¶ They Went Out From Us But Were Not Of Us: The Birth Of Christendom!
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The Johannine epistles are among the latest written canonized works (written 0090 ±), well after the widely circulated Q–Source or its derivatives. But this particular prophecy, no doubt, gives itself away: it is the last time {the birth of the Eschaton Era, and unto our time as the last human century}, as you have heard that The Anti Messiah shall come {see Apocalyptic metaphorical writings}, even now, there are many anti-Messiahs {people walking among them, and now among us, en masse: Christendom}, whereby we know that it is the last time {what they knew then, would be a last Century, but not knowing when, back when this was penned}. They went out from us, but they were not of us!
They in this context, were not the Gnostics. They in this context, were those who were christianized but never metamorphosized: Culturally conformed but never Spiritually transformed: Good at faking it, but not at living it! They are those who capitalized upon YHVH, once again: The Maker Monetizers . They represent those who will not endure until the end, exposed within the parable of the sower (Matt 13 ; Mark 4 ; Luke 8 ; Heb 6 ). They morphed to become the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists, today rooted in/from Nicenism .
It was (and still is) those who were from among them, but were not of them; those in close proximity at that time; those who initially were attracted to the ideals espoused by the Gospel doctrine of Yeshua The Messiah (Heb 6 :4–8), and who once understood the importance of Love, and from Love as root, then having the mind (and perspective) of (1Co 2 :11–16), and thus the heart of Messiah Yeshua; to have a passion to copy Him, and not the World . The world is choked with us–against–themism, and meism and pride, which is all abomination unto YHVH. Whatever you have or hold against any other human, you hold against The Lord!
This epistle was written when it was happening; the Messianic disciples were noticing that many who were claiming to be followers and disciples of Messiah Yeshua, were not truly doing so. However, nothing else (at least) canonized, was penned after this time period; there is no further elaboration on it. However, we have the advantage of hindsight and History; we can see looking back at what happened in real life, in times past. We can extrapolate unto today; that is (in part) what this work declares. But more importantly than all things written, we have Ruach HaKodesh, the more sure Word that dwelt among us, so that YHVH can be in us!
One human generation after the Messianic Ascension, Satan (via his human masses, as always) accelerated division, which utterly opposed the complete unity, found in the actual Lord's Prayer in/of John Seventeen . This is when the Eschaton Era began; we know this by the words: Even now there are many anti-Messiahs, where by we know that it is the last time! The COP Cultists are agents of Satan; believing any of their interpretations, or the theology spun from them, cannot be trusted; one must assume some cleaver distortions of truth therein: Leaven (Matt 16 ).
All of Christendom represents the ones sown upon the stones or in the thorns (Mark 4 :13–19); they were Satan's implants, working within and among the council authors of the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed , and none of them were Messianic disciples. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! They are fully and heavily invested in these temporal paradigms, and more so today than ever!
And it was unlikely that any of these secular polytheists, even met or touched a living Messianic disciple during their lifetimes. They, like all other religiously self-righteous people (then and today) were as far from the Messianic Cross, as anyone else on Earth. Love and Faith are a mystery to these people, because they are fully committed to this world and their Earth life; they see their god–figure as a celestial fixer and controller of Earth life, just like all other religions who thought of their sky god as a hero figure, and/or an all–powerful being they begged to, to give them what they want on Earth, or need from Earth.
Christianity is just another religion option, selected from the Cultural Religion Menu. There is very little difference between Christianity and all other religions known to humanity. Within the tiny box of blind Enculturation , humans select one religion, or another, and typically whatever is socioculturally popular at that time/place; how desperately small that is! How pathetically superficial that is!
Conversely, it is the will of Adonai, Elohim of all creation, that we utterly transcend our blind enculturation, and rise way way above it all. The Indwelling Holy Spirit expands our world immensely; we break free of that tiny box! All human religions are an affront and an offense to all things represented under the Messianic Cross. All individuals who have experienced true Spiritual metamorphosis, would be mortified by even the idea of church attendance, or the enablement of any such things. Religion is a great evil.
¶ Church Fathers Or Heavenly Father?
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These religious christianized people consumed the religious aspects of the Gospels, but they were/are owned by Satan, via their devotion to the World , witnessed in their comfortable fornication with secular governments who were (now as then) using them for political agendas, and, their most obvious addiction fruit, being their love of and dependency upon money, and their open armed acceptance of Mammon economics, and the Monetizers in general (Luke 16 :13–15).
Those religionists who hurt others the most were (and still are) the power hungry, and those who have achieved wealth empowerment; those who were/are sedentary Temple violators; the usury profiteers who make money from money, or from the labors of others (e.g. capitalism); the religious professionals; the attorneys; the politicians and their enforcement militants; anyone seeking any form of power (whatsoever) over other humans; the Law lords who are assuredly the future Darkness destined, prophesied.
The Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples; the eternal servants of Adonai our Elohim; the chosen; the future resurrected Saints (Luke 14 :12–14); they/we remained or became simple living people, because the Indwelling Holy Spirit, at that epoch , was/is bringing a true peace and a total contentment that verily transcends lifestyle mimesis , and surpasses all understanding (John 14 :27; Phl 4 :4–7).
They (and we) are all pacifists, because they/we truly Love all that Messiah Yeshua died for, as well (John 3 :16); they/we became like their/our Master; humble, Simple living, laboring with our hands, and deliberately avoiding becoming like the world. We saw this with Messiah Yeshua Himself, both in words of warning, as well as in the actual events that took place around Him and because of Him (John 6 :66). He is The Way (John 14 :6). But the me/here/now seeking professionals, sought to co–opt The Way, and they did, and YHVH allowed it.
But Messianic disciples have a more sure foundation; and no, it is not the catholics scriptures, even though the legalistic, Pharisaic, cult of Bibliolatry , YHVH monetizers, must and will need for you to think that is so. Why? Because if the particular bible brand that they have built their theological fraud productions upon, is considered the very Voice of YHVH, then that empowers them, over you or other humans. Messiah Yeshua is the Indwelling Holy Spirit, who abides within all who have surrendered unconditionally unto His supreme and eternal Lordship, and has died to this life and all it offers in the here and now.
Ironically, it is power itself, which is the fruit on the tree for all to see, regarding the frauds of Faith, or, Christendom. Satan tempted my Master, Messiah Yeshua, with power; Satan himself fell because of the desire to be god. YHVH allowed Satan to be the god of this world; this era; this age; these humans (2Co 4 :1–5). This particular planet, and Satan and crew, are ultimately doomed, as are all the power drunk humans, religious or not, churched or not, educated or not, who enjoy the fruits of their temptations. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! And Satan uses the internal trinity of pride–ego–emotion to enact them!
With all the conflicts over bible translations, as well as their original sources, which of course, could not last; YHVH provided a more sure foundation than tablets or the papyrus of the clerical works of a thousand fallible human scribes: YHVH brought to the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH , the Indwelling Holy Spirit: Ruach HaKodesh dwelling within us, and thus, cannot be misinterpreted by demon–led men, or lost to time, like with the great uncial codices .
The anointing, which you have received of Him, abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: But as the same anointing teach you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you; you shall abide in Him (John Seventeen ). This anointing or unction , is defined as: The rubbing of a drug mixed with an oil or fatty substance into the skin, with absorption of the active ingredient * . That active ingredient that gets absorbed into (or rubbed off onto) us, is none other than the Indwelling Holy Spirit; the Holy One .
¶ The Fake Christian Reality Show!
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The many anti-Messiahs; predominantly the anti-Messianic religious; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized masses (Luke 13 :24–28); are verily grouped with all other humans, in that their eternal Soul will (metaphorically) ride on Broadway full speed into the great abyss of outer Darkness , which is the empty vacuum of extreme, deep deep outer space, forever.
While on Earth, they are those who reject Messiah Yeshua as YHVH (1Jo 2 :22–23); plus, those who mock YHVH via the mere consumption of (and the marketing of) religion; the christianized (Matt 7 :13–23), who will be added to all other humans who simply (did not or) do not believe in the Resurrection (the afterlife: Matt 22 :23): Atheists, as well as every other religion brand practiced by humans, everywhere and forever.
Those who truly believe, live a radically different existence and lifestyle than the vast majority around them; the tree is known by the fruit it bears. In other words, it is obvious in lifestyle more than anything else. One cannot be radically transformed and eternally redeemed, and then turn right around and live a consumer centric lifestyle, just like the bulk of the westernized americanized world, lives; the anti-Messianic christianists; the anti-Messiahs.
Conversely, the few Messianic disciples living today; we are here to serve, and to forewarn and reprove (Eph 5 :8–13), and to prepare the future Elect of YHVH (John 16 :7–16), for the afterlife, during this life (John 21 :15–17). And in like manner, the anti-Messiahs (the christianized masses) will prepare the bulk of humanity for the coming of the 1 Great Anti Messiah (Satan in the flesh), and they will be eager and excited about his coming; at first!
Though the word anti-Messiah is only found, in that form, in the Johannine epistles, the idea or notion is clear from Messiah Yeshua Himself; those who do not obey the commandments or spoken words of Messiah Yeshua, exclusively (John 14 :15–21 & 15:10–12), will not see the Kingdom of Heaven, but will instead be cast into outer Darkness .
