodoxy did/does not get (i.e. Indwelling enlightenment leading to wisdom and intellect), and yet, many of them deny the virgin birth and the physical death and bodily resurrection of Messiah Yeshua. But this happens all the time; monetizers seeking business opportunities attempt niche market reproductions, and monetize YHVH in one way or another.
Other religions operate likewise, redefining Messiah Yeshua to that of a mere mortal that was wise; they attempt to intellectualize what occurred during the earthly life of Messiah Yeshua, even though they can see the vast intellect and the abilities of YHVH, via the creation of all things (spacetime, the universe, complex lifeforms, etc.). They cannot think YHVH capable of simple things like raising Messiah from the dead, or a virgin birth: Why? Because they are simple–minded; they purchase credentials from the heavily monetized (and thus fully compromised) Education Industry as their only validation.
In fact, we serve YHVH only through other humans: Period. YHVH is silent in Heaven until His return; in the meantime, those transformed by the Indwelling Holy Spirit are, in effect, YHVH on Earth. No human serves YHVH, except in the service of mortal humans in our midst (Matt 25 ): Those who think they are serving YHVH in any other way will have an eternity alone to ponder this error: For those who an ear, let him hear.
For most, they spend their earthly life seeking and consuming the many temptations of the eye: So the eyes of man are never satisfied! The masses are addicted to everything from shopping to sex; the eye hungers for more and evermore. The consumer drone is robotic in the pursuit of materialism and flesh satiation: The entire social structure is built around this lifestyle.
Messiah Yeshua said that when we humans are into the Eschaton, it will be like it was in the days of Noah: With very rare exception, the entire human race will be lost; deeply dedicated to their walk on Broadway.
¶ Hell: Insanity To The Demonic Degree!
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The sheer horror of reliving the sum of your own earthly life, over and over, repeated countless billions times, will be that utter madness that will cause the metaphorical weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth; a metaphor that signifies the unending, unavoidable, unchanging, undistracted, relentless horror that will be, only the sum and substance of you, forever remembering all the multifold compromises made for money and/or earthly power.
I am an author who effectually writes what will end up being the very fuel of suffering. You who are reading all these words now; if you do not repent and die to self, and marry my Master, Messiah Yeshua, He will not acknowledge you as His Body, and will thus cast your Soul into outer darkness, where you will spend literally eternity (however long that is; we know its not infinity), pondering and rehearsing, recalling and meditating upon these very words (as well as others inspired by YHVH to pen), and they will haunt you, forever and ever. The hellishness of the Abyss will be you reliving you; YHVH will have nothing whatsoever to do with your suffering.
There will be no hell hotel, created by a god to mercilessly torture forever, those who are not consumers of Christendom: That very definition comes right out of the mouth of Satan, via those who unwittingly serve Satan so devoutly (Matt 16 :22–23); primarily religious professionals; the Pharisaic of every generation and location.
The cognitive dissonance that (left unchanged) creates the insanity of the religious fanatic, is the same dissonance that will infect the secular masses as well; only the mechanisms differ. Wealth and power drive all men to insanity, given enough time.
They (the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious) all share in their collective lifestyles of planetary destruction; a collective rage against a peaceful and Simple life, and for modern humans, the Car Cult (as just one example) representing perhaps the single greatest individual act (or lifestyle choice) of environmental devastation possible, for one person to achieve.
There is no Holy Spirit conquered, Love–driven individual on Earth, participating in the Car Cult . One must be blindly enculturated, and shaped by Loveless indifference for years, to even consider such a potent lifestyle (or witness) compromise. Such blind enculturation is why Amish people tend to shun much of modernity.
¶ Scripture's Hell Versus Dante's Inferno!
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Neither the atheistic nor the anti-Messianic religious, will see any of this, during their earth time; however, they will indeed be haunted by it for millennia, somewhere between their five hundredth to their five millionth year, floating aimlessly and freely in the blackness of darkness: Everything they learn or experience on Earth, but oppose for pride–centric reasons, will indeed become the sum totality of their thoughts.
It is easy to deny YHVH–truth during this life (you are reading some of it now), but billions of years uninterrupted and undistracted, with nothing but the sum reality of YHVH (the realness of reality), countered by how you lived during your first few decades of existence, will be the sum hell of you: You alone represent the hellishness of an eternity apart from Love Personified: Messiah Yeshua!
Hell is no more understood than is Heaven, by those without an eye/ear, as Messiah Yeshua put it. (Without an ear was a Soulful deafness; a blindness or darkness here on earth, which was/is the lack of conscientiousness, not the lack of eyesight). To say that YHVH has anything at all to do with hell is to proclaim that YHVH is evil beyond even Satan.
We must be aware of the fact that the bulk of humans throughout all of time (though, more so now) are what I describe as the anti-Messianic religious; they may have been (or will be) involved in religion businesses, defined by its outward traditions, or just aspire to certain creation beliefs.
However, they never surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, died to this life, and was radically, profoundly and permanently transformed by the subsequent, Indwelling Holy Spirit. They were/are, in effect, Matthew Seven Christians; religious, but untransformed. They know about the God/Man (a Jesus caricature), from their blind Enculturation , but they never died to this life, and subsequently born again (or, brought back to Life) by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
¶ The Overwhelming Weight Of Human Pride!
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Their pride is not destroyed utterly; their earthly dreams are not shattered into dust; their ego is not decimated beyond recognition: All those things are what keep us humans, separated from YHVH, both now and forever. Pride is more powerful than YHVH! The masses never surrender this life, for the Great Exchange ⊛ ; instead, they try to manipulate god/gods to make this life better for them; they are earthly minded (Rom 8 :5–10).
Consequently, they read scripture and assess what was written, from the filters of their ethnocentrism , because they do not harbor the Author of scripture, who guides personal understanding, first by enlightening scripture. The same Holy Spirit that inspired the scribes of scripture must also inspire the reader of it, in order for you to become scripture; not merely see the words with your brain (Psa 119 :10–16).
Otherwise, the bible becomes yet another earthly thing to rally around; to take sides against other humans; a source of competitivism and adversarialism (i.e. Bibliolatry ). Religious competitivism can be witnessed in denominations, splits or sects, wherein one individual or group does not agree with the set of laws/rules imposed by another. Spiritually blinded (Matt 15 :13–14), the sheeple must follow human leaders who are just as Spiritually blind, but probably charismatic or rich or handsome. Conversely, all Spiritually transformed people hear only One voice (John 10 ).
The carnal hominid is not Spiritually transformed until he/she dies completely: total and unconditional surrender. Few humans do that; even while Messiah Yeshua walked this planet, few did it. Now that we are deeper into the Eschaton, only a fraction of the human race have died to this life, and been raised Spiritually and are living Messiah–centric.
For the vast majority of humans, religion is something outward you believe in, but not to die for, and this is why Messiah Yeshua revealed this to His Disciples in the Gospels. The wealthy Jewish ruler said that he had kept the Law of Moses since boyhood; Messiah Yeshua did not call him a liar, but what He did astonished His present disciples.
You shall know them by their fruits!
