Satans Christianized And The Noah Paradox!


Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & ReligionSatans Humanized WorldFirst By Flood Then By FireGenesis And The Goldilocks ZoneSatans Us–Against–ThemismThe One World Governing MessiahOh The Arrogance Of Human IgnoranceSatan And The Demonic RushSatans Hate Conquered StateI Will Be Famous In Hell ForeverThe Only Paradigm Shift

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!! (Back)

The signs or fruits of demonic oppression, are becoming quite numerous, here in the Eschaton Era; there are far too many things happening all at once, and non stop, to make a comprehensive list of such fruit–evidence. But many pieces of fruit–evidence stand out. Satan exploits (human) pride–ego–emotion almost exclusively, and then manipulates those human masses, to create (or remain confined within) Satans earthly triune productions of Economics, Politics, and Religion. Almost all sin–evil (on Earth) comes from these. Inside each of them is a list specific to that category.

Satan runs basically the same program in every venue. And though it has always been happening, it is more open and public and widespread than ever before. In the realm of politics we can witness a cult like behavior that was once more limited to the religious realm. Like many at the time of my youth (born 58), I followed the stories of Charles Manson and Family. I learned early that Satan is very deceitful and manipulative, via the humans that allow themselves to be vessels of Satan and his trillion demon entourage. But Satan and crew work all sides; they play humans against one another, not for a winning side, but only with the end–goal of destroying many souls. And YHVH allows this sifting (Peter, Luke 22).

Globally connected, the entire Earth experiment is now, one giant evidence–producing experiment; the evidence of what was written long ago are now headlines. Economics (alone) is the presence of, and thus the love of money, and money has corrupted virtually all other things; Politics and Religion especially. Everything directly and indirectly related to money, and its economic paradigms, are all sin–evil; this entire world experiment is sin–evil, and everyone who has gotten even near to the Messianic Cross, cannot help but see it.

But those who suffer from Spiritual blindness, cannot see anything; to them, everything they see and do is just normal; they swallow the cultural Kool–Aid willingly and daily. They even expect the god they claim is theirs, to give them more in the here and now. They are not true believers; they do not believe that all they think and say and do, is being recorded in detail, and then will be known to all humanity, and all life in the Cosmos that YHVH wills to expose it to. They think they can hide from YHVH (Luke 8; Gal 6).

Ruach HaKodesh has been present on Earth since the Genesis. But when the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit first began on Earth, something radical and beautiful happened, and much more could have been written about it, and maybe it was. But Satan and his trillion demon entourage, went to work immediately, via Satans humans, and later, the anti-Messiahs, to squelch as much as they could from the human written words of scripture. Fortunately, we have a more sure foundation than anything made by human hands: Ruach HaKodesh!

But there are hints that imply that YHVH can and will –– at some point–in–time in the course of a persons Earth–life –– where YHVH pulls their eternal Soul from within them. I used to think that they come with a dormant soul, and it is made alive by the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The breath of life metaphor of Genesis (Gen 2:7) seems to imply that all humans get a soul from birth. However, in the Messiah Scriptures, it goes further to imply that it can be lost. The current Pandemic of Psychopathy seems to supplement that conclusion.

The servant of The Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all people, apt to teach, patient, and in meekness instruct those that oppose themselves, so if Elohim peradventure, will give them repentance at the acknowledging of the truth, so that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disobedient to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent; fierce; despisers of those that are good; traitors; emotional; high–minded; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away!
For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now, as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth; people of corrupt minds and reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto everyone, as theirs also was. (2Ti 2:24 – 3:9) {cf. Rom 1; James 5}

Inside of Satans religions, we find some of the most disturbing of all sin–evil to occur, and this is because of how misdirected and hypocritical it is. All of the Abrahamic religions are closest to Satan, but this is due, in large part, to Satans final doom via the Messianic Cross. A keyword search of the Messiah Scriptures has the word "Satan" 38 times, with 17 of those in the four Gospels (and there, repeated in context). And there are many other words and ways that Satan is referred to and identified, in all of Scripture.

Satans religionists are extremists; they are radical about their egocentric selection of a religion–brand they randomly happened into by Enculturation; the randomness of their place and the time of their birth. The most dangerous of these, are not just those with bibles and bullets, but rather, those who suffer from Bibliolatry.

Literalism as extremism will be the final spark that sets off the end of the Eschaton Era. Earth, by that time, will be so weakened by the current climate change that is warming Earth beyond its original design, even if there was no World War Three, it would still slow–bake large mammals out of existence. First By Flood Then By Fire! The 5–A is happening: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse! The Apostasy is complete; the Anthropocene is in full swing. The rest will happen rapidly.

Based on Tanakh entries, YHVH tried many subtle and even brazen attempts at moving the human masses toward a more Holy (or advanced) state of existence; first YHVH tried boundaries not to cross, to see if the fully volitional and free willed humans, could self–correct their path, but only a few times did humans respond positively to these tests (Rom 8). We were/are hopelessly human; we are trapped in spacetime and confined to bodies that are bound to Earth, and the natural laws that were/are a part of the greater Creation paradigm. The need for Spiritual intervention became clear; the need for a Personal visit to Earth was warranted.

Without the Presence of YHVH–in–us, the human masses remain Spiritually blinded and disconnected from YHVH, and YHVH–Love, and more importantly for this topic, with anything associated with the incorporeal realm; that means both YHVH and Satan, and all their incorporeal angels and demons, and only YHVH knows what/who/where else is extant. We humans only have the Guide Book and it is limited concerning this topic (and many others); we are not meant to know much of prophecy and so much of it is withheld for good reasons.

But one cannot believe one word, in the Word, without first acknowledging the presence of, and the power of, Satan and his demon entourage, for they are the only (collective) Nemesis of Messiah Yeshua. Satan does one thing really well; he hides his presence, and uses human weaknesses to achieve it. The Elect of YHVH have no problems talking about Satan, but everyone else attenuates it, or tries to avoid the idea all together. Talking about god is fine, but mention Satan and people get strange about it. but ironically, Satan is God.

The Spiritually blind think that all the things of the World, "are" Life; they cannot see them as the enemies "of" Life! They remain trapped and confined to the World; they cannot even fictionalize another way to live on Earth, from what they were born into, much less a radically different way: The Way! They believe they are free, but freedom is a mystery to humans. Likewise, Love is the great mystery, and so, living without it, humans remain gullible and vulnerable to the trappings of Satan and crew.

How people live and think, while living under the Messianic Cross, is radically different than those that do not; the elect of YHVH live an entirely different life than the human masses do. It is not as noticeable on the outside because of the curse of corporeality; our biology drives much of our corporeal lives. We all require sleep, food, shelter, labor, and sexuality. But beyond biological demands, there is (potentially) the Spiritual life.

The human masses are disconnected from the incorporeal realm; they can only function within the 6 human brain–centric senses (touch; sight; hearing; smell; taste; interoception). The human masses are driven and motivated by ego most of all; specifically, by pride–ego–emotion: Even some biological imperatives are reshaped by ego.

But there is a seventh sense (so to speak) only experienced by the Elect of YHVH. However, this is not some competition for who is superior (in any possible way) to others; in fact, competitivism itself is further evidence of Satans heavily influences upon the humans masses.

Most people will think that one particular religion is superior to another; it is same with politics, or place of birth, or ethnicity, or education, or other status models. For the human masses, competition and competitivism are among the many manifestations of us–against–themism; a built–in hate–filled disdain for any not–like–me people. And these are among Satans greatest earthly achievements; it cements his position as the god of the human masses. Those that look upon any other YHVH–Created being, with anything but YHVH–Love, inadvertently exposes the demons within them.

The Messianic Cross was about the reunification of the humans species; to make YHVH–Love the centerpiece of all things. Messiah Yeshua created the only doctrine and the only law; the Messianic Doctrine. And it is confined within the red letters of the gospels: The 1 Law is Love. The church letters are not there to manufacture any doctrine from; contrarily, they exist to expose to the Elect of YHVH, who (and what) would follow the Way, versus who would follow Satan and his earthly productions.

Religious humans are not connected to YHVH; religion itself is proof of that disconnect. All religions are Satanic productions. Messiah Yeshua died on the Cross to expose and exterminate, all manifestations of religion; this, because it was once thought to be connected to YHVH (e.g. the Tanakh). The Pharisees, just like modern day Christians and Muslims, serve their god Satan with a greater devotion than Atheists do.

Satan is very real, and very much a major player in Earthly events. But one of the symptoms of Spiritual blindness, is a certain discomfort when talking about Satan, or even saying the words associated with Satan and his trillion demon entourage. Simply put: YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride! But most of humanity live in Spiritual darkness or blindness, and there, they can only fear.

Satan is the god of this world, but more precisely, the god of the human masses: Satan is god! But since Satan long ago got the human masses to refer to him as god, those masses can get uncomfortable with the name (designation) of Satan, because they have been deceived into believing that there is Satan, and God, but they are one in the same entity.

So whenever people say the word "god" they are almost always, unwittingly acknowledging Satan. In god we trust: Satan! May god bless you: Satan! The Theos of all Creation is YHVH; Adonai Elohim! Theos (Greek) means Creator and Owner of everything; even the Creator of Satan and all other beings, corporeal and incorporeal.

Satan is a created being; therefore, Satan cannot create anything. Satan can only manipulate the already created. And Satan is the supreme master of doing just that! Whatever happened with/to Satan in some other place and time, YHVH decided to use Satan on Earth; to give Satan what Satan desired most of all; to be/play god. But in so doing, Satan was/is used as a sifter, to sift the wheat from the weeds, as the metaphor goes (Luke 22:25–32).

Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, humans remain in their carnal–primal, animal state; Satan exploits that state most of all. For that which is highly esteemed among humans is abomination in the sight of Elohim! (Luke 16:13–15) That which is highly esteemed in the human condition is whatever is most popular: Economics; Politics; Religion! And within each of them, all the things that bear the stench of pride–ego–emotion; of self–superiority and/or self–importance on any level.

When speaking or writing of the superficiality or carnality of the human masses, it is not meant as an insult; our physical self is our design paradigm; the biological world is what it is. We came into being by means of copulation; sex; there can be nothing inherently bad or evil about any of it. But the hope, the goal, and the purpose of this very life, is to transcend the animal–man; to become a Spirit–man! Most of the Messiah Scriptures point in this direction.

Without this transformational (indeed) Spiritual metamorphosis, humans remain subject to the forces around us. And while we cannot separate ourselves from the confines of biology, we can (and must) transcend the more mental or psychological confines of our Enculturation. Most humans remain blinded by and to their enculturation.

We come to understand that we are mammals; that all mammals have a socialization directive, which is the result of nurturing, and from how we come into this world; nothing wrong or bad with any of that; copulation and all that lead up to it, are integral. Therefore, to make anything that has anything to do with procreation, to be anything but positive, it itself a sin–evil.

Socialization is one byproduct of biology and thus psychology, and they fit under the greater umbrella of Enculturation. Sociology and psychology are connected, and why we have the relatively new studies of (human) Sociobiology. It is to study academically, how and why humans think and behave as they/we do, natively or naturally.

Social groups in various social species are organized with hierarchical structures that shape group dynamics and the nature of within–group interactions. In–group social bonding, exemplified by grooming behaviors among animals and collective rituals and team–building activities in human societies, is recognized as a practical adaptive strategy to foster group harmony and stabilize hierarchical structures in both human and nonhuman animal groups. However, the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the effects of social bonding on hierarchical groups remain largely unexplored. {Source}

As intellectualized as this may sound, it is rather short–sighted unto the Elect of YHVH. Much deeper wisdom paradigms become normal for all who harbor Ruach HaKodesh, and thus possess the mind of Messiah, which brings with it the Love of the Cross. Therein we become Love, and it is Love–wisdom–humility that expands our heart–minds well beyond the cursory (even scientific) view of corporeality.

But for the bulk of the human species, they were prophesied to remain in their carnal–primal state; the path is very wide indeed to accommodate so many on that eternal path. YHVH will end this Earth experiment and must/will place (separate) those who became YHVH–Love, from those who did not. And there is a great chasm between human intellect at its pinnacle, and that of eternal wisdom.

What is the benefit of spending ones entire Earth–life, study–learning things that will perish along with this planet? For the Elect of YHVH, we will be in charge of other habitable planets throughout the Cosmos and spacetime, but the details of how that will manifest, is among those details that falls under the need–to–know things. For the masses who will be parked into outer Darkness, it will not bear any fruit.

Most people have yet to come under the Messianic Cross; even those who come unto the truth–knowledge (at least) of why we are all here. Without YHVH–Love, there is mostly carnal–primal knowledge. When there is no Love–wisdom–humility, there remains only pride–ego–emotion that controls and dominates the individual, which collectively are the masses. The inhuman masses are becoming evermore unfamiliar with human–likeness.

Spiritual sight makes it obvious that this world is Satans world; even vocabulary definitions are different. The words Love, and peace, and freedom (among many others), are indistinguishable from one another. For the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, Love is a verb, seen foremost upon the Messianic Cross. Freedom is the ability to serve Messiah Yeshua and eternal causes.

In god Satans world, "freedom" for many of Satans people is defined as I do what I want to appease my ego! Love is a word applied to almost anything from coitus ejaculation/climax, to a strong attraction to ones preferences. For Satan people love sucks, love hurts, and love can be very bad.

Conversely, in a Messianic world, anything that hurts others in any way is evil: Society would be built upon the principles of Justice as Fairness! But it is not. Freedom is built upon whatever makes the most money. All things are monetary at their core; the first and sometimes only consideration is the money to be made or saved.

The entire planet is one giant malignant tumor in space; a floating exhibition that it is Satans world, and it is his humans that are making it so. Satans people are opening fire on Earth; however, this sudden acceleration of ecological attacks are not a natural, normal, human–only occurrence; it is a supernatural act, prophesied long ago.

On a Messianic planet, most of what we see on Earth would simply not exist. The Car Cult would definitely not exist, much less all the noise–inducing machines that are intentionally made loud, only to attract attention to the user, at the expense of the rest.

The Car Cult people can be the most evil of humans; many like to hide inside their boxes of steel on wheels, dedicated to terrorizing others; those not inside a box especially but also those in their own boxes. Cars themselves are legal and abundant, due to the money–first principle of Satan Economics. Their use is likewise unregulated to maximize profits, and to cause mayhem, which is highly profitable. Death is heavily marketed and profitable.

In Satans Economics, if a human does not make money, they are not worthy of life itself; the chronically unemployed are drains on Satans Economics. And that must include the elderly, and all those with medical issues, which are too draining on any/all corporate profit margins. Keeping the future work force (children), as well as the current work force (healthy adults), all healthy for work; this is the only goal of Health Insurance.

What is truly evil, is to understand enough about this Satan–built world to exploit human gullibility. The Elect of YHVH are eyewitnesses to the many manifestations of exploitation, within socialization itself. But we can observe it within all of Satans Earth productions: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! And from them, almost all sin–evil expresses itself. Economics is all about the monetization of the YHVH creation, a sin–evil of biblical proportions; its reliant partners are politics and religion, both dependent upon the god of Mammon.

Money–dependency is a sin–evil that was intended to divide humans into monetary units, which define and determine social position; among Satans greatest achievements is Social Stratification, for it pits humans against humans, and from those class systems are hierarchies, leadership, dominionship, domination, controlism, all manifestations of bigotry (opposing all the not–like–me people), us–against–themism, and many other manifestations of self–importance and self–superiority.

In the sin of religion, we can add to all of these, an even greater sin–evil, self–righteousness. These are all, the manifestations of Spiritual bankruptcy; the dormant or dead soul. Everything is proof of all of this; I can grab any topic and redirect it back to Spiritual bankruptcy, common in the human condition. The Book of Acts (1–5) is a sample of how societies will be on all other occupied planets throughout spacetime.