It was the Messianic disciples that developed the word anti-Messiah after witnessing people claiming to be participants of the still new fellowship of The Way , but who were not living the Gospels nor the Law of Love . The proof that a believer is a true (or actual) believer, is in how they live (lifestyle mostly), and not what they say or think, believe or claim.
Just like it is today, people would participate within their fellowship ranks (which were growing rapidly); they seemed sincere outwardly, but they did not possess and thus demonstrate the unconditional Love of YHVH that comes to all with the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Mark 7 ; Jude ). They consumed the religious aspects, but were not Messianic disciples.
There are multiple millions of anti-Messiahs on Earth, right now, and there have been countless multitudes for millennia; like weeds growing alongside the wheat (i.e. the Parable of the Tares : Matt 13 ): these people, from the week of Pentecost , and multiplying exponentially like weeds, until the Second Advent , will accumulate into the multiple billions (Matt 7 :13–23).
¶ The Antichrist Will Be A Wealthy Charismatic Christianized White Nationalist!
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Of course, as far along as we are into the Eschaton Era (circa 2025), it does not take a great prophet to foresee this one. Nonetheless, the anti-Messiahs are diligent to point to another target, because pointing elsewhere deflects the attention and focus away from self. The theological distractions curated by the COP Cultist's are massive, intricate, and lucrative.
Here, the postulation is that there will be one globally popular individual, who is a construct commonly known of, singularly, as the one political Anti Messiah : Satan in the flesh, who is the one who gets much attention: But that is just diversionary. There are many diversions, such as the Lord's Prayer being Matt 6 :9–13 instead of John Seventeen , which demands unconditional Love for all creation, and a subsequent unity that will endure eternity.
What the sheer bulk of humanity needs to be most concerned with, are the (now) billion individual anti-Messiahs that are equally driven by demonic forces; by demonic oppression, but who masquerade almost exclusively as christians so they can (purposefully or unknowingly) defraud the masses concerning the nature and character and purpose of Messiah Yeshua, who they renamed (or as they claim, merely translated into) Jesus Christ, the mascot and meme of all Christendom.
Self-professing christians are the prophesied anti-Messianic religious masses, of whom, Broadway will be overwhelmed. They participate in Sunday Christianity , also referred to as faux Christianity , Social Christianity, Nominal Christianity, Political Christianity (Satan's favorite of all), or in summary, Cultural Christianity. However, they are analogous to Jewish people who believe that there are (both) practicing and nonpracticing Jews.
All of this is of course absurd; the entire mentality delusional and even dangerous. We do not pickup and then set back down, our Heavenly Father, as we see fit: YHVH is not a book or a tablet or a talisman; YHVH is real, and either inhabits your Soul, or not (Romans 8 all). And how religious one is, has nothing to do with this outcome. There will be more people from prisons who will see the Kingdom of YHVH than there will be from churches!
Something that begins and ends within the synapses of the brain, is not the same as the physical world (corporeality); what a person merely believes, does not equal reality: This is why Messiah Yeshua clarified; but under the intentional obscurities of parables or metaphor; that the tree is known by the fruit it bears.
The same is true with the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we live Messiah–centric lifestyles, whereas the anti-Messiahs live lifestyles that are opposed to a pro Messiah lifestyle that is summarized in simple living , true humility, genuine kindness, pacifism, and a Love equally for everyone.
They went out from us : this means they use the name Christ/Christian (or any other permutation thereof), but they do not live under His Lordship; they cannot even conceptualize what Lordship is! In summary, they do not Love .
But they were not of us : this means they do not obey the teachings or the example of Messiah Yeshua, but instead, fake an outward show of religion, just as the Pharisees of Bibliolatry had become. Messiah Yeshua was very critical and even condemning of those who pretended to be interested in YHVH, but were only in it for the money and/or their ego (Mark 7 :5–7).
They are just like their father the devil; power hungry; discontented; seekers of earthly lordships. Hence, the guns, the money, the praise of militantism, the social, economic, and political power hunger that drives their every waking day. And on top of all of that, they do religion on the weekends and emotionally praise their gods, and then Prayer beg for yet more of it all, yet again! Anathema to the extreme!
¶ The Eschaton Era: Industrialization To Termination!
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Thus, the religionists (for a tithe/fee/service) must convince people they are eternally secured (Saved), and that is what the church businesses (the dens of thieves) always were, and still are; a justification station for the atheistic masses, especially now, here in the Laodicean period of the Eschaton Era. This is why pop christianity, or network christianity, or capitalist christianity, is no longer sin, but instead, is normalized and fully accepted, here in the latter stages of the Eschaton Era.
Christendom is as mindlessly accepted, as is the westernization of scriptural translation, and the more brazen anti-Messianic lifestyles, such as the stunningly devastating Car Cult , the gun cult , antisocial Social Media , and all the other unabashed displays of indifference and violence that haunts the masses (now globally), indoctrinated by Satan's end–time cultural phases: Romanization , then Westernization , and finally Americanization .
Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous ; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disrespectful to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent ; fierce ; despisers of those that are good; traitors ; headstrong ; aristocratic ; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti 3:1–7) {cf. Rom 1 ; James 5 }
I charge you therefore, before Elohim, through The Lord, Messiah Yeshua, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom: Preach the word! Be instant in season and out of season. Reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, and having itching ears, they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. But you; watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, and make full proof of your ministry. (2Ti 4:1–5)
For the mystery of iniquity does already work; only He who now lets will allow it, until he is taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom The Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceiving and unrighteousness within them that perish, because they received not, the love of the truth, that they might be saved. So for this cause, Elohim shall send them strong delusions so that they will believe lies; that they all might be damned, who believed not in truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Th 2:7–12)
Because when they knew Elohim, they glorified Him, not as Elohim, neither were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim, into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds and four footed beasts and creeping things. Therefore, Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature, more than the Creator, who is blessed forever: Amen!
For this cause, Elohim gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust, one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim in their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness; fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of Elohim, spiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who, knowing the judgment of Elohim; that they that commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom 1:21–32) {cf. Jude ; Jer 4 }
While all Messianic disciples globally, have known for over the last four or five generations, that the end–times were lurking closely, it was still hard to pinpoint the moments when the actual seventy years of the finality of the Eschaton Era would begin and then end. And no christianized person over the last millennia had a clue about the Eschaton. But then, knowing it was never going to be that easy, because of the Great Hope. The ultimate goal of this life, was never to use fear to drive people, against their will, toward and then under the Messianic Cross.
It was/is the will and desire of YHVH that everyone comes unto the Messianic Cross, not just willingly, but desirously and as their first and only choice. Terrifyingly, Christendom itself, has been and increasingly will be, a major player in this end–time delusion bath. It will all be accompanied by mass delusion, eventually manifesting as an open denial of, while looking into the face facts, past or modal .
But quickly it will all leave the proverbial rails altogether . Rebellion, defiance, and anger fueled violence is surely nothing new, but now, it is becoming thicker and more comprehensive, and worse, it is coming mostly from masses of those who claim an association with The Messianic Cross (Christendom).
Satan motivated and compelled, via temptation for money/power, the anti-Messianic religious; mostly the Europeans, to traverse upon the oceans of Earth, for its monetizing natural resources; killing, stealing and destroying along their way, so to fill their own pockets, as well as the war machine coffers of their respective kings or queens and their puppet popes and priests. And they did all of this, as self-professing christians (anathema ).
Satan has had a very good time (and a good run) exploiting the names Jesus and Christ and Christianity , using the churched and their bible as god (i.e. Bibliolatry ), to justify these heinously evil acts that have plagued humanity since the First Century, and continuing unabated unto the Last Century.
Of course, monetizing YHVH is evil, and at a level that is far worse than just about any other flesh caused sin possible: Yet, the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, measure all things by dollar increments; they use the secular world as their own barometer of what is right and wrong; who is worth what. The fully secularized attorney–class, work tirelessly and exclusively for Satan, framing all the political works of men, of the which, the Xians of Religianity blindly follow and enable, and with a demonic and thus bizarre loyalty.
The supposed proof that most agnostics claim is not there, is there, but they do not want to see it. That proof is a billion faking Christians , which the Messiah Scriptures predicted would exist; their existence en masse is now our proof. The Xians of Religianity have no genuine interest in serving under a Lordship; they cannot so much as conceptualize it, much less live by it daily.
Indeed, they exploit The Creator, and any part of creation, for temporal purposes; self-service, entertainment, wealth/power, material hoarding, resource monetization, and the like. All of that stems from egocentrism, pride, nationalism/patriotism, bigotry, racism (or any form of us–against–themism), and all the sad byproducts of the horrifying keep up with the Joneses show.
¶ Blaspheme Against The Holy Spirit!
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Living a fake life is blasphemy in the most generic hypocritical sense; however, to fake being a christian is the unforgivable sin, because it is you portraying yourself as a direct descendant of YHVH; a child of the Living Elohim; an ambassador of our Father in Heaven (Mark 3 :28–29 & 7:20–23).
