Messiah Yeshua And The Eschaton Era!

First By Flood Then By Fire!


The Eschaton: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; ApocalypseIndustrialization And The Eschaton EraThe Denial Of SatanChristendom Was Satans False Flag OperationThe Prophetic Pandemic Of PsychopathyThe Eschaton Era & AgeismEvil Are Those Who Benefit From The Manual Labors Of OthersGoing The Way Of Baal: Acquiescing For The TemporalCapitalist Usury In The Eschaton EraCapitalism And The Modern Economic Bully CultureMonetary Exercises In Child ExploitationPower Hunger And The Apocalyptic EschatonThe Gall Of Bitterness; The Bond Of IniquityThe Occult Of Christianists Praising HumansPolitical Occultism In The Eschaton EraDiscovering The Intoxicating Temptation Power Of MoneySupernatural Stupidity Marking The Eschaton: Stupid With PowerSpiritual Wisdom Versus Biological Intellect & EducationPlatforms Of Ego: Awarding & Rewarding The EgocentricSpiritual Metamorphosis: The Messianic Nature & Purpose Of Death To SelfUnderstanding The Mystery Of Life & Death & ResurrectionThe Difference Between Perfection & Being Perfect: Being Good Versus Doing GoodAdonai Elohim: The Supreme Soul MakerOrganized Religion Is Elohim Trafficking

The Eschaton: Apostasy; Anthropocene; Abomination; Armageddon; Apocalypse! (Back)

The Eschaton has different meanings, depending upon if it is explained by the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists, or disciples of Yeshua, because Messianic disciples receive all wisdom from above; especially how to interpret all preserved texts that were inspired by Ruach HaKodesh, who lives and reigns (only) within the Elect of YHVH. The other main issue addressed herein, is the pronounced presence of Satan and the demons, and how they are causing a denial of their very presence and subsequent impacts.

The messages provided by the Christianized, come from men who were not Tekton; men who will never see the Kingdom of Heaven; men who spin doctrine from a literal read of scripture; from an exclusively earthly (primal–carnal) perspective; from Satan inspired roots. The presence of organized religion, and rampant Bibliolatry, bears witness to this fraudulence. While the earliest Christian religions understood the present power of Satan, modern church businesses needed to attenuate this for the sake of money, which they love and are dependents of.

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Religion & Politics! In order to fully understand this topic from a Messianic point of view, one must first comprehend how it is perceived by the World; by the secular masses; by the primal–carnal masses, Christians included. The belief that they can Immanentize the Eschaton, is itself unlikely. The Eschaton will be brought about by abusing, monetizing and commodifying the gift of life we call Earth, the biggest gift of YHVH unto the corporeal human species.

There have always been evil humans; there have always been evil acts done on large scales, by evil people. What makes this time; this epoch, far different than all others, are the now–planet–wide systems in place; the global reach of our species. The Car Cult; the Industries that thrive on oil; the sheer population of humans; and the environmental catastrophe that is long–term and global, rather than just short–term and local.

A most notable feature of the Eschaton Era, is how a huge portion of the human race, are seemingly foolish; seemingly more stupid than what is normal or was ever recorded to be. It is that supernatural delusion on a global scale that is a main prophetic tell. A small portion of the human species — all Messianic disciples assuredly but also a small but significant number of others — are noticing this strange phenomenon of collective irrationality.

The worship of other humans, or animals, or even mountains; these are all the deity–making paradigms of prehistoric (primal–carnal) pre–humans. Remember that we as a species, did not advance much over a thousand generations; however, once we as a species, got to a place where at least some could be enlightened (awakened or woke in modern vernacular), YHVH stepped in and metaphorically breathed life into us; that is, YHVH gave us eternal souls: The Genesis! Humans advanced biologically only a small amount since the Genesis.

Satan (and his demon crew) was here for much of the time of the hominid species, but initially, these incorporeal demon hoards could not do anything to the bipedal hominids, until after an eternal Soul was installed. The incorporeal was given, the hominid took on the potentially of becoming human, and now with an incorporeal soul (a door in), they could also be exploited (again, the Genesis parables). Satan infects humans by possession and then works on human pride–ego–emotion to do their bidding. It was Satan and crew that shaped the hominid the most. And YHVH allowed it. Why?

At this stage of development, early hominids were becoming masters of Earth; they were no longer mere prey for large carnivores; they had developed complex and collective techniques to defeat much larger predators. Archaeological finds are still amazing us, as to the abilities of early hominids. So YHVH allowed a new challenge; not yet another natural disaster, because even humans cannot stop earthquakes or hurricanes. This had to be on a personal and individual level. So YHVH cast the (at that point in time, incorporeal) YHVH haters; Satan and his entourage of fallen angels, now called demons. These demons were perhaps the lost souls on another physical world from long ago.

Since YHVH is and always will be, an Incorporeal Entity, and that no corporeal entity has seen YHVH at anytime (past; present; future), YHVH works in and through the corporeal realm, through created beings; through corporeal manifestations. If YHVH appeared in the Cosmos, that would obliterate it. YHVH (Incarnate) must come in Soul form; YHVH became a Human in the same way that we humans come into being; YHVH chose to be one of us, and there are many reasons for that act.

But in order to be Human, YHVH could only be the Soul of a Human: Messiah Yeshua; Elohim among us! We know that YHVH used a donkey to talk (Num 21); used a burning bush to communicate (Exo 3 & 4); used teen Mary to bring about the Human form of YHVH, Messiah Yeshua (Matt 1). YHVH was/is the Soul of Messiah Yeshua; the rest of us have our own individual soul, assuming everyone gets one or gets to keep it (another long discussion).

This is likely why the terminology was metaphorically what it was; that YHVH was/is a Father, and Messiah Yeshua was/is a Son; Ruach HaKodesh was/is yet another Form. And as elementary as these assessments were at the time, we today in modern times, know the whole of it. We have multiple advantages; we have the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit which is a major feature of understanding eternal wisdom (biblical and otherwise); we have a more complete library of inspired words, which we know are more parables than literal; and we have the hindsight of History. What remains the same is Faith; to believe completely in that which cannot be proven empirically (Heb 11).

We read in the Aramaic Bible in Plain English: My children, it is an end time, and according to what you have heard that The False Messiah comes, already there have been many false messiahs, and by this we know that it is an end time. In the Messiah Scriptures it reads similarly:

My teknion, it is the last time, and as you have heard that The Anti Messiah shall come, even now there are many anti-Messiahs, where by we know that it is the last time. (1Jo 2:18)

A last time, an end time, the end–times, the last of days; they all signal something that humans cannot easily grasp, and that is perceiving time in blocks of millennia; what we now know of as geological time. Homo Sapiens have been around for a dozen millennia; before the epoch of the life and Ascension of YHVH in the flesh (Messiah Yeshua), there were thousands of generations of humans who lived/died.

The Eschaton Era is roughly the last century of the human experience, with the last time being that timeline roughly between the Ascension and the Advent of Messiah Yeshua! Satan and crew operate all human religions (and institutions), but they have special plans for Christendom, for it bears the mark of the Cross, which was the final death knell for Satan and his demon hoards, (eventually) alongside the bulk of the humans species, post Judgment Day.

Blessed be Elohim the Father, by our Lord Messiah Yeshua, which according to His abundant mercy, has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in Heaven for you, who are kept by the power of Elohim through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, you are in heaviness through manifold temptations; that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Messiah Yeshua, whom having not seen, you Love; in whom, though now you see Him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Messiah that was in them, did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Messiah Yeshua, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Spirit sent down from Heaven, which things the angels desire to look into. (1Pe 1:3–12)   {cf. Job 23:10; Proverbs 17:3; Zech 13:9; Malachi 3:4}

This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you. In both, which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of The Lord and Savior: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying: Where is the promise of His coming? For since our ancestors passed, all things continue as they were, from the beginning of our creation. For this they are willingly ignorant of; that by the word of Elohim the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water, whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.
But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment, and the perdition of unrighteous men. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing; that one day is with The Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some might count slackness; but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But, the day of The Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; Earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burned up. (2Pe 3:1–10)

That (metaphorical) refining fire upon the metal was for purification; the test began; to see and to record which individuals would volition the dark side, versus the enlightened side. To this day, many will get close to the light; they will begin to see things they never saw before; however, the pull of the dark side eventually wins them over, and they return to that familiar place of comfort for them. After the context of Hebrews 5, an Oracle of YHVH continued and wrote this:

But for those who were once enlightened by sampling Heavenly gifts, and were nearly partakers of the Holy Spirit, and had tasted the good word of Elohim and the powers of the world to come; if they should fall away, can they be renewed again unto repentance? They crucify unto themselves the Son of Elohim afresh; they put Him to an open shame! For the earth which drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and brings forth herbs right for them by whom it is dressed, receives blessing from Elohim. But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. (Heb 6:4–8)   {cf. Matt 7}

This is Christianity summarized! They make a sham out of YHVH. The religion–businesses of Christendom, brings with them, the (mostly preserved) Messiah Scriptures, and so, those involved therein, will hear things that few others hear; original words (and even some music) inspired by Ruach HaKodesh! They get sparks and glimpses of The Holy realm; they begin to see things from a completely different perspective. This only rarely happens to those dedicated to Atheism, or to another non–biblical religion–brand.

But religion–businesses are deeply compromised by Satan, who created and still maintains all religions. Satan infiltrated Messianism with his carnal–primal, way back when; First John was in response to this. The ultimate goal of this Earth experiment, was/is to allow the freedom and liberty of/for all humans to experience the corporeal, while possessing the greatest power in the Cosmos; the superpower of volition and free will. Even humans dominated by other humans, are still empowered in this way (1Pe 2).

This freedom remains to this day; YHVH honors human liberties, even allowing the bulk of the species to chose the dark side; the Broadway masses. As we move into the Eschaton Era, this prophesied timeline, is producing evermore evidence of how accurate prophesy from millennia ago can be. The great delusions are happening before our eyes; Satans wealth–class are now taking the reigns of society, and not just politically as it was in the 1st century, but in other arenas such as mass media (now including Social Media); this part is necessary in order to get billions of people to follow Satan.

The other proof is in how gullible these people are; their worshiping of other humans is ancient; they are the inhuman masses, prophesied to be among us, in masse! And here they are, right on schedule. The great delusions they spew out of their mouths, remains ridiculous and unbelievable, even to Atheists, just to prove the prophesy.

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Religion & Politics! Satan owns most humans via these paradigms. The hope of YHVH is that those who serve Satan devoutly through Satans earthly triune paradigms, will so disillusion those, not involved in any of them, that they will soon see the wisdom of the Oracle writings that make–up the Messiah Scriptures. Those deeply involved in Satans trinity are likely eternally doomed already. The odd devotion to be just like Satan is terrifying: Satan comes, via his human masses, but to kill, to steal, and to destroy!

Industrialization And The Eschaton Era! (Back)

A giant sign of the Eschaton Era is the collective denial by distraction. Ecocide is already clear (or becoming so) to anyone not in denial; this is because the forces for planetary destruction are no longer hiding or denying their goals. Though Messianic disciples represent only 10% of 1% of the human species, all of us among the Elect of YHVH, were made aware of all of this, even before the turn of the century. But then, we have YHVH–in–us, and so we possess a distinct and massive advantage over the blinded masses.

But even now, the evidence is built out already; the bulk of the human species are aware of the forces that will bring about the cataclysms of the Big Burn, namely, the Car Cult (Big Car, Big Oil, Big Infrastructure); Big Military and its global Industrial Complex; Big Energy (the Grid). Energy demands are thousands of times greater, per consumerist, than they need to be. And now we are at a peak of global population. So what is driving all of this? Satan, through Satans people.

Again: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Religion & Politics! And it will be these, the Big Three, which Satan will use chiefly, and will achieve this by exploiting the internal trinity of pride–ego–emotion; Satan (and crew) will begin an exponential acceleration of (demon) possession and oppression. Humans as a whole, will become far more unstable and irrational than ever before. Satan (and crew) knows their (end) time is near, and so, as was prophetic, evil will increase fast and furious.

The first things that will happen will be governmental upheaval, more wars, both internal and external. Politicians will be more radicalized than ever, not only as individuals, but as a whole. Humans had a series of political despots among us, but they were few and far between: In the Eschaton Era it will become most of them; the hunger–lust for power will be at the root of them, unabashedly.

The Eschaton Era will be tagged with some very unique things happening to people, more so than what is happening on a planetary scale. Those can be misinterpreted, but the radical change of the human heart within literally billions of humans, simultaneously, cannot be mistaken, much like an earthquakes in formerly long–term (seismic) quiet zones.

Nevertheless, the foundation of Elohim stands sure, having this seal: The Lord knows them that are His! Let everyone that names the name of Messiah Yeshua, depart from iniquity! In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and earth; and some to honor, and some to dishonor. If you therefore purge yourself from these, you shall be a vessel unto honor; sanctified and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
Flee also youthful lusts; follow righteousness, faith, charity, and peace, with them that call on The Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions, avoid, knowing that they only generate strife. The servant of The Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all people, apt to teach, patient, and in meekness instruct those that oppose themselves, so if Elohim peradventure, will give them repentance at the acknowledging of the truth, so that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Know this also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents {elders}, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection {Loveless}, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messiah–likeness, but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti 2:19–3:7)

These sorts are Satans religionist who do not live Simple or Labor for those simple needs. Instead, they invest fully in Satans economics and its Mammon system of hands in the pie taking capitalists and Monetizers. Consequently, they are the economic predators hovering over the dying carcass to feed upon. The internal trinity of Satan is pride–ego–emotion; Satan exploits these human traits most of all, to extort money from the living, through the businesses of religion, and why YHVH sees them all as abomination.

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: Therefore, you be as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves! (Matt 10:16) Be sober and vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour! (1Pe 5:8)

The metaphor of the predator/prey dynamic is very enlightening for those who seek YHVH truth. The natural world is constant; understanding how the predator/prey dynamic works is just as relevant today as it was millennia ago. Prey are plant eaters and the predators are meat eaters; there may be dietary overlap but this is a metaphor; fine details are irrelevant. Prey are constantly eating plant life; predators do not need do anything, as they can eat recently dead animals without effort.

