¶ Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet And A Light Unto My Path!
(Psa 119 :101–105) Dave the songwriter was already a man attuned unto the heart of Adonai, Elohim of all creation; he was already devoted to the Tanakh , as more than mere symbols or letters or words on a scroll. But words are meaningless if we do not use them, as one would with a lamp on a dark path.
To believe that YHVH directly created Earth, and then all the life–forms on Earth, is an oversimplification of what actually happened. Obviously, YHVH did not directly design the human body, nor any other life–form on Earth, for if it were so, there would be zero design flaws, not the many hundreds we must fight as a species: The word "disease" would not even be! The oversimplification comes from the belief that sin is somehow responsible for all these negative aspects, but that does not account for predation and parasitism (and many other such paradigms) that existed long before any complex life–forms.
YHVH created the Cosmos; YHVH created spacetime and natural law. But YHVH was/is not Personally involved in planetary life–forms; at least, not until sentient sapience is reached. We humans first experienced the birth of sentient sapience when Elohim, deciding we were ready for it, breathed an eternal Soul into us as a species. By then, we were already (physically) what natural law allowed within the natural course of DNA, among all Life in the Cosmos. YHVH of course, knew we would be; Omniscience! With Ruach HaKodesh , so are we, potentially, even as mere mortals.
The Elect of YHVH take on the mind of The Messiah (1Co 2 ); as the (now) only Temple of YHVH, our very nature changes, and radically; it is a transformation that becomes a metamorphosis. Indeed, in our flesh we remain confined to the flesh and all it needs; food, sleep, shelter, clothing, coitus, and so on. And it is for these things that YHVH gave us an avenue directly unto YHVH, while still trapped in the flesh; we who volition to become One with YHVH (John 17 ) are forgiven for any/all our future failures of/in the flesh.
The Tanakh, summarized, was the exposition of the many YHVH–employed failures, meant to cure the human condition (Luke 17 :26–30). But it was supplemented by the illumination of the future coming cure: Messiah Yeshua as the Awakening, the Propitiation and the Atonement. Yeshua was/is the light of the world. And now we are! As His disciples, we are, for our generation, as He was for the Cosmos; we are the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH (John 8 :12 & 9:1–5 & 14:12). Spiritual enlightenment was/is key; it is an awakening; fully and wonderfully woke! Conversely, Satan is the great deceiver; the illusionist; the denial maker;the father of liars; master of the unwoke!
Consequently, the Elect of YHVH are an infinitesimal few among the sheer masses of humans; we account for such a small portion of the species that we easily get lost in the crowd. We are both strange and strangers to the masses! Even Messiah Yeshua and His small entourage blended into the (much smaller) crowds they were around. This is because they/we are not seeking to stand out; Messianic disciples do not suffer from attention seeking , nor any other such mental/emotional maladies.
Whatever work the Holy Spirit decides to initiate, in the now, all (possible) Spiritual gifts are provided, only to the Elect of YHVH, and only on a needed–now basis. Religion–businesses adulterate all Inspired words for their own earthly advantages, and "Spiritual gifts" are among the heavily adulterated. YHVH–in–skin said: "It is finished!"
The final corporeal act was completed; Satan and his entourage of angels–turned–demons, were left behind to put pressure on the humans to come, so that volition and free will would decide the eternal fate of the human masses, who will endure to the end (Matt 24 ). Most who even entertain the ideals of the Messianic Cross, end up as wayside seeds (Matt 13 ): Christendom is that seed collective!
Like all Messianic disciples of every generation, by taking up my Cross daily, I have been used by YHVH, in the corporeal (in the now), but at the time, I was unaware that Ruach HaKodesh was working through me. Being a perpetually willing vessel, we will not likely know we are being used in this way. This protects the act itself, and it protects us. I only recognize it after–the–fact; sometimes days or weeks afterward; sometimes never! This prevents us from trying to initiate something on our own, because humans are just to incompetent to do so (1Co 12 ).
The propitiation upon the Messianic Cross, made the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit possible, so that now, sin–capable humans being, can be vessels of Ruach HaKodesh. All Messianic disciples, everywhere and in every generation forward of Him, are the UriYah ; the proverbial "temporary replacement bulbs" used by YHVH to enlighten an otherwise Spiritually darkened world (Matt 5 :14–16; 2Sam 12 ). We are here to enlighten the world, not "be" the World ; not to admire the worldly or seek to mimic them or impress them. In Spiritual darkness, one cannot see the moral criminality of legalized actions by humans (see: Law ).
There are about a million Messianic disciples, mostly individuals, scattered globally. As Messianic disciples, we exist primarily, to perpetually cast the proverbial light onto those in deep Spiritual Darkness ; not on a personal level (no names are mentioned), but rather, as it was/is with scripture; it deals with people–types and/or lifestyles, rather than calling out individuals. This is because the response to such finger–pointing, is anger, and/or fear, and/or resentment, and/or rejection.
The "Holy Spirit in the world" works among the sum species, working the self inflicted lather of guilt and shame and condemnation, in order to drive the human mammal into the direction of the light of the Messianic Cross; we are all Loved just that much. If suffering works, so be it! However, as (we) Messianic disciples know painfully well, the bulk of the human species will reject it all; Spiritual darkness becomes their refuge; Victimism their excuse. Messiah Yeshua warned about what the world will think of those who imitate Him and/or teach and live His doctrine (John 15 ).
However, the Holy Spirit cannot (does not; will not) yoke with, or enter into an unwilling vessel; doing so would likely result in suicide, or insanity. Hence, The Iscariot Paradox! Or: The Judas Conundrum! We must be prepared first (Mark 2 ). The (metaphorical) seed thrown on the rock, slowly burns into an empty husk in the glaring light of the sun day (John 3 :19–21; Matt 13 :3–6). Therefore, we reserve our seed–wisdom for the readied soil.
At the beginning of The True Spiritual Experience , wherein Ruach HaKodesh (as the Indwelling Spirit Holy) yokes with our Soul; Ruach HaKodesh brings unto us, the Love of YHVH, as was exhibited prominently upon the Messianic Cross, but also the mind of Messiah Yeshua; the literal Wisdom of YHVH. This is always problematic for mere mortals. Saul the Paul (and others) elaborated upon it; writing about how the Holy Spirit had to leave him in his physical distress, whatever that was for him, or is for us (2Co 12 ), to humble him; to keep him from becoming intellectually puffed up.
It is overwhelming to be shown things, no mere mortal can see otherwise. At first we are nurtured; Ruach HaKodesh (bottle/breast) feeds us new information in small bits over time, so that we can absorb it, otherwise we would vomit from being mentally overwhelmed; driven insane most likely. Our Soul can take it, but the human brain is slower and has to keep up. We have us in there (too) to contend with; we have immediate physical and mental needs that distract us. To be absent of the body indeed (2Co 5 ).
Messianic disciples are given simple things at first, and that increases, but only in proportion; only as our trust in the process maturates, and thus our ability to handle it. But along the way, we can surely become inflated; after all, we have a direct connection with YHVH! That is indescribably powerful; it also is supremely humbling. But it is also a power nonetheless. Saul of Tarsus experienced this conflict and much of his writing reflects that.
But as humbling as it is, once one can see far–far more, than what the sum of the human species can see while still being Spiritually blinded; still in darkness just as we once were; it is so easy to forget how blinded we once were (Phl 3 ). It is analogous to the human condition itself; we go from being children to teens to adults to elders. As adults and elders, we easily forget (in time) what it was like being in the former states. But this is far more of a disconnect; referring to that in the Spiritual realm.
And if we keep forgetting our Spiritual station or status; if we chose to ignore, or justify away, our supreme gift of wisdom, after some patient time, Ruach HaKodesh will be forced (by us) to serve us some humble pie, and we must eat all of it, or we will suffer even more. And it should be this way; it must be this way! We are given an enormous gift; way–way more than any power we could be offered while as mortals on Earth (Matt 4 ).
Therefore, we must remember from whence we came! There go I but by the grace of YHVH! And when we do, we see ourselves, very clearly, as we were before our Spiritual transformation and subsequent metamorphosis. And because we can see into ourselves, far better than we can see into other humans, the very notion of judging them, in any/all the things they are doing, still operating in darkness; this brings a certain fear unto us.
It is not that we fear for ourselves; not for our eternal fate, for that is assured. But there is a certain fear for the state of others; and, that we could be them, right now, because we were them, not that long ago! By no means does this make us judgmental or self-righteous; it has just the opposite effect. Self-righteousness is a sign of self-superiority, which is a clear sign of demonic oppression!
Oh Lord, there go I but for Your grace! That is all we can think and feel! It is all! The result? Love ! YHVH Love! Messianic Cross Love! Supernatural Love! A mercy–saturated Love! A longsuffering Love! We do not simply acknowledge the Cross, or profess beliefs, we live daily under the Cross; we carry it daily; we do not merely accept a religious doctrine, we become One with YHVH! Religion itself quickly becomes offensive.
Everything that happens to us is random; at least, as random as the Cosmos can be, given the fact that YHVH can bounce around through spacetime, at will; after all, YHVH created time and space and the Cosmos, and all else that was, and is, and will be (Acts 17 ). I look into my past, remembering first, that YHVH works independently within us all, so, there is no blanket formula, which I could say now, to define any of this. So, I can only speak for myself, and then extrapolate just a bit to gain a better understanding of any of this.
I noticed for example, that I was more intelligent (in some things mind you), than most people were/are; and this was evidenced well before I gave up my life/Soul unto the Messianic Cross. Was that random or preparatory? Did YHVH see into my future to know that I would eventually surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to this life, and desire to be a new creation?
Perhaps! It would make sense to me at least, that YHVH knowing my outcomes, would then go back in time, and change things for me along the way, though I was unaware of it. YHVH would place things in my path that I would pick–up out of curiosity, and that would lead to another thing, and so on. Or, a possible event that would have caused my death, averted, and I was never privy to it, like not being at the wrong place at the exact time for such an event to kill me.
Who knows, right? Conversely however, many people try to imply this, whenever they escape death. And yet, the vast majority of people who die suddenly like that, they cannot speak on the matter or make such claims. It is easy to give credit (to self or the god) when we survive it. Besides, most people live anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles, womb to tomb; what would be the result of that?
So, can it be concluded that only survivors are somehow more loved by their Creator (who or whatever god–entity that is theirs), than those who die? Do survivors who can speak, are they not expressing the same arrogance that defines and exposes all, who have not yet been Spiritually metamorphosized? Indeed! Again I think and say: Oh Lord, there go I but for Your grace!
Metaphorically speaking, YHVH is in the heart transplant business. YHVH is not trying to improve our earthly lot; candidly, YHVH is not all that interested in it. And candidly again, we who are truly under the Messianic Cross, we are not either. This life is a micro second within a millennia; a penny among quintillions dollars! This life is merely the launch pad for a trek into the great unknown; an expanse so vast and so enormous, that it makes this life seem ridiculous, unto all who has a YHVH level view of things; indeed, all who are yoked with Ruach HaKodesh, even if it has only been one day (Acts 1 thru 5 ).
Unless or until the Holy Spirit in the world (not to be confused with the Indwelling Holy Spirit) can thoroughly convict the mind–heart–Soul of an individual (John 16 :7–11), even the lamplight of scripture, plus us disciples present among them, cannot and will not, produce any eternal results. Even the direct living followers of Messiah Yeshua considered the cost of discipleship too high (Luke 14 :25–30; John 6 :66).
¶ Ruach HaKodesh Versus The Holy Spirit In The World!
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Filling every subatomic particle that makes up all of corporeality, as well as the sum of the Cosmos, forever, and all of the incorporeal realm, beyond our very comprehension; Adonai our Elohim is that "Holy Spirit in the world" and in that particular manifestation, works carefully to gently push people into the light (John 14 thru 17); to nudge them in the direction of, and then hopefully under, the Messianic Cross (Mark 12 :28–34).
True suffering is what often drives the demonic forces away; it is what it takes to drop humans to their knees. The ultimate goal of all of this, is to lead humans to a genuine repentance, measured through actions and/or lifestyle choices. True repentance is not verbal, it is a verb or an action; the tree is known by the visible outward fruit it bears.
Therefore, to be filled with, or completed in and with, the Indwelling Holy Spirit, is to be One with Ruach HaKodesh. This is John Seventeen summarized: This is the reason for, and indeed the function of, the "Holy Spirit in the world" as the impersonal Presence of YHVH. But in doing so, YHVH must also protect human volition and free will, in and during this masterful and gingerly balancing process; the still–small Voice will not shout!
