Car Cult!

The Stunning Denaturalization Of Earth To Accommodate Cars


The Machismo Paradigm Expressed In The Car Cult CatastropheCowtowns To Cartowns: Corporate America Painted Us Into The Corner Of Car DependencyBeing Stuck In The World But Not Of The WorldThe Car Cult, Climate Change And The Eschaton EraConscious Awareness And The Car CultThe Soul Crushing Car Cult: Desecration Of The YHVH CreationThere Is No Such Thing As A Car Owning EnvironmentalistTemptation Nation: Satan's Christianized AmericaThe Hydrocarbon People: Destroyers of WorldsTithing To Satan: Investors In The Eschaton EraClimate Change Denial, The Noah Paradox & Personal GreenwashingReplacing Animal Kingdom With Car KingdomArmageddon: Financed At The PumpMachines Of EmpowermentTailpipes: Personal SmokestacksEgo Of Car; Idolatry of Car; Real Estate Of CarLiving Within The Carcinogen Zones Of The Car CultistsThe Human Brain On CarsEarth: The Car Scared PlanetThe Same MindSquandering Progeny's Access To Nonrenewable ResourcesThere Are Few Certain Earthly SolutionsHeavy Infrastructure Alone Is An Environmental CatastrophePandemic Of Psychopathy; Trauma Of IndifferenceMore Die From Cars Than Wars: Genocide By CarWeapon On Wheels: Coffin On WheelsAtrophy Of Muscle And SoulEvidence Links

The Machismo Paradigm Expressed In The Car Cult Catastrophe!

The Car Cult is only about ego and entitlement; it is about hubris, arrogance and machismo. It is about privilege, self–importance, prestige and personal power; it is about unabashed squandering consumerism. It is all about the me–first show; the rage, the aggression, the pushing, the competitivism, the violence, the need to be first; to be in front or ahead of everyone else.

There will be no other one act, exhibited by the human species, from the first to the last of us, that more clearly amplifies ones rage–hatred for Earth and all life upon it, than to own and/or operate a personal automobile. If not rage–hatred then something even more sinister; indifference! To voluntarily be a Capitalist and/or a blind consumerist, must and will, be justified by those who live this way. But peacelessness requires it! Car owners and enablers, do so, as a rebel yell, out into the universe: FU Lord and all You created!

Some car cultists believe everyone else is locked into the same base–level ways as they are. But Satan runs the World; Satan is the god of this world's human masses. Satan and crew are now heavily oppressing the human masses to bring about all the Eschaton Era prophesies, peppered throughout scripture; words (mind you) that the anti-Messianic religious, twist to mean, what they do not; words that are meaningless to all unbelievers, religious or not. Satan is pushing his humans ever harder to destroy through pollution and overconsumption.

Satan has normalized something easily understood by most anyone; that fossil fuels are a limited nonrenewable planetary resource; once they are gone they are gone! If we were to assume future generations of people, they will need what should be their fair share of Earth's nonrenewable resources. But the inhuman masses living prophetically, between the early 20th and late 21st century's, are driven to drill–drill–drill and burn–burn–burn, all future generations share of those resources. Ancient prophets and Oracles had visions of what they thought was dystopian; in fact our very world today: Car Cult World!

Currently, one westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized individual, with plenty of Satan's Mammon, will consume about a million future humans share of Earth's planetary nonrenewable resources, during their (one) lifetime. It is beyond the word gluttonous; we would need to create a new word for it. Our languages often lack the complexities experiences in the realm of the Spiritual.

Conversely, in a Love–driven world ― where capitalism would be treated as the sin–evil it is ― fossil fuels would be looked upon as it was once called; black gold. It would be used sparingly and wisely. But what people consume on Earth every modern year, would last several thousand years on a Love driven planet. Those planets will be inhabitable worlds, overseen by the Elect of YHVH; as a collective of such planets they are called the Kingdoms of YHVH!

Only the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are Love–conquered and thus people–first in all things; we are also animal–first or just life–first! For the Satan–led masses, they are still like their primate cousins, competing for everything, and like guns, the car is a great weapon to lord power over other people; it is why so many people and animals are struck by them (both). Fear is why people (past; present; future) seek power objects. Love perfected, eliminates all such fear (1st John 4).

But power–hunger is Satan's trademark; it was his downfall; power–seeking is the physical evidence of demonic oppression. Satan exercises all corporeal power, only through his humans. Power–seeking people are Satan's people, religious or not, churched or not, educated or not. Those conquered by pride–ego–emotion, expose the fact that they have surrendered all their power and self, over to the demons that drive them daily, via demonic oppression. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!

Cars create a crippling laziness that sustains weakness, in body and mind; cars are also isolating; cars are analogous to guns in that they empower the individual over others. Many car cultists will not be going anywhere in particular; they have murderous intentions and will drive on roads for confrontation opportunities; to express self–superiority as dominionship; armed road rage and attention–seeking loudness are two examples among others: Loudness Is Always A Cry For Help !!

The roads are one of their battlegrounds that they can freely go onto, so they can wage war against others; their enemies are any/all the not–like–me people. But then, this is what their entire lives are about; they go out into the public sphere, only to exert their dominance; their superiority; their authority; their self–importance; their self–supremacy. The main environmental problem on Earth, comes from those who buy and bu road machines.

Public life is all exhibitionism; it is a stage to show–off; to compare self with others; a platform for attention–seeking disorder, which is all they know without any self–awareness. Psychologists classify it as a personality disorder. It is horrifyingly superficial indeed, but then, these are inhuman beings; this is what defines the sum of their corporeality in the Cosmos.

The hunger–lust for being a victor over others, is Spiritual at its root, but the secular and any unbeliever, just cannot see things at this depth. Dominionship is one of Satan's main traits: Satan hungered for power; to be god rather than to be a mere servant of the Living Theos. And the people that Satan owns are very much like their master (religious or not; educated or not). This is the fruit–evidence all Messianic disciples are trained to look for.

All of this exposes the need for being a follower of people, conquered by what others think of them. Car Cultists are freedomless automatons of cultural influences; trapped in what other people think of them; oblivious to how their lifestyle choices impact all life on Earth, now and in the future. It is all a manifestation of the god complex. For them, "freedom" only means self–centered goals; they remain in bondage to their pride–ego–emotions. Everything comes back to attention–seeking disorder.

These living–rooms–on–wheels ― used by the pathologically lazy automaton–drones of whatever their culture tells them to be and to do ― are a status symbol for the Spiritually bankrupt addict, suffering inside of the curse of consumerism. If an entertainer buys a thing and wears or uses it in public, that item is sold out everywhere in a day or two. This is evidence of the monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drone state of the masses; they are terrifying in their blind followship, but completely oblivious to any of it; no self–awareness!

Led by the works of Neuromarketing, the sheeple masses are powerless to resist Satan's Economic paradigms. Because of Spiritual blindness, the inhuman masses are gullible; suckers; and advertisers have been exploiting the psyche of almost all of them since the eighteenth century. Kept in simple–mindedness, they remain oblivious to it (hence the Dunning–Kruger Effect); a fate worse than death for people, whereas, the inhuman masses willingly repeat it all: Horrifying! Prophetic! To communicate openly about it will surely anger them into the repeated cycle of Victimism.

The Spiritually empty cannot be sensitive to Spiritual things; verily, the Christianized are uniquely opposed to anything present of/by Ruach HaKodesh (Adonai as the Indwelling Holy Spirit). How can the Love conquered Saints of YHVH, expose demon–led people to the Love, exhibited upon the Messianic Cross, so that they can become Love themselves? Impossible!

We, as Messianic disciples, can only live as our Master lived, and share His Messianic Doctrine (which is Not Christian doctrine). Most people that Yeshua encountered also had no interest in the sum of YHVH Love; we must accept this reality no matter how much it hurts. The precious few, drawn into the light themselves, will eventually see it all. In the meantime, we just Love, even when our words hurt human emotions; all emotions die with the brain anyway.

For Satan's human masses, there is an urge to keep burning fossil fuels, fast, and to keep building more cars, roads and all its surface–choking needs, as well as all the secondary paraphernalia of the deus ex machina. But this passionate dedication; this collapse into madness, cannot be explained by people merely being inhuman: There is something clearly supernatural (or paranormal?) being observed here. Prophets foretold it millennia ago! Religiopolitical occultism is yet another example of the present prophetic Eschaton Era.

The animal kingdom will move out, once they exhaust a resource. And humans are supposed to be more intelligent than animals, and in some ways humans are. Consequently, the proof of the demonic realm, and demonic oppression, is painted broad when viewing the long and short term consequences of the Car Cult. Lovelessness results in peacelessness, and psychologically in psychopathy. When a person is the epicenter of their experiential universe, all things begin/end with how it affects self.

Still, no animal group is ignorant enough to continue in such a destructive path; not even the human animal; not without a powerful influence that extends beyond the corporeal world; yea beyond the brain. It is a supernatural deception of the masses! And that is why it all seems so insane to those not drunk on the spiked Kool–Aid of these cultural cults; e.g. the masses moving to the riskiest areas to live in.

The pathetic need to keep up with other people via lifestyle memesis, can now be measured on a planetary level, with species devastation or extinction, and the rapid depletion of future progeny's nonrenewable resources, which are themselves the reason for wars, which in turn create patriotism and nationalism, and other patently anti-Messianic "isms" that plague this Eschaton Era.

This is all observable fact to anyone willing and/or capable of recognizing "and" processing empirical data. Earth itself is groaning under the weight of human activities; everyone knows about it (jump to the end of this page: Links), so no excuses will be accepted on Judgment Day. With satellites we can look down on Earth; use Maps in satellite view, and see how people have ravaged Earth with flat surfaces everywhere so the masses can roll about effort free.

Imagine what that ground looked like a million years ago, and then up to the Industrial Prostitution, then up to 1940. It is unimaginable! The desperation to copy others, and to traverse Earth in a mobile–CO2–factory, just to avoid burning calories, will not be acceptable unto YHVH. And pleading Jesus will not do anything either (Matt 7:13–27). Every time an individual gets behind the steering wheel of any motor vehicle, they are making an open and public statement for all to see (YHVH especially), and here it is:

Creator of all, I hereby declare that I am willing to, and am about to, drive this vehicle, which I am fully aware, could kill another human by blunt force trauma; that children are the primary victims of vehicle collision deaths. But I refuse to walk or bike, and the lifestyle I have chosen daily, requires lots of money, and so I am willing to live, and to do, whatever it takes to get that money, no matter what or who suffers in that process. I also know that the planet is in jeopardy, but my hunger for more money and more power, is far more important to me, than anything created in nature! (Added for the Christianized): And now, as I choose daily to live an anti-Messianic lifestyle, I also expect my god to protect me in this endeavor! In the name of Jesus, amen!

It is fruit–evidence! Loveless people ― which account for the bulk of the accountable adult human species (especially) here in the Eschaton Era ― cannot fathom what it is like to live under the Messianic Cross, endowed with the exact Love that was exhibited upon the Messianic Cross. Thus, they cannot see the impact of their lifestyle choices; that is the very test that this life represents (John 3:18–21): Dividing the proverbial weeds from the wheat, is to divide the me–centered from the Love–centered; the planet–dangerous from the planet–safe!

It is easier to just eliminate The Judge; Atheism was born! And then, all the cultural paraphernalia that supports that supposition. But the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are driven by directives, such as studying to show ourselves as dedicated unto the things of YHVH (2Ti 2), and not unto the things of the World. We study Earth as it was before Satan's human infestation metastasized upon it. Lifestyle alone can reflect the reality of those on the dark side versus those in the Light.

But the Darkness destined masses cannot be anything else; they volition eternal damnation in temporal daily choices. They literally study the productions of the Evil One. But the abject peacelessness that haunts them, is countered with whatever the culture–at–large is doing; in the Eschaton Era that act is mass–consumerism as a way to appease that peaceless state. If they just make more money, or buy just one more thing, or go to one more locale, or conquer one more mate, they will reach some state of peace, but these efforts always fade or fail to fill–in the dead zones.

The only peace possible, is Messiah Yeshua in you. All of modernity is an exhibition of this reality; everything you see around you now is collectively a manifestation of the Spiritually bankrupt human masses. This is because the bulk of the accountable adult species, lives without any self–control; without any self–awareness; without any self! They are completely enslaved to their pride, ego, and emotions; they are drones; puppets of Satan and the demonic realm. Machismo is one variation among many, attempted (by humans) at regaining some form of self.

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

Forget for a moment the hundreds of things; one only need understand one; the risks of air pollution; just one item among hundreds applicable to this conversation; it can reduce intellect; it sickens and kills at staggering rates. But if one only cares for ones self, the state of other beings is a minor consideration in life–decisions.

Without Love–wisdom–humility, most people guzzle the (proverbial) social and cultural Kool–Aid by the gallons daily; unable to see a life any different than the one they inherited, much less an entirely different way to live on Earth; therefore, how they live is the only way. And they spend zero time trying to find any other way: The Way!

There is no such thing as an individual with critical thinking skills, who owns or uses cars. The presence of the car is a giant piece of physical evidence of the drone–automaton state. One has to be a thoughtless and Loveless to do so, given what we know these days. Assuredly, the very notion of something as simple to understand as the Slow Movement escapes them; most are way too overstimulated.

Satan successfully keeps his people in a state of perpetual blindness; perpetual discontent; anxious; fearful; ambitious; never satisfied or still or settled. They are loud, destructive, and indifferent. They cannot ever be at peace: They figuratively and literally drive around in circles trying aimlessly to catch–up with themselves.

But to know what we know today about pollution ― what school children already know ― people understand that creating air pollution, or any kind of pollution, does harm to others. To then do so anyway, is as unthinkable to all humans, as is murdering a child: But many are willing to do just that! They are inhuman! The anti-Messianic beat the child out of their children, so that by young adulthood, all a child learned about ecology is justified away and then forgotten by most of them: Cars rule!

Those who willingly create air pollution, make daily decisions to negatively impact every living thing on Earth; everything and everyone. How? Indifference or Lovelessness, followed by self–justification for doing so: I call it the Standard Satan Packet! (Luke 16:13–15). To make inhuman adults out of young humans; to make most everyone a psychopath/sociopath, to a greater or lesser degree. It is that fruit on the proverbial tree for all with Spiritual eyes to see.

Religious people do not belong to The Lord; alongside the World they love, they faithfully belong to the Oil and Auto Industry gods who tell them how to live. They all belong to Satan; they gleefully follow Satan in all his ways; they are devout servants of Satan on Earth. Earth was a nature paradise (think Garden of Eden); it had its rough spots like the polar regions and its deserts, but it was an oasis of nature.

But Satan hates YHVH, and so does Satan's people; the bulk of the species! They all hate passionately the YHVH natural creation, and work hard to kill, to steal, to destroy, to lie and cheat always. The single greatest manifestation of that reality on Earth forever, will be the Car Cult. Nothing on Earth ― nor on any other planet in the Cosmos of multiple trillions of planets ― will rival the destructive force of the Car Cult, and all that goes into its global existence.

Simply put, the Car Cultists are those who serve the car–god (Satan really). They will not treat car–god like a pet dog; no no, dogs are chained to a small wood box with no door far in the back yard, but the car–god gets its own huge dedicated space preeminently in the front of garage–homes; cars come first! The path to the castle is wide for these gods of men; grant King Car to enter! Cars are way more important than people; housing and city design exhibits this fact.

Because the bulk of the (accountable adult) human species are Loveless beings, the only way to compel them to do ― what all Love conquered beings would only do and want to do ― is by the use of force; physical force is the most effective way, but then that will only harden them even more and quicker. Financial fines (like that of the Judicial Industry) are not true punishment for anyone who can afford it; only the non–rich suffer therein.

The Car Cult is itself, the empirical evidence supporting the fact that the bulk of humanity (the inhuman masses) are little more than primates; monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drones; conspicuous consumption and mindless consumerism are proof of an inability to live Simple.

These people are void of independent thought, original ideas, or critical thinking skills. Because they guzzle the proverbial Kool–Aid of their culture, daily, freely, they think of that as being free! But that is just part of the Grand Illusion ⊛. And so, they anesthetize themselves with mass consumerism, and war with the Cult of Politics, as if that will somehow save them: But it is a major part of the problem.

People serve Mammon or YHVH; there is nothing else. YHVH opens us to life; money only leads to suffering and death. One of the main functions of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, was/is to enlighten people via Spiritual enlightenment; an awakening; fully woke; was blind but now I see! This was/is needed to transcend the animal within; this is a Spiritual Metamorphosis that begins with Transformation, which prepares us for life–eternal as the servant agents of YHVH in the Kingdom life.

Those same human drones are forced to manufacture their own reality, generated from the guilt–shame–condemnation they must endure, as the destructive force they are, from their devotion to their worldly god (2Co 4:1–5). Satan/god (which is what all Messianic disciples call that entity) comes but to kill and steal/take and destroy; to cheat and lie and deceive (John 10). This is their very purpose in this life.

Satan's human devotees are his hands on Earth; Satan and crew are not physical (corporeal) and thus, cannot do anything apart from people. When Messiah Yeshua spoke of Satan (or devils), He always meant via Satan's human puppets. The metaphor of the sheep and goats (Matt 10) was referring to people.

Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! These three, facilitated by the internal trinity of human pride–ego–emotion, are the bulk of the sin–evil and destructiveness that will occur on Earth. All religions promote or excuse these hopelessly human traits: The Eschaton Era will be the compilation of this reality. It does not matter which branch of these trinity of sins, the average drone consumes or enables and participates in; they are all equally Satanic. None of them will survive beyond this Earth experiment.

Guilt–shame–condemnation works, from good to very good, on everyone who are not daily and volitionally under the Messianic Cross (Rom 8). We who live only for YHVH, care nothing about the sinister opinions of Satan's human masses. And while it is possible to make the Loveless feel guilt–shame–condemnation for the consequences of their Loveless state (their decisions and lifestyle), it is impossible to make them Love. Even YHVH cannot (and will not) do this.

Throughout Scripture, there are mentions of forced behavioral changes; whipping the fool with a rod in the hopes of saving their eternal soul (Pro 26); designating most humans as mere animals; the inhuman masses that differ little from cattle designated for slaughter. They are born with an eternal Soul like all humans, but they never transcend the animal self; as brute beasts, they enjoy the carnal–primal state, even among the "civilized" (2Pe 2; Jude).

The Loveless cannot think in Love paradigms; as automaton–drones of whatever the people directly around them are doing, they find all that acceptable because others do it. Because they guzzle the cultural Kool–Aid, they remain unable to think or live, beyond how all of that shapes them. They are conquered by pride–ego–emotion and thus, ruled by what others think of them; they are puppets on a string and Satan is their puppet–master. The Love–centered (all Messianic disciples) care less about such superficial things.

The Loveless can only see the World as it was when they were born into it; everything has to continue as it was before. Without YHVH–level Love, which includes YHVH–level wisdom, the bulk of humanity only accepts what was here when they arrived on Earth. For the Elect of YHVH, we see the world as YHVH sees it, not as the prior generations of people shaped it. We look at all that is around us, and see the sin–evil that money hunger has done to reshape Earth from an animal filled Garden, to a dystopian industrialized asphalt jungle.

Satan's asphalt world is dystopian; anyone even nearby the Messianic Cross can see this; everyone under the Messianic Cross cannot miss it. So why are religiously devout people so completely blinded to the prophetic Dystopia? After all, Scripture is clear about it. And the answer is simple, but desperately needs repeating: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! These 3 are guzzled as the cultural Kool–Aid of the inhuman masses, so fully anesthetized and poisoned by these productions that they cannot see any other way for people to live.

One of the major issues with the Car Cult, is the Heavy Infrastructure needed to make it worth having any–powered car. Tailpipe emissions are staggeringly dangerous, and yet still accounts for a small percentage of the total ecological damage done buy the Car Cult as a whole. If there were only a few roads, and no parking lots or parking structures, owning/using a car would be greatly limited.

But now, there's millions of square miles of asphalt and concrete creating flat surfaces all over Earth so that cars can roll about upon them; to park or house them; it is this new anti–ecosystem that's so dangerous to Earth life. Soon, we can change the planets name from Earth to Asphalt!

Every Winter, fossil fuels are expended, to only do one thing; move snow off these surfaces, and at amounts greater than all the fossil fuels consumed on all Earth life, from 20,000 BC through 1900 AD. Multiple–millions of gallons of a fuel that could not exist without humans converting crude oil into gasoline and diesel, burnt just to move snow to roll cars. And that does not include the raw materials (like salt) put on the roads.

It is people that cause the need for cars; it is cars that cause the need for roads; it is roads that cause still–incalculable damage to Earth's many now–fragile ecosystems and biomes. Therefore, it is a bit oxymoronic to say that anything we do puts people over cars, because their very existence (at the scale and volume they are now) threatens all life on Earth.

The dystopia of modern world may be normalized, but it is surely not normal in any way. Asphalt and concrete slabs, covering literally thousands of square miles of surface, exist just so people can roll about on wheeled devices; cars predominantly. This creates a vast set of problems and dangers; salts for snow removal, and storm water drainage control, just to name the two most expensive maintenance (in perpetuity) issues.

The natural resources needed to build cars is staggering beyond comprehension; the Heavy Infrastructure is greater still. We are now consuming untold human generations of limited, non–renewable natural resources rapidly; virtually all the natural resources used by the entire human species globally, from a million years ago and up to the Industrial Revolution, is now used up annually; squandered just to appease egos!