The very reason why Messiah Yeshua was so critical of the Pharisees, was because they were the (assumed) front men of YHVH among the Jews, the very ethnic group that YHVH chose to work through initially.
But they had taken scripture and monetized them to avoid Labor , and to gain the respect of other men; that act alone was a heinous sin, as well as an insulting mockery of YHVH. But for people to assign themselves to Messiah Yeshua, and then live an anti-Messianic lifestyle, is to misrepresent Him unto others (Mark 9 :39–50); this is the great anathema and the unforgivable sin. YHVH is not a Theme Park to monetize for entertainment purposes and personal enrichment.
This is why the Elect few, seek non commercial Community; the church businesses are just as the Scriptures said they would be; Laodicean dens of thieves (Rev 3 :13–18 vs. Acts 4 :32–35), even though Satan lost the power to wantonly rape Souls on the day that Messiah Yeshua resurrected from physical death.
However, Satan decided on that day, to attack any and all that is represented under the banners and flags of Christendom. The focus and the target was/is the churched; the collective of individuals who monetize YHVH, and who enable them; the collaborators, guilty by association.
Therefore, Satan's main goal was (and still is) to first create so many religions that Messiah Yeshua would get lost among them; Christ would be reduced to just another religious caricature, then tossed into the selection list, from the world religion menu: Christendom! And it will be the christianized who, just like the Pharisees, will join forces to persecute the Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples.
Even though all of this is being (or has been) accomplished, it will ultimately fail, because dead religions simply cannot compare to the sustainable Living Creator of all, Adonai our Elohim: YHVH! Those who simply do not want truth, will accept the frauds as representations of Messiah Yeshua; they will toss every non atheist into a single box labeled religion, and then carry on, business as usual (Luke 17 :20–30).
¶ Christendom Is An Offense To The Messianic Cross!
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The us–against–themism of Christendom ― as with all Abrahamic religions ― is anti-Messianic in nature and scope. Messiah Yeshua came to unite all of humanity, as the Monotheistic Elohim of all creation. This was made possible by His propitiation; to bring into reality, the possibility of unconditional Love for all.
It is all in contrast to our nature; indeed, most all of His teachings, or more accurately His commandments, centered on this reality; deep read Matthew 5 thru 7 just for starters. And John Seventeen takes it one step deeper; indeed, to another level. We Messianic disciples are not on Earth for justice or fairness for ourselves; our Master declared it to us plainly:
He that hears you hears Me, and he that despises you despises Me, and he that despises Me, despises Him that sent Me! (Luke 10:16)
Unfortunately, all the products of Satan are purely anti-Messianic; that is, the demon crew, moved slowly away from tormenting everyone, and focused their efforts and their attention, upon any and all, under the umbrella of Christ & Christian.
And so Satan, now bruised (Genesis 3 ), followed the money; Satan (leader of the demon class) developed the mammon–centric religions, via the temptations of men. The devil is an imitator (2Co 11 :13–14); he has created an elaborate web of falsehood under the guise of truth; just a little leaven will suffice (Mark 8 :15–18; Luke 12 :1; 1Co 5 :6–8; Gal 5 :5–9).
The only way to show onlookers that we are not like the anti-Messianic religious masses, is to be anomalous, much like the Amish are within Satan's heavily pride driven nation, the Un–Messianic States Annexed: You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1Pe 2 :9–12).
Conversely, the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious (masses); they are loyal to human–centric things; indeed, anything they do or think is what is righteous. Jihadists believe, just like Christians, that all they do is in righteous service to their god/s: All religionists share the same demonic traits . All Religion Is Sacrilegiousness !! Or, anti–sacred!
Of course, the moment a religious extremist reads the Amish as a fine example of a Messiah centric people, they can only rush to their extremist pathology; the self-justification mind loops, and lump all Amish people into one single person or one thing; one box (just like the word Christian itself), and then proceed to proclaim all the bad things that a singular Amish are guilty of. Ironically, as close to the Messianic Cross as the Amish are, as a people, they are still not yet under it either.
The extremist cannot learn anything that is eternally meaningful; they are trapped within the (schizophrenic style and merciless) loop of self-justification mode continuously; indeed, the very source and cause of the eternal wailing and weeping and gnashing in the abyss of Darkness , though obviously, it cannot and will not be bodily suffering (Luke 13 :28; Matt 8 :12; Matt 13 :42–50 & 22:13 & 24:51 & 25:30).
Apart from Messiah, they need many decades of deep, long term psychological council and a ton of pills, while kept inside an Institution. Instead, our culture respects their freedom to infect the populace. The thinking person knows that people are unique and individualistic, no matter where they are, or when they live, or what they look like.
Conversely, the simpleton must put everything and everyone into tiny little boxes so they can mentally manage it all. E.g: No wise person thinks that all Amish are Messiah centric; it is not a group thing; it is personal and individualistic. A (potential) personal relationship with one's Creator has zero to do with the sum of one's Enculturation . The Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit exists, precisely to disenculturate us.
The Elect of YHVH were (and still are) made up of mostly individuals, and rarely of small bands of groups, who thus live by the doctrines and commandments and the lifestyle of Messiah Yeshua, exclusively; considering the rest of scripture (on both ends) to be adjunct to the gospels as core, with YHVH Love as the root expression of all else that flows from, that core. Of course, the Amish are still just protestants, and so, they are no more Messianic disciples, than are any others under the umbrella of religions spawn from Abrahamism .
Messiah Yeshua turned and said to Peter: Get behind me Satan; you are an offense unto Me, for you savor not the things that are of YHVH, but those that are of men! (Matt 16:22–23) {cf. Matt 4 :8–10}
Following this exposition that Satan had evidently entered Peter and spoke through him, Messiah Yeshua went on to explain and to teach; He did not immediately perform an exorcism on Peter, and so this devilish action, among others that did involve an exorcism, exposes to us how Satan and his trillion demon army of anti-Messianic, incorporeal beings, can affect and/or infect the human condition: It is not always the same.
¶ Evil Is Beautiful; Sin Is Liberating; Demons Hunger Freedom!
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Satan and crew can only work on Earth, through humans, having no capacity to enter the corporeal. Satan does so through the bulk of humanity, via temptation satiation; via pride–ego–emotion. Indeed, only rarely do demon possessions, or demonic oppression, result in violence or self mutilation, or other more obvious outward (Hellywood inspired grotesque) acts.
Vary rarely are evil people scary, or ugly, or outcasts or poor; indeed, Satan was glorious, beautiful and extra talented; a son of the morning; a movie star, wealth endowed, and a hero type. Satan was referred to as Lucifer (but only) in Isaiah:
How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into Heaven! I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim! I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north! I will ascend above the heights of the clouds! I will be like the most High! Yet, you shall be brought down to Gehenna; to the sides of the pit. They who see you shall narrowly look upon you, and consider you, saying: Is this the one who made Earth tremble and who shook kingdoms? Who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities? Who opened not the house of his prisoners? (Isa 14:12–17) {cf. Rev 8 :10–11}
The "son of the morning" refers to the station that Satan once had in the heavenly realm; it had nothing to do with stars. Satan was a proverbial front row agent who was among the first to be in the presence of Adonai our Elohim. But eventually, Satan became a fallen being (a fallen angel is not an accurate depiction): Satan was ruled by pride and by power, and we know from all experience, how pride and power corrupts even the those who had good beginnings and/or intentions.
Satan showed his proverbial cards to us humans, through the experiences of our Lord, during the time that Satan tempted Messiah Yeshua while fasting in (all Messianic disciples favorite place to be) the wilderness (Matt 4 :1–12). What the book titled Isaiah was conveying here, was how pompous and arrogant Satan (once called Lucifer by YHVH) had become, and how he wanted to be an El; to be a god. Elohim granted those desires, and Satan became the god of this world (2Co 4 :1–4) via and through the humans that occupied Earth.
Think of a person who is arrogant and prideful; a trope of unmitigated pompousness! Satan's people love the characteristics of other Satan–led people; they are peas in a pod. Even though the Tanakh makes only little mention of Satan or demons (Job mostly); indeed, they existed then as well. So did schizophrenics, but they did not call it that, then, either. Only through the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit, post Pentecost, did we mortals learn more perspicuously, all about Satan and his trillion demon army of anti-Messianic promoting, YHVH hating, incorporeal entities (Job 2:1–2; Eph 3 :1–12; Eph 6 :10–13). YHVH is Sovereign Creator of all, including all evil beings, and YHVH has them on a proverbial leash, using them for eternal purposes as well.
On the day that you surrender unconditionally unto the supreme Lordship of Messiah Yeshua; that radical, profound, epochal, and deeply Soulful transformation will make your current life mortifying to you. To squander your existence by spending 40+ hours a week exchanging your incalculable time value, with some pointless job that is just a planet damaging capitalistic agenda.
Perhaps people will use their education for monetary acquisition, but will most likely ignore their YHVH given talents, and doing so for a few pieces of silver; and, doing all of that only to make another rich; only to service mammon; only to enable a hopelessly atheistic system: This reality will (or should) mortify anyone, and thus we have cognitive dissonance , and a host of psychological disruptions.