But understanding the difference between these manifestations of The One Great I AM; Adonai our Elohim; YHVH; this is assuredly complicated unto those who are not conquered with/by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and therein, empowered with the inspirational wisdom, including (but not limited to) the deeper understanding of the words of Life (the Messiah Scriptures ), which they flippantly call the good book!
Those scriptures were inspired encodes indeed (Matt 13 :10–17); however, it requires the Indwelling Holy Spirit to correctly decode them. That explains the literalism of the catholic doctrine of the Trinity , which verily exposes their complete misunderstanding of scripture and of the Nature of YHVH: True Monotheism !
We deepen and widen our understanding of all human–written words, by coupling them to the science of the very Creation of YHVH; the physical realm. Therefore, it is a driving passion for all who are near to the Messianic Cross, to seek diligently and daily, the things of the Creation (versus the things of men). For those of us who live under the Messianic Cross daily, it is all we care about; the cares of this world faded away long ago.
Messianic disciples are Spiritual clones, whereas the rest of the World (religious or not) are merely cultural drones. Indeed, all religion is a cultural and a monetary production, none of which is directly connected to YHVH; but all things are indirectly connected. In some cases, trees are more connected to YHVH than are devout religionists! But this is because humans possess the superpower of volition and free will.
If you Love Me, keep My commandments, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter; that He may abide with you forever; indeed the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him, neither knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more; but you see Me, because I live, as you shall live also. On that day, you shall know that I Am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He that has My commandments and keeps them; it is he that Loves Me, and he that Loves Me shall be Loved of My Father, and I will Love him, and will manifest Myself to him. (John 14 : 15–21); this likely seemed confusing at first.
The Manifestation of/as the "Holy Spirit in the world", is inescapable for all of life in the sum of the Cosmos, because the Holy Spirit of/or YHVH, occupies (and perhaps is) every subatomic particle of the sum of the entire universe, and for every second of time, and even outside of (or beyond) spacetime. This is why it was widely stated and understood: No one has seen Elohim at anytime, because it is not possible while confined to/of/in the corporeal (John 1 :18; 1Jo 4 :12–13).
It is not just the limitations of the human eye that prevents seeing YHVH; even physical equipment would not "see" YHVH. Therefore, we must expand our understanding of "seeing" itself. The incorporeal was (somewhat) explained to us humans, once the appropriate and predestined time–line came; the exposure of Ruach HaKodesh in the upper room of Pentecost (Acts 2 ). Like the mysteries of Dark Matter , there is an incorporeal realm that is far greater in scope than even the sum physical realm itself.
As we go deeper into the Eschaton Era, even secular scientists and others, are now only beginning to imagine and speculate about, that which all Messianic disciples have known about, since the moment of our Salvation; that YHVH is everything; everywhere; always! YHVH is Omniscient! Ruach HaKodesh is personal, relational and self empowering; however, the "Holy Spirit in the world" envelops the Cosmos, and perhaps IS the Cosmos; the Great I AM! The All That Is! Glorious! (Col 1 )
Scientists are only recently pondering this idea, though from a purely mental exercise; and from a YHVH designed brain by the way. But as the time of the return of The King draws near, they are now asking (what is for them) intriguing questions: Is The Universe Conscious? and Scientists Say Your Mind Is Not Confined To Your Brain Or Even Your Body? {That would be yes and yes!} .
However, since they are greatly limited by and to their biological brains, and thus to the restrictive confines of corporeality itself, they can only speculate on such ideas. What is truly tragic is how many people believe their only purpose of existence is to procreate, and even in that, there is no other purpose but the physical life–cycle process itself. The sum of them is their brain function only; no Soul. They have been convinced of this by the anti–Creator people.
Satan and his incorporeal demon army are stepping up their engagement with the bulk of the human species (2Ti 3 ). And the humans who allow the demonic realm to use them, demonstrate Satan's traits: Power–hunger, self-importance and self-superiority: The normalized and hunger–lust to partake in Satan's world: Satan's Earth Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! You shall know them by their fruits!
Living among the masses of academically christianized, but not Spiritually metamorphosized people; we as the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we are eyewitnesses to the end–time tragedy of the Broadway masses; the darkness destined, Spiritually blinded churched; the anti-Messianic religious; the Matthew Seven Christians (Matt 7 :13–23); the christianized fact faced deniers of observable truth as the Xians of Religianity!
But there is really nothing we can do about it. Why? (Deu 4 :29; 1Ch 28 :9; Jer 29 :13; Psa 25 :4–5; Pro 8 :17; Joel 2 :12–13; Matt 6 :31–33; Acts 17 :24–28; Heb 11 :6). Truth miners do not need to be recruited or sold or evangelized or proselytized: Just a bible will do! The predestined few will want only to seek and find the truth of our Creator, and we do so at the expense of everything else that everyone else is doing in this life. The destined hunger to be Messiah like, but the rest will abuse god/religion/bible/church, for a motive that benefits them now, in the World .
¶ Predestination: You Can; You Should; But You Won't!!
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Predestination is alive and active in the now: You can, and you should, surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die to this life (the World ); die utterly to pride–ego–emotion; to die to the sum of what this life offers, and become a radically new creation, shaped to live and think and speak, just like Messiah Yeshua. But you won't! And because you will not, you cannot! And that is incredible! Volition Is Your Superpower That Even YHVH Will Not Alter !!
The superpower of volition results in free will (and the difference between them ). YHVH went into the future of our timeline, and observed and recorded what we all would do, will do, and will not do, volitionally, via the exercise of free will. Obviously, YHVH did not force any action, but rather, merely started the process; set it free to run its own course in the (metaphorical) time machine, free of any interference; that YHVH is indeed the Creator of all, but is not manipulating anything within spacetime .
For those who are not Spiritually transformed and thus looking at life through the eyes of YHVH; they still can, at least, understand certain ideals in scripture, by looking at the very creation of YHVH for the answers that YHVH placed here (Job 12 :7–10; Rom 1 :20–25). Obviously, words and books can (like leaven in the dough) be mildly manipulated; altered just a little to tilt an ideal. This is most true when it is for the sake of mammon service (Luke 16 :13–15).
If, for example, the scripture says that the sum of the universe was created in 144 hours, even though we can see that all Creator created life, takes much longer than that, we understand from this logic (also YHVH created) that this must be metaphorical; a parable (Mark 4 :11–13); a metaphor or archetype; it is not literal like what gets produced on a calculator, a spectrometer or universe piercing telescopes. It does not mean the metaphor is irrelevant; if it is in scripture it is very relevant and hugely important, just not always literal. It takes Spiritual discernment to know the difference.
Then said Yeshua unto His disciples: Amen, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you; it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. When His disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying: Who then can be saved? But Yeshua beheld them, and said unto them: With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all things are possible.
Then Peter answered and said unto Him: Behold, we forsook all, and followed You: What shall we have therefore? And Yeshua said unto them: Amen, I say unto you; that you which have followed Me, in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first! (Matt 19 :23–30) {cf. Titus all}.
The original word for "Regeneration" used here is παλιγγενεσία , which translates in modern vernacular to polygenesis . But here it is palingenesis , which is a new birth, or a rebirth in this particular passages context. It is a new state of existence, not a mere religious ritual, such as baptism, as it is often posited by the COP Cultist theological abominations.
In fact, all religious acts or rites or rituals, rules or traditions, which were/are performed, post Messianic Resurrection, are merely works righteousness (Col 2 ); the belief that the consumption of religion products, or their outward expressions, will lead to eternal salvation; indeed, it will do just the opposite; religion is concrete boots into the proverbial lake of fire.
Messiah Yeshua was about to usher in a new existence on Earth, for earthlings; that is, all humanity globally. But such a new state was not going to be accepted by everyone; in fact, almost the entire accountable adult human species, will reject it all, sometime during their earthly lifespan: wide is Broadway indeed (Matt 7 :13–23): Woe is the superpower of volition, and the curse of freedom!
The post Messianic Resurrection ideals of a Third Race , are both true and false. These theologically theoretical ideals are false when they try to imply or justify that the human creation is somehow separated by religion, culture, ethnicity or any type of genetic variations in general. But it is correct when we know that we were created to be recreated; that we were born so that we can die so that we can live (Rom 6 ; Gal 2 ).
The COP Cultists hijack all terminology, and all of their money spun doctrine, from the few published Saints peppered throughout post–Messianic history. One of those terms is born–again. But a radical, epochal, life altering Spiritual transformation, does not occur in any modern church business. Spiritual transformation is immediate (study Acts 1 thru 5); Spiritual metamorphosis occurs soon after; inside a few months. Trying to convince yourself you are born–again, but doing so without Ruach HaKodesh with; that is Christendom! But the emotions behind such a born–again act, are surely rooted in our childhood.
Then they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them, but His disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Yeshua saw it, He was much displeased and said unto them: Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of YHVH! Amen, I say unto you: Whoever shall not receive the Kingdom of YHVH as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13–16)
Children are the Kingdom; one accountable adult per one million children will be the mathematical finale; very few adult humans will make it. The future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim will (from Earth anyway) be mostly children who died, while deemed still child–innocent; they go right way to be with Messiah Yeshua,while the rest of humanity will sleep or remain unconscious until their Judgment Day.
And like children, so do all child–likened or child–made adults. All children are given a sip of eternal light; however, once we metaphorically kick against the pricks , the Angels of The Lord must depart: The testing begins!
¶ The Science Of The Spiritual!
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So what does all this mean for the incorporeal or Spiritual realm? Again obviously, not all things can be measured on aforementioned mechanisms; study just 2 scientific topics: Dark Matter and Action at a Distance . These will not be explored herein; all disciples deep study on their own (2Ti 2 :14–16). But suffice it to say, there is always more going on than can be explained at first (or ever): Hence, the metaphors, archetypes and parables. 1st century students did not have universe–piercing telescopes (etc); thus, inspired revelations had to come in intellectual phases through time.
Still, YHVH does not have control over the papyrus used to assemble the great written compilations, of what many flippantly call the good book , and at the same time, lacks all control over everything else written. Nevertheless, if one is a dedicated YHVH Monetizer , in the devout but covert service of their lord Mammon , they become willing vessels for Satan, who extorts their theology and, via literalism, has created religious Bibliolatry .
Published words become paramount to mount a defense, to support what we now know of in hindsight today, as some of the most malevolent acts ever perpetrated by any species anywhere at anytime. And scripture is the most abused of all writings thus far. Indeed, as knowledge increases exponentially over time, the ambitious pathetically clamor for more and evermore things, and thus, wisdom must be sidelined in order to justify the carnage.
Scripture describes forces, which defy the detection machines of modernity (well, except for the Ghostbusters Proton Pack :–). And, we would not believe in these incorporeal or supernatural forces, if it not for the effects of their presence that explains much of what we see, but do not see, in the obscurity or darkness; Dark Matter pun intended! Malevolent evil is a fruit of something sinister, which defies all human capacity for evil in the corporeal . All mammals demonstrate survival tactics, but the human condition transcends the natural condition/s. Why? Stay tuned!
When we humans attempt to apply (or impose) a calculator–level explanation to everything, far too much is convoluted and thus, missed or dismissed altogether. This is as true with science, as it is within the Spiritual realm, and indeed, since YHVH is the Creator of everything, nothing exists in the world, nor in our imaginations, which YHVH did not make possible to begin with. However, without the Indwelling Holy Spirit none of this will make any sense (1Co 1 :27).
The Spiritual realm on planet Earth, differs completely from what was (or is, or will be) happening on any other planet, created by YHVH in the vast expanse of the Cosmos; we have an incorporeal force that was here long before we biological humans: The demonic realm! They partner with humans, because Satan and crew, are not physical; they need physical beings to do all their works on Earth. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
Finally my brethren, be strong in The Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of Elohim, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of Elohim, so that you may be able to withstand in the evil days, and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. But above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Elohim. Pray always with all prayer and supplication, in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints. As for me; that utterance may be given unto me that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds; that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. (Eph 6 :10–20)
Part of the evidence against religion itself, is a dark arrogance concerning the Scriptures. The COP Cultists actually believe they own the Messiah Scriptures; that they are the only ones to have it, to properly interpret it, or to interpret it at all. Like their forefathers, they do not even acknowledge Messianic disciples. They do likewise with one of the human traits that YHVH abhors the most; self-righteousness. They actually think they are the only holy people on Earth; that everyone else is in need of salvation, as they (yep) interpret that.