Asphalt and concrete slabs also require massive amounts of fossil fuels, further exasperating climate change. This snowball effect will become exponential, just like needing more electricity to run air conditioners during sweltering summers, due to climate change, which can only become more severe, the more fossil fueled electricity is used. This is virtually impossible to reverse. As scripture reveals, and as YHVH has already seen happen, humanity is doomed. The denial of all of this is our certain doom! Prophesy fulfilled!

The ecological upheaval includes flooding due to the denaturalization of the surface of Earth, as Satan's people hunger–lust to deface the natural world, to accommodate their Car Cult, for which they have sold their literal Soul for, and daily: They will recommit again tomorrow! And the flooding is just a small portion of the global ecological catastrophe. Remember: First By Water Then By Fire! The Great Flood! The Big Burn! (2Pe 3).

But all this is because of Lovelessness, and Love comes only from the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Therefore, they are Loveless, even those that consume religion productions in a consumer–shaped culture. This Loveless state, or indifference, is simply, not to really care what happens to others, so long as one gets to be right, and/or gets to do whatever one wants to do. This indifference soon degrades into psychopathy, where they actually prefer doing harm to others (schadenfreude), but they may not be consciously aware of it. I call this Eschaton Era state of existence of the masses: The Pandemic of Psychopathy!

The unnatural (verily the supernatural) drive for people to find as many ways as they could possibly imagine, and afford, to burn as much fossil fuels, as fast as they can, is by itself, evidence of Satan's involvement in the Car Cult catastrophe. With all the data overwhelmingly supporting the fact that burning fossil fuels is killing us, at/in that very same timeline, people are burning more than ever; buying even bigger vehicles and building evermore Heavy Infrastructure. It all seems suicidal! And it is! It is a Satan–fueled disorienting of the species globally.

Humans are deliberately pumping tar oil, held deep under ground for good reason, as it became an integral part of the structure of the mantle. Those people then chemically alter (unnaturally process) the countless quintillions gallons of tar, so it can be chemically refined, and then poured into internal combustion engines, now by the billions, as well as to be used in many other applications. And horrifyingly, they actually believe in the magic of eternal reproduction; that fossil fuels are forever!

All of these complex and unnatural processes, cannot happen in nature, or without human intervention from the Satan–driven masses on Broadway; it will not happen on any other planet in the sum of the Cosmos forever. It is this radical and catastrophic denaturalization of the YHVH–creation that will be the scientific explanation for the Eschaton Era. All Messianic disciples already know the Spiritual implications. Add to that several thousand nuclear warheads, and I think you can get the (now) dystopian and (soon) apocalyptic picture.

The faith–beliefs that imply that people are "advancing" ourselves on this path, will be sour in the soul of the masses, cast into outer Darkness, where they will experience hellish millions millennia, separated from all planets, and all light, and all biological matter; they will remain in an incorporeal state, far–far apart from the presence of and Love of YHVH. It will assuredly be hellish.

Imagine if you were suddenly given one million tax–free dollars everyday at noon, from now on; would that impact your lifestyle? Absolutely! Big time! Starting now! People like to boast of our "advancement" as a species, but our species is only benefiting because we are consuming a century's worth of energy, every year. So sure, life might seem quite sweet right now, but Earth is finite. It is a 100% certainty that we will reach peak oil, and exhaust still other nonrenewable and/or limited resources.

Right now people can grow food in such volume because of this glutton of fossil fuel consumption, but it will not last; it cannot. As we continue to grow in population, there will come a reckoning; the proverbial and literal pumps will run dry, and today's production rates will plummet in short order, well below what it is now. And that will happen in the middle of the largest population numbers this planet has never experienced, and that, in the middle of a global ecological catastrophe. Grow–or–die economics will die!

It is all, living daily physical proof of the Eschaton Era, wherein, Satan will cause the bulk of the human species to accelerate their collective onslaught upon this planet, to bring about the cataclysms, biblically prophesied about a few millennia ago. The first great destruction was by flood and water, and it is prophetic that the second (final) destruction of humanity will be by fire and heat. And it is that billion years worth of stored energy, burnt off in a fraction of that time, that is the source of that scorching end. Add a few thousand atom bombs to the mix and all will see this Apocalyptic Armageddon. Revelations will then make perfect sense!

The evidence is all around us; people knowingly wasting energy just to appease their emotions; to feed their dying egos with attention–seeking behaviors via loud machines; just to entertain themselves at the expense of Earth and all life upon it; again, schadenfreude. They wantonly squander limited natural resources with reckless abandon, passionately.

They actually get excited by the financial opportunity to buy yet another gasoline powered thing, to burn off as much nonrenewable planetary fossil fuel resources (likely gasoline) as they possibly can, given their limited money supply and their limited time on Earth. But their commitment to Satan and his long–term plans to bring about the Eschaton Era, will define their entire life on Earth, even those who do all this, while going to bible–centered churches! Yep, in cars! Anathema! Sin above all sins!

They have not merely lost their humanity, they have (perhaps unwittingly) entered into an unspoken pact with the devil, literally! Satan's people are known by their outward displays of self–righteousness, Victimism, anger, resentment, fear, loathing, hatred of the not–like–me people (neighbor–haters), discord sowers, self–superiority, loudness, violence, rage–anger, aggressiveness, viciousness, social vitriol (e.g. Social Media), and ecological destructiveness, such as the Car Cult and the Gun Cult exhibit to all.

Peacelessness is the result of Lovelessness, which is the result of Spiritual vacuity or bankruptcy. Those who suffer from diseasement (from where the word disease comes from), lack any ease; they are troubled always; they are haunted. It is not ironic that the word "haunted" has remained in vernacular; once it was literal; in the Spiritual realm it most certainly is. And the vast majority of the human species suffer from Spiritual bankruptcy.

Attention–seeking disorder and praise–hunger, are among the many symptoms of the Spiritually bankrupt masses. Once the Indwelling Holy Spirit yokes with an individual Soul, that Soul experiences a completeness; a fulfillment to overflowing, described beautifully as the Living Water and the Bread of Life! The Spiritually transformed take on the mind of Messiah; suddenly all that is most important will come to the forefront, and the minutia of this life will fade away.

As the Elect of YHVH we were honored to witness this transformation when we first fell in love with the Messiah Scriptures, studying them, not as a rule book to enforce over others, but as a love letter to all! In it was/is the book of Acts, where the first five chapters describe Spiritual transformation, which takes hours to sometimes days; never longer. The Spiritual metamorphosis that occurs as a consequence of that transformation is radical; it can take weeks to a few months; never longer. All people naturally maturate with time/age and experiences; this is far–far beyond that! This is epochal!

Therefore, all attention–seeking disorders (including HPD), should be carefully and intentionally diagnosed, and then treatment dispensed, rather than the illness being culturally accepted, enabled and even indulged, like selling these people loud things; that is just an exploitation of human weakness. But it is also further evidence of the present Eschaton Era.

Assuredly, the inhuman masses will think all of this is freedom or liberty, but it is not. For them, freedom means, to do as they please no matter who else suffers from their lifestyle choices. These ego–damaged individuals need institutionalized care, not access to dangerous machines and guns! They need caring people to help them, not sales people to manipulate their pride–ego–emotion.

One of the many outcomes of the attention–seeking disorders, produces what I have coined, the Noise People. The many acts of diseasement tracked and labeled by the Psychology Industry, are just the outward paradigms of Spiritual vacuity over time; they rightfully call them diseases. The Noise People live in the emptiness of the void; a Spiritual void, which many deny exists, because they have been indoctrinated by the secular world, including its cultural religions.

Making noise is a pathetic attempt at drawing attention to ones self; to be noticed in the void. Now, all of this seeming madness, is not merely an exposition of a growing mental illness, it is also proof of an escalation of demonic oppression in the present Eschaton Era. The effects of noise pollution on health is well known, but the psychopathy of indifference is what Lovelessness is: The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference !!

Many believe humans are getting stupider, but it is far more than just that; this is a supernatural stupidity of the masses. It is not a brain centered stupidity, as much as it is a Spiritual blindness, driven by the dominant force of pride–ego–emotion. Pride makes people hold onto untruths; power makes people stupid. Tragically, all Darwin Awards are issued posthumously.

But it is all, a very important part of Satan's Eschaton Era; a time period they must/will also deny can even happen. Even so, the masses must/will justify this attack on Earth, and all life dependent upon it, including those they claim to love with their emotion words and attachment behaviors. But attachment is only about ones self; YHVH Love is only about other!

Attachment can only be concerned about the trauma the individual (in question) would have to endure if (say) their child died: They would only be worried about themselves. They do not Love the child (or anyone) and sacrifice self for others. The proof of that would be to not participate in the Car Cult at all. There is no such thing as a car owning Love conquered person; that is oxymoronic: We Are What We Do And No More! Attachment, mistaken for love due to the temporary closeness felt toward offspring, has no connection to Love.

Actions are clear for all (Love conquered) to see, just like mature fruit on a tree! You will know them by their fruits, not their words. Self delusions are what make this life miserable, and the next one literally hellish. Easier just not to believe in it: Hence, the wailing, weeping, cursing and gnashing, when describing eternal Darkness.

YHVH always provides options; assuredly, the very point of this life, is to record which one we volition to choose; evil or not evil. Not as the culture defines however, but as YHVH defines. Fiction writers have created an image of evil that is unreal; in fact, the bulk of the accountable adult human species are evil. Assuredly, anyone who does not publicly proclaim to be a Messianic disciple, submitted unto the Messianic Cross, or who does not Love in action, are on the dark side already.

Telling one lie is exactly the same as committing one murder unto YHVH (Rev 21:6–8; 1Ti 1; Pro 6:16–19; 19:5). In fact, telling one lie (a false witness) could cost many lives! Left unrepentant, the eternal price is the same. What is YHVH approved, is vastly different than what is human approved. Thus, our lifestyle is that fruit–evidence of who we truly belong to.

But why the word Cult & Cultism? Cultism is a bizarre devotion to something, such as to a particular religion, or a political position ⊛, or with a consumer product brand devotion, and so on; anything that one is willing to partake in, with a devout loyalty and an investment (of money and/or time and/or passion). Cars are worshiped and generate much temptation; its trillion dollar annual industry supports that fact. To call it a Car Cult is hardly an overstatement. At the end of human time, the Car Cult will represent over 99% of all that fell under the term Cult!

A cult is to believe in something so deeply that no matter how harmful or negative it proves to be, and no matter how ridiculous the excuses are for continuing, pride has them locked in, and now they cannot release it, short of some intense intervention or debilitating personal tragedy, or death itself; the unfortunate case most of the time.

Cowtowns To Cartowns: Corporate America Painted Us Into The Corner Of Car Dependency! (Back)

The Car Cult was/is just a capitalistic money–making scheme; the non–renewable natural resources used are insane when compared to what the entire human species used prior to it. For examples, one car equals about nine–thousand smart–phones; the global Heavy Infrastructure so far has used the same resources as the construction of two billion Simple living homes; that addition to the stock would house humanity to roughly the 22nd century!

But most people do not calculate things in this way; they can only see what was here when they got here, and believe it all must be the way it is: Narrow–mindedness or stupidity or outright evil? I believe it is evil (supernatural; demonic). One would have to prove to me that they are less intelligent than I was as a tween. But it is easy to calculate all of this; just watch a mile of freeway being constructed, and use everything that is there for that purpose, as the resource–pool. And that is just for moving cars; imagine car–homes and parking too!

Born on 58 and driving cars as my culture told me to do since 74, by 2004, I realized that all the warnings, publicly posed by the scientific community, was not alarmist. I gave up my last car in 05 and since then, have not participated in the Car Cult, nor any of its connected entities such as the Fossil Fuel Industry and the Heavy Infrastructure Industry. I committed to ending my car dependency. Be the change! Blameshifting changes nothing.

It had become obvious at that time that the US was unreasonably dedicated to painted machines, and a sea of Asphalt and concrete slabs poured over everything to accommodate them. But it is always personal choice how we live on Earth. Anyone can look around, see how others are doing it, and either copy the good and pass on the bad, or do it your own way, independent of the masses. Sadly, the masses are monkeys! If insulted by this candidness, change; quit the monkey business, please!

The Car Cult is the largest cult in all humanity; it is vastly larger than all other cults collectively in all recorded History. There are more human sacrifices offered and made upon the asphalt altar of the Car Cult (weekly), than all other human activities combined, that end in an unnatural death. What will eventually be revealed to all, is the fact that humans are the most destructive species on any planet in the sum of the Cosmos forever.

As evidence reveals, the human body weakens in the seat–to–seat lifestyle that the Car Cult assures for the entitled, spoiled, terrifyingly lazy, Loveless sedentaries, who abhor the Temple. The 2019 pandemic only exposed further this cold reality. What Does Not Kill You Does Not Make You Stronger! But most people are popular slogan parrots; once they parrot one, it becomes fact, because pride is the greatest power in the Cosmos: No other known force will produce its results.

As with all sacrificial cults, it is mostly children who are sacrificed on the asphalt altar, and only for that point A to B death ride! Assuredly, it is far worse than a mere cult (it is that); it is occultism in every possible sense of the word. E.g. the occult of consumerism! Ever see any car ads? Consumerism and money employment is the most undignified state of/in the human condition to date; a well–dressed beggar indeed.

Micromobility devices like bikes and e–scooters, can replace cars; perhaps this is why they are so oddly hated by the Car Cultists who become criminal as they try to destroy them; it is bizarre. I own both devices, and it is getting even more dangerous to navigate around with Car Cultists everywhere, looking for an opportunity to murder me and make it look accidental. Murderous people account for (conservatively) over half of our species, which is why it is treated with such severity; if there were not harsh punishments, murder would be far more frequent (my guess would be ten–thousand–fold).

But, all of this is just representative (and evidence) of the inhuman masses; it is proof of the presence of demons! This global opposition to bikes and micromobility is bizarre for sure. Satan comes but to kill, to steal, and to destroy; Satan is the father of liars, and the great deceiver and destroyer; therefore, so are Satan's human Broadway masses, knowingly or not.

Even though the human infestation is still hurriedly converting the garden Earth into a hell–scape of human structures and an asphalt and concrete dystopia, people lived without cars for literally all human time, prior to 1930 (thousands of decades): And so, I use that as the evidence–base, to support the fact that people can continue to do so, far into the future. It is all about will (volition).

For a decade now I have had my $20,000 ante on the proverbial betting table, supporting the fact that I can demonstrate to anyone anywhere on Earth, how to live without a car. No one has yet to show up with their ante; I doubt they ever will. This is because most people live in denial, to a lesser or greater degree, and why Messiah Yeshua said to look at the fruit on the tree for evidence; use your eyes! Ignore talk because anyone can BS and lie.

This is because everyone knows, when they think hard about it and do actual research (like this data), just how to do it; all the how–to answers are right here in this one resource! But, they simply do not want to, and it is that "why" that provides the true answer; the guilt–shame–condemnation will not be enough to move them, for only Love can compel people to do what is right. What they say in words, is too often a distraction from the reveal party; a self–justification for the "why" wherein the real reasons are lame.

The real reasons are: addiction; laziness and/or sedentarism; prestige and keeping up appearances (pride–ego–emotion); or Victimism. They pretend that they must be haulers; that they must use their vehicle to get things, or taxi children. But that is just a part of the larger self–justification packet, repeated endlessly from monkey to monkey. Many will agree with them; our species differs little in that way.

The fact is, after swallowing the cultural Kool–Aid by the gallons daily, the guilt–shame–condemnation that such gullibility spawns, creates an array of cognitive dissonance replies: Those replies get evermore bizarre the deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole one goes with them. Being apolitical, all Saints cannot help but be amazed by the Cult of Politics, on display right now, here in the Eschaton Era: But it was prophesied! And ironically, nothing proves prophesy more than the Matthew Seven Christians, Satan's favorite puppets.

Messianic disciples are never asked to these conversations publicly because all Saints (proverbially) cut right to the tumor to excise; however, most want to experiment with many treatments. The goal of getting to the facts, bothers many. But it is Love manifest: Love is a verb! The proverbial tumor excise example, is often met with more garb, as the justification crew continue their onslaught of self–justifications, which serve to salve the wounds caused by guilt–shame–condemnation and its subsequent displays of cognitive dissonance.

The automaton–drone masses are utterly blinded to it all; a devastating Spiritual blindness, and at its most sinister! That is the centerpiece and hallmark of all cults; a stone cold blindness to it. No one deliberately sets out to join a cult; it just happens, and before they know it, they are trapped within it: self–justification maintains it, and pride must validate it. Because after all, gods are never wrong! Right?

Without Spiritual enlightenment, people can only remain the slaves of their surroundings; drones of their Enculturation; void of critical thinking skills; short on original thoughts; automaton–drones who can only monkey–see–monkey–do, those they see in their own culture.

They cannot be or think or live, independent of their surroundings: Hence, the planet killing Car Cult as one fruit–evidence of that cold reality. All mechanisms of death are Satanic. So, we can know who is Holy Spiritual versus those who are religiously occultic, by outward lifestyle choices or the proverbial fruit on the tree.

No Messianic disciple is a participant in the destructive Car Cult, and so, we must navigate Earth, surrounded constantly by the World (the Satan moved human masses), who blindly comply with whatever their culture tells them to do and think and believe. The Car Cult is only one of those manifestations, but by far the most destructive. There is also the occult of gun ― the private Arms Race of weaponized primates ― that Satan runs in the Ununified States Annexed, and elsewhere where capitalism's consumerism thrives.

Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit bringing the self–sacrificing Love, witnessed upon the Messianic Cross, into people, those masses remain in Spiritual blindness, and in that blindness, there is a fear of the unknown. There is an absence of the peace that passes all understanding; their understanding! The unknown elicits fear and paranoia and anger, and it is all down hill from there.

We see this with road rage, and with intentionally loud passenger transport, and with many other outward expressions of fear shaped bullying. The car is like personal armor; it is a big metal bully machine, and why it is used in/for road rage, which is itself an act of bullying and carnal–primal territorialism. All bullies are cowards, and cowardice is an exhibition of behaviors caused by the anti-Messiahs. Perfect Love casts out all fear! All!

Uncertainty makes people scramble and shuffle about, trying to find meaning, or trying to keep busy to avoid confronting the terminal reality of their existence. These things are the motives behind consumerism, and the Car Cult itself is a big production of consumerism (e.g. car commercials). The culture at large is designed and built around all of that madness. It is one huge (but cloaked) exhibition of fear!

Yeshua answered and said unto him: If a man Loves Me, he will keep My words, and My Father will Love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that Loves Me not, keeps not My sayings, and the word that you hear is not Mine, but the Father's that sent Me. These things I have spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name; He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:23–27)

You are of Elohim, my teknion, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you, than those that are of the world. They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. We are of Elohim; those that know Elohim, hear us; those that are not of Elohim, do not hear us. Hereby we know the Spirit of truth from the spirits of error. Beloved, let us Love one another, for Love is of Elohim, and everyone that Loves is born of Elohim and knows Him. He that Loves not, knows not Elohim, for Elohim is Love! In this, was manifested the Love of Elohim toward us; because Elohim sent His only begotten Adon into the world, that we might live through Him. Herein is Love; not that we Loved Elohim, but that He Loved us and sent Adonai to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if Elohim so Loved us, we ought also to Love one another.
No one has seen Elohim at any time! If we Love one another, Elohim dwells in us, and His Love is perfected in us! Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever shall confess that Yeshua is the Son of Elohim, He dwells in them and they in Elohim. And we have known and believed the Love that Elohim has to us. Elohim is Love, and those that dwell in Love, dwell in Elohim, and Elohim in them. Herein is our Love made perfect; that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love will cast out all fear, because fear has torment. Those that fear are not made perfect in Love. We Love Him, because He first Loved us! If anyone says: I Love Elohim! But hates another, they are a liar, for those who do not Love those they have seen, how can they Love Elohim whom they have never seen? This commandment we have from Him; that those who Love Elohim will Love one another also. (1st John 4:4–21)   {cf. John 1:18 & 6:46; 1Co 6:1–3; Exo 33:19–23; Rev 21:8; John Seventeen}

Rage is the emotion that Satan loves to exploit the most. Call it Cop Rage or Road Rage or Riot Rage, it is all Demon Rage! And rage is an anger–based emotion; rage is the temper tantrum of the child that grows into an adult, who hates Love. True Love is self–sacrificial, in that we who Love, care for others, as much as, or even more than self. Love is unidirectional (one way), and thus, does not require or expect reciprocation.

I may not like what people do, or say, or think, or believe, but I have no power over that or them; nor do I want it. But I have all the power over my Love for them. The Love in me is technically not me the human; it is just the Love of YHVH funneled through me, as the vessel of my Adonai, El of all creation. The reflection and the proof of that Love, is centered in how I think and act and live.

Being Stuck In The World But Not Of The World! (Back)

Messiah Yeshua exhibited a Love for us all, and in a way that is far beyond the hearts and minds of the human (and non–human) masses. Messiah Yeshua died on a Cross thousands of years ago, for all humanity, and not only for propitiation's sake, but more so as an exhibition of what YHVH–Love truly looks like, and works like! But what was represented on the Messianic Cross, was/is profound in its implications and in its effects. Christians can only say He died for your sins; it is way more than that!