But what we disciples can look for, is how justification works, even in metaphors. What Yeshua was implying with such oppositional natural world metaphors, was to be translated over to the human condition; therefore, the metaphor of the predator/prey dynamic had more to do with predation; those of the animal kingdom that kill (or consume already dead) prey, verses those who graze upon what Earth produces on its own; the plant kingdom.

Some seek self–justification whenever they get tagged as predators in the metaphor; they must/will be quick to point out the effort it takes for (say) a big cat to take down a large grazing animal; after all, they got little mouths to fed as well; that part is true. And so, the test here, is to first understand the larger point of the metaphor, and then, to listen to how people react and/or respond to such metaphors, because often their inner truth is embedded in the content of their first responses, more so than the accuracy of that response. Predators indeed have young to feed.

The metaphor was not a condemnation of the acts of animal kingdom on either side; the metaphor was to point out how that will contrast with the human condition, who for one can eat plant and animal, but more so for the metaphor; do they violate the Do Not Murder commandment? Animals are animals; they are not murdering, because they are not malevolent to begin with; it is only humans that have that character trait or ability: Satan is at the root of that!

Unlike the bulk of the human species, the Elect of YHVH are known by (the fruit–evidence of) Simple living, and by Labor, but all others will try to take what they need or want, rather than submit to either of them voluntarily. This is why Satans Earth trinity is so widespread. Driven by demons who hunger–lust for power and control, Satans people cannot be content with just the basics of this life; they need more–more–more; rabid consumerists until the end! And if others do well, they will jealously try to covertly sabotage them.

Another parable He put forth unto them, saying: The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him: Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? From where then has it tares? And he said unto them: An enemy has done this! The servants said unto him: Is it our will that we go and gather them up? But he said: Nay, lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them. Let them both grow together until the harvest, and in the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers: Gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn. (Matt 13:24–30)

This parable is multifold in its meanings; first, that YHVH will not intervene in human affairs until Judgment Day; as Yeshua said: It Is Finished! The last physical act done by YHVH on Earth, was The Messiah. Once He was physically gone, that was it, until the Second Advent. Anyone trying to imply otherwise are Satans people; the Active–God–Now Theory has been (and still is) devastating to the human condition globally ever since. Theologically, there has been much damage done to the credibility of YHVH, by the many twisted explanations behind: Why does god allow this/that?

The parables serve to create contrasts between those who will volition to follow YHVH, come what may in this life, versus the unbelievers. Most humans are unbelievers; they do not merely lack faith, they are void of it, and ironically, it is organized religion that (among other things) points to this faithless state. True belief in the afterlife and true belief in the Scriptures, produces lifestyles that differ sometimes widely from those who do not believe in either. They can pretend–believe, but the metaphors help us to differentiate between the fakers and the faithful (Heb 11).

People can act Holy or Spiritual or religious, but the demons cannot contain themselves for long; trapped on Earth, they seek only to kill, steal and destroy. We Messianic disciples can be fooled in the short–term, by good acting, but eventually the traits of those demons will emerge: Pride–ego–emotion masturbation will eventually erupt even among the best of them.

In like manner, the core traits of Ruach HaKodesh, Love–wisdom–humility, also cannot be hidden; they remain constant, now and forever. But we are still hopelessly human; we are still in–the–flesh, and as such, Satan can attempt (again metaphorically) to sift us as wheat. We are still wheat, not weeds or tares, but Satan (and crew) can rattle the shield of faith.


The very purpose of this Earth life, is not for some corporeal purpose or reason; faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11); faith is an absolute belief in the incorporeal realm. Religion itself is the proof of faithlessness!

Hence, there is no need to fall into Satans rabbit hole of nihilism. We were made physical beings on a physical planet, but with a future physicality in mind. So why allow a demonic group of beings from elsewhere, to become a part of this physical (Earth) experiment? Several issues manifest here.

Satan was not satisfied with being Chief Angel; Satan wanted to be a god; but ever discontented, Satan wanted to Be God! This triggered the expulsion from, wherever all this took place, and cast onto Earth, and left in an incorporeal form. Satan (and crew) was now stuck with manipulating humans to do anything in the corporeal. The Tanakh gives us hints of this along the path of human–time, but it all did not erupt until YHVH came onto Earth, in Person, in Human form: Messiah Yeshua!

Satan, the most glorious and talented of all the angels of Elohim, being so perfect and glorious, was not satisfied with only to being a servant of a Master; that Master was/is/will be, Messiah Yeshua, Adon of all corporeality and beyond. Imagine Satan (and crew) when Messiah Yeshua rose from corporeal death, transcended all, and returned to The Throne! Proverbially, all hell was about to be unleashed; anything so much as hinting of this Savior Being was (and still is) the prime target.

Satan began a campaign to disrupt and/or distort and/or destroy anything that was initiated by The One that sealed his eternal fate. Satans greatest success and successor, was/is Christendom. The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists, are what Satan used (and is still using) as a replacement to Messianic discipleship, which is rooted in YHVH Love, peace, pacifism, and a unity of the human species: It is the summary of the actual Lord's Prayer: John Seventeen! But religion alone was not cutting it anymore; Satan needed even more power.

The anti-Messiahs that now account for the bulk of the accountable adult human species, are now in charge of all things, via Satan the devil: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Religion & Politics! The justifications for each of these are comprehensive, and compelling, on the surface. But the very purpose of the Messianic Cross, was to provide The Way; a path to righteousness for us still–sin–capable humans! It is an opening into our soul; Ruach HaKodesh is able to bond or yoke with our Soul, and the subsequent enlightenment was what drove the Acts (1–5 especially).

This goes beyond mere mind expanding (it is surely that); this Spiritual transformation is how the Indwelling Holy Spirit finalizes the metamorphosis within us. It is like an ignition point for when all Messianic disciples die physically. Messiah Yeshua said to the person on a cross next to Him: Amen, I say unto you that today shall you be with Me in Paradise! (Luke 23:43) No sleep! No wait times implied! Today! Now!

COP Cult theology implies we humans are evil at birth; this is Anathema! Children are still deemed innocent; the evidence for this too obvious to discuss. So, if/when they die physically, their Soul goes right to Messiah Yeshua. And likewise, so do the Elect of YHVH, who become like those children (Matt 18). So who sleeps? Those who died before Salvation was reborn in them; the accountable adults who are awaiting Judgment Day. The Saints are not in the judgment, we are the Judgment! (1Co 5 & 6 & 15)

Christendom Was Satans False Flag Operation! (Back)

The goal of Satan in the Eschaton Era, is to move forward with his false flag operation; a Spiritual espionage if you will. Cultural christianity has always been an imitation of true Messianic discipleship, but as the end draws near, things are changing; the Eschaton Era is tagged by its exponentiation. Unlike the first twenty centuries post–Messianic Resurrection, the pretenses in the 21st (and last human) century, are attenuating fast, as the culture–at–large are taking a proverbial peak behind the curtains; the fraud is being exposed evermore.

The unchurched; the dechurched; the secularized; the atheists; this group of humans are becoming evermore aware of the fraud represented in Christendom or the COP Cultists. This is due in large part to globalization, mass communication, the Internet, and a device (phone or laptop/pc) availed to almost everyone. And, the anti-Messiahs are not even trying to hide the fraudulence. They are bold in religiosity, as the pride of Satan within them is growing evermore brazen, as we go deeper into the Eschaton.


The Enculturation controlled religionists, will sample different brands of religion, but typically within the same scope; Christendom, only another brand name if you will. Church–hopping has always happened, so this part of it is not new; however, how the Eschaton Era will differ, will also be more demonic; more subtle and less noticeable on the surface. and this is already happening; I write about it more extensively in Above All Names.

As the christianized discover Satans false flag operations within their particular religion brand, rather than forsaking their enculturation shoebox, they simply switch religion brands, only now, it is not church–hopping from Catholic to Orthodox to Protestant, or any of the sub–brands inside of each of them; now, what is new for them is "Messianic Christianity". A page is dedicated to this: Differences Between Christians and Messianic Disciples!

Therefore, the very notion of this is absurd, and offensive, because actual Messianic disciples, all know painfully well, that Satan in the instigator of all human religions, especially among the monetarily dependent and/or organized religion businesses: Church! But blind enculturation keeps them in the shoebox; they cannot see much beyond it, much less way beyond it! Spiritually blind, they will continue to follow Satan with loyal abandon.

Within all of this, they seek out human leaders (religious and political) to follow. They all end up in the proverbial ditch, but they will not see that horror during this life. They will only begin to understand, during their hellish billion+ years in the empty void of deep outer space: Darkness.

Messianic discipleship have been around since the Resurrection of our Master and only King, Messiah Yeshua. We all have been on the margins of the greater society, and for good reasons. the first is that we are not religious, and religions are businesses, and businesses are a central part of Satans Earth trinity of economics, and all the subsequent sin–evil that comes out of that; namely, Mammon, money love and service; $ worship! But since the bulk of the accountable human species are Satan servants, what is the most of, is what is the focus of, the most. One might say that the Saints of YHVH were/are (metaphorically) always underground; we keep a low profile.

But now we are deep into the Eschaton Era, and with that, was its spark of the Industrial Revolution Prostitution of the YHVH Creation, and then the Digital and Information Age, and the subsequent information overload, not seen before on Earth, that so many can easily access. We now have more data in our web connected hand held device, than existed globally for millennia in every other form (Daniel 12).

Now, it is unlikely for the Elect of YHVH to keep a low profile. Now is when we must be a wise as serpents but harmless as doves (Matt 10; Gen 3). Ruach HaKodesh shields us from the demon oppressed, but only to a certain degree; we must be wise enough not to let them kill us. And we do that, in part, by not having anything they might want; it would most likely be material greed that would end us, and YHVH needs as many Messianic boots on the ground as possible, especially now.


Parasites; predators; cannibals; these are terms used to describe the takers among us, and they represent the bulk of the human species. Economics itself is just the outcropping of this sin–evil that manifests itself in Mammon service, which is the numeric weapon of the Monetizers, as they seek to exploit the makers and builders and growers; those few of us who bring about all the food, shelter, clothing, tools, and other tangible necessities to life on Earth.

As for the rest of humanity, they are the takers; the parasites who only work to drain the proverbial blood (sweat and tears) from the working or Labor class; effectively to cannibalize other humans in order to avoid sweat of the brow labor themselves. These kind have always been among us a species; they exploit Satans corrupted systems; they accept them; they marry them!

Those systems are: Economics; a devout mammon service via the numeric monetization and adulteration and objectification of other humans, or cannibalization; and this degrades further down Satans proverbial rabbit hole, to produce all the other aspects of the human condition, which are only possible because of the sin–evil that are fully accepted and embraced by the masses: Politics!

Politics is a sin–evil that will be exclusive to humans and Earth, as one planet among cotillions throughout the cosmos forever. So it is unique indeed! What we are witness to among the animal kingdoms, is an species specific hierarchy, and then a hierarchy across species. The last of Satans trinity of evil on Earth? Religion! It only exists to serve Mammon! YHVH came onto Earth in Human form to obliterate (upon the Messianic Cross) all forms of religion, rite and ritual.

For one example, while the christianized market and exploit Prayer as one of the many rituals that they, as the YHVH Monetizers, do as a mere service offered, as the exploiters; the traffickers; the mammon servants; the pimps of their (prostitute) god: Messiah Yeshua was offended by such pretense, and thus, so are all His disciples and followers (past; present; future).

These outward acts were a distraction from what YHVH was trying to do since the beginning; make actual humans out of the inhuman as well as the inhumane; to bring Messianic Cross level Love, unto this soul–endowed species! The objective was to move humans through a set of variables (study the Tanakh), until that exercise proved its futility, wherein another way, The Way, had to be introduced into this volition superpowered (human) species experiment.

What YHVH intended for the human species, was a complete transcendence of the animal man; first a transformation (the Soul breathed in), and then a Spiritual metamorphosis (potentially; volitionally). Hence, our Sapience; a far greater awareness of our place in the cosmos, than any other mammal will ever possess. That huge jump in (self) awareness had nothing to do with species evolution, but instead with the installation of an incorporeal Soul, with an eternal potential; more than aliveness, yea, the breath of Life!

Christendom itself only came about because of Satans trinity: Economics; (then) Politics; (then) Religion! Religion was once a way to show humans, YHVH; our Adonai, El of all creation! But as with all things humans do, Satan used the human masses, via their pride–ego–emotion, to bring about economics first, as the ways and means of creating and then sustaining human kingdoms, with the goal of playing god; kings and any other such hierarchical titles, which invariably led to social stratification, Satans crowning glory! Everything accelerated downhill and ever faster from there, ending in the Eschaton.


The Prophetic Pandemic Of Psychopathy! (Back)

The Eschaton, or at least, the beginning of the Eschaton, will be marked by a collective denial of reality. It will be a massive increase in psychopathy and sociopathy. But humans did not have an official entity called Psychology when Scripture was first published; and there is nothing wrong with that. We have an advantage with the science of Psychology, and all its branches, because it concentrates evidence assembled over dozens of generations (the scientific method).

What we Messianic disciples get to bear witness to, here in the 21st (and last) human century, is special in the relatively short timeline of humanity. The mentalities of bigotry are now comprehensive; elder abuse and generational hatred is at an all time high, at least in recorded history. Surviving documentation points to an honor and respect for the elderly; true in most all cultures. Now it is social vitriol.

The Car Cult is itself, one piece of the empirical evidence puzzle, to support this brazenly obvious fact. But what is even more proof than the Car Cult itself, is the denial of it; it is the collective denial of these overwhelming facts, which is a major fruit of the presence of the Eschaton.

But that is also why it is occult. The Car Cult is surely a cult, but the broad stroke it lies within, is assuredly occultism. As with with Job, YHVH has allowed Satan to blind his demonic devotees; to seal their eternal fate; the walking dead; the recognized dark.

First By Flood Then By Fire! (2Pe 3; Isa 24). We as a species are at that stage which Noah found himself in, as he built his inland dry land mega ship. Only, those in denial of the Great Flood in the 21st century BC, simply did not have all the physical evidence that we have, here in the 21st (and last) human century, not even including prophesy on the subject. If, for example, it rained way more often than normal, and then increased over time, perhaps some, back then, may have believed Noah.