Note here that the writer is in a prison while writing this; this context is important, because it finishes by asking they extend their prayers to include trying to teach convicted men about Messiah Yeshua. The wiles of the devil means it is not humans alone (flesh and blood), but the demons that control them: The devil made me do it can sure be a valid statement!
We Messianic disciples need to remind ourselves of that whenever we start to feel negatively against the human; that Cross–level Love is the fulfilling of all Law! Love the sinner, not the sin! Those principal powers are indeed, the rulers of the darkness of this world: The World ! Those empowered are assuredly those in high places; positions of power on Earth, working through Satan's trinity. Prisons were/are built and operated by politicians and their enforcement militants.
¶ Spiritual Brotherhood Linked Through Time Via The Holy Spirit!
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This epistle to the Ephesians was written by a follower of Saul, who himself was another second hand apostle: That is, Saul, nor his next generation of disciples who wrote this particular (deutro–Pauline ) letter, did not walk alongside, as a direct disciple of Messiah Yeshua (from which eventually sprang Pauline Christianity ): And yet, we still take this letter as Spiritually inspired, and we should. After all, Ruach HaKodesh operates exactly the same, everyday, everywhere, and all the time: What you are now reading is inspired in the exact same way!
But of course, the enthroned bible/god/talisman of those trapped in Bibliolatry , being muddied by this modern day disciple's words, will indeed offend the pride–ego–emotion conquered status of the anti-Messiahs (the anti-Messianic religious christianized), who think the bible is god, and thus will defend it as such! Dying to self in order to become one with the human family, is like Love to them; a mystery!
That is why you see the term "bible centered church" so (yep) proudly displayed on the many religion businesses of these destined and very predictable times. But fortunately for us all, it is just a collection or compilation of writings; very important indeed, but not a replacement for Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit; YHVH in us (Luke 24 :44–47; 2 Peter all).
No one will rightly divide, interpret or understand any Spiritually inspired writings, without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, decoding or unfolding it for them; well, except the Satan driven, pride conquered academics, who think their many hours of study will magically transform them; it does not (John 5 :39–40). Their roots into the world, and to their money/god, are deep and solidified, and, for the bulk of our species; but even more so for those of the COP Cultists.
The COP Cultists (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) are represented by/as the anti-Messianic religious; the Darkness destined churched; the pride–ego–emotion conquered; the bible beaters; the Jesus militants! Their private (or culture specific) interpretations of scriptural prophesy, is both cultural and now denominational in nature, exposing themselves as the YHVH Monetizers which they unabashedly exhibit unto the world (2Pe 1 :15–21 & 2:1–3).
This epistle to the Ephesians is relevant for many reasons; this section of the papyrus is of particular interest to the topic of the Spiritual versus the corporeal realm. Evidently, Earth was already occupied by a life form or a life force that had abilities that rivaled our own, intellectually speaking; i.e. these were not leftover animals. But they had obviously lived before. We modern day disciples can speculate that they were the unresurrected leftovers from another nearby Earth like experiment from long long ago. Again, nothing biblically specific here, but we can see the wind by the sway of the branches (Acts 2 :1–2).
No life form preexists without first being corporeal; well, except One, our Adonai Elohim: YHVH! All life starts (or has its beginnings) in the corporeal realm, but then, can either remain incorporeal post death, or, be resurrected (by and for YHVH) into bodies that are recognizable to other corporeal beings, and yet, entirely different. This is the paradigm of corporeality; Messiah Yeshua! Except for one thing; Messiah Yeshua did not begin in the corporeal realm, as does all other created life; Messiah Yeshua was/is, YHVH in the flesh (Rev 1 :8).
This is why Messiah Yeshua was not immediately recognized by His direct disciple apostles, just after His resurrection (John 20 :15–16 & 21:4–7). Messiah Yeshua was still the same human form, and yet, so different that He could be both recognized, and not recognized (Luke 24 all): How is this? After all, His disciples knew He literally could raise the dead (John 11 & 12); they saw that already with brother Lazarus, and so it was not from disbelief; they were not so shocked that Yeshua was unrecognizable.
No, this was all about a deeper lesson for us (His) future disciples; that is the true beauty of the original scriptures. Messiah Yeshua, in His post resurrected state, could be physically touched by doubting Thomas, and eat fish, and yet, also ascend into space, and not decompresss and explode, or suffocate, or otherwise suffer or die.
His resurrected body was/is incapable of destruction and death, as we know of those things while confined to/in the corporeal, still simple even from the upper limits of our human brains. Many things we will simply not know, while trapped in this limited and finite mortal shell (2Co 12 :1–9; 1Th 4 :14–18). Even a thousand years in it would not be helpful.
¶ Why You Cannot Learn Scripture From Mortals!
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If my Master, Messiah Yeshua, the mere Tekton , was here today instead of back then, He and His words would be summarily dismissed, because He does not have a University degree; He is a mere construction worker, and so He would be ignored by the more prominent of social stature setters; those from the productions of the monetizers. This would include only those with a Master's Degree or higher: the Lawyer, the Doctor, the Theologian, and so on. This is called ad hominem ; (metaphorically) whenever someone cannot accept or counter the message, they attack the messenger instead.
Remember, many who literally walked alongside Messiah Yeshua, and heard His voice, initially intended to be His disciples forever, but soon walked away (John 6 :66); they counted the cost and quickly came to the realization that they would not complete it: The parable of the sower fulfilled; predestination complete; Matthew Seven Christians confirmed. That is where religion comes in; the YHVH Monetizers sought to fill in the gap between a life transforming discipleship, versus what became mere christendom (1Jo 2 ).
But just knowing about all this creation/Creator information, does not mean that a well informed individual is Heaven bound. Eternal destiny cannot and will not be determined by anything outward, such as religion (church businesses), rites, rituals, talismans, holidays, memorials, nor any other earthly or corporeal matter (John 4 :21–24; John 18 :33–37). But how you live is merely a reflection (indeed a testimony; tree fruit) of why you live!
Messiah Yeshua said not to call or refer to mere mortals as your teacher; He was trying to level the societal playing field by teaching the disciples (indeed, all Spiritually transformed people then and now) that we are all equal and in every possible way; that a disciple should listen to scripture whenever it is read (today of course, we have our own written words), and not to reject the lesson learned, just because it might be coming from evil serving people, who make merchandise of YHVH.
We can learn gospel truth, but just because a person is taught a truth, does not mean that person is (or will be) a part of the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, we learn to separate the person from the lesson; we disciples learn about lifestyle fruit (Matt 23 :1–13). Messiah Yeshua was teaching egalitarianism , but there is a grand canyon between the hypothetical believer, and pure belief exhibited in lifestyle choices: Fruit!
The Satan–driven dominators, are the authoritarians or lord seekers among us; they abhor this ideal or full equality, preferring social hierarchy, with money as the math barometer and benchmark, and Satan's greatest end–time weapon of them all, which is the root cause of so much suffering; social stratification .
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit was necessary; the only solution to the nature of the hopelessly human condition: What was cumulatively learned from the Tanakh exemplifies this. Prior to Adonai our Elohim becoming Human; before the very Presence of YHVH on Earth, humans were not able to develop any further along; human "advancement" stalled. Science Fiction fantasizes about it, but that is just fiction; and even then the animal–man reemerges far too often.
Prior to that potential internal Temple empowerment, humans were/are driven primarily by pride–ego–emotion, and in that psychological weakness, humans are easily led by the demon hoards that oppress them daily. In that oppression state, humans are very gullible to condemnation–guilt–shame and fear–paranoia–cowardice. From those roots, all that humans do or think or believe, can be witnessed and explained.
All transformative potential abides within the individual; it is the power of the individual alone; no one but the self can change the self: Only You Can Prevent Forever Fires !! But it must begin with a death; yes, a death to self; a death to the animal–man; a death to pride–ego–emotion: We are there only obstacle to YHVH. Pride is the greatest force in the universe, because all sin–acts were already atoned for upon the Messianic Cross.
Pride is a major driving force of human ego; and it is ego that shapes how humans see the world and themselves. Without YHVH within, humans remain very small and trapped in Spiritual darkness. That is, in part, what explains all the condemnation–guilt–shame and fear–paranoia–cowardice. From these mental–emotional roots, everything else plays itself out upon the theatrical stages of the individual, which collectively we call society or culture.
¶ Without Ruach HaKodesh, People Are Just Social Stage Actors!
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The test of which incorporeal being inhabits and/or oppresses a person, Ruach HaKodesh or demons, was taught to us by Messiah Yeshua who said: "You shall know them by their fruits!" Who? The actors! Lifestyle is the giveaway; what people say, and more importantly, what they do not say, reeks of reveal. Life will shake the proverbial tree; which fruit it is, will manifest on that tree, sooner or later. Satan's people cannot help but be carnal–primal; sold out to the World . They cannot stop themselves!
Acting on the stages of life, the hypocrisy can only be sustained for so long; tricking people into a belief can only last so long. Enculturation is what exposes that fruit, or fruit–evidence! Pride is a giant piece of fruit; mindless living is fruit; ignorance is fruit; a general blind compliance to ones surroundings is fruit. This list can get rather long here!
Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! Everything and everyone who functions under those paradigms, are demonic, and on differing levels of impact. Some things within them are hard to detect, while others are brazenly evil; but the entire thing is a sin–evil that only the Spiritually blinded can enable or promote. The more obvious sin–evil can be seen in Religion; there thrives the greatest sin on Earth, self-righteousness.
Satan uses money to gain the hearts of the masses; the humans that gain the most money, serve Satan faithfully by then exploiting Politics and Religion, to do the will of Satan, who the religious simply call God! The In God We Trust on the USD is of course, Satan the god of this world, the bulk of the human species. Money is the drug and humanity the addicts. Also, the mega–rich use Politics to deflect attention from them!
Once an individual is enlightened, that awakening exposes all things to us, often in their most base or raw state. Satan and his trillion demon army, who work exclusively through humans on Earth, are collectively the future inhabitants of extreme outer Darkness . They all want to be gods; all of them! For humans, their Earth life is that testimony; indeed that test of money! Satan's entities are known by pride–ego–emotion; the Elect of YHVH by Love–wisdom–humility!
Language or words are yet another fruit to listen for. It is easy to notice how the christianized will learn the christianese of their selected religion–brand, and then if they are introduced to new or different versions of christianese, they become uncomfortable stepping outside their shoebox experiences.
Anyone who claims to be a bible teacher, or a pastor, or any other religious title that even implies that they exist to explain to you, what only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can truthfully enlighten you to; these are not just frauds, but actual direct agents of Satan and his demonic crew, though very likely, unwittingly so.
Like their master the devil (John 8 :42–47), they too are charismatic and popular and (yep) followed; look for (the fruit of) a followship! And like the devil, they like the entourage; being the center of attention; the one all turn to; they like (need) the stages of life so look for them there.
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious are completely ego driven. The Indwelling Holy Spirit fills us to overflowing with self-esteem at its highest possible maxim, but the worldly (churched or not) struggle with their esteem and thus it shows forth in their egocentrism.
In this context, Spiritual would be the condition of possessing and being controlled by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which is only possible, as a consequence of unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua: The Way ! (John 14 :1–7). One must die internally, and allow the Holy Spirit to enter in for the first time, bringing Love (YHVH Love); from that Love core all other Messianic attributes emerge.
Conversely, the "Holy Spirit in the world" (not to be confused with Ruach HaKodesh), works to gently nudge people to the Cross, but very carefully, so as not to violate volition; that still small Voice indeed. YHVH will allow suffering, pain, loss, and hopeless to thrive on Earth, via guilt–shame–condemnation (Rom 8 ; John 5 :24), for the much larger purpose of leading the heart–mind–Soul unto our Adonai Elohim, willingly and volitionally. The purpose of this life is radical transformation via Spiritual metamorphosis! The goal of this life is that of Soul seeding, leading to the Resurrection of the Just (Luke 14 :12–14).
This is (in part) why religious recruitment or evangelism or proselytization or assimilation, is such an egregious sin–evil in the sight of YHVH: It is too often centered on human emotion, not Spiritual reality. Church services are still just services; hardly the level of relationship anyone would want with their earthly mate, and surely not the one that YHVH wants with us, nor us with one another (John Seventeen ).