For just one example, gratuity or tipping was how the aristocratic wealth–class would fake gratitude to the lower–class whenever they performed above expectation; a reward, just like how humans train animals! Tipping was an act of self–superiority, due to the large number of monetary units they hold or control; for the money–poor it was a necessary evil, due to the birth happenstance of being in a monetary culture and having too few units.

The poor must accept the $ tip and the humiliation that comes with it; the wealth–class know this well! It is why it became popular to begin with. When one already has enough money to live comfortably, they could refuse. But the very existence of such a thing, bears witness to the sin–evil of economics itself. It is why Messiah Yeshua said money was/is the root of all evil, and of all kinds; its very presence in the world is a sin–evil.

Those who like to humiliate other humans, or who like any of the productions of social stratification, expose the demons within them. The Spiritually blind cannot see any of this; sure, anyone can read these words and understand them on an academic level, but to transcend them requires far more that the most intense level of formal education offered on Earth. Take the attachment common of a good parent for their offspring, then times a million, and then that, for all creation: YHVH–Love!

Messiah Yeshua (YHVH–in–skin) died on a Cross, not for some disproportionate theological reason, but rather to expose what Love was/is, versus what/how Satan prostitutes that word–concept, in the world of men. YHVH–Love is unconditional, unending, unidirectional, universal, uncontrollable, and unimaginable. To Love your enemies is a commandment, not an option. Those who demonstrate anything but Cross–level Love for everyone, expose like fruit on a blooming tree, who they truly belong to.

Satan is on his Eschaton Era campaign, using his people mightily, to bring about the prophesied cataclysmic events, and accelerating his use of the Christian pulpit to fill the mind–hearts of the followship with hate and division and the sowing of discord. In concert with the religion–business pulpits, Satan is using political pulpits to do likewise. The end–goals are obvious; the Noah Paradox is being achieved by distraction, blame–shifting, and outright denial of reality.

Noah and clan faced a similar audience; the masses around them were in denial of the prophesies and predictions they heard over a decade before the deluge. All the Elect of YHVH know this quote well: First By Flood Then By Fire! We know that the entire planet was not flooded; that is was a largely a widespread regional event. The next time it will not be regional, but global, and it will be by heat and fire. Global warming is actually a prophet sign, and a big one!

The other big sign is the sheer numbers and percentages of humans so completely sold–out to Satan and his burn–burn–burn agenda; additionally, the inordinate devotion to other humans, religious, political, and pop–cultural. It is psychologically how A. Hitler was able to do his reign of destruction in Europe, and it will be how the Anti–Messiah will work in his (human) chosen one, to bring about this prophetic global destruction. A devotion to a leader who is anti–Earth, and deeply devoted to Mammon.

Satans predominantly religious and political people will push for all the things that are so damaging to the Earth of YHVH, which, deep within them, they abhor. Everyone who is not a Messianic disciple (or near to there), are either indifferent to, or outright hates all the creation of YHVH, preferring the creations of men. The Car Cult is one monstrous and perhaps the most brazen of examples of this cold reality.

Satan is now moving his human masses to be, and to do, what Messiah Yeshua said they would; they exist only to kill, and to steal, and to destroy; they faithfully serve the father of lies, as devout liars themselves. Satans hate–filled people, in their desperate search for hate objects, are out collectively creating strife and sowing discord, with the end–result (unbeknownst to them), being the cataclysms of the Eschaton Era.

It will begin with social unrest, via Satans religious and political systems, which will impact Satans economic systems; the triune is really one system! But that will escalate into culture battles which will fester into all out war, citizens against citizens. This is how Satan has always done it; from generation to generation the demons reenter the next generation, and repeat everything all over again, only with tweaks to fit the times and circumstances.

As Satans Industrial Prostitution (that his humans called a Revolution) continues to metastasize globally, and the results of this generational onslaught gets worse over time, it will all happen right under the proverbial noses of Satans masses, who will be too distracted playing mind games to notice it, until the point of no return. I call this the Noah Paradox!

All the toxic products that have been created over the last five hundred years, will coalesce to make Earth too toxic for living organisms to survive healthfully. Climate change will change far more than just the climate! It will also be the atmospheric mixing bowl that will slowly but surely metastasize to every corner of Earth.

For the infinitesimal Elect of YHVH, there are new still–virgin planets in other parts of the Cosmos for us to inhabit. But the bulk of humanity must/will be parked in the black voids of empty space (Darkness), so that these kind can never again, destroy and conquer and try to own, that which is the property of our Theos, YHVH.

One of the many many manifestations of Spiritual blindness, is us–against–themism. But it is a necessary one, much like a walking stick is the the physically blind.

Elitism is one of the many symptoms that plague those who struggle to be self–superior among the species. Such people have always existed, and in massive numbers; it is a manifestation of the Soulless state. These inhumans seek self–worth and self–value by creating a world where they are superior to others, and that requires others that are inferior.

It does not matter if there is any level of validity to it; Satans economics alone achieves this. All one has to do is be in a better position economically, and they can exploit that to elevate self and belittle others, creating human–centered levels of valuation.

The customer–as–enemy paradigm is simple to understand for the Elect of YHVH, but for Satans humans it is a natural part of their existence; they have no self–awareness to recognize it, even though they display it always. The pandemics here in the Eschaton Era are cognitive dissonance, indifference, psychopathy and sociopathy; the consequence of the Loveless masses numbering into the multiple–billions. The Eschaton Era is marked by it.

Subjugating the money–hungry by employers is the same mentality as any form of controlism, such as outright slavery. When YHVH Love is not the core of ones being, the only things that remain are carnal–primal in nature. So in the case of customers, they exist only because of Satans economics, which is all money–centered and money–hungry. The guilt–shame–condemnation that arises from such dependency is an attack on all morals and ethics, and even the most darkened soul can see glimpses of this happening to them; the Holy Spirit in the world makes sure of that.

But demons are a major force on Earth; first and foremost however, it is the ongoing duty of Satan and his trillion demon entourage, to convince humans that there is nothing incorporeal; no gods or angels or ghosts, and especially, no Satan or demons.

Even though there are not many Messianic disciples on Earth now, if all Messianic disciples alive, built Messianic Ekklesia Koinonia, within the money–serving nation–states, we would be criminalized and prosecuted. We acknowledge all of Satans earthly trinity productions, but we do not enable them anymore than is necessary. Earth is The Lord's, and only Messianic disciples inherit of all that belongs to The Lord, here and throughout the Cosmos in spacetime.

Satans Humanized World! (Back)

Satans human devotees always seek out ways to justify themselves before other people (Luke 16:13–15); this because for one, they do not believe in an afterlife or an incorporeal Theos (religious or not), and also, because they are dominated by what other humans think of them. The Elect of YHVH are the opposite; we care only what YHVH thinks of us; we are horrified by the very notion of even considering what other humans think of us.

This is a horror to all Messianic disciples, but to the cultural automaton masses, who suffer from the pandemic of psychopathy, all of this is just a normal day. Deep down, these monkey–see–monkey–do masses, know there is much wrong with themselves; they are fully controlled by pride–ego–emotion, and, they suffer in silence as they try to anesthetize themselves with temporal things, which always fail in time. But, they are Spiritually blinded.

As a consequence of this cold reality, how Earth itself is being reshaped by the human masses, is now simply History; the well–known trauma and tragedy of recorded modern human History. The planet is metaphorically and prophetically, creaking under the weight of collective human activities, and it is all due to Satan in full control of almost the entire species, here in the Eschaton Era.

The very reason why humans push for personal freedoms is due to the prison they live in daily, wherein they have sold their eternal Soul to the devil, and now, they scramble to find tiny holes in the metaphorical cage, to see out to the pips of light that are far–far beyond them. The temporal world is all they will ever have, and deep–deep down, they know it, even as they attend and enable the church–businesses that plague the species.

The evidence of all this disruption, can best be measured by the scientific community; they are well–equipped and trained, just like doctors who study and monitor the human body. Anyone who does not listen seriously to any of these people are morally corrupt, of course, but are also simpleminded. The problem inherent with being a simpleton is that a simpleton does not possess the intellectual capacity to recognize that they are simpletons. And they have zero self–awareness, which compounds the problem evermore.

When an addict does something nefarious with the ultimate goal of getting their (addiction–product) fix, most will condemn the act but also understand why it happened, readily blaming the addiction itself for the act. Even the self–righteous can recognize why other people do what they do; they just cannot see it in themselves because they lack empathy and self–awareness. Self–righteousness is just a byproduct of this inhuman state of existence.

The inhuman masses are all sociopathic and psychopathic, but just at differing levels and complexities; they cannot think in human–centric paradigms. Being Soulless, they cannot help but to think of other humans as somehow separate from them; there is no unity of/in the species. So, other humans are all potential villain's to be avoided or even destroyed. This is why Victimism is so pervasive, especially since we have entered into the Eschaton Era.

Here in the Eschaton Era, we are eyewitnesses to the bizarre case of the Homeless population, which is itself, merely a natural outcome/result of land ownership and landlordism. Of course only YHVH owns Earth; any human who thinks they have such a right, only expose the demons that driven them. but, since only the elect of YHVH can see these things, very few people alive on Earth today, can see any of this.

Satan is older than Earth itself; Satan and his trillion demon entourage, was given Earth, but they came from another world; they were physical beings at some point it time, and we know this because humans came into being (first) in a corporeal body, which either came with a soul, or we were given one, once we show signs of becoming fully human. It sure seems like many humans are Soulless beings, and so we cannot rule out that possibility.

Satan and crew apparently had a period of time in the presence of YHVH; it seems from scattered texts that Satan was among the most talented, charismatic and attractive of all the angels (or incorporeal beings) at that time/place. But Satan was not satisfied with (or grew tired of) that state of existence; neither were the others who chose Satan over YHVH.

Evidently, the plan on eternal salvation was not yet decided upon to be enacted; that is what the Earth–experiment would be all about. YHVH decided to make Satan and crew, major participants in this process. This wisdom of YHVH may escape us mere mortals, but I trust there are very important reasons for running the Earth–experiment in just this way: I for one am excited to see how it all plays out!

Economics: Epitaph Of The Pathological Monetization Of Earth! (Back)

A non–monetary culture or moneyless society, would have made Earth–life for humans, radically different than what Satans world has created. In a fully human world, we would have avoided any of the Earth trinity of Satan! But temptation was/is Satans ace! Everything else on Earth is the downstream play of the great tempter; the father of liars; the prince of the power of the air, of darkness and of the world.

But why a prince? Why not a god? Well, Satan is surely the god of this world (); but that is a volitional thing for humans; the worldly masses versus the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH. We can either make Satan our god (the choice of the bulk of humanity), or just a prince in the presence of a much–much greater power; the Indwelling Holy Spirit; Ruach HaKodesh; YHVH–in–us!

Satans Christianized And The Noah Paradox! (Back)

The real estate of the Car Cult is massive; in both square miles and monetarily. 1% of the current real estate of car, would end homelessness worldwide: 15% would assure an end to homelessness throughout the 22nd century.

But it is vital to understand that all of this is not just brain–centered insanity or stupidly; this is grotesquely malevolent and cannot occur without an outside force pushing it along; it is proof that it is demonic at its core. And the Christianized are leading the way to death and destruction. Christendom and Islam represent more evil and more danger to Earth and its inhabitants, than everything else combined.

Among Satans main objectives is to obscure the very presence of the demonic realm. The many masks of Satan and his demon entourage over the last dozen millennia, were/are creative indeed. The Rolling Stones band wrote a song about it called Sympathy for the Devil.

Satan is way more intelligent than any human, and, Satan has a force of demons (a trillion) that work non–stop, and have been doing so, from generation to generation, since the beginning of the human experience.

Most humans are gullible to other humans; imagine how easily they can be, and are being, controlled by this massive force! Satans Earthly trinity Is economics and politics and religion, and the weapon mechanism to create and maintain these productions, is also triune; human pride–ego–emotion.

The unseen bleeder hemorrhaging here is real estate profiteering. Way way too many (proverbial) hands in the home pie. HUD itself exists, only because the cost of housing is not carpenters & lumber (labor & materials); it's people who have nothing whatsoever to to with the construction industry, stepping in after all the actual work is done, to jack up home prices so they can take a free profit cut from them. This sin of usury is done over & over again, which causes inflation, and inflation causes all other economic woes.

That is why on the map they showed here, all the pins were large cities where there is a concentration of real estate. I am a Retired from tradesman, general contractor, home builder and seller.

In the Messianic world we are expected to sweat by our own brow, to provide on our own, simple food and shelter and clothing; we are content therein (1Ti 6; Phl 4; 2Pe 1). We do not follow the ways of Satans world and use anything or employ any method that proves harmful to any life–form on Earth; e.g. the Car Cult.

We think perpetually about our own actions, and inactions, and how they might impact Earth and all that is dependent upon it. But the anti–Messianic masses, are blinded to any/all of this; they are fixed on the center of self; they are locked into their tiny little worlds: Their entire Earth–life is one long self–justification parade!

The human mind, in Spiritual isolation, can only think in the categories it receives from life–experiences, when such an individual is void of the Indwelling Holy Spirit. The mind on its own, is subject to demonic influences all the time, and for many, it is a direct connect; they are demon oppressed and so that is the only stream of messages they receive.

Demons begin their work by first getting humans, not to believe in Satan and demons, but perhaps still believe in other incorporeal beings. Demons primarily exploit human pride–ego–emotion to manipulate by shaping the thoughts of their willing human prey. It is rather easy for demons to put the individual at the center of their own world; to render them incapable of thinking about anyone else first, or even at all.

Humans like to apply words to other humans because it lifts them up; being critical of others is an ego boost for sure, but doing so is fully hypocritical (also a sin). It is normal in those who are not dominated by and guided by, YHVH–Love, to have weak or damaged egos, and the war to gain some form of self–worth is almost always at the expense of others. Earth–life and products they spawn, is that collective empiricism.

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! Life on Earth is one big Satan show; the bulk of the human race — represented as the masses on Broadway — are Spiritually asleep through it all. It will not be until they are before their Maker, YHVH, and confirmed disconnected from that Spiritual realm, that they will either be cast into the empty vacuum of outer space (Darkness) or annihilated. YHVH will not torture anyone!

The Spiritually blinded masses can only follow those in front of them and/or those who came before them. Without independent thought capabilities or any worthy critical thinking skills, they are left to the only other way to live on Earth; monkey–see–monkey–do! The pathetic desperation to be like everyone else, would be hell on Earth for all Holy Spirit filled and thus Love–conquered individuals, but it is the unconscious daily life of the darkness–destined masses.

Thus, the Elect of YHVH are in the world but we are not of the world (2Co 6). Earth itself is doomed for sure; however, we are not here to save it, nor to save other humans; we are here to be that proverbial light in the darkness of the human condition. Earth life is a test to give volitional beings the opportunity to chose all on their own, the darkness or the light; most will pick the dark side (Matt 7; John 3).

This is why the Elect of YHVH never evangelize or proselytize or recruit. Once it was known beyond the Middle East, that YHVH came in the flesh and died on a Cross to prove the extent Love would go, it was/is finished! The New Covenant began (post–Resurrection). YHVH stopped any and all physical interactions with earthlings; now, Ruach HaKodesh works within us, just like Satan works the masses via their pride–ego–emotion.

Why do you call Me good? Messiah Yeshua said that! Why? To remind everyone who would read it, that whenever they/we get the self–righteousness bug, to hit the ground in sincere prostration before the only Righteous, and repent wholeheartedly, as the most sin–filled sinner of all sinners. There go I but by the grace of Elohim! Self–righteousness is a sinister manifestation of sin–evil; far worse than any of the sins–of–the–flesh.

People are so broken by Satan that they are on the edge always; they go to the crying and tears victim side, or the anger and rage and violence side. But what they never want to do, is to go to the other side; the side where there is light and freedom. And the choice is always volitional, but some grow to prefer the dark side; they have become accustomed to it; perhaps they develop a (love to hate and hate to love) relationship with the demonic beings of darkness (John 3:19–21).