But that is why these times are unique in the known history of our species; that is why it is a major billboard sized sign of the Eschaton. What is most ironic, and yet, perhaps most prophetic about it all, is that it not only involves those of religion, but it is most magnified in those who profess Jesus Christ, in some form or another, religiously or just culturally, in all its themes, titles, slogans, brand names, illusions, and self-beliefs. Messiah Yeshua is YHVH Salvation; Jesus Christ is the religious avatar of the COP Cultists.

And since the first great destruction was with water, the second is to be opposite of that; with/by fire or heat, and the summary results of that heat. As we enter into the 21st (and last human) century, the same evidence is all around us, and just like it was in Noah's time, the bulk of the species are in denial of all the evidence that abounds everywhere: It is a supernatural blinding that extends well beyond mere psychological denial.

The active now cartoon production is at the heart of the cognitive dissonance that impacts almost everyone who is religious, of any religion brand. The Creator of All — who is YHVH and not religion god/s whom Satan masks up as — that Elohim has not done anything whatsoever, outside of the natural forces that randomly drive corporeality. But the religious live in the (faithless) self-belief that their god figure is somehow manipulating things in the here and now, but when it does not make any sense to them, they revert to the default mode of god is in control!

Wealth hunger is (metaphorically) one of Satans largest fruits in the human tree farm. Satans "mind seared blind" masses, including the religious, serve Satan their god, daily, in almost every lifestyle choice they make. There is the obvious pandemic of the Car Cult, and the firearms cult, the consumerism/materialism cult, the abortion cult, the judicial industry cult (See Law), the political cult, the military cult, the economic cult, and the most sinister of them all, the many religion cults.

The Eschaton Era & Ageism! (Back)

All discrimination is just prejudice, which is is simply to pre judge. Opposing other humans based upon physical traits like ethnicity or age or gender, or based on geography like which nation they were born into or now live in, and finally, the choices any individual (globally) makes, like sexual or religious or political, or any of the consumerist choices. It really does not matter which one, because what we are witnessing, is us–against–themism of the not–like–me people.

Like every fruit–on–the–tree act of the Loveless masses, ageism is no different than any other form of us–against–themism, known to the human species. Hate is illogical; hate is terrorism; hate is the first expression of demonic oppression. When You Love You Cannot Hate; When You Hate You Cannot Love!

Satans human masses, suffer from an absence of Love, because of the demons they invite in, and actually prefer; they are indeed likeminded. And those demons have been possessing humans, by jumping from generation to the next generation, since our species beginnings. They prey on whatever social ills that exist in any timeline and within any culture on Earth.

We in this time–place, are eyewitnesses to the hate–centered, as they spew venom at those they have selected to be the target of their hate–fest. From skin color to languages, to religion–brand selections, to which nation–state one happens to be born into, anything or anyone can be a target; and targets are needed for any hate–fest. It is always, the not–like–me people; any one grouping that the hater is not personally associated with. Grouping itself is discriminatory.

But Ageism, and specifically now the Culture War Against Boomers, is a bit different, because everyone gets old; Boomers now, but unto everyone that lives long enough! Unlike race, it is not like the hater is never going to be old! But then, this is the Eschaton Era; all things are different now. There is nothing substantial in all recorded human history, where old people were grouped and divided out from the rest of the culture, and then targeted only for being older. This is a relatively new discrimination phenomenon.

Discrimination itself is just creating a category box, and then put that grouping into it. We see this with generational discrimination where generations of people (mostly among the Westernized) are given titles such as Boomer, Millennial, Gen X, and Gen Alpha (etc.); these are all a still–acceptable form of discrimination. It is no different than putting people in such boxes because of skin color, nationality, language, religion, sexuality, and so on. Born in 58, the N–word was certainly not the letter N! It was as casually used as Boomer is today.

In 21st century America (like, say 2010 to 2030), many people below the age of 62, actually believe that all elderly people are a cabal of collaborating instigators, who secretly shaped society or economics, to make it disadvantageous to/for future generations. Now, if you are, at the very least, sane, this surely seems ridiculous. Capitalism and its billionaires are to blame for US economic woes, not a particular generation of people.

Don't get me wrong, the rise in awareness is beating a stigma that no longer scares us. But for sake of discussion, in a spirit of fairness, could we give this some room for a new point of view? And could it be true that some could be tempted to use this mistake as a form of aggression; a form of succession; a form of a weapon, thinking: "I'll teach them!" Well, I'm refusing the lesson! It won't resonate in our minds. I'm not disrespecting what was left behind, just pleading that it does not get glorified. Maybe we swap out what it is that we hold so high; find your grandparents or someone of age, pay some respects for the path that they paved to life they were dedicated. Now, that should be celebrated! (YouTube)

But then, one must look at the illogical and dystopian–level crap that comes from the political cultists of the same time–place; the political occult of the USA, where the Right are worse about it than the Left, but both are insane from too many demons possessing them for far too long; they expose themselves in stunningly irrational thoughts and beliefs. No Love–conquered individual even has Cable TV (or its Cult News entities): Even a reasonably intelligent Atheist gets this!

But discrimination and bigotry are deeply ingrained in the Loveless masses. Yet, they cannot see it in themselves, and now it is a raging pandemic: The Pandemic of Indifference! The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference! But again, it is the Eschaton Era; all these things are its fruit–evidence. Without any level of self–awareness, they cannot see their own discrimination. Ageism is used, as casually as bigotry once was; human generations are now grouped and assigned names. This very mindset is a manifestation of discrimination; but hey, everyone else is doing it! Right?!

When I was a teen (1971–77), the elder among us/me, used the N–word with casual regularity. Whenever we kids called them out for it, by saying they were bigots, they would respond: Hell yea I'm a bigot; I hate all those frigging riggers! In other words, there was no shame in being a bigot; for them it was even a badge of honor.

Ageism today, is exactly the same, and I am sure that the same mentality exists today; the same self–justifications for the discrimination paradigms, of this time–place, which will continue unabated as well. Same as it ever was! This is because all these people need to see themselves as superior to other or them: us–against–themism! It is a heart condition diagnosed in all human generations.

Self–superiority is always an overcompensation; an over–reaction to the self–loathing that truly haunts them. Self–loathing manifests in many ways, including self–superiority, hypocrisy, and self–righteousness. What is happening to them, is not anything on the outside, it is always what is happening to them on the inside. But since they cannot reach the self, they attack the not–like–me people, for the hate–fest that utterly dominates their earthly existence: And this is tragic!

But the enemies of the Messianic Cross — Satan and his trillion demon entourage working in/through the bulk of the accountable adult human species — these all suffer greatly from a powerful addiction to the hate–fest. Inside of that insanity, the occult of Satan thrives. And it thrives within the religious and the non–religious.

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! These three, facilitated by the internal trinity of human pride–ego–emotion, are the bulk of the sin–evil and destructiveness that will occur on Earth. Satan exploits the accountable adult human masses, because they were/are endowed by their Creator, with the superpower of volition. This is the greatest blessing, and the greatest curse, known in the Cosmos.

Discrimination and bigotry are but a few of the (many) outward manifestations of the demon–led masses. And as with all forms of us–against–themism, those who suffer from it, cannot heal themselves of it; only a death–to–self can (even) begin that process. And few there be that find The Way!

We Messianic disciples are the representatives and ambassadors of Messiah Yeshua, our Love, Mate, and King. Unfortunately, we are now living in the latter part of the Eschaton Era; as the human population explodes, Satans people greatly outnumber us, and like never before. The Satan people are devastating Earth; they delight in sin–evil; they crave hate and division and discord. It is these defining traits that mark the Eschaton.

Satan leaves clues inside of people; people act out these traits in all they do and say and think. Satans people do not see Spiritually, and as such, they are tightly confined to whatever their culture and upbringing shapes them. Conversely, the Indwelling Holy Spirit awakens us; we are hyper–awakened indeed; was blind but now I see! Time and space and matter, all melt together, as we acknowledge YHVH as Creator of all. As the Lord's Prayer beautifully proclaims: We are One!

Satans people are small; their world is tiny; their thoughts are not their own. They merely copy all input from their time–culture. In the darkness of Spiritual blindness, they have no choice but to grasp onto those in their immediate surroundings, like a blind person trying to navigate a crowded market. They follow the culture, not The Christ! Most do not even know (fully) what that means or represents.

The Elect of YHVH see all things as the Creation of YHVH; thus, we own nothing, but, we are the wise stewards over it all. YHVH does not need anything in the corporeal; the Cosmos is The Lord's, but since we are physical, it is our duty to protect it, not destroy it. Satan and his demon entourage, via the human masses they control, live but only to kill, to steal and to destroy; they do this by lying, deceiving, cheating, manipulating, dominating, exploiting, and extorting. And they do all in the service of god; Satan is the god of Earth!

The Anthropocene And The Eschaton! (Back)

The Eschaton are happening live and before our very eyes, but like my Master taught us in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16), even if ones own dead loved one were to return to life to warn them about anything, they would eventually deny its truth anyway, as pride quickly asserts itself, and reverts them back to the denial that has already locked them in.

Of course, YHVH could have prevented it, but did not; and again will not! The general masses, it seems, have been seared or blocked or somehow obscured supernaturally, from seeing or understanding, what was/is otherwise right in front of them. Today, it is climate change from the mindless onslaught of the YHVH haters via their planet killing lifestyles, but they are not seeking truth; they are monkey–see–monkey–do, and just go along with whatever their culture decides for them; what the humans who came before them, tell them what this life is.

As the anti-Messianic human infestation has now grown well beyond the planets ability to sustain our species, at least as the majority are now living upon it; this exhibition of YHVH hatred, via the wanton polluting of this planet of YHVH, is a giant anti stewardship show. The signs of the Eschaton will begin subtle, with such things like global insect populations in decline, rising oceans, and other slow moving catastrophes.

But then, the proverbial dam will break, and then they will accumulate exponentially and accelerate rapidly; catastrophically! Then even those embedded deeply in denial, will have to acquiesce to what they are seeing and experiencing. The prophesies will make much more sense to many more people than they do now (circa 2022).

It results from the extraction and ravenous consumption of resources that were/are, a part of the bigger test: Thou Shalt Not eat from that one apple tree! As with everything that is dangerous, it is there, but only for that reason. The apple tree was not about apples, or fruit, or even food. It was about human volition; it was about the freedom of choice; to pick between good, and not good! To be given random options so to record what we do with them.

This ravenous pollution of the biosphere, is warming the planet overall, and that warming will become rapidly exponential, once it warms enough for permafrost feedback. Humanity will not recover from it, at that stage; the disease burden alone will add to the many causes of this mass extinction. Satans blinded masses will continue unabated, locked in prides denial, all the way until the bitter end, mindlessly partaking in the devastating Car Cult, atop all other such lifestyle choices, and the subsequent justification loops which will assure the Eschaton will occur.

But all of this was predicted or prophesied about 2 millennia ago (with some even further back); verily, it is all a part of the design paradigm of YHVH, which the anti-Messianic masses — including the culturally christianized, who, like those around Noah, scoff at it all, also claiming that God is in control, and there will be no flood — will all suffer and ultimately perish from anyway; Matt 24 summarized. God is in control alright, just not the one they think!

All us Messianic disciples of all generations (and we are not christians by the way); we are fully aware of the enemies of the Messianic Cross: Satan and his enormous army of incorporeal demons, who are likely just the lost souls of former worlds, have been on a vengeance fest, ever since the day that Messiah Yeshua arose from corporeal death, sealing their eternal fates (Eph 6; Heb 2).

The prince of this world; the prince of the power of the air; Satan will be allowed to remain the god of this world; more specifically the god of those of The World; all the way until the return of The King; the only True King! Satan is the great deceiver; the father of lies and god of all liars; the dispenser of lies and deceptions; the great tempter; the slanderer; the sower of discord; the devil; lord Lucifer; the prince of the power of the air!

The list of the infernal names for Satan is long, but even they do not mention that Satan is the god of all religions, ever practiced by humanity. But the god mask that Satan is enjoying the most, is that of the christian god/s; the trinity of god/s that the COP Cultists have been slanderously marketing for a tithe, through some very cleaver deceptive manipulations, via the subtle alterations of the written words, at their translation stages, and also by textual and contextual omissions, and finally, the misinterpretations of what remains. Hence, we Messianic disciples have a more sure way; The Way! Ruach HaKodesh! Whereas, the COP Cultists only have Bibliolatry.

But YHVH used (and is using) the demonic hoards, as a mechanism to weed out those from this world (Matt 13), who would also be like (or end up like) Satan; power hungry; self important; needy of attention and of being a centerpiece in all things; Mammon serving wealth hoarders; or in short, needing to lord. Among the many Messianic Kingdom planets in the cosmos, there will only be 1 Lord; 1 King; 1 Ruler. And we will be servants of The King!

But in order for YHVH to observe soul–endowed volitional beings, as they/we (humanity) were/are given the liberty or freedom opportunity to pick which side they/we are on; this human experiment had to be random and without any interference. This is important because what Adonai our Elohim was/is doing, with this Earth species, is something very special; something that transcends even the host of incorporeal Angels that serve The King, now, and have been since before our beginnings.




Evil Are Those Who Benefit From The Manual Labors Of Others! (Back)

But many believe they are beyond all of that; they believe they are superior to others; that those inferior others are to put the food into their sedentary mouths, and build their shelter, and otherwise serve them. Slavery in a word! It is the god complex, and they get it from their god; the god of this world/age, Satan! And it was Satan who masterminded what we know of collectively as Economics! Summarily, the monetization of everything and everyone!

But economics cannot work alone, because it fosters a whole host of other issues. And so, politics, and then the military, all morphed out from the root cause, which is the god complex (itself). The gods from among the human species, grew as did human populations. More and more humans were oppressed by demons, and all demons are fallen angels, who, like Satan himself, wanted to be gods. The humans that want to be gods, are future demons themselves.

Here in the Eschaton, the numbers are way out of whack; now, the bulk of the human species want to be gods, served and praised and worshiped. And so, we live in a world overrun by little gods! Billions of them! All Messianic disciples refer to this prophetic timeline, as the Eschaton. As for the very rare, kingdom seeking individuals, scattered about from among the species; they/we are alone for the most part. We are never without the empowerment of Ruach HaKodesh, but in this world, we are not empowered with any of Satans power features.