A certain ruler asked him, saying: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Yeshua said unto him: Why do you call Me good? None are good, save 1, that is, Elohim. You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery. Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Honor your father and your mother. And he said: All these have I kept from my youth up! But when Yeshua heard these things, He said unto him:
Yet you lack one thing; sell all that you have, and distribute unto the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven: Then come, follow Me! But when he heard this he was very sorrowful, for he was very rich. When Yeshua saw that he was very sorrowful, He said: How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. And they that heard it said: Who then can be saved? And He said: The things, which are impossible with men, are possible with Elohim! (Luke 18 :18–27) {cf. Matt 7 :13–23}
The ruler was dedicated to being a "somebody" in the here and now; he was more concerned with what others thought of him, than what YHVH thought. He was more interested in wealth, power and easy living now, than he was in unconditional surrender (and discipleship), in order to be freed from the very trappings of this world; to be enabled to follow Messiah Yeshua. His sorrow was logical, once you have the wealth. But those who want (but never attain) the wealth are equally doomed, because Elohim judges the heart.
Indeed, what this is saying is true today; those who are wealthy will never see the Kingdom of Heaven, but there are multitudes who want to keep the wealth, the riches, the power and the reputations, and still go to Heaven in the end. What do these kind do? Some go to church, and give some of that ill gotten gain (from a life of time for money mammon service) just to hear that they are Spiritually OK; that they will go to Heaven as a wealthy person, because after all; it is not what you have, but what you believe, right?
¶ A Self Fueled Hellish Eternality!
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These lies are so obvious, once one can see; but you see, that is why there will be wailing and weeping and cursing and gnashing; this is why hell is a condition of torment; a state of extant consciousness. It is the neverending rerun of your own life, which what will create the hellishness of eternal darkness in empty space, forever separated from Love. All such torment is self created; by living a lie we deceive ourselves to better deceive others , which is (also) why the masses will be cast into outer darkness.
Study the math of the Messiah, because Matthew Seven Christians number in the billions today. These are the Xians of Religianity ; the anti-Messianic religious who are fully indoctrinated by the World ; they are fully invested in the world, but because there are church–businesses in that world, owned by religionists selling the Heaven is for anyone with a self–belief propaganda, the scripture is fulfilled, ironically, and yet just as it has to be.
church–businesses are Satans replacement or substitute to a lifestyle of communal accountability and daily dying: Koinonia! In other words, you can spend an hour at the business during its operating hours, pay a tithe, sing a ditty or two, endure a monologue, say "how you do" to a few strangers, associates and acquaintances, and then quickly crawl back into your otherwise anti-Messianic existence for the remaining 167 hours, before repeat.
We are not called to a blind followship; YHVH wants us to think for ourselves because, after all, we will be responsible for ourselves; solely for our Soul. No one will stand before YHVH on their Judgment Day, and then say we were just following orders! We will not be excused for blaming someone else for our actions (even inaction). No other person, government, nor any other lifeforms, will serve to justify our actions; you (and you alone) will be 100% liable for those actions. This is why we are not to be followers of men, but only of YHVH, who gave us a brain and expects us to use it.
To teach a child to war, for example, is among the greatest acts of evil, possible within the human condition (Matt 18 :1–7). Hell will be aflame with the massive and terrifying grief that warmongers incite. But following those who normalize war, such as a socially acceptable military academy (police or otherwise), will not be an acceptable justification by YHVH.
The Messiah Scriptures are clear; the bulk of the adult human race are eternally doomed, and if you follow them, you will be too. Humans will successfully trick themselves and others as they justify their many anti-Messianic lifestyle choices, but on Judgment Day, all those self–justifications will die on the vine, and they will be sentenced justly.
The hellishness of their eternality will be in reliving the self–justifications that got them there to begin with. The wailing and weeping and gnashing and cursing, will not be literal, as there will be no physical body. It will be a hellish consciousness, unending and uninterrupted, reliving ones indifference lived out on Earth, over and over again.
Hell is not a place: To float in the extreme abyss of empty space would mean the sheer absence of everything; utter nothingness! It is an eternity in a state of pure consciousness, but being imprisoned by and in that consciousness, wherein the course of ones corporeal existence will be replayed, in real time, over and again, until times end. The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth is the symbolic representation of ones response to the sum of their own selfish self serving existence. Knowing that you will be separated from YHVH–Love will be too much to bear.
YHVH will impart all knowledge to all entities upon the relinquishing of the corporeal shell, this earthen vessel, so that we each individual will see the sufferings of every human existing in our earthly timeline, and within the realm of our influence. You will see you, from everyone else's viewpoint that you came into contact with during your earth time. Your suffering will be you, watching you; knowing how your lifestyle choices impacted other humans, locally as well as all over Earth: E.g the Car Cult as one example among thousands.
¶ The Torment Hotel!
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The hell of it all, is not a place, but a condition, for hell is not a destiny, but a result; Hellishness! Those without Spiritual eyes and ears, believe that YHVH is somehow the creator and sustainer of a place called hell: The Torment Hotel! This mindset (the result of anthropomorphism ) lends proof to the fact that people go into psychological denial as a means of deceiving themselves, and then, they go about collecting others who will believe the very lies they do. This fact manifests collectively as Christendom, as well as other forms of religious, conspiratorial, or political extremism.
YHVH is not a torturer; YHVH will not be tormenting the consciousness; the hellishness of suffering (the proverbial wailing and gnashing of teeth) is not from YHVH, but rather, of and from the human who will be experiencing it. When humans get to look at every second of their earthly life; every thought; every action; every inaction, and do so in the knowledge of what YHVH had prepared for them, they will wail bitterly, inwardly. It will be tormenting to spend eternity without a body; without a planet; without a home; without Love (YHVH is Love ).
The consequence of this existence? Hellishness; darkness; coldness; aloneness; weeping; wailing; cursing; gnashing; bitterness; vengeance; anger! Belligerence and anger are the venomous ejaculates of Satan, via his humans. In outer space, there is no sound, it is burning cold ; space is expansive beyond comprehension; it has always existed and it always will. There is no created place called hell: Hell is the condition brought about by the complete, utter, total absence of everything created; the eternal Abyss; the extremes of extreme outer darkness, way–way beyond all star matter or its light, and at distances we yet to have mathematical words for.
The Abyss is empty, void, burning cold, pitch black, still, silent, lifeless and featureless. A thousand super novas could go off all at once, and those in outer darkness will never see a pip of light, for even a second, forever; that is far out! It is total freedom, and those there, will curse the very notion of freedom; there shall be wailing and weeping, cursing and gnashing, just like a victim of a fire experiences from first degree skin burns; it will be nonstop uninterrupted torment; hence the metaphor.
YHVH will grant the freedoms that humans (while on Earth) demanded for themselves. The Messiah Scriptures hint to the Elect of YHVH, to remain as we are (1Co 7 :20–24); not to climb the ladders of the worldly; not to seek carnal lifestyles. This Life Is Not Even About This Life!! (Luke 12 ). Those carnal lifestyles fair better when we have the freedom to do as we will. But few humans are truly free; they are prisoners of their own corporeal cocoon; their earthly shell; their blind Enculturation : They are addicts; obsessive/compulsive; they are animal like and seek freedom only to continue to live this way without judgment.
In the end, YHVH will place the human Soul (ones pure consciousness) into the Abyss, where it/they will be free to roam the expanse, forever: YHVH will simply park incorporeal conscious Souls ― who wanted nothing to do with YHVH ― into the blackness of darkness, forever. Caution: YHVH may not be able to destroy consciousness. Nonetheless, all suffering will be the sum of that consciousness, with no more interruptions here on Earth, nor from YHVH; freedom hunger will be honored. Conversely, I prefer to be a bondservant of my Master, and my life is not my own to do with as I please.