The USA (by a wide margin) is Satans favorite nation–state; the second are the Islamic nation–states. America is a victory for Satan, the god of this world, and why they claim it as so: In God We Trust; One Nation Under God; and so on. And since they cannot tell the difference between god Satan, and YHVH the Theos of all, they assume the only god they know, Satan, is all there is, and who they simply refer to appropriately as God/god.

The Americas were conquered, colonized, and then populated by Satans Christianized Whites from Europe, who committed the heinous sin–evil of genocide of ten million (Native) Americans, and then looked glassy-–eyed upon this continent, of the exclusively YHVH–owned planet, as if it was/is their own to exploit with impunity. And they did/do!

And they did all of this massive sin–evil, with bibles and bullets, and did so, justifying it as if they were the victims in all of it. But this is a centerpiece tactic of Satan; it is sinister and malevolent, and thus requires demonic oppression to occur. Not even a devout atheist without demonic oppression can ever become quite this malevolent.

Satan is the god of this world, and Satans Christianized, who in rebellion, were disowned by both the Catholic and English Church in Europe, left. These religious refugees sought freedom from Church, risking the dangers of the Age of Sail, to come to the Americas, and began a reign of terror that thrives here to this day.

The cloak they peddle that the USA is a Christian nation, is not far from the truth; Christendom surely had influences on all aspects of the genocide takeover and its subsequent new governing. But in reality, it is evidently an anti-Messianic nation.

The word's Christ and Jesus and Christian, are apparently not connected in any way with the Messianic Cross, which is the greatest display and demonstration of Love, on Earth or in the Cosmos. Messiah Yeshua and His anti–organized–religion message, was given to the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH, so that we can be Messianic disciples so that the distinction can be seen clearly by true seekers of YHVH truth.

All that we are eyewitness to, via global media, is that collective empirical evidence. Messiah Yeshua commanded we Love all, regardless, and treat one other with/in the highest regard. We do not have to like what others choose to do or to be, and we allow the secular courts to deal with those who oppose their common law. Our calling, duty and commandment, is to Love!

What we are eyewitness to in North America, from the 19th thru the 21st century, is a nation–state clearly and unabashedly in the throes of Satan. The hate and vitriol is rooted in/by Satan and his huge demon army, who enter into the human masses; they prove it by their unnatural (and often un–explainable) indifference toward, or outright hatred for, all the YHVH Creation; a hate for other humans, and a hate for the environment that supports all YHVH–created Earth life. The delusion that fossil fuels are eternal and can be consumed at current volumes is insane.

What Scripture describes is far different than what the Christianized proscribe; in the Eschaton, they will not be the victims, they was/are the villains. The US is populated mostly by the anti-Messianic religious, and the anti-Messianic non–religious. The few who have discovered Love, are very rare indeed.

Therefore, accepting the principles of the Doctrine of Messiah, let us go further unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward Elohim; of the doctrine of baptisms; of laying on of hands; of resurrection of the dead; and of eternal judgment. Now, these we will do, if Adonai our Elohim so permits. But for those who were once enlightened by sampling Heavenly gifts, and were nearly partakers of the Holy Spirit, and had tasted the good word of Elohim and the powers of the world to come; if they should fall away, can they be renewed again unto repentance? They crucify unto themselves, the Son of Elohim afresh; they put Him to an open shame! For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs right for them by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from Elohim. But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned.
But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For Elohim is not unrighteous to forget your work, and labor of Love, which you have showed toward His name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister. And we desire that everyone of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end; that you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. For when Elohim made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He swore by Himself, saying: Surely blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you! And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. (Heb 6:1–15)   {cf. Matt 7; Rom 9; Gen 22:16–18}

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believes on Him is not condemned; but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither comes to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved. But those that do truth, comes to the light, that their deeds may be made manifest, that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:14–21)

The Great Sin–Evil Of Biblical Literalism! (Back)

Mistaking terminology for Doctrine is central to Bibliolatry, via the literalism of all of Scripture; hell and Heaven are fine examples. There are no such places or locations; Heaven is not a gold–lined castle; it is the sum of the Cosmos, and specifically where corporeal life can develop; inhabitable planets. Likewise, the lake of fire and hell, are not physical or non–physical things or places; these are all descriptive and metaphorical, via the mystery of the Doctrine of Messiah Yeshua:

He that sows the good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one! The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels! As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth!
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who has ears to hear, let him hear! Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net, which was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind, which, when it was full, they drew to shore and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth!
(Matt 13:37–50)

The World, throughout the Messiah Scriptures, is the human race on planet Earth. The field is the sum human species; the children of the Kingdom of YHVH are (generally speaking) those who become Love. Specifically in my understanding, it is the Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples, post–Messiah in time. But YHVH may not limit the Elect to just Messianic disciples, post Messiah; the point of this life is to observer and record, those who actually do, Love everyone; those who come to know that Love is not an emotion at all.

Those who come to realize that this life is far–far more than mere material gain; who come to know that life is all about one another, not the resources that sustain us. In that reality, no one who becomes Love, ever does anything that has even a chance of harming anyone else. We are wise stewards over the natural resources that Earth represents. Once we are Love, how wee live to protect all life, becomes the centerpiece purpose of our Earth life.

Amen, I say unto you; except you are transformed, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever shall humble themselves, as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And whoever shall receive one such little child in My name, receives Me. But whoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must needs be that offenses come, but woe unto those by whom the offense comes! Therefore if your hand or your foot offends you, cut them off and cast them from you: It is better for you to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting fire. And if your eye offends you, pluck it out and cast it from you: It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto you that in Heaven, their angels do always behold the face of My Father, which is in Heaven. For the Son of Man comes to save that which was lost. (Matt 18:3–11)

The moneyless life of Messiah Yeshua was a paradigm for the future disciples; we are forced to use money, as was Yeshua and all other Messianic disciples, and so using it is not the sin, but its presence and existence surely is. It is like sex; created by YHVH, sex is not a sin, but to make it so is sin. We cannot serve the money system and the YHVH system; they are opposing forces. Organized Religion is organized around money; it is its core, whereas, for the Elect of YHVH, Messiah Yeshua is our only core, and money is accursed.

Within Satans planet, filled predominantly with Satans people, heavily devoted to Satans world (the World), we are not of this/that world; our Messiah–centered world is an affront unto the bulk of the human species, religious or not. The God–marketeers care only about a doctrine–product that sells pew tickets; hence the sin–evil of the denomination abomination.

The money lovers are highly dedicated to Satan and his economics; Satan is their god and money is their lord, and they sell their proverbial souls to the devil ten or more times daily. Then the guilt–shame–condemnation and its subsequent (psychological) manifestation of cognitive dissonance, pushes them into, or away from, the sociocultural productions of organized religion, where they can atone for their decrepit sin–lifestyles. Inside those religion–business, they enact yet another manifestation of their Satan–led pride, and claim to be a Christian, or a Muslim, or any other of Satans religion–productions, and then necessarily hold firm to that belief.

But the hunger–lust to possess ever–larger amounts of money, has driven the inhuman masses to be about as evil as humans can become. Our time, prophesied to be, and is now upon us, is the Eschaton Era; it is exposed by the dystopia, which most people cannot even see, even though it is right in front of them. Earth is no longer a Garden–centered planet! Furthermore, the Real Estate Industry, as part of the centerpiece of Satans economics, is now a devastating manifestation of Satans Eschaton Era productions.

The desperation and hunger–lust for more–more–more, will be the end of Earth being able to support mammalian life–forms. And land is a powerful weapon when there are more inhumans competing for more of it. Earth seems big, but it is not big enough. By the time that YHVH came onto Earth (Messiah Yeshua), humans had already entered a unique epoch that continues to this day, and will be key for/to the end of this Earth experiment: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!

The desperation to own land began long ago; by the time the human population became large enough, the power–hungry, as they always have, accelerated their capitalizing of others, by restricting the exclusively YHVH–owned Earth, usurping it for their own greed–conquered uses. The Serfs, Peasants, Squires, Kings, Queens, Princes, Nobles, and a host of other sociocultural roles, only existed because money existed, and it, only because the money system was honored by the masses; it became the core on Earth–life for humanity. Prophesy was fulfilled; the bulk of the species were mammon servants; slaves to Satans Earth trinity.

Economics and money made land ownership possible, and with a military to enforce all such economic paradigms, politics came to replace the organized religion–businesses that had grown in power, by their monetary exploitation of the simpletons for a few centuries.

The "peasants" (the Messiah–class; the working–class) were those not "high–born" which the term itself is yet another discrimination–centered Satanic paradigm, designed to divide humans from one another; YHVH abhors this discord sown by Satans people; YHVH abhors pride. The entirety of us–against–themism is a sin–evil that will also be similar to the paradigm YHVH will utilize to separate the Darkness destined masses from the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. Indeed, one of Satans greatest successes was/is Social Stratification.

How can formal educational institutions of any time–culture, teach paradigms that ultimately exposed them as the bad guys in history? For the masses who hunger–lust for power, education is a major resource, but so is Mass Media today.

Here in the Eschaton Era, there are literally billions of humans who hunger–lust to be rich; to be money–empowered; people who will do or say or believe anything that leads to that agenda or puts them on the path to that end–goal. These are the faithless, and that surely includes those devoted to Satans religion–productions; In the West, Christianity is the central religion–business, and they too, hunger–lust for the power of money.

Capitalism can easily be summarized as the making of money without any labor; it is to gain all the advantages of this life (what is needed as well as what is desired), but without doing anything. Usury! To use others to do all the Labor; the planting and growing and building and making and extraction.

The main goal of the (illicit drug) Dealer is to create and/or maintain dependency. In like manner, the (prostitutes) Pimp has one main role; to protect his "merchandise" and make sure they are alluring and tempting during presentation to any prospective John. This is the paradigm of all money dependency! A money system is useless if no one respects it to begin with (keep your paper; I only accept gold!). But money economics offers something that a moneyless trade and barter system does not; the opportunity to cheat so that one person can hoard those monetary units; to get rich/powerful. It also makes it possible to monetize land, from where food comes from.

Therefore, capitalism itself was/is the final depraved manifestation of the sin–evil of usury, a word that had to be redefined so that Satans religionists, who also want to be rich–empowered, could commit the sin–evil of usury, but without the obvious overtones of it being a sin–evil. We see this still happening today, where the poor, who are being exploited vigorously by the rich, will not condemn the rich for exploiting them, because they are the same people–type; they too (one day in some fictional future) want to exploit others and be rich–powerful themselves. And so they worship the rich like they do Media Stars!

Consequently, they blindly accept the paradigms of exploitation, prostitution, extortion, commodification, and a general monetization of everything and everyone. To summarize, they are all Satans people; two sides but of the same coin!

This is also why politics has little to do with actual politics. The political paradigm of any capitalist culture, (proverbially) puts the dollar in the center of the room like an idol (a golden calf?), and all things in the political arena must come out of that center. Consequently, the money–god is served faithfully and only, but since politicians are elected (or appointed) by the general public, and the general public wants the benefits of those pools of money collected under the guise of Tax, which they often overestimate their contributions to.

The Demon Whisper! Demons pounce on humans the moment they/we reach a state that only YHVH determines (and not biological age); typically between the ages of 10 and 15 but that is my guess. Those who are not of a certain mental capacity (e.g. those with Downs Syndrome) are the exceptions to biological age. I believe that what YHVH determines as the time that the Angels of YHVH are to let go of the individual, is complex to comprehend, so this is more a guideline.

Demons begin to influence humans at a young age, and how we can measure this is in how young humans think about the world. Little children can run around naked and think nothing of it; even if everyone else is dressed that does not impact their nudity freedom. But along the way, something changes in them. Sure, social norms do play a role here, but I imagine that if there were no such social or cultural governing of nudity, there still comes an age/time when that individual feels uncomfortable running around naked and free as they did in their youth, independent of any sociocultural cues.

It is at this general timeline wherein the individual wants to be free to do as they please. What made them free to run naked leaves them; now they can still do so, but they do not want to anymore; there is a heightened awareness of it; of its potential for negative (even dangerous) attention. They are now self–aware. They take the reigns of their life; caregivers notice this thrust toward independence and too often they try to counter it with more restrains. Then rebellion kicks in; sometimes it is mild, sometimes wild, but push back is certain. I am an individual!

And this is that part of the human course that the superpower of volition and free will, instigated and maintained by YHVH, kicks in full gear. The Angels of YHVH must not shield them from the demons any longer. The proverbial lessons of the Garden of Eden all play out in this moment of the transfer of power.

If a person is audibly hearing voices they have a physiological brain issue that needs medical intervention.

The Only Paradigm Shift! (Back)

And He said unto them: He that has ears to hear let him hear! And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parable. And He said unto them: Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of YHVH, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be transformed, and their sins should be forgiven them! Then He said unto them: Do you not understand this parable? How then will you know all the parables? (Mark 4:9–13)   {cf. Isa 6:9–10}

And to expound; how will you understand the difference? Without the Spiritually–enabled mental ability to decipher what is a parable or a metaphor, versus what is literal, literalism is all that remains. Throughout these writings, as well as throughout the Scriptures, there is a mix of (scientific and historical) facts, infused with metaphor and parable.

This was all done or allowed intentionally, so that those without the Spiritually–enabled mental ability to decipher, would show their proverbial hand: The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cult theology is among that fruit–evidence! Christian Doctrine Is Not Messianic Doctrine! Messianic Doctrine, is not even close to the COP Cultists doctrinal productions. They may get some points, but overall they do not have Ruach HaKodesh to decode what Ruach HaKodesh coded, when giving inspiration unto oracles and apostles and disciples in/of the past.

We can see this all throughout the Scriptures; for one example (and there are many hundreds), the lake of fire mentioned only in Revelations (20), was/is not a literal lake or fire, but was/is metaphorical; nothing in Rev 20 is literal, and indeed most of Revelations is parabolic in nature! A literal reading means the true point and message of it all, eludes the COP Cultists, who have spun some (may I say) demonic conclusions in their doctrines of men, as the prophetic anti-Messiahs. When fire was mentioned in Scripture that was not referring to actual fire (to cook or heat), it was metaphorical.

We, the Elect of YHVH, see the initiation of this; Messiah Yeshua was teaching from His Doctrine, how eternal suffering will be analogous to a burn victim, in that the suffering never subsides (Mark 9:41–49). Before drugs that numbed or knocked us out, humans died if too much of their bodies were burnt; not because of burnt skin alone, but because such pain is never ending they could not sleep. This collapsed their immune system, further exasperating their already wretched condition. They could die of infection but only if they survived that long.

When Messiah Yeshua Ascended from Earth, He left in His wake, a metaphorical tunnel wherein the Holy Spirit (the very Soul of Messiah Yeshua) could use to reenter Earth, so that for the first time, humans could personally take on the YHVH Spirit, just like Messiah Yeshua had the Soul of YHVH. We are individuals in that we have our own soul; Yeshua harbored only Ruach HaKodesh. But we must share our Temple with Ruach HaKodesh; however, we take prominence in that metaphorical shared space within us. I must surrender that prominence, daily (Luke 9:22–25); volition is still my/our superpower that YHVH will not violate.

The metaphoric light (or enlightenment) that radiates out from under the Messianic Cross is widespread (Luke 16:16), but there are many obstacles to everyone being able to see it, even from a close distance. Messiah Yeshua, after a powerful and enlightening confrontation, or a reasoning together with the Sadducees (the first half of Mark 12), said this of/to a scribe:

One of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him: Which is the first commandment of all? And Yeshua answered him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, Adonai our Elohim is One, and you shall Love Adonai your Elohim, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength! This is the first commandment, and the second is like it, specifically this: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! There are no other commandments greater than these! So the scribe said unto him: Well, Master, You have said the truth, for there is One Elohim, and there is none other but He, and to Love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to Love his neighbor as himself, are more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Yeshua saw that he answered discreetly, He said unto him: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! (Mark 12:28–34)

First, to acknowledge that there is only 1 Elohim (there is no polytheistic trinity, nor any other El; but there is the temporary god of Earth, Satan); And that there is really only 1 Commandment: Love! And it is identical, weather it is unto YHVH or unto humans. All that YHVH created, we are to Love, or, we are eternally doomed. Messiah Yeshua taught us how to avoid Satan via Satans human masses; that we are sheep among wolves; that predation abounds on Earth because of Satans human masses. and so we Love them, by (as doves) not harming them, but also to wisely avoid the evil they unleash on Earth.