Most religion consumers are worldly people; that is, they have not (yet) sold out of this life, in exchange for a life of/in unconditional surrender unto the supreme Lordship of Messiah Yeshua; they are not Jesus freaks! They are atheistic and completely secular, and will likely, not see the Kingdom of Heaven, thus fulfilling the Messiah Scriptures concerning them.
Therefore, the Elect of YHVH, as Messianic disciples, must be tactful in exposing the frauds of the faith, from the actual Jesus freaks! I once used that term because, for the Elect of YHVH, being associated with that radical Messiah is the ultimate honor. But for The World ; they cannot come out from among them (2Co 6 :14–18).
The anti-Messianic religious; those who will consume religion but will never partake in the (future) Kingdom of Heaven; will be way more concerned with earthly things, than they will with eternal things (1Jo 2 :15–17). They will actually care what others think of them, and in this horrifyingly superficial state, they will not want to tarnish their public image with anything too far outside of what is culturally comfortable (Mark 8 :34–38; Luke 9 :23–26).
¶ The Psychological Hypersensitivity Of The Desensitized!
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Psychologists have done a fine job of naming similar human behaviors, even finding the regions of the brain seemingly impacted. But understanding these similarities, via the science of Psychology itself, in no way negates the influences of the demonic world or realm that we have been assured will exist, at least from the First unto the Second Advent , though greatly attenuated (thankfully) during that time block (all of 2 Thessalonians ).
But the hypersensitivity of the desensitized, is the fruit on the tree that we need to see, and thus expose; it does not take too much because the atheistic are (both) hypersensitive and desensitized ; they will not want to appear, well, freakish!
While they are conquered with self image, they live otherwise indifferent lifestyles, serving the self with no regard for how their lifestyle affects others locally or globally; out of sight is out of mind. They do not even fake their christianity very well, and those who do, only do so for the money reward. It is analogous to the fake caring among the money dependents, who must pretend to care for others so not to appear indifferent, thus increasing customers and profits.
The anti-Messianic religious are willing to associate with the religion of christianity; but specifically, the brand name church that they were trendy enough to select: However, for them to walk away (entirely) from the world; this is impossible for them. Religion for them is like fashion; it is a social addendum (one among many) that they flash or show off to others, for some level of approval or acceptance: But Messiah Yeshua is not truly the Lord of their life and thus the core and center of their lifestyle.
Religion businesses (esp. secular christianity) may be fine for entertainment purposes, but they are eternally dangerous, because they reduce Messiah to a religion (get thee hence, Satan), and all such religions construct a false sense of eternal security. To follow Messiah Yeshua is to be His disciple, which is to first abandon this life (Luke 18 :18–30), and though they may read this in scripture, they must attenuate it in their mind, so that they can continue to maintain the social disguise and continue to consume worldliness (John 3 :19–21).
When we surrender unto the actual Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, we die to this life, and in that death to self, we are reborn; we are so radically transformed by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, that the idea of even caring what the atheistic world thinks of us, would be laughable, if it was not for the likely reality of their eternal doom.
Without YHVH in us (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), humans remain horrifyingly superficial; shallow to the extreme; in this desperate state they are desperate to appease other humans, but this is because they have no relationship with YHVH whatsoever; other people is really all they know about, and proximity their guide.
¶ Pride: Cement Of Satan!
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Pride is that part of human ego Satan exploits most easily (and most often). If a churchgoer is taught a myth as a truth, it takes humility (the opposite of pride) to admit being wrong, sometimes for decades of time, and then repent and turn one's entire life around in response to it. The consumers of religion, still owned by pride, remain as mindless automatons who copy the atheistic world that they are familiar with, for it is all they know. Even their emotions (and emotional ques) are copied simulations.
Therefore, they look, act, sound, live, and even feel, nearly exactly like everyone around them; they are 100% the assembly line productions of Enculturation , and thus, ethnocentric and pride driven: programmed by the carnal/primal nature, but not (or ever) reprogrammed by Ruach HaKodesh; disenculturated by the Indwelling Holy Spirit: Nor do they want to be!
Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, so that whoever believes Him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved. Those that believe Him are not condemned; but those that do not believe, are condemned already, because they have not believed in the Name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither will come to the light, lest their deeds should be exposed. But those that do truth, comes into the light so their deeds may be made manifest; that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:16–21)
The Holy Spirit (YHVH) does not dwell in someone who is just curious or agnostic; YHVH is not going to provide evidence first; true faith comes first, and only thereafter, will the evidence come; it will come in the form of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and subsequently, Love, and the mind of Messiah. Once a person is conquered by YHVH in them they are enlightened to all things; thus, they no longer play the agnostic games that the atheistic masses play, concerning YHVH, nor do they fake being christians. They/we live this life for what it truly represents: A training exercise for life eternal.
It is that chasm between fake faith and true and living Faith. To be among the Chosen; to be the Elect of YHVH; this is not an academic exercise, If one could provide an abundance of empirical evidence for the existence of Elohim, that data will not change the final headcount of the future resurrected few (Luke 16 ).
Those who say they would be a believer if they had proof, deceive themselves; it is true and genuine Faith first, and once the Indwelling Holy Spirit dominates your Soul, you will never again seek or need, corporeal proof. The absence of empirical evidence is itself, evidence of a deceiver! But in the case of the incorporeal, genuine Faith is required first, before the (proverbial) lens of eternality can be provided to anyone.
This is a sad state of existence (though they are not aware of it), but we, as the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, must understand and remember that most people have likely never even met an actual Messiah centric person in their lifetime; all they have ever known are (either) the anti-Messianic religious, the other religious, the agnostics or the atheists.
The Elect of YHVH (the Bride Body of Messiah Yeshua) would consequently, appear foreign to them, but this is because we are foreigners, oddballs, and strangers, while here on Earth, mixed among the atheistic, the anti-Messianic, and the other religious masses. The Elect of YHVH are on Narrow Way, and it is a very long way from Broadway.
Initially (and logically) they would feel very uncomfortable around the Elect of YHVH, and if they are not (among) the Chosen, they will never feel comfortable around us, much less being one with us (John Seventeen ). YHVH knew this chasm would exist, and taught the Elect of YHVH, how to see it and what to do about it.
There are many reasons why people dabble in creationism, or sample religion, but there is only one reason that they stay, in Messiah; they die, and in that death, they become new creations; they are torn bloodily from the World , and grafted into the vine, by the redeeming bloodshed of Messiah Yeshua, and none other, for He is Salvation!
There is nothing that can be said to a person, to compel them to yoke with the Body of Messiah Yeshua; it is a calling; it is a destiny; it is not a product for sale or a venue for social posturing. If this is what a person is truly seeking, there are tons of religious businesses out there, catering to every sociocultural theme known.
These businesses must adapt to or adopt social convention, exactly because they are businesses; money centric and mammon dependent, they must get financed by whoever is willing to walk into their donation dependent businesses. The Elect of YHVH have no such businesses, because we are devoted to much higher standards. We oppose money as much as it is in our power to do, rather than being empowered by and with money. Those who use money to control other humans, but who claim a Messianic discipleship, are evil to the root, and cannot be redeemed.
¶ YHVH IS Love; Satan IS Pride !!
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Pride is all powerful; second only to Love (the unconditional, eternal, unidirectional Love of YHVH). These are the two greatest powers in all the universe; far more powerful in their results, even than a (proposed) black hole in space. I have been witness to (and have experienced) both powers. Pride is the main weapon exploited by Satan among the human masses.
Pride assures denial of truth, self-justification, self-superiority, and self-righteousness. Pride is how people can believe in things like the Flat Earth Theory, and other such things that have no scientific basis. Even in the face of evidence, they cannot stop believing in the lies, but this is a symptom of Satan (one of many); they have committed to the lie, and they are too proud to admit they are wrong.
We see this with all religions practiced by humanity. Satan poses as the god of all religions; Satan is the god of the human masses (2Co 4 :1–5). YHVH is Creator of all, but all religion is a cultural production; Satan's way of distorting that truth. There is overwhelming evidence of YHVH and Satan, but it is not something one can examine in a Laboratory. But then, neither is Dark Matter!
Only because of pride, multiple billions of humans will be cast into the Abyss of empty lifeless outer space: Darkness ! If it were a competition, then Satan will win by a huge margin; multiple billions to one; wide is the path and broad is the way indeed (Matt 7 ). All sin was atoned for upon the Messianic Cross, but pride prevents people from the humility and the humble heart necessary to clearly see this.
Watching pride utterly consume someone you hope will make it into the Kingdom of Heaven, is an awful experience. But I also noticed something (over time) that I was not aware of, earlier in my Messianic discipleship; how the closeness (the familiarity and affection) I felt for those, for whom I should feel closer to, such as genetic kin, was just not there.
Of course, as a Messianic disciple, I Love all the YHVH creation: This is the commandment of my Master, Messiah Yeshua, and soon, it was my only desire. Yet, I asked myself: Is this because they are not a part of the Kingdom of Heaven? Is it that YHVH protects our heart (while we are still in earthy form) so that the impact of their eternal loss is attenuated?