¶ Protagonist Of Your Own Eternal Horror Story!
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Eternal aloneness will be like being burned from head to toe, and the gnashing of teeth as the burn victim has to endure the unending pain; the suffering in the spatial Abyss, will be the consequences of personal memories, replayed in ones own consciousness, forever, nonstop: no drugs, no sleep, no food, no entertainment, no materialistic diversions, no denial, no social or political posturing. Hell is simply you, with all the contents of your own life; your own thoughts, you own actions (and inaction), coupled with an awareness of what Life was really all about, as YHVH will reveal in the end (1Co 13 :12).
Then, with all that knowledge to ponder, every second, nonstop, for countless millennia, alone in the cold darkness of space. You had better hope for the catholic version of purgatory. It will take that long for many to swallow that (million megaton) humble pie. Most will just curse YHVH forever and ever. You will either "get it" while here on Earth, or never, no matter what YHVH did or could do. It is all about (the human superpower of) volition, and thus volitional surrender, and humility and simplicity (Luke 16 :19–31)
The most fundamental way to exploit people is to keep them in their own ignorance, even promoting it within them. This is what the Pharisees did. They recognized how linear people are in their thinking: If a person thinks that YHVH is limited to spacetime and matter, as they are, then the image and the acts of YHVH can be anthropomorphic. Because Messiah Yeshua goes to build a heavenly mansion, it must stand to reason that hell is also a constructed place. But this is simple–minded reasoning and thus illogical.
Hell is the resulting condition experienced by all who reject Messiah Yeshua as YHVH, and never transformed by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, to live righteously in the here and now; I.e: it is not just terminological, it is lifestyle. The fruit–evidence of a transformed life, is a transformed life. If church and religion and self–beliefs, are all a person has added to their otherwise carnal existence, they have the most horrifying event awaiting them (Matthew Seven). The eternal (outer) darkness will be nothing more than an extension of ones (inner) Spiritual darkness; they are synonymous.
¶ The Innocence Of Evil!
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We humans often point to other humans like Hitler to be the encapsulation of evil. We create our own levels of evil; of evil people, like the murderers and rapists and child molesters, versus the adulterer. We want to magnify one kind of evil and sin, in order to attenuate our own. But extreme evil is most often benign in appearance: Evil never looks evil. It always takes on a beautiful appearance, and Satan was the most beautiful and talented of all the angels; he was the biggest star in the heavens, and winner of all the Awards.
And Satans influence is seen (commonly) in the normalization of pride–ego–emotion via human centered awards, as self praise within sociocultural productions. Even the anti-Messianic religious are driven and shaped by the World , and as a consequence, YHVH works exclusively outside of the church, and the religious in general. Even the fully secularized world can see this happening. While claiming an association with The Creator of all, they live as anti-Messiahs , and treat others in a completely opposite way that Messiah Yeshua did or would.
Evil is not what Hollywood has made it out to be; indeed, Hellywood is the domain of Satan (among many other earthly domains, such as the church), and has been very successful in misleading humans about what evil looks like. But without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the human is in Spiritual darkness, and therefore, cannot see at all. Therefore, the person in darkness must rely on what they are fed/sold/told. It is like a person born blind (physically); they only know pitch darkness, and rely on the eye sighted, to know about their world. Only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can illuminate our world in a Spiritual context.
This is why hell is not a place that YHVH built, to house the seriously evil. There are no levels of evil, there is just evil. In fact the vast majority of humans cast into outer darkness never committed any human crime or did anything that other humans would define as evil. How evil manifests can be measured by its results; its consequences; by how awful it appears. But sin is sin; evil is evil. Hell is a state of existence; a defining experience; it is not a place.
Sin is sin unto YHVH; there is no scale of sin to measure it. A mass murderer is the same person (Spiritually ) as a person who only tells lies (Rev 21 :6–8; 1Ti 1 :8–11). Unto YHVH, every lie is a murder! The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, both will rank sin according to their earthly impacts; according to human sensibilities, and/or the societies ethics–based legal systems. However, YHVH does no such sin ranking; the unrepentant liar will be cast into the same outer Darkness as the rest, religious or not.
When we do not have the Creator of man (within), we must make gods out of mortals. A cult is anything that has a human hero or head (religious, political, educational, or social). When we are not dominated by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, we are then, dominated by other spirits. The protection upon us Spiritually, occurs once (and only when) we surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to our past life, and begin our discipleship with Him, anew (John 1 :10–13; 2Co 5 :14–17; Rom 6 :4–7).
Without that Indwelling Holy Spirit producing holy fruit in our lifestyles, the anti-Messianic religious rely on the same barometers as do the worldly; experience (the length of time one has been calling self Christian ); religious investment (church attendance; tithes; bible translation, etc.): In short, to measure ones self as a reflection of ones time/culture; conversely, YHVH measures us against the very paradigm of corporeality Himself, Messiah Yeshua, who set the daily living example for us all.
What does it mean, to say that you believe in {a} God? What does it say? When a person (partaking in cultural Christianity) "accepts Jesus", what does this really mean? It is an easy thing to say words; to hear ourselves say them, and then assume as true because of the word spoken. The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we view modernity through the filter of scripture; we do not view scripture through the filter modernity (through the lens of the worldly). The US is Sodom 2.0; the very last culture one would want to model Koinonia from.
This is why the cults promote "the word of God" as if it has power, in and of itself: It does not! Messiah Yeshua was YHVH–on–Earth; I am not a god, and you are not a god. We are transformed radically and measurably by the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit, and that measurement is made here and now: the tree is known by the fruit it bears! If your life is not an imitation of Messiah Yeshua, then you have a self–belief; a self–belief is not Faith. Therein, all Holy Spirit inspired words ever penned by humans, will only serve to confound and embolden; but they will not be transformative.
¶ Lifestyle Is The Reflection Of The Soul!
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A transformed Soul produces actions (and inaction); our human to human relationships and lifestyle, represents the bulk of that measurement. Hell is to separate those who, via their actions (and inaction) in this life, demonstrate no genuine transformation in the here and now, from those who do. Once you get even near to the Cross (even before you are actually Spiritually transformed), you will begin to recognize that you will live and die, with nothing whatsoever; that everything is the property of YHVH (spacetime & mass/matter). You will live and die, flat broke; everything that YHVH allowed you to be a steward over, was never yours at all (Rev 3 :13–19).
Humans will be able to experience every pain, every heartache, every single emotion and physical suffering, of every other human which existed during their corporeality. They will then get to witness their own existence; that which was spent on the filling if their belly (Rom 16 :17–19; Phl 3 :17–21), while others suffered (and even died) as a result of poverty or other causes. Who cares if you work a job and some of that money goes to feed the lazy person. Do you Love that person as your Master? Or do you use their laziness to justify your selfishness? Do you not know that all you have, you have only because YHVH allowed it to begin with?
They will then come to realize what this life represented: It represents the opportunity to take that which was given each of us (whatever hand we were dealt), and then, what we volition to do with it. We either shared what we had so that another would not go without: Or, we ignored the sufferings of others and became a glutton with the excesses that YHVH allowed us (Luke 13 :18–30).