Without YHVH–Love, all living beings (including humans), remain carnal–primal, territorial and proximal, and very much me–here–now focused. Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, it is impossible to Love, and therefore, all that remains in humans, is all that remains in all mammals; attachment, fear and self–survival. Humans grow to learn to parrot words (and behaviors), and to attach certain words to objects, as well as feelings, such as with the word "love". People will feel a strong emotion, so it must be love, and that belief is reinforced everywhere.

But YHVH–Love is radically different than that; it is what kept my Master upon that Cross, when He easily had the power to end it. We cannot truly know what it is like to be tortured for days and suffer greatly and unto literal death; I have no idea what that would be like. But to volunteer to do it? Yea, not me! And to volunteer to do it for a species that will (mostly) refuse what it offers and represents? To do it knowing in advance that it will only impact a Narrow Way few?

My Master was/is YHVH; Messiah Yeshua was YHVH come onto Earth in Human form. YHVH is incorporeal and cannot be corporeal without wearing it; cannot be mortal without first taking on mortality. YHVH in Natural Form would obliterate the physical realm; all of it! The corporeal universe would cease to exist in the Presence of YHVH. But YHVH did not want to leave us thinking that we were alone in our humanity; our corporeality; our mortality. Therefore, the One who inspired the words of life, became Flesh and walked among us. It is finished!

On a much smaller scale, try to imagine it this way; you make life decisions, now, for your great great great grandchildren. You decide how you are going to live and think, knowing that it will directly impact them. Obviously, money is not what I am taking about; we all know that cultures come and go; civilizations thrive for awhile, and then they die; their ruins are testimonies to this reality. Their monies are long gone into the dust from which they came. But as it was so wisely noted: One generation passes away, and another generation comes, but Earth abides indefinitely. (Ecc 1) And it will have to do so, in post–Apocalyptic fashion.

Earth is our only (corporeal) legacy for future generations. But this deeper wisdom obscures when people become pimps that prostitute YHVH, El of all Creation! Satan ― the god of this world; this planet; this human species; this very short human era ― was corporately granted a power over people, which serves a great purpose for the Elect of YHVH.

But not only those of us so very fortunate to know (to gnosis) our Adonai Love, in a deeply personal way; all Messianic disciples of all generations. But also to those of other times and cultures, who knew of a Great Spirit: The Messianic Cross was for all humanity! No one was or will be left unaccounted for.

What YHVH was doing with regard to Satan and his followers (his trillion demon army), who were cast onto Earth; we mere mortals have no idea about. No, not even among those who are an Oracle of YHVH. We get our clues from our Master, Messiah Yeshua, via those precious red letters (or YHVH Speak), decoded by Ruach HaKodesh. For us Messianic mortals, we live on a need–to–know basis. We trust explicitly in the greater plans of our only Master, King, and Leader, YHVH: Adonai Elohim, Theos of all creation!

For us in the here and now, we simply take the data we seek out diligently, in and of Earth itself, and as the servants of a Master, we study diligently, all things relevant unto the Cross, so that we can show ourselves as the approved ones for His messages, contained and fulfilled in those precious red letters. All hail YHVH!

We attach them to what YHVH teaches us, from and in the physical realm itself; and for us Earth humans, Earth itself! We study it because it is our Fathers world: Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Stewardship is our calling; our witness; our fruit on the tree! It is what separates us from the planet killers and the haters, religious or not, biblical or not, churched or dechurched or unchurched.

For the Spiritually transformed and metamorphosized; we live entirely different lives and lifestyles, than the Broadway masses. Here in the Eschaton Era, the Car Cult is currently the largest fruit–evidence on Earth. For everyone who gets even within a thousand miles of the Messianic Cross, they can no longer participate in the planet killing Car Cult. Those of organized religion, were never a part of the Messianic Cross; they will live devoutly religious (Pharisaic), and to the point of self–righteousness, published openly, and yet, do so utterly blinded to the Messianic Cross!

Whenever we (modern day) Messianic disciples walk or bike or scooter anywhere, there is this clear and present danger, both sensed and real (e.g. stroads); sharing space around people who become so strikingly different, from when they are in their cars, versus those times when we cross paths with them, in person, not armed with cars or guns. Unarmed, they seem so, well, normal!

When there is an equality of power, in this case, we are both on foot and unarmed, they treat us completely different, than when just out on the road, where we disciples are on foot or bike, and they are in their 3 ton+ metal death machines, empowered therein. Once empowered and armed, their true character emerges. And it is demonic! The gun cultists are likewise power hungry, just like their god and inspiration, prince Satan (the power whore) compels them to be. The tyranny of guns by the power hungry is a massive threat to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Something demonic takes place. This is not a natural rupture of reason; there is no explanation for such a rapid transformative view of/in an entire species. There is something else in play here, but only those with Spiritual sight can see it. We can explain it to the Spiritually blind, and they may understand what we are saying from an academic standpoint (they too can observe world events), but because they share in the same Spiritual blindness, they can only respond by justifying it all away (John 3).

They must somehow justify or validate it, because they too, are Car Cultists. On the one hand, they can recognize Car Cult associated problems, but being Satan led, they are powerless to steer themselves away from it all. But this is what leads to cognitive dissonance, and its peacelessness, and subsequently its inevitable collision, which "is" the explosion of human life on Earth, which will culminate into the Eschaton Era.

The central thing that makes the bulk of humans different from the chimps at the Zoo, is ego. All primates have a form of ego, but none so pronounced as it is in/with humans. What makes (most) humans and chimps and other primates, the same, is by almost every other trait: territorialism is the trait of focus herein. And all humans (one can only assume) possess an eternal Soul, which is how the demon class, can so heavily impact them, unaware.

In humans, territorialism expresses itself in landlordism and/or land dominionship (e.g. Colonialism), and thus its subsets of manufactured "rights" and "freedoms" (not to be confused with liberties). Then there are the proxemic traits, exposed in road rage, trail rage, yard rage, or summarily, a basic dominionship of the space one is in, at any moment in time or place. Demons (and the demonic) are very uncomfortable with Love, and its peace, equanimity, unity, community, equality, and acceptance: Oneness! (John Seventeen).

What makes the Elect of YHVH, as the only future resurrected Saints of Adonai Elohim, so radically different than the (Spiritually bankrupt and thus) inhuman masses, can best be measured in this way, and/or in these choices: Lifestyle! It is that vast chasm between those who suffer from pride–ego–emotion, versus the very few on Narrow Way, who live in/by Love–wisdom–humility. (Matt 7).

The Car Cult, Climate Change And The Eschaton Era! (Back)

The Love conquered few, spend their/our lifetime, as planetary stewards, learning how to live gently, safely, quietly, and simply upon this planet, owned exclusively by YHVH. In order to be rulers over much, we first must prove that we can be faithful in the little things (Matt 24 & 25). And that is what this life is all about; it is a test! Eternal life is not a belief reward; it is a consequence of who and what we become in the here and now: Purpose of this life answered!

Satan's people ― unfortunately the bulk of the human species ― will spend their lifetime, learning ever more ways to kill and to steal and to destroy; to lie and to deceive; to live as economic parasites and carnivores, feeding on other people. The tree is known by the fruit it bears! Satan (through his people) come only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Satan is stepping up his efforts to move, even the most resistant humans, toward an ecological disaster that will coincide with sudden shortages of massive amounts of fossil fuels, as we reach peak oil, which we will see well before 2100 AD.

The Darkness destined human masses will suffer greatly, but not from anything that YHVH will cause; there will be no actual lake of fire! the suffering described will be of the individual's own making. I imagine they will get to witness all the suffering they caused, both directly and indirectly, plus the possible future suffering of all Earth species.

The delusional believe that fossil fuels are eternal; that Earth will never run out; that some all–powerful being keeps refilling Earth while we all sleep.

Most humans do not make or grow or build or produce anything; their absence from Earth would factually be an environmental improvement. They live as Mammon dependent parasites and predators of those who produce all necessary things. They are either monetizing and objectifying other people, or they monetize and adulterate Earth itself; both are a sin–evil unto YHVH that they will have to own on their Judgment Day; a time most people do not believe will happen to them, until it does.

All readers of this page (or booklet) will do one of two things; they will read it all, and be pricked in the heart by the realities defined herein, and then repent, and in that repentance, change how they live on Earth, from this epoch forward: Or, they will justify, why they live the way they live (their lifestyle choices), and thus, their intent to keep on living that way. They must therefore devalue this (the message and/or the messenger) and turn away even before they read it all.

These two opposite pathways, are themselves, an exposition and a living testament, to the prophetic words of Adonai our Elohim. It is that line that will be used on your Day of Judgment; the wheat separated from the tares or the sheep from the goat; those who live to duplicate YHVH–Love, versus those who only live for the me here now. Even the christianized!

My Master taught all of this, in parables and metaphors, so to draw in the rare truth seekers (truth miners), but also to confound and to expose, to the truth seekers, those who will be dedicated to justifying themselves before others (Luke 16:13–15); and there are plenty of others on their side; wide is the path and huge is the gate.

One example was/is the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13:18–23); this is summarized by those who seek knowledge only to advance their earthly life and pursuits, versus those who are seeking truth, come what may during this life, to change self (John 14:23–27). The duty of all Messianic disciples of all generations, is to be that light on a hill, regardless if anyone sees it or not, volitionally seeks for it or not.

The many "seeds" are the many truthful meanings carefully embedded throughout the words of the Messiah Scriptures. But the religious descendants of Abrahamism, have for the most part, been led by Satan and his massive army of demons, to use the pride–ego–emotion of people to bring about the Eschaton Era.

Those closest to Satan are any/all who are the machismo conquered, anger–driven, gun–toting, bloodlust murderous and pre–murderous, and, the religious fanatics primarily from Islam and Christendom; the Armageddonists. They will work in tandem with secular governments, or will even be among their ranks, and be collectively used by Satan kill and to take and to destroy, as much as they can, before the return of The King.

Anyone who ponders becoming a Cop (in the US anyway) are the pre–murderous among us; that is, they fantasize about ending a life and/or causing suffering. But because they are inwardly cowards, they cannot do so without a badge; they fear jail. The hunger–lust to murder is demonic at its core; this is why escalation is such a rush; the demons within are the accelerant mechanism. All these people–types, will believe they are serving god (John 16), which for them is true; the god of this world/age/era is Satan, whom the religious rightfully call god.

Those who want to know YHVH truth, come what may, will take in those wisdom "seeds" deep within them, and ponder them, and nurture them, and protect them, and patiently await their fruition maturation in their heart–mind–Soul. But for most of humanity; the inhuman masses, also known as the Broadway masses (Matt 7); they seek out information, scriptural or otherwise, only to benefit the self in their earthly quests, and to justify that sin–evil, which usually results in the gaining of some level of power over others, so they do not have to live Simple lives and lifestyles, as the living witnesses of Adonai our Elohim (Matt 5).

Religious or not, churched or not, educated or not, they remain carnal–primal, and as such, they are driven by power, and money is power, and physical resources like landlording or land conquering is power, all religion is power, all governments are power, all guns and weapons are power: And automobiles are power, and greater in damage than all the others combined; even the tyranny of Satan's sinister gun cultists.

Guns are just like cars; they are both dangerous and completely unnecessary. But they appease severely damaged egos; dead egos due to years of Spiritual vacuity. When I started driving cars in 1974, there were 76 million cars in all of the USA. Consequently, collisions were less common, and therefore, there was little enforcement of car insurance coverage. But as the numbers of cars increased (300 million in 2023) clogging roadways (and lungs), collisions and death became all too common; that forced State governments to impose and enforce mandatory car insurance for all.

It is the same with guns; in 1970 there were less of them and so they were not as dangerous, but today, there are a dozen guns for every human in the USA. Hand guns are designed to be human killers; no one hunts with them; they are murderer devices only. The result of this massive influx of guns, you already know all about: Anyone who reads or watches the News is reminded daily.

And just like their power seeking god, Satan, these empowerment seeking individuals, cannot (and thankfully will not) be resurrected into bodies that will not age and cannot die, and freed to roam the Cosmos in the eternal service of The King. That would be catastrophic and stunningly destructive: They are the destroyers of worlds. Earth should be renamed Planet Asphalt! It will be a floating tomb and a monument to the consequences of raging sin–evil.

YHVH will only bodily resurrect the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples of all human generations. Thank You Lord! But why? Because we Messianic disciples live out our dedication to serving under His Lordship; we are not seeking to be lords among (or over) other people, while here within this relatively small Earth experiment. We are here to be that proverbial light on the hill, even though we know that the bulk of our species are eternally doomed; they are not light seekers.

What is interesting for the Elect of YHVH; the Heaven destined few on the very narrow sidewalk of Narrow Way (where there are no cars allowed ;–), we can see people who are not interested in being the future resurrected Saints of YHVH, as Messianic disciples, and yet who can, at the least (metaphorically) still feel their way around the outer parameters of this topic, even while in Spiritual blindness: That is just how intensely brazen this subject is.

Now, they may or may not be christianized, as almost everyone in the Westernized world are christianistic, but the religionist Xians of Religianity, are no more Love conquered and thus Heaven destined, than are a Muslim, a Hinduist, a Buddhist, a Baha'i, a Judaist, or an Atheist: These are the anti-Messianic religious! Messiah Yeshua opposed it all; the Messianic Cross was for the obliteration of all organized religions; it was to empower us with earthly powerlessness (2Co 12 & 13).

Conscious Awareness And The Car Cult! (Back)

Among the largest polluting entities in the modernized world, comes from the Car Cult. There is toxic street water runoff, landfill waste, mechanical and plastics and other hazardous waste, such as construction debris from road works, and the list goes on. This includes everything that is needed to provide a perpetual surface for cars to roll upon and park upon, and then to fuel, maintain, and then the mining needed to build billions of cars, themselves; all of this leads to some massive pollution numbers in all pollution categories. Tailpipe emissions end up as only a small percentage of this totality.

The industrialization of transportation is incredible, considering that people made none of it from 12,000 BC (or whatever date past one wills to place upon the birth of our species) until about 1859; the birth of Big Oil, a mere century before my birth. Since then the world, led by the Ununited States Annexed, has been on a rampage against the environment of YHVH, Owner and Creator of all.

But the Car Cult is just a more obvious manifestation, or open testimony, of a human devotion and predilection to following other people on the road to ruin; down the primrose path to destruction; of an indifference toward anything made directly by YHVH. It is an exhibition of one's surrender unto whatever cultural directives drives them and steers them (pun intended). Without Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, all people will remain as they were, prior to such a radical Spiritual metamorphosis.

We humans are either recreated ― a death to self and a subsequent rebirth (i.e. born again) ― or we remain as a mere byproduct of our culture and upbringing, and assuredly all the Enculturation paradigms represented therein. The Car Cult is a massive global exhibition of this tragic reality.

All religions not only have nothing whatsoever to do with The 1 Elohim, Creator of all; all religions are (ironically) the outcome of the many personalities of the demonic forces that dominate the bulk of the human species (John 8:44). Religion is exploited as a kind of paywall between The Creator and humans: It is surely an obstacle (Matt 23).

But all religion is sin, and a sin–evil so deeply depraved, that it is highly unlikely that anyone involved in any religion, lives free of demons within them, and especially among those rooted in Abrahamism; assuredly I say unto you, they are never going to see or partake in the (future corporeal) Kingdoms of YHVH.

Their only kingdoms will be those they build on Earth, during (this) their one second long, one penny life, here on Earth. They surrender the quintillion millennia, quadrillion dollar afterlife, in exchange for this comparatively pathetic one. This is because they do not live Faith (Heb 11); they do not truly really believe in an afterlife: How people live this life is the proof!

Therefore, all religion becomes one of those just in case hedge bets, and their religionist proprietors and gamble makers eagerly await these investments. However, a day after the Indwelling Holy Spirit enters into anyone and everyone, the very notion of walking across the threshold of any organized religious business, will cause that transformed individual to flee like it is an inferno.

The kingdom of Car will (among others) be a terrifying legacy of the human species. Earth will be a floating tomb and a reminder of the human predilection to sin–evil and their hunger–lust for not only following and obeying Satan and his trillion demon crew, but of their volitional participation in these demonic works, as they prepare themselves to join Satan and crew in the proverbial Lake of Fire, which is in actual fact, an incorporeal and everlasting deep freeze to cast into the farthest extremes of deep, empty, lifeless, lightless, outer space and its eternal Darkness.

Car ownership, in and of itself, is an outward expression of self–superiority, dominionship, followship, controlism, and self–centered esteem; it is an exhibition of indifference or Lovelessness): One manifestation of this is the psychologically prescribed Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). The Car Cult is itself, proof of demonic oppression. And road rage is a more extreme version and outward exhibition of such demonic oppression.

We Messianic disciples, witness all this, not just in road rage of the spacial and proxemic dominionist, or the using of a car to kill, quickly or slowly; we can see this deeper, from within a greater social fragmentation in general; a normalization of dehumanization as a prophetic fruit or sign of the Eschaton Era. Demon oppressed people are only rarely aware of that state; they get their criteria from fiction writers. Satan was beautiful; talented; charismatic! Satan was not scary.

A planetary Car Cult will be a major contributor to the ultimate demise of our species, at least, as we now know of it. The automobile and its owner/user, is analogous to one cancer cell among many billions that collectively invade a body. One cell on its own, hardly poses a threat, but cancer multiplies in perpetuity because it is a disease. The cells are not consciously aware that their collective sum will ultimately kill the very host that they rely upon for survival; once the host dies they all die, the good and bad cells.

And so it is with the Car Cult; Earth is the terminal victim of the cancer of car, appropriately called Carcinoma! It is an outward and public rage–anger against the Creator, by making Earth one big tumor. But what makes it even more sinister and evil, is how these cancer cells will justify their existence and their lifestyle choices, all the way until their last breath on Earth. None of it will pass in the court of YHVH!

The drones of humanity (the bulk of our species) are unconscious of their collective impacts; their terrifying followship; they individually justify, why they must follow the other drone automatons, but that is because drones do not have a higher consciousness; a conscientiousness that far transcends being a good employee or capitalistic success; a Spiritual awareness: Enlightenment in the scriptural sense. They are as mindless as a cancer cell. The main environmental problem are those who buy and burn gasoline and diesel in road machines.

In the case of the Car Cult; not only is the collective drones slowly but surely killing their host planet, they are also unwittingly killing each other as well. The parents are harming their children, not always directly, but always indirectly, as they slowly but surely alter the very nature of Earth, as the Car Cult metastasizes throughout. It is abomination to even imply that those of the Car Cult, loves their children or their children. There are few other lifestyles that scream hatred for ones progeny.

Sacrificing youth at the altar of the Car Cult is a darkness unrivaled, even when compared to other atrocities manifest in the Eschaton Era. It is as amoral as abortion itself. But those desperate to justify themselves will not see it this way; not in this life anyway (John 3:19–21; Luke 16:13–15; Matt 10:14–16). self–justification is one of those fruits that Messiah Yeshua told His disciples to look for. Walk away from the excuse makers and the pride walls; their fate is sealed.

The Soul Crushing Car Cult: Desecration Of The YHVH Creation! (Back)

Make the vast majority of any society, addicted to something (anything), even if everyone knows it is addictive and continuation will produce negative results, the addiction (itself) now dictates all things concerning itself. This applies to all human consumed substances, which for the production of gasoline must also include all the sickness of being exposed on many levels to fossil fuel products, and most importantly, to money itself, which is the root of all evil. Every bad thing can be traced back to money!

In sheer volume, Mammon {$$} is the most addictive thing on Earth. It will be the end of the human species! The fiery end prophesied to be the case of our end, will be fueled by crude oil, but not that one element alone; it will be that plus a cascade of other dangerous elements combined to impact Earth on a planetary level. This compilation of events will rapidly accelerate beyond the human ability to stop it!

But no matter how many people get sick from the presence of refined fossil fuels on the surface, people will still buy it, and the buyers drive the demand, which both justifies and finances the continued voluminous production of this toxic addiction product. The justifications get as absurd as all justifications do, for those of us who are not the victim addicts of that particular product.

Every addict of everything, has a memorized (but short) list of self–justifications, loaded up to shot back out, whenever they are challenged or their lies are confronted. Some seem to have merit; once those are dismantled, the new justifications become absurd to the point of sounding like they are mentally ill. This is also another proof of the Eschaton Era; a pandemic of crazy! Notwithstanding, they are surely Spiritually dead; the Matthew Seven Christians will be especially shocked once they realize that their religion did not save them.

Money addiction drives almost all other addictions, including fossil fuels, and all the industries (directly and indirectly) that profit from its continuation. The word profit again, points back to money dependency which degrades into money–hunger. But the money dependent, reading this right now, can agree with all the negative aspects, but still cannot confess ― unto The Lord, or to themselves or to anyone else ― that their lifestyle choices have made them a money addict.

They do what all addicts do, and must do; blameshift the problems onto others. They must do all they do because of the sellers: It is the tobacco industry that is responsible for me volitionally picking up, lighting and smoking a cigarette, 20 times a day everyday for decades! It cannot be my fault! The self–justifications that spew from these people is predictable; I have heard the same dozen or so lines, literally thousands of times over the decades.

I could make a list of them, and they would use it like their own personal script. But that list is short because there are only a few feasible self–justifications that one can conjure up; the evidence against them is so massive and powerful that the only way they can believe their own lies is if they con many others to parrot the same lies, until they are said over and over again. Still, the cognitive dissonance cannot be overcome by lies.