Take Satans favorite playground, the USA, where all of the YHVH owned land, is now owned by Satans humans. This is itself a sin because it is robbery against YHVH, and, it takes away the very source and resource that all beings need to survive; the land. It monetizes the land, placing the Elect of YHVH in a precarious position. On the one hand, we cannot enable or collaborate in this sin–evil of dominionship (in this case, landlordism), but we still need food and shelter. But YHVH is Victor over any/all such conundrums; ponder the heavenly manna (Exo 16)!

Spiritual metamorphosis is a great awakening; a powerful hyper–awakened state for the individual; a clear perspective on all that corporeality represents and will result in. The Spiritually transformed are not trapped in the tiny little cages of human enculturation; we rise way above all of it. Think of how much more a smart 10 year old human child knows about the world, when compared to a dog or any animal. And how much more a dog is aware compared to an ant. And so it is, when comparing the average human, to the Elect of YHVH; the wisdom that comes from above is greater even than the sum capacity of the human brain itself: It far transcends mere genius!

For the Spiritually minded, we have the exact same perspective as YHVH, Creator of all, and in fact, our perspective comes from YHVH, via Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit! All Messianic disciples are effectively the eyes and ears and voice of YHVH, here on Earth; we are the YHVH Ambassadors! We are the agents of Adonai our Elohim; we are the replacement personnel, who occupy in His stead until the return of our King; the one and only King; the Second Advent of Messiah Yeshua, or YHVH in the Flesh.


Going The Way Of Baal: Acquiescing For The Temporal! (Back)

Most people eventually sell out to the enemies of the Cross (aka: Satan and crew) as they buy into The World. We all have a choice; we can metaphorically pick up the penny on the ground, which is all that Satan and this world has to offer you, though it is immediate; it is now and seemingly certain.

Or conversely, you can have faith — believe without reservation in that which cannot be proven, and is not here and now — have faith/belief in YHVH, that the 100 trillion dollar life offered by YHVH is worth the losses you must relinquish in this life (i.e. the sure penny, now).

You can sell out your eternal Soul for that proverbial morsel; i.e. Gen 25: Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (Heb 12:14–17). Most will swallow whole, all the sundry delusions, spun into something real, because they are cleverly emotionalized for easier consumption here on Earth.

Hence, the glorification of nationalism and patriotism, the body politic, militarism and warmongering, competitivism and adversarialism, hierarchy and class (i.e. enemizing); indeed, any and all human self-justification manifestations, which defy the 1 Law of Love. Victimism requires villains!

They masses hunger for the win; victory over others is a passion for them. Competitivism is not about activity or unity or physical health, it is a manifestation of a Spiritual vacuity, which has been normalized by the bulk of the humans species, which are the devout servants of Satan. In order for there to be victors in anything, there must be a foe to beat. Love opposes all such things!

YHVH came in human form, and then died to save all humanity; He (as Messiah Yeshua) taught us what Love is, and it will be YHVH who will be the final Judge, doing all the Judging of humanity on this matter, but please understand clearly; this is all that matters.


Capitalist Usury In The Eschaton Era! (Back)

Usury — from a Spiritual scriptural standpoint and not a secular one — is to gain (needed or wanted) physical resources without any physical investment. YHVH made Earth to be, the way that it is; all natural laws govern all things, and this has been accepted. But food does not jump into our mouths out of no where. It must be planted, tended, harvested and then prepared, before we can safely eat it. We humans require shelter from the elements and predation. And all these things require personal physical effort: Labor!

The degradation of the human species, deeper into the Eschaton Era, includes Satans first trinity mechanism: Economics. The seeming innocence of money is the reason why most people do not see it all for the depth of sin–evil it represents. The masses suffer from Spiritual blindness, which they manifest as drones of Enculturation But getting all of ones needed resources without the physical labor it takes to obtain those resources, effectively removes YHVH from the equation. And that was among the ideas in Satans master plan.

The original YHVH plan was exhibited in the Eden paradigm; that YHVH would provide all we humans needed from the abundance of Earth itself. We would only need to provide ourselves simple (all natural, biodegradable) shelter, and then basically pluck the literal fruit from the trees; harvest and gather what YHVH provided, in advance and in great abundance. And that is how it is going to be on all the Kingdom of YHVH (life giving, life supporting) planets.

YHVH came onto Earth in Person, as a resolution to a gleaming problem that manifest in the face of this freedom or choice; to create a metaphorical patch; a solution to a (hopelessly human) problem that was not going to be permanently repaired in time to save this one planet, as nice as it is, but, One that Is Salvation for the species that YHVH is running this volition experiment on behalf of.

Earth and humanity was/is an experiment; a laboratory if you will; YHVH was/is expanding the Family. But YHVH will not be creating a bunch of little love automatons as programmed compliance drones. The goal was full autonomy; unmanipulated free will; unconditional volition! But the garden of Eden paradigm provided no challenges to test that volition. Life remained too simple and too easy. So YHVH allowed the fallen angels to infest the human species; the human experiment was on!

Humans have always seen the conundrum of freedom given to a volitional species; it always goes sideways: It always has! That is (in part) why humans attempted to play lords, and indeed be gods. It was obvious through observation that most people did not have the intellectual level, sufficient for them to make all decisions on their own; too many (the bulk of humanity) suffer from the dangers of stupidity: And stupidity (itself) prevents a self awareness of ones own stupidity.

The anti-Messianic do not like to be told what to do. Rebellious people account for the bulk of humanity; the very idea of serving under any Lordship, for even a few decades, much less multiple millions millennia, is absurd to the self–willed masses. They have no intentions of living under any Lordship; they too want to be lords and gods! How they live now is that testimony: Even the christianized, which to be fair, are just another religion that Messiah Yeshua disesteemed upon the Messianic Cross.

This teaches us why Christendom is as evil producing, as all other religions, and even more so than some. The extremism of religion can best be seen in the competitors of/in the frauds of faith; Christianity & Islam! They are both extremes of the (now countless) many Abrahamic religions production offshoots.



Just because something is here; that something existed before you and I not here on Earth, does not mean that is was/is approved by our Creator, YHVH. The religionists like to parrot this: god is in control! Well, yes and no. YHVH created everything and thus everyone. So in that sense yes.

However, we who are the children of Adonai our Elohim; we who are the devout disciples of Messiah Yeshua who was YHVH–in–the–flesh; we know we are ambassadors; that we walk in His stead; we are the temporary standbys for our Lord. YHVH is not moving anything in real time. In fact, the sinister Pharisees (past; present; future) were always seeking evidence of divinity, and yet, my Master said:

The Pharisees and the Sadducees came, and tempting, desired Him that He would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them: When it is evening you say: It will be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning: It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering. O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times? A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And He left them, and departed. (Matt 16:1–4)



In fact, the vast majority of the modern human–built world is sin–evil; most of what humans have created on Earth (and why), is an abomination unto YHVH. The garden of Eden paradigm and the planetary stewardship principle holds all truth within it. YHVH set a limit on what humans can take; we are restricted and for good reasons, and those reasons have now turned to rend us. But the vast majority of humans are enculturation blinded; they see that is in front of them as natural or normal; it is not. The industrialization of Earth is abomination.

The Dark Ages was a conceptual fallacy from the after–generations of those times, who painted the human past as somehow only destitute, abysmal and fraught with perils everywhere. Our generation is better than our parents or grandparents (back); we are better than them! And this (may I say delusional) sentiment has not stopped yet. When I look at my parents, and theirs and theirs, all I see are people accepting what was availed to them at that time/place. People are the same everywhere anytime.

And while a small number within one generation cannot exactly change the world, we also have the option, all of us, not to mindlessly accept it all, and surely not as the only way humans can live our their Earth life. As a Tekton, if I lived in another (pre–industrial) time, I would build a boat and a horse drawn truck/wagon; both of which could haul supplies and also be lived in: Then I would be nomadic or itinerant. Earth is my (temporal) home and YHVH is my only (eternal) King!

Capitalism And The Modern Economic Bully Culture! (Back)

They, in this statement, were those who (in their hearts) were like Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1–11); they injected themselves into the Koinonia so they could prosper monetarily from the relationship; they were there for earthly things, and so they brought in a little, as bait (an ante), with the goal of extracting much more over time. They were Grifters! YHVH put them to death for it.

Indeed, all primal entities will steal, cheat and lie, and hoard resources, because that is how all mammals were designed by YHVH from the start. The goal of YHVH is to see which human mammals will volitionally, fully transcend their primal–carnal inclinations. Most will not: Matthew Seven Broadway!

Capitalists are just opportunists; they capitalize upon; they exploit any/all situations, and actually train themselves to improve upon it. Ananias withheld resources, just in case they'd need it later; they were not there for a lifetime with their eternal family; they were not going to put all their trust in YHVH nor the disciples; they were there for themselves.

YHVH knows all our intentions, even if/when we consciously do not know them. We see this with Simon who wanted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit so he could later market it or exploit it in some other way (Acts 8:17–24): Beware the YHVH Monetizers!

Ananias and Sapphira were not seeking to be true, pure, lifelong family members, sharing all things in common or to create and help sustain economic equality among family members; a lifestyle of daily living trust. Instead, they saw this momentous gathering as an opportunity to (yep) capitalize on god via the people of god: They were (are) the YHVH Monetizers!

Sure, they were withholding something they already had, but it was what was in their hearts; the "leaven" that they were about to introduce into the Koinonia that caused YHVH to allow them to perish. The fear these deaths produced was exactly the intent: do not exploit the children of The King.

We know who/what we are, as disciples of Messiah Yeshua; we are the Bride; the Body; the Babes; we are the children of the King! But this does not make us proud/arrogant; it is indeed quite humbling. We do not get cocky (e.g. patriotism or nationalism or racism) as the inheritors of all things; instead, we see the world and all within it, through the heart/eyes of our Great Living Redeemer (Job 19:25). Pride–ego–emotion is the collective driving force of the eternally doomed; ego is a core mechanism of Satan against humans.

Obviously, YHVH cannot and will not give great power to those who demonstrate in this life — based upon what they volitionally do with temporal things set before us all — as tests to see what will be done with lesser things, before we humans can or will be Resurrected into eternal corporeal bodies (Luke 16:10–15; 1Co 6:1–3). Again, Heaven is not a reward for Jesus believers; a prize exclusive to those who agree with the tenets of Christendom. Messiah Yeshua died (in part) so that we would know how to (Gal 2:20).

Monetary Exercises In Child Exploitation! (Back)

Human trafficking, slavery, prostitution, pedophilia rings, and more that I do not want even to mention because the young may read this; the unimaginable compromises made in the service of the all mighty dollar, are as fascinating as they are horrifying. Money is far more, now, than merely the root of all evil, for evil can no longer exit in any form, outside of it. A billion acts of sin–evil daily on Earth, and not one of them are not motivated by money.




Messianic disciples teach the children in their care (in their sphere of influence), about how Spiritual depravity manifests in the world; through the adults they will encounter in this life. Part of that multifaceted teaching, is about understanding the publicly viewed mental behaviors, such as Attention Seeking Disorders (ASD).

For example, most children do not understand why anyone would intentionally buy (or make) a really loud machine, and then intentionally go into populated areas, just to be loud. ASD is a mental illness, and within Satans Earth trinity (Economics; Politics; Religion), such mental illness is not only allowed; not only left untreated, it is even encouraged.

This is why it is important to train up a child in the things of this world, so they will be equipped to deal with it as young adults, once they are able to enter the world on their own. Without being equipped to understand the "why" questions of this life, they could become susceptible, and may end up victimized by the World.


The secular world is just a byproduct of the rest of the secular world; blind Enculturation impacts all things that are not illuminated by the Creator of all, YHVH, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which is the manifesting Spirit of YHVH; our hyper–awakened Machine!

Consequently, the secular world has to catch–up with all who are Supernaturally inspired; all Messianic disciples for sure, but also, anyone that YHVH uses for eternal purposes, regardless of their ultimate eternal fate or destiny; think Judas Iscariot, which I refer to as the Iscariot Principle!

This catching up will include much from this one Oracle; namely, the Victimism series, and herein, the attention–seekers or main–character disorders. The Mind Sciences recognize the basics of attention–seeking behaviors, but it will but some time, if ever, for them to acknowledge it or expose it, as an outright mental illness, spawn from a Spiritual deprivation. Most of them still cannot recognize the incorporeal realm!

But all of this is due to the fact that those in the Mind Sciences are beholden to the culture that gives them the monies that they are also the byproducts of, as the fellow dependents of Satans Earth trinity. So, for them to call loud machines evidence of a mental illness, would surely upset those industries. and since they too are money dependent capitalists, they will serve that God (Satan) first. And Satan comes, via the human masses, systemically and symptomatically, to kill, to steal, and to destroy.

The god of this world — or simply "God" for most — is Satan. We learn about how this works in the Book of Job, and peppered elsewhere in all of scripture. Satan has partial control over Earth, but only on a limited basis and only until Judgment Day. When the christianized claim that God is in control, they are correct, except, since they have no clue who YHVH is, they are simply manifesting their destiny: Matthew Seven summarized!

What most children learn and become, is just a mirror or reflection (a monkey–see–monkey–do) of the culture their parents elect to inhabit, and who also mimic. For the bulk of humanity, that is the secular world, which includes all religions: The truly secularized world is just the summary and conclusion of the trinity of Satan (Economics; Politics; Religion). And yet, even some of them can see what the christianized do not (e.g): Chomsky Issues Warning: We're Approaching The Most Dangerous Point In Human History!


Patriotism is an act worship; it is a ritual, tied directly to God Satan. We know that Satan uses his human minions to do all kinds of sin–evil on Earth; Colonialism was one of them. The demon oppressed (or oppressed) humans of every generation, were compelled to go about seeking whom they could devour; they sought always to kill, to steal and to destroy. That is their mission on Earth! Christianized Europeans were used by Satan to come to the Americas to commit the greatest act of genocide against the YHVH creation ever recorded, and their descendents praise and worship their God Satan, via the Patriotism rituals that mark these heinously demonic acts.

Anyone who has gotten even near unto the Messianic Cross of the YHVH Kingdom (Mark 12), already knows all of this. But Satan blinds the heart–mind–eyes of the humans masses, and especially those committed to any or all of Satans trinity, so they see what is not there. This is all a distraction from seeing truth so they can be wise and harmless ().