However, most people do not die (internally) so they can be reborn into an entirely new creation; instead, they merely add god/religion/bible/church, to the darkness they have always inhabited (John 3 :16–21); in our time, that would be the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized. They must become a thing; a box if you will; the christian box, for this example (insert any title here). But christendom existed (and still exists) as completely separate from The Way: christendom has no Spiritual connection whatsoever with our Father which art in Heaven, YHVH the Creator of all.
Messiah Yeshua was crucified to eliminate the need for religion, church, rituals, rites, sacrifices (and so on), but Satan was very angry at Messiah Yeshua for dooming him, and so he used the human systems and worldly temptations (i.e. the Monetizers ) to create yet another religion, only this time in the name of Jesus! The devil is responsible for virtually all the religions of men globally and forever. The Way was as it was in the book of Acts 1 thru 5; communal and equal, not just like a family, but as a family.
But the monetizers (Satan's Judas Iscariot implants) saw an opportunity to (yep) capitalize on the growing Body of Messiah Yeshua (Acts 8 :17–24), and so they went out from the Elect of YHVH; they learned what they knew and then left; they were no longer participants in the "communes of Christ!"
As we learn from the needed addendum's that became a part of the canon, individuals loved freedom and power, so they could live as they please, without any daily accountability. This same mindset was a major part of the formulation of the monetization and commodification and adulteration mentality, in general; self-empowerment.
The addendum references found in the Johannine epistles (1Jo 2 :18–21) reveal how Satan was already at work, upon the "soon to surrender" (Matt 13 ); again, one must fully understand the parable of the sower, but as a person not motivated in any way by monetization. Bible study is too often a ruse; a distraction from a living discipleship.
Bibliolatry draws people away from the effects of the "Holy Spirit in the world" who works mercifully to break the bondage of pride; to reach you and then push you gently into a stage in this life, where you finally surrender unconditionally unto the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua. And as with any Lordship, what He says, alone, is the final and only word; a Red Letter Discipleship indeed!
¶ Emotional Fire Versus A Steady Flame!
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The COP Cultists cannot be filled with the Indwelling Holy Spirit because they are dedicated to Satan; exploiting scripture by making it carnal and appear worldly serving. But the Indwelling Holy Spirit brings Love , and with it comes great wisdom, perfect peace, calmness, steadiness, competence, emotional maturation, stability, and so on. We do not need to conjure up the Indwelling Holy Spirit, on demand, for that Messiah Spirit abides within us perpetually and in perpetuity .
Conversely, unholy spirits can be conjured up to excite crowds and are masters of human emotional stimulation; getting people fired up; totally obscured by emotions. One can eyewitness such demonic rituals at most Pentecostal church services . Glossolalia occultists are seized by demons, though likely unaware. But as with any liberating act that seems at the time like pure freedom, this kind of emotional bondage will be their eternal doom.
Indeed, there are dozens of "doctrines" created by removing Messiah Yeshua from His rightful throne, and placing the bible there in His place: Bibliolatry . Nevertheless, YHVH came to Earth (taking on human form) as Messiah Yeshua, not only to pay the sin debt, for and in Himself; not only to expose the sin of religion; but just as importantly, to set the example for how we are the think and act and live. Messiah Yeshua was/is ― for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH ― the very Paradigm of Corporeality! And imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (and reverence and worship).
Evangelism alone is fruitless (Matt 23 :15); everyone had heard about Messiah Yeshua (and over the last few dozen decades, as Jesus Christ among the europeanized) from long ago. The call to go into all the world, was made by my Master, Messiah Yeshua (Mark 16 ), at a time when only a few hundred people, out of all humanity globally, knew He even existed.
For the most part, this commission was fulfilled by the disciples and apostles (Mark, Jude, Philip, Andrew, Onesimus, Luke, Simon, Tychicus, James, Bartholomew, Tom, Peter, Tim, Barnabas, Epaphroditus, Saul, Matthew, the John's, and so on), and codified with the canon of scripture .
A direct disciple of Messiah and dear friend, Judas Iscariot, hugged and kissed my Master (something I long for), and yet in the end, he preferred the Mammon (1Jo 2 :15–20), betraying Him with the false love act of feigned affection; a kiss on the cheek. People to this day, will air kiss another, which is a replication of this unparalleled and defiant act of betrayal ; it is a mockery of Messiah Yeshua done in public just like public Prayer is a mockery.
¶ The Anti Religious Messiah!
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Messiah Yeshua was hated, belittled, and eventually hunted down, falsely accused and murdered, precisely because He was anti–religious. The Romans initially cared less what He was doing, until it was proverbially brought onto their lawns; it was the Pharisees and their bedfellows, the attorney–class, whom He exposed as the frauds of faith, calling the Pharisees the operators of dens of thieves; He referred to them as their synagogues: Exposing the YHVH Monetizers got Him killed. Commercial Christianity is all that remains today.
Spiritual gifts are not proof of anything Holy! Indeed, speaking in tongues is even occultic . Most people alive in the modern era, assume that any talk of the Holy Spirit must be of the Pentecostals; however, this newest major edition of the protesters atheistic division titled Pentecostal ; roughly 140 years young, is mostly practiced by westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized adherents; the anti-Messiahs ! All of christendom is the single greatest exhibition of anti-Messianic division and denominational disunity on Earth (John Seventeen ).
No disciples of Messiah Yeshua has ever participated in any religions of this nature or form; indeed, all Messianic disciples are (like our Master) anti–religious. The closest people to live like the disciples of Messiah Yeshua, on the North American continent, are the Amish (or any non modernized Anabaptist ), as well as some Native American tribes.
Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, mortal men seek physical or tangible things to justify, validate or confirm a Spiritual world that they are otherwise oblivious to (disconnected from); they remain Spiritually blinded and in darkness; in that darkness (which will ultimately lead to more Darkness ), they naturally reach out to grab a hold of an outward physical thing, in order to feel secure, just like a physically blinded person must do, as they navigate their optical darkness (Luke 6 :39–40).
Disciples of Messiah Yeshua are mortals; we do not know where each individual is; at what point on the path they are, with respect to their status in the internal workings of our Master. Every calling differs (2 Peter ). Since we are limited to our corporeality and to our limited brains, our only sure duty therefore, is to Love , unconditionally and completely; everyone, everything, everywhere, always, and without reservation.
If you Love the Loveless, they will hate you for it: They must (John 15 ). If you copy the lifestyle of Messiah Yeshua, the masses will find little to no use for you (2Co 6 :14–18). We are not capitalists; we hate money and avoid consumerism; we prefer the unwanted that the worldly will cast aside in their monetary quests for mammon power.
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious; they all look upon other humans as a resource (a sale or commission), or for some earthly advantage (predation ). Conversely, the disciples of Messiah Yeshua (the Elect of YHVH); we care nothing about this world, other than reflecting Messiah Yeshua and hope others see it (Matt 5 :13–16). Thus, we live for completely different reasons and thus, motives.
Still, each time I see or hear of an injustice or any senseless act of evil, I too initially want to see justice, not mercy. Then, the Indwelling Holy Spirit sparks a memory (John 14 :26); that of my Lord hanging desperately on the Cross, looking down at His hate filled abusers and murderers, and saying: Father forgive them, for they know not, what they are doing! And Love quickly returns.
As a bias or prejudice, racial bigotry is yet another manifestation of blind enculturation in effect. White christianized but anti-Messianic men in US history, owned African black slaves; they actually thought they were superior to these people, simply because of the differences between them; skin color being the outward superficial part, but then, also the differences in education level and enculturation variation.
The rich African cultural diversity, which these anti-Messianic Xians of Religianity , lived and died oblivious to, did not matter to them anyway, because they were not building eternal relationships as disciples of Messiah Yeshua; they were exploiting everything and everyone, for their me–here–now monetizing agendas, and justifying it all with scripture, via their christianization enculturation, via militant colonialism.
¶ Messiah Yeshua: Paradigm of Corporeality!
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We (disciples of Messiah Yeshua) adopt our Heavenly Father's view and perspective of each individual. We look at the terrorist and the murderer as if they were still just children in their mother's care. Love, and its byproduct, compassion and mercy, help us to understand that something went wrong in the course of their lives; that Satan and his massive demonic army of deceivers, have twisted their minds into thinking and doing heinous things. They have an eternal Soul that only a Father can Love.
Our duty as disciples of Messiah Yeshua therefore, is to look upon those who hurt us and others, and attempt to Love them back to our Heavenly Father. With every heinous act we learn about, our heart says to our brains: There go I, but by the gracious mercy of our precious Adonai! He looked upon His abusers with Love and forgiveness, even as they had literally just tortured Him and was in the process of killing Him. Do you get it yet? Are you there yet?
Conversely, the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, all live in the same blindness and Spiritual darkness as do those "others" (murderers; terrorists; crucifiers); they see monsters lurking everywhere; the atheistic (mammalian) brain swims in paranoia, fear, anger, vengeance and violence, and thus, all thoughts and actions and reactions are all governed by those primal–carnal forces; but they cannot transcend any of them on their own (Matt 19 :23–30).
In order to justify the absence of unconditional Love, they must manufacture enemies (enemize ) from among anyone who does anything that opposes them, or costs them resources or status. They justify neighbor hating (Luke 10 :25–29). Monetized people exploit other people for resources or positions in society, but are often oblivious to the depth of evil present to do such things; again, the Iscariot Paradox!
One example among thousands would be a woman who will marry a man of another (more wealthy) nation, only so that she can gain citizenship there. The man is seeking a wife; she a green card. Among the worldly, one cannot expect an attractive woman to want a plain and common man; not for long anyway. The man is captivated (fooled) by her beauty; he may not understand why such a woman would be interested in him, since no local women pay him any mind, but, the desire for a wife is intrinsically powerful (Pro 18 :22).
Those who Love, do not care about ones social status (or class): But only the Elect of YHVH are empowered with YHVH Love. Whereas, the bulk of humanity will live and die, utterly oblivious to what Love is or manifests. They live a very superficial existence, and so, other humans are mere resources to monetize; to take from; to exploit in any way possible, such as an attractive woman preying on the hopes of a plain man seeking a wife.
It is why all the warnings of this nature are found throughout Proverbs; it is why we are warned to to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Even being in the presence of Love ; it is not learned by osmosis.
¶ The Iscariot Paradox!
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Judas Iscariot was in daily fellowship with the sum totality of Love: Messiah Yeshua, and yet, lived all his life oblivious to the massive wealth that reality represented; he was in the midst of Love Personified, and traded Him in for a pocket full of coins (analogous to walking away from a trillion dollars, for a penny). In the last hour of the earthly life of Judas, he realized this massive mistake, and the truth of it drove him to suicide. But most humans live/die oblivious to it.
For the three seconds on their Day of Judgment, freed of the limitations of the human brain and body, all conscious beings will know the sum of everything (Luke 12 :1–5); in the preceding seconds, they will also know, on their own, the huge mistake they made, and thus, their destiny into the vacuum of empty space will not come as a complete surprise to them. It will only be the Xians of Religianity who will be shocked by their eternal destiny on Broadway into Darkness : Lord, Lord, have we not done all these christianesque things in Your name? Their panic is palpable by this choice of words (Matt 7 :13–27).
I do not know all the plans my Master has for me, once I am freed from this corporeal shell, but I can look up, and now deep into space (thanks to telescopes), and see that there are countless quintillion planets that are presumed empty of soul–endowed intelligent life. Earth is just one: It is expendable. The purpose of this Earth experiment is to witness and record what beings ― with the superpower of volition, and the even greater power, access to Ruach HaKodesh ― will do with the proverbial random cards they are dealt in this life. It is analogous to testing kids unaware while at play; will they share toys, or will they dominate them or lord them over others?
This life is a character test; it is to run a random experiment, and without interfering in any way, observe and record the outcomes. Wise men know this to be true, but smart men hate the notion, and who could blame them. For those on Broadway, who are literally and figuratively hellbent on being lords among men themselves, the very idea of relinquishing all such power, over and unto a being that is not even here among us in the corporeal , seems silly, and not worth the gamble. Now is when I would have to paste in all of Hebrews 11 .
¶ Spiritual Transformation Versus Religious Enculturation!
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Religious Enculturation is just christianization. Conversely, salvation is about Spiritual transformation, not cultural conformation; it is about an about face and living an entirely different life on Earth, not a mere addendum of religion and its byproducts, such as church enablement, or religious traditions, rituals, and so forth.