Remember this fact: Everything belongs to YHVH: Everything! Your very existence; your brain and body; all of it. Eternal darkness will be the time you will need to recognize this reality. Your earthly life will be defined by claiming an ownership to all that, which is the personal property of YHVH alone, and that cold reality will make you internally weep and wail and gnash, forever.
To think of anything as yours, only reveals to YHVH and the universe, your primal, base level existence. YHVH will allow certain humans, more than needed to exist, just to test us (Matt 5 :38–48). Therefore, the measure of our Soul is not the result of self–belief, but instead, the result of our acts of compassion in the volitional sharing of our resources with those who have little. This is the result or fruit of a transformed life; to exit the carnal (the animal existence), to be reborn into the Spiritual; to live the Divine; to die with honor.
To be born again is just that, whatever life was prior to the Indwelling Holy Spirit (entering into a willfully emptied vessel; the human Soul), is now a totally different life: The evidence of that is profound; overwhelming; radical. Or; you have simply cleaned the outside of your container (Matt 23 :25–28), but are still full of self, and that self is still self serving, only now it has a cloak of religion that has you looking like the rich young ruler .
Economic equality is but the infancy of being "born again", for in time, that condition will lead those "called out ones" into a life of unknown glory, for the self will be gone: replaced by a new internal vessel, meat for the Master's use, and that use will always be in service to the suffering in our midst (Matt 25 :41–46), and to fight with the weapon of Love, to promote equality in all things among the Elect of YHVH. I look for the loss of what is called ambition, when referring to the gains of this world.
People who have the dreams; the desire to purchase a certain thing, or who, in any way, shows entrapment to this world; this is fruit on the tree for all to see. We, the Elect of YHVH, are only passing through; we pack light; today is a good day to die; to be absent of the body is to be present with the Lord; we wish to be nowhere else, ever. This life, therefore, is just something to endure until we are finally face to face with our Lord; until we know as we are known. It is not a death wish, quite the opposite, for all Life is in Messiah Yeshua.
Those who see this life as the only life; that is, those with no faith, will demonstrate that reality, in how they navigate this life; (we disciples can pick up on that right away). The anti-Messianic religious are dedicated to making this life the best it can be, while we/those of the Indwelling live this life for Life Eternal; therefore, the raw truth is always preferred over deceptions, omissions and emotion pandering, indicative of the anti-Messianic religious. As for the anti-Messianic religious, the bottom line is this: They are going to church, but they are not going to Heaven.
¶ Hell Is Not Punishment: It Is Separation To Protect The Redeemed!
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This Earth life is not about punishment and reward; in fact, most of the theological productions of the COP Cultists (COP = Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) is horrifyingly flawed. It would be an evil beyond human comprehension, to create a planet of beings for the explicit purpose of mercilessly torturing and tormenting forever, those that do not become christians, as it is defined according to the COP Cultists.
In fact, this distortion is just a mirror of their own lifeless Souls, and hearts so filled with venom; a demonic vengeance that they adulterate YHVH to be their retributionist, who exacts a punishment that far far exceeds the crime. They are merely Labor free Monetizers ; they adulterate the scriptures and objectify YHVH for Mammon . Anathema!
Many describe hell as a state of torment, and with a penal intent, but the assumption is that YHVH somehow creates or generates the torment. Artists paintings (and other more modern renderings) often set the stage and thus the mindset, for what hell will be. But today, we, the Elect of YHVH, understand darkness as just that great chasm; the expanse of the mostly empty universe. YHVH is not going to punish anyone; all suffering will come from within. The bulk of humanity will simply go from Spiritual darkness into literal outer darkness, and only to protect the innocent.
This Abyss is void of all matter; it will be used to separate the Faithless Loveless, from the Elect of YHVH: These people have demonstrated, to the watching universe, of their personal dedications to relational abandonment, self–interest, anomie , indifference, planetary destruction (and so on), unto all creation; and especially now, deeper into the Eschaton, and we as the Elect of YHVH globally, are eye witnesses.
The Faithless Loveless, mindlessly consumed and chased after their own egoistic quests, and did not care, even a dot, about the YHVH creation, the home YHVH made with His own hands, completely, and equally for all humanity. To add evermore evil onto their Lovelessness, they also used and abused the humans that Messiah Yeshua suffered and died for. They hungered for ownership, not stewardship; they were consumed with tendering their bodies, not their Souls. They enable evil without ceasing; they copy and serve their true father, Satan (John 8 :42–47).
They put the self upon the pedestals of life, and look down upon the rest of creation, with contempt or indifference. YHVH has no choice but to corral the Faithless Loveless together, to protect those of us who Love (as He Loves us). Setting the Love of YHVH to the side for a moment: If you love your own child to the depth that the average Zoo primate loves their offspring; with just that microscopic dot of love, you would not allow your children to attend a daycare staffed only with child molesters, right?
In like manner, YHVH, who Loves us a trillion times more than a primate, will likewise, keep His Elect from the possibility of rape from the Faithless Loveless among us, as well as their prince of the power of the air, and grand master, Satan. These (earthly economic) predators and parasites, will see their end within this life; they cannot be allowed to continue their earthly ways, in the hereafter, wherein there is even a possibility they could impact any Saint.
The churched professionals, and others who monetize YHVH, like to create fictions to entice people to pay them so they can live sedentary lives, and also to live empowered by their religious positions; the atheistic human ego lusts to be at the center of attention. The ideals of punishment and reward serve this well; the church–businesses accumulated fortune's from this very (indulgent) premise.
But Heaven and hell are not even connected; certainly not the opposite of one another. We, who are the chosen, are simply those of us who YHVH knew would volitionally surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die to this life, so we can live for the next life, while still here.
The many how can a loving god allow ... questions, are easily answered, once you have completed the milk portion of scripture. Messiah Yeshua (YHVH–in–skin) said: It is finished! Then He died, but soon after He resurrected, then ascended. From that point in time, forward, YHVH has not so much as moved a grain of sand! Faithlessness is best exemplified in the active now god conundrum.
The last and final act of YHVH on Earth, was completed at the Great Propitiation, and the next time YHVH does anything whatsoever on this planet, will be during the Second Coming epochal event (Matt 24 ).
¶ The Mercy Of Darkness!
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With Sodom Metro in mind, YHVH–Love can seem merciless, at least to those who suffer because of it. A surgeon's knife is surely an act of extreme violence unto the tumor. But we must balance the righteousness of YHVH, with that of mortal man. The individual human, still apart from their connection to eternity (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), can only see life, as any animal sees this life; me/here/now! I've got mine; screw you! Inhuman!
All animals (human or otherwise) are only in the moment, and thus, oblivious to their lifetime, from (say) 100 years old through 100 million years into the future. Why? Because they do not really, truly, actually believe in the resurrection; they have zero faith (Heb 11 :1–6). They live as if when they die it is over; as if this life is all there is: Indeed!
In other words, they do not have a long–term perspective, nor does such matter to them. Deep deep down inside, well hidden in one of their many darkrooms, lies the predestined fact that they know they are eternally lost; doomed; the metaphorical lake of fire (however that ill manifest) is their future state. Consequently, they remain totally focused upon this life, for it is truly all they have. Again, by their (outward visible lifestyle) fruits, ye shall know them!
Thus, the Spiritually blinded and eternally lost, sheer masses of humans, remain fully fixed upon the minutia of this life. Conversely, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, care little about what happens (to us) in this life, for this life is a penny, compared to our eternity with our Heavenly Father, which is incalculably massive by comparison (billions of trillions).