But in reality, people lived for thousands of years without money or without oil or cars or asphalt roads or parking lots or tobacco, or any of the things that are now plaguing our species. But all self–justifications will always include the seeming (short–term) good that comes out of the bad, no matter how bad the bad is, and no matter how bad it will get!

Humans are about to position, as a species, to bring a cataclysmic end to our species, and yet, deep down inside, even the inhuman masses know this is true, and yet, like all addicts, they close their eyes even tighter, as they spew the venom of hate that rules them, because of their addictions. They blameshift to avoid looking inwardly, and those who do not look inward long enough, may go insane; they will go to the hellish Abyss.

The masses will take sides with those who lord over them; those who control them via Satan's trinity of Earth systems: Economics; Politics; Religion. They blindly and willingly accept all the productions of Satan and crew, and then become addicts to/of Satan, and then spend or squander their gift of life on Earth, justifying, rationalizing, and validating all these productions that they help Satan bring into this world.

Fossil fuels are deep underground for a reason. Crude oil is toxic, noxious, dangerous, and radioactive; this element must be controlled just like plutonium, uranium, and any other like Earth element. The radioactive elements will kill more completely than from sludge of pumping.

But purified uranium is not sold in vials or in pellets at stores, to the general public, for an in home basement reactor, and likewise, neither should anything made from crude oil. But the Satan–led can see only power from money; they will kill the entire human race for that power. Satan abhors humanity almost as much has Messiah Yeshua, who Loves humanity and proved it upon the Messianic Cross!

Satan holds these people under and in darkness, until they experience their last minute of consciousness before physical death. Satan and crew work tirelessly within the human masses, to bring a fiery end to all humanity, and intends to take as many human souls with him into outer Darkness as possible. And we already know that the path is already prepared wide and broad to accommodate them (Matt 7). Narrow Way is too hard for them; they must dismiss it as even being real, and that is always a win for Satan and crew.

Satan will achieve this by making this life seem so small; that only what happens to the individual is of concern to that individual. The rich justify why they need private jets because, after all, they are gods among men and thus, deserve more, and therefore it is rational to them that they get to use way more planetary natural resources than those with much fewer USD units in their possession. Simply put, they are more important than most. But this same mentality extends to all addicts regardless of social stature.

The twisted logic is so plain to see and hear, that even the Spiritually blinded masses can see/hear it, but as addicts, they cannot confront it in themselves. And so, this entire life becomes nothing more than a self–justification show. And that is anti–natural; anti-Messianic; and that will cause nothing but a level of cognitive dissonance that even the longest list of rationales cannot fully bury, and that will make them indifferent; sociopathic; psychopathic; then insane!

Such conscious conscientiousness is "not" the mentality or mindset of the masses. And what you are now reading will be radical to those, still not touched by the eternal enlightenment of the Indwelling Holy Spirit; the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious; the churched, the unchurched and the dechurched. The bulk of humanity, including the culturally christianized, do not actually truly believe in an afterlife (the Resurrection), or a Day of Judgment; not really.

Hence, they must and will, justify (Luke 10:25–29), validate and rationalize the lifestyle they have already committed to living: Everyone else is doing it and so that makes it acceptable; again, monkey–see–monkey–do, automaton–drones! A distracted mind is evidence of an absence of Love, and thus compassion, humility, and wisdom, all of which come intrinsically, to all who harbor the Indwelling Holy Spirit, Creator of all (1Co 2): The Saints; the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH.

One sign (or symptom) of demonic influence, is that of the mind instantly justifying what an individual (or group of drones or sheeple) are already hellbent on doing. But know this; the collaborators of earth pollution will be held accountable unto YHVH.

The desecration of the YHVH creation is witnessed here in the Eschaton Era, in/by how the garden of Eden has become the lifeless, unending dystopia of concrete & asphalt, in honor of Satan, just so that the sedentary YHVH planet haters can roll about in their living room on wheels, in open defiance of the Temple, as a rebellion unto their Maker. And it is not just on the ground; the Airline Industry is just as bad as the Car Cult.

And while the self–justifications for the Car Cult are unending (e.g. you benefit from vehicles too, by getting your goods from their use); we who actually live under a Lordship, still cannot live outside of the world we inherited, and so, we can only avoid as much of it as we can, while here (2Co 6:14–18; 1st John 2:15–17 & 4:4–6; 2Pe 2:18–22; James 4:1–4; Col 2:18–23; John Seventeen all).

After understanding the war of cars and the devastation of the Car Cult, one must be a Loveless being to continue therein. But the bulk of humanity suffer from fake caring; without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, people remain Loveless and in that state, they can only truly care about themselves. Hence their investment in the World.

They may preach environmental stewardship, but still, they cannot "be" the change they expect to see in this world. They too are running around the planet in a hurry to nowhere; discontentment is their true motivator. All car owners and users are collaborators with Satan in the wanton destruction of Earth; they covertly hate Earth and its health, and thus the health of all life dependent upon it.

Conversely, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, live simple lives, planting and building and growing; making the natural world increase and thrive around us; being coworkers within The Creator's creation. With all that time not chasing the dollar, we study to show ourselves approved unto our Creator; to learn and know about the YHVH–created world and how to live peacefully, responsibly and symbiotically with that world (2Ti 2:10–16).

There Is No Such Thing As A Car Owning Environmentalist! (Back)

Climate Change is not a joke, but people who burn fossil fuels, then pretend to be environmentalists, are a joke! One major problem with Climate Change is not (just) the corporations who extract and refine the fossil fuels (they suck for sure), it is their customer–base that are the major problem; it is called Demand–Drives–Supply Economics! No one makes more than they can sell; all production is set by sales.

Simply put, I bought gasoline for my first car in 1974 until my last car on 2005; since then I have purchased zero gasoline, and no one has even suggested I do so, much less has anyone forced me to. Be the change! I bike and (now) use e–scooters. When I was in the Denver Metro I used light–rail (with my bike) for longer distances. Once committed to not owning/using cars, I selected where I live, much like people do when employment location influences that decision.

The money commitment to the Car Cult (alone) is just an extension of the overall culture copying commitment to Mammon service in general. All car owners are dependents, just like with any form of addiction or dependency. Most people believe they cannot stop their addiction; that they are trapped by things outside of their influence or power to change. These people suffer from Victimism.

But there is not one single act, by anyone among the entire human species, for all of time, that is more destructive to the environment, than to own a car and thus collectively create the need for the Car Cult system (especially Big Infrastructure). It is not just the gas being burned; it goes way–way beyond that.

It is environmental hypocrisy is to give your money to corporations (e.g. Big Oil), who in turn, do things that cause harm to the environment, and then blame only them for this action. This is not wrong per say, as they are to blame in part, but they get their funding from you! The consumer makes it all possible. The Oil Industry creates an armada of harm, but they would not be in business at near the scale they are today, if it were not for the personal automobile.

That one machine, now times many billions, helped finance a host of other inventions of modernity, like plastics. Now, microplastics are dust in the wind; and, they are hidden in homes.

Air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels is killing us directly, and then the planet indirectly, which will, in turn, further impact human and animal health. If you buy it, or burn it, you are responsible for it, so pointing the finger elsewhere makes you an environmental hypocrite. Love prevents it all!

If you participate in the Car Cult in any way, you demonstrate, to enlightened people and to your Maker, of your complete indifference to the local and global environment, and if you are in any way, trying to pretend to care about the environment, while using cars, you are a hypocrite extraordinaire: A car owning environmentalist is oxymoronic; that is a pseudoenvironmentalist. I will consider you a possible Earth caretaker, after 24 consecutive months of not using a single cup of fossil fuels; not financing any of it.

One person participating wantonly in the Car Cult for 50 years, will do more harm to Earth, than did the entire global population of hominids (the sum of the entire human race) for the first 90% of the human species, did collectively, planet–wide: all of history, and every science known of, declares this fact. As for those who profess Jesus with their lips? They suffer from a special sickness, caused by long–term Spiritual vacuity. Again: Modernity Seen Thru Scripture; Not Scripture Thru Modernity !!

There is simply not one other thing (not any other lifestyle) that any human could do, to demonstrate their disdain and indifference for the YHVH creation (we call Earth), than to participate in or enable the Car Cult. By 2000 AD, the global transportation industry had already done more (short and long–term) damage to Earth, than all wars fought on this planet, collectively. We need homes; we always have, but we do not need cars as they are bad for us all.

Among the Elect of YHVH ― the one accountable adult per multiple million adults (children excluded) ― we painfully know of this cold reality, and so we live our daily lives with that understanding. We purpose to avoid needing money and all the subsequent trappings within Satan's Mammon cult, which must include the Car Cult today. We avoid the need and use of depleting (especially nonrenewable) natural resources, as a living testimony; a lifestyle witness of/to our Master, Messiah Yeshua (Matt 5:14–16).

We, the Elect of YHVH, care 100% what YHVH thinks of us always, and 0% what any other living entity, thinks of us, ever, because we know that we have only One Judge (Rom 2:5–11). Conversely, the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, including Satan's culturally christianized churched, are conquered continuously by what other people think of them (even at church no less); assuredly, their lifestyles are the eyewitness against them.

Those who went out from us, but were not of us (1st John 2:18–29), are the christianized churched, who live as Satan guides them, all the while mocking YHVH, as anti-Messiahs, via their lifestyles, by pretending to belong to Christ. It is a mockery (Gal 6). And such mockery is the sin above all other possible sin–acts; such are the chiefs of all sinners.

Temptation Nation: Satan's Christianized America! (Back)

The Judge (Messiah Yeshua) on your Day of Judgment, will cast the vast majority of human Souls into the blackness of Darkness; the empty expanses of deep deep outer space (all of Matt 25) until the final annihilation (the Big Crunch perhaps? Galaxy eating black holes?), countless millions millennia from now. Then it will all start again! YHVH wants and needs servants; it is a very big universe for sure.

In the void of outer darkness, the incorporeal human masses will eventually discover, via their neverending repeated memories (Matt 13:36–50), how many times they experienced YHVH truth (like right now); how many times they were ministered to by a Messianic disciple; how many times unaware that an angel was there (Heb 13:1–3), but who instead, declared and reinforced the superpower of volition: Pride–ego–emotion won again and again, even until the last second of consciousness.

Those willing to cause such suffering, within their own families and upon other families, are desperate to keep up with the Joneses just so they will be accepted by the human masses; the worldly that they are fully embedded with, and invested in (1st John 2:15–17). They cannot (and thus will not) live a lifestyle that reflects Messiah Yeshua: They remain trapped in the shoebox of blind Enculturation. The local church business theaters will provide assurances, via their entertaining (psycho emotional masturbation for a tithe) production monologues, thus securing their eternal doom (Matt 7:13–23; Luke 13:24–28).

The hunger–lust of the Spiritually lost, to be automaton–drones; to blindly follow those around them just so they can belong and be accepted by them, is so overwhelmingly powerful that one must question if this is even possible within the human brain alone, or, if we are witness to how demons infect, affect, and effect, the actions (and inactions) within unsuspecting people.

I would be mortified if I spent one second, cradle to grave, caring one dot, what any other mere mortal, thought of me in that regard. My only duty is to mirror Messiah Yeshua, even if I were diametrically opposed or rejected by every other human being in existence forever. But the desperation for the approval of others, is a tell in itself, of ones Spiritual vacuity.

Nevertheless, the self–justification is always the same (from kids as well as immature adults): Everyone else is doing it! Such blind followship is hard for me, or any Love centered individual, to process, and more difficult to watch. But self–justification always involves a redirect; a diversion; any exposure received is instantaneously reflected onto another: Well you do this or that too! It is not just an lack of inwardness, it soon becomes a mentality.

When the proverbial light is shined upon them (or is just near them), they are quick to avoid it (John 3:19–21). They are like nocturnal animals that are at first shocked, and then run, whenever a bright light is shined upon them in their darkness. There is never acceptance, or confession, or repentance; after all, a man does not need to seek or receive forgiveness if he has done no wrong, right?

Blessed are you, when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven; for so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and trodden under the foot of men.
You are the light of the world! A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, so it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.
(Matt 5:11–16)

But the christianized do! Conscious Awareness may sound simple; even natural: But precious few ever achieve it (though every person that will be resurrected, will be masters of it). The very nature of the Messiah Scriptures revolves around awareness, or enlightenment, for it is (among others) a central feature of ultimate wisdom and eternal destiny, which is why the propitiation was needed; to make the Indwelling Holy Spirit possible to begin with; to move us from mere primates and into glorious humans being, via the power of YHVH–Love within us.

The Indwelling Holy Spirit serves primarily to "disenculturate" us; from there we begin the radical change in our lifestyle (John 18:33–37): We are no longer a part of this, the World, and its Satan inspired human drama addictions. The Messianic disciples (as opposed to the merely culturally christianized), do not live like most of the worldly; this, as a lifestyle witness, as well as an act of Love for others.

We do not expect to make disciples from this (i.e. evangelical proselytization); however, those who are being called by YHVH, independent of us, will thus be attracted to those living a Messiah centered discipleship; hence, the concept to reality, which is lifestyle evangelism (Matt 5:13–16): Be the change you want to see in the world! I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day!

This life was/is a testing ground to allow superpower endowed, volitional, freewill beings, choice (volition + options = character, for good or for evil): Either to volitionally live as servants of an Eternal Master, or, to be lords themselves, here on Earth. There will only be One Lord in Heaven. Meaning Can Only Be Unlocked When Circumstance Supplies The Key !!

Therefore, the Cross was about making Messiah in you, a possibility, and that was/is necessary to take us from Spiritual blindness, and into the glorious light of YHVH: Was blind but now I see! That propitiation made it possible for sin capable beings to be filled with the all empowering Holy Spirit; Messiah in you (Rom 8:9–11; John 14 & 15).

The Cross created a propitiation pathway unto Salvation, in the now; while we are yet (still) sinners; it is what allows the Holy Spirit to occupy my Soul. Assuredly, unholy spirits can occupy the souls of all others, because there is no one good among us; no, not one (Rom 3)!

The only thing that keeps unholy spirits (demons) from yoking with the Souls of the Saved, in the Great Barrier, Ruach HaKodesh! The Holy Spirit occupies the Elect of YHVH, so to use us Messianic disciples in this world. It is not to empower us to be more worldly, but rather, to lose all interest in the World.

Messiah Yeshua said that the tree is known by the fruit it bears! Put another way: We Are What We Do And No More! We are the sum of our actions and inactions; a compilation which is our lifestyle. How we live is the only true testimony (or test–of–money) of our Spiritual status, because religious affiliation, like personality, is but a mask of the true self; a distraction from actual Messiah centered living.

Therefore, we the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, live as unto Christ and "not" as unto culture. Consequently, and like the temple moneychangers, a church with a parking lot is an oxymoron (or fruit?) to all who live by daily dying, within Kingdom living, which manifests in planetary stewardship, as second nature. The very notion of the Car Cult (and all that it brings), is a heinous sin–evil to all abiding under the Messianic Cross.

It is easy to see just how the indifferent or Loveless, the bulk of the human species is. They have to know that fossil fuels are a planetary resource; it is not, and never was, the personal property of a few thousand individuals that will only live in the 19th & 20th & 21st century's; to enrich themselves well beyond reason or need. They have to know that fossil fuels belong to all humanity, from the first of us until the last of us. But one must understand how the Loveless indifference, will function, in comparison to the 1/10th of 1% of us, as accountable adult humans, the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH!

The Elect of YHVH are the outspoken Messianic disciples of all generations (post Messiah of the 1st century); our identity is that, first and foremost. What we do in the world is minuscule when compared to our professed identity, for it is not what we do, it is who we are; it is why we are! What we are forced to do in the World, with regard to any parts of Satan's earthly trinity, is not who or what we are, it is what we must endure while trapped on a planet owned by YHVH but governed by god Satan, and his human masses of corporeal puppets.

The Hydrocarbon People: Destroyers of Worlds! (Back)

History will refer to a specific, dozen generation group of humans, by an appropriate title: Destroyers of Worlds! They will be the indifferent who created and maintained the Car Cult, which obviously includes the hydrocarbon industry, with all its collective planet killing Heavy Infrastructure, its stunning toxicity, and its everlasting junk heap that will infect all future generations, and well beyond humanity itself.

The toxic sludge of Satan's human masses will infect Earth for millions of years after the last human. Obviously, YHVH cannot resurrect these people into everlasting corporeal bodies, and then park them on yet another planet. No, they must and will, be cast into outer darkness, so that they can no longer infect other worlds, or be participants in the wanton annihilation of entire species that YHVH created to be there. YHVH will provide new virgin planets in other solar systems for the Elect of YHVH to enjoy.

Future generations of Earthlings is still questionable, due to the fact that humans are draining Earth of hydrocarbons at an alarming rate, and, Earth was designed to hold those countless multiple–quintillion barrels of "black gold" (Earth blood) as an integral part of its geophysical structure. Replacing some of it with seawater will not work long–term; people will one day know this and will not like the results. Nevertheless, YHVH allowed it to be found and exploited, as part of the greater test of do not touch that Eve!

Life on Earth has moved well into the Eschaton Era, with a summary of life itself, being little more than a power show of the egocentric power drunk hierarchical wealth–class, playing their own personal Game of Thrones; those power trip games, with the rest of us merely the collateral damage; the masses being nothing more than their audience.

After all, you cannot be a lord without subjects to lord over. The rich and powerful, live only to serve the rich and powerful, and wealth hoarding is itself, symptomatic of Spiritual depravity, which is a moral decay that must and will lead to extreme ethical compromises.

These inherited traditions of westernization, summed up in Satan's prized model of social stratification, and possible, only with a global monetary system; all of it has been mindlessly repeated by the automaton–drone masses; those who suffer from blind Enculturation, who continue to support morbidly corrupted power systems, built from the backs of the masses, via tithes, taxes, and cuts.

But these wanton injustices ― most all of them created for or perpetuated by the attorney–class; the Law lords in concert with their bedfellows the politicians ― will be destroyed, but only upon the return of The King, Messiah Yeshua, and not one day before Him.

However, if YHVH decides that earthlings are not worth the effort, we will assuredly implode and become extinct in a blink of geological time; sounds almost prophetic doesn't it! Just know this: Everything that a person learns, does not have to be everything believed. The wise learn much that may not be agreeable, but knowing what others learn, helps us to reason with them on eternally relevant matters.

Tithing To Satan: Investors In The Eschaton Era! (Back)

Satan and his trillion demon army, has not so much as moved one grain of sand, one micrometer, anywhere on Earth, ever or forever: They are incorporeal (or nonphysical) beings after all; they cannot be seen or heard or felt. So how then, does Satan and crew, pose such an eminent and comprehensive danger to all life on Earth? Why so many warnings from Messiah Yeshua? Simple! Satan works exclusively through humans. We learn this lesson over and again, not only within the Messiah Scriptures, but also in the entire corporeal world itself.

All of life itself, is the collective empirical evidence for this occurring, but only for those with Spiritual eyes/ears to see/hear it (Matt 13). All end–time events will be caused, only by the human masses, who are covertly but measurably moved by Satan, the god of this world (or just simply, god), during this human age or era of planet Earth's lifespan.

The christianized are also not aware of the Eschaton Era; they are in fact, collaborators and participants of (and in) Eschaton events; they are coworkers with Satan to bring about the Eschaton doom. Under the spells of temptation, participation in the Car Cult, is but one (but one major) outward manifestation of the Faithless Loveless masses, surrendering unto the will of their lord Satan; drenched in the many and creative temptation products that they swim in continuously. Consumerism itself is just one big party of sin–evil.

For these capitalistic consumerist, as the mammon–serving masses (the christianized most assuredly included), they could not even imagine, not being conquered by the demon hoards that hourly infect their every thought and action; they cannot fathom, not swimming in the pool of Satan's neverending temptations: They abhor the Disciples prayer of Matt 6:9–13.

Therefore, they have no other option but to rationalize the daily lifestyle of consumerism and debt, as well as other automaton–drone manifestations of their devout worldliness. They do have one other option: Surrender unconditionally and completely unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to the sum of this life.

They must die to ego, pride, emotion, earthly dreams and pursuits, and be born again (reborn) as a radically different entity, freed from blind enculturation and mindless followship. Judas Iscariot knew that those 30 pieces of silver would ruin him, but he could not say no; well he could, but he did not. Predestination: You Can; You Should; But You Won't !!

It is heartbreaking to be eyewitness to the brutal lifestyles of the money dependent Satan serving masses that surround me; all the Loveless materialistic consumer drones, living here in the USA (Sodom 2.0). My life is complete to overflowing (John 4:10–14 & 7:37–39), but the masses around me, grope in their Spiritual Darkness, trying to keep up with (and compete for) the products of their blind enculturation.

The Satan inspired, know not what they do (Luke 23:33–34): They actually believe they need cars (and literal tons of other things); they are willing daily to put so many people at risk, just to not walk; just to roll around all over the asphalt Sheol, which is the now asphalt surfaced, face of Earth, while trying desperately to fill the Spiritual voids that is the root cause of their peaceless state of (eternally meaningless) ambitions. This explains why this world is now economic, political, and militant; why there are few makers and so very many takers, and a plethora of planet polluting meaningless BS jobs.

The worldly masses, actually believe they must go into debt to live; to make never enough money to fuel this madness. They look upon all other people as a potential resource; everyone they look upon is calculated and scanned for what they can bring to them monetarily or sexually; in a word, objectification.