The fruit of Spiritual transformation can best be seen in how the self proclaimed "Saved" people, respond to the world around them. The fakers remain as they were, before their religious experience; the same for those who merely inherited their religion from parents or caregivers (children are tabula rasa and thus copy–mimic–parrot, everything and everyone). The difference between the redeemed and the reformed, is as follows:
Those who are not YHVH Love empowered and Spiritually transformed, will respond to anything that promotes guilt or shame, with instant justification thoughts. The brain immediately goes into self-justification mode, and right away, produces thoughts designed to justify, rationalize, or otherwise explain away, any/all human action and inaction: More on that throughout these writings.
Conversely, the Spiritually transformed; the infinitesimal Elect of YHVH; those on Narrow Way; we respond in humility, patiently, with repentance, and seek forgiveness, if we have genuinely wronged someone. That wrong is determined by my Master, Messiah Yeshua, as I continually attempt to mimic His ways and thoughts and lifestyle. As long as I am doing, living, thinking, and acting like my Master, as confirmed by/in the Messiah Scriptures , I will assess my actions and inactions from that core source.
In other words, a person might feel hurt if I say what my Master has instructed me to say, as already modeled (via the gospels mostly); not only can I not seek forgiveness for it, but I must reiterate that position for your eternal benefit. I live for the life to come, not this temporal one.
Therefore, if you think that these words expose the fact that you are not Spiritually transformed, and you feel emotionally affected by that revelation, I cannot recant it, because it was inspired by the Indwelling Holy Spirit that guides and directs these very words. The mere mortal inside of me just wants to get along with everyone; to be liked by everyone. But that is not my Messianic calling (John 15 ).
The Pharisees (too) were so hurt; so bothered; so impacted (economically, politically, and egocentrically) by the lifestyle and words and intentions of my Master, Messiah Yeshua; they plotted to have Him killed: They were sorely angered! But my Master went to the Cross, and never repented or sought forgiveness for what He said to the Pharisees, nor anyone else who was emotionally impacted by His message: And He offended many!
Most people live in a perpetual state of self-justification, and whenever anyone exposes the darkness they prefer to remain within (John 3 :19–21), they really have only one choice; reject it via justifications (Luke 16 :13–15). Well, they do have one other choice, but few there be that find it (Matt 7 :21–23).
They can surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to this life; die to the pride–ego–emotion that is their current lord, and truly live under the Lordship of our Father which art in Heaven, as demonstrated by Messiah Yeshua on Earth. pride–ego–emotion; that is Satan's field of play. YHVH recreates us from the ashes of our old self, and from there and then, we operate on/from Love–wisdom–humility, not pride–ego–emotion.
We, the disciples of Messiah Yeshua, live on Earth to expose truth to all, come what may. The cost of discipleship is calculated by only a few, and most who even do that, eventually walk away from such discipleship, replacing it instead, with the dead bones of the skeletal remnants of religion tradition/s.
Now, as a disciple, I am not a participant in the greater cultures enculturation limitations; I do not for example, recognize the atheistic masses productions of division, such as ethnic divisions (which includes race), and thus, nor of genetic similarities. My Master exposed the reality of one human family, clear herein:
While He yet talked to the people, behold, His mother and His brethren stood without, desiring to speak with Him. Then one said unto Him: Behold, Your mother and brethren stand without {in the back of the crowd} , desiring to speak with You. But He answered and said unto him that told Him: Who is My mother? And who are My brethren? And He stretched forth His hand toward His disciples and said: Behold My mother and My brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of My Father, which is in Heaven; the same is My brother and sister and mother! (Matt 12 :46–50)
Consequently, my eternal (real) family are those other humans, anywhere on Earth forever, who obey my Master, buy demonstrating unconditional, unidirectional, unimaginable, universal, unending Love for all soul–endowed beings that YHVH created; the good and the evil the same. Study the Messianic Cross again and again. The YHVH Family is everyone; only YHVH decides who is wheat and who is a weed, and deals with them accordingly.
My Lord Loves me, and is within me, and so the Love I hold for you and for everyone, is sourced, not from my mortal brain, which is a biological computer incapable of calculating YHVH–Love on its own, but from the Indwelling Holy Spirit, yoked with my eternal Soul consciousness, which I must volition daily to take control of my heart–mind–Soul (Luke 9 & 10).
As new creations in Messiah Yeshua, we are to make a new life, based upon entirely new directives and goals and purposes, with new people that we call family, because merely following cultural tides to please those near to us, is not the calling; not Narrow Way; indeed, it is The Way for anyone bound for the Kingdoms of Heaven.
Thus, every individual must first count the cost of discipleship, even before they step out of the proverbial boat, and well before they sell all they have to follow Him. Most bound by the COP Cultist's yoke, strive only to avoid eternal damnation. Why? They comply with the directives of the religionists, but just in case this whole afterlife thingy turns out to be true; they purchase their heavenly entry tickets with money at a church business, just in case.
¶ The Theological Christ Versus The Living Messiah!
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The messages of my Master were sweetly simple and yet, He shrouded them in metaphor, which often frustrated His disciples. This was due to the timing of it all (John 16 :25–33). Sincere men, among all generations since Messiah Yeshua, who ended up the head of a group of people identifying as Christian, often posthumously became the box/title for that group: Jakob Ammann was reduced to the box called Amish; Menno Simmons the Mennonites; and so on: Anabaptists !
What begins with good intentions, is always taken over by the great tempter, once any of his ingredients ― those that Satan is the god of, such as pride–ego–emotion and money–power ― are allowed into that group. It is that leaven in the lump, which can taint the next generation; they either disband, or morph into a ministry: YHVH Monetizers LLC! These dark side pretenders will capitalize upon the good name of these posthumous founders, like any atheistic materialistic exploitative capitalist would do, and, who are actually proud of such an act.
The deprivation that morphed into Christendom, was beforehand, confronted with yet another addendum; the Johannine epistles . The purpose of it was a warning to all future seekers of ultimate truth. It is ironic, and yet also like my Master, to have preserved the words that lead us to life, while still in the midst of Satan's many prostitution's of YHVH: Church businesses!
Now, when the apostles, which were at Jerusalem, heard that Samaria had received the word of Elohim, they sent unto them Peter and John, who, when they came down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet He was fallen upon none of them; they were only baptized in the name of The Lord, Messiah Yeshua. Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.
But when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying: Give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit! But Peter said unto him: Your money perishes with you, because you have thought the gift of Elohim may be purchased with money! You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of Elohim. Repent therefore of this, your wickedness, and pray unto Elohim, if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I perceive that you are in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity! Then Simon answered and said: You pray to The Lord for me, that none of these things that you have spoken comes upon me! (Acts 8 :14–24).
¶ The Economic Life Versus The Spiritual Life!
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YHVH used only a small number of true disciples of Messiah, working within these dens of thieves, to keep the word (at least) in a sound enough condition, for the Indwelling Holy Spirit to illuminate truth from it.
The words themselves are not truth at face value (like granite tablets of Law ); indeed the value of metaphor and parable was initiated by Messiah Yeshua precisely to confound the fakes and frauds; to (proverbially) give them enough rope to hang themselves; even those who had power over the written texts of scripture! Every time the word ministries appears (nowadays) that entity is directly from Satan. The Elect of YHVH; the Body of Christ; the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; we are all egalitarian and communal, not secular and worldly.
But this does not mean that all people who live egalitarian and/or communal, are Spiritually transformed. For example, all Spiritually transformed women dress modestly, but not all modestly dressed women are Spiritually transformed. No Spiritually transformed person participates in worldly systems such as the Car Cult or the Gun Cult; however, not everyone who avoids such cults, are Spiritually transformed.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit works the same in all who have been called, though we are all at differing stages (different grade levels) of personal development. One cannot be conquered by unconditional eternal Love , and then begin or continue to live an evil lifestyle, which would be anything that might even potentially harm another.
The single most evil thing in this solar system is money; man's Mammon (1Ti 6 ): there will be nothing else for light years nor anywhere around this planet, which will have such an effect on an entire solar system. How is that? Read on!
To summarize; for the bulk of human time; from the very first humans, all the way until we enter the 19th century, people had very little impact on Earth; we simply were too small, even numbering in the many millions. But with those numbers came the popularization of money; a portable way to wealth, without producing anything; wealth without Labor . It was impossible to build such massive wealth by any former means.
The Johannine epistle warnings were this: Love demonstrated via lifestyle, and also individual personal life choices, are the one and only evidence of a person's true Spiritual status with Messiah Yeshua. It even hints at the curses of Bibliolatry , which permeate the Eschaton Era. Taking all the John titles texts together, the core of Messiah Yeshua shines through: Yeshua is now the Holy Spirit dwelling within His disciples!
For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, for it is not subject to the Torah of Elohim, neither indeed can be. So then, they that are in the flesh cannot please Elohim. But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you.
Now, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Messiah Yeshua {Ruach Yeshua Meshicheinu} , they are not His. If Messiah is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Yeshua from the dead, dwells in you , He that raised up Messiah from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies, by His Spirit that dwells in you .
Therefore brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if you live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, they {too} are the sons of Elohim. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry: Abba! Father! The Spirit {Ruach HaKodesh} bears witness with our soul that we are the children of Elohim, and if children, then heirs; heirs of Elohim and joint heirs with Messiah; if so be that we suffer with Him , that we may be also glorified together. (Rom 8 :5–17) {cf. Gal 2 :20}
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world: If any man loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof; but he that does the will of Elohim abides forever.
My teknion, it is the last time, and as you have heard that The Anti Messiah shall come, even now there are many anti-Messiahs, where by we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But you have unction from the Holy One, and you know all things! I have not written unto you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. (1Jo 2 :15–21)
"They went out from us, but were not of us:" Those who originated from the disciples of Messiah Yeshua in the 1st century, who left their first love, which was/is a lifestyle that imitates Messiah Yeshua; a "Love as a verb" lifestyle; an Acts 1 (thru 5) communal lifestyle. The monetizers saw an opportunity to capitalize on this, and all religion businesses (forever) under the mascot of Jesus Christ, is their fruit: Christendom ! The great falling away!
True Love is unconditional, universal, and eternal. Those unwilling to surrender, but who recognized the profitability of a religion (new or old); these are the people who eventually became the Catholics, and from them came their stepchildren, the Orthodox, and then later the love child called the Protestants, which are the last and worst of the bunch, spawn into the COP Cultists; the conglomerates of the sinister YHVH Monetizers .
In fact, anyone who monetizes and commodifies YHVH, or who enables or collaborates with such cults; those who use scripture and refer to themselves as little Christs or Christians or Christendom; but, who live anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles; these are the faith frauds, and thus, are the most dangerous humans in existence: All money dependent people are compromised and dangerous at some level.
The USA is among the most evil and depraved of cultures to ever exist on Earth. But like the religionists of the past, the christianized here, actually think this is the greatest nation on Earth, and the best and Godliest: That is how blinded they are! They will die blinded to it.
It was once thought of as a christian nation, among the westernized; it is indeed christianized, but it is the farthest from the Cross of Messiah Yeshua. The Elect of YHVH know all that the Indwelling Holy Spirit determines or wills that we know, and at any level, revealed to us anytime in time: Eternal wisdom is need–to–know!
Conversely, the pharisaic religionists (of all times and cultures) commit the unpardonable sin of monetizing YHVH; all organized religion businesses are the prophetic anti-Messiahs ; any money dependent entity that swaps Satan's Mammon , represents the evil of all evils.
The mite platter that gets passed among those still trapped in religious bondage (appropriately called an adherent ), during the moneychangers church services with the name of "Christ" somewhere within it; this act is more sinister than the sum of the Third Reich that paled in comparison to the depth of sin–evil represented in the COP Cultists sinister ministers.
Messiah Yeshua went into "their" synagogues (Matt 4 :23; 9:35; 10:16–18; Mark 1 :37–39; Luke 4 :14–16): Note a very important piece here ― one that gets passed over by the blinded, as it happens all too often ― that it is never referred to as "His" or "our" or "My" synagogue: Why?
This is a critical nugget; however, as you must come to know, those who are not of us, must therefore, read into the scriptures, whatever justifies or validates or vindicates the acts and lifestyles of their darkness (John 3 :16–21); what they are already devoted to, and remaining within; even exploiting Jesus in this process: That is demonic indeed, but the demons do not care, and actually enjoy it.
¶ Spiritual Cancer: Greed As Stage Three!