Passing the sin–debt onto future generations of humans is clearly exploitative; using children to fight the wars of old madmen is evil beyond recognition; it is the most extreme and profound manifestation of child abuse possible within the human condition. Then these same exploitation masters, create sociocultural productions (Memorials; Holidays; Patriotism & Nationalism; etc), to make warmongering seem somehow like anything but the raw evil it truly represents.

These wealth class people are the ones who create societies in mammon centered nations; they decide what is defined as adult. And we all know today that children are not adults when they strike 18 biological years of age. The human brain does not maturate until 25 years old; for some even older than that. Therefore, those who live in/from Love, would never expect them to be able to make adult decisions before then. Satan knew this, and thus, so do Satans human masses, and they exploit it in all they sanction.

We see the economic abuse today within Satans capitalist plutocracies; in their Real Estate Industry's, where the Homeless and debt and enslavement are but the designed collateral damages of this collective madness.

Moneyless regions; homeless reservations; dollar neutral zones; owner free spaces; Disciple safe places! These are terminologies that would have been easily understood by all the disciples of Messiah Yeshua, for at least the first few centuries after our Master and King ascended from Earth.

However, to the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, Broadway masses, they are strange concepts indeed. To imagine Earth as actually belonging to its very Creator (YHVH), is well beyond the consciousness of the bulk of the human species. But to the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, it is our only reality.


Power Hunger And The Apocalyptic Eschaton! (Back)

War is one of the (watermelon sized) fruits of the demonic forces of power hunger, and war will be the main mechanism of the Eschaton End.

What makes evil people evil, is not demons first and then evil second; it is a propensity for evil first, and then demons second. The demonic realm simply tempts those who, all on their own, show a bent toward the dark side. The demons watch humans behaviorally, and then target those they think they can turn to the dark side. Much of the Messiah Scriptures focus on this reality; temptation is a big part of those teachings. But first, they must not believe in demons for it to work.

Satans demons have been possessing humans since us hominids had an eternal Soul (the Genesis breath of Life); they mastered the human experience. They have refined over many many generations of cohabitation, the manipulation of the human masses; temptation and dependency are the centerpiece methods of trapping most humans. This is why Satan and crew, worked so hard to create the mechanisms that now rule in the Eschaton Era: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!

There were no wealthy people before money. Power was physical in nature; the strongest and/or biggest and/or the largest group; that was power. Weak men could not hold large land holdings nor control large herds of anything. And bartering was often one sided. But monetizing things changed all that. At first it all seemed good; fair; balanced. But bait always seems alluring at first; it is not until the hook is set that the knowledge on ones doom reveals itself.

Now to be clear here, there is no such thing as Hollywood styled demonic oppression; those are all fiction. All demonic oppression is virtually unnoticeable to all but the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. Therefore, the demonic realm on Earth is unrecognizable by just about everyone; the masses on Broadway.

The reason why YHVH came onto Earth in the flesh, and we (His disciples) call Him Messiah Yeshua, was to end organized religion and all the outward attempts at righteousness. They failed and miserably. Instead, YHVH did something miraculous; instead of religious synagogues or churches or any other physical tangible thing like talismans (e.g. today the bible itself), YHVH inaugurated a New Covenant paradigm, wherein we would be the only Temple.

This eliminated any opportunity for Satan and his trillion demon army to use these outward things to continue to deceive humans; well, the Elect of YHVH anyway. But even here in the Eschaton, we too can sometimes get kicked off of The Way by those who are demon oppressed, but devoutly religious. This is why we are to look at/for lifestyle fruits and ignore words.



More... How Satan uses all religions is simple; by thinking that demons (and demonic oppression), is what all fictional media portrays as evil people; by that, everyone else seems, well, normal. And all humans that will be cast into outer Darkness, will, with very rare exceptions, be outwardly very normal: That is the trap!

But in fact, the bulk of the species are evil, and the evidence to expose that fact is brighter than our sun (star); it is brazenly obvious, but only to those with Spiritual sight. Those who are born with eye blindness can look right into the sun and nothing happens; since they cannot be further blinded, they could stare at it all they want. But if you have sight, and then you look, it is blinding.

The same parable my Master, Messiah Yeshua used, becomes clear to those with Spiritual eyes and ears, but to a person who is Spiritually blinded, they are not bothered by the Light of Life! And religion is how they can (and always do) justify away, their own evil state.

In their born blinded Spiritual darkness, they can appeal to their outward religious attendance, their rituals, self-beliefs, and their talismans, to justify to themselves, of/by their devotion to their god figure/s. But Satan is the only God/god on Earth. When my Master said: It is finished! He meant it literally and figuratively. All that we humans need was accomplished upon the Messianic Cross.

If a person does not display the traits they see in pop culture media that portrays what evil is or looks like, they can justify their own normal state, and thus cannot see themselves as evil or demon oppressed. Those especially impacted by this deceit are the christianized. But this is the main weapon of Satan and his trillion demon army of temptation beings. Most humans are demon oppressed, and those who do not have personal demons within them, are oppressed by the demonic realm.

Only the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, as the living disciples of Messiah Yeshua, are shielded from the demonic realm, and on every level. As we learned from the Gerasene demoniac, demons greatly fear Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit is our Protector as well as our Comforter (fear is always uncomfortable). But that does not mean that our mortal shell cannot be problematic for us, and until we are freed of it, this slow rotting corporeal cocoon, will be a source of pain for us Messianic disciples, as well. It is why my brother Saul wanted to leave it, but stayed for the service of those he Loved.


Elohim works through the Love implanted in those of us who surrender our complete self, unto the supreme Lordship of Messiah Yeshua. We respond in and from that Love core; from Ruach HaKodesh, with action, represented in our lifestyle, and in our service while abiding under the Messianic Cross. And emotional power comes from that! It does no come from the world, nor the things of The World.


The epistles espouse the very doctrine we Messianic disciples are to either avoid, or use to teach from, and to learn from, and to correct; there is no Messianic doctrine past the Gospels; nothing worthy beyond the red letters of the crucified Messiah.


The Gall Of Bitterness; The Bond Of Iniquity! (Back)


There was a certain man called Simon, which before time in the same city, used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that he was some great one, to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the great power of Elohim! And to him they had regard, because he had long bewitched them with sorcery. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the Kingdom of Elohim, and the name of Yeshua the Messiah, they were baptized, both men and women. Then Simon himself believed also, and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs that were done. Now, when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of Messiah, they sent unto them Peter and John, who, when they came down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet He was fallen upon none of them; they were only baptized in the name of the Lord, Messiah Yeshua. Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles hands, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying: Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands; he may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said unto him: Your money perishes with you, because you have thought the gift of Elohim may be purchased with money! You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of Elohim. Repent therefore of this, your wickedness, and pray if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I perceive that you are in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity! Then Simon answered and said: You pray to the Lord for me that none of these things that you have spoken comes upon me. (Acts 8:9–24)   {cf. Matt 7:21–23}


Even as aging itself humiliates us humans, humility itself remains illusive to the pride conquered, who carry that weight and bondage, all the way to their grave. Pride is the all powerful force that overtook sin–evil as the only way to be Spiritually doomed. All sin acts, by the sum of all humanity, was atoned for upon the Messianic Cross; the only way to be eternally dammed now, is pride. Pride–ego–emotion becomes the god and lord that the eternally doomed routinely praise and worship.

The Occult Of Christianists Praising Humans! (Back)

The christianized will go into their temples made with hands, on their one hour weekend ritual, where they patronize a local religion business, who markets the religion productions, designed to entertain them emotionally. As a part of this staged production, the word praise is often parroted back and forth. However, what praise actually is, does not so much as cross their hearts.

They are the People Praisers; those who enable personality occultism; they praise humans only. From movie and music and sports stars, to the personality occultism, this is evident and we can all witness it, especially within Satans trinity: Religion; Politics; Economics! We witness this with the Christianists participation in the cult of politics, and their praise and worship of personalities therein, as well as in their religion businesses. Most people in the religion businesses are there for the praise and profit.

If fact, the only differences between these religious people, and those who never go to churches, is church attendance itself. This is why Messiah Yeshua so abhorred it, and fortunately, obliterated it upon the Messianic Cross. Christendom is itself, Satans response answer to that obliteration.



Political Occultism In The Eschaton Era! (Back)

Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Religion & Politics! Satans trinity in humans is pride–ego–emotion. Political occultism is as sinister as is any other formula of occultism.


The normalized insanity that signals the Eschaton, is a bizarre series of acts that are defiant, rebellious, flagrant and sinister; indeed just outright absurd! However, here in the Eschaton, these acts are masked in themes of patriotism, freedom and goodness, when in fact, they are Satan, ramping up Eschaton Era events.

And those humans that Satan uses are oblivious to it; they truly believe they are the good guys in their victim turned victor quests. But they are 100% conquered and consumed and dependent upon Satans trinity in themselves, and in the world, and thus, the only true freedom is to be delivered from them all.

Of course, there have always been extremists; there have always been evil humans. Indeed, the bulk of the human species, from the first to the last of us, are inherently evil and destined unto the eternal abyss; the incorporeal realm of empty outer Darkness, where the bulk of the species will experience a hellish quarter trillion years, from basking in the Spiritual darkness that is the rerun of themselves.

But what is happening now, here in the 21st (and last human) century, is unique in all recorded human history. And it was all foreseen by my Messianic disciple sisters and brothers in the past, and prophesied to be so, at least in a general sense. Remember that they were often seeing visions of a world that was very foreign to them, but what is our normal.

What we are witness to today, is a selfish fest: Meism! It is an unabashed exhibition, of/by the sum of the human species, who are only concerned with their rights; with their desires; with their freedoms; with their lifestyles. To hell with everyone else, and if you are not like them, you are the enemy. If you do not agree with them, you are just wrong. Humans have always been self absorbed, but now it is pandemic; it is infecting almost all of humanity. That has never happened; again, not in recorded history.


The hyper insanity of the demon oppressed (and even to a lesser degree, the demon oppressed), is not possible in the human brain alone. It requires a force that extends beyond the corporeal realm; in and of itself, this is proof of the incorporeal realm. This realm must and will be denied by those who refuse to believe it, and there is no amount of evidence that would sway them anyway (Luke 16). That is why we disciples are to kick the proverbial dust from our weary feet and move on.

Without these incorporeal influences, the human brain alone would eventually lead to its own death, either gradually by Temple abuse, or quickly by suicide, or by some medical brain trauma. How people can sustain hyper insanity for years even, is by being buttressed by demons; it is indeed a supernatural assist. One of the many initial symptoms of insanity, is a hunger–lust for power or wealth that is well beyond what is needed to live a safe and comfortable life.


We, as the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, will be immortal indeed! However, we will not just be angels, we will be something much more; what that "much more" really means, is still relatively unknown to us, while in the flesh, and that is as it should be. We will not be gods, or lords, or castle kings; it is not anything like that. But something my brother and fellow disciples put to (proverbial) paper, is provocative indeed, and a tell:

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the Saints? Do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more the things that pertain to this life? (1Co 6:1–3)

So many of us disciples find that our most inspired words, come to us when we are dealing with another matter altogether. My fellow disciples, here in 1st century Corinth, were dealing with a local and temporal issue; that of using the (morbidly corrupted) powers of the world, upon one another. Doing so was highly offensive, then and now. But as (only) we Messianic disciples know today, most of the people that they were writing to, back then via these letters or epistles, will never partake in the Messianic Kingdoms.

Nevertheless, it was wise and necessary to write to them, and to expose their sin–evil and their primal–carnal ways, especially under The Light. If they would not listen and follow The Way, and earnestly seek to live under the Messianic Cross, the fruits of those writings, still change the course of some people, to this day: I am deeply blessed to be counted among them!

That "form of Messiah likeness" (in 2Ti 2) is organized religion itself; what Messianic disciples refer to, as those among the COP Cultists, which is all of Christendom; the YHVH Monetizers; all those who commodify the planet, all its life forms, and thus its Maker. So, all religions, plus, all mammon economics and the political and military implements they require.

This was the same situation that YHVH came into, when YHVH took on human form, as Messiah Yeshua; He head on faced the organized religious zealots of His time and culture; they too, were money lovers and monetarily endowed, and were yoked with their corrupt politicians who used their hireling militants to impose their will upon their citizenry. Sound familiar?

"For of this sort" were those who were doing what religion was and is; the exploitation of the week; the sinners; the guilty; those that know they are depraved and in need of Salvation. But these men, at this time, would target the young women, the elder widows, and the elderly in general because as humans near death, those who are not Messianic disciples, naturally worry about their eternal fate, and rightly so.

Today, this "sort" would be labeled a high functioning sociopath, or someone close to those character traits, personality patterns, and lifestyle choices.

In this weakened or needy state, the religionists, as some of the most evil of all humans, will "creep in" or with stealth or guile or niceness, as the economic predators and parasites that they are, only to exploit the finances and other resources that are left behind after death. They are the carcass pickers (Matt 24:28). As predators, they naturally seek out the weakest within the proverbial herd.

These creepers do not honor the Temple of YHVH, nor do they Labor with their own hands, but instead con others to do all their heavy lifting, and in the name of Jesus no less: Anathema!

But this is just how the religious businesses operate; they think of themselves as, or at least claim to be, the hospitals for the morally bankrupt, which of course, is as absurd as a real hospital that is staffed with people who deny medical science, and/or who smoke, and/or who are obese. Sound familiar?

As is indicative of the Eschaton, what was once, at least, seemingly normal looking to most people (even the unregenerate), now seems insane unto anyone who is, well, just sane! And the percentage of people who were once sane, is dropping fast, as the Eschaton accelerate out of control! This is why there is such confusion; why seemingly intelligent people are acting so irrationally, and thinking so strangely.

Here in the postal letter later titled Second Timothy, my fellow Messianic disciples were discussing how the human masses will become in the Eschaton; how their character will rapidly degrade from being merely the atheistic, and the atheistic religious, and become outright depraved, and then the final state of inhuman.

An inhuman is one who is biologically human (able to procreate with other humans and such), but are otherwise inhumane; abnormal; sociopathological. But unlike people with Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), they function in society, even becoming politicians and lawyers.