The christianized (churched or dechurched) are much like the unchurched (agnostic), the atheist, and indeed anyone of any other religion brand, in that the culturally christianized suffer from the exact same condition of Spiritual blindness. Having self–beliefs, in one thing or another thing, has no bearing on the Soul condition of any individual; no connection whatsoever with our Father which art in Heaven.
But the church–businesses all promote some form of outward ritual cleansing; that is, you come into their businesses, enable them with $ mammon, and they will provide for you, a ticket to an awesome afterlife (well, should such a thing actually happen). Better safe than sorry, right?! This is why there are more people attending church service businesses, than there are, those living as daily dying disciples of Messiah Yeshua.
Here on Earth; those outside of human prisons, feel secure and safe, knowing that those who have demonstrated their danger to society, lose their social rights and their very freedoms, and placed in prisons. It is an act of mercy and love to those outside the prison. But for those in the prison, life sure seems unfair; wrong; undesired.
That is what it means to cast the Souls of people into outer darkness; those who are dangerous to physical life (the predators), must be placed in their own prisons, and for them, it will be a hellish experience indeed! The word "hell" is the condition of the mind, not an actual location. Hell on Earth for us Messianic disciples, would be to live, actually caring at all what other humans think of us. The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, they are the opposite; they live in hell now by being conquered by what others think of them! Horrifying!
But to those who Love; the Elect of YHVH; we can feel safe and secure, knowing that our Heavenly Father will not bodily resurrect the atheistic predators and parasites and usury takers, who would abuse more life, and would sully other still virgin planets, just like they did with this one. E.g. Those of the Car Cult are among some of the most destructive of beings that will ever inhabit Earth. But since everyone is doing it, it must be OK (right?): And, you will surely find a billion people to agree with you. Predestination indeed!
The pedophile is utterly convinced that he loves the little children that he "connects with." As we all know, love varies, depending upon the person it impacts or affects, for love is just an emotion. When an adulterous woman is having coitus, she may cry out the word love, but what she is doing is as opposite of Love, as it is humanly possible. The rapist will kidnap and then "love" his victim (or to him, his partner).
You see, "love" is a mere word; a mere sound (1Co 13 ) that is attached to all sorts of seemingly normal, or twisted emotions, ideals, feelings, and acts. But those who exist in a Loveless state (99%+ of every accountable adult, out of all humanity forever), will never be Love: Will never demonstrate Love; will never even conceptualize Love, for Love is a verb. YHVH is Love and the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH. Simple!
The imprisoned pedophile will surely feel neglected; unloved; treated unfairly; for them, it is unjust and unloving to be separated from the children they "love." Why won't the parents of children, simply forgive the pedophile, and allow him back into the children's lives? Why do we not accept pedophilia as his birthright, because he claims he was born that way? Why do we imprison pedophiles, or socially restrict them from being near children? Is this not unfair? Is this not an injustice to the pedophile?
Yes! Yes it is. And yet, we do it anyway: Why? To protect children from pedophilia! We demonstrate our Love for all children, by making sure that convicted pedophiles will never get near them; that defines Love, my friends. Accommodating pedophiles is not: And Love demands it!
In other words, which side you are on, determines if you see it as unfair, or not; as merciless or not; as righteous or not. Remember also that mercy itself cannot come directly from YHVH, who is forever incorporeal (John 1 :8; 1Jo 4 :10–13); all acts of mercy on Earth will come only from the hands of living disciples of Messiah Yeshua, with the supreme act of mercy demonstrated on the Cross of Messiah Yeshua, qualified as the future Judge.
Likewise, our Heavenly Father will assuredly keep the Faithless Loveless humans, who demonstrated their indifference daily (the opposite of Love is indifference), as an act of Love unto His children; the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; with such mercy being one of the many fruit attributes of Love.
Simply put, YHVH cannot (and thus will not) bodily resurrect Faithless Loveless humans; they will remain incorporeal (unresurrected), thus making it impossible for them to exist on any other planet of YHVH, ever again. The Spiritually transformed live nearly identical to Messiah Yeshua; the Messiah Doctrine manifest, via lifestyle and human relating (Matt 6 summarized).
¶ Eternity And The Resurrection!
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The Kingdom of Heaven is not a gigantic castle in the sky where the christianized will be pleasured perpetually by the gods, while those who would not attend or enable the religion businesses of the christianized, will then be mercilessly tortured every second of forever, by a loving and mercy driven god.
That is (among) the fictional ideals or doctrines, peddled by the YHVH Monetizers ; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized masses, with their bible/church/god/hell/heaven myths, exposing them as simple–minded. It is no wonder that (Spiritually blinded) people ask the many how can a loving god allow ... questions. And their answers are always ridiculous.
First, there are no literal, corporeal places called Heaven and Hell; these are differing states of existence and experience. There is only the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH that will be bodily resurrected, and then, the bulk of humanity that will not (Rev 20 :10–15). They will not be bodily destroyed or tortured, only judged as unworthy of corporeal resurrection, and then moved (still incorporeal) into the Abyss of outer space, which is utter darkness, completely separated from all the trillions planets, which will only be inhabited by the bodily resurrected (John 14 :1–4).
Eternity is about the resurrection; i.e. the Souls of the disciples of Messiah Yeshua will be placed into another body incapable of death, and then placed upon another still virgin planet. Those who truly believe in the resurrection will live this life for the next, but the unbelievers (churched or not) will live this life, for this life; the tree is known by the visible outward fruit that it bears: Matt 7 summarized. The Elect of YHVH will be resurrected into corporeal bodies, or, a corporeal state, which is the same but totally different, than our current corporeal state.
When Messiah Yeshua rose again, just after His resurrection and through His Ascension, He was in that incomprehensible state (John 20 :16–29). At first, He instructed them not to touch Him, then later, He instructed them (Tom in particular) to touch Him. It seems confusing to us, just like our brother was confused about what he experienced; written about in 2 Corinthians 12 .
The reason why hell (as a topic) is rarely talked about in scripture, is because few ever thought of the afterlife in geographic terms (i.e. a place). Hell, as a word, is not even written about in the Tanakh (Olam Ha-Ba, the Afterlife ). The noun for location is "the position of a particular point on the surface of Earth" and the noun for place is "an area having unique physical and human characteristics."
Therefore, the word hell cannot even be a noun: Hence, the "location" of where the hellishness of reliving ones Faithless Loveless corporeal existence forever, will occur, has always existed and always will; the lifeless vacuum of deep empty space, way beyond all star matter; the blackness of darkness forever.
¶ Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!!
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Like the bulk of the accountable adult human race, Christians (too) serve Satan through the internals of pride and ego and emotion, and through the externals of economics and politics and religion, as the earthly trinity of Satan. As the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, we are not of this world (John 18 ); the World ! Because we are so few, here in the Eschaton, our worldly impacts are negligible and go unnoticed.
How demons affect and infect humans is rather easy, once one can see/hear them (Matt 13 :9–17; Mark 4 :13): They use temptation frequently; study the Temptation of Messiah for the patterns. And in these (end of) days, monetization itself is a major weapon of Satan upon all humanity. Anyone who tries to make money seem innocent; that is a tell, for they are the covert servants of Satan and the dominionist demons, just like Judas Iscariot revealed.