Perhaps! But soon we come to realize that a genetic tree is meaningless to Spiritual beings. We are all one in Messiah Yeshua; we are all one species on one planet with one chance. YHVH is incorporeal and our soul is also incorporeal, and so we are all connected in the incorporeal realm, regardless of genetic similarities, which are only (barely) relevant in our temporal corporeal state.
Now I know as an elder (and long time Messianic disciple) that we will not have human emotions, because they are merely the byproducts of the mammalian brain, and nothing more. We will not feel anything in that way. Love is not an emotion; YHVH IS Love, and likewise, Love IS YHVH. Attachment and familiarity are the words we should be using here.
All non–transformed humans can only have brain experiences (the dormant Soul theory); in human bonding it is all just Oxytocin . And since time will be irrelevant to us, our incorporeal extant experiences will not be like they are, now as earthlings. We will continue to deepen, Spiritually, just as it begins in the now.
Without the overflowing fulfillment and surpassing peace, which comes abundantly unto all, who have surrendered their pride–ego–emotion; who have surrendered their self-centered existence, unto the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and have subsequently died to this life, and especially unto self; the Faithless Loveless remain in their blinded state of Spiritual bankruptcy, vacuity and emptiness continuously.
As a result of that cold reality, they must and will, seek things in this life as poor substitutes for this emptiness. And since the bulk of humanity are in this condition, whatever is popular or famous would fall under this curse: Enter the Social Media platforms, and their main portal, the smartphone. These are attempts at filling the internal voids that only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can truly fill, and will to overflowing.
It is analogous to people who overeat (SAD ) junk foods, but who remain weakened (and then sick), by the continuous overeating of nutritionally poor food choices; almost everything sold in boxes, cans or bags nowadays. They will get fat or obese from the cycle of overeating; they continue to remain undernourished, so the body craves evermore food to gain those needed nutrients. This same thing is allegorically true in the Spiritual realm.
People live anti-Messianic lifestyles of gluttony, excess and pleasure; and then, from guilt and Spiritual blindness, and its subsequent guilt–shame–condemnation (Rom 8 ), they overcompensate (most often unconsciously) for this perpetual demonstration of an anti-Messianic (lifestyle), by going to church services; by talisman brandishing (bible toting); by making emotional expressions of religiosity; by mumbling self-centered words unto the gods and calling that a Prayer . But doing any/all of this is a mockery of YHVH (Gal 6 ).
Social Media platforms are popular because it gives a digital stage to the Spiritually empty, who (therefore) starve for attention; this is natural. But it is also a tell; a symptom; a proof. Now, some Messianic disciples will attempt to exploit the Internet in all its permutations, for the ultimate service of the Master. But we are not really interested in any of the stages this life offers, and especially the ego stages represented in the church business models, which our Master so opposed. We only have One on a pedestal: YHVH (in any/all manifestations).
¶ Spiritual Bankruptcy; Ethical Decay; Psychological Deprivation!
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This is the generic steps that lead to the empty vacuum of the Great Void (or Abyss); the far far extremes of outer space: Darkness . Life on Earth has moved well into the Eschaton Era, with a summary of life itself, being little more than a power show of the egocentric power drunk hierarchical wealth class, playing their own personal Game of Thrones !
They hunger lust to those power trip games, with the rest of us as merely the collateral damage; the masses being nothing more than their audience. After all, you cannot be a lord without subjects to lord over. The rich/powerful live only to serve the rich/powerful, and wealth hoarding is itself, symptomatic of Spiritual depravity, which is a moral decay that must and will lead to extreme ethical compromises.
These inherited traditions of westernization, summed up in hierarchy and class, and possible only with a global monetary system, has been a copy–mimic–parrot by/from the monkey–see–monkey–do, automaton–drone masses, which continue to support morbidly corrupted power systems, built off/from the backs of the masses, via tithes/taxes, received labor–free by the hands–in–the–pie, cut takers. Only those who Labor (while on Earth and were able) will be considered for the eternal Kingdoms of YHVH.
But these injustices ― all of which were/are instigated by the attorney–class in concert with their political bedfellows ― will be destroyed, but only upon the return of The King, Messiah Yeshua, and not one second before Him. However, if YHVH decides that earthlings are not worth the effort, we will assuredly implode and become extinct in a blink of geological time.
The human brain alone is utterly incapable of YHVH Love. The very purpose of the Indwelling Holy Spirit was to bring Love into us for the very first time; it is Love which is our true power, but as we witnessed with our Master and true King, Messiah Yeshua, crucified as an innocent, such Love will not protect us from being the targets of injustice and abuse by the bully militants of the money hoarding financial dominion: They will not learn the error of their ways until long into their eternal blackness of darkness, the Abyss.
Satan's COP Cult productions, actually includes teachings that imply that their sheeple must mindlessly comply with evil people, and their collective institutions, based upon theological soundbites (via literalism), which leave their simpleton drones of blind enculturation, willingly falling inline with all of it. We Messianic disciples are ordered to expose all sin–evil, not enable it, nor collaborate with those that do so.
But of course, their ultimate motives for keeping human hierarchies socially acceptable is due to the fact that they exploit them for their own power centric directives; the hands–in–the–pie, taker/tithe/tax parasite, mammon hoardings will be utilized as their weapon. And it has been that way since the Catholic church was directing now ancient European kingship's.
¶ The Closer To The Cross, The Farther From The World!
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Egocentric people really cannot hide their Spiritual vacuity, and indeed, few even try to. When the ego is weakened; that is, everyone without Living Water and Bread of Life, filling them to overflowing; the full but still hungry state of existence, drives the masses to seek fulfillment in the World , and this is because they are limited to. and confined by/in this world. They have no contact with the incorporeal realm at all (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), and as a consequence of that Spiritual vacuity, they attempt to appeal to their ever draining and/or empty ego, with outward things: That is observable.
These outward things are numerous. People will try to dress in such as way to draw attention to self; they do and say and act in ways that gain the attentions of others. They are loud, or aggressive. They seek the things in this world that will draw attention to self, and if it is not good attention, bad attention will suffice (e.g. loud machines). And money will buy it all, even when fame alone, fails. We get many euphemisms from this vacuity: dress to impress being just one. The Pharisaic play this ruse inside the religions of Christendom.
Social Media platforms provide a venue to be seen and heard. It is accurately referred to as a social platform, where people (popular or not) can have a small audience; fans that follow them around in the digital world; an entourage of worshipers who adore their very presence. They can be little stars when being big stars is beyond their reach. The average person can announce their every move, knowing they have loyal followers reading about it. I suspect this gives them some warped form of temporary gratification.
The list of things humans do for look at me can get long, but I hope you can (now or one day) see the logic train of thought here. Living in discontentment and fear always, they try to gain something in this life to fill the void that YHVH leaves in everyone; and only YHVH can fill that particular (and rather large) void. This is written from some experience; a Twitter account was used in a year long experiment; a testing opportunity. The experience was educational, but to actually do it for real would be a waste of precious time (account closed).
But Social Media platforms, resembling (or mirroring) the platforms of life in general, thus suffer from the same condition: making their many manifestations of Spiritual vacuity and emptiness, seem good and righteous, noble, heroic, or even goodly. This life is one big stage of superficial presentations by the masses, which all have to be good. Even the greatest of evil, ever witnessed by YHVH in recording every thought and action of every person to ever live, must and will, be spun by those people into some form of nobility or goodness.
Thankfully, YHVH does not and will not be using human centric barometers; many humans think for example, that there are justified times or causes or reasons for war or killing, but YHVH does not care about these barometers, for YHVH judges with righteous judgment, individuals and individually. The video, You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media ⊛ , is generally about the life of the Faithless Loveless consumerist robotic masses, even the christianized, as they fulfill Eschaton Era prophesies, though completely unaware of doing so.
If you live carelessly, like participating in the Car Cult as just one example among hundreds, you will be a collaborator in the larger implications, which comes as a result of this pandemic cult. We Messianic disciples, will not be able to stop these acts of indifference (or Lovelessness), but we do not have to partake in them either. Our duty is to demonstrate Love by not being a collaborator in any evil, and, to expose them for what they are, just as our Master did.
¶ The Human Extinction Paradox!
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Omnicide is already a dead certainty; this, the human experiment, is coming to its predictable end. There were periods of time in the past where people would talk or write about the Eschaton Era, moving quickly into the end of days, but the mechanisms were not yet in place, making it seem improbable and thus dismissible: Today of course, all those components and mechanisms are a live breaking news reality.
We know, for example, that Earth cannot sustain 8 billion humans, for any length of time, and that there could never be that many people in the first place, except that we are consuming many millions of years worth of stored energy (fossil fuels mainly) in a mere few centuries. We know that it will be science and technology (and industrialization in general) that will be the direct and the indirect cause of Omnicide; this was a predictable, indeed biblical eventuality.
The secular world (or, the bulk of humanity, churched or not) actually believe the opposite; either that technology and science will save us, or god will. But this is all denial, which is a manifestation of mental instability, which is the end result of Spiritual deprivation or vacuity (Jer 17 :9; Luke 17 ; 1Th 5 ; 2Pe 2 & 3).