When Messiah Yeshua would talk about the Eschaton, He often would point out the bigger ramifications of this inhuman infestation; that of its planetary impacts (Matt 24; Matt 21).


Yeshua, being full of the Holy Spirit, returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days He ate nothing. And when they ended, He afterward hungered. And the devil said unto Him: If you are the Son of Elohim, command this stone that it be made bread. And Yeshua answered him, saying: It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Elohim!
And the devil, taking Him up into a high mountain, showed unto Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto Him: All this power will I give You, and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I give it. If therefore, you will worship me, all shall be Yours! But Yeshua answered and said unto him: Get behind Me, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship Adonai your Elohim, and Him only shall you serve!
So he brought Him to Jerusalem, and set Him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto Him: If You are the Son of Elohim, cast Yourself down from hence, for it is written: He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You, and, In their hands they shall bear You up, lest at any time You dash Your foot against a stone! But Yeshua answering said unto him: It is said: You shall not tempt Adonai your Elohim!
So, when the devil had ended all the temptations, he departed from Him, for a season. And Yeshua returned, in the power of the Spirit, into Galilee, and there went out a fame of Him through the entire region round about. And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all. (Luke 4:1–15)   {cf. Deu 6:13–16 & 8:3; Psa 91:11–12}

The overwhelming feature or fruit of Satan the chief devil, is power. Satan hungers for power, and works vicariously through the many human hosts that crave (and faithfully obey) such demonic influences. Authoritarianism is the greatest manifestation of demonic power. All societal entities, be it religious, military, political, economic, or otherwise, which thrive on authoritarianism; they are all satanic at their core root.

Authoritarianism has subsets, such as hierarchy, chains of command, socioeconomic class, social stratification, and really, anything that puts any human above or below another, in any way or on any level. Racism of any form is one such mechanism. These are learned behaviors, and they are popular because the bulk of the human species represent the Broadway masses that will serve the evil one for most or all of their earthly lives.

But pure equality and justice, is witnessed in Creation itself: the reason why everything is created equal, is set to be a model of this reality. We all get the same sunshine and rain (Matt 5:43–48); gravity effects us all the same; all the planets in the cosmos are round, and represented in The fellowship of the Round Table, so there was no head of the table. My Master, Messiah Yeshua, is the only Head of any such proverbial table (Col 1:18–20 & 2:9–12), and yet He said plainly:

You know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them, but it shall not be so among you. But whoever will be great among you, let him be your minister, and whoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Even as the Son of Man came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. (Matt 20:25–28)

Now we know that race supremacists (of any skin hue) think they are superior because of their race or ethnicity, but my Master, born a Jew, was not technically a Jew. These are minuscule and petty human limitations, which YHVH tolerates due to our smallness, but life is much much bigger than all of that. In fact, He died for the sins of all humanity.


Discovering The Intoxicating Temptation Power Of Money! (Back)

There are many manifestations of power on Earth: For most of human time, it was (mostly male) brute force; machismo being the unfortunate remnant of that primal–carnal debacle. Power has always manifested in temptation; Satan employed it to redirect Messiah Yeshua. Females too, have a unique power; that of allurement over men; in folklore the Siren song comes to mind.

Then there is the temptation to eat too much or drink too much; to indulge in vices that soon become habits, seemingly too hard to overcome. Our physical bodies (the only temple of YHVH), gets trapped in the web of pleasure over pain, even though a seemingly pleasurable first half of life, too often results in a painful second half of life.

Ironically, the single most powerful human from among our sum species, was (and is, and is to come) Messiah Yeshua; The Lord of all Creation! And yet, He did not seek a temple made with hands stage job; He did not make Himself a power figure; as far as we know, women did not flock to make Him one of their sexual conquests, as they are driven to do with other famous or popular or otherwise empowered males. And there is designed purpose behind all of that.

Messiah Yeshua made us see that (in the human condition), true power exposes itself in humility and simplicity and passivity; or, as my brother and fellow disciple said; strength through weakness (2Co 12:2–10), though not a weakness at all, once an individual understands life from beyond the mere mortal micro–experiences (or Enculturation), which this life verily represents.

Messiah Yeshua came at a time and at a place, specifically and for a purpose. YHVH could have taken on human form, anywhere and at anytime, and yet, selected this time/place for some very important reasons. Those few (of us) who Love the Lord with all their/our mind–heart–Soul, strength, and Soul, seek diligently for those kinds of answers; and the Lord does not disappoint. The where and when had less to do with the Jews and more to do with the Romans; and specifically, Mammon, and the future (21st century) downfall of the species.

Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disobedient to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent; fierce; despisers of those that are good; traitors; headstrong and high–minded; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti 3:1–7) Rom 1; James 5}

For the mystery of iniquity does already work; only He who now lets will allow it, until he is taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom The Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceiving and unrighteousness within them that perish, because they received not, the love of the truth, that they might be saved. So for this cause, Elohim shall send them strong delusions so that they will believe lies; that they all might be damned, who believed not in truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Th 2:7–12)



In the Eschaton, a time of perverse logic, and the wanton normalization of the horrifyingly abnormal, the stunning belief that whatever money is applied to, is somehow sanctioned by our Heavenly Father, is itself, a tribute to just how many people there are that do not really believe in the presence of such a Supreme Being; even the churched and/or religious among us.

In recent history we witnessed this in human slavery; the belief that black humans were worth less than whites, because the white humans were so driven by the making and hoarding of money that they allowed themselves to degrade to this level: Yes, these people were law abiding, church going Christians, and yet, as evil as a human can become! What gives?

To understand this deep seeded passion for power, and specifically in the Americas here in the Eschaton, one must go back a bit in history, to Europe and the impulse for exploration. All writing herein (and elsewhere) is written under the assumption that the reader has a college level education, or the equivalent thereof, because I am not called to reteach simple data. This means you have (at least) mastered all the Humanities.




Supernatural Stupidity Marking The Eschaton: Stupid With Power! (Back)

Flat Earth believers clearly suffer from mental illness, however, with all forms of mental retardation, those who are developmentally challenged, are too developmentally challenged to know they are developmentally challenged: And that is the conundrum. What we are witness to, here in the Eschaton, is a widespread stupidity event, which defies even the levels of intellectual deficiency that has always plagued humanity.

It is not coincidental that most of those who are suffering from this mass delusional thinking, are the christianized. Of course, these people are no where near the Messianic Cross, but since they make pride centered proclamations of being Christ connected, Satan has a field day with them, as it is Satans main function, post eternal doom, to belittle or degrade anything that even simulates Christ.

The ultimate goal of Satan is to place Jesus Christ in a position of ridicule and scorn, unto the seeing eye of the bulk of humanity; to make a mockery of it all, and especially scripture. Therefore, Satan uses (primarily) the Eschaton Era versions of the COP Cultists (which have existed since the 1st century), witnessed in protestant evangelicals; those furthest from the Messianic Cross, but who claim to be Christ copiers, representatives and ambassadors.

They suffer greatly from Bibliolatry, and yet, this is the ultimate betrayal from them, as the descendants of the COP Cultists, for it is the word of Elohim, found in the Messiah Scriptures, that they embarrass most of all; that they make a mockery of. They do not understand it at all, and yet, in their pride filled self-centeredness, they proclaim to know all about it, thus undermining scripture entirely. I.e. Since the bible makes people gullible it must be meaningless!

Nevertheless, in a Love centered and just society, we would look out for these kind; they would be recognized for their mental shortcomings, and not be allowed to drop through the proverbial cracks. There would be mechanisms in place society wide that would act as a social safely net, to catch these people before they gain a financial foothold in society.

However, in a society wherein money is the only barometer of everything, things like mental health in general, and even mental institutions which are now almost nonexistent, are relegated to people in society who are not trained to deal with the mentally ill. Today, a non functioning mentally ill person will end up caught up in the Homeless Industry, or imprisoned, or in the worst of cases, shot dead by Law Enforcement.

However, socially functioning (but) developmentally challenged people, can gain monetary resources by trading time for money at some meaningless or menial employment role, and then they are empowered with that money, to live out their mental illness on social platforms, be it electronic like what is most common today, or in other ways apart from the Internet (just as they did before it).

This is a dangerous precedent; it is the consequence of a society that places monetary worth over fundamental human worth. Self-worth cannot be calculated in USD! Only the anti-Messianic humans use such corrupted criteria. The ideals of freedom have been warped so badly, that freedom now only means, to do as I please where and when I please, without any accountability or responsibility, personal or financial: Everyone will be held accountable in the Spiritual realm! This is what has given rise to all sorts of madness, done under the banners of freedom; patriotism and nationalism; all us–against–themism; even righteousness.


Spiritual Wisdom Versus Biological Intellect & Education! (Back)

There have always been the mentally ill; however, this level of societal madness has not been seen at this level, and at these numbers, in recorded history. I read Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) back in my teen years; the title caught my eye at the public library, where I spent a lot of my youth, avoiding a bad home situation.

As a teen I already had an unusually high IQ, but at that time, those concepts were, themselves, foreign to most average folk, myself included. I had no idea how far ahead I was of everyone that I was surrounded by; I could only see that I could comprehend far more than they apparently did or could, being 20 to 40 years older than I.

As an elderly adult in the 21st century, I can look back to see that I was surrounded by simpletons; people who themselves, would have easily believed that Earth was flat or global warming was a hoax, if they were here today, in spite of all the massive evidence that proclaims otherwise, versus the zero evidence that such things can even be possible, much less actual or real.

But the Eschaton were said to be a time of extremism; and the extremists that would appear among us by the millions, willing to believe, and fight for, and even go to jail for, what are clearly delusions! Well, clear to anyone who is not developmentally challenged.



Platforms Of Ego: Awarding & Rewarding The Egocentric! (Back)

Center stage is one of those egocentric ideals that we see, more in the European (or westernized) cultures, than we do in the rest of the more tribal worldview. The Greeks and Romans (and others directly or indirectly influenced by them), were avid stage theater and Colosseum builders; what I call, the designed then built, put me at the center, structures. These podiums of ego are sin soaked indeed; however, those who crave them, are too far removed from the Messianic Cross to ever make a near miss again.

Oh, the westernized lust to create centers of attention; the Loveless human ego, via satanic influences, craves being upon them. Those with the god complex, want what their father Satan wants (John 8:42–44). This is where the sports stadiums of today come from. Like virtually all things that will be justified and rationalized in the minds of the masses, sports is magnified as a way to be/stay healthy: But that is only a part of the whole, just like the leaven is a very small part of the bread loaf.

Once an individual recognizes and acknowledges the role that enculturation plays upon all other things, and then in contrast, how Messiah Yeshua came to set us free of this primal–carnal, base, mammalian, monkey–see–monkey–do, low level of living on Earth, we can then look upon all Creation from the eyes of our Maker; the Gods eye view rather than from the ants eye view.




! Christians Go Onto A Stage: Messianic Disciples Go Into The Wilderness (Back)




It seems that all human animals do not automatically receive an eternal Soul. When we hear of someone who seems soulless, there is perhaps merit to such an assessment. There are some — and their numbers are growing here in these prophesied Eschaton Era — who seem to lack or are void of even the most rudimentary of human likeness; they are called inhuman.

Assuredly, the mind sciences give them pet names; they call them psychopath or sociopath: And it is fine to label such behaviors for easier identification. Just know that this process does not attenuate the root of this dilemma: Spiritual vacuity! Demonic influence/s!

It could very well turn out that those humans who truly believe that at corporeal death, they simply vanish from existence forever; that though matter/energy never goes away but reformulates elsewhere; that they or their consciousness or their individuality, will cease to exist anywhere and forever. Perhaps YHVH will grant them this reality.

It would surely be sad that they would never know of the much much bigger plans of YHVH, and how they were marvelously created for a purpose that far transcended this fickle vapor of life on Earth. Nevertheless, only the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH will be Resurrected into eternally enduring corporeal bodies.



Lordship itself is to release all of our individual (or collective) power, over to another. It is a state of personal powerlessness, meaning that the individual relinquishes (daily, hourly), all potential and any actual power, over and unto ones Lord, or lord, depending upon who or what your personal lord is! My Lord is thus, The Lord, Messiah Yeshua, who was and is and is to come: YHVH who came in the flesh (John 1:1–3).



The reason why people say to another person, not to take something personally, is a display or exhibition of (both) their ignorance and Loveless indifference: the opposite of Love is indifference!



The great and overwhelming power of pacifism will not be fully recognized until the end of days. My Master, Messiah Yeshua, allowed Himself to be crucified when He could have easily prevented it or stopped it. He came as a Tekton, and called His disciples from among the labor class of His time–culture. But He could have easily came as a silver spoon baby, born into privilege and money/power, and thus done far more with all that wealth/power, then He could as a simple and money poor: That is, according to human understanding!

The power of Messiah Yeshua, as a human male, was recognized by others even as they listened to Him talk, more than what they felt with the scribes. To be fair the Q-Source scribes, were not disciples of Messiah Yeshua, but were the mere students and note takers of the Pharisees, the Sadducees (the profiteers from/of religion/god), and also the attorney class.

Thus, what they understood as authoritative talking, was more about His complete understanding of all things truthful, for He was/is the sum of truth. But He did not merely talk; He backed up His words with action (Mark 1:21–27); and this, in their synagogues. Note this in the gospels; it is always referred to as their (or the) synagogue/s, never our or My synagogue.



Self-justification and its needed partner, denial, soon become the standard operating process for everything. It will no longer be a denial about some things, it eventually becomes a denial of reality, on some level, about everything. The very process of self-justification, soon bleeds onto every fabric of life, and living, and thus lifestyle. When self-justification takes over how people think, and why they think in that way, it becomes terminal.

Denial and self-justification often begins rather benignly; the mind has a coping ability wherein youthful trauma (or traumas) are metaphorically thrown into the basement of our minds, because in all reason, those memories cannot help us in our future, to grow more or better food, or build our shelters better, or improve our clothing, and so on.

Since all we have to do, as a species, is to survive into the future, and procreate, and otherwise thrive as soul–endowed beings, what is the logic of remembering traumatic events (nightmares) that we had no power over when they happened, and certainly none, today, to undo them.