The demon driven, influenced, and oppressed; they are very much like their true master, Satan (John 8 :42–44). Demons enter and can reenter willing (human) Souls, by the signals of hate, or bigotry, or fear, or anything that will drive a human emotionally, to be and do evil things (to self, others, and Earth). Situationally, demonic oppression can flood an individual, pushing that person over lines of restraint.
The demon rush is a flooding of demons; it takes place whenever humans become prideful, or power hungry, or tempted. It is both a sad and a terrifying act to be an eyewitness to. Once there is one demon dominating a person, they can hold the proverbial door open, so that whenever the human is about to commit another act of sin–evil, or they experience the powerful temptation to do so, the hoards of other demons can/will share in the experience, provoke it even, and I guess any number of demons can do this since there is no spacial limitations.
Hypothetically, an individual who has one or two demons who perpetually oppress them, can suddenly have a million in a microsecond: the demon rush! For just one example, we see this with the anticipation rush, during any act of violence by the militarized (e.g. police). We also see this with all the pride–conquered; whenever there is a display of Satan–led pride, such as when a group chants their national anthem. YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!! Every boast of pride is the demonic realm on display, but only seen by those with Spiritual eyes and ears.
Patriotism (or nationalism) is of course, a pride–in–place (or locale); the nation–state they were randomly born into, or immigrated into, or conquered, such as Europeans in the Americas. But it centers on the mistaken belief that humans own or control any part of this planet of YHVH (and that alone is sinister); from there, it is the best nation–state, exactly because they are there; pride of/in self (also sinister). Everyone under the Messianic Cross are very uncomfortable being in the presence of these sinister public patriotism acts, but the anti-Messianic masses actually love the demon rush and the emotions they engender; they seek them out.
But it is Satans Economics that have made the West, the best! It is the USD monetary exploitation of Earth, as the cause, and indeed, the god of this world is printed right on its money; the god of mammon is what is trusted! Satans people who came to the Americans from Europe, were profoundly evil beings; all they did here was catastrophically evil and genocidal. Anyone even near unto the Messianic Cross, find all this to be dishonorable; horrifying; Satanic! They were a blend of escaping criminals, those who rejected powerful organized religions, but mostly capitalists, who hunger–lusted to convert the natural world into monetary units to enrich and empower themselves.
Like their god, all Satanic humans hunger for lordship; they seek to be the lords, the leaders, the bosses, the one in charge; the one at the center of attention; the one that everyone else must go to. Sound familiar? They have developed a God–Complex , and it was this very thing, which was the downfall of Satan, for he wanted to be as Messiah Yeshua was, and is, and forever shall be: The Lord! The King! The Authority! the Ruler! The Dominator!
One of the first things to (always) listen/look for, is self–justification: the responses; the word choices; the isolate bible passages; it is an almost natural response to hearing or reading truth; this is what stands out the most (that hanging tree fruit). Messiah Yeshua gave us ― His past/present/future disciples ― the tools, via His words of life; His doctrine; short sentences (tidbits) with huge and eternal meanings embedded. E.g:
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! Being money lovers, all the Pharisees also, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but YHVH knows your hearts: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of YHVH. (Luke 16 :13–15) {cf. Luke 10 :23–29}
Money and power, ego and fame, are what is highly esteemed among men; and it is prophetically getting worse here in the Eschaton Era. The idea of serving a master is easy; it is whatever you spend your time and energy upon. Whatever one does with most of their earth–time is just an exhibition of who they serve. For example, whenever one of the disciples of Messiah talk/write about money as the root of all evil, those who are addicted to and/or fully dependent upon money, must/will automatically justify it or rationalize it away. Who is my neighbor, indeed!
Likewise, people actually believe that there is eternally meaningful and virtuous fellowship and worship, happening inside church–businesses, and this reality alone, teaches the Elect of YHVH, just how Spiritually blinded they are (John 4 :13–24), with Satan being the god proprietor of all church–businesses, everywhere and at all times; the head of all religions as well as the source of/for all the gods of men, everywhere and at all times.
Among those who have read the first canonized notes (or epistle) of Paul to Timothy (1Ti 6 :6–9) and who then proclaim to be Christians; their cognitive dissonance soon becomes obvious. Like the Pharisees that they truly resemble, they must reply with: "It is the love of money!" In other words, what they see is the edited version that Satan places within them. They do not read scripture to be radically changed by it; they read into it to justify remaining the same.
This is the self–justification that the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH (the Spiritually enlightened) see/hear most prominently. The mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :11–16) is radically different than the minds of men. In Spiritual blindness, those who read biblical words, while in Spiritual darkness, must therefore get their meaning from other humans (1Jo 2 :18–21): Church professionals like to be the YHVH Monetizers , in this very academic endeavor, which is fully secular and sinister indeed. But humans are not given the full picture (Ecc 3 :10–15 & 8:16–17), so that we must trust in Adonai our Elohim, with all our heart and mind.
¶ Celestial Schoolroom?!
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Now, I believe that it is possible (though rare) for a human being to live/die, stand before YHVH in Judgment, and be shrouded (for a few seconds of time) in the totality of YHVH; enveloped by/in unconditional, eternal Love, and then, as they are placed into the abyss of nothingness where they will remain distraction free, they could learn about, and come to know YHVH, as I know YHVH right now. But they will have to float in utter darkness for a million years, to gather the same data that Messiah in you, could teach you, here on Earth, in a mere decade or so.
This is because they are consumed with the flesh and the physical, and this timeout will be necessary to teach them what and who YHVH is. In other words, they could not come to know YHVH, while distracted on this planet, if they were on it for thousands of years. What a person could potentially learn in a few decades here on earth, will instead, take them millions of years (to learn alone) in the abyss; the void of space. With no new life to live, there will be only a former life to remember; those memories will be the only source of all suffering.
When the Holy Spirit of YHVH comes into you and yokes with your Spirit/Soul, you do not just learn about YHVH, you become One with Him, from that day forward throughout all of time. YHVH revealed the sum of Self, to the extent that the human brain can reach cognitively, to all (of us) who have surrendered unconditionally to Him.
YHVH wants us, while still on this Earth, to be in the same state of being, as those who will be in the abyss; dead to this world, and indeed gazillion miles from it. Once we, in effect, die, and are done here, YHVH can then take His abode with us (Soul to Soul) while we are still corporeal, and begin an eternal relationship with us mortals, from mortality into immortality.
¶ The Purgatory Pathology!
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Herein, hell could be thought of as a "timeout": YHVH will park all eternal souls that remain Spiritually dead, into the vastness of the spatial abyss for a million millennia, to give the hardened a million millennia to ponder it all. Most will never get, but some may (at some point) in this "timeout" period. The catholics call it purgatory, but I do not think they understand the full brunt of what that represents, in time.
When we think in time terms, forever is an appropriate word. We finite little beings will often use euphemisms like: "It seemed like an eternity!" ― "It took forever!" When in fact, we are only on Earth for a blink–of–time; be it a year or a century, either one are still nominal, when compared to Elohim time (or geologic time as earth science calls it). But forever and infinity are not synonymous: forever is till the end of time; infinity is timelessness or time never ending, and/or even beyond time itself.
Nonetheless, if a person must spend a million millennia, uninterrupted, floating in the spatial Abyss, so that they may understand, then so be it. My recommendation (of course) is to learn it, in a few years or decades, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, while you are still here on Earth. But this is what we do know: Messiah Yeshua, during His time of bodily death from crucifixion, descended into Sheol/Hades (Matt 12 ; Mark 8 & 14; Luke 16 ; John 2 ; Eph 4 ) to minister to those already there; those who doomed themselves even before Messiah Yeshua existed as Savior.