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The math is rather simple to those (Matt 13 all) with Spiritual eyes/ears: For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world! Our Master, Messiah Yeshua, gave us the math of the Messiah; we simply calculate Matthew 7 (Narrow Way that very very few find) with John 3 (that Messiah Yeshua died for all humanity) versus John Seventeen (how the Elect of YHVH live now and forever).
Therefore, what the vast majority of humans are doing and living and thinking; these masses represent those on Broadway; the superhighway directly into the abyss of Darkness ; whereas, the Elect of YHVH represent the infinitesimal few on Narrow Way. Do the calculation: If you live like the masses of humans around you; that means that you are the world (1 John 2 ).
It means that you have acquiesced to Satan's many and multifold temptation products, and, that are you are likely, not only a Satan servant daily, you are actually addicted to temptation itself (e.g. if you gaze at a smartphone; partake in the Car Cult ; etc.). Even if you were forced to live, sort of Christ like, for even one day, you would fight and protest until you were allowed back into one's anti-Messianic world and lifestyle. Then you would perhaps go to church and they would tell you that you are OK; mammon hoarded in the hands out till (Mark 12 :41–44; Luke 21 :1–4).
In other words, you are not only a follower of Satan, you are actually his earthly servant and thus an instrument of demonic torment; again, the Car Cult as just one terrifying manifestation out of thousands, represented herein. In the guilt–shame–condemnation of such an anti-Messianic lifestyle, humans try to overcompensate for their sinister lifestyles, by attending and enabling the church businesses that Messiah Yeshua condemned at a higher level than He condemned any sin–act in the human condition.
But humans measure evil and sin, not from scripture so much as how it affects people in the now. These are considered among the worst of humans; a terrorist or a thief; a pedophile or a rapist; a murderer; a manslaughter ; these are the words that the fakers exploit to create a fake bubble of righteousness around themselves. Self-righteousness is utterly repulsive unto YHVH. Self-righteousness is itself fruit–evidence of demonic oppression; to believe that ones self is anything but depraved beyond recognition, proves that such a one is nowhere near the Messianic Cross.
But the law abiding employed tax paying religious adherent, are those looked upon by YHVH as the most sinister of evil beings, not only on Earth, but anywhere; and the reason is as plain as day: They use outward things to justify the divide which they self create to elevate themselves; they like to be superior to others, even moral superiority (Rev 3 :13–22).
Conversely, disciples of Messiah Yeshua imitate Him (Matt 9 ): We Love the lost; the unwanted; the rejected; the ugly; the Homeless ; the disenfranchised; the poor; the lowly; the sick and dying; the imprisoned; the outcast; we befriend sinners . We come to understand that people are broken; that we are broken. What makes Messianic disciples different from the rest (including the christianized), is that our King & Master has opened our eyes to see it. The rest abuse the broken and justify their hate against them.
For the one per multiple million who ― in true humility and as a dedicated truth miner ― will surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, die to this life (die to pride–ego–emotion), and are subsequently renewed and redeemed; these Elect few, live an entirely different lifestyle, while on Earth.
The subsequent Indwelling Holy Spirit takes us on another path entirely; we are freed of blind enculturation and meaningless followship; we are humbled all the more, by the awesome gift of eternal life awarded us by our only Master, Messiah Yeshua. That enlightenment exposes the true self unto us, and in horror, we abandon any/all signs of self-righteousness and egocentrism.
It takes genuine and complete humility, to even get near the Cross; once we truly bend the knee unto the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua (only), and, in such a way that YHVH knows it is real and eternal; only then does the Holy Spirit yoke with our Soul in an eternal, marriage–level, personal and intimate relationship.
The Kingdom of YHVH now (Luke 17 :20–21), merely transfers into the Kingdom of Heaven eternal (Matt 28 :18–20). In that intimate state of existence, we would (for one example) never offer Prayer in public (Matt 6 :5), like the staged showmen fakers among the COP Cultists; the YHVH Monetizers .
Religion represents the opposite of this supreme humbling state; the religious are proud people. And where you find many church businesses, you also find many pride–centric people who hunger–lust to glorify conquest, war, militantism, colonialism, nationalism, patriotism, personal rights, and the like. The USA is considered Sodom 2.0 by any who have come close to the Cross of Messiah Yeshua, and nowadays with its brazenness, even most in the secular world without their eyes covered.
Patriotism is touted, via anthems and so on, by these people who are clearly oblivious to the depth of sin–evil that patriotism/nationalism itself represents. The emotionalized false nobility that comes prepackaged with these dominionist national anthems, breeds into the next generation, the pathology of us–against–themism and neighbor hating that the carnal masses lust for; even the churched; the anti-Messianic religious. To glorify colonialism as anything but unadulterated evil, says much about the Soul state of an individual, or its collective mindset.
But the very presence of the church businesses are necessary evils, for YHVH will use them mightily, by allowing Satan to play with those who enable them; ultimately however, those who are far more interested in knowing YHVH personally, will eventually (and always) flee from them, but only when they have died utterly and completely to self.
Life is not a competition, but Satan will win the numbers game; this is scriptural (Matt 7 :13–27): Precious few there be that find Narrow Way. But YHVH will gain highly qualified servants that have endured the fire, now tempered and strong; proving while here on Earth, our ability to steward other still virgin planets that await us throughout the Cosmos.
We are tested and well–trained by the Holy Spirit, now, so that in life–eternal, we will remain good stewards over everything, which is all the property of our King, Lord, and Master, Messiah Yeshua; the sum of the Cosmos. This life cannot compare to the true riches; eternal life as resurrected servants in the Kingdom of Heaven paradigm (Luke 16 :10–15). The Kingdom of YHVH are for those who are Spiritual.
¶ Monks Meats: Sorry, No Dairy!
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But Elohim has revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea, and the deep things of Elohim. For what man knows the things of a man, save the Spirit of man that is in him? Even so the things of Elohim, no man knows, but the Spirit of Elohim. Now, we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of Elohim; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of Elohim. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches; comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual.
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are Spiritually discerned . But he that is Spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who has known the mind of The Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Messiah!
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto Spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Messiah Yeshua. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat; formerly you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able. For you are still carnal; for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men? (1Co 2 :10–16 & 3:1–3)
The very reason for the Indwelling Holy Spirit; an intimate yoke with Ruach HaKodesh, was to give us mere mammals, the power to transcend our carnal/primal self. Left to our nature, we are uncontrolled, and slaves to our pride–ego–emotion. But Messiah Yeshua came to provide us with a pathway out of the carnal/primal: Propitiation anointed transcendence! In the Tanakh we see how YHVH tried to work with us volition empowered carnal/primal beings; it failed!
The Torah was ultimately, just an unattainable high mark; a schoolmaster, which my fellow disciple and Spiritual brother Saul, spent much of his efforts trying to explain by postal letters; see all of Galatians 3 & Romans 2 , among other writings. The Torah (or law list) was expected to be broken (James 2 :8–13; Gal 6 :12–16; Acts 15 :4–26), because of the foreknowledge of YHVH, who could see that we human mammals would eventuality maturate and advance enough to transcend our mammalian state. My Master provided this contrast plainly:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Elohim. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of Elohim. Blessed are they that are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven; for so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, so it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.
Think not that I have come to destroy Torah or of the Prophets: I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill! Amen, I say unto you: Until heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Torah, until all is fulfilled! Whoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I say unto you that; except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. You have heard that it was said by them of old time: You shall not kill; and: Whoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment! But I say unto you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment, and whoever shall say to his brother, Raca! shall be in danger of the council, but whoever shall say, you fool! shall be in danger from the fires of Gehenna ! Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there, remember that your brother has ought against you, leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him, lest at any time the adversary delivers you to the judge, and the judge delivers you to the officer, and you are cast into prison. Amen, I say unto you: You shall by no means come out there until you have paid the uttermost farthing. You have heard that it was said by them of old time: You shall not commit adultery! But I say unto you that whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Therefore, if your right eye offends you, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. And if your right hand offends you, cut it off and cast it from you, for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into Gehenna. It has been said: Whoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement! But I say unto you that whoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery, and whoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery.
Again, you have heard that it has been said by them of old time: You shall not forswear yourself, but shall perform unto The Lord your oaths! But I say unto you : Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, for it is the throne of Elohim: Nor by the earth, for it is His footstool: Neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Neither shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your communication be; Yea, yea! and, Nay, nay! For whatsoever is more than these comes of evil. You have heard that it has been said: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth! But I say unto you that you resist not evil, but whoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone will sue you in court, and take away your coat, let him have your cloak also: And whoever shall compel you to go one mile, go with him two!
Give to him that asks you, and from him that would borrow of you, turn him not away. You have heard that it has been said: You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy! But I say unto you : Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that spitefully use you and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father, which is in Heaven, for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust! For if you love them that love you, what reward have you? Do not even the publicans do the same? And if you salute your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the publicans do so? Therefore, you be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect! (Matt 5 )
¶ The Great Paradigm Shift!
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All that came before us as a species, was slowly but assuredly fading away; the epoch of spacetime had arrived on Earth, as scheduled and expected: Messiah Yeshua! He briefly explained: You have heard that it has been said by them of old time ... But I say unto you ... and then the contrast and the overruling! Awaken and stay woke, ye who are still sleeping (Eph 5).
In other words, all of us as a species, who were once little more than animals, can now transcend all of that, with the Spiritual empowerment; an enlightenment of/by/to the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit; was blind but not I see; to be enlightened; awakened; woke! Nonetheless, our superpower of volition had to stay fully intact in this endeavor.
We have to willingly, and daily, surrender unto that Lordship. No coercion is permitted, not even when in Prayer . But those who suffer from Bibliolatry ; the COP Cultists, just like with the Pharisees, must and will exploit the physical presence of the bible itself, as a tangible thing; a talisman exploited to justify the darkness truly served by them all, daily.
It is the Pharisees all over again, as their kind will always be among us. They take written words, and use them as a list of sins or rules or laws, for which they appoint themselves as judge, jury and executioner, and then proceed, first to bark these (now) laws to the societies violators, which serves first, to take the focus from them.
Once the Messiah Scriptures were compiled and canonized (the New Covenant, locked & loaded), this gave the power hungry anti-Messianic religious, a theological weapon to beat down others, and eventually in time, to justify all sorts of anti-Messianic and demonic acts, done in the name of Jesus or the Christ church. This is exactly what the Pharisees did with the Tanakh , and why Messiah Yeshua came at that point–in–time, and that specific place; to expose them for this sin above all sins.
If anyone is led by Ruach HaKodesh to speak a word of wisdom unto them, but they have already made up their mind about their anti-Messianic lifestyle choices, they can appeal to their well established, cut/paste theology, to rearrange and collect biblical passages, which they can then claim is "of god" in order to justify or rationalize or validate their anti-Messianic lifestyle; any portion of it, or all of it. No amount of prophesy or reason or council can win them: A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still! (Pro 27 :22; Luke 16 all)
Outward displays of morality by these "Christian Reality Show" participants, can be seen in their finger–pointing of others: pornography (coitus versus mere nakedness ) is used in this example; it is obviously not the only example, as there are hundreds. Now keep in mind that as I write this, I am an asexual celibate monk, by choice; I could seek a wife (adult human females only) if I wanted to, as I have that freedom and the biological ability.
The self-righteous like to condemn others with such (currently culturally popular) buzzwords, but in doing so, they expose their own evil roots. If one needs to rate evil, then those who participate in the Car Cult are worse than the porn cult; they are both equally sinful. But the doer of the first needs to point their fingers at the second, so that no one notices their darkness, including (and especially) themselves.
This is because they need to create a diversion; a smokescreen; a target relocation, so that they point to the acts or lifestyles of others, in order to deflect the light of truth away from themselves. And this may work among humans, but Adonai knows our hearts, and more importantly, what we think and do (and not do) in private, away from all human eyes and ears (Luke 16 :13–15).
Once a person is renewed by Spiritual transformation, and then metamorphosis, and finally, redeemed and Heaven bound; from that epoch forward, they/we realize that everything that happens, or ever will happen, on Earth, was designed and created by YHVH Sovereign, even before time was; all good and all evil. There will not be one thought or action that will ever occur in the human race that YHVH did not make possible and bring into existence, even before time was (Acts 17 :24–31).
To call anyone evil for having sex, or seeing nakedness, or to even think of sex itself as evil; this is a mentality (itself) that exposes an internal corruption, far more evil than the most depraved sex acts that has ever occurred since the beginning, as sinister and bizarre as many of them are. They cherry pick select scriptures to reassemble so to justify their own self-righteousness.