Humans have long ago, forgotten that YHVH provides 100% of all that we need, from the renewable and sustainable natural world; plants and trees, lakes and streams, provide an abundance to all who Labor with their hands (Eph 4:28; Matt 6).

We can obtain all our own organic food sources, and build our own homes, mortgage free and debt free, and live a simple and contented life, without the curse of Mammon. We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, do not look upon people as a potential sale, or any type of a personal potential resource: We are freed from this bondage. We get all from YHVH. We labor with our hands the good things, leaving behind the unnecessary. Other people can then be, to me, what the truly are; people that my Master died for, and who harbor eternal Souls of incalculable worth.

But the masses have no other choice but to kill the metaphorical messenger, and justify themselves, for example, by thinking or saying that I must be on a computer and the Internet, which all costs money, and that part is true. It is the Eschaton Era after all, and, it is the twenty first (and last) Century, and so things will not be anything like it was, for the bulk of human time.

I live in Sodom 2.0, where money is god, and the barometer of all things; where the monetization of everything sacred, including people, cannot happen fast enough. I live the life I would like to see in the world, but I am only one. And 99.85% of the rest of humanity are drones of their Enculturation; hence, the global Car Cult, plus mass consumerism and materialism, as desperation to fill Spiritual voids.

Climate Change Denial, The Noah Paradox & Personal Greenwashing! (Back)

Twisted logic sounds something like this inside the unenlightened mind; these loops of self–justification become more pronounced in the demon–controlled, schizo–maniac brain:

If climate change is really human–induced, that means that I am personally and economically responsible for this, as a purchaser of fossil fuel products that I burn–burn–burn into the atmosphere, to avoid walking and Simple living. I know that my lifestyle actions pollute the air and water and soil, which my family and all other life on Earth, needs; but hey, everyone else is doing it, right? Hey, I'm the victim here!
Therefore, I choose "not" to believe that my actions affect the local or global climate; that my commitment to my daily lifestyle, does no harm, because that would make me feel guilty, and that's a negative; after all, I'm a good taxpaying tithing religious citizen, right? Right! Therefore, climate change is a hoax; or, it's naturally occurring and god is in control. It has to be anything but my responsibility, to be held accountable for on Judgment Day!

Now, learn a parable of the fig tree: When its branch is yet tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. So likewise, when you shall see all these things, will know that it is near, even at the doors. Amen, I say unto you: This generation shall not pass until all these things are fulfilled. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour, no man knows; no, not the angels of Heaven, but My Father only.
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be!
(Matt 24:32–39)

The only people who are 100% responsible for all the cataclysmic damage manifest in climate change, are those who buy and burn fossil fuels. It does not matter if one believes, or does not believe, that doing so is harmful; the act of doing so is the problem. Only the collective of people doing so are the problem. If a person believes in climate change, then buys and burns it anyway, these hypocrites are worse then those who deny climate change.

Ego–centrism is all about guilt, shame and condemnation, which leads to fear, paranoia and denial, which is what causes all forms of denial, which would naturally include climate change denial. Then cognitive dissonance pushes people to redefine everything that contradicts with their lifestyle choices, which they will not change when facing facts that paint them as bad or evil or wrong. Love = Do No Harm! Knowing what harms and doing it anyway, is physical court–worthy evidence of Lovelessness; the Pandemic of Indifference!

Every non–moron knows that a Supreme Being does not come around while we are asleep and refill Earth with fossil fuels. Therefore, every non–moron knows that all nonrenewable resources will be depleted at some future date, and that date will be in this century. That means they must know they are consuming fossil fuels at astounding rates, which will leave all future progeny without any of it.

Now, if 8 billion people (circa 2025), need to consume a million years worth of nonrenewable resources, every 1 year, how then will 10 billion or more people, be able to survive with none whatsoever? So, the current solution to the absence of an actual solution, is denial of it, and that requires we teach others that what is really happening as a result of lifestyle choices, is not what is actually happening; that Climate Change is really just Climate Variations or Climate Trends; a natural phenomenon that would occur without humans.

In these situations I always ask, what the 12 to 18 billion humans will do for energy, from 2500 AD thru 25,000 AD. Always always, it starts with a blank stare or (what I call) mental drift; this is because they have not, for a second of their Earth life so far, even thought about future progeny. They respond anywhere from I do not know to I do not care! Not caring is at least an honest answer. My hope is they will begin to think about others but themselves in the now, but I will not be holding my breath for it.

The Eschaton Era, and most notably the current dystopia of the Anthropocene, was all foreseen by ancient prophets, who had visions and dreams of our time, even though they had no way, at the time, to describe it accurately, based upon their ancient and simple experiences and basic enculturation paradigms. Empowered by Ruach HaKodesh, today's Messianic disciples can extrapolate it well; Oracles are gifted exactly like they were in the 1st century, as Messianic disciples.

But just as these prophecies were expounded upon by Messiah Yeshua (Luke 17:20–33), the Eschaton Era cannot be complete without the masses (and especially Satan's Christianized), denying till the end that they are doing anything harmful, or that anything bad is coming; the Noah Paradox! And all this while climate change is devastating Earth right under their feet. Oh, the everlasting and formidable power of Satanic pride, the most deadly of all sin–evils!

The planet trasher and polluter, cannot (and thankfully will not) be Resurrected; to be given a physical body and placed upon another still virgin planet elsewhere, regardless of how much religion product they purchase or consume or attend or enable. YHVH will protect the Elect of YHVH, from those who demonstrate their indifference (or Lovelessness) in the here and now; verily, that is what this life is all about. At least, it is to those with even a small amount of living Faith in the resurrection; in an afterlife (Heb 11:1; Rom 5:1–5; Eph 3:14–21).

What we do know is that everyone ignored the warnings of Noah, until it was too late; so too, will it be in the prophetic Eschaton Era (Heb 11:6–7; 1Pe 3:15–22). Pride is the eternal doom of the masses, and they will take Earth down with them. The 5–A is/will happen: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse!

Thankfully for us purposed stewards of all YHVH created, there are plenty of planets to serve out our eternality (Isa 65:17; Rev 21:1–5). The vacuum of empty space, far beyond all star matter, will be the unfortunate destiny for the Souls of the (human and demon) masses on Broadway unto the Abyss (Matt 6:22–24 & 7:13–15 & 22:13; Jude). We have been warned about the Eschaton Era:

Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disrespectful to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent; fierce; despisers of those that are good; traitors; headstrong; aristocratic; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti 3:1–7)   {cf. Rom 1; James 5}

Humans have always been proud, self-important and rebellious; these are common character traits. So how do we differentiate these common traits, with what is happening now? All the other things on top of that, which were not so common; devout Mammon service; the global consequences of the Monetizers; but most prominent is the stunning volumes of evidence supporting the fact that climate change is human caused, and yet, so many who study and know the scriptures, still cannot come to the knowledge of those truths. They are too gullible to have the mind of Messiah guiding them; instead they are guided by demonic forces.

I describe Personal Greenwashing slightly different than, say, someone who still consumes fossil fuel products, but who deflects by targeting another person or business who is also guilty of such hypocrisy. Personal Greenwashing is like Corporate Greenwashing, in that it too, points elsewhere; it is all deflection (target relocation). Those who care little about Earth or future progeny, try to make it appear as if they care, by claiming small acts, such as among the 7–R: Refuse; Reduce; Reuse; Repair; Recycle; Repurpose; Recover!

But as proven throughout here, the personal car is 99%+ of one consumerists true ecological footprint. If one followed the 7–R's religiously, in a century it will still not add up to a year with a car! The other things that can be included in ones ecological footprint are homes and food; however, we cannot do without food, and we should not have to give up shelter. I follow the 7–R, but Not owning a car for 2 decades is mainly why I have a tiny ecological footprint.

For most people, the plastics they buy in shopping comes in the form of packaging, not the shopping bag itself; that ratio would be hundreds to one with shopping bags being minuscule by comparison. One typical Walmart plastic bag weighs .20 ounces, times 80 equals 1 pound. The average plastics used in one average car is 411 pounds, or the equivalent of 32,880 bags. 1 car! And just its plastic contents! Urban Tanks use even more.

It takes a half gallon of crude oil to make 1 pound of plastic (Source). It takes 2.3 gallons of crude oil to produce 1 gallon of gasoline (Source). If a car gets 20 MPG, and it has the latest start-stop technology, and was driven 5 miles (10 miles round trip) to a recycling center, that driver burnt the crude oil equivalent of 1 pound of plastic. So no matter how one justifies the belief that they care, math exposes everything!

Oracles are greatly commissioned to expose extreme dangers, like that of the planet–killing, supernaturally inspired, Car Cult: Oracles are among the resources that YHVH inspirationally uses as exposition; this page is one example. Obviously I do not own cars, and, owning cotton shopping bags, I reuse plastic shopping bags, used for wet or sweaty items, as trash bags, as I do not buy bags made only for trash, and never have.

Indeed, we all should focus on all we do, to protect Earth, owned only by YHVH as Theos. But everyone needs to move away from the most destructive lifestyle choices, long before sweating the small stuff. Personal Greenwashing works by creating distractions from ones personal responsibilities via their big–ticket items, such as unnecessary cars, which humans thrived without for a million years 1900 AD.

Victimism is the paradigm; Social Media is now the main vehicle for ego masturbation, to dull the guilt–shame–condemnation of living lifestyles as anti-Messiahs. One who searches this out will find that those who contribute to these, rarely focus on the big–ticket items, especially those they will not live without, like the Car Cult!

They own a car, and fully intend to continue to use it; to buy into all they are sold and told to be and to do and to buy, and as a result of that gullible acquiescence, they need outlets to fake care about Earth and progeny and life. So, they go to sites dedicated to the environment (e.g.), and talk about how good they are by recycling bags, or reusing this or that. But these are all distractions; they desperately need to see self as the environmentally conscious good guys.

And yet, they never talk about surrendering their addiction to the Car Cult (way over 99% of their total footprint); instead, inside its guilt–shame–condemnation and its subsequent cognitive dissonance, there flows a litany of very tiny steps that collectively, will not even slightly mitigate the ecological damage done by the mere construction of their cars; forget all they do post–sales; set aside the massive devastation that the supporting Heavy Infrastructure does, apart from cars.

Indeed, the bulk of humanity declared war on Earth long ago, but really it was a war on the One who created it for us: YHVH! Abuse is the only way they can exhibit their disdain for their Creator. The bold defiance and open rebellion against YHVH, by the Car Cult partakers and enablers, is both profound and haunting, especially of the stark oblivion to the defiance itself; to the rebellion against YHVH that even the bible–thumping churched–religious, cannot see in themselves.

A thousand generations of people, lived the bulk of their waking lives, dedicated to bringing down Earth, and all that it represents, and as fast as it is possible to do. Their cognitive dissonance is what fuels their stored anger at the world; they eventually must vent that vitriol, and Social Media is a great way to do that from behind the shield of anonymity. Lacking any self–awareness, blameshifting is the norm; the greater horror is that they cannot see any other way to live.

Blameshifting is only temporary; eventually everyone will have to face their Maker and make an account for all their choices and lifestyle decisions. If they do not allow the Indwelling Holy Spirit to work from with in them, to bring all their actions and non actions, up and to their minds surface, so it all can be acknowledged, and then repented of, it remains in that metaphorical basement, awaiting Judgment Day.

During this life, cognitive dissonance is the result of keeping sin–evil in their metaphorical basement; its byproducts are the proof of all of this. They deny the sin–evil that shapes their Earth life, and as a result, it gets stuffed ever deeper into that basement. Religions offer a way out of dealing with the sin–evil that shapes their Earth life, but it too fails.

All the byproducts of cognitive dissonance, are fear and self–loathing, anger and bitterness, resentment, retaliation and revenge, rebellion and defiance, lawlessness, the exploitation of others and the Earth, and so on; a long list that is basically anything that even has a chance of harming Earth or other living beings. Cars kill or maim hundreds of humans and animals every second!

Most people must assign responsibility, and the blame, onto others; it is the fault of Big Car and Big Oil and Big Infrastructure and Big Business in general. But Big Oil did not sell one gallon of gasoline between (say) 500 BC and 1900 AD: This is because it did not exist yet. The same can be said for anything; no one forces anyone to buy anything, anywhere or ever. Opposing cars, I never make purchases at gas pumps.

No Big Business or Industry forces anyone to do anything in the capitalist/consumerist world. There are not Real Estate Gestapos going about forcing people to buy suburban homes or rent urban apartments; there are no Education Industry Enforcers making people pay for educations; no one is coerced to buy (or do) anything. People choose volitionally if they will Labor for their basic needs inside a Simple living paradigm, or not.

Big Oil does not go door to door, forcing residents to buy their products; everyone collectively volunteers to do so. They go out, buy a car that needs gasoline, and then they go to the gas station often, and they do all of this without any coercion; it is all monkey–see–monkey–do! And then when that causes them stress, they blameshift it. And we actual Simple living folk, are forced into the sum consequences of these people and their Car Cult. I for one am all for leaving it in the ground.

Today, there is a much greater weapon for the individual; cars have become the single greatest lifestyle choice that ever existed in the human race, wherein one person over a lifetime, can cause as much devastation by compilation, as anyone could in past generations, even with large armies. Earth itself, has become a (proverbial) giant tumor in the solar system; a floating evidence ball to this onslaught.

In fact, the entire human race globally, was not as destructive to Earth, as will one westernized modern family with a big home and two cars in the driveway. These people do more damage per day than most humans did per lifetime, prior to the Industrial Revolution (or revolt). Measurable fact. Fascinating! Horrifying!

But the planetary cataclysms and apocalyptic events could not happen without these very people, numbering in the billions, to be here, living as they do, and continuing to do so, via denial until the end. The Eschaton Era will be brought about, by the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people, who will live and die, without so much as a conceptualization of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Crucified): They are Satan's puppets on a string!

But what makes these particular people so much more evil than most, is their self–righteousness; that they praise Jesus while being some of the most evil people on Earth forever. They target the sins of others to deflect from the reality of their own; self–righteousness is cloak; a a confession of an even greater sin–evil within. The sin–evil of hypocrisy is epidemic among Christians, but Satan lusts to use Christians most of all, to do his bidding. Christendom Does Not Represent Messiah Yeshua !!

I envision YHVH will one day transport other beings from other parts of the universe, here to our solar system, to marvel as they look upon Earth. Not subject to time, they will get to see the majesty of Earth from the time just before the first humans, all the way through the last century of the anti-Messianic human infestation. Earth will be devastated; its natural state demolished by a collective of sin–evil.

They will get a front row seat to see the stark and grievous contrast between what YHVH had originally created and intended, and then what happens when demon driven billions of volition super–powered beings, are allowed the time and freedom to kill, to steal, and to destroy (John 8:44 & 10:10); thus revealing the mercy behind why YHVH placed the eternal Souls of these masses into the lifeless Abyss; the extreme outer Darkness of empty lifeless space.

It is heartbreaking for certain; we who Love, just as our Lord demonstrated in detail upon the Messianic Cross, we are heavily grieved at being eye–witnesses to this planet–wide onslaught of the YHVH creation. We know that most people are selling their Soul's unto Satan; that they are dedicating their Earth–life to eternally lost causes; that they have been trapped by/in Enculturation.

We Messianic disciples know they are making poor life–choices, such as the Car Cult, because of the influences of the evil one: And we wish they did not. But the super–power of volition prohibits us from altering their corporeal course; we can only be the change we wish to see in them, in this life, in the World, and hope they recognize it and the wisdom of it (lifestyle evangelism).

Replacing Animal Kingdom With Car Kingdom! (Back)

The atheistic human masses (religious or not) literally invest their lifetime on Earth, dedicated to the wanton destruction of the only human home in the universe. The gods of men are cars: They conquer Earth; they shape Earth; they define the future of Earth! The car–god–serving masses, exist only to hurriedly pave the entire surface of Earth, and creating mayhem globally, all in the devout service of the gods of men.

Already, they have destroyed most of the animal kingdom to make way for the now massive and space intensive Car Cult, complete with parking lots and asphalt slabs (Sheol), and road scars, from sea to dying sea. (Wild Mammals Make Up Only a Few Percent of the World's Mammals). Cities remove most trees because trees do not mix well with anti–natural places dominated by asphalt, glass and steel; there is much work {$} keeping nature away from the human centered world.

These spaces where once and forever past, filled with trees and animals of all sorts, as well as the sum of the YHVH created natural world; Earth once thrived naturally for countless millennia. The roadways that now scar the planet have cut off natural migrations to those pockets of what remains of nature. The environmental impact of roads is well documented, and concrete is a massive CO2 emitter.

Roadkill in the USA alone is a million daily! Daily! One could extrapolate that number to a global level, given that the US is under 5% of the total world population and only 6% of global landmass.

"In 2023, the highway network {alone} in the United States had a total length of around 4.2 million statute miles. One statute mile is approximately equal to 5,280 feet. The United States has one of the most extensive road networks worldwide." (Source)

Needless to say, by their actions and inaction, and lifestyle choices, the Car Cultists demonstrate a deep abhorrence for animals, or, it is an open indifference for all life in general: The Opposite of Love Is Indifference !! Assuredly, it is fruit–evidence (Matt 7:16–20). Roadkill is a horrifyingly perpetual exhibition of utter mercilessness!

But the open denial, the self–justifications, and the rationalizations for such blind followship, is exactly why they are eternally doomed (religious or not). They cannot repent and stop, and so, they only have one other option; they justify themselves (Luke 16:13–15). There are people who own cars, and who actually believe they are good or caring or Loving people; the collective delusion is brazen to the Spiritually sighted, but the masses are unconscious to it: Personal Greenwashing thrives in Social Media!

And this collective delusion exists, even though there is little more one could do, to demonstrate ones indifference (or Lovelessness) so conclusively, here in modern times. Every car is one cancer cell in a globally metastasized tumor. They are willing participants in the single greatest bloodbath, ever perpetrated by the human species: the Car Cult and the War of Cars. To then see ones self as anything but raw evil, explains why Broadway is wide and Narrow Way is narrow (again, Matt 7): Denial of ones own evil is terrifying.

Assuredly, the Faithless Loveless human masses ― the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized ― long ago declared war on YHVH and the natural (garden of Eden) world that YHVH created. And every following generation says: Hell yes, let's keep tearing it up! Burn–burn–burn! We are now on a human–centric planet, redesigned by/for people only (Read: What's Traditional Development).

Even National Parks have become little more than giant drive–thru Zoos, looked upon by children as some foreign or forgotten ancient world that should be kept isolated; animals admired but confined to keep them separated from the ever–expanding atheistic human infestation that has cursed this planet, which is created and owned, only by YHVH.

Thankfully for us (infinitesimal few) faithful stewards of all YHVH creations, there are many more virgin planets to serve out our eternality in the service of our only King, Lord and Master. Earth will be rendered uninhabitable for the lifeforms that YHVH created, from it and for it; however, its eventual existence as a relatively dead planet in the universe, will serve as a floating monument of how Satan and evil beings (corporeal and incorporeal) can be destroyers of worlds: Earth is hopefully the last such planetary casualty.

Like my Master, I volitionally lived unhoused for a time, utilizing urban area homeless shelters in the dead of winter, and otherwise sleeping outside; camping and walking miles into an urban area to coffee shops early in the mornings to warm up, and to get online with my old laptop to write for my Master. But then I got too old for living without shelter in winter. Besides, it was a trial to live among atheistic people who look down upon those, Messiah Yeshua actually sought out (Matt 8:19–20; Luke 9:57–58).

Furthermore, it is illegal, not to bow to the commandments of lord Mammon, as written by Satan's attorney–class; the Law lords, here in the capitalist plutocratic corporatocracy of the Eschaton Era. But I wanted to try to live without any money, and I never begged or borrowed or took money from anyone.

It is illegal to be Homeless, or even to homestead, anywhere in the capitalist plutocratic corporatocracy; illegal to grow food without a land deed, on a planet that is owned, only by YHVH, without first giving money to the sedentary handout taker parasites and economic predators among us: The dystopia is here and it is real!

The last truly free humans on North America were (yep) Americans; the Native Americans, and for many generations prior to the American Holocaust at the hands of the European anti-Messiahs, roaming Earth seeking whom they may devour (1Pe 5:8). They set out to monetize the entire planet, and they are still on that warpath, with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other, and driven passionately by demonic pride–ego–emotion; hungry for power in any/all forms, and afraid of losing power; fearful of death because they are eternally doomed; even the religious know it.

The Faithless Loveless human masses, despise Adonai our Elohim, and so they live atheistic lifestyles, one of which is to lay a monetary claim to land, even though (in fact) no man owns this earth we're on ⊛. But this is how men play gods on Earth, and why they are eternally doomed, no matter how religious they are. But those who enable them will be considered collaborators by YHVH on their Judgment Day.

Being utterly conquered by pride–ego–emotion, they will not consciously know that they are eternally doomed. Spiritual blindness means an oblivion to self, with the superpower of volition to justify it all away, because there is far too much pride to swallow, for YHVH to ever draw them, even near to the Messianic Cross, much less to live under it.

Owning a car and/or partaking in the Car Cult, is by itself, a brazen act of indifference unto all life on Earth. The single greatest short and long–term health risk to all human progeny, is the overwhelming Car Cult, which is also a major player piece in the Eschaton Era and its ultimate destruction of mammalian life on Earth.

Air pollution is now the worlds largest single environmental health risk! But there is really only two options in this life; justify the lifestyle one is already dedicated to living, or, surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die completely to the self that currently reigns supreme. The only other option is acquiescence.