This teaches us the mercy and longsuffering that YHVH has for the (otherwise) hellbent creation. I believe YHVH will repeat this, as many times as is effectual, to reach those who know not, what they do! But we have no details, we only have the unconditional Love and compassion of YHVH (as revealed in the Messiah Scriptures ) to guide our understanding.
But, all good things must end, and so, in that same theme, I believe YHVH will give living beings an exhaustive amount of opportunities to bend the proverbial knee, and then, once it is clear they are never going to, they will expire; their Soul consciousness will end, at some point in time. The vast majority cast into outer darkness will curse YHVH forever.
¶ Does The Punishment Fit The Crime?!
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This has been the "hell" debate ever since the idea of hell as punishment (and Heaven as some reward), was passed about in pop–culture, via the COP Cultists pulpit productions. Does an atheistic jerk (who, for 8 or 9 decades on Earth) deserve a million millennia being tossed about in the fire pit and raked over the proverbial coals, as a just solution to sin?
In my own short time here, I see stupidity , more than malevolence, to be the reason why so many miss out on the true blessings of our Father in Heaven; our precious Adonai, El of all creation. I believe that (most of the time) stupidity itself, is just a symptom of pride; that pride–ego–emotion domination are the products of being Loveless. The cure for it all is (YHVH) Love !
What we are witness to here in the Eschaton, is a supernatural stupid. It is not brain damage, or a birth defect; one can even be formally educated and well credentialed. This is proof of demonic oppression. If one believes that there is more than the corporeal, then one must believe in demons and demonic oppression, because the evidence to support it is impressive, once one knows what to look for. And Messiah Yeshua spoke of demons a lot.
The anti-Messianic religious are involved in religion, but in so doing, they are tricked by the religionist YHVH Monetizers , and thus never come to actually know YHVH at all. I was fortunate, for YHVH answered my prayers to come to know Him truly; intrinsically; intimately: And it hurt. Man did it hurt. Sometimes it still does, and I feel just like my Biblical namesake, in that, I ask YHVH to remove the pain, but He does not.
But I understand why. We mortals have physical brains, and that brain is connected to our flesh, and that flesh wants to drive. The reason why weekly fasting was instituted by YHVH was so that we could be reminded constantly, that there are those out there, who hunger unintentionally: Our mercy for them is forged in our own hunger. This is how we are; it is how we are made. We thus chose to suffer so that we never forget them.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, respond with grief and sorrow, when people kill or abuse and exploit one another, knowing that there go I but by the grace of Elohim! We know that these people are being manipulated by Satans demon crew, and so we Love those who make us their enemies (Matt 5 :43–48): We have none.
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, actually need enemies; they thrive on fear and war and competitivism and adversarialism; us–against–themism is necessary to maintain a victim status: They need bad guys to vindicate self as the good guys (Rom 3 :10–12); therein, entire nations thrive on this warped victimism paradigm.
Saul asked YHVH to heal him just as YHVH used Saul to heal others. But the answer to that prayer was: "NO! Continue to suffer and then die; My grace is all you get". Therefore, if we cannot learn the lessons of life–eternal, here in life temporal, then more time or better conditions will not yield a different outcome. Or will it? That is the paradox of purgatory. Can pride secure a Soul in the blackness of darkness forever? Can enough pride be swallowed over millennia of reruns, to cause a person to actually bend the proverbial knee unto the one and only King of many mansions?
¶ The Few; The Humbled; The Redeemed!
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We live in a time/culture where pride is promoted and protected, not exposed and crushed. Pride is anti-humility; it is that precursor to the fall; to destruction. Pride is not self–assurance; it is really not a personality trait: Pride has more to do with character, and that translates into action/inaction. A humble person can be aware of their own humility; even claiming to be humble. Pride is the evil side of volition; pride is our superpower. Suffice it to say, YHVH hates it and hell exists because of it (Mark 7 :21–22; Isa 57 :15; Pro 16 :18).
The hellbent (the unresurrected masses) are pride–driven; they cannot confess being wrong, for this would be a sign of weakness; it might force change; consequently, they cannot repent: they remain in a perpetual state of "anti repentance." Satan is the father of lies (John 8 :44), the master of manipulation, and the artist of self–justification.
Pride–conquered humans are stubborn; often bound to increasingly perverse (even demonic) versions of heroism; patriotism; loyalty; nobility: Satan is all about agitating the primal/carnal masses with us–against–themism. Once a pride–conquered individual has made a decision, they stick to that decision, come (that is right) hell or high water.
¶ Satan And His Hierarchical Human Power Drunks!
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The Broadway masses are doomed, exactly because they cannot reach a state of true humility; they remain in a state of anti-humility, which is one of the fruit evidences of the anti-Messianic lifestyle. The pride–driven are passionate about power; about barking commandments; about lording authority over other people.
But this kind of hierarchical sin is centuries old. The King of kings and the Lord of lords, would make no sense to any culture wherein all people were treated as fully equal, because there would be no one above or below another at anything. All the justifications for such human hierarchical roles, was obliterated upon the Messianic Cross.
People are to worship only YHVH, and by no means or on any level, any other human under any possible circumstance. But the bulk of the humans species serve Satan; thus hierarchies will continue until the return of The King! In the absence of YHVH in the heart, humans are Spiritually dead, and as such, they can only worship other humans. This is witnessed in the World, via the hailing (or just a recognition) of kings and queens, popes and presidents.
The power drunk (churched or not), hungers to thrust any amount of authority given them, upon those they have power over. Brother Saul was never healed for this very reason; nevertheless, christianization thrives within the organized religion businesses theological productions.
Not one Earth born human Soul will be cast into outer darkness because of human sin: All sin that will ever occur on Earth, by all humanity, was already atoned for, on the Cross of Messiah. Sin is the weapon used by authoritarian religionists to lord the power of shame over their sheeple .
The reason why the bulk of the accountable adult human race, will be cast into outer darkness (and there, suffering hellishly), is only about pride, which is the eternal doom of the masses on the superhighway of Broadway (Matt 7 :13–23; Luke 13 :24–28). Narrow Way is a very small sidewalk, where only one per multiple million Souls will traverse.
¶ Wide Is The Path: Broadway To The Abyss!
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Without actual repentance, there remains only guilt–shame–condemnation (Rom 8 :1–5). Repentance is the ability to confess being wrong, or of wrongdoing: Conviction! Unfortunately, the human ego is often too powerful for this to occur. People might confess some things, but they often do this as a diversion in the hiding of even larger issues, which they will not openly confess. Guilt, of course, is crippling; it causes what has been tagged as depression, which YHVH allows to get humans to bend the proverbial knee unto Him.
The addict refuses to believe there is an addiction, and instead, justifies it and rationalizes it away. There is no greater witness to this process, than with money; mammon! If you need money to survive, you are an addict and you will justify it. Without confession, there can be no repentance; no turning away, and thus, compromise and guilt is all that remains. But it will be self conviction, in the Divine presence of YHVH–Love, on your Day of Judgment, which will compel you to cast yourself into the eternal abyss of outer darkness.