The mass consumerism that is happening today (the empirical data for this fact) will still be happening during the last days of human existence; that is just how powerful pride is. Like those in denial of how their lifestyle choices will eventually lead to their sickness and death, the devout smoker for example, will pull the oxygen tubes from their nose, for that one last smoke; and will do so until only death stops them.
The atheistic, as well as the anti-Messianic religious, have no direct connection to Adonai Elohim (YHVH), and as such, they must and will, deny the truth of apocalyptic Scripture, all the way to the last day, and they will deny it all, all the way up to their death, as the Messianic scriptures proclaims.
The Elect of YHVH is a designation (employed herein) which opposes the generic term christian ; this is necessary because most who assume the christian title or moniker are mostly secular themselves; they consume the products of religion, but are Spiritually bankrupt. Spiritually speaking, they are exactly like the atheist, for they truly are atheistic: The evidence for this is that they enable and participate in the events of human activity that will drive Omnicide.
They believe that they are serving YHVH through the religion businesses, but in fact, they are living anti-Messianic lifestyles: In truth, they are being used by Satan to bring about the mass destruction of humanity, via their mindless consumer drone lifestyles. They enable all the mechanisms of the evil one, daily, and yet, are deceived into believing they are going to Heaven in the end, simply because of their religiosity (Matt 7 :21–29). Guilty by association!
The stage is already set: the human population explosion is the main culprit, with mass fornication and mass adultery (globally) being the way that almost all children enter into this Eschaton Era scenario: the Laodicean Era. There are even people in the scientific community who see the signs of the Eschaton Era, but (as victims of money–hunger) they too, have to protect their own financial interests as employees, and even when they are drawing retirement pensions.
In June of 2010, 95 year old scientist, Professor Frank Fenner predicted Omnicide in less than a century ; he had to wait until he could no longer be manipulated by the plutocracy before going public. This is because of the heavily promoted modern myth product; that science and technology will save the world. Because of this fact, the wealth class and the profiteers will have anyone (who would be believed by the masses) silenced. Making it to age 95, he knew he was at the end of his lifespan anyway; Fenner died that November.
¶ The Noah Conundrum: Hellbent On Destruction!
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When you read this (and other such) articles, stories, and history books, you see within them, an acknowledgment of these realities, and at the very same time, an indifference and a denial that anything can go wrong. It is as if, seemingly rational people could see scientific evidence that how they are living will slowly but eventually drive them to extinction, but then, they continue on the next day, week, month and year, business as usual, as if nothing will happen, even though they know in advance, that it will (Luke 17 :26–30).
How is this possible? How can measurably intelligent and quite rational people look into the proverbial eyes of their own fate, and then fulfill it? This reality has repeated itself throughout human history: Are we humans simply self destructive by nature? Are we facing a mass extinction event right now? Are we incapable of a sustainable lifestyle?
This reality has never before, been so obvious; there have never been more empirical data, pointing to our own demise, than there is right now. More humans have formal educations than at any time in human history: And yet, here we are again; everyone trapped in cycles of abuse, and at the same time, seemingly uninterested in changing their own fate. That is unnatural; indeed, it is proof of an outside force that the Elect of YHVH know of as Satan and demonic oppression.
We humans still teach unsustainable lifestyles in our mass education systems; we continue to build things on a massive scale that cannot be sustained, and like the global automobile industry, we continue to build even more devices to accelerate our own demise. But facts do not change minds !
It is analogous to a forest fire that is about to destroy the very habitat that sustains us, and in response, we set new fires so that the destruction is more complete and will happen at a much quicker rate, than if we did nothing at all. Why are humans so irrationally driven to destroy their habitat; their only planet?
Without Messiah in us ; the Indwelling Holy Spirit; humans live in darkness, and just like blind people, the blind follow the blind (Matt 15 :12–14). This is what we are witnessing when we see this happening. Those of the anti-Messianic lifestyle, hunger for temptation, for it is the center of their existence. Here in the Eschaton Era, temptation is not only acceptable, it is pandemic, and its symptoms are consumerism and materialism like never before on Earth. They are surrounded by temptation hourly, and they actively seek it out.
We know that Satan tempts with the things of this world (Luke 4 & 11 & 17), and why Messiah Yeshua gave in His Prayer example; that we must avoid physical and psychological temptation; those things that provide us humans with earthly power, such as money as the root of all evil, but then also, authoritarianism and dominion and hierarchy, however they are acquired (money or not, for fear is also a weapon of the power drunk).
We must understand also, that ultimately, YHVH knew what would happen to the creation, for we are not the first corporeal experiment: YHVH knew that we would fornicate/adulterate into the population explosion; YHVH knew that the bulk of humanity would drown in pride and self-interest; YHVH knew that Earth could not survive the atheistic human infestation, religious or not.
The Creator hating planet trashers are the wrecking crew of Satan who comes but to steal, to kill, and to destroy, and does so exclusively through (the bulk of) the human species. They are as predictable as watching a blind man walking into something; this is not a shock to the Spiritually sighted. The state of hate is a dangerous place to be, and perpetual hating is highly toxic. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it (George Santayana ).
Prophesy therefore, is not as impressive as some think it is. If I told you what will happen a few years from now, you might think I am somehow special, but today it is analogous to predicting a train wreck soon after passing by a car stranded on the tracks; it is hardly impressive, but if you did not see it for yourself, then it would surely seem impressive.
We Messianic disciples have the models of Noah and Lot (and others), as the precursors of what was to come, and the only difference; the only variable, was/is Messiah Yeshua, for within that propitiation act (coupled with true and living repentance) we have redemption (Col 1 :9–18): From there we have the ability to be one with YHVH (John Seventeen ) via the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Even with a few million humans harboring YHVH in them ; this power (this presence) has served to withhold the downfall of humanity for as long as it has (2Pe 2 ), but even this dispensation of allowances will not last forever, and the evil one knows it well. Thus, evil will accelerate exponentially, until the proverbial balloon pops. In spite of all the warnings, the bulk of humanity will live tomorrow, much as they did yesterday; the denial will carry them into the abyss of outer Darkness ; this is their destiny; it will not be changed.
I have come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it were already kindled? But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened until it is accomplished! You suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, nay, but rather, division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother–in–law against her daughter–in–law, and the daughter–in–law against her mother–in–law! (Luke 12:49–53)
As it was in the days of Noah, so it also shall be in the days of the Son of Man. They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and the flood came and destroyed them all. So also as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the heaven and destroyed them all.
Even so it shall be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. In that day he who shall be on the housetop, and his goods in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise, he who is in the field, let him not return to the things behind. Remember Lot's wife. Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two in one bed, the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two shall be grinding together, one will be taken, and the other left. Two shall be in the field, one will be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said to Him: Where, Lord? And He said to them: Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together. (Luke 17:26–37)
The Kingdom of Heaven is likened to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. The foolish ones took their lamps, but took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made: Behold, the bridegroom comes! Go out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise: Give us some of your oil, for our lamps have gone out. But the wise answered, saying: No, lest there be not enough for us and you. But rather, go to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they who were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. Afterwards, the other virgins came also, saying: Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said: Truly I say to you, I do not know you. Therefore watch, for you do not know either the day or the hour in which the Son of Man comes. (Matt 25:1–13)
¶ Preparation, Not Panic!
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It is therefore, logical for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH to obey biblical directives or principles, and to be ready for that time to come, even though we cannot know for certain when that day will come. What we do know, is the season (Matt 16 ). We are not to live as if we fear suffering or death, but we are also taught to keep our proverbial lamps filled.
We are also taught to avoid the world and worldliness; to disengage from the planet trashers; to evade the political and the legalistic; to shun the human centric (1Jo 4 :4–6). We share YHVH truth with those that fate takes us into the presence of (even like right now), but once we detect rejection or just disinterest, we metaphorically shake the dust from our feet and go where the soil is prepared (Matt 10 :11–16; Matt 13 :10–23; Phl 1 :15–21).
Because it is the Eschaton Era, we must think and live differently than if it was not that time. Many people are prophesied to partake in the productions of the christian religion, but only a precious few individuals will ever cross over and sellout of this life for the lifestyle that can only be represented in Kingdom living, partly witnessed in the models of sustainability , organic purity, and simple living .
The anti-Messianic religious are easy to spot (for those with Spiritual eyes and ears), because they are spotted by the world and fully yoked with the world (James 1 :22–27). Thus, they do not Labor with their hands (Eph 4 :28); they exploit the labor class with money; they are slave to the flesh via addictions; they cannot sever from the world that they consume, mimic, enable, and admire.
When you look at them, they do not stand apart; they look like everyone else around them, exactly because they are! You will never see them building or growing or otherwise immersed daily in the creation; they have been urbanized, and as such, they are humanistic, but not naturalistic.
Thus, they mindlessly copy all the ways of the world. They are Reverends and Executives and Doctors and the like; because they admire the atheistic that influence them, they mimic them in every way (esp. economically), but because they are Spiritually blind, they do not know they are doing this, and if confronted for it, they will justify it, but not repent from it. Pride is their guide, not humility and surrender. Indeed, Satan has sifted them, through and through (Luke 22 :31–34; 2Co 6 :14–18).