The scribe repeated and agreed with Messiah Yeshua, and His response was also a message: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! Wait, is this scribe not Saved? Nope! If he died the next day that scribe is eternally lost. As close as he was to YHVH truth, the scribe was still not in a surrendered state, otherwise we would have known much more about him as a Messianic disciple.

But this scribe was never mentioned of again. Could this scribe, at some future time in his life, had made that commitment? Absolutely! And we hope it so. But the message it conveys to us (future–forward from that timeline) Messianic disciples, is that people can get very close to the (metaphorical) light or enlightenment or truth of that Messianic Cross, but that is no guarantee any individual, during their lifespan, will stay and finish the course; will have kept the faith; will endure till the end:

Therefore, accepting the principles of the Doctrine of Messiah, let us go further unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward Elohim; of the doctrine of baptisms; of laying on of hands; of resurrection of the dead; and of eternal judgment. Now, these we will do, if Adonai our Elohim so permits. But for those who were once enlightened by sampling Heavenly gifts, and were nearly partakers of the Holy Spirit, and had tasted the good word of Elohim and the powers of the world to come; if they should fall away, can they be renewed again unto repentance? They crucify unto themselves, the Son of Elohim afresh; they put Him to an open shame! For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs right for them by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from Elohim. But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned.
But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For Elohim is not unrighteous to forget your work, and labor of Love, which you have showed toward His name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister. And we desire that everyone of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end; that you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. For when Elohim made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He swore by Himself, saying: Surely blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you! And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. (Heb 6:1–15)   {cf. Matt 7; Rom 9; Gen 22:16–18}

Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, so that whoever believes Him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved. Those that believe Him are not condemned; but those that do not believe, are condemned already, because they have not believed in the Name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither will come to the light, lest their deeds should be exposed. But those that do truth, comes into the light so their deeds may be made manifest; that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:16–21)

While He yet talked to the people, behold, His mother and His brethren stood without, desiring to speak with Him. Then one said unto Him: Behold, your mother and your brethren stand without, desiring to speak with you. But He answered and said unto him that told Him: Who is My mother? And who are My brethren? And He stretched forth His hand toward His disciples and said: Behold My mother and My brethren! For whoever shall do the will of My Father, which is in Heaven; the same is My brother, and sister, and mother! (Matt 12:46–50)

The paradigm was shifting; the proverbial ground shaking! The term "brethren" up to this timeline, meant other (male) Jews, primarily who were of Torah; this continued throughout the fellow letters. They were not necessarily biological brothers, and thus were called "brethren" for a connection that was not about sharing parentage. Something major changed; a true paradigm shift was occurring; YHVH in the Flesh was now walking on Earth. Everything was about to change and radically.

YHVH created all humanity; thus, Messiah Yeshua died and resurrected and ascended, for all humanity. But all of this, had to be kick–started somewhere and at sometime. Thus, the place and time and people, are not coincidental, but very much quite specific; understanding why is majorly important. YHVH came as/in Human Form, Messiah Yeshua; He was not born of an earthly king but of a carpenter; not of (human) royal blood, but validated lineage all the same (hence the foundational genealogy of Matt 1).



Christian people, as well as (conversely) the Christian bashing people, both believe the same theological misinterpretations, and then proceed in this life, exhibiting the subsequent evidence of that cold reality, via cognitive dissonance in all their acts and mentalities. The non–religious assume the same theology's of the Christianized, taken from them without further investigation.

This is one of the byproducts of literalism, which is necessary when one does not harbor Ruach HaKodesh, the One who inspires all acts, canonized (biblical) works or otherwise, and throughout all human generations. YHVH is exactly the same, in every realm, corporeal and incorporeal, and in every second of time.

As the Elect of YHVH, we have a more sure foundation; YHVH speaking directly to us; the inward Word, and also via the red letters of the Messiah Scriptures; they are the core of all scripture, and all the other words of men must filter through the red letters of YHVH speaking in Person: the Person of Messiah Yeshua!

The Father Himself, which has sent Me, has borne witness of Me. You have neither heard His voice at anytime, nor seen His shape. And you have not His word abiding in you, for whom He has sent; Him you believe not. You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; yet these are they that testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life. I receive not honor from men. But I know you; that you have not the Love of Elohim in you! (John 5:37–42)

If you Love Me, keep My commandments, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter; that He may abide with you forever; indeed the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him, neither knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more; but you see Me, because I live, as you shall live also. On that day, you shall know that I Am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He that has My commandments and keeps them; it is he that Loves Me, and he that Loves Me shall be Loved of My Father, and I will Love him, and will manifest Myself to him! (John 14:15–21)

I have written to you fathers, because you have known Him that is from the beginning. I have written to you young men, because you are strong, and the word of Elohim abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in them. For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning, shall remain in you, you also shall continue in the Son, as in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us, even eternal life. These things I have written unto you, concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing, which you have received of Him, abides in you, and you need not that anyone teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, so you shall abide in Him! (1Jo 2:14–16/24–27)   {cf. Rom 8}

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! (Back)

Satan is all about control; Satan always thought of self as god; for a brief moment in time, Satan is god, the god of the human species and this, The World. Satans demon–led humans (the bulk of the adult accountable human race), are just like Satan and his demon entourage; the trillion demon army that was ejected from the presence of YHVH. The details of all of this, we do not know with certainty, but once an individual is yoked with YHVH (via the Indwelling Holy Spirit) and thus become One with YHVH, we know far–far more than we could otherwise, regardless of any formal education or IQ level.

All Messianic disciples, living under the Messianic Cross and thus, enlightened by YHVH always, can easily see all things, for that Light is as ten thousand suns! But the Spiritually blinded masses, can only see what is in front of them or what is near to them or what is familiar to them. Stumbling in darkness always, they must grab hold of others nearby and follow them where ever they go, but it is truly the blind leading the blind; it is all monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot.

The reason why all Christians are eternally doomed is because they think they are saved by the consumption of their religion (Matthew 7 summarized), and never seek out true salvation, found only under the Messianic Cross. This is how Messianic disciples know who belongs to who. We know about the nature of Lucifer, by piecing together the fabric of Scripture (Job; Eze 28; Isa 14; 2Co 11; 2Pe 2; Rev 12 & 20). Satan was likely an angel; beautiful and talented; had power already, but just not enough.

Evil therefore, can be witnessed in how humans live much like the god they truly serve, and it does not matter what religion they consume, or no religion at all. The tell is in the lifestyle, and we Messianic disciples are taught to recognize these traits and actions. Satans people hunger for power; they like to be in charge; they like to control others; they seek domination and dominion.

They want to be bosses and leaders; they seek the stages of life and want to be the main character in most or all they do. They are materialistic and never satisfied; they are indifferent to how their lifestyle choices impact humans and animals and Earth itself. Love is the great mystery, but most are simply clueless. Love has no connection whatsoever to human emotions, and yet, the bulk of humanity believe that is all it is. And that is yet another piece of fruit–evidence supporting the fact that they are clueless.

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! And so, Satans humans like these paradigms; they thrive in them, because these create all the power and positioning that has become accepted on Earth by all others. Since the bulk of the human race belong to Satan, they are all the puppets of their master. Life on Earth is the summation of a Satan–created and maintained economic world, all fueled by (and made possible by) money. All that humans experience in modernity, is a gross adulteration of the original Creation paradigm. Earth was/is symbiotic and humans are only to be a very small part of that greater network.

Instead, humans have all but obliterated Earth; we live in an ever–growing dystopia, but the bulk of the species cannot see it, and never will during their Earth life. But as they face YHVH on their Day of Judgment, when they are brought back to life–consciousness to be judged for all they did and did not do, only then will they be able to process, freed of their human brains and all the disease that came with it: namely, pride–ego–emotion. They will know all; they will be horrified by the reality that they could have learned, while as a human on Earth, but refused instead to walk into the light, because they liked the darkness so much (John 3:11–21).

Over time it was exposed to inherently bad men — the bulk of them via direct demonic influences — that money economics made it possible for some to have more power and thus control over others, and alongside of brute force, they benefited from this paradigm. Men who would have been of little interest to the most sensual of women in ordinary circumstances, suddenly found themselves surrounded by them: Motivation established!

Women gravitated toward powerful men, but that power varied from place to place and generation to generation. Without money economics, that power tilted more toward brute force and fighting skills, but as the (human) population got too large, the wars that killed off many of those men, made room for lesser sized/trained men. So when it is said that it is a mans world, this is why: human males went from controlism via physical prowess, to an economic prowess. The brutes and bullies now gravitate toward law enforcement to support the wealth–class.

Of course, the remnants of physical prowess is still with us; sports soon became the replacement to open brutality by giving it public acceptance within boundaries and rules. Sexual attraction for women still tilts toward the tall handsome athletic type, and as such, those men get a lot of public attention and recognition; hence the high–paying positions of those best in sports. And the same can be said for the most attractive and sensual women in society.

The economic world is all most humans know of; they would consider it a foreign or an alien life, to live outside of Satans Earth trinity. They are comfortable within it; they crave the dark side, even as many of them attend church services regularly and make verbal professions of beliefs. Nevertheless, none of Satans Earth trinity is sustainable; it is fully unnatural, completely anti–Messianic, and will come to a fiery end.

Earth was/is made to be symbiotic, which means that any species that violates that paradigm will cause harm to the environment and thus to the species that depend upon it. YHVH allowed Satan and crew just enough metaphorical rope to hang themselves but without ever quite reaching the ground, as the metaphor goes. Satan was allowed on Earth exactly to enact just enough challenges so that the metaphorical wheat can be discerned from the weeds (the sheep from the goats, and so on).

Consequently, Earth is an expendable tool for YHVH to make and record these observations, uninterrupted by YHVH, so that when it is time to end the Earth experiment, Earth will still be supporting mammalian life. Earth is a doomed planet in the long run, at least for humans and the human experiment. We are being tested to see if we can volitionally and without any outside help or force, to be good stewards over all Creation; Earth is just our sample planet; there are uncountable planets on the Cosmos!

Satans Religionists must teach the Active God Now Thema (covered extensively in Oracle), because it too, is a great distraction from Satans true motives, and our true responsibilities in this Earth experiment. Satan uses base human traits — pride–ego–emotion — to manipulate the human masses. Therein, YHVH looks for those who will transcend, or who truly want to transcend, those base traits.

Satan controls most non–rich humans via the adoration of the rich and powerful; Satan creates the wealth and power hunger via his humans, and then pushes it all from generation to generation, as that economic wealth {$} gets passed down. The non–rich hunger–lust to be the rich, and so they adore and support the rich, even as the rich exploit them to become ever richer. Demons possess the rich ones and the poor ones, then play them against one another. It is all too bizarre to be natural; it is indeed demonic.

We see this in European and Western History with kings and queens and other such hierarchical roles, via social stratification. In modernity, we are still eyewitness to Satans heavy influences over the sum of the human species, via the adoration of other humans, wherein those roles differ only slightly: Politicians are the new/old Monarchical or Kingship roles. Humans fear and/or adore (even worship) other humans out of fear, or because they want to be like those people.

Spiritually they are those people, but economically they are not. The reason why humans worship/adore the rich is because of Satan (and crew's) heavy influences upon them. And since Satan is the father and creator and sustainer of his Earth trinity, those who partake in and enable all of them, are one in the same people Spiritually. This is why we today see the religious copulating with politicians, for it is all part of the larger economic orgy.


Understanding Satan (and the demon crew) is vital to understanding Earth life. Messiah Yeshua gave us Messianic disciples, all the hints we need to decipher and decode life. Among Satans greatest abilities is camouflage; poor Job never saw Satan coming or going.

But then, the story of Job was more likely metaphorical than actual. Literalism is one of Satans tactics for deceiving the human masses; for religionists (past; present; future), literalism degrades into Bibliolatry. And bibliolatry is a captivating manifestation of sin–evil!

One of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him: Which is the first commandment of all? And Yeshua answered him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, Adonai our Elohim is One, and you shall Love Adonai your Elohim, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength! This is the first commandment, and the second is like it, specifically this: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! There are no other commandments greater than these!
So the scribe said unto him: Well, Master, You have said the truth, for there is One Elohim, and there is none other but He, and to Love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to Love his neighbor as himself, are more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Yeshua saw that he answered discreetly, He said unto him: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! And no one after that dared ask Him any questions. (Mark 12:28–34)

Yeshua did not reply: You have arrived at The Way! But Yeshua did want this scribe to know that he was getting near, by what he understood up to this time on this day. Satan creates a false humility in the religionists, and they in turn, try to say that no one arrives; that we are never perfected.

And yet, Messiah Yeshua said that unless we are perfect, we will never see the Kingdoms of YHVH. They also claim that human children are sinful, and yet, Messiah Yeshua said that unless we become as little children, we will never see the Kingdoms of YHVH. Run all words through the red letters; press them firmly through the Blood!

This particular scribe was getting closer to the Kingdom of YHVH, by understanding that Love was/is the 1 Law that was the compilation of (and the completion of) all others! Love was/is the fulfilling of all; it is how we arrive! It is our child likeness, and that is a pureness and an innocence! But if ones heart is hate always, then there is a need for the bible to be as vicious as the self.

The COP Cultists have a theological distortion that implies than no one arrives, or reaches perfection; however, those who do not arrive; those who do not reach perfection (Matt 5:48); those who do not become innocent (Matt 18); these will not (indeed cannot) be the future resurrected Saints of YHVH.

Another example of literalism is The holy kiss; it had little to do with an actual standard lip kiss. Like all parables and metaphors, it was Spiritual and thus symbolic of contrasting the ways of the World with The Way; Narrow Way ((Matt 7); the Spiritual versus the physical; the incorporeal versus the corporeal.

A human kiss represents sexual intimacy most of the time; even more so in the 1st century Middle East. I am sure that a peck on the child's cheek by grandma is not thought of as sexual, anywhere at anytime, but in this particular instance, it was a piece of a bigger lesson; that of an intimacy that far transcends anything in the human condition; a deep and powerful closeness that surpasses even the intimacy of a married couple.

And so we understand this just like we do when a couple is making out as lovers and mates; it is intensely personal; indeed, it is why many others refuse kissing. The Elect of YHVH are not offended in anyway by nudity or coitus; these are an integral part of the Designers design. The self–righteous religionists serve Satan via his religions, which makes them the chief of all sinners; Pauline Christians are not Messianic disciples, the purified and perfected; the future resurrected Saints of YHVH.

We see the message of a deep and passionate intimacy, throughout the Messiah Scriptures, where Messiah Yeshua was sharing His doctrine to His disciples, past, present and future. We see it in our day to day trust in YHVH providing all we need to serve YHVH, but not what we want to serve self (Matt 6 & 7). Often the very word know/knew (1097: ginóskó) is akin to coitus: e.g. Matt 1:24 Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of The Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not until she had brought forth her firstborn Son, and he called His name Yeshua!

Joseph "knew" her not; that is, did not have coitus with her. And then we see this again in chapter 7:22–23: Many will say to Me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you! Depart from Me, you that work iniquity!

I never knew you! Or: We were never closer than a man is to his wife, and they have coitus! We were never closer at all; we were strangers! Put another way, this relationship with YHVH is far more intimate than a hug or a handshake! The Spirit or Soul of YHVH, who was inside of Messiah Yeshua, can now be inside of us; we are penetrated. That relationship is an eternal unification that can/will produce offspring or lifestyle fruit. That is why we are considered the Bride of Messiah.