Witnessing the unwavering commitment to going to hell, which most people display openly and daily, astonishes me still: It is the predestination paradigm! I noticed long ago, a certain dedication to a hell bound eternal fate that so many people were (and still are) focused upon, and it took this witness (this observation) for me to fully appreciate the words of Messiah Yeshua, as He describes the loyalty to Satan (via his servants) that even rivals the loyalty to YHVH by His earthly disciples (Luke 16 :8–15).
Again: all sin acts, by all of humanity, for all of time, have already been paid for, by Messiah Yeshua, YHVH–in–skin, bloodshed on the Cross; the Lamb of sacrifice has atoned for them all. No one will go to hell for sin; no, not one. And yet, the bulk of humanity are defined as the masses on Broadway, compared to the very few on Narrow Way: The Matthew Seven Christians versus the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the disciples of Messiah.
Again, hell is not a jail for sinners, it is a separation (a protection) to keep the unrepentant indifferent, from being (or ever becoming) a danger to the children of our Heavenly Father: the Elect of YHVH. It is pride alone that prevents the masses from surrendering unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua. Instead, some merely add weekend religion as addendum to their (otherwise) daily anti-Messianic lifestyle and existence, rife with fear and paranoia, killing and death, peaceless destruction and planetary ruination.
¶ The Overwhelming Power Of Pride!
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The greatest power in the universe, is not YHVH; it is human pride! Pride is the outcome of volition; the byproduct of volition; indeed, being created in the likeness of YHVH, is that we are incorporeal; we have an everlasting Soul. The prideful are no different than murderers; indeed, they are murders, in an indirect way. Those who are guilty of one sin are guilty of all; this is true (James 2 :8–13).
When pride dominates the human heart, the lifestyles, decisions, actions and inactions, somewhere down this life's path, will cause the death or suffering of someone, somewhere, and all too often, many people (e.g. the Car Cult ). That could be the brazenly militant, or just the materialistic consumerist, buying what YHVH does not want us to have, and that product hurting those nearby or in another nation.
From the revelation of blood diamonds to the loss of human life in the coal mines and other activities via the exploitation of natural resources (i.e. Monetizers ), evil humans are ravenous in living lifestyles hellbent on the destruction of Earth. As consumerism spreads, Earth suffers ; the effects of consumerism is anti-Messianic in every possible way. The Car Cult alone, is overwhelming in its scope and magnitude; the utter indifference necessary to partake in it, revelatory.
Because it will take the pride–conquered so many millions of years, just to understand what YHVH could show them plainly while here on Earth; the hellishness of outer darkness will seem eternal. But even the universe is not eternal; not this one anyway. Hell is referred to as eternal because, as corporeal mortals locked in the grips of spacetime, the idea of eternity (time–eternal) is really a mystery to us. We are aware of one dimension (our 3 dimensional corporeality), though there could be two, or ten, or a hundred, or even millions for all we know.
Perhaps aloneness for a million millennia might actually soften some into conspiring being honorable unto YHVH; a vessel made worthy of/for His use, as a resurrected and eternal being; a workman rather than a taker man. I believe it would take too long for human pride to be breached; for the hellbent masses, billions of years would not reverse their pride–conquered state, as it is demonstrated by them, during the here & now.
Pride is all powerful; volition is our superpower. You, created in the incorporeal image of YHVH, are volitional; YHVH gave you that superpower, which even YHVH cannot overrule. Compare the very words of The Master (Messiah Yeshua): John 3 :16–17, which is the will of YHVH, versus the ultimate outcome, expressed by The Judge (Messiah Yeshua), in Matt 7 :13–14. Pride is the on ramp to Broadway into the Abyss!
Action/inaction, alone, is not cause of or for, eternal damnation: however, actions (and inaction) are the fruit–evidence or outward fruit or proof that people are Faithless Loveless: Those dedicated to pride–ego–emotion, and as such, doomed to be cast into outer darkness, regardless of their religiously or professed "faith".
If a person will not dedicate the self to living a Messiah–centric life of Love–wisdom–humility, during this infinitesimal blink of time that we call life on Earth, it would be a veritable impossibility to do so, every second of eternity: The math is elementary.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a reward for accepting Jesus; it is not a proper chant winners destination. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a locale (and neither is hell); it is a state of eternal existence, allowed only to those who demonstrate unto YHVH that they are safe to be resurrected into eternal bodies, and placed upon other still–virgin planets, in the service of our only King, Boss, Leader, Paradigm, and Friend: Messiah Yeshua! (Read: The Milky Way Is Probably Full Of Dead Civilizations ).
¶ Satan And The Earth Experiment!
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This Earth life is a test; an observation; a tryout; those (deemed by YHVH as) too dangerous to the physical life YHVH placed here on Earth, cannot and will not be allowed (resurrected and then placed) onto this or another planet; the many mansions are obviously not actual buildings, but other planets. We today have the advantage of space telescope photos of the universe, which past humans had no idea about; hence, the metaphorical "many mansions" of my Master (John 14 :1–4).
In pondering purgatory, the logic of a second chance, as it were, is not unreasonable. I know that pride leads to dogma, and dogma leads to even more pride. Some people are so damaged emotionally that they seek out others, just to be a part of any local us–against–themism or club mentality that is indicative of anti-Messianic religious cultures.
We see this on an even more superficial level with racial bigotry (literally skin deep). In other words, to see race at all, the primate must be pathetically and profoundly superficial; way too far from the Cross to ever make it there in one human lifetime. My Master instructed us to "let them alone".
Perhaps YHVH does have a "second chance" mechanism; if that is so, we surely do not want to rely on it. Why would anyone want to float in the extremes of outer darkness for a quarter trillion years, trying to learn or figure out, what I (or any Messianic disciple) could teach you in a few months, if you had an open heart and mind? The problem with purgatory then, is; why this life? Simple ! This life provides far more than (merely) a place to be born at; a beginning. YHVH can do whatever YHVH wants to do, and corporeality, as awesome as it is to us, is nothing to YHVH.
This life represents an opportunity for volition to be staged; it is how we are brought into this particular dimension. We have both sides to select from: good or evil; YHVH or mammon; survival or surrender. I do not know if we will get a second chance after biological death: The bottom line: why take the chance?
The weeping and wailing, cursing and gnashing of teeth, is metaphorically descriptive of the suffering that results, not from YHVH fueling some hell forever; of renewing your teeth for more grinding and gnashing. No, all suffering is internal, not external. The suffering will come from ones own memories. There are those who ignored YHVH, those who scoffed YHVH (atheists), and those who mocked YHVH by faking a relationship with YHVH; the anti-Messianic religious; the christianized; the anti-Messianic churched. Christendom Does Not Represent Messiah Yeshua!!
The catholic theology of purgatory, much like the trinity, is a way to sell more products; purgatory an appeasement product for those in mourning. Deep within, the lost know they are doomed, hence the hunger for such validation, concerning dead relatives; they hope it will apply to them at their end. The religionist employees (the mammon dependents) must justify their wages and positions, and so, if no one needs their "services" they will not seek it.
Create A Problem; Be The Solution Provider! The capitalistic model is simple and ancient: create, or perpetuate, or allow a problem to exist, and then provide a solution, for profit. Verily, the Christian views on Hell (like all economic products) will continue to adapt to the culture's market economy. There will be no economy and no money in the Resurrection. ― A reasonable protestant perspective: Outer Darkness: Heaven's Suburb or Hell? (bible.org)