Armageddon: Financed At The Pump! (Back)

First By Flood Then By Fire !! The Great Flood! The Big Burn! (2Pe 3 a throughout the metaphors of Rev). Such cataclysms were foreseen by several oracles millennia ago. The dystopia we live in, here in the 20th and 21st (and last human) century, does not even look dystopian to the masses; they see modernity as normal, but it is far from that.

Indeed, it is insanity to all sane people, which currently are a tenth of one percent, and just among accountable adults. The prophetic signs of the Eschaton Era are the 5–A's: Anthropocene; Apostasy; Abomination; Apocalypse; Armageddon! Part of that prophesy is the collective denial of it all, until the end or the point of no return. Fascinating! Horrifying!

The car culture is really the Car Cult: It fits this description best, and it will be the major player in the Eschaton Era events. The Car Cult exposes those likely destined unto eternal damnation, because they are people who knowingly and willingly, put self and others in extreme danger, by hurdling down paved roads inside of a ton of metal and glass, at speeds the human body (the Temple of YHVH) was not created to experience; hence, the many millions of deaths by blunt force trauma. And for what? Fun? Laziness? Money?

When the anti-Messianic religious suffer or die in this way, they always try to extrapolate some deeper or Spiritual meaning from it, due to the emotional suffering of such losses. But if there is a Spiritual lesson here, it is to "not" partake in such brazen sin acts to begin with. Any act that has even a small risk of harming others, is an exhibition of indifference, or Lovelessness. Psychologists gave us the terms psychopath and sociopath, but these are just labels for the Loveless.

Like the (now known) dangers of tobacco consumption, all Love–driven people are also fully (and fearfully) aware that motor vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death among children in the USA; that cars are the biggest source of air pollution; that the oil wars will be key to Armageddon, and to enable it all, at the pump and the car dealership, makes one a collaborator; guilty by association, and thus righteously judged accordingly.

Anyone knowing these facts (and more), would have to be indifferent (or Loveless), even to contemplate placing a child in a motor vehicle; even to own one or associate self with the Car Cult. But this is the central theme here; without the Spiritual enlightenment of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the bulk of humanity live in Spiritual Darkness (churched or not), and thus, they cannot see what is being communicated. Anyone can read and comprehend these words, but only YHVH can change the heart–mind–Soul, which in turn, always radically changes lifestyles.

It is analogous to describing a mountainscape to one who has seen nothing but blackness (those born eye blind); they can understand the words but they will never actually see it: Blind enculturation will determine the eternal fate of the masses. Even reading these words; I am sure that all of this seems alien to the bulk of humanity (1Pe 2:9–12; 2Co 6:14–18); even unto the churched (the anti-Messianic religious; the counterfeits).

The local churches are nothing more than justification filling stations; the glue stuck adherents will pull in weekly to fill up on validation for the anti-Messianic religious lifestyle that they, and their church professionals, all share in. This collective denial manifests in cognitive dissonance, which they masterfully twist into some form of Victimism, with the subsequent victory being in Christ. Anathema!

Apart from unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua ― a subsequent death to this life, followed by a metaphorical defibrillation back to Life by Ruach HaKodesh ― the Spiritually blind have no other choice, but to follow those in front of them (Matt 15:13–14; Luke 6:39–42); they live automaton–drone lifestyles and mentalities of us–against–themism, remaining oblivious to, or just indifferent to how that impacts others.

The ideals of Love neighbor as self; to Love your enemies like you do your own children; these are not only impossible for them to do, it is improbable for them to even comprehend; it is YHVH–Love! Love is a verb: It is the Love exhibited upon the Messianic Cross! Even among the churched they are oblivious to it; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, Xians of Religianity: The Jesus people!

Love is the great mystery! For the bulk of humanity, they live in darkness continuously. It is that state of out of sight out of mind that shapes and drives the Spiritually blinded masses. Therefore, if they do not see suffering, they cannot empathize with it; if they do not personally suffer a loss, they cannot (and do not) relate to others who do. They live in the horrifying shoebox of blind Enculturation: There, life is only what they see and experience. It is not their kids suffering from the consequences of the Car Cult, and so they will continue in it, unabated.

Even parents who have lost children to the Car Cult, will continue in it themselves: A typical sign of any cult is the continued gullibility to those surrounding influences; to justify actions no matter how obvious, how devastating, or how harmful they present. All cultists are convinced that the cult they are in, is not a cult at all, but is a good and righteous thing, and it is everyone else that cannot see it.

Machines Of Empowerment! (Back)

The bulk of humanity thrives (in carnal–primal mode) on competitivism, adversarialism, territorialism, capitalization, dominion, and self–superiority; hence the class systems, the bigotry, patriotism, nationalism, war, and assuredly, any and all manifestations of neighbor hating us–against–themism that perpetuates Victimism, and justifies all evil that trolls the human mind.

They must believe that they are superior to all others; that they are the good guys and those others are the bad guys, but then, mask that reality in superficial socialization ideals; patriotism or nationalism for one. Patriotism is an affront unto the Messianic Cross. Patriotism is to defecate on our Heavenly Father YHVH. Watching people praise the act of Colonialism and dominionship over other people, is anathema nearly unrivaled.

Patriotism Is Satanism! The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof! Humans who think they own any part of it are demonic. To worship any one portion of this planet of YHVH, is sinister, and requires demonic oppression to partake in. The flag waving is itself treachery and occult like.

Almost everything that people have done, or are doing on Earth, is but a compilation of utter Lovelessness. The incurable insanity of the global Car Cult ― and overdependent money dependence in general ― is only one manifestation among hundreds, supporting this fact in/of the Eschaton Era. Cars make people feel empowered; protected; important; superior; entitled; egotistic: And car commercials overwhelmingly display this reality.

People actually gain a self–identity from these purchased machines, even contending over which one is superior to the next. As horrifyingly pathetic as all this competition is to me ― and to anyone who is even in the same galaxy as the "Christ Cross" ― for the mammalian masses, it is all they know or experience: Soulless automaton–drones driven by us–against–themism.

This is all horrifying unto all Love centered people, but it is normal to them; a fate worse than death for me; they will get up tomorrow and blindly rinse and repeat. Again, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, live entirely different existences. The tree is known only by the fruit it bears.

Tailpipes: Personal Smokestacks! (Back)

As a nonparticipant in the Car Cult myself, I experience how dangerous it is to share space, surrounded by the atheistic (and the anti-Messianic) masses, who exist utterly indifferent to how their actions put others in harm or danger; a primary manifestation of the Loveless. The most dangerous situations in my life were not waking through bad neighborhoods; it was crossing roads, or even in parking lots no less!

The greatest danger is when I am around the Car Cultists, who are among the most dangerous beings on Earth: The Car Cultists kill or debilitate more people yearly, than all acts of terrorism and war combined, has globally since the Car Cult began. And the cultist's self–justifications are more horrifying even than global militants and domestic terrorists themselves.

The dangers increase exponentially (esp. for children and the elderly) with the airborne particles created near roadways from brake pads, rust, tires, and a host of other ways that cars deteriorate and expel onto the paved road systems; leaking fluids such as oils, grease, antifreeze and gas, rain–washed into ever dwindling fresh water systems.

All that dust is airborne when cars fly by (or just the wind), creating a concentrated zone of particulate matter (PM). This is not even calculating, and in stunning numbers, the atmospheric gases that are harming all life on this YHVH–created and owned planet; to its biodiversity and eventually its sum.

Owning and using a car is a routine demonstration unto YHVH that you openly and daily do not care if this action (participation in the Car Cult) might very well result in the death of another person: Because, by the gods, I've got shopping to do; mama needs new shoes! In other words, it is your witness unto YHVH (and the infinitesimal Elect) of your indifference (or Loveless state) and the subsequent self serving lifestyle.

This is what this life is all about; it is for YHVH to watch and record what you do, and that collected data will be used, both for and against you on your Day of Judgment. Can you be trusted on a virgin planet for a trillion years? That will be determined by the time/life you demonstrated here, and not by any religious works such as church attendance or the productions therein, and certainly not be self–beliefs, which are always distortions of one's true self: We Are What We Do And No More! Or, the parable of the talents.

Ego Of Car; Idolatry of Car; Real Estate Of Car! (Back)

A car is just an inanimate object; in itself, it is just another human–made machine; parked, it is just a thing, like a nuke in a silo. However, for most it is also an idol; it is an extension of their very identity; a source of personal empowerment. Like guns, cars make people feel bold; brave; superior; invincible; empowered; and the carnal mind loves those feelings, which Satan lusts to masturbate. I call it metal bravery (cars and guns). Without a Messianic identity (The Messiah Identity), the World is all that remains to select from.

But this is exactly how benign, sin always seems, to the unrepentant. Once the pride filled individual decides they are going to do a thing (in this example; participate in the Car Cult), the brain automatically and instantly produces an array of thought packages; self–justifications, rationalizations, and explanations, which serve to justify the act or lifestyle. That very mentality is a sign and symptom of demonic influence; the main cause of cognitive dissonance.

Conversely, the few, the humbled, the redeemed; we carefully and prayerfully consider each and every action and lifestyle choice, holding everything (without exception) against the weight of Scripture. This does not mean that one is to read the bible seeking words that say: Thou shalt not drive cars!

But that is just how people abuse Scripture for self–justification: Bibliolatry! In fact, it is a misnomer that Scripture was written like that at all; as a Law book. There are hundreds of reasons why the bulk of humanity will not be resurrected, and almost none of them are listed quite so perspicuously.

In fact, there is only one Law for the Elect of YHVH: The Royal Law: James 2 and all of Matthew five thru seven. Once you become Love (once you are Love), your lifestyle will be a mirror of Messiah Yeshua, not of your Enculturation; you will have the mind of Messiah (1Co 2:1–16), not any of the self–justifications of men (Luke 16:13–15).

Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, a person exists in a Loveless state, and not only are they Loveless, without Messiah–in–you, a person cannot fathom what Love even is! YHVH is Love and Satan is pride: yet, Loveless people parrot the words "I love you" to others often: Why? Emotions! Because humans have them. But Love is a verb; therefore, not an emotion. What harm is there in saying it? Because it is a mockery of YHVH, and doing so will only serve to further secure ones eternal doom.

The culturally christianized Xians of Religianity will unwittingly pray to their god of this world (2Co 4:1–5) to protect them as they embark in their death trap on wheels; conversely, the Spiritually transformed, Kingdom–living, daily–dying, Spiritually transformed person, never gets into the thing to begin with. It is a mockery to play weekend Christian while living an anti-Messianic lifestyle daily: Assuredly, it is evil, thus explaining the reactive panic (Matt 7:21–23).

But the Faithless Loveless are oblivious to what the Spiritually transformed person sees plainly. The atheistic live exactly like the culture tells them to live; conversely, the Spiritually transformed person lives a Messiah–centric life and lifestyle, considering nothing whatsoever that everyone else is doing. The Spiritually transformed look only to the Cross; the rest only to the culture.

The barometer of the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, is the World itself, and the Mammon lord they serve devoutly; whatever is acceptable in the larger society is replicated by the christianized with ease. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! Christians are (terrifyingly) comfortable with enabling them all.

What separates the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, from the sheer bulk of humanity, is rather simple to comprehend, but nearly impossible to accept, and then live by. All Messianic disciples live purpose driven lifestyles (lives), and that manifests primarily in our dedication to Love–centric ways of thinking and living: We put others before self (Matt 5:43–48; Matt 22:35–40; Rom 13:8–10); we steward Earth as a creation of our Lord; we live separated from the worldly ways, especially the ways of the monetizers.

In that process (within the lifestyle of Love), we daily study life itself, and then dedicate our very existence to living as safely and as simply as it is possible for us. The entire Car Cult is an abject failure, and on so many levels that one would have to literally be indifferent (or Loveless) to continue to participate in it.

But that is exactly how self–justification works; it is an intentional blindness to self; it is to ignore or to rationalize away, this message, and any others likened to it. This is why people deny climate change, though it is now a major part of the Daily News Feeds. This is because they are driven to continue to live as they have been, with no intentions of changing for anyone. And those who suffer are not their problem, as long as it is not someone close to them (2Ti 3).

More cars means more paved surfaces to accommodate them, moving or parked; more gas to power them; way too much natural resources to build them to begin with (and again and again, what, forever?): And more pollution will equate to an increase in related health issues, especially when coupled with urban heat traps, which are mostly caused by the Car Cult.

People are small compared to cars; vehicles take up a lot of space, and having millions of cars all about, creates spatial problems too. If we had 10% of the real estate dedicated to just parked cars, we would end homelessness globally inside a month, and for the rest of this century. Housing for Cars (garages & lots) is big business. We might as well change the name of (planet) Earth to Carpark or just Asphalt!

Humans have already destroyed (too many) millions of acres, in that dogged pursuit of monetizing all of Earth; everything in it or on it, for evermore money: Coal, oil, ore, steel and precious metals, you name it; it is a long list. The Car Cult alone, has been more devastating (in the long run) to Earth, than every construct built upon Earth since the beginning (excluding power plants and its Grid 🎥). And all this, just to "not" walk or bike or PT: Fascinating! Terrifying!

But the effects of the car on societies is far too obvious to logically debate any longer; the harmful effects of vehicle exhaust are conclusive; diabesity only one of many health signals of the anti-Messianic lifestyle–dedicated, Car Cultists.

Car owners are far worse than devout tobacco smokers are about the "car"cinogenic air pollution they create around them. They are too lazy to walk (or bike), and too self–superior to utilize public transportation, as well as being emotionally (psychologically) addicted to cars; therefore, they use the same psychological justification models, as do the suckling tobacco smokers.

These people make it dangerous for those unwilling to participate in the Car Cult, to cycle and walk in urban areas. Because they have acquiesced to the Heavy Infrastructure they inherited fro former generations, they do not possess the (Messianic Cross level) Love necessary to oppose any and all lifestyles that may harm others, they casually go with the flow, and justify it along the way.

Their life would likewise, have to reach terminal, before they would even question their action lifestyle's (the main marker of being pride–conquered); the history of tobacco itself the evidence. There are only two things that motivate all human action and inaction: Love and Law! It took a century for everyone to finally accept the dangers of tobacco smoking, and yet the prevalence of tobacco consumption is still nearly a billion people. All the tobacco incinerated on Earth forever, will not equal what the global Car Cult produces daily.

Living Within The Carcinogen Zones Of The Car Cultists! (Back)

For the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, we honor the Temple of YHVH, as well as the planet of YHVH; however, we also must live on a planet virtually overrun by Satan's human masses. The same self–justifications going through your mind right now, as a person already dedicated to the Car Cult ones entire life, is common among all the anti-Messianic, religious or not, educated or not.

This is the exact same mentality that goes through the minds of the billionaires that profit from the slow death of Earth (past, present, and future), and that is why we are effectively doomed as a species; at least at the numbers (of people) and to the lifestyle we are all currently enculturated by (within the 19th & 20th centuries, now spilling over into the 21st).

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of Elohim. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Messiah Yeshua, and Him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power; that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of Elohim. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world, or of the princes of this world, that come to naught. But we speak the wisdom of Elohim in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which Elohim ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified The Lord of glory.
But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which Elohim has prepared for them that Love Him! But Elohim has revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea, and the deep things of Elohim. For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man that is in him? Even so the things of Elohim, no man knows, but the Spirit of Elohim. Now, we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of Elohim, so that we might know the things that are freely given to us of Elohim.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches; comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual. The carnal man does not receive anything from the Spirit of Elohim, for it would be foolishness unto him; neither could he know them because they are Spiritually discerned. But he that is Spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who has known the mind of The Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Messiah! (1Co 2:1–16)

Without the mind of Messiah, all human brains will remain much the same; education and experience adding only small amounts of data that will hold no eternal uses: All that people learn during this life will be useless beyond this planet and this life. Today's society operates inside of a very small by comparison paradigm. They never connect to the Spiritual.

One example among many dozens is the male centric society; the very concept of hierarchical leadership centers on this very small thinking model. Proposing an entirely different structure will cause everyone, still trapped in the mentality box, to claim that it will not work, because everyone is already too set in their ways to accept or even understand such a monumental change.

Very few people can even imagine life on Earth without governments or leadership or authority or hierarchies; a life without people having power over other people. Obviously, the Kingdom of Heaven will be void of any such form of hierarchy, or gender, or power, or ethnicity, or money, or economics, or politics, or elitism, or class, and so on; human centric characteristics.

The only way for that to be possible is for you to prove you have consciously understood that, and have changed how you live (here and now), as an empirical reflection of that Spiritual enlightenment. Obviously therefore, those of the dominion, cannot and will not be allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven; will not be resurrected, regardless of the level of their religious consumerism or self beliefs.

Humans need structures to live in: shelter from the elements and from predation. But as History teaches us, we do not need cars, and humans never should have made processed hydrocarbons, mostly gasoline, available to the general public: That was a major mistake, and scientists now spend lifelong careers, measuring the consequences of that mistake.

The Human Brain On Cars! (Back)

Human impact on the environment is overwhelming; the empirical evidence too voluminous to debate; the psychology of modernity too obvious to deny or ignore. But denial is just how the brain deals with the realities all around us all.

This creates and/or exasperates cognitive dissonance, as the passion to monkey–see–monkey–do those nearby, will block ones (otherwise) natural abilities to cognize empirical data, as independent thinkers with original thoughts and critical thinking skills. The guilt–shame–condemnation that results from consuming fossil fuel products, drives the blame–shifting by individuals onto the Fossil Fuel Industry itself. It is similar with substance abusers.

Once exposed to sufficient truth (which I am ever open to) I quickly gave up my car (2005) and have not purchased any hydrocarbons since. Was blind but now I see! I was pricked in the heart after watching the 2004 Documentary: The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream.

When I researched where to live, the Eco–lifestyle was central to my decision–making. I live in an all–electric downtown loft with all utilities included; I ride a pedal bike and an e–scooter, and I walk/hike too. I get all things delivered free. My E–power supplier has the Green Advantage program; Iowa generates much of its Grid power from wind. And there is DART, as well as Ride Share services availed that I have not yet needed.

Therefore, no death by car because of me; I will never be responsible for disabling or killing you, or your kids, with a road–dependent vehicle. Roadways have become the killing fields for multitudes, both in auto accidents, and in the health effects imposed upon everyone. Love = Do No Harm!

But acceptable risk is the only played tune that runs through the brains of those, needing to justify and rationalize and validate, the senseless slaughter and mayhem, represented in the Car Cult. Repentance is just a word for the bulk of the churched; it is not the defining moment of their eternality. Ye cannot "follow Jesus" in an automobile!

The Car Cultists seemingly like to choke and gag all Messianic disciples, daily, with their tailpipe emissions, as they carelessly speed by us on the way–over–built pathways of Earth. But not just us; anyone who cares, do not own cars, knowing what we know today, and so, they too will suffer the same from carbon emissions. Carbon emissions of the richest 1 percent, or about 63 million people, were more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity between 1990 and 2015!

Road rage (itself) is just more evidence of just how much Loveless pride–ego–emotion is found lurking within the giant metal rolling boxes of the anger–fueled machismo Car Cultists, desperate for attention. These machismo conquered types, thrive on conquest, territorialism, adversarialism, self–superiority, domination and dominion.

The ego is stroked when behind the wheel of a powerful machine. And road rage is scary to read about, but understood in the wake of the bitter rage–anger and resentment that oozes from the Car Cultists. Participating in the Car Cult is a clear public billboard sign of indifference: The Opposite of Love Is Indifference !!

Rather than simply giving up the auto addiction; instead, acceptable risk will likely be the mindset, at this juncture, for the bulk of the blindly enculturated masses (Luke 16:13–15). Justification says: Well, you take buses and trains, and they use gas. We cannot return to the stone age! But such parroted rhetoric will salve the consciousness, only for a season. I hereby command the immediate end of fossil fuel consumption. See? It does nothing! But I can do now, all that I can do, now.

Self–justification is a wall that cannot be breached: Hence, the certain doom of people on this planet, and explains why the bulk of humanity are doomed unto the spacial abyss of empty outer space; the blackness of Darkness forever (Jude). They will need that time to finally surrender to these realities, because the pride that assures their eternal doom, will not relent, even after a million years in the abyss of empty space.

Remember that it takes staggering amounts of natural resources, just to construct, and then operate, a large plant that builds (even) all electric cars: See the environmental impact of mining just for starters. Current batteries do not do well, left in sub–zero temperatures.

But the reason why we are doomed as a species has little to do with being on or off–grid; I am all for being off–grid; the Grid 🎥 needs to go; abandoned and recycled. But a radical shift in how we exist as humans, will not occur by choice; it will not occur at all on Earth. Prophesy and observation has taught us Messianic disciples that Earth is a doomed planet; that it will reach a degraded state, impossible to support mammalian life long–term.

Earth: The Car Scared Planet! (Back)

In cities, where the bulk of humanity now resides, it cannot (and will not) be magically unplugged from networks or centralized water systems: Study for yourself the archaic ways people used to urbanize; e.g. the history of water supply and sanitation. But if I had my way I would end the Car Cult, and the massively heavy Infrastructure it needs, and return us back to a sustainable way of living, which would be and look more like the garden of Eden model than the wanton urbanization that now scars this planet, owned exclusively by YHVH, but loaned out to people, as a test of stewardship (all of Matt 24 & 25).