There was religion, and all the trappings of self–belief, but there was no Spiritual transformation; no YHVH–Love; the Indwelling Holy Spirit was not at One with them; to be as One being IN them; eternal unity at this level is the sum of The Lord's Prayer in John Seventeen! Satans self–righteous religious, see all sexual acts as ether something to be left unspoken, or as outright sin, but ironically, the single greatest manifestation of sin, possible on Earth, is self–righteousness itself.

The disciples came and asked Him: Why do you speak unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them: Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them, it is not given. For whoever has, to them shall be given, that they might have more abundance: But whoever has not, from them it shall be taken away, even what they had.
Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which said: By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive, for these peoples heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be transformed, and I should heal them!
(Matt 13:10–15)   {cf. Isa 6:9–10}

Yeshua is saying that there are those who have been given the same opportunities as any mate; the equivalent of a coitus–level lover with YHVH but in the Spiritual; however, they are like the fornicator (or adulterer) in that they only get close enough for personal advantages and gain. They do not commit their heart–mind–soul to the relationship. They highly esteem the things of the world, not the things of The Cross (Luke 16).

Prayer takes place only in our private places (our prayer "closets" or bedrooms); only these individuals will ever be able to discern or understand any of the parables, and indeed, most any of the scriptures, since they are mostly metaphor and parable. Without the Inspirer within, Satan will assuredly twist the scriptures. We Messianic disciples are the living fulfillment of the promises made by YHVH unto Isaiah (Isa 6:9–10).

Christians are the opposite of Messiah Yeshua; they display it openly, oblivious to their eternal doom. With prayer being the most intimate of acts in the YHVH–to–human relationship, they demand that they do so in public, for all to see; they pretend to have intimate relations with their god, but demand doing so in public, which is anathema unto Messiah Yeshua; but know that prayer is merely a monetized religion product to these pimps.

For the religious, god is an anthropomorphizing of themselves. Without YHVH within, most humans think like the higher reasoning primates that we all start out as. Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, humans are not too much more intelligent than other primates; linguistics increases our teaching abilities, the result being a greater understanding of the complexities of our world than the animal kingdom has, but the sum of the Cosmos is still a mystery to most humans. The ways of YHVH are higher ways indeed, but the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit changes that equation drastically.


Satan is not (and never again will be) a physical being. But Satan and crew are very real. However, Satan has no physicality, and thus can only work through physical beings; mostly (or exclusively?) humans. When Messiah Yeshua (YHVH in Skin) spoke of these entities, He said they can only: steal, kill, destroy, lie, cheat, deceive, and hate. Satan is power hungry (the root of his fall), and so are those who follow him, human or demon. The internal trinity of Satan is human pride–ego–emotion.

But the demons do all of these things, only through humans; it is these traits that are the "fruit on the tree" for all to see; these traits are the physical evidence of the demon oppressed. If Job was a real person, then Satan and crew can work in other ways when allowed; we know from the Book of Job, how YHVH allowed certain latitude with Satan, via those corporeal interactions with Job. Satan has always been on a proverbial leash, but perhaps YHVH extended it for the sake of the Job portion of the human experiment and experience. YHVH is always playing the long game!

Satan exploits human pride–ego–emotion to work people; to move the proverbial chess pieces on the board. The parable of the shrewd manager (Luke 16) is one of those parable lessons. Satan used the internal forces of human pride–ego–emotion, to manipulate the lazy money dependent manager (steward), who risked being severely punished or even tortured to death, for this con of stealing. Messiah Yeshua was exposing just how devoted humans can be, to one of Satans main Earth weapons, money, the root of all evil. If only they could be as devoted to the afterlife as they are to this temporal one!

YHVH allowed Satan to physically impact Job, but for a specific purpose that, at pre–Messianic times, they were unaware of; however, we in the 21st century, and all Messianic disciples, post–Messiah, understand this, based on the fact that no where else in all surviving scripture, did Satan have as much physical or corporeal power over matter, as was described in this account. But it does lend to the fact that Satan is the god of this world, which means, the god of the human masses (not the god of planet Earth itself).

Some imply that Job was a work of fiction; that Job was not a real person, but a work of fiction designed to teach Spiritual lessons and storied morals. And it is surely possible, but what I think, is that Job was a real person, and what happened to him was tragic indeed; however, it could still be that his story got embellished over time (Job being a very old literary work); that all he experienced was not nearly as severe, and was embellished to make the storied moral of greater impact. But either way, the lesson itself is sound. If embellishment is so, it would be at the point of Satans involvement in the physical acts themselves.


We Messianic disciples are not to listen to words: We Are What We Do And No More! We are instructed to look, only at lifestyle choices; only at ones character and its subsequent outward productions. We masterfully observe without Judging.

Satans earthly trinity productions, speak for themselves; anyone anywhere near (even just psychologically) unto the Messianic Cross, can see the inherent darkness exhibited in them all, though they will still enable them. But all who have been under the Messianic Cross, for a minute or more, cannot help but see the sin–evil that these represent. The Darkness destined masses actually gravitate toward these, but the Elect of YHVH reprove them (Eph 5; 2Ti 4).

Satans religionist christians are the worst; those christians who have the most demons in them, are the most vocal about Satan and demons, and because the rest of their life is lived as devout anti-Messiahs, it is easy for literally everyone else, to see them as hypocrites, and even as lunatics.

Whenever anyone brings up Satan or the devil or demons, most people, religious or not, become suspicious of the one making such claims; yet deflection or outright denial are excellent ways to deceive! And while most will believe in the incorporeal realm, in a general way, demons are just too unbelievable. But god is good!

Once a person has accepted a deception, and then repeated that deception to others, pride now has them boxed into it; Satans pride–conquered are doomed to that enslavement. Void of humility, they prefer to be cast into outer Darkness forever, as opposed to admitting they are wrong, or confessing they are gullible, or seeking out the wise. That is the overwhelming power of pride; a (human) trait that YHVH abhors with a passion. These kind, religious or not, cannot be among the future resurrected Saints of YHVH.

Satan and crew, simply jumped from one human generation to the next one, successively and successfully moving the proverbial chess pieces, to bring about the prophesied end times; the Eschaton Era is now measurably upon us. Many moves had to take place over many generations for this to manifest. Most of this took place through money dependency, which too often leads to money–hunger, as Satans main mechanism of his trinity of sin–evil.

Economics, and specifically money, will be the root of the end of the human (species) experiment; the other two are dependent upon it. The very presence of money started the cycle of sin, which only exacerbated over successive generations. Money is clearly at the root of all evil and of all kinds of sin–evil (1Ti 6).

Most think that it is the "love" of money and thus justified in that they do not love it: That is a tell! But this is because they will live and die without a conceptualization of what Love is! Whatever we humans invest our time in, is a manifestation of (lower case) love, and that love is more like addiction or dependency than it is, of the supreme act of Love exhibited prominently upon the Messianic Cross.


The No–Creator–Conglomerate (of humans), will take the words of the COP Cultists as the representation of all things Scriptural; they too are narrow–minded, and this is one of the many proofs of that fact. Conversely, All Messianic disciples are very much scientific (science is the study of the Creation); however, we are not limited to the corporeal realm, which as we know, accounts for only about 1% of 1% of all that is.

Satan is a name or designation for a single fallen angel, considered to be comparable to a famous human, only massively famous; think movie and music and political and sports star, all rolled into one, then times a hundred.

Cultism (or the occult) manifests in both the corporeal and incorporeal planes of existence; what and who demons are, simply translate onto the humans they occupy, from generation to generation, as they have honed their deception craft. And even though most accountable adult humans being, possess at least one demon, all who are not under the Messianic Cross, will be pushed by them regularly.

Hate itself is just one manifestation, or outward proof, that a demon is present within. And there are many other outward human acts as empiricism, but the No–Creator Conglomerate must rule out that paradigm from all their equations.

Of course, the tiny–minded scientific among us, need to use COP Cultists theology to imply that there is a rational or tangible or corporeal explanation for all the evils done by humans; that it has to do with the human brain, and so on.

But what they do not understand, is that that is the only way it has ever worked! Incorporeal beings have no physicality; the entire trillion demon army of Satan, has yet to collectively (so much as) move a grain of sand a micrometer. No physicality!

All acts of the incorporeal realm of Satan the god if this world, which is to say, the human species, have a physical explanation for it, but that explanation does not negate the incorporeal; quite the contrary, is confirms it: well, to those with Spiritual eyes and ears to recognize it as such.

Everything that people do externally in the world, which does not cause a change for the better, in the self; it is all just a distraction from the self; everything. Being lost in life is to be without the reason for our being here. So people over consume; they become addicts of one thing or another. People are lost; I too was once lost, and it was not good. I went about in this life, copying what everyone else nearby to me was doing; was thinking; was believing. I did not have my own path. I had to die; I had to come to an end. We cannot be remodeled, we must be burned down and from the cold ashes, YHVH forms new clay and makes new containers.

I am crucified with Yeshua; nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Yeshua that lives within me. And the life which I now live, in the flesh, I live by faith of the Son of Elohim, who Loves me and gave Himself for me! But now, O Elohim, You are our Chief; we are the clay and You our potter; and we all are the work of Your hand. Serve YHVH with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that YHVH is Elohim; it is Elohim who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. (Gal 2:20)   {cf. Isa 64; Psa 100}

Hate is always an expression (and proof) of one or more demons inside someone. Many think that it is normal to hate; that it is just being human, but that is because the bulk of the human species belong to Satan, and so it will surely be normalized for them, and by them. Hate can be measured, independent of the individual in question, being present, far away, or even being alive; hate bears its own fruit. For one example (among many), religion is a manifestation of human hate; indeed, all of the Earth trinity of Satan are manifestations of hate conquered humans.

Religions promote hate, but do so by a malevolent cloak, wherein they teach and live by hate but say the word love often. What makes anyone who tries to represent the Messianic Cross, which is only Christians (and then the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH), is that Christians are major puppets for Satan and crew, who adulterate the word of Elohim to create a false image of The Savior. But worse than that is their lifestyle, which opposes most everything demonstrated and taught by Messiah Yeshua, which in turn gives the rest of the human species false ideas, and they in turn, reject the whole. Satan wins!

Messiah Yeshua made it clear many times that Love is the fulfilling of all Torah (law); that those who Love are completed; perfected; arrived, even while still occupying a sin–capable body. Hate is possible, only in the complete absence of Love: When You Love You Cannot Hate; When You Hate You Cannot Love! Those who refuse to Love all, exactly as Messiah Yeshua did, they cannot and will not be resurrected. Again and yet again I say, look upon the Messianic Cross for the true definition of YHVH Love.

Satan has a trillion (or so) other fallen angels who followed him; a massive entourage of a being, clearly so evil that one wonders how those follower drones can be so blinded; so oblivious to the entities malevolence, that they are convinced he (Satan) is god. And thus righteous, never wrong, supreme in all things; cannot lie, and so on: Sound familiar?

Satan personally and always occupies those humans that are at the forefront of the human condition; those also with the most (human) followers; those also whom Satan can easily manipulate, to make major impacts on the planet and all life dependent upon it. The presentation of The Anti Christ, will take place as the need for a rapid acceleration of the Big Burn, becomes necessary for the Eschaton finale.


Our Creator (I AM: YHVH), gave us a capacity that is so enduring and so powerful, that nothing can compete with it. But many people can (and do) deny its presence. When it was said in Genesis that we were created in the incorporeal image of YHVH, it meant the presence of an eternal Soul; it meant the ability to Love so completely and so fully that we can Love even those who would harm us; beat us; starve us; humiliate us; yes even crucify us! We have the power to see past the bitterness; the anger; the resentment; the vengeance: We see only the fear within them that causes them all. They need us!

We Messianic disciples see all humans through the eyes of YHVH; we see all humans as their birth mother saw them when they were born; when they were still little children. We know that Satan and the demon forces can enter into and turn these precious, now all grown up people, unto the dark side; to being evil; but even evil people are in the Love of YHVH, and need our Love (more than most), as the living conduits of YHVH Love. When we become Love, we can only Love all humans, and with all that is within us: Ruach HaKodesh!


Not 1% of 1% of all that is in/of the corporeal world, can be measured scientifically or in a Lab; however, those without actual critical thinking skills or original thoughts, simply cannot think beyond the shoebox of their Enculturation. To think outside the box is, for them, to skim the outer edges of that box. Trying to understand or explain the things of the incorporeal, from the limited assets of the corporeal, always ends up confusing or convoluted.

But again, all that is in that shoebox, is still not a fraction of all that is, therein, and that is just the corporeal realm; the incorporeal realm in infinitely more profound and massive by comparison. So much so that they will live and die, in denial of its reality, because it is far–far outside of their shoebox world. They struggle to comprehend the 1% of the 1%.

So deceiving the masses is rather easy for Satan (and crew), who simply use the human ego to create doubt in the incorporeal realm, and especially of the unsavory idea of (incorporeal) evil beings like Satan and crew. The Mind Sciences (of which I am an advocate for and educated in) will excuse the notions of demonic oppression by having a more physical explanation for all mental anomalies; the brain!

But the brain is a physical thing and all incorporeal beings work in the corporeal with the corporeal, so that is not a valid position; of course it is the brain! But logging common behavior anomalies and giving them long (Greek rooted) names does not negate an incorporeal influence.

But this is all just mind farts; most people are merely reacting to what they do not understand and/or what they do not like hearing. They typically react in the moment, without seeing where their responses lead to in the long term. So, as they are fact checked, or in any other way challenged, rather than possessing the humility to admit they made a snap judgment and do not understand, they will instead pile on another lie, or another equally irrational self-justification (to them a rationalization) to cover for the previous ones, or just outright lie about ever claiming such to begin with.

This is pride; this is one of Satans main weapons in winning the bulk of the human species; the masses on Broadway (Matt 7 & 10). The few there are that find the Messianic light, which is Spiritual enlightenment (an awakening; being very woke indeed), are surrounded like proverbial sheep among a planet filled with wolves; a few grass eating prey versus meat eating predators.


Christianity is itself, anti–Messianic; it is, at its very best, a pseudo–Messianism! The Amish are likely the closest thing to it in modernity. This was/is Satans intent, with one of his major Earth productions, Religion!

All religion practiced by all humanity, everywhere and forever, is Satanism: YHVH is patently anti–religious! Abhors it! Satan we know, wanted to be (an) El, but had to settle for being a (temporary and restricted) god of Earth; the god of this, the World. Messiah Yeshua made sure that all understood that His Kingdom was not of this world, and would not even be on this planet; not once or ever!

Earth humans will be the only physical manifestation of sin–evil, in the sum of the entire cosmos, for infinity of spacetime. Wherever Satan and his trillion demon army of worshipers and followers came from, we do not fully know. At some point in time they entered into our realm, but that is about all we know. Are they all the (formally humanoid) Souls from a previously occupied planet? Or were they always angelic or incorporeal? Whatever the case may be, one thing is absolute; their involvement here on this planet, is major.

Therefore, to see them as a sideline, or as some unimportant or irrelevant eternality, is exactly what Satan intends. Satan mastered a deception against humans over ten millennia ago. One of the major goals of Satan and crew, is to use and abuse and exploit humans — human pride–ego–emotion is Satans psychological trinity — to perpetuate and/or exaggerate human stupidity and ignorance. This has been stunningly successful!

The entire (human created) world seen today, is one giant exhibition of: I Cannot Dig! (See Labor). Economics itself, is now a planetary Ponzi Scheme. Humans are desperately lazy creatures for sure. But to be fair, Human was originally created to be/live far different than we are today: Modernity is indeed, prophetically dystopian!

But with each generation of humans, most cannot learn from the past, and do not even study it or care about it, or see the connections with/to Satan and crew. Those of us who speak of these connections, or even reference Satan, are looked upon by the masses negatively.

Most humans are too caught up in the now; they literally live microscopically small lives, cocooned in the horrors of me–here–now and me–only–ism! Everything modern humans are captivated with today has no eternal meaning; hence the dystopia, and here in the Eschaton Era, a species–wide superficiality and meaninglessness.