An eye blind person stumbles and falls before you; do you ignore them? Laugh at their misfortune? Belittle them for being blind and falling and hurting themselves? Or, do you rush over to help them? Every reaction reveals what is within us as humans: The inhuman masses would not help at all! Most people would rush to help the blind person, and yet, the same situation type, exists for those who are Spiritually blind.
As a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, I am so deeply blessed and honored with Spiritual sight, it is unimaginable for me to belittle, or in any other way, punish the Spiritually blind, for that blindness. All I want to do is rush to them and help them, but in the case of such blindness, personal pride responds to my help (too often) with anger or disbelief. My Master said: Let them alone! (Matt 15 :13–14): That is hard to do when Love is your core.
¶ Victims Of Christendom!
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The now defunct historical Dark Ages , which was yet another display of Eurocentrism , can be replaced with another version; the Spiritual Dark Ages. This was an actual time/place, wherein the European, White, westernized anti-Messiahs that were prophesied of (in 1st John ) thrived, and then later metastasized into the America's, as the final step before the prophesied end–times. Indeed, Manifest Destiny and the Jewish Holocaust were the same production from Lucifer, Inc. , only with different players, times and places.
Because of the intense influences upon humanity in general, via Satan and the trillion demon army, influencing multiple billions humans today; we, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, understand that the bulk of humanity are eternally doomed, and as such, served only Satan for their entire earth time.
When we look around us now, and then in times past, we acknowledge that all we see, is but the fruit of that Spiritual vacuity; that Earth itself therefore, is but an outcome of that reality; the exposed root of its Anthropogenic devastation (Luke 17 :20–30). E.g. Climate Change Denial = Noah you fool; there is not going to be an inland flood! And that is coming primarily from (yep) the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized White people. White Identity Politics is as demonic as anything within the human experience.
In fact, there is far too much supporting evidence to share (herein) on this subject: Anyone who was/is serious about education, or wisdom (i.e. you do not pursue a formal education only for moneymaking), such people has/will learn most or all this while in any college. I will summarize throughout, sharing web links that will also touch on these topics. Nevertheless, the empiricism availed for this conversation is simply too overwhelming to debate whether it is true or not; this is literally, the History of Western Civilization . See also: Why We Should Study the History of Western Civilization and Killings for Christianity .
The 100% fully anti-Messianic indoctrination, behaviors, mentalities, and thus actions, of these Xians of Religianity seem, strangely enough, to be dominated by (but surely not exclusive to) White, and not formally educated, people; this odd fact cannot and should not be overlooked. And by the way, I am White (but formally educated); that is the definition word that the world would use to define me. But I do not; I am a child of the living Elohim; one from among the sum human family of YHVH. There is only one human race! Skin color is just one of many boxes the Loveless require to perpetuate and justify human division and anti unity.
With Love (and its longsuffering), we Messianic disciples build relationships, we do not destroy races. Simply put: not 1 Saved, Heaven bound, disciple of Messiah; out of all humanity forever; so much as thought about participating in colonization , much less would they/we actually partake in such heinous evil, and worse, to do so in the name of Jesus Christ!
All Native American studies expose the simple fact that YHVH had been preparing them for the Messianic disciples, and for generations before any effectual European contact had yet occurred. They knew about the One Great Spirit; we would have taught them that was the Holy Spirit. Instead, the christianized Satan servants that they unfortunately came into contact with, commanded that they acculturate and now; that they quickly abandon all they knew, and to look, act, live, think and dress, just like white Europeans, or else.
The USA; as far from a christian nation as it is possible; was instead the byproduct of bigots and Monetizers ; the capitalistic, money serving, slave owners (slavers), landlords and general control freaks, who enabled and blessed human trafficking, and would have continued to this day if they were allowed . These bibles and bullets, anti-Messianic masses, are among the most evil humans on Earth, and possibly anywhere in the sum universe.
You can find the anti-Messianic christianized in Sunday church services, regularly praising Jesus with their lips (Matt 15 :7–9), but serving Satan with their atheistic fear driven lives and reckless lifestyles. Their progenitors haunt this land today; they build whitewashed sepulchers (Matt 23 :27–28; Matt 7 :13–18) with steeples, and fill them with the Spiritually dead; you will know them by their fruit.
They drive cars and generate massive amounts of trash; they are law abiding and taxpaying and churchgoing; however, they devoutly serve Satan daily, but justify their self-righteousness and their anti-Messianic lifestyles and existence, via their religions: Anathema indeed! Self-righteousness is itself, fruit evidence of demonic oppression; to believe that ones self is anything but depraved beyond recognition, proves that such a one is nowhere near the Messianic Cross.
Bible study, and those who "teach" them, are not going to inspire anyone to learn on their own, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit (1Jo 2 ); none of them are even close to the Kingdom (Mark 12 ). What they leave behind is the mistaken impression that they are coming to their own biblical conclusions, when in fact, they are being guided into another gospel (Gal 1 ).
¶ Satan's Westernization Of Salvation!
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The deep roots of White supremacy in the westernized world, is overwhelming and brazen to all Love centric beings; however, they are blinded to it. These Spiritually blinded masses were prophesied to actually remain oblivious to it all, until the end: And so it is! These descendants of the dominion, thrive in the freedom of North America, rivaling anything that existed before; yea, even in Gomorrah Metro!
The anti-Messianic White Americans: the christianized but not Spiritually metamorphosized; the churched; the rich; the money loving and serving; the mostly male, privileged, entitled, spoiled, elitist, politically motivated, end–time characters, are right on cue. And their oblivion to it all? Fascinating! Horrifying! It is no surprise to any Messianic disciple that White Supremacist Ideas Have Historical Roots In U.S. Christianity.
To put it simply: those proud to be an American; those who promote the cult of patriotism and the occult of nationalism; or, if one owns a gun and/or a car; these people types, are about as far from the Messianic Cross, as it is humanly possible (even the churched).
These kind are utterly oblivious to what a Messianic discipleship means, nor what it would even look like. They are too Spiritually lost to know what pure equality, and an eternal unity of the Elect of YHVH, represents. They bask in Satan's pride bath; they have become addicted to the emotions that pride instills within the lost, as it is with all DOSE fueled emotions.
Indeed, even if they lived a century with Messiah Yeshua as a roommate, daily, they would still be cast into the abyss of outer Darkness forever; being more evil than Judas Iscariot was, or could have even imagined becoming. Predestination indeed! Horrifying but prophesied. Wow to the superpower of volition, and its main ingredient, pride.
Such people are not only demon oppressed, I believe that a person would have to have many dozens of demons infecting them, to actually do such brazen anti-Messianic acts of dominance hierarchy . Such people cannot be given an eternal body and then placed on yet another virgin planet of YHVH, only so they could ravage it too; instead, they must/will remain incorporeal, and after their Judgment Day, will be mercifully cast into outer Darkness ; the abyss of empty space, safely away from all life.
This necessary act will protect those who demonstrate Love for all YHVH creation ― the Messianic disciples demonstrating stewardship ― from those who demonstrated their demonic state, and subsequent indifference spawn from it, while here on Earth: The Earth Stewardship Experiment . Currently, YHVH must use atheists and agnostics to do the work that all Spiritually transformed humans were/are called to do; to be active stewards of the YHVH creation on Earth, which prepares us for greater things beyond the here and now (Matt 25 ).
By the timeline of the Middle Ages , the Eurocentric Caucasoid clan, were already so far from Messianic truth, that they could not even fathom Messiah Crucified , much less be defined by it. Most lived & died, oblivious to what the word Lordship even means, much less does it define their every waking second. They are the many anti-Messiahs warned of; they were/are christianized (and became christendom), but they walk upon Earth as destroyers, not stewards. Disciples of Messiah Yeshua, was then, and will always be, comprised of those on the margins of the greater society; the Elect of YHVH.
To take a human life is playing god with the creations of The Creator, YHVH. Those who justify their murderous actions (or thoughts) may escape human punishment; however, all life takers (murderers), without exception, will not partake in the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 7 :18–23; Gal 5 :19–25; 1Jo 3 :13–16; Rev 21 :7–8 & 22:12–15). Beg for forgiveness all you want; you crossed the line, and though the profiteer religionists will comfort you will feigned words for your tithe monies, I want nothing from you but to share truth for free; it is my obligation as a Messianic disciple.
A warning to those who think about, or want to kill, but have not yet committed the act, but only because of getting caught and going to jail, and the fear of prison life itself (or those who cannot qualify for militant based gun cult employment): see Matt 5 :21–22 and all the Be–Attitudes that apply to living now and thus an eternal life with/for YHVH, our Adonai Elohim.
¶ Death Of Hierarchy & Rank!
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Then Yeshua spoke to the multitude, and to His disciples, saying: The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you to observe; that observe and do; but, do not do after their works, for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do, just to be seen of men. They make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men: Rabbi, Rabbi!
But you all; do not be called Rabbi, for One is your Master, Messiah Yeshua, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth; for One is your Father, which is in Heaven. Neither be called masters, for One is your Master: Messiah! But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant; and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. (Matt 23:1–12)
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Messiah Yeshua, The Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there comes unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment, and you have respect to him that wears the fine clothing, and say unto him: 'Sit here in a good place' but say to the poor: 'Stand there or sit here under my footstool,' are you not then partial in yourselves, and have become judges with evil thoughts? Hearken my beloved brethren; has not Elohim chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which He has promised to them that Love Him? But you have despised the poor! Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by which you are called? If you fulfill the Royal Law, according to the scripture: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! In this you will do well.