The anti-Messianic religious judge all things based upon human emotion and/or humanist legal precedence; YHVH does not. Divorce (Matt 19 :4–9) is every bit as evil as is rape, murder, abortion or lying. And the single greatest sin lifestyle possible is self-righteousness.
Evangelical protestants are among the most evil humans, out of the entire human race, and yet, they actually believe they are the righteous ones, and have become the outspoken morality police for others. Laodiceans indeed! But this is how they rationalize their demonic hate fest, for those not like them.
But everyone who is even been near to the Messianic Cross, knows all too well that they are the most sinful person they will ever get within a hundred miles of, cradle to grave. But the self-righteous, the greatest of all sinners, are oblivious to it; they are Spiritually blinded and thus, eternally doomed because of it, and thus, in that darkness, they self qualify to be Judging .
But by no stretch of human imagination does the Judicial Industry of the capitalist plutocratic oligarchy, base its legal system on anything even resembling anything in the Messiah Scriptures (see Law lords ). This corruption is complex and hard to fathom, apart from Ruach HaKodesh. In fact, it all worked the other way around: There has never been a Nation that centers on the teachings of Messiah Yeshua, nor anything even close to it. But there are bible–centered nation–states: the Islam of the Middle East regions, and the Christendom of the Western Nation–States.
That leaven that Messiah Yeshua warned of; the leaven of the Pharisees (bible–centered organized religion) and Herod (political and military institutions) found in Mark 8 , came upon us, within just a few generations after the ascension of The One Eternal King of the Cosmos. Today that leaven growth is in stage four of its global metastasization; we are indeed well into the Eschaton Era. Quote: Modernity Seen Through Scripture; Not Scripture Through Modernity !!
¶ Sin Packets Of The Self Righteous!
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Self-righteousness stands among the most indefensible traits possible within the human condition; self-righteousness is the greatest sin possible within the human condition, tenfold that of the entire porn industry. It is verily the act of straining out a gnat but swallowing a camel; the woes of the Pharisees indeed.
The titanic act of propitiation is beyond my comprehension, and I am a devout disciple of Messiah Yeshua. When I try to imagine my Love and King, dying on that Cross, and doing so for me, and for you, and for Hitler and Zedong and Stalin: I just cannot get that! But I Love Him for doing so, nonetheless: It is all I can do. In obedience to His commandment, I Love everyone else as well, regardless of what they are/were or what they did/do.
Once you are His; truly and completely His; never again will you so much as utter a self-righteous rant against the sorrowful states of lost men. Instead, you will mimic your Master and expose the fake religionists; the Pharisaic who pretend to be ambassadors of YHVH, but who are in fact, hypocrites who covertly serve Satan for profit and power and praise (John 12 :42–43).
Remember who our glorious Master spend His time with: the sinners! Messiah Yeshua sought out simple men, and opposed the (elitist type) organized religionist hypocrites operating their den of thieves, as well as the politically minded and motivated. Now of course, I am not an advocate for pornography; I am a celibate monk and a disciple, herein trying to pull others out of the proverbial flames (Jude ).
Notwithstanding, I know that being able to video record what people do and are capable of (sexual or otherwise), is something that YHVH has been watching since the beginning. It is surely an invasion of privacy for people to watch sexual acts that others were not meant to see, but it is hardly the most sinister of things humans do. Owning a car is worse than watching strangers copulate, but if you cannot get that, then more words on the subject cannot (and will not) enlighten you.
During the very first day, when the Indwelling Holy Spirit takes up residence alongside your Soul, the overwhelming light of reality (which comes to all who have bent the proverbial knee unto the One and only King); that sudden horror will make you realize that you are the most sinister human that you will ever come into contact with, cradle to grave.
The notion of looking upon anyone else as a speck worse than you, will vanish. You will indeed, unavoidably behold the log in your own eye (Matt 6 :22–24 & 7:1–5). The very moment you even think about the evil of another, the Spirit will show unto you, yet another act of darkness that you committed, and silence will overwhelm you.
The entire humanized world (and Earth alone) is predicated upon men protecting the egos of other men. People will actually honor the madness of those who came before them, never once even questioning the madness itself, because they too, wanted to one day partake in the same madness, and then, pass it along to the next generation.
The darkness loving christianized churched, lust to continue living in Sodom 2.0, wherein they cherry pick the sins that they do not do, as the topics of condemnation they sling against those who do them: homosexuality; porn; abortion; all the current pop cultural, big–name parroted sins of the day. It is hypocrisy at its best; the 1st century Pharisees would surely be proud!
The entire humanized world is a gigantic manifestation and demonstration of utter demonic level madness, and yet, only the Love–conquered disciples of Messiah can see this. But if anyone wants a visible (clearer) sample of the madness of the human condition; the very nature of the human being, plaguing nearly all humanity forever, just watch all of Game of Thrones .
Any warnings? Yep! There is nudity and sex, but far worse than that is the dominion; the pandemic of indifference ; the wanton warring; the vengeance and violence; the killing and death; the weapon cult; the hunger–lust for power and rulership that drives all the rest. Indeed, the 2020 viral airborne pandemic, merely exposed publicly, the more virulent pandemic of indifference, marking the Eschaton Era. The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference !!
The Spiritually lost Christianized people, trapped and doomed in their own self–righteousness, must/will point out the nudity and sex, but will miss the actual sin–evil that Game of Thrones presents and represents. This is because of Satan, god of this world and the god of all religions; with Christians representing the most evil of them all: In Spiritual truth they remain blinded to all that is represented under the Messianic Cross!
¶ Shame Salvation?!
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Condemning (shaming; exposing) others, outwardly by name, for their sin–acts or sin–lifestyles; this is not the calling or purpose of the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; the Elect of YHVH. But the arrogant churched hunger–lust to shame others openly (it is vengeance on display); they are captives of guilt–shame–condemnation.
Those who operate the sin naming ministries, expose in themselves, their true Spiritual nature; a sin that is twofold any other sin that will occur on Earth forever. The christianized who only pretend to be under the Messianic Cross, are ever greater sinners than those they point their fingers at; self-righteousness is at the top of the sin list!
By labeling sinners, they show forth their true Spiritual status; they are the lost among the lost; the unconscious; the seared minded ; the only people that are 100% certain to be cast into outer Darkness . The willful sinners have at least a little chance; think of that poor wretched lowlife thief on the Cross next to Messiah Yeshua, every time your brain so much as goes there.
They are effectively sentenced to the Abyss while they yet live (the walking dead), because they will appeal to church/religion/bible, as the justification for their (self) righteous indignation. But verily, they will never have that; they are as unrighteous as it is humanly possible. They just hate, and that hate gets redirected by Satan and his demon army, who work inside these christianized religionists, to subvert the Gospels, which is simply Love Personified.
Satan loves to have people claiming to be Christians standing on street corners or on TV, condemning those that Messiah Yeshua died on the Cross for. These venomous hate driven religionists, hate people of a different skin color than them (racists), or of homosexuality, which is unsavory to most heterosexuals.
Demons are verily still with us; still stroking egos; still masturbating emotions; still fluffing human vanity; still tempting humans at those places of human weakness. And while the demonic realm has been attenuated by psychological terminology, this does not negate their presence or their influence. Demons have always worked through people, and people function via biological brains.
Nonetheless, the Elect of YHVH; the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; we understand those "all too human" predilections. I am a man who could not (especially during my sexually active youth) fathom why or how another male could not see the beauty and sex appeal of females, and not be drawn to them powerfully. I cannot see any sex appeal in another man.
From social cues, I can tell why one might think of one male as more attractive than another, but I never felt toward any man like I did/do toward adult women; never will. But I did not let that part of me, define my mentality toward homosexuals. I Love everyone equally. What people do is between them and their Maker; I will be no one's advocate on their Day of Judgment. I live by the One Commandment; by the summary of Torah: The Law of Love!
However, I do understand why people would be disgusted and emotional with the thought of it all, and want to rebel against it. Of course, the Indwelling Holy Spirit prevents that from happening, unto His Elect. We, the Redeemed servants of our Master, Messiah Yeshua, we Love all that YHVH created, and do not (indeed, cannot) judge their actions through the course of time. But then, nor can we condone it (Eph 5 :1–13; John 3 :16–21). But this is also why Love can be commanded, because there is no connection between (YHVH) Love, and human emotion (Matt 22 :37–40; John 13 :34–35 & 15:9–17; 1Jo 3 :23–24 & 4:7–13).
But that is just it; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, anti-Messianic religious, do not have the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which installs the unconditional, unending, unidirectional, universal, uncontrollable Love of YHVH. They are merely churched; enculturated; christianized; destined to the Abyss; individuals that Satan exploits to do his earthly bidding. Every truly Spiritually transformed person, painfully knows that the greatest sinner they will ever know, is the one in the mirror.
There will not be one individual in the Kingdom of Heaven, who arrived because of the guilt–shame–condemnation, applied to them by other humans, who are themselves, hellbent on sin, only of another kind; religious sin; hypocrisy, which is twofold worse than every other possible sin that will ever occur on Earth forever (Matt 12 :31–34). All Spiritually transformed people know this, and tremble in fear when their brain so much as considers exposing a particular sinner.
We are not here to do any of that; we are servants of a Master and nothing more: We are not leaders or officials or lords or judges. We serve in and with and from the Love of YHVH, and absolutely nothing else. I am the servant of my Master; I issue no commandments. I must decrease (John 3 :27–34).
Ironically, brother Saul said this upfront: Imitate me as I imitate Messiah (1Co 11 ). Does that mean that Saul imitated Messiah Yeshua always? No, and in fact, it is saying something completely different than that, and we know this because, among other reasons, Saul exposes how he thought of himself as the chief of all sinners, the least of the apostles, and so on.
Saul did not hold himself in high regard. What Saul is saying, is not to imitate him at all, but rather; only when his actions mirror those of the Master, Messiah Yeshua. YHVH used Saul, but Saul was not our example; no, not even close. Saul wrote no scripture and provided no Messianic doctrine.
¶ All Messianic Doctrine Is Encapsulated In The Red Letters!
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With the supreme advantage of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, we Messianic disciples (post Messiah) can rightly discern all written texts, found first in the Tanakh, and then later from it, in the Messiah Scriptures. We share our soul with Ruach HaKodesh (John Seventeen ), the very Inspirer of most of those early written words, and from that vantage point, we can discern what was truly inspired, versus what was desired and what was conspired.
This was, in part, why YHVH had to come onto Earth in the flesh to begin with; to empower us, because Satan a crew was slowly but surely gumming up the works. Religion was Satan's way of obscuring, or outright blocking, the purposes and the messages of YHVH.
The Tanakh revealed much to us, and it served its vital purposes for the epoch that it was intended. However, the New Covenant was (by the 1st century) about to be inaugurated, with Salvation Himself, coming to this planet, to correct what had clearly failed. We were hopeless human, and so another way had to be implemented: The Way !
Messiah Yeshua was (and still is) the earthly name of YHVH in the flesh. When Messiah Yeshua spoke, it was YHVH literally speaking; not mere mortal men writing or speaking under the influence of Ruach HaKodesh, but YHVH Himself, speaking verbally and audibly. This is why those precious words were preserved, and thus are in bold red.
This was all intended to put to rest, all of the confusion; that which had accumulated from the past, and up to the present (1st century), and then for us in the future, wherein Messiah Yeshua is/was/will be, the very epoch of all corporeality. The Messianic Prayer of John Seventeen gloriously proclaims this.
Notwithstanding, it is not that we metaphorically toss out the baby with the bathwater; hardly! It is just that we come to understand that what began in and throughout the Tanakh, was ultimately a precursor to the First Coming of Adonai our Elohim, onto Earth in physical form, to walk first among the descendants of those who had tried to follow these early messages, given by YHVH.
Many wonder why our Heavenly Father took so long to come and walk among us, but there are very important factors to consider; for one, that YHVH was not wanting Spiritual automatons, but rather, fully free willed and volitional beings, who had independent minds, and at a level of development wherein a deeper understanding was possible, which would extend beyond the other life forms on Earth.
If YHVH wanted only that, then such entities had already existed, and could have played host for future capable corporeal beings; the angels of Elohim. Some even think that we humans preexisted as angels, but that defies our very purpose for being, and theirs. The angels of Elohim were once corporeal beings, just like Satan the beautiful morning star, once was, along with his entourage of angels. Rebellious and power hungry, they all became fallen angels, and now demons.