Chapter 3! (Back)

Satan has been manipulating humans since the first humans, and has mastered the method. Satan and crew are methodical; patient; they spread their (proverbial) leaven over decades, and over generations, so that the alterations are too subtle for a being with under a century of lifespan, can/will detect. The human–created world is not just dystopian, it is also heavily destructive. Satan, via his trillion demon army, work tirelessly from generation to generation, making sure to create doubt in the Creation itself; all No–Creator origin paradigms.

Humans were designed for the (parabolic) garden of Eden paradigm. Eve was to be the centerpiece, and therefore, was the first target of Satan, because for one, the human female was clearly designed to be biologically capable of a queen like status.

The YHVH design makes this clear; they are the literal vessel of YHVH. And it is here, where the fear and weakness and insecurities of Satans male humans, exposes itself. The fearful seek after power positions and possessions; guns an big cars nowadays, with machismo preeminent among most males of all generations.

Older women do not like the fact that all human males are designed (or developed) to be sexually attracted to the younger female. It is not an age thing as much as it is a physical attraction thing. Some women keep themselves physically fit, into their menopausal transition, and thus are still sexually desirable. But most do not, and then become resentful when males no longer sexually desire them. Understood!

And the problem with males is that we need to be sexually aroused by that woman to get an erection; hence, this is why many women begin to dislike men; they label men as perverted or somehow sexually inappropriate for desiring younger women. And indeed, some men go too far when it comes to the age of a human female. It becomes unnatural for a man to seek a mate young enough to be his grand daughter; a 20 year age difference is enough for males over 40.

It is unnatural for any adult to be sexually attracted to children, as they either cannot reproduce, or they are psychologically unprepared for such an encounter or outcome; they must fully understand and consent for this eventuality. That is why marriage was insisted upon; to keep this all open, socioculturally and legally; no secrets. But this is also why any sexuality that cannot reproduce offspring, is looked upon as unnatural, and those with such tendencies must understand that.

Human females can mate with multiple males; they are primed for longer sessions of coitus, typically when males have already ejaculated. Males must achieve erections and have one good ejaculation a day (and fewer with age), whereas females only need to be present. And, they will have better orgasms and more pleasure with more male mates, and an increased likelihood of insemination when accounting for sperm competition and larger ejaculate loads when other males are known of to be competing therein.

It takes a village (indeed) to raise offspring, and when there is no "mine" or "yours" involved, there is far less stress. Human life would surely be much easier if women were the leaders; a matriarchy. Women would select men as lovers, and men would have to accept this course (the whole attraction thing), but the entire notions of monogamy and marriage would not exist in this matriarchal village scenario. Ideally, only the most attractive women would be leaders, and less attractive women would be their servants, and all men would be sexually available to the most attractive women.

This would work so much better than the patriarchy we have become and have been so powerfully shaped by; it is the content and context of the Abrahamic religions, but is that really a part of the design plans of YHVH? Or is some of it the inventions of jealous older or less empowered males?

What we must do therefore, is to learn of the natural order of things, for this is the only true evidence of the YHVH creation, versus the words of males, who came up in a strictly patriarchal world themselves. And, a world that was subject to violence, mostly from males.

But the carnal–primal are also Satan servants, and remember, Satan (then Lucifer) was fallen, exactly because Satan saw himself as, and thus wanted to be, Elohim: Summarily a god (Isa 14; Eze 28). This is where the concept and the word "god complex" originates from. Humans hunger for god–like power and that is rooted in/from the demons they are oppressed with. Gods make no mistakes; gods are never wrong; gods make no bad decisions; gods need not seek forgiveness or apologize or admit any wrongdoing; gods cannot do any wrong or ever be wrong!

Therefore, all demon oppressed males are gods among others; gods among women preeminently, but gods among all others, generally. The demon oppressed will always think and live and even act, superior. They exhibit one or more of these character traits; they are narcissistic, domineering, aggressive, king–like, possessive, self–assured, self–important, and in most every other way, self–superior.

But obviously, something major happened along the way; something that clearly altered the natural course of the human species, as per the design paradigm. How did we get to where we are today? And why does scriptural writings so oppose the natural order of things, shown to us by YHVH via the creation itself? Many have posited that all Abrahamic scripture was written over time, and thus altered by successive generations of only males; beta males according to the pseudoscience.

This is magnified further by the (newer) Quran itself, which is more suppressive of females when compared to the (older) Tanakh. Well, unless, and not ironically, the Quran is translated by a woman! And we know how territorial and possessive other primates are, so it is a carnal–primal, animal–like trait indeed. These so called beta males created fabrications along the away to imply monogamy in order to secure mates; to keep them from seeking other especially larger or stronger or more powerful males.

How many wars have been started by jealous men? How many with religious roots? Satan comes, using the bulk of the human species, to kill and to steal and to destroy (John 10:10). Those who live for peace and unity within the species, or at least try to, are infinitesimal by comparison. This may explain why the path to outer darkness is broad, and unto the YHVH Kingdoms it is narrow; Broadway versus Narrow Way (Matt 7). Hence, the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH!

In a world designed to be biologically gender procreative, the very notion of monogamy would not even exist or even be a mental concept. It makes far more sense to allow the females to be the village centerpiece (the queen bee as it were), who actually physically brings us the next generation, to make all decisions regarding who they mate with. If they are stifled, that can translate to offspring, and that is not healthy. And nether is monogamy, which creates an entire battlefield of its own; and often an embarrassingly childish one at that!

The question we must ask; the question that YHVH demands we ask, is this: What is the dichotomy between the created world itself, and the written words of men? Obviously, the (mostly) males who insist that the scriptures are literal, are playing on the same themes written by the beta males of the past. Note: I do not believe in the alpha wolf pseudoscience, but like many modern metaphors, scientific or not, they are employed (metaphorically) for the sake of a better understanding.

Monogamy serves several functions in the Humanist (the human–centered or human–made) world, where hoarding, greed and selfishness (and thus jealousy and vengeance), are the driving forces, and are thus served religiously. These greed–centered types, will want to hoard nested resources (wealth/power), and pass them on, only to their offspring; knowing that those offspring are actually of their seed becomes paramount for such greed–centered powermongers. Conversely, we as the Elect of YHVH, religiously follow the precepts of John Seventeen.

But for the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH, we do not follow the natural order; the carnal–primal part of us have been heavily redacted from our minds (though not completely removed). We look at all scripture through the eyes of Love rooted in YHVH; Love that was/is witnessed upon the Messianic Cross. Once we see that this life is not even about this life, all that happens here, in the biological and because of the biological, becomes dim in the Illumination of Ruach HaKodesh.

To clarify right now, I am a human male that has been monogamous all my life; converse to all the females I was in the course of spending my entire Earth life with, centered in a faithful, Love centered, Messianic life. None of them was interested in such an arraignment; they walked away from this beta male, who does and will Love them forever. They knew this, but were clearly not interested in eternal unconditional Love, in a monogamous setting. But to be clear, I am not tall or rich or powerful. They had to abandon me as a devoted monogamous male (christianized at the time), to mate with other males: That happened! That is now a part of history.

In a male created world, power was determined first by physical prowess alone, but needfully changed to be economic in nature, once economics became a powerful force. And that force, created by Satan and crew, was to force the temporal onto the eternal; to create an ever growing list of things that keep the YHVH breathed species, focused on the here and now, all the time. Did Satan exploit males to do this? Obviously! But then, Satan exploits all humans equally, but has more success with males because Satan (and crew) uses primarily pride and ego and emotions to manipulate humans.

As a result of this, YHVH had to come onto Earth, in human form, to expose the realities of this life, but had to come in the form of a human male, not for any other major reason, other than for the formulation formerly created by the Satan–led masses, who were/are male–centered. It would not have been acceptable for a female to be sacrificed for the sake of males.

And yet, it is female humans that suffer the most from a Satan led and thus male driven Earth life. They have been the victims of sacrifices themselves, far more than males have; witch–hunts are just one example. This in turn, also explains why Satans religionist males are still at it; here in the Eschaton Era, they seek to repress history, so to hide these shameful realities, not only from themselves but from future progeny. This is so they can manufacture a past that repaints them as the good guys.

Messiah Yeshua could not extricate the humans He was around, from the sum of their Enculturation; not that quickly. But at the same time, He was pointing the species away from the temporal and onto or toward the eternal. The only way this was going to be possible, was for YHVH to do it in Person: Messiah Yeshua! First was to be the sacrificial lamb; an idea (itself) that was already present in the culture that humans formulated over ions. YHVH had to work within those very narrow enculturation formulated paradigms. YHVH did not create them; YHVH worked within them.

Messiah Yeshua worked within the paradigms of humans enculturation, but at the same time, was leading them away from it all. Look at monogamy itself; this was obviously not the original intent, based upon our observation of the Creators creation itself.

We were/are instructed to study to show ourselves approved by YHVH; in that study, our daily focus should be on only two things; the creation of YHVH, which is the natural biological world, alongside all the words inspired by YHVH, Scripture, canon or not, as well as others that have a Messianic shine upon them.

We who are called — the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH — we care less about the human created world, now centered only on Economics, Politics, and Religion: These are measurably Satans productions: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! These are Satans very successful distractions to keep Satans people, as far from the Messianic Cross, as Satan can manage.


Humanist metaphors are how we Messianic disciples, commissioned as an Oracle of YHVH, attempt to explain the attributes of YHVH to simpletons. Such examples are all over the scripture writings of our fellow disciples and/or oracles. We will say that YHVH is jealous or angry, when in fact, YHVH has no such capabilities, for these are the limitations of the mammalian (human) brain. We fully understand that YHVH is incorporeal, and cannot be corporeal, unless YHVH takes on human flesh as we currently have. Such an Individual existed, and we call Him Messiah Yeshua.

Genesis And The Goldilocks Zone! (Back)

What the Genesis parable of good and evil teach us, among many other things, is how humans are the products of Satan (as) the god of this worlds human species. YHVH created all things; all of physics, as we humans now understand, was/is the creation of The Supreme Creator, YHVH!

I will use modern metaphors and words, just like my 1st century Spiritual brothers did of/in their time/culture. Earth is one planet among countless quintillions in the sum cosmos. Earth is what we can call a Class M planet, meaning it has liquid water, breathable air, and revolves around its star at just the right position within the sweet spot or Goldilocks Zone.

The "faith" that the sum of the entire cosmos, is itself some celestial accident, and with advanced life forms, only on Class M planets, with the only entities capable of even recognizing all of this; now that is true faith! Still, I prefer to think of the "M" as meaning matured: being livable, sustainable and comfortable; not too cold or too hot; having orbital stability and consistency. The chemistry can vary, as life–forms are just the byproducts of them anyway.

What other biosphere in the cosmos could support life like humans? None that we know of, and yet, I am sure there are plenty of Earth–like planets out there. I doubt there are any exactly like Earth; in other words, ones that humans could simply move onto, like portrayed in some outer space science fiction. There are too many variables for that to be the case. E.g. Without the moon, humans would not exist.

So the formula for such stability is unique and very specialized. There is no 24/7/365 calendar, anywhere else in the cosmos; no Sabbath. Even Earth itself was not always 24 hour days. But this may also explain why corporeal life can only be a byproduct of the conditions of their host planet. But what about a Spiritual body? Stay tuned! (Hint: Will we by like the Nephilim?)

And while YHVH created all things, there appears to be some randomness built into how all things unfolded. The human body is great; it is the only one we humans have experienced (or have memories of at least), and so we will prefer our bodies to that of, say, an alligator. But an alligator and snakes and other reptiles, do not choke to death on the smallest of things; they can eat or swallow massive things compared to their body size.

So, if there was design intent for all physical bodies, one would assume there would be fail–safe designs in place to prevent gagging to literal death on spit! Or diseases! Or potentially deadly child birth! But alas, there is not. So what exactly is going on here?

The very physical creation of YHVH itself, teaches us something; that at least, the theory of evolution has some truth to it; ecological adaptation at minimum. But none of this implies that one genus morphed into another over time; however, what we see does imply that there was intent to let things adapt and change on their own, without on–the–spot intervention.

That is (in part) why I believe in adaptation but not cross–species evolution. We were never fish! But I do understand the premise. Now, since most humans are very primate like (in some ways indistinguishable), that level of adaptation is surely a possibility. Did we emerge from a more animal like hominid? Are ever changing planets traveling in an unpredictable universe the reason for such a corporeal design paradigm?

So in one sense, the god of this world — the world being the human species — Satan has much to do with our development over time. Satan was there at the Genesis; at what point in time, is still a subject of speculation, but the message behind it is monumental for us.

Those who lack an independent mind — which is almost anyone who is not Spiritually transformed from mere bipedal hominids and into Soul filled humane humans — will not be able to comprehend any of this, which is why, on one extreme end, there are Atheists who conclude we are just here by random chance, and on the opposite extreme end, are the biblical literalists who see Genesis as verbatim scientific history. Truth is found somewhere in the middle of all this: And it is huge!

But the portions of Genesis that were/are parable and metaphor, must be taken in that context, alongside content! We know that (again, metaphorically) Satan manipulated a female in the Garden of Eden; the snake metaphor was to give Satan physicality, but more importantly, to give a specific type of physicality.

Satan was not represented as a goat or dog or a rabbit, but a snake or a scorpion; reptiles; a predator able to poison, to await a suffering death, and then consume its prey–victim. Animals are not evil nor malevolent; only the inhumane humans are capable of that, and thus they are referred to as inhuman. And that is (in part) because of Satans ability to manipulate humans via human pride–ego–emotion.

The Garden of Eden was the setting, and not the City of Adam; there is much to unfold in that part of this! Remember always that volition and (human) free will, is a mandatory part of this entire Earth experiment; that YHVH does not and will not, interfere in any way, and praying for it to be so, will not make it so.

At some point in the course of all of this, YHVH (metaphorically) let go of the bowling ball, allowing physics to determine its path, but knowing were it all ends, because YHVH is the Creator of time as well, and therefore, not a subject to it, nor confined by it. Predestination and foreknowledge are among its fruits.

YHVH has already been through time to watch/record this (human) species, do all that we did and will do: Prophesy; predestination; foreknowledge! Knowing what path the human experiment would run, as its course, YHVH ran along the proverbial lane to give us hints of what/how/why; hints of what the bowling ball would do, what it did do, what it will do, and what it could do; all metaphorically of course.

That is why the Elect of YHVH will not pray for a better Earth life; it is not even why we are here: This Life Is Not Even About This Life! We pray for the will of YHVH to be done on Earth as it is in (the HQ of the Kingdom of) Heaven. The actual Kingdoms of YHVH are all the planets in the sum of the cosmos. The incorporeal realm is vast beyond measure, but until we are freed from the confines of corporeality, we cannot and will not know.

Part of the Earth experiment was/is to watch and record, what human individuals would do (or not do) with the randomness of what is experienced. In the realm of the Kingdom of YHVH, will they abuse the scriptures and prayer and religion to better themselves on Earth? Or will they offer themselves willingly and even desirously to be the corporeal vessels of YHVH on Earth? The YHVH light bulb as it were! To BE the city lights on the hill! To BE the Gospels!

As all scripture reveals, most humans, it seems, are still little more than animals, acting and living as such. Living only for the me–here–now, most do not see what they truly are; why they are. It is the duty, the calling, and the honor, to be that proverbial light on the hill for YHVH; to be a willing vessel so that the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit can fill us to overflowing.

But for any that to happen, we must first be emptied of Earth dirt; indeed, even then, the proverbial clay pot must be destroyed utterly, and the entire thing burned into ashes; we must die to be born again anew! Only then can the Potter breech strict intervention protocols, and intervene in the corporeal course (again, all metaphorically). Even then, it is a still–small voice; a gentle breeze upon the natural course of the proverbial bowling ball that is our individual course in this very short and temporal life.