But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin, and are convinced of the Torah as transgressors. For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For He that said: Do not commit adultery, said also: Do not kill! Now, if you commit no adultery, yet if you kill, you have become a transgressor of the Torah. So you, speak and do, as they that shall be judged by the Law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, he that has showed no mercy, and mercy rejoices against judgment. What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can faith save him?
If a brother or sister is naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you says unto them: Depart in peace, be warmed and filled! Notwithstanding, you give them not, those things which are needful to the body, what does it profit? Even so faith, if it has not works, is dead, being alone. (James 2:1–17) {cf. Pro 24 :23 & 28:21; Acts 10 :34–38; Rom 2 :11; Eph 6 :9; Col 3 :25; 1Pe 1 :17–19}
We Are What We Do And No More! Or: The tree is known by the fruit it bears! Messiah Yeshua was making an excellent point here (as He always did); if an evil person says that two plus two equals four, that evil person is still correct in that saying. We do not dismiss a truth just because it comes from evil people; we examine all things via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, who will often recall a scripture in our minds.
However, we never reject a truth just because it is coming from those who do not follow it themselves. This is how the religion businesses thrive; men speaking gospel truths (though leaven laced: Matt 16 :6–12); the words of which, will move upon the hearts of all hearers, though these christianized monologists are eternally lost. It worked for me.
But Messiah Yeshua also gave us clues here (as He always did); that they can speak a truth, but they are sedentary and lazy, extracting Satan's mammon from the things of YHVH to avoid sweat Labor ; their outward countenance and their dress is that of the sedentary urbanized worldly that truly influence them, as they hunger for power and social acceptance; and most easily seen, they keep up with their cultural directives in the way they dress and live and act.
In today's world, they wear a suit and tie, drive cars, live in large homes, and use their worldliness as temptation to gain proselytes (Matt 23 :13–15) as followers, which appeals to their vanity and ego. They thrive in the sinister manifestations of rankism and ethnocentrism . They have no clue of a true brotherhood, witnessed only within communal living and egalitarian . They prefer secular paradigms such as politics, which are human power based. They want to be lords among men, not servants of The Lord (John 13 :13–17).
The catholics read these words of Messiah Yeshua, about not calling anyone father on Earth (excluding your dad of course), and what did they do? Yep, you know what they did! The signs are as big as billboards, once you have Spiritual sight: And if you have Spiritual sight, you already see that all organized religion is among the most evil of demonic acts that will ever occur on this (or any other) planet in all the universe, forever. Like our Master, we oppose these dens of thieves, and their enablers, the pharisaic, and some even do so vehemently.
This is My commandment; that you Love one another, as I have Loved you. Greater Love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for their friends. You are My friends, if you do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth, I call you not servants, for the servant knows not what his lord does. But I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard of My Father, I have made known unto you. You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you. These things I command you, that you Love one another. If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love his own, but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
Remember the word that I said unto you: The servant is not greater than his lord! If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him that sent Me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin, but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them, the works which none other man did, they had not had sin; but now they have both seen and hated, both My Father and Me. But this comes to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law: 'They hated me without a cause'. But when the Comforter comes, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, He shall testify of Me, and you also shall bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning. (John 15:12–27)
The atheistic, which (as always) includes the anti-Messianic religious (the Xians of Religianity ), all suffer from Spiritual blindness, and thus, fear and paranoia (the primate state), and thus, the hunger lust to gain as much power as possible (for them) in this life: Therefore, they are willing to do or say almost anything to achieve this life directive.
Because the bulk of humanity are eternally doomed, life on Earth is a reflection (and an outcome) of that cold reality. Consequently, all the byproducts of this collective human activity, has shaped history, perpetuated the blind enculturation of the masses, and all of that will bring about the Eschaton Era.
Self-importance deteriorates into some of the most evil and revolting of human characteristics (and characters); ego/pride is at center, and thus, it defines everything else they think and do. Many surrender unto the many worldly temptations, offered constantly by Satan, the master salesman. Money is now the more civilized weapon of self-empowerment, and (unearned) respect a bizarre passion for self-importance; the narcissistic and egotistical elitists.
¶ Signs & Symptoms Of The Anti–Messianic!
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To command another persons respect; indeed the pathological need to be respected, is a sign that the person hungers for superiority and domination; hence, the indoctrinated paradigms of authoritarianism, hierarchy (any form of top–down "leadership"), and dominion (demonism); really, any other self-elevation productions and mentalities that humans come up with, but that the bulk of humanity are enculturated (or cocooned) within, and thus, oblivious to there being any other options or perspectives.
Even Saul of Tarsus was not immune to his enculturation directives; his history as a mass–murderer and a serial killer of the followers of The Way ; his devastating experience on Damascus road being eye blinded by Elohim; his ruination as an elitist Pharisee, and his (speculated) loss of family, fortune, and friends (Matt 19 :29–30; Phl 3 ).
Basically, Saul was abused in the same fashion as Job; the cursed blessing! YHVH wanted to show the future faithful, how Love can lead to the repentance of the most hardened, hypocritical, and sin driven among us. Hence, we Love our enemies and neighbors (near and far), just as YHVH Loves them, knowing that anyone can come under the Messianic Cross before they die on Earth (Luke 23 :38–43).
The Elect of YHVH are equally, the disciples of Messiah Yeshua: Technically, they (we) are one in the same. We are His disciples, while on Earth, but we are the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, from the hour of our true (radical; epochal; life altering) conversion metamorphosis, and then onward, for the expanse of time. Awesome! But know this; there will be no weekend christians who will partake in (or crossover into) the Kingdom of Heaven; verily, the sin of religion blinds them unto Adonai Elohim.
Church businesses, being class driven and hierarchical and money compromised, are the distraction mechanisms Satan uses to keep the lost from ever seeking pure truth and ultimate salvation: Salvation is His Name! They can read about how YHVH affected the lives of those few called (Saul especially, but most of the core Apostles), and yet, as they live more like a Pharisee or a Roman Imperialist, they still cannot see why. They thank god for the gifts and advantages that Satan gives them, and pray for protection as they casually live anti-Messianic lifestyles and Temple betrayal.
Apologetics is another way that the Xians of Religianity exploit the Scriptures to justify their (personal and/or corporate) power hunger and attention seeking behaviors : In fact, YHVH allowed the scriptures to change radically over time, and at different locations on Earth, and yet still maintains the essence of what was transmitted, to answer the why question; that is, why people read Scripture and how they interpret it.
Most notable would be the words or concepts that are magnified the most, which is verily, just a mirror of the interpreter, who are often blinded to it. This is where the notion of a Pauline Christianity got its start; the title is a misnomer but the reality of it, summarily, is very real. See these also: The Antichrist legend; a chapter in Christian and Jewish folklore (Archive.org) , and Britannica's Antichrist , and Tracking the First Americans ⊛ , and more at Links .
The control freaks have always wanted to control; they want to own things so they can lord those things over others. It (was and) is the colonialist's way; to take by force and conquer, to dominate and subjugate their conquered spoils. They hunger lust for dominionship and lordship and rulership, with no intention whatsoever, of submitting themselves unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua.
Protestants brandish their bibles, along with their other anti-Messianic acts, such as their theological bullets, using religious intimidation and subtle bullying, so to lord over and control people. They have done this consistently throughout time and place, as these colonialist dominionist types, went about the planet, only to kill and to steal and to destroy, just like their true master, Satan did, and still does, through them (John 10 ).
They cannot even fathom such an unconditional surrender; and in fact, they fully intend to fight until their bitter end, to push their agenda of domination over others who are not like them. In this particular case, it is the White male descendants of the mammon privileged, elitist, europeanized, westernized, christianized, monetized and industrialized capitalists. They serve their human gods, with money as their main weapon, and pride–ego–emotion as their operational catalyst.
These post-Messianic, European (or otherwise Westernized) White men, enjoyed institutional privilege during their lifetimes; they have since been enshrined by their descendants, who simply need human heroes, or examples to look upon for direction in this life. Without Ruach HaKodesh within, providing all the light of life; a true enlightenment of that which will endure infinity, they will instead remain small; carnal–primal; earthly minded (John 3 ; Phl 3 ; James 3 ).
It is ironic how/why these christianized people, manage to live in polar opposition to every single thing that The Messiah of the New Covenant scriptures, lived and taught and commanded of us; thus, they are anti-Messianic; Satan's Christians; they are the many anti-Messiahs prophesied about being here, and sure enough, here they are, now in the billions globally: Fascinating! Horrifying! Prophetic!
Nevertheless, as the future resurrected Saints of YHVH; the Messianic disciples of Adonai our Elohim; we are commanded to Love everyone without exception, just as we do ourselves and our own kin; we are to live as equals among all of our one species (Acts 17 :24–28); we are to be the light of the good news of Messianic discipleship, as it was lived out (and on display) by the One and only King: Yeshua The Messiah!