And we can see this by it repeating itself, right here in this Earth experiment, from among the human masses. The connections are found in many forms, peppered throughout the Tanakh and the Messiah Scriptures, for those with Spiritual eyes and ears to see and understand them. This is why anything that could be manipulated by Satan and crew, was and will be so. The inspired words of the Tanakh did little to bring humans under the Lordship of YHVH.
Thus, there had to be a way that could not be tampered with, by Satan and his trillion demon army of YHVH haters, who work 24/7/365 and for millennia, with the one goal of vengeance against the Elohim of all creation, who cast them all out of the Heavenly realms, because of their power hunger and rebellion and defiance.
The only way for the pure truth message of YHVH to be assured, it was not going to be secured in human made glyph or written languages (scrolls, books), nor anything made by human hands, because Satan, the god of this world of humans, has so much control over the human masses. It is why most humans on Earth are so evil, hence, all the never ending suffering that takes place here.
Satan, as the god of this world, or more accurately, the god of the human species that happens to be on Earth, Stan wanted to be god; to replace or usurp YHVH, El of all creation, including Satan and his trillion (angels turned) demon army of devout followers, who (you might have guessed it) also want to be gods. Consequently, Satan and crew, uses humans primarily who (you might have guessed it) also want to be gods. And gods cannot be wrong; gods do not make mistakes; gods must lord over others. It is all pride, the eternal doom of the Broadway masses!
That sure way; that assurance therefore, was/is the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit; Ruach HaKodesh. We are no longer on the outside of the temple, seeking a way in, so we can connect; instead, YHVH made a way (The Way ) to be in us, cutting out all the proverbial middlemen, be it the agents of Satan in the corporeal, or those in the incorporeal realm. Now, we who (proverbially) live under the Messianic Cross, are the Temple of YHVH!
We Messianic disciples, like Saul and others back then, are to study the lifestyle of our Messiah; His life; His teachings; His directives; His rules and ordinances; His commandments; His precepts; His doctrine, and none others, period. If Saul teaches or does anything else (and he surely did), we do not follow those acts or thoughts or directives, even if he says so.
But know this; I Love my brother Saul with all my heart. Saul only had the Tanakh, and parts of the Q-Source documents. But he (and all others then) did not have the much greater advantages of us future Messianic disciples; we have a more complete version of the Messiah Scriptures , as well as an incredible volume of historic hindsight. Saul died even before the Johannine epistles were completed and published.
But like Saul, we must learn how to listen to, and to obey, the promptings and inspirations of the Indwelling Holy Spirit. We too must get out of our own way. We no longer have our precious Messiah on Earth, walking with and dining among us. He replaced His physical Self, with His Spiritual Self (John 16 & 17): Oh my Master and Great Comforter!
¶ The Irony Of The Blind Who Proselytizes The Blind!
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The protesters many "ministries against ministries" productions, are yet another religious sin lifestyle, which we can be eyewitnesses to, openly, here in the Eschaton, especially with the advantage of TV and now the Global Internet (including IoT ). Now, this particular display takes place most often within the protestant cults. A word I have grown to dislike is the word ministry & ministries: The protestant cults have so prostituted it for their Mammon service products, that it is tainted beyond any semblance of its origins in scripture.
There are actual ministries (I will not name them), spun by the most embarrassing of all protestant cults, even among other protestants; their questionable stepchild oddly named pentecostal. This cultic religion–business corporation has set its self-righteous, fake caring sights on "reaching the Amish for Christ!" Indeed, we well into the Eschaton Era.
The pentecostals are demonic in every possible way (Matt 23 :15); conversely, the protestant rooted Anabaptist Amish are as close to a Messiah like lifestyle, being expressed among any of the popular americanized denominations on the continent. But they are still just protestants, not (yet) the future resurrected Saints of YHVH as disciples of Messiah Yeshua.
This of course, explains partly why Satan uses these particular (pentecostal) cultists; to smear Amish grace , by merely implying that they (the Pentecostals) are the heroes and saviors (the Messiah Complex in action), sacrificially going into enemy (Amish) territory, armed with the love of Jesus to rescue these poor backwoods Amish people. Amazing! Horrifying! Revealing!
The Amish are making the average, americanized christianized religionists, look bad; that is a fact exposed by the very lucrative travel industry called Amish Country . The average secularized anti-Messianic lifestyled person, is fascinated by anyone who lives even close to a lifestyle that Messiah Yeshua did, and would be now if He were here. Of course, the cultists are blindly enculturated drones of Americanization , and one of its byproducts; westernized Christendom.
These pentecostal cultists will likely live and die, utterly oblivious to what it would even look like, to be a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; they are 100% worldly and fully invested therein, and with those very Mammon investments, they are trying to damage the image of Messiah, which the Amish as a whole, are trying to simulate while on Earth : Lifestyle evangelism (Matt 5 :13–16).
Why do this? Well, aside from the more obvious moves of Satan, which we have the advantage of time to look back upon, the real motive is more personal; more egocentric; more emotional. To clarify upfront; the bulk of the human race are doomed unto the Abyss; outer space far far beyond all star matter and its light; pure blackness.
Those who are trapped in the religion products of Satan, from the 1st century to the 21st (and last human) century, cannot see this, and this is why they too, will be cast into outer Darkness ; parked (as it were) for a million millennia, in empty space; a time out (if you will) for them to ponder all of this, uninterrupted.
The westernized women involved in this Pentecostal cult, cannot stand the idea that Amish men are in charge: I do not agree with that part either. Since they were blindly enculturated (by/to the atheistic world) to believe that women should live like men, they are offended by these Amish women who dress conservatively.
They prefer they look like them; that is one way that satanic pride manifests itself. The westernized themes are "dress to impress" or peacock pride on display; or in the case of women, the freedom to be outwardly sexual (subtle or not), and that must be accepted by all. It is (of course) the fault of the men in western culture; they should not be attracted sexually to the temptations of women, unless of course, you are the guy they are trying to lure; all other men should just ignore their sexual nature.
Now of course, I would bet you a house that they will deny this; they must; heck, I would if I were them! And if it is not about dress codes, it is surely about some other purely secular cultural directive they are trying to impose upon the Amish; likely some other manifestation of their own blind enculturation that the Amish expose by their near Christ likeness, which sets the pentecostals off against the Amish, inspiring this rescue ministry (and any others likened to it).
They will figure all this out, somewhere between their first and ten millionth year in the Abyss; in the meantime however, Satan will keep them in their Spiritual darkness until death, via these anti-Messiahs notions of ministry. In fact, most Spiritually transformed people grow tired of the very word ministry, because almost none of them are associated in any way, with our Father which art in Heaven.
They will come to be horrified (and will metaphorically wail and gnash and weep) at the very notion of being yoked with Satan, via his money or monetization systems, which Messiah Yeshua adamantly spoke against, called the religionists businesses dens of thieves, and was betrayed with and by and over; for 30 pieces of silver. A person cannot be anywhere near the Cross of Messiah, and then sign legal documents with some of the most sinister of political or judicial entities on Earth forever.
This especially includes the U.S. 501c3 , a Labor free salary trough: One must be fully in the grasp of Satan, and for a long time, to even contemplate such a heinous act. This is justified (i.e. Bibliolatry ) by assigning statements made by my fellow Messianic disciples, such as is written in 1 Peter 2 :13–18 to defend their truly atheistic yokes (2Co 6 :14–18), allowing them to serve Mammon , and a Temple desecrating sedentary lifestyle, freed of manual Labor .
But all drones of their respective Enculturation are blinded to the Spiritual; they will not see anything, nor any of this, during this physical life. They can read this and understand it from an academic viewpoint; however, they are bent on living the way they are shown to live in order to be accepted by those around them (i.e. enculturation) and gain profit/power/praise; they remain obsessed with the approval of other humans, and will live/die without a clue, what it would be like to live for Messiah Yeshua alone.
They will comply with whatever the greater culture instructs them to do: They are the World , and they love it; they can hardly wait until tomorrow to do it again! The Amish may not be Messianic disciples, but they are a thousand miles closer to the Messianic Cross than any Pentecostal ever was or will be. There are no demons inside any demonic church service; why bother? No, demons concentrate in christian church services, with the most insidious among them within the pentecostal churches.
¶ Without The Indwelling Holy Spirit, There Is Only You In There!
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The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, all stew in a vat of demons, which fuels the neighbor hating generator. For one example (among thousands); they will see someone entering into their self assigned territory (all primates are territorial), and they are primed to blow; the demons that drive them hourly, will quickly ignite the rage/anger that is ever and always on the surface, hiding just under a thin crust of personality; rage/anger is just the tip of the demonic iceberg.
The demonic always feel justified in defending what is truly, only the property of YHVH. Territorialism , which manifests in humans via nationalism, patriotism, and property "rights" (ownerism; landlordism), is of itself, symptomatic of demonic influences, via his human influencers. In fact, any form of us–against–themism is rooted in Satan.
These human created territories can best be seen in private property (land, homes, jobs, etc.). Employees of large rental properties who do not even legally own the land, which the lord of that land has taken from YHVH, and claim as their own; even these employees will get possessive of that land, as they (too) hunger to lord that resource over those in need of housing. This was a serious problem long ago.
Those who wish to make room for the Lord must find pleasure, not in private property, but in common property: Redouble your charity. For, on account of the things which each one of us possesses singly, wars exist, hatreds, discords, strife's among human beings, tumults, dissensions, scandals, sins, injustices, and murders. On what account? On account of those things which each of us possesses singly. Do we fight over the things we possess in common? We inhale this air in common with others; we all see the sun in common. Blessed therefore are those who make room for the Lord, so as not to take pleasure in private property. Let us therefore abstain from the possessions of private property, or from the love of it if we cannot abstain from possession; and let us make room for the Lord. ― Augustine .
Landlordism is one of those (many) fruits that Messiah Yeshua warned us disciples of; those among us with a God–Complex , who live on Earth, and treat it as if it is their own, I call this outward symptom, ownerism; for more details, ask any indigenous person who has ancestors that were victimized by Colonization or any other brand of conquering.
The gods & guns, bibles & bullets mentality of (the sinister) Christianized White Nationalism, is satanism encapsulated; to see it with Spiritual eyes, is to be an eyewitness to modern day demonic oppression: To see it is to be an eyewitness to the prophesied manifestations of the Eschaton Era.
This is that same generic mind or mentality that gives these atheistic religious individuals, the self-imposed right to kill humans and animals; to abuse anyone that the human written ordinances/rules/laws/directives, grant them permission to do; for many males, the right to claim women as their property, and if not outright ownership, they (in the modern West) think they have permission to be inappropriate with any female, simply because of their gender.
These same people also believe in property rights, property ownership, land use control and dominionship, landlordism, slavery, classism, racial bigotry, police brutality, bullying, and so on. It is a pattern; a clear manifestation of Spiritual darkness. Fear is what makes men violent; male violence is malevolent. The terror of territorialism is anathema unto the only Owner of all the planets.
Police brutality (itself) is just an outcome of what I entitle, Bully Policy. Police Policy writers must include the steps of dominionship in those policies, otherwise the bullies among us (as a species) would not be interested in the job. The bully is a dominionist; a dominator; a pre–murderer; a serial abuser. They need an outlet to expel their rage upon. Nevertheless, calling Emergency Services cannot remain a permission slip to assassinate the unruly citizenry; thus, we need to prosecute and imprison the Police Policy writers!
Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, humans remain, well, hopelessly human; they remain little more than animals; the inhuman is a state slightly higher primates (2Pe 2 & Jude ). They pose as the living consequences of Victimism , but that is a distraction from their true nature. Many have mastered mimicking sophistication; they look good on the outside, but inwardly? Until Adonai our Elohim, can release a person from the bondage of their enculturation, they will remain a subject therein; indeed, they will be subjected to its forces, and altered because of it; a leaf on a raging river!
Churches, rituals, rites, religion, traditions, celebrations and holidays, may pacify people for now, but the cognitive dissonance will slowly consume people like corrosion (James 5 :1–4), explaining why so much self-abuse, mental illness, consumerism, rebellion, defiance, money hunger, hoarding, and general (cultural) anesthetization, thrives in Mammon centered affluent societies. This will increase exponentially until the blood bath of the Eschaton, and then will conclude with the return of The King, with the Elect of YHVH, to conclude this Earth experiment.