Messiah Yeshua said that He was the light of the world, and that His disciples would continue that light through spacetime (Matt 5; John 8 & 9). And what did Yeshua do to be that light? What did He shine? Love! Not temporal human emotions, Spiritual eternal immutable sacrificial Love! The Messianic Cross was the grand finale! And we too, take up our crosses daily, and follow Him. Or not! Free will! Volition!

Yeshua never begged for followers, and in fact, gave us warnings of who to avoid, and why. The leaven of the Pharisees (religion); the leaven of Herod (politics); the root of all evil which is money (economics). Those who have a pride wall up, we learn of it and are instructed to brush that metaphorical dirt from our shoes and move along. We cannot break them from the bondage's of Satan; they have to want the Messianic light volitionally, and they have to seriously want it; to surrender all for it.

Satans power drunk humans will face their fate, independent of us getting involved in any way, into their sin–evil productions in this life. Our Kingdom is not of this world! (Matt 2; Mark 8; John 8)

Remember, YHVH has already seen this (proverbial) movie; YHVH already knows who will come to live under the Messianic Cross, volitionally and desirously, and who will not. We Messianic disciples do not know any of this! One thief on the cross truly repented; truly believed; truly wanted to be a part of the (Messianic) Kingdom. Messiah Yeshua knew this intrinsically, and we know what He said to that thief (Luke 23). That condemned thief made it in his last hours of life. We humans just do not know who will succumb unto the Messianic Cross, or when or why. Our light duty therefore, is simply to be Love (unto all equally and always), and let YHVH be Elohim, who will sort it on Judgment Day.


Satans Us–Against–Themism! (Back)

Us–against–themism permeates all things created and maintained by Satan and crew. The Messianic Cross, expressed in The Lord's Prayer (John Seventeen), was all about the reunification of the human species; Satan is the opposite. The World is one giant exhibition of competitivism, adversarialism, territorialism, and any other form of division. Remember always: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!

Humans came out of a world, which was designed to randomly form into (relatively) what it was, and now is. Thus, we know Earth life, in part at least, is all about competition for resources, especially when those resources were over–consumed by a particular species. It was for this reason that predators formed; they acted as a counter–balance to herb–eating species, so they could not overwhelm an ecosystem or biome.

But the hope for YHVH was (and is) that within the perfection of corporeal Creation, predation and the other dangers of living on a finite planet, will be overcome by YHVH Love and its subsequent wisdom:

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the House of Elohim shall be established at the top of all the mountains, and shall be exalted above all the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say: Come, and let us go up to the mountain of YHVH, to the house of the Elohim of Jacob, and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths! For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of YHVH from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore! (Isa 2:2–4)

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the lamb; and the calf and the young lion and the fattened cows together; and a little child shall lead them! The cow and the bear shall feed together; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand in a snakes den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for Earth shall be full of the knowledge of YHVH, as the waters cover the sea! (Isa 11:6–9)

Understanding all of this from the context of the rest of Isaiah, it is clear that the end–goal is peace that passes all understanding; it is a true definition of the word peace. It is a peace that most humans still cannot even fathom in an imaginary way, much less can they be Love!

And yet, that is the very point of this test; this Earth experiment. Set loose a group of soul–endowed beings, with the superpower of volition and free will, and allow the experiment to run its course unimpeded, and see what comes out the other end.

The vast majority of the human species, will live and die, as little more than the animals they/we are. They will never transcend the animal self; the predation; the competitivism; the territorialism; in summary, the many forms of us–against–themism!

For humans, territorialism is expressed in landlordism, in patriotism and nationalism, in stand–your–ground laws, in politics, in map lines, in nation–building, in colonialism, in business and economics, and so on. All patriotism is the celebration of domination! It all comes out of the core, which is Satan (god). Individualism and meism, times billions, was the expectation of the Eschaton Era: I got mine, screw you! That is the theme song of the end times.

Along with the kings and politicians, the COP Cultists are also a part of Satans puppet show; indeed, they are more so, because they make a claim to the Cross. Their theological convolution, assumes this is referring to their Jesus avatar, as the little child as leader.

But this is referring to the inherent safety of the many Kingdoms of YHVH, via other planets throughout the cosmos, wherein there will be no dangers like what we humans experienced on Satans Earth. Many people had lost children to predation or (bite) poisoning. Parents lived in constant fear and thus a readiness to protect them. Big cats would ram human mothers carrying infants to dislodge then and run off with them.

This was explaining and teaching that in a completely different world; one that is YHVH centered and not Satan centered; one that is so pure and free of evil that even a child could go about in complete safety; that even a child could lead the animals all around them; that there would be no fear of them any longer, because predation would not exist. It will be worlds where all animals will be analogous to a bunch of good Earth dogs; only, every animal will be gentle plant eaters.

Now of course, Messiah Yeshua was surely teaching that a peace that passes the understanding of the bulk of the human species, would define and guide those on Narrow Way; the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH. But those out of the Abrahamic religions, show little signs of being the future resurrected Saints of YHVH. Therefore, all christianized interpretations should be taken with a grain of salt. Collectively, they show themselves just as abusive as any Atheist.

The bulk of the human species are gullible; few would admit being so and yet, their entire lives and lifestyles are an open witness testament to that fact. This is where all mental despair is rooted. This blind followship is driven by the monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drones of Satan and crew: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!

On all fronts, Satan, as the consummate puppet master of the human masses, he has mastered controlling the trinity of the human condition, pride–ego–emotion, to manipulate humans to do all that Satan drives them to be and to do. The World itself is the fruit! And now, here in the Eschaton Era, the planet of YHVH (Earth) is feeling the pressure.

The puppets that Satan a crew manipulate most, express this puppetry through machismo; this is mostly (but not exclusively) human males, and of all hum,ans males, it is not ironic that it is the most devout of religious men: predominantly Muslims and Christians. This is not coincidental. They hunger–lust for power always; they are haunted always; they are fearful always! The outward manifestations of this peaceless state, is seen in violence; in loudness; in aggression; in destructiveness; in acting out in public via an assortment of attention–seeking behaviors.

The overwhelming evidence of all of this, is Enculturation; or more accurately, a blind enculturation, which is just a scientific way of looking at Spiritual blindness, which is the followship of current generations, blindly (indeed desperately) clinging to the movements of past generations; monkey–see–monkey–do. The complete absence of any level of self–awareness, is downright frightening to anyone who has even a modicum of self–awareness.

The Monetizers marketing of material things is one piece of Satans Economics aspect of it. Humans that exist in a state of Spiritual blindness (the bulk of the human species), can only see/do, what they are handed by former generations, and those former generations were impacted by the same demons that impact every successive generation.

There are few other things humans do to prove this fact, than to cling to things they inherited from those former generations, and gullibility is central to this success of Satan and his trillion demon army of manipulators. The physical realm of Earth that have been impacted by Satans human masses, bears witness to all of this. The Car Cult; the Gun Cult; the entire money economy; all meaningless consumerism like the Travel Industry; all of these things (and more) is the physical evidence of rampant peacelessness! Satan is the god of discontent, as well as the god of the discontented.

We were originally designed by YHVH in what we know of, as the garden of Eden paradigm; that was (and still is) the model for how and why we humans exist on Earth. We were originally created to be naked and unashamed of being human; like animals, or us as children, only with a far greater capacity, provided to us by the breath of Life: An eternal Soul that gives us a higher consciousness than just Sapience! Amen, I say unto you; except you are transformed, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven..

It was not an exposure to the prospects of evil that turned us humans; that potential was there all along. All Satan did was play on our pride–ego–emotion, to bring guilt–shame–condemnation into play. The Genesis parable of the Creation helps us to understand the relationship of Earth, its humans, and the animal and plant kingdom, and of course, the god of this worlds humans, Satan & crew! Satan was obviously given much power here, to have completely altered the original plan of YHVH.

Among his triune production, Satan uses religion to manipulate behind the scenes; well, for most of human history anyway. Religion became openly flaunted by humans, right alongside politics. Satan, who was seeking to be god even over YHVH, was because of it, cast onto Earth, where Satan & crew immediately got to work. The hook for god like power would be humans; at least, the bulk of the human species.

The Tanakh tells the tales of how that went, back in the beginnings when humans started to keep records. Some of the Tanakh was scarred by Satan as well; the 1 who inspired much of its letters, provided the answer to the conundrum that was/is the human condition.

Inside the human condition, there is no logic to most of what humans do; if they were forced to provide tangible and reasonable proof as to why they do, most of what they do, there would be only excuses and self-justifications. This is the main cause of cognitive dissonance, which comes from the guilt–shame–condemnation they experience always. Humans squander their life on Earth, and thus Earth itself, in a meaningless materialistic runaround, trying to catch up with a fleeing self. Power hunger is how the human masses copy their god Satan.

But the answer to it all, is living and being under the Messianic Cross. However, that requires something special and very rare on Earth; that requires true humility: The YHVH Kingdom requires it! The entire Earth experiment centers around challenges that will either humble us, or force us to dig deeper into the world created by Satan.

Those challenges are all earthly in nature; they all play out in Satans trinity. The Simple life is one major the fruit evidence of something profound changing inside an individual; Love is at the core of the few, the humbled, the redeemed! Pride is anti–humility; the prideful hate the humble.

This human experiment is eventually going to make Earth uninhabitable. The Eschaton Era (the 21st century) was seen by ancient oracles, who could not imagine the imagery they were witness to, and thus, could not accurately describe it in Revelatory words. But the Elect of YHVH has the great Decoder within us; Ruach HaKodesh! And modern day oracles see even more still.

The beauty of the Cross, included in the proverbial download of/with the Indwelling Holy Spirit, is the Messianic mind; it is the Love seen upon the Messianic Cross. Humans have the potential to become the sum and totality of Love–wisdom–humility! But we must die on our own cross first; we must surrender our human nature over to become Messianic in nature.

But there is an eternal reason for this. In order for our eternal Soul to occupy a body that will not age and cannot die, and that can survive outer space itself, we must prove worthy of such a position. Of course, the religions of Satan teach all kinds of techniques to get there, but there is only one way to get there, and religion is far from it. People actually like to be under the lordship of Satan, for he likes to tickle them and masturbate them via their pride–ego–emotion, to ultimately serve Satans trinity agendas.

There is no Romans Road, as the COP Cultists imply; there is only Narrow Way (for the few), and the massive Superhighway called Broadway, for the bulk of the accountable adult human species. Broadway is a bodiless trek into Darkness; the farthest reaches of dead, cold, lifeless outer space, far far away from any stars or light; pure blackness; Sheol! The hellishness of that reality, will not be rooted in anything created by YHVH; the hellishness of outer darkness, will be the unending memories of being you!

Our Garden of Eden life was all about tending a garden Earth. We were designed to Labor with our hands in the natural world; we were designed to have sex daily and often; we were designed to live simple lifestyles, peacefully with one another in unity; to treat earth like our mother. But Satan had other plans! The trinity of the human condition was exploited and extorted for the trinity of the Earth. Almost all sin and all evil, comes out of these three. Economics is a faith in money as the solution to all things; Mammon and capitalism is ever and always the savior in this scenario.

Like the plant that squeezes through a crack in the Asphalt, the natural world has to fight hard against Satans unnatural human infestation. Since the Elect of YHVH are the only Earth humans not in Satans pocket, and we are never above a half percent of the human population at anytime, that means that the bulk of the accountable adult human race, are the mind, hands and feet of Satan, along with Satans trillion demon army. Consequently, Earth belongs to its god, Satan, and thus it is obviously driven by the Satanic masses.

Satans people will fight YHVH and show their passionate hatred and rage within, for YHVH and all of life, by trashing this YHVH owned planet to its extinction if they can. They actually think of it as their own that they can abuse at will. The most heinous of all Satans people, are the religious, but this is because they mock YHVH by pretending to care with their words, and with their religious participation, while they live lifestyles that are clearly anti-Messianic.


Things like nationalism and/or patriotism is itself, a pride in/of pride; an open dedication unto any of Satans programs, is that fruit on the tree unto all with Spiritual eyes to see. All Messianic disciples know full well that Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof; therefore, we do not even think we own any part of it.

As Messianic disciples, we know that where we were born was random; being born on one continent or another has no relevancy in the YHVH Kingdom, and in fact, it only exposes the root of the humans who think where they are has any higher meaning at all. And even though the Earth is the Lords, humans do like to participate in the predilection of dividing Earth up into pieces, and then pretending they own or control those pieces; this represents the base–level mammalian territorialism of the carnal–primal monkeys.

The rage of Satans masses comes through like a roaring river, in every screen viewed (TV, PC, phone, etc.): People get so enamored at their own lives, they cannot (and thus will not) see how they impact others. Most humans have made it clear, in this life, that they have no intention of living on this, or any planet, the way it was designed by The Designer, YHVH.

Obviously, they cannot be given another (eternally enduring) physical body and allowed onto any other planet, within the YHVH Kingdom network, no matter how many times they went to church or praised Jesus or made a profession of (any) faith product. They would only be a terror to other worlds, reflected and proven in their indifference toward this one. Religion proves nothing; Messiah exposed that for and to humanity, with the economically and politically empowered Pharisees of His time/culture. They were devout and dead!

Emotions cannot and do not trigger long term changes in a persons (temporal or eternal) consciousness. Emotions can embed experiences in long term memory, but that is the extent of it; there is no Spiritual context or component to emotions, as they are fleeting and limited to the brain, and thus fixed to the flesh/body. This is why music is considered Spiritual, and this will seem true if one has never had an actual Spiritual experience.

This explains the success of religion productions such as Satans Pentecostal brand of Christendom; it is fully dependent upon (often aggressive) emotional masturbation. Indeed, all stages, political, religious or otherwise, are all an expression of stage hunger; a real need for those who seek the praises of men. Those who seek the attentions of others, is an outward display of an inward vacuity; a Spiritual vacuity. My Master, Messiah Yeshua, said of the Pharisees (though it was explicitly as a character trait):

Take heed that you do not your alms before men, to be seen of them, otherwise you have no reward of your Father, which is in Heaven. Therefore, when you do your alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Amen, I say unto you: They have their reward! But when you do alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does, that your alms may be in secret, and your Father which sees in secret, Himself shall reward you openly.

That open reward is genuine humility itself; not staged or faked, but a Spiritual humility, and the benefits of that is enormous. But only those with Spiritual eyes/ears will even notice it. The Spiritually bankrupt (masses), hunger for the attention and/or the approval of other humans; all life on Earth is a magnification of that reality. Conversely, the Elect of YHVH care only what YHVH thinks, for YHVH is our only audience!

If I were a believer in reincarnation (and I currently am not), I would think I am the reincarnation of Saint Augustine; sometimes! But then at other times I see the reasoning of Kierkegaard and other philosophers. But any continuity experienced is of/from the workings of the Indwelling Holy Spirit that created the similarities of/in theological construction. What was exposed to me, long before I read their works, makes it seem as though I had read them comprehensively before.

Circa 329 AD, Augustine was not (that I could find anyway) a self proclaimed Messianic disciple, though he was a monk like myself. Still, one can see the influences on him, which are remarkably similar to those influences on me, here in the 20th and 21st centuries. I believe with evidence that the Holy Spirit in the world, as well as the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), serves to move the minds of humans on both ends of the spectrum.

The Holy Spirit in the world, works through guilt and shame and condemnation, to drive humans away from the god of self, and away from the world that Satan is the god of, and will do so faithfully and steadily, with the hope goal of moving them toward the Messianic Cross. Once an individual has died to this life and to this world and to the self, YHVH can take that pile of ashes and recreate a new vessel, meat for the Masters use.

The One World Governing Messiah! (Back)

The only way to tame the beast that is the human species, is to eliminate all their power machines and structures and paradigms. Satan uses humans to rage in abhorrence against their Creator; Satan abhors YHVH and seeks always to use humans to express that rage; that hatred; that abhorrence.

Satan was foiled upon the Messianic Cross, and now cannot do anything else but rage against YHVH. Messiah Yeshua said that Satan comes but only to kill, to steal, and to destroy. And Satan (being incorporeal) can only do that via humans, because Satan has never and can never, so much as move a leaf.