But the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious ― especially the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized churched ― live in a state of Spiritual blindness, which in turn, blinds them to their own life, lifestyle, and ultimately their eternal fate. They remain blinded followers of the blind; they copy–mimic–parrot those who came before them, or those now surrounding them, without any sightedness.

They are utterly void of the ability to see the past, the present and the future, as one thing happening. They care nothing about becoming a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; in fact, they never even think about it, much less does it define them. They are (and will remain) 100% worldly, and their love and devotion, to and for the world (1st John 2:15–17), is unabashed and unchangeable.

The very planet they/we live on today, is highly offensive to YHVH, and every individual in a deeply personal, intimate, daily dying relationship with YHVH, already knows this intuitively; intrinsically. But the masses (churched or not) are oblivious to all of this; they have been fully assimilated.

The churched are compliant drones of the economic, monetary, and infrastructural systems that existed when they arrived on Earth; it is all these things that are their true gods. Thus, they blindly accept the horrific Heavy Infrastructure that now scars Earth, as if it is normal, but it is not normal; it is cancer scars to Earth. And the normalization of death by car is equally horrific.

The very language and word choices are a symptom and a sign; specifically, a sign of the (end) times! The words and language ― "developed nations" or the continuing Americanization of the "developing world" ― these are word phrases that describe places that have been fully humanized, urbanized, and denatured. Remember that the Americas (and Australia) were the locations that the anti-Messiahs plaguing Europe, were allowed to go to, thus ridding much of the European world of their cultural rejects and undesirables.

But the humans doing all this humanizing and urbanizing, are "not" the Elect of YHVH; the guilty parties are the sheer masses of all humanity, who are hellbent (and thus destined) to utterly destroy the very creation of YHVH; the artwork of YHVH; to kill off all the animals and plant life of the occupied ecosystem, with what they have unabashedly titled "development." But the environmental impact of transport is well studied and documented. Such development is just stripping the world of its Godly traits, thus fully humanizing it.

Nevertheless, this mentality is one sign of the Eschaton Era, and the blindly Enculturation shaped masses, will live/die oblivious to their involvement; their participation, collaboration and enablement. They believe they are victims; by going with the flow, they show forth their mentality of Victimism, all the way until your Day of Judgment, believing they had no choice but to comply with worldliness (Matt 7:22–27).

But YHVH will not be mocked; anyone who is merely christianized will remain atheistic, and in that Spiritual blindness and darkness, will stumble about in this life, and thus grab a hold of those around them, hence the automaton–drone lifestyle of cultural and economic assimilation and blind Enculturation. In capitalistic nation states, money is the compass, barometer, core and benchmark of virtually all things.

The Same Mind! (Back)

But that is the core of the problem: People learn, but only to make Mammon; to earn evermore money, and then, to spend it on things that further degrade Earth (the consumerism addiction). Very few people seek knowledge, only to grow in wisdom; instead, the bulk of humanity seek data that can be numerated by the Monetizers; whatever validates the lifestyle they have already committed themselves to living, in spite of evidence (climate change denial, as one example among dozens).

The Education Industry unabashedly peddles itself as a pathway to capitalistic success; and yet it too is money codependent, and thus, is as compromised as are all else, by the same money as barometer model that all the rest of/in that culture that they inhabit. The ideals of independent thought and critical thinking, are not even possible inside this enculturation bubble.

But people have been trashing Earth, almost since the beginning; that part is not a new phenomenon. When we study Earth from the past to the present, we can see this occurring, both scientifically as well as peppered throughout Scripture. The planet itself is already groaning from the human infestation who possess the "freedom" to live as they please. Unfortunately, that includes the automobile infestation ⊛!

But we are still here, only because a (very) few individuals learned how dangerous it was to allow the general public to do things their own way: e.g. selling uranium pellets to the public. Open access to hydrocarbons will prove equally catastrophic, in the near future, with overpopulation out of control.

Earth is incapable of supporting 8 billion people, but you might now be thinking: "But there's that many now!" However, this is only possible, because profit lusting people learned to exploit deeply buried hydrocarbons, and now, most people consume vast pockets of hydrocarbons, which in turn, made it possible to produce food at the levels people have only recently experienced (a human population graph). We expect to see earthquakes in divers places (Matt 24:6–8) from these human activities: We call this the Eschaton Era.

The Loveless cannot think in terms of sharing planetary resources with others, including future progeny. They view all things with the capitalist mentality, a major fruit of Lovelessness. Instead of acknowledging that all non renewable earth resources are finite and thus, volition to live very carefully to conserve those resources for their grandchildren, they see gasoline in its dollar worth; that is, how much it costs them to buy. Everything and everyone is valued only in dollar increments. Satan's gasoline people differ little from the same mind that drove all human atrocities, justified at the time of the act (Luke 16:13–15).

There is no way that any person, knowing what we know today, who can burn fossil fuels just for entertainment purposes, who is not demon oppressed. If it's cheap, then by all means, let's burn it up fast, by say, going around in circles; boating for fun; lets squander it, just to entertain ourselves in the here and now: Screw all future inhabitants of Earth! Screw The Creator! I got money, and money means I own whatever I buy with it: I got mine, so screw you, future progeny!

Not only do they simply, not care, they simply cannot care: Faithless, Loveless, Soulless and empty. These kind cannot and thankfully will not be resurrected, and placed in eternal bodies upon yet another planet, just because they claim to believe in Jesus! Their already proven destructive ways, would be multiplied trillions fold in the Resurrection, among the many Kingdoms of YHVH. The proverbial sheep must be separated from the goats (Matt 25).

Squandering Progeny's Access To Nonrenewable Resources! (Back)

From 2000 thru 2050, the gas people will burn–burn–burn, right through the (finite) non–renewable fossil fuel reserves, intended for those who would have lived on Earth between 20,000 and 50,000 AD. The gas people have already vanquished countless millennia worth of the global resource that should belong to all humanity. But Satan's masses cannot see past themselves.

Since the beginning of mass–extraction and refinement, the gas people, yearly, consume many centuries worth of future progeny's share of this planetary resource. And then they tell their kids they love them. But the brazen hypocrisy will not long escape them. In reality, there is little more they can do, to prove their raging hatred for their future progeny, than to partake in the Car Cult.

This stunning gluttony must be reduced considerably from the staggering over–consumerism of this global all–human resource. But it will not; it will get way worse, and ancient prophets saw it all in visions, hit the proverbial wall at top speed. What will happen is simple; as Earth heats up due to the grotesque overconsumption of nonrenewable natural resources, more of it will burn–burn in response to the heat, thereby accelerating exponentially, the prophetic destruction and death by heat–fire–burn.

But as with all craving addiction, the demon–incited rage–anger to kill and to steal and to destroy, fully enraptures Satan's people; they are blinded to it, or just indifferent to it; indifference is evil! But it all begins outwardly with the demonic realm: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! And the first of which is economics.

Satan's demons enter into (possess) most people, but in much larger numbers within those willing human vessels who hungrily seek power; who seek the things of this planet. They would tap other planets dry if they were allowed to reach them.

These power–hungry and money–hungry masses of ego–conquered inhuman beings, desperately look out onto the planet, owned only by its Creator, YHVH, and think they own it; that is a part of the god complex. Since they are like their master Satan, they too see themselves as gods, and gods should be in control; gods are never wrong gods do not make mistakes, or never need to be sincere, or repent or apologize or change, and, they deserve way more than all the subservient masses, which they must endure.

At first they simply deny the existence of YHVH (or the incorporeal realm itself), and make themselves the gods of men, and then the many demons within them, drive them to madness, wherein they inflict all kinds of evil on Earth. Most do so with malicious intent, while some others are just gullible and in a sense a victim of Satan and crew. The very course of History is an ongoing exhibition of all of this. We Saints are eye witnesses of this, in Eschaton Era politics!

The gods of men believe they own Earth, and thus, all the resources it holds are their own personal property, just because they know how to extract them. In turn, they pay Satan's politicians, so the politicians can also gain more power and money and fame, which are common denominators for all of Satan's devotees. They are beyond sociopathic and psychopathic, they are murderous and completely indifferent to any of their lifestyle choices, and how those choices impact others.

Fossil fuels would have lasted for many thousands of years, if consumed wisely and sparingly; over much longer periods of time (hundreds of centuries), it would not have been damaging to the biosphere or to biology. However, we will instead consume most of it in a mere 6 or 7 centuries. Fracking and tar sands, themselves, are hinting at peak oil.

The denial of peak oil is all over society globally: Conversations carry on as if there is unlimited energy to burn; perhaps god is secretly refilling reserves so that many generations into the future, people will still have limitless fossil fuels to continue, in what has been happening over the last dozen decades. But there is a 0% chance of that happening; this is called Cornucopianism.

And it is Scriptural too; prophetic for those few of us who actually believe in Scripture. Christians certainly do not, and the evidence for that is too overwhelming to debate otherwise. The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists deauthorize Scripture by their lifestyles, and by their theological conclusions which misrepresent YHVH. They serve god, or Satan, and their life reflects that reality.

Between extracting an energy source placed our of reach to those living Simple, that fact teaches us that it was never meant for humans, nor was plutonium, uranium or any other radionuclide, or any dangerous element. We Messianic disciples refer to these Earth elements as the Garden apple! Like all fi foods, apples are a creation of YHVH and obviously good for human consumption: So why ban them?

It was a test to see if they would comply, or be self–willed and do as they pleased. We know the outcome and purpose of the metaphor. It could have just as easily been pears or walnuts. The Garden was huge and plentiful; they had way more than enough to chose from. The test was to see if they could be content with what was provided, or, were they just too greedy and selfish and willful to obey; to see if they could stay away from that one apple tree; the summary of the Genesis.

This Life Is Not Even About This Life !! This life is a (proverbial) testing lab or staging ground, to play–out a volitional experiment; in order for it to be completely unbiased it has to be random. Satan's religionists imply that YHVH intervenes along the path of time; this in turn makes people think YHVH is merciless (allowing diseases, war and the like). But other than speculation there is no valid empirical evidence for such interventions.

Peak Oil does not mean that sucking sound heard from a straw at the end of the drink. Theoretically, it means that point where people have burnt much more than remains; when it becomes too expensive to continue on. There would still be fossil fuels of one form or another, still in the ground (LINGO), but the cost of accessing it, plus refinement, would make the final product too expensive; think $100 a gallon of gasoline or more. Imagine spending $4800 to fill up an Urban Tank!

There cannot (and will not) be 10 billion people on Earth, when the proverbial hydrocarbon tap comes to a (financially viable) end: And that rapid reduction will be a bloodbath unrivaled; we call that Armageddon. At first, it will be an unnatural culling of some sort, by the wealth–class, via their political puppets, but later it will progress rapidly thereafter. We, the Elect of YHVH, call this timeframe, the Eschaton Era, and we are already well into it; that calm before the storm part. Just ignore all the Protestant programs about the end–times; they are Satan's puppets after all!

Earth cycles are necessary to grow enough food to begin with; these are already shifting too fast for us ever to recover from it, on a large scale, or in the long–term: And the construction of a trillion solar panels and 30 billion all–electric cars (for some science fictional future) would also be destructive. It is analogous to cutting down forests faster than they can grow back, except, they do grow back.

The Industrial Revolution centered on personal money making, not planetary stewardship. It was the unlimited conversion of Earth (itself) into dollar increments, which can then be hoarded and lorded by the power driven, Satan–inspired wealthmongers; this is the reason for social ecology, which is just YHVH stewardship wrapped in another package.

We are still trying to solve problems from the same mentality that created them to begin with. Huge homes off–Grid are still more wasteful (all things considered) than a self contained tiny home, or even apartments, on Grid. But ego, "not" data, is what drives the masses as a species; Satan's triune manipulation weapon is pride–ego–emotion. All malevolence on Earth forever, is done exclusively through the hands of people (only), driven and led by Satan and his demonic realm.

And it is this human pride–ego–emotion that creates and maintains narrow–mindedness, nearsightedness, gullibility, and an inhuman state of mind. Most people would rather die (and have; and will) than to adopt the lifestyle of Simple living; die eternally rather than surrendering during this very short life.

This is why these masses of people cannot (and will not) be allowed onto any other planets; why they must remain unresurrected; their incorporeal Soul will be parked in the outer Darkness of deep empty space, until the end of their time; they will finally have the complete and untethered freedom they so longed for in this life.

But it is somewhat analogous to why pedophiles cannot work at daycare centers; why they are unwillingly imprisoned if caught in an act. A convicted but paroled pedophile, may assure parents that their presence in the daycare center would pose no danger to their children; they may be fully convinced of this themselves. However, knowing they are pedophiles means that we must protect children from them, nevertheless. It is wise and fair and just!

Our Father in Heaven must do the same to protect the children of Adonai our Elohim; the Elect of YHVH, and thus, will (and justly must) park those who demonstrate their potential danger to others, in the now, because of the human superpower of freewill and volition, which will remain an everlasting ability or power; we are not automatons, now or ever.

We were given god–like power, in that we decide our course now, and from it, our fate forever; volition is our superpower! Our lifestyle choices are the summary and the fruit of our character. The purpose of this life is radical transformation via Spiritual metamorphosis! The very reason for this life, is as a platform to demonstrate our faithfulness to follow the teachings of Messiah Yeshua, via our lifestyle choices, now, or not! Our character will be zero different after we die; what/who we become now is what/who we will always be.

There Are Few Certain Earthly Solutions! (Back)

Humanity must abandon grow or die economics, especially capitalism and its stepchild, overconsumption. We must eliminate money or monetary systems all together, as they allow wealth hoarding, class systems, concentrated power, and the monetization, commodification, and objectification of everything and everyone: This is 100% unsustainable! Obsession With Growth Is Enriching Elites & Killing The Planet: We Need An Economy Based On Human Rights.

Also, people must agree to reduce the human population, slowly down to under 2 billion, via birth limits, and then keep it there. We must abandon the most devastating of all human activities to date, the Car Cult, and remove most of the road networks, and return most of the urban blight back to nature; return the planet back to the way it came to us: The garden of Eden paradigm! But the bulk of humanity will not! Why? Because the paradigms of freedom to do as I please & me–first, will be our undoing as a species: The Eschaton Era, where neighbor Love is now neighbor hate! There is no hate like Christian love!

We must increase the wild animal populations globally tenfold; use only elevated maglev rail for long distance travel, and Food Energy for walking/hiking/biking, plus caloric transport for the mobility impaired. We must criminalize the plethora of myths generated by the money dependent, dollar hungry masses; here is one example among thousands, still widely circulated to justify the many boastful productions of modernity: The life expectancy myth, and why many ancient humans lived long healthy lives.

These myths are promoted and embellished over generations, by the Monetizers, as they clamor to make evermore money in a culture that has become money desperate and now overpopulated by the inhuman masses who produce nothing; biological dollar machines that cannot live for the sake of people first, but can only exist for the almighty dollar: Mammon servants who are impressive, in the depth of their devotion to Satan and all his sociocultural productions (Luke 16 summarized).

These acts would take humanity from a certain doom, to a place where we can start hoping for a long–term future as a species. I know, I know; it won't happen: Not even close! Instead, what will happen (and is happening) is the inhuman carnal–primal masses will continue to overpopulate and over–consume; fights over resources and land will escalate dramatically (James 4).

Eventually, the drama addiction that plagues the bulk of humanity, will drive them, through hunger–lust and anger–ruled rage, to evermore war and destruction and death, as a solution. What humans now possess for war will be our final undoing, as it will render Earth uninhabitable for humans. The Science of industrialization will not solve the problem; it was, and still is, the problem.

People will even react to this blog post with self–justifications, rationalizations, and validations, for the lifestyle they currently live, and fully intend to live, here forward (John 3:19–21). It is this very mentality (this emotional juggling) that secures our doom as a species. If you will not radically change how you live, starting now and for the rest of your life, neither will the other 8 billion.

And so you might then think; why bother, right? Hence the certain doom. People can change, but they simply will not. This collective and willful extinction is assuredly, demon driven. Most people must change how they live on Earth, but still will not. We can learn truth, but then choose to rationalize it away, blameshift, remain indifferent, or just ignore it altogether. Kick the proverbial can down the road to the next generation.

For us TheoLogical thinkers, this is simply called, Predestination: For YHVH it is just foreknowledge. You will know how, and you have the freedom to change, but you will justify it away, and continue onward, safe inside the shoebox of blind Enculturation, as opposed to a radical and epochal lifestyle change, which come unto all who truly receive the Indwelling Holy Spirit. It is a metamorphosis!

Heavy Infrastructure Alone Is An Environmental Catastrophe! (Back)

Big Oil, Big Car, and Big (Heavy) Infrastructure (via massive tax–funded, kickback laden construction contracts), are among the Deep Pockets that control everything and everyone. Politics is a distraction tactic (a show); successful now for centuries, it serves to prevent the masses from proverbially storming the castle; politicians are the stage puppets of the puppet–masters. The success of all of this is dependent upon the masses buying into it; they do! Ironically, it is in "not" recognizing this that it becomes a true conspiracy theory: To be called a sucker is too much for the pride conquered masses.

The very existence of Heavy Infrastructure is a major problem with/of the Car Cult. The long stretches of the dystopian asphalt killing fields, should speak for itself (and do not forget parking). The road system is necessary to bring about the Eschaton Era prophetic devastation. Roads are the metastasis for the cancer that is the modern human industrialization of the YHVH Garden Planet Creation.

Unfortunately, the automaton–drone masses, cannot think outside of the tiny shoebox of Enculturation. But the bulk of the human species are Creator–haters; the rage–anger that defines them is ancient. Demons have been possessing people from generation to generation, since human beginnings: They have mastered their manipulations.

All Messianic disciples live in a universe of worlds, which are countless quintillions times, this one post–primordial world. Because of that, the masses cannot fathom that level of expansive living and thinking, and therefore, cannot believe it is true or real. It is similar to why the bulk of the human species will not believe in an afterlife, or even imagine the incorporeal realm. It is a conundrum, but YHVH already has the solutions in place.

Consequently, all that the masses can think about is how to manage the world that was handed to them by former generations, and they do so, without the mental capacity to see that they can completely rewrite the script. They can only see what is here, and then try to fix or modify or rearrange, all that was already here, when they got here. To imagine an entirely difference existence for our species, on this planet (or any other likened to it), is simply beyond their mental capacity. But this planet was doomed from/at the moment of the first humans.

Satan's people are haunted with a craving to burn–burn–burn! They cannot burn–off enough fossil fuels fast enough; the demons within them push hard on them (via pride–ego–emotion) to bring about the final acts of the Eschaton Era! YHVH said of Earth's destruction: First by flood (water) and then by fire (heat)! That heat will come via fossil fuels; burning 30 million years worth of natural resources in 300 years will do that.

The very existence of the millions of square miles of surfaces, created for machines to roll upon; the roads and the parking lots mostly, all need to be built, rebuilt, maintained, repaired, and snow removed from them. It is a massive consumption of future progeny's share of nonrenewable natural resources that these YHVH haters hunger–lust to burn–burn–burn! What always comes first for them is pride–ego–emotion.

When trying to explain that another major problem with Big Oil and Big Car, is the Heavy Infrastructure itself, the masses try to assess what was already here, in some failed attempt at somehow improving it. Let's fix the way we build roads; things like that. The idea of abandoning the entire Car Cult and all it entails, escapes them. People have been desperate to avoid the Labor curse, and will all but destroy Earth in the doing.

The evidence of this is all around us, and so are all the self–justifications for their decisions, as well as lifestyle choices. This manifests itself in alternative city planning, modifications to existing Heavy Infrastructure, and so on. They cannot see that the very existence of Heavy Infrastructure is the centerpiece of the problem. And what will perpetuate all of this, will be technology, engineering, and science. These are the new gods of men; they put their faith in them.

People are the puppets of Satan, who will drive Earth to ashes, as it has already been prophesied: First By Flood Then By Fire !! (2Pe 3; Isa 24). This was not possible with any other natural resources availed prior to the Industrial Prostitution of the YHVH creation. Even if humanity tried to burn down every forest on Earth, just to destroy Earth, even that would fail in the long–term.

Burning all forests would surely bring about the end of the human species, and many other species as well, but with humans gone that would be the end of Satan being able to act on Earth, because only people are used by Satan and his trillion demon army, by exploiting primarily, human pride–ego–emotion, to enact all demonic acts on this planet (or on any other planet for that matter). Satan as the god of this world, relies exclusively on his human followers; the masses on Broadway.

Forests are necessary for Earth to be, well, Earth! Forests of trees do far more than absorb human made pollutants; without massive thick forests covering the entire planet, everywhere they were/are able to grow and thrive upon, this compromises Earth just like cancer compromises the human body; worse even. Satan's humans have decimated these forests. But they do not see them with Messianic eyes because they are Spiritually blind and bankrupt. To the masses, trees are just a mere natural resource to exploit in the devout service of Mammon.

Big Oil and Big Car (as 2 Industries), financed by Big Buyers which is collectively the mindless consumerist drone masses; these 3 are that collective trinity of destruction; these 3 collaborators are one single problem, because obviously, Big Oil cannot sell a drop of oil to those (myself included) who do not participate in the Car Cult, nor enable Big Oil consumers like the Airline Industry.

And while a thoughtful interim, electric vehicles will not save us; we need to get rid of cars completely! We need to tear up the asphalt murder fields, and leave the oil in the ground. That is the only solution. And it will not happen! It all was already foreseen; it will happen; in time–future it already has happened! Predestination: You Can; You Should; But You Won't !!

Big Car (with the support of Big Oil) refined their advertisements for cars over many iterations, mastering what sells cars and what does not. The commercials themselves teach us the psychological masturbation used to sell evermore cars. The centerpiece of all of it? Ego! Pride, power, and (self) esteem or worth! And also machismo, Satan's crown jewel of beguilement.

The bulk of humanity are copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drones; they mimic those in front of them and/or those who came before them; desperate to be accepted by the others: therein they become irrational in their justifications for such life decisions. That devolved into a host of justifications for "needing" cars. If the bulk of our species had not lived/died without cars, that might even seem remotely plausible.

And so, the self–justification debate rages on, with the monkeys ever defiant in justification tactics, as Big Car & Oil have successfully indoctrinated them, and cognitive dissonance is all that remains for them. Dissonance can always be detected as/in a range that stretches from a twisted logic, all the way to being patently illogical; conspiratorial; anger–conquered; dangerous. Dissonance is also why Astroturfing is popular, successful and believed.

It is very easy to live without a car, anywhere, and I am always thrilled to prove it empirically. In a recent long debate I had over this, I bet someone fifty grand that I could come to them (anywhere on Earth) and demonstrate how they could do it. However, once required to bring a large cash ante, they went silent on the matter. But that is how dissonance works; a lot of words, but no cash ever to back up what they posit: Just believe me because I do and because I said it!

But evidence does not impact denial or self–justification; it never has! If anyone has figured out how to change the heart of man, outside of the Messianic Cross; they should be preparing a speech for the Noble Prize they are going to receive, with other awards to follow. A delusional mind cannot back up any "belief" with empiricism, ever. But the mass–delusion we are now experiencing was prophesied about long ago.

Addiction, blind enculturation, and indifference, are a collective pandemic, here in the Eschaton Era: They are one in the same. Cars consume a lot of energy before they ever make it to the open road; bringing one car into existence is devastating to Earth, which is highly exponential when calculating all the other components that make the overall Car Cult possible.

But the damage to Earth does not stop, just with the people who drive or otherwise enable the Car Cult (though it is truly, a demand–drives–supply, global economic model). In order to support the Car Cult, there must be roads; Heavy Infrastructure that mercilessly scars the landscape, costing in ways that few consider.

Simply study the effects of roads on biodiversity for starters, and that just scrapes the surface (pardon the pun), because asphalt also requires staggering amounts of raw materials for road building application, plus the energy it takes to make it, and then to place it there, which is everywhere. They would have the Antarctic paved if they could!

Earth is Symbiotic; it is Mycorrhizal. The planet itself is based upon what YHVH placed here long ago. Like a spider web, it is a network, and like a web, once you destroy too many strands, it will all collapse (1Th 5). The animal kingdom impacts the plant kingdom; one animal type impacts an entire ecosystem; and on and on I could go here: the movie Avatar is 1 good example. I call it:

The Symbiosis of Corporeality! This interconnectedness of Earth has been radically and now irreversibly altered. The stewardship test of humans on Earth, is a miserable failure, and those who participated knowingly and willing in its destruction (Rev 11:18), cannot and thankfully will not be resurrected and placed upon a still–virgin planet of YHVH. The metaphorical many mansions (John 14) are just other planets (nothing mystical here), and YHVH has trillions of them, reserved only for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH to govern (1Co 6).

Pandemic Of Psychopathy; Trauma Of Indifference! (Back)

But the psychology underneath it all, is equally destructive, for people are masters of self–justification; of validation; of rationalizing away personal actions by redirection; turning the attention to others like Big Oil. I will believe that you are beginning to care, just a bit, about Earth, after you have abandoned the car–culture and no longer give any money to the sellers of hydrocarbons. Buy local; grow a garden; raise goats; that would be a small but positive start. It can happen, but it won't. The false economy keeps the masses, blindly enculturated drones: Sheeple!

Effects of global warming on oceans expose to us all, just how far and how global, the addiction to cars can affect everyone around the user addicts. As with all addicts, all redirection is just diversion: E.g. the photo's of the smokestacks billowing on the horizon, are used by individuals (psychologically) to minimize the effects of their own car addiction, and its (personal) smokestack tailpipe.

Modernity itself, is but the concluding expression of the (mass) human hatred for the creation, due to the (often hidden) hatred for the Creator, YHVH. The Loveless indifference (or narcissism) necessary for anyone to continue participating in the Car Cult, alone, is stunning to observe, but stunning only for the Elect of YHVH.

And even though the science behind the madness is conclusive and massive, the business as usual oblivion to it all, was predicted long ago (Luke 17:26–33). It is not that driving a car (alone) will send anyone into Darkness; it is that those destined unto that eternal Darkness, merely expose their indifference, via the casual participation in the Car Cult: Fruit!

I am an old man now, so I will likely be spared the tragedy of a certain future that the young will witness and experience; and most certainly what their progeny will endure. Therefore, it is my duty to inform; to expose; to say what few others will; to provide revelation as an Oracle of Adonai Elohim; a speaker for YHVH, via the inspiration of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which reigns within. Scripture can only then, be understood for its intentions and to guide consequently, unto The Way.

To be clear, I know it is "not" possible for me to convince anyone of anything: Only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can enlighten anyone. I simply say/write what the Holy Spirit enlightens within me, knowing in advance that I have no power or authority to change the human mind. But reading (or hearing) and knowing this data will be totally relevant to you on your Judgment Day, which will happen for all who reject or ignore or dismiss The Creator; knowing therefore, is an important step when YHVH judges most of humanity. Now, you cannot say to the Judge I did not know, or understand! You do now!

YHVH uses the Elect, from generation to generation, for just this purpose and reason (among others); to expose truth to all. The worst part of all this (for the Elect of YHVH) is knowing that billions of people will (in the hellishness of outer darkness) rehearse these very words, and relive their earthly life, millions of times over; hence, the metaphorical weeping and wailing and gnashing (Matt 8:12 & 13:40–51), which was symbolic language representing uninterrupted suffering, such as burn patients once commonly experienced: Hence, the verbal symbolism of fire and brimstone (Matt 22:13–14 & 25:29–31).

The lake of fire mentioned only in Revelations (20), was/is not a literal lake or fire, but was/is metaphorical; nothing in Rev 20 is literal, and indeed most of Revelations is parabolic in nature! A literal reading means the true point and message of it all, eludes the COP Cultists, who have spun some (may I say) demonic conclusions in their doctrines of men, as the prophetic anti-Messiahs. When fire was mentioned in Scripture that was not referring to actual fire (to cook or heat), it was metaphorical.

We, the Elect of YHVH, see the initiation of this; Messiah Yeshua was teaching from His Doctrine, how eternal suffering will be analogous to a burn victim, in that the suffering never subsides (Mark 9:41–49). Before drugs that numbed or knocked us out, people died if too much of their bodies were burnt; not because of burnt skin alone, but because such pain is never ending they could not sleep. This collapsed their immune system, further exasperating their already wretched condition. They could die of infection but only if they survived that long.

Hell is actually not a place; it is a state of consciousness that exists in the utter absence of everything; the vacuum of lifeless, stunningly cold, extreme outer space, or literal Darkness, where the Soul consciousness of the human masses, without form and void of physicality (the unresurrected), will have until the end of time, within the Earth/human experiment of a thousand years, post Advent, to bend the proverbial knee unto the One who created all.

However, such unconditional surrender is far easier, while here on Earth, than it will be there, where the evil driven human masses will join Satan (their true god) and his current trillion demon army of followers; the fallen YHVH haters from perhaps other, now destitute planets, which YHVH ran a similar experiment upon, many many millennia ago.

More Die From Cars Than Wars: Genocide By Car! (Back)

It is becoming more and more obvious, even to those without Spiritual eyes/ears (e.g.), to recognize how people are being normalized; how they simply do not care about how their lifestyle actions impact other earth life, even their own progeny; they actually buy them cars too! The bulk of humanity is not consciously aware of being this way; it is the "new normal" of the Eschaton Era; a character trait, exhibited by the masses among all societies, as the end draws near, just like the anecdotal boiling frog.

If everyone else is participating in the Car Cult, then it must be approved by YHVH, right? Wrong! Everyone in Sodom was destroyed: Everyone (adults; kids; animals): People either evacuated or died! So too is it for us, only, not a physical departure (we cannot leave the planet) but rather, a separation or disengagement from the atheistic world, as much as that is in our power. We are stuck in this, the World, for now, but we must not become an integral part of it; we must not allow it to shape our mentality nor our lifestyle.

Like the world they consume and promote, the culturally christianized Xians of Religianity will (also) beguile you with temptation; that you can be worldly, so long as you "believe in Jesus" and attend church services, and/or some other tangible ritual or tradition (e.g. the altar call). These are dangerous forms of Spiritual bondage from which only few escape.

True freedom is to see our own sin–evil, as well as the consequences of our actions, inactions, and lifestyle choices, then acknowledge it for what it is, confess it, and repent from it. But "repent" does not mean to feel an emotion and then continue the lifestyle; repent is to turn away from it; to leave it; to never repeat it; to be freed from the blind enculturation that drives the mindless masses, who thus drive cars, because they are indifferent to its genocidal impacts on Earth and all life therein.

The cost of a polluted environment? 1.7 million child deaths a year. Stack on top of that horrifying data, the fact that more people die from the Car Cult annually on Earth, than all the terrorism deaths over the last century planet wide. When it is all said and done, on Judgment Day, the Car Cult will have killed more humans, than all wars fought by humanity combined forever; it is the only true genocidal World War! There is not a war on cars, there is only the war of cars!

Further, more people died from the Car Cult between 1968 and 2018, alone, than from virtually all pandemics, globally and throughout all human history, up to the 21st century. Simply put: One cannot be anywhere near the Messianic Cross (much less be His disciple and be daily under that Cross), and then continue in, collaborate with, or enable, any of this senseless slaughter anymore (Matt 18:7–10). To do so is proof that something great is missing within: A Soul!

In these people, freedom means: I do whatever I want, where and whenever I want to, and as long as it is not against human laws (and even if it is), to hell with you and everyone else, if it is harmful. It is my money to spend on whatever I want! I have my rights! But this is just anger from selfishness, and such anger is always demonic. Love Is Holy; Hate Is Evil !!

For we who are Spiritual and thus, emotionally mature, we want only to live our lives on Earth, so that it does the greatest good for others, as well as for this YHVH–owned planet, of which we are all a part of (Gal 5). But here in the Eschaton Era, and especially in anti-Messianic cultures, the word "freedom" has been fused with other words such as greed, avarice, obstinance, and selfishness. In one word: anti-Messianic!

Messiah Yeshua taught us on the Messianic Cross, that dying is chosen over killing (Love neighbor as self; lay down ones life for another; etc); and that we even forgive those killing us, even while they are doing it. Why? It is our witness! They do not know what they are doing (murdering The Messiah or His disciples): They are sold unto sin; they live in fear always; they are driven by demons. But we still love!

Satan's people only care about their own pride, ego and emotions; they care only for the self; the me–here–now. Terminally damaged by Loveless indifference and daily lifestyles of sin–evil, all they can do is follow their true god; to kill, to steal, to destroy, to curse and lie and deceive. And ironically, such people are devout christians, or, those of all other religions (including atheism), all of which are Satanic; their lifestyle fruits reveal this. They have been Satanized, and Earth has been doomed by them.

They consume a non–renewable natural resource, which belongs to all people in all generations–forward, but they cannot even fathom such a concept. They are now (and eternally) trapped in Satan's world; they are completely comfortable, and even a bit driven, to consume many thousands of future generations share of non–renewables, within their generation alone: The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference !! They demonstrate to all, daily and unabashedly, their indifference toward the sum of humanity–future!

Weapon On Wheels: Coffin On Wheels! (Back)

The daily news reports of violence and destruction and death, occurring daily on these war zones, dominated by the money–centric materialist capitalists, still does not impact the hearts of the atheistic, indifferent, anti-Messianic masses, the religious included. They must/will continue to justify, rationalize, and validate, the necessity of this world war, just like they do all forms of violence, or that which creates violent consequences. They are not only without Messianic Peace, their Car Cult lifestyle is outward proof that they oppose peace in every possible way.

Like any terrorist, the Car Cultists must/will make their Satan inspired, anti-Messianic lifestyles, not only warranted; not only necessary for life; they will convert this brazen evil fruit, into a righteous act or lifestyle. That is why heroism and the narcissism of its victimship (and its companion, victorship), as social productions, are so promulgated in the West; why human stardom and worship is so pervasive here in the Eschaton Era.

Even after watching millions of hours of live news, plus dash cam videos of the carnage, the Loveless (the indifferent; narcissism) masses, cannot and will not, be moved by the Holy Spirit, to at least hurt enough in their hardened hearts, to just give up their dangerous addictions. The power of pride–ego–emotion is just too overwhelming.

This is how people will justify themselves; if they are doing whatever everyone else doing, it must be good; but this is only because they are the ones doing it, and that makes it OK; everything is innocent when you are a participant in it: I am a good person; therefore, all that I do is good. It is those other not–like–me people that are bad!

We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the rare few Heaven–bound, Love–conquered, neighbor–serving, future resurrected disciple Saints; we recognize and acknowledge the Car Cult as a genocidal war; as one manifestation of scriptural messages pointing to and exposing the Eschaton Era. We see the madness of crowds, and the blood bath on the streets, as a war, and those who participate in it and/or enable it, as collaborators with Satan the god of this world; their god! But we also know that the blindness to it is, indeed, a major part of that message.

People justify themselves by pointing the proverbial fingers at others; the "brown murderers and rapists" is a current popular, politically parroted stage slogan. Some Muslims even believe they are serving their god; that they are the only righteous living people on Earth, and will (too often erroneously) give up their lives as a witness to their dedication to the religion. They serve god alright; the god of this world is the god of all religions!

And so too, are the Car Cultists, who are even more willing to die, or kill, for their cult lifestyles. It is the exact same mentality; the same justification juggling (Luke 10:25–29 & 16:13–15). For the atheistic and agnostic masses, the deaths and risks are simply the collateral damage of living a volitional lifestyle they must somehow believe is sanctioned by YHVH. It is not! The Car Cult is abomination in the sight of YHVH. But then, so is telling one lie (Rev 21:6–8); people have so normalized lying that most no longer see it as eternally fatal, and lie all the time.

The Indwelling Holy Spirit convicts all predestined people, away from the Car Cult, as well as other dangerous sin lifestyles; other unabashed demonstrations of indifference toward this planet (and all life upon it), owned exclusively by YHVH. The Spiritually transformed are Love centered, and as such, are remorseful and grieved when learning about a lifestyle choice that so negatively impacts others.

But the atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious; they instantly justify their choices: Volition in action! Repentance is not a slogan/word that we merely parrot when caught, it is a verb; it is to see a wrong and then quit it. The unregenerate will justify it away; thus, they will not be resurrected, but will remain incorporeal and cast into outer Darkness, far far from all planets.

Satan and his money–loving, mammon–dependent, demon–centric, church–business $$ professionals, continue to promote being anti-Messianic, even participating therein, and then committing the unpardonable sin: To be the Monetizers of YHVH, and thus live as anti-Messiahs, live atheistic lifestyles, and then justify it all with Scripture; this is the supreme mockery (Gal 6:7–8); this is the eternal doom state!

But until YHVH convicts a person powerfully enough to elicit (at least) an awareness, no lifestyle changes will occur; no metamorphic new creation will emerge (2Co 5:17; Rom 6:5–11; Col 3:8–11; Eph 4:20–24), and that is because they are not predestined to surrender unto His (eternal) Lordship: They are churched; pharisaic; westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized; the drones of Enculturation, and not the metamorphosis of Messiah.

Atrophy Of Muscle And Soul! (Back)

Social Media, especially those that opposes, or just questions the Car Cult, in any way; they become little more than justification stations for those who feel the guilt deep within, for participating in the planet killing Car Cult. However, since they are drones of their enculturation, and also simple minded, they cannot even imagine a life or lifestyle, lived any differently than the one handed to them by former generations of humans.

It is this common human trait that will end us as a species; the Eschaton Era is in full bloom. Since the next generation of humans also become the automaton–drones of the previous generation, the devastation now being recorded in real time, is like watching a slow motion recording of a train wreck; it is the physical evidence supporting this fact. But facts that expose sin–evil is always hated by the Spiritually blinded, who feel threatened by it (John 3:19–21).

The 2 Great Holocausts, American and German, were fully accepted by the masses, while they were happening in real time; the adults present for those events, were predominantly christianized people, who were oblivious to the extreme exhibition of sin–evil they were collaborators with, via an acceptance of it.

All Messianic disciples are/were greatly offended by this, and called it out, and are still calling it out; reproving as we are expected to do (Eph 5; 2Ti 4). The rest of the species (religious or not; churched or not; educated or not), justify these acts of sin–evil, just as they do with all such acts (Luke 16). All evil on Earth forever, is rarely ever seen as demonically evil, at the time it is happening.

When positing these questions, they are always opposed or in some way rejected, because guilt–shame–condemnation always elicits strong emotions, particularly anger, but also fear, resentment, and ultimately vengeance. E.g:

Is the risk of killing others (humans and/or animals) using a car, even yourself or your passengers, not far worse than any other possible point A to B travel scenario? Is participating in the greatest planetary act of devastation possible on Earth, worth the convenience of car usage? How important do you think you are? With an estimated 1.3 Million People Dying In Car Crashes Annually, I must know what was so important for any one of these trips to be made! Car Crashes Cause Death, Injury & Trauma: Why Do We Shrug Them Off?

Adding one more car to the 2 billion already corrupting the planet and future progeny, does being part of the problem helpful in justifying further participation in the Car Cult? Are all ones considerations of living on Earth with 8 billion other people, center on ones own life? Or do you first think about others and the planet that sustains us all?

Such questions are never answered; instead, it becomes a barrage of ad hominem replies designed to distract from the painful reality being exposed within the queries themselves. Rather than confront truth, it is easier to avoid it, and pride demands it. YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride !!

The culturally or socially christianized, are the prophetic Matthew Seven Christians. There is no Romans Road, only Narrow Way and Broadway (Matt 7), with the Car Cult itself, merely being symptomatic of Spiritual bankruptcy, en masse. The Car Cult exists only to service the Monetizers and the Mammon servants of the Eschaton Era, who are conquered by consumerism, not Christ.

But assuredly I say unto you; the Car Cult is very much a monkey–see–monkey–do remnant of the Romanesque period. Participation in the Car Cult makes one an enabler and a collaborator in many or all of Satan's war productions, prophesied about concerning the Eschaton Era. But each individual has a choice as to how they live out their life on Earth; what they buy into or not.

But if you even care at all (or want to begin), you will live without a car, that is for sure; it is the proverbial watermelon of all fruits (Luke 6:43–45). But additionally, you will speak up and be heard, alongside the Love conquered; the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, as we demonstrate Love in lifestyle, which includes social justice groups such as the Lung Association's, and many others like it. Check your current air quality at IQ Air.

This life is the test to see what character you will develop: will it be one that can be trusted in a Spiritually Resurrected and indestructible corporeal body, and placed upon one or even a multitude of other planets, over the next few trillion millennia? Or, are you a person who has demonstrated via indifference that you are so dangerous to all corporeal life (while here on Earth for a handful of decades) that Elohim our Adonai, cannot (and will not) resurrect you?

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a reward; a slogan winners destination; a prize for those who trust in Jesus; that is all mere theatrics; a religious theological production that is marketed by the money–serving, money–seeking, money–hungry Mammon servants of carton christianity (Satan's people). We are forever volitional; it is our superpower that overrules the very will of YHVH, Creator of all (John 3:19–21 vs Matt 7:21–23).

You (we) must prove in lifestyle ― action and inaction predominantly ― that you can be entrusted with an eternal body, to partake in the (indescribable) Resurrection of the Just (Luke 14; 1Co 15); to be a trustworthy disciple and faithful servant of YHVH, forever and unmonitored, and anywhere in the Cosmos. If you are not doing it now, you will not then (Matt 25 & Luke 12).

Money dependents will assuredly justify themselves before others; however, it is when they prostitute or adulterate scriptures to do so that takes it from common daily evil, to a raging manifestation of malevolence in the eyes of YHVH. All the evidence in the world ― found in abundance throughout these inspired writings by this one Oracle of Adonai Elohim ― cannot and will not sway the pride conquered; those churched or not, religious or not, believers or not, educated or not! Not even if someone they once knew well was raised from the dead to also tell them so. The greatest power in the Cosmos, is pride fueled ego!

No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! Being money lovers, all the Pharisees also, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim. The Torah and the Prophets were until John: Since that time the Kingdom of YHVH is preached, and everyone is pressed into it. It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of Torah to fail. Whoever puts away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery, and whoever marries her that is put away from her husband, commits adultery.
There was a certain rich man, clothed in purple and fine linen, who fared sumptuously everyday. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried.
In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. So he cried and said: Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame! But Abraham said: Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted, and you are tormented. And beside all this, between you and us, there a great gulf is fixed, so that they that would pass from hence to you, cannot; neither can they pass to us that would come from thence!
Then he said: I beg you therefore that you would send him to my father's house, for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment! Abraham said unto him: They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them! And he said: Nay, father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. But he said unto him: If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead!
(Luke 16:13–31)

A Fraction Of Available Data We Are Entering The Eschaton Burn! (Back)
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