The current bickering going on in the world of carnal–primal men, is territorialism (nationalism; patriotism; etc.), which is an exhibition of that primal carnality. Power hunger is Satan centered. Most humans are (proverbially) only one rung on the ladder above the other primates; gorillas, orangutans, chimps, and so on. These kind are referred to, by the Elect of YHVH, as inhuman; they are biologically human, but they harbor no higher abilities than other Earth primates. Conversely, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are many rungs above primates.

The inhuman cannot Love, nor do they even understand the concept. As the monkey–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drone, human primate masses, they can learn to imitate such traits, but they remain inhumane always; Loveless always. The more extreme acts of the inhumane are scientifically classified as sociopath or psychopath by the mind sciences, but almost all humans are inhumane on some level.

Knowing what we know today, anyone who continues to buy and/or burn fossil fuels, demonstrate their indifference to all Earth life. The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference! In that state, one of two things will occur; repentance or self-justification. The Car Cult says it all!

In that perpetual Loveless state, they can only be (primal) primates, only, with a verbal language and much more powerful weaponry. The fearful and cowardly always require weapons! Consequently, they represent, not only the most dangerous and evil beings on Earth (forever), they represent the most evil corporeal beings, in the sum of the cosmos, on any currently occupiable planets.

But all this is due to the uniqueness of this short Earth/human experiment: Satan! As the god of this world and its human species, Satan and his trillion demon army of incorporeal beings, can only use humans, to do all the sin–evil they do on Earth.

Broadway is (accommodatingly) wide, and Narrow Way is made difficult, because this Earth experiment was/is designed to allow volition and randomness to play itself out, with the extra force of Satan and crew, allowed to add an extra element to the equation, increasing the difficulty. But doing so is vital! We are being tested, because YHVH has a much greater plan for the infinitesimally few accountable adult humans who pass the test. There are slots to fill on the YHVH Angel crew! Several hundred billion planets will become inhabitable over the coming hundreds of billions of years, and they will all need "staffed!"

Earth was a sacrifice; it was/is not the first sacrificial planet to be decimated by its soul–endowed species. Remember, YHVH is eternal! Earth is only one planet among an uncountable number of them, and over ions of time past and future. All the Angels of YHVH and all the demons of Satan, came from some planet/s in the past. We do not know where or when or why; all that is likely on a need–to–know bases. If this Oracle was given that knowledge, it would be for a reason that I do not know of at this time.

All wisdom allotted any human by YHVH, is on a need--to--know basis, and there are many reasons for that; arrogance is one main reason, but also the power the knowledge itself gives. But there is a smart reason why the COP Cultist theology makers, came up with much of their interpretation products; it is in these products that we must look for the leaven therein. If any conclusion ends with them being the benefactor, beware! The need for revelation to come to some justified end, stems from their need to contain the words of life, so they can edit and cut the portions that expose their true motives, making them say only what they want.

Oh The Arrogance Of Human Ignorance! (Back)

What we, as the Elect of YHVH, do know, is that our purpose for existence, is not to be a lone advanced species on one planet, in a cosmos of multiple quintillions other planets, existing only to procreate, then eventually die off as a species, never to be remembered or even known of, forever. To think that we are the only species in a septillion miles in range, in any direction, is a rather arrogant ideal of self–importance; it is the god complex at maxim. Sapience herein means, not just being self aware, nor just the higher awareness of life and death, but also an awareness of being on one planet in a Cosmos of countless other planets.

If it were even possible for humans to continue on Earth for another ten thousand generations, and "advancing" as witnessed thus far, the species would still not know one percent of one percent of one percent, of all there is to know, of just about our one corporeal galaxy. The incorporeal realm dwarfs the corporeal realm, and at an unimaginable scale.

This is why the Creator free idea of evolution is so arrogant and simpleton. Now, I understand why humans seek out any other explanation for our presence, that eliminates or excludes the other simpletons; those of the religions. But one must understand that Satan is the god of this world, and Satan and crew uses humans exclusively to do all things on Earth. Humans are the hands and feet of Satan. Satan uses humans pride and ego, via their emotions, to initiate all outward actions. Those actions that Satan uses for exploitation: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!

The last in the list is religion; the god of all human religions is Satan, who uses whatever title the humans of that religion brand give to it. And god is the most common word, then translated into various human languages. YHVH, Creator of the universe and all that is in it, and beyond it, decided to use a few of those religions to expose Self, knowing that Satan would work to distort them.

This intentional level of difficulty was overcome by YHVH in the flesh — the Human form of the incorporeal Creator — by providing a direct path unto YHVH, via (who came to be known of as) Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit. This is how YHVH shields some humans from the impacts of Satan in this Earth experiment. And it is these people that YHVH is seeking to weed out of the sum of our species. The concept of One World is the Messianic Cross, best illuminated in the Lord's Prayer, which is all of John Seventeen.

The problems with literalism in scripture, is this; what can be seen in the words themselves, is not well understood, and what words are there, it is what is in between the lines, which can only be seen with Spiritual eyes/ears; via the Elect of YHVH. This content and context, cannot be seen at all by the world. When comprehending the events of the Eschaton, the literalists can only see the exact words written, and that is only what was published, and then out of all that, what survived into the 21st century.

But the Eschaton is a special time of unnatural destruction in general; it will be a mass destruction of the natural world, primarily. Humans and animals will suffer and die from it; at first, mass animal mortality events will become common; humans will follow. Such mass destruction is not listed out in such details in scripture, but a deeper understanding of the much larger picture, is necessary to understand the literal words themselves. Messiah Yeshua made it clear that if we cannot comprehend parables and metaphors, we cannot and will not understand any scripture.

What will mark the Eschaton Era, will be, as it is written, earthquakes all over the place, and perhaps even in places never before recorded to have happened; it is a planetary disturbance. But the source of that is not YHVH; it will be Satan and his billions of earthly hands, which is the bulk of humanity, imposing their will upon Earth. Part of that will be a strong delusion; a widespread denial of what is in front of us all, such as planetary climate change, pandemics, ecocide, and so on: the Anthropocene. That is among the many signs.

The human species was nearly exterminated by flood the first time, and we know that it will be by fire or heat the next and last time: First By Flood Then By Fire! (2Pe 3; Isa 24). This is now happening; a slow motion devastation, which we know of as human–induced climate change. As the masses of Satan devotees and mammon servants, continue to promote the themes of destruction, via the industrialization of Earth, this devastation will accelerate exponentially to a breaking point, and then (literally and figuratively) all hell will break loose. By that time it will be irreversible.


Money economics has morphed into a standardization of the sedentary lifestyle. The human calories that were once and always burned to create all things, was replaced with fossil fuels and machinery; these anti–natural events sparked the beginning of the end of Earth and all life dependent upon it. Earth itself will always be a planet; humans can only (and are, and will) fundamentally render it uninhabitable for mostly large mammals like humans.

This was seen; prophecy! One of the reasons why Messiah Yeshua said that one cannot serve YHVH and mammon, or in summary the money economy, was/is due to the prophetic nature of YHVH in the flesh, who saw the future events by going forward in time to see it all unfold. Satan (via demon–led humans) created his earthly trinity: Economics; Politics; Religion! Evil is only human in nature; the only evil in the physical realm on Earth (and elsewhere in the cosmos), is Satan incorporeal and his incorporeal demon hoards, estimated at a trillion (+/–) in number.

Satan And The Demonic Rush! (Back)

The demon–driven, influenced, oppressed; all these people are very much like their true master, Satan the devil (John 8:42–44). Demons enter and can reenter willing (human) Souls, by the signals of hate, or bigotry, or fear, or anything that will drive a human emotionally, to be and do evil things; to self, others, and especially to Earth. Situationally, demons will flood an individual, pushing that person over lines of restraint. And while it does not present itself like this fictional; image, it does present itself in actions like rushes of anger and violence.

The demon rush is a flooding of demons; it takes place whenever humans become prideful, or power hungry, or tempted. It is a sad and a bit terrifying to be eyewitness to. Once there is one demon within a person, they can hold the proverbial door open, so that whenever their human is about to commit another act of sin–evil, or they experience the powerful temptation to do so, the hoards of other demons can/will share in the experience, and I guess any number of demons can do this since there is no spacial limitations.

Hypothetically, an individual who has one or two demons perpetually, can suddenly have a million in a microsecond: the demon rush! For just one example, we see this with the anticipation of any act of violence by the militarized (e.g. police). We also witness this with the pride–conquered; whenever there is a display of Satan–led pride, such as when a group chants their national anthem. YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride! Every outward display of pride is Satanism on display!

Patriotism (or nationalism) is of course, a pride in place (or locale); the nation–state they were randomly born into, or immigrated into. But it centers on the mistaken belief that humans own or control any part of this planet of YHVH (that alone is sinister); from there, it is the best nation–state, exactly because they are there; pride of/in self (also sinister)!

But it is Satans Economics that have made the West, the best! It is the USD monetary exploitation of Earth as the cause, and indeed, the god of this world is printed right on its money; the god of mammon is what is trusted! Satans people who came to the Americans from Europe, were profoundly evil beings; all they did here was catastrophically evil and genocidal.

Anyone even near unto the Messianic Cross, find all this to be dishonorable; horrifying; Satanic! They were a blend of escaping criminals, those who rejected powerful organized religions, but mostly capitalists, who hunger–lusted to convert the natural world into monetary units to enrich and empower themselves.

The Satanic hunger for lordship; they seek to be the lords, the leaders, the bosses, the one in charge; the one at the center of attention; the one that everyone else must go to. Sound familiar? They have developed a god complex, and it was this very thing, which was the downfall of Satan, for he wanted to be as Messiah Yeshua was, and is, and forever shall be: The Lord! The King!

We will never know, at least during the earth experiment, how creative humans could have become in the absence of fossil fuels. And while we can point to the supposed advances they provided, obviously they are not the only path our species could have taken. In fact, the notion of the multiverse (something I do not personally ascribe to), posits that the numbers of different directions a species may take on a planet, borders on infinity, but easily billions of different paths. I agree with that aspect of the multiverse mind fart!

This one (unique and peculiar) path, was seen (prophesied about), by YHVH who is the Creator of spacetime and matter, and not subjected to it. Hints of the ideal way for humans to have lived on Earth, was presented to us via the garden of Eden paradigm. That original design was poisoned and infected by the interjection of Satan and his trillion demon army. Once they learned how to pierce that thin barrier between YHVH and humanity, everything went downhill from there, accelerating into the Eschaton Era; our timeline.

Every human to have ever lived (or will), will have been visited by dozens if not hundreds of demons in their lifetime. The only certain shield against that is the Indwelling Holy Spirit: All demons greatly fear the Holy Spirit! When demons like what they experience in/near most humans, they decide to possess them so they can experience their evilness always, and even work to influence them to increase their darkness. If they die while doing evil, the demons move onto another person.

Satans Hate Conquered State! (Back)

Hate is an emotion, that is for sure, but it is more sinister than that alone. It might seem simple to just tag it as such, but there is far more going on than only some random synapses firing off here. All life has that happening all the time; tagging specific behaviors with a word does not in any way, negate the presence of another force at work. Just because we can measure things (e.g: an EEG/fMRI) and watch it on a screen, does not magically render the incorporeal realm, non–existent. I am scientific but not to the point of being rendered narrow–minded by it.

This life is a test–experiment, intended to do just what it is doing; bringing into existence, (now–advanced) corporeal beings with minds that can fathom the Cosmos and spacetime and matter and complexity, and yet, still possess the superpower of volition and free will. Satans religionists like to promote the idea that god can counter Natural law, and indeed YHVH could certainly do that, but does not, as we witness all the time. Life seems unfair and it is! But the idea that a supernatural being can change the course of time for us, is enticing and thus profitable; religion itself is the proof of that!

This life is about humans having the opportunity to transcend their carnal–primal origin state, and to become beings capable of the eternal positions that YHVH created us for to begin with. The reason why the experiment has to be random and practically uninterrupted by YHVH, is so that it is not tainted by outside forces that would unfairly shift it in the direction of Love. And it is Love that is the purpose of this life altogether (Gal 5).

The forces allowed to push against us, had to be more than merely surviving Earth; we humans all but mastered Earth; the challenges of that was eventually mitigated. There had to be something that pushed us to the Messianic Cross, or, further away from it: The Job Effect! Satan and his trillion demon entourage!

The few who volition to follow YHVH, no matter the life–circumstances faced in the here–and–now, is that proof of worthiness to be resurrected as the Family members of YHVH, to be coworkers in the many Kingdoms of YHVH, a heavenly task indeed: YHVH is assembling for a Family business.

But as prophesy reveals, Satan will share the Abyss of extreme outer Darkness with the bulk of the accountable adult human species. Mort of humanity prefer the dark side; it is why Earth itself is doomed. Of course, the planet will remain for its natural cycle, before it is consumed by our star, but the internal biosphere will be poisoned beyond the ability to healthfully support mammalian life.

And it will be from the acts and lifestyles of that bulk of the human species, allowing and even desiring Satan and the demon crew, to possess them and/or to manipulate them. Most humans lean toward the dark side, but that is what this life is all about; it is YHVH allowing this to occur naturally, because YHVH is going to separate us like the proverbial division of the wheat from the weeds or the sheep and the goat (13 & 25).

Religions sell the sinister notions that humans can live hate–fueled, venomous, neighbor–hating, and physically dangerous lives and lifestyles, but if they come to a religion–business and give their proprietors money, and carry a bible talisman about with them, and make verbal professions of faith in Jesus, this is all that is needed to go to Heaven. But all of that is a delusion. It is a dangerous theological construct invented by Satan via his humans that built the COP Cultists.

The my–freedom–first people, living among Satans religionist humans, actually believe they will be given eternal bodies that cannot age and will not die (they will be Saved in Jesus or Mohammad or ??), and then given the expanse of the Cosmos, to rule and reign within; but how? With the same terror they demonstrated on Earth during their test–experiment life. They would bring down upon other Earth–like worlds, what they did during their Earth time, only way worse.

They express their version of freedom, right now on Earth, by being ecological terrorists; as they vent the hatred and spew the venom of their vitriol–centered life; as they go about killing and destroying the planet of YHVH, for which they claim as their own because of the money–power they so unabashedly proclaim as their right and freedom. But their version of freedom and liberty is itself a tell (1Pe 2); it is a testimony of who they truly belong to; indeed, a test–of–money!

Given outright freedom, humans will almost always make selections based mostly or solely on self–interests. The predominantly self–centered human species has proven this is the case, for literally all things present on Earth today. People prefer lazy ways to effortful ways; people take advantage of self–serving opportunities. This is the hypocrisy of freedom! It is the trap of freedom.

Whenever there is any conversation about the preservation of nature, or protecting natural resources for future generations, or about rampant pollution, or about the inherent dangers of things like the Car Cult, the preset self–justifications kick–in and the freedom moniker becomes the centerpiece of the conversation. My freedoms would be impacted! And that seems to be the only important thing to the self–important. But this definition of freedom is an illusion; the freedom product is all Satanic at its core.

The purpose of fake voting was to give the impression of personal involvement; it is also part of the freedom package. Politicians are the pawns of those with the most money–power, but in order for the masses to see the true villain's who monetize Earth and all life dependent upon it, the idea that an individual voted for side A versus side B, successfully gives the illusion that individual's are participants in major society–wide outcomes; that they are free because of it.

Therefore, if things go well for side A, then all those that voted for side A, can boast, and also belittle those who voted for side B: And vice versa! The goal is to keep the masses busy and distracted with these societal games so that they never discover collectively, what is really going on behind the proverbial curtain.

The wealth–class control all things with money; even within the political spectrum. Between back ally cash bribes to voted–in politicians, to the upfront Lobbyists that overwhelm causes, the wealth–class have successfully been leading the sheeple masses for millennia. True freedom is an illusion on Earth with the humans and the inhumans making up the vast majority of the species. Nearly all of them are monkey–see–monkey–do.

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