Sure, we all learn certain lessons from all the events that happen to us, but those lessons should be constructive toward our future endeavors, not detrimental to them. Therefore, the brain files them away into the basement of our minds, and they eventually die with us, undisturbed. Well, that is the initial goal of filing them away: But they do not always stay securely in that proverbial basement!

No, sometimes, similar events or thoughts, will make them scream out from that proverbial basement, so loud that they can be heard upstairs. But since these long past images (or even sounds or smells), are so obscured from full perception, they can impact what we can experience upstairs; mental disruptions, and/or unexplained emotions and their subsequent behaviors, and thus lifestyle and/or behavioral quirks: But nothing at the level of the originating traumas.

And so they may seem a mystery, because they are not immediate or present in our lives. But what they can leave behind, is a brain that learns to file away, anything that even simulates the original trauma, even if it is not really traumatic.

This is because of the mild similarities, brain perceived, and thus, the mind/brain gets used to throwing into that basement, anything that might turn out to be likened to the other stuff, already down there. We learn to take whatever we do not like or do not agree with, and set it on the top step of that proverbial basement space, ready to kick on down that staircase.

But it does not always have to be childhood trauma, or even young adulthood trauma, to create this mind/brain ability to set all things undesired or unwanted, onto that proverbial top step. The mind/brain will use this ancient process (this coping mechanism), to deal with even the most common of thoughts or realities, simply because it does not like the alternatives; this is why it is officially called, Denial. And how denial is made rational to us, is through the mechanism of self-justification.

My Master, Messiah Yeshua, had to deal with this, and, being Love conquered and motivated, knew how to deal with it, though in dealing with anything like this, it does not always mean, softly or gently; sometimes a hard kick in the rear is just what is needed to break loose these metaphorical and even literal demons that can take hold of the mind–heart–Soul. These rouge thoughts can make us think that we are victims, as in the case of real traumas, even though no such acts or events really happened to us.

We imagine we are victims, because (at least) in modern society, the victim–class get special treatment, even praise for being overcomers, and even the heroes of our own self imagined traumas. And we humans like to get praised and elevated, and be the center of everyone's attention: That is human ego!

It is collectively referred to in the mind sciences as the superego. That is not a bad term to use in this case. Obviously, psychology has its place in the corporeal study of the human experience, however, we as the disciples of Messiah Yeshua, have a sometimes completely different perspective on, and thus conclusions about, that experience, and why it is happening to begin with.

What transcends the brain/body, which is impacted by any/all random traumas, and corporeal experiences, and physical events; these will all die along with our brain/body. What lives on, beyond our brain/body, is our memories of living; is our consciousness and its levels of learned conscientiousness; in short, our Soul.

The greater goal of the Soul, therefore, is to attenuate, and then eliminate, the superego, and render us (and it) egoless. We are to die to this life; die to the things that make us finite corporeal beings on a finite world. Our Creator has much bigger plans for those of us who come to understand it all.

It is a transcendence of the endopsychic; a Spiritual metamorphosis that will allow us to be immortalized; to qualify us, as it were, to cross that proverbial bridge, via The Cross! But to clarify: It is not a matter of being superior to other humans, for we were all created equal at the start of our corporeal existence: We are all equally worthy in the sight of our Creator (John 3:16).

However, we do not get awarded (or rewarded) eternal life, simply because we accept one theological construct over another, based upon the perceived writings of men, regardless of how inspired those writings are. There is far more at stake here, than the human predilection toward punishment and reward. YHVH is recording only the contents of our heart; Judgment will come only from those results.

The human need to punish those who are not like them, or who oppose them, or who hurt them in any way; this need is logical, or so it seems at the time. However, when these individual's lack (in this life) the earthly powers to obtain justice, or hurt them back, they want to know that their enemies will suffer, somewhere or at least at some other time/future.

Consequently, they take Holy writings, and twist them into themselves; into their own primal–carnal desires for justice and/or vengeance and/or retribution. They reshape the inspired words of all our Creator, and reformulate them into their own image of how things should be. To paraphrase bluntly: Forgiveness my ass; I want to kill something!



Spiritual Metamorphosis: The Messianic Nature & Purpose Of Death To Self! (Back)

Spiritual Metamorphosis is just a term applied to the Spiritual versus the physical realm. This Soul level metamorphosis, occurs whenever a person has effectively died on the inside. In the metaphor, an individual surrenders unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and dies to this life and its dreams and goals and purposes, which are limited to the here and now; to earthly life and living.

That individual surrenders all personal power, including any form of earthly power, and thus for all intentions, is left naked and destitute, and thus fully dependent upon the proverbial Spiritual manna for daily sustenance and the heavenly wrap for dress, and the natural world's materials for shelter. It is a full and complete surrender to all earthly power paradigms, so that from there onward, the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit will be the only thing left within.


Since we all were created in the image or likeness of Adonai Elohim, what that means it that we have an eternal Soul, or some might say, the potential for an eternal Soul, but which one depends on which theological encampment one leans toward. Some imply that we are just born with a Soul, but in that camp, the same logic could extend to all mammals, and not just the human animal.

Humans surely have greater self-awareness, and knowing of life and of death, as well as a much better understanding of our place in the corporeal world, and on a planet in a solar system in a universe in a cosmos. Animals do not think quite so completely. But does all of that, negate an eternal Soul for all animals, and not just for humans?

Conversely, there are others who believe that our self-awareness and greater understanding, does not automatically qualify us for an eternal Soul, which will transcend this temporal corporeal life. Some think that when it was written, Elohim breathed life into us.




Understanding The Mystery Of Life & Death & Resurrection! (Back)

Who has ears to hear, let him hear! And the disciples came and said unto Him: Why do you speak unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them: Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: But whosoever has not, from him shall be taken away, even that he has. Therefore I speak to them in parables: Because seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which said: By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive: For these people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them!
But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear! For verily I say unto you; that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear, and have not heard them. Hear therefore the parable of the sower: When any one hears the word of the Kingdom, and understands it not, then comes the wicked one, and catches away that, which was sown in his heart: This is he, which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the word, and anon with joy receives it, yet he has not root in himself, but endures for a while: For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the word; and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word and he becomes unfruitful! But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; which also bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty!
(Matt 13:9–23)   {cf. Isa 6:9–10; Luke 8:9–10}

The grace of our Lord Messiah Yeshua be with you all: Amen! Now to Him that is of power to establish you according to the Gospel, and the preaching of Messiah Yeshua, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting Elohim, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: To Elohim the only wise, be glory through Messiah Yeshua forever: Amen! (Rom 16:24–27)   {cf. Jude 1:24–25} {brother Tertius expounded upon this in Rom 11}

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world, or of the princes of this world, that come to naught: But we speak the wisdom of YHVH in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which YHVH ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified The Lord of glory. But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which YHVH has prepared for them that Love Him." But YHVH has revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, yea, and the deep things of YHVH. For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man that is in him?
Even so the things of YHVH, no man knows, but {by} the Spirit of YHVH. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit, which is of YHVH; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of YHVH. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches; comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of YHVH, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are Spiritually discerned. But he that is Spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who has known the mind of The Lord, that he may instruct Him? We who have the mind of Messiah Yeshua! (1Co 2:6–16)   {ambassadors: 2Co 5:20–21}

Stewards of The Mysteries of YHVH!
Do you not know that you are the Temple of YHVH, and that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of Elohim, him shall Elohim destroy; for the temple of Elohim is Holy, which temple you are. Let no man deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with Elohim. For it is written: He takes the wise in their own craftiness! And again: The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain! Therefore, let no one glory in men. For all things are yours. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours, and you are Messiahs, and Messiah Yeshua is Adonai. (1Co 3:16–23)   {cf. Job 5:13; Psa 94:11; Eph 5:29–33}

Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Messiah Yeshua, and stewards of the mysteries of Elohim. Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man is found faithful. But with me, it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment; yea, I judge not mine own self. For I know nothing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified. But He that judges me is The Lord. Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until The Lord comes, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then shall every man have praise of YHVH. And these things brethren, I have in a figure, transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that you might learn in us, not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another. (1Co 4:1–6)

It was not first, that which is Spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward, that which is Spiritual. The first man is of Earth; earthy: The second man is The Lord from Heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the Heavenly, such are they also that are Heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the Heavenly.
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of YHVH; neither does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed: In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So, when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory". O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks are to YHVH, which gives us the victory through our Lord Messiah Yeshua. Therefore all my beloved brethren: Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of The Lord, for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in The Lord. (1Co 15:46–58)

We were born as spiritless beings; entities without an eternal Soul, just like the animal kingdom is now. Of course, the book of Genesis was not about explaining any of this scientifically; however, it did provide us (the Elect of YHVH) with all it intended, from the context of parables and metaphors. These words continue through to the end, for us humans, explaining the difference between the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH — the 1/4 of 1% of our species — versus the bulk of the rest of the human species, once we each physically die.

We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed! This is almost too obvious: the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are the children of YHVH, and as such, we will not sleep because we will go straightway immediately unto our King; our Spouse; our Friend! Today is a good day to die, because like the thief on the cross, today we will be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23:42–43).

We Messianic disciples, are not a part of the judgment of the world, and in fact, we as the children of The Judge, will be on the Bench side of this particular metaphor. Keep in mind always, that the may authors of scripture, often did not comprehend the full extent or content of what the YHVH Spirit was compelling them to write.

We see this dark glass revelation, though rarely, with the near death experiences of children, who do not yet have the knowledge of all of this (of sin–evil and its potential eternal consequences), and as such, all children — and all those deemed as innocent on Earth by the sovereignty of YHVH — are covered under the shed blood of Messiah Yeshua, should they die still as innocents.

The monetized Theology of the COP Cults imply that even children are sinful and deserving of judgment (hell), but this is just their own pride–ego–emotion leaking into the texts (Eisegesis), which they have been pimping since nearly the beginning.

The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH will be with our Love, right after we die on Earth, but still in spiritual or incorporeal form, for the Resurrection of the Saints has not yet occurred. But for the bulk of the human species, they die and re main unconscious, like sleep, until the day of their judgment; a major event that we, as the Elect of YHVH, will be partakers in, alongside our King as Judge.

Blessed be YHVH the Father, our Lord Messiah Yeshua, who has blessed us with all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly places, by Messiah Yeshua, according as He has chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love: Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Messiah Yeshua unto Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace, wherein He has abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one, all things in Messiah, both which are in Heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him, in whom also, we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Messiah Yeshua. In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory. (Eph 1:3–14)

For this cause I Paul (Saul), the prisoner of Messiah Yeshua for you Gentiles, if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of YHVH, which is given me toward you, how that by revelation, He made known unto me the mystery — as I wrote before in few words, whereby, when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Messiah Yeshua — which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles {disciples} and prophets, by the Spirit: That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Messiah Yeshua, by the gospel. Whereof, I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of Adonai our Elohim, given unto me by the effectual working of His power.
Unto me, who am less than the least of all Saints, was this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Messiah Yeshua. And, to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in YHVH, who created all things by Messiah Yeshua: To the intent that now, unto the principalities and powers in Heavenly places, might be known by the Koinonia, the manifold wisdom of YHVH, according to the eternal purpose, which He purposed in Messiah Yeshua our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him. (Eph 3:1–12)   {cf. Eph 6:18–20}

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity {YHVH Love}, I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profits me nothing! (1Co 13:1–3)

The very reason why it was so necessary for YHVH to place the Spirit of YHVH (the Holy Spirit, versus the many unholy ones that were/are impacting our species), was so that we can decipher on our own, the mysteries of this life, both in the written words, and in the physical life itself; the science of corporeality if you will. The written words had within them, a mixture of YHVH inspired words, but as always, leavened with the primal–carnal nature of humankind. But a Holy Spirit could not occupy an unholy being: Hence, propitiation!

This does not make the words (the Jewish or Messianic Scriptures) of no use; quite the contrary. The goal was/is to allow the superpower of volition, given to all the human species, to play out, uninterrupted, and that includes all humans without exception; even those who penned all biblical words, as well as those who decided what to canonize from among them.

As the earliest of writings were layered with a blend of YHVH inspired words, so too, were those very words written by humans, who were at all times tempted by the things of (this) the World; who were driven to fear for the sake of survival. We can all understand that!

Therefore, the need for an internal and incorruptible Entity — the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit — became a necessity (1Jo 4). Satan and his incorporeal demon crew was given a certain amount of limited power over the human species, to serve the purpose of testing us, by adding a pinch of temptation that world drive us volitionally unto the Cross. There had to be an unseen power which could be overcome by an even greater unseen power (Heb 11).

Therefore, we who harbor YHVH in us; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, have the greater power, and that power also gives us the light; the eyes to see and the ears to hear! We are called the chosen ones; the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; the (future) resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim! We are on this planet but we are not at all like the human masses that currently dominate it.

When we disciples read the Jewish or the Messianic Scriptures, we can see that which is made a mystery to those who will perish (2Th 2); we can discern the subtle leaven that was left in the mix, from the purity of our eternal Spouse. We can see that the words were edited, along the path of time, so that men trying to profit — either monetarily or with other forms of empowerment — from other humans who believed in The One Creator (whom we call YHVH or Adonai Elohim), and this editing does not remove from it, the truths cleverly embedded within those words.

Therefore, we still think of the words as inspired indeed; however, we also know well, of the leaven that our Lord, Messiah Yeshua, warned us about (Matt 16:11–12; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1–2; 1Co 5). We know this also by His very life on Earth; how He came and made contact with just such people; the Pharisees and other Logos handling religion businesses, who were also fornicating with the federal government of their time and culture. Signs!



The Difference Between Perfection & Being Perfect: Being Good Versus Doing Good! (Back)

Just as no human can be perfect, no human can be called good either. Even Messiah Yeshua made the very concept seem absurd; that even He, as The Messiah and Savior of all humanity, should not be called good. Because of our corporeal nature, we can only have a sin nature. Our flesh wars against our Spirit (Gal 5; James 4): We sin so easily, being trapped on a planet filled with its many challenges, and temptations, and dangers, not even including interacting with other humans. And that is even a greater challenge than natural disasters or animal predation. More...


Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in Heaven is perfect! (Matt 5:48)

And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to Him, and asked Him: Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Yeshua said unto him: Why do you call Me good? There is none good but One, that is, Elohim! You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery; do not kill; do not steal; do not bear false witness; defraud not; honor your father and mother! And he answered and said unto Him: Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Yeshua beholding him, Loved him, and said unto him: One thing you lack; go your way, sell whatsoever you have and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. Then come, take up the cross and follow Me! Yet he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved, for he had great possessions. (Mark 10:17–22)

Yeshua said unto him: If you will be perfect, go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven; and come and follow Me! But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Then said Yeshua unto His disciples: Amen, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you; it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. When His disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying: Who then can be saved? But Yeshua beheld them, and said unto them: With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all things are possible! (Matt 19:21–26)

And He spoke a parable unto them: Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch? The disciple is not above his Master: But everyone that is perfect shall be as his Master! (Luke 6:39–40)

Now I pray, not for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me, I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are One: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have Loved them as you have Loved Me! (John 17:20–23)

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world, or of the princes of this world, that come to naught: But we speak the wisdom of Elohim in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which Elohim ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified The Lord of glory. (1Co 2:6–8)

Now I pray to Elohim that you do no evil; not that we should appear approved, but that you should do that which is honest, though we are as reprobates. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. For we are glad, when we are weak, and you are strong, and this also we wish, even your perfection. Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the power, which The Lord has given me to edification, and not to destruction. Finally brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the Elohim of Love and peace shall be with you. (1Co 13:7–11)

O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Messiah Yeshua has been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you; did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Torah, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain, if it be yet in vain? (Gal 3:1–4)

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: But I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Messiah Yeshua. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended. But this one thing I do; forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things that are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded. And if in anything, you are otherwise minded, Elohim shall reveal even this unto you. (Phl 3:12–15)

This we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Messiah Yeshua, where unto I also labor, striving according to His working, which works in me mightily. (Col 1:28–29)

Perfection manifests in our hearts desire to be right and righteous (only) in the sight of The Lord. It is a passion to be at one with Him. What Loves does, is it drives us to research, seeking out the right thing to do in all situations that occur to us in this life (2Ti 2:15–16; 1Th 4:7–12). All Messianic disciples, being Love conquered, are deeply concerned with how our actions and our lifestyle choices impact others (Phl 2:1–5).

Consequently, we research our current actions and lifestyles, and our future actions and lifestyle choices, and indeed all our future decision making, to measure how and if and why, we will make those decisions and lifestyle choices. It is, simply put, YHVH Love in action, because Love is a verb.

We are perfect by/in our efforts, for doing so exposes our heart condition. It shows our observing Lord, our pure heart, in desiring to be all that He was and is; it shows Him our passion to be like Him; to follow Him; to truly be His disciple. It may turn out, after much time researching and prayer, that the decision we came to, turns out to be wrong after a long period of time, and that is an acceptable outcome, because after all, we are not perfect beings.

Our perfection therefore, is not in always making the correct decisions or actions, because that is not even possible to begin with; we cannot see into the future, any more than what scripture has already revealed to us in its limited form; we are need–to–know only (Luke 12:11–12).

Perfection is assuredly a place that we arrive at, but only once we have reached the end of self, and now live for others as our first priority. We are not only willing to sacrifice self for others, we actually do so regularly, and that is best expressed in how we live on Earth; that is the experiment! That is the test! That is why you & I exist!

Do you do, all that you do, as a witness and as an ambassador of Messiah Yeshua? Or, do you copy whatever those around you do, so that you can fit–in and be accepted by those in proximity (religiously or not)? Messiah Yeshua was YHVH–in–skin, and most assuredly had the power to have been born into royalty and/or power; or alternatively, had the ability to amass an army of people to create a huge financial (cult) empire that would have exceed that of Pharisee nation.

However, He intentionally and with great purpose, came onto Earth in human form, as a Tekton; a homeless brown skinned itinerant Jewish carpenter. And died an impoverished martyr. Why? The answer to that is critical; it is central; it is vital; it is everything!

The power that Messiah Yeshua wielded, was not that of economic prowess or monetary power; it was not of military power or bully brute force; it was not political power; it was not psychological power, or mental/emotional exploitation, or any trickery. Messiah Yeshua only used the power of Love. Not the feel good emotions so often mistaken by using the word love, but Love; YHVH Love; eternal Love! Why?

Because there is real, and ultimately eternal, purpose in working by the sweat of your own brow; there is great purpose in gaining all your resources from the garden planet of YHVH, rather than from the usury economics of the Monetized economic world of (yep) The World. To live a sedentary life is in itself, every bit as sinful a lifestyle, as is homosexuality; every bit as dark as abortion is.

But you see, if you do the one, but not the other, then the things that you do, are right and righteous, because after all, it is you doing them, and you cannot be wrong, right? Self-righteousness is an expression of unabashed pride, and pride is the one and only unforgivable sin.

All pride conquered people are eternally doomed, no matter how many professions if faith proclaimed or believed. Self-righteousness is itself fruit–evidence of demonic oppression; to believe that ones self is anything but depraved beyond recognition, proves that such a one is nowhere near the Messianic Cross.

Christians especially, will fulfill prophesy concerning them, without even being aware that they are doing so. They will exploit the bible (itself) in their cut and paste and cluster versing theological fashion, to justify themselves before men. When exposed to the light of truth, they have a rebuttal from the bible to exploit, in this self-justification mentality. When challenged with the reality that they are merely the copies of their culture, rather than their Christ; rather than being Messianic recreations.

No servant can serve two masters: For either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! Being money lovers, all the Pharisees also, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim! (Luke 16:13–15)

And this is the condemnation; that light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither comes to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved. But those that do truth, comes to the light, that their deeds may be made manifest, that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:19–21).

The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, remain whatever their culture has shaped them into, wherein the christianized among them, will exploit the bible, to justify the life and lifestyle they now live, and intend to continue living tomorrow and beyond. But doing this is (itself) a greater sin than any of the lifestyle sins they so notoriously like to wag their self-righteous fingers at others for.

The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious will unabashedly focus on things in worldly terms; they will talk or think about issues in terms of their economic impacts, rather than their environmental impacts. The Earth is the creation of YHVH, but the monetary system is 100% human–made and perpetuated. YHVH abhors it all.

It only took thirty pieces of silver to betray The Creator of the universe, Adonai our Elohim, YHVH–in–skin, Messiah Yeshua. The only violence we were told of from Messiah Yeshua, was when He angrily overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the public temple; today's church businesses (Mark 11).



Adonai Elohim: The Supreme Soul Maker! (Back)

The purpose of this life is radical transformation via Spiritual metamorphosis! But the purpose of life is not a new thing. YHVH has been running planetary experiments like this one, for, well, forever I suppose! We know that Satan was/is a beautiful and popular and highly talented entity, and we can assume to have been a corporeal being at some point in time.

Perhaps Satan was once (long ago) a physical being on another planet, and died as we do, and was resurrected into YHVH Presence, but then, Satan became discontented with being a mere servant of YHVH and wanted more; much much more! We do not know, but we can speculate and extrapolate from the data we do have, combined with our own corporeal experiences, alongside our scientific knowledge of the universe.

We know that Satan was a fallen angel, and so, first an angel, and then, we can assume from this, that Satan was once respected and thus given a place and/or a position of power among the other Elect of YHVH. But it seems that power and dominionship was the real issue with Satan; perhaps that is why this Earth experiment went, and will go, the way it has and will go.

Again, there is no biblical concrete on any of these things being this way, but then, very little is exposed within the inspired writings, given to Earth humans via Ruach HaKodesh, which is in strict law book in form (do this, do not do that); it is mostly metaphors and parables. And there is a reason for that to! That is why the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is so critical; the Coder, the authors Inspiration source, is also the Decoder for future readers (us)!

Unlike the mere culturally christianized, we Messianic disciples can extrapolate from the texts that did survive, and in concert with the much more reliable intuition and inspiration of word–pictures that all Holy–Spirit–conquered individuals experience, what did happen and what is going to happen. Those still trapped in Bibliolatry cannot fathom any of this, and thus, they must and will reject it, and that is fine, for them. Narrow and restricted is The Way indeed!

What we know as a species today, which is far different from the understandings of past humans, is that Earth is not the center of the universe, nor is it the only habitable planet in the vast expanse of the cosmos, filled with countless quintillions other planetary creations of YHVH. Once we were innocent in that way (Acts 17); scripture itself, and perhaps more than any other preserved writings from the past, clearly exposes this reality. And why they were preserved! Not to trap us in tradition and dogma, but to free us!

Based on the Earth experiment, YHVH uses corporeal live to bring beings into existence; otherwise there would be some memories of past life experiences, or at least, clear explanations of this in Scripture: An eternal soul does not mean an eternity past. Some postulate that we all have souls that have always existed, and we were effectively installed into humans, which somehow also explains reincarnation and/or memories of past lives and such. Messianic disciples do not believe that. And yet, I would never say never, for YHVH keeps many things from us, and for good reason.

When YHVH breathes life into corporeal beings that have developed (not evolved) into a higher soul–endowed state, it is that birth of consciousness and conscientiousness, that makes Adonai our Elohim, The Soul Maker! YHVH brings us into existence within corporeal bodies that were extrapolated from the elements of whatever planet the corporeal experiment is being conducted from.

We here on and from Earth, are thus Earth humans; our physical bodies are a compilation of the elements from this biosphere. And other planets in different cosmological settings, will have beings on it that are similar to or even parallel to ours, but it is unlikely they will be strictly human (John 10:15–16): And that is fine!


Organized Religion Is Elohim Trafficking! (Back)

YHVH has control over the created universe itself, but the notion that YHVH works within spacetime to proverbially turn the knobs and push the buttons that run things on this Earth, in real time, is unrealistic. But the Active God Now Thema is most certainly a profitable venture for the YHVH Monetizers who adulterate the scriptures, and who commodify the Creator of all things, for earthly personal power and/or resource gains.

In fact, it it these religious hypocrites (Matt 6) that Elohim will cast into the (again, proverbial) lake of fire (Rev 20): Why? Because of the deceptions they imposed upon the species, in their vain religiosity and its manifest corruptions.

YHVH cannot and thankfully does not, interfere with the random and natural course of all things in spacetime, so everything is completely random. Volition Is Your Superpower That Even YHVH Will Not Alter! YHVH does not intervene in anything. That is why you will never hear from the dead of how god saved them from whatever they otherwise died from. Only the one percent who survive can say such words and make such postulations or celestial interference.

But this is vanity; this is self-superiority; this is pride–ego–emotion; this is to see ones self as somehow special and thus deserving of some divine intervention, to keep them on Earth because of how important they are, when compared to the rest of the species, who just dies and is never heard from again. But the Grim Reaper reaches us all, sooner or later. The occult of self-superiority is a central part of Satans paradigm of hierarchy!

For YHVH to take part, in the least little way, and interfere with the random and natural course of things to come, would be for YHVH to lie and to cheat and to defy the very nature of YHVH. Such interference would violate the very purpose of volition itself. For this very fact and reality, Messiah Yeshua Himself, struggled with the natural course of things (Mark 14:33–36), in His own suffering and death upon the (now blessed) Messianic Cross. He called upon us to volitionally take up our cross daily (Luke 9:23–27).

Messiah Yeshua alone, being YHVH in the flesh, had power over the physical realm; Messiah Yeshua could alter natural law and spacetime and physics (assuming Physics as a thing); indeed all that governs the corporeal design that Messiah Yeshua Himself designed and brought into being. He did such things to prove His Divinity. But when He said to us, His disciples, that we too could do miraculous things, He was not referring to defying gravity: That is Satan instilling those kinds of thoughts (Matt 4; Luke 4).

Messiah Yeshua was speaking, as always, in parables or metaphorically, when He said that we could cast the Rockies into the Pacific ocean if we had the faith to do so (Mark 11:22–24). But the literalistic — who are literal exactly because they cannot be anything else without the Indwelling Holy Spirit — cannot fathom such metaphors beyond the words themselves; hence, the Bibliolatry and the religious extremism that follows it, from any religions holy book.

Satan, and the Satan–led Pharisees of the 1st century, along with the Satan–led pharisaic among all generations of our species, all work the same angle; they like to adulterate "the word of god" for personal gains and advantages. First we have Satan appealing to a hungry Messiah Yeshua, after His long fast, following the installation of Ruach HaKodesh into His human body. And what did Satan say to Him?

Yeshua, being full of the Holy Spirit, returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days He ate nothing. And when they ended, He afterward hungered. And the devil said unto Him: If you are the Son of Elohim, command this stone that it be made bread. And Yeshua answered him, saying: It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Elohim! And the devil, taking Him up into a high mountain, showed unto Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto Him: All this power will I give You, and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will I give it. If therefore, you will worship me, all shall be Yours! But Yeshua answered and said unto him:
Get behind Me, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship Adonai your Elohim, and Him only shall you serve! So he brought Him to Jerusalem, and set Him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto Him: If You are the Son of Elohim, cast Yourself down from hence, for it is written: He shall give His angels charge over You, to keep You! And: In their hands they shall bear You up, lest at any time You dash Your foot against a stone! But Yeshua answering said unto him: It is said: You shall not tempt Adonai your Elohim! So, when the devil had ended all the temptations, he departed from Him for a season. (Luke 4:1–13)   {cf. Deu 6:13–16 & 8:3; Psa 91:11–12}

The first temptation was to save Himself from the hunger He was experiencing, and use His powers to feed Himself. After all, we humans were created with the need to eat, so there is nothing wrong with doing so. And that part is true. This was about allowing Satan to use our current states of weakness to follow his directives or commandments.

If Satan were not capable of giving Messiah Yeshua the elements of the second temptation, earthly power over all, then Messiah Yeshua would have simply replied: you do not have that power to give! But instead, He did not deny the power of Satan on Earth, for indeed Satan is the god of this world. Yeshua simply quoted from the Tanakh to (at least in that moment) dissuade Satan. Of course today, money is the supreme temptation element that Satan uses, both to tempt with, and to tempt for.

And so, as is the most demonic of all possible acts of Spiritual adulteration, Satan used and quoted from the Tanakh himself, and that is a big tell. This is also what the Pharisees of 1st century Bibliolatry, did all the time with the Tanakh. And to this very day, it is what the pharisaic religionists do with the New Covenant words of the Messiah Scriptures: They employ them in literal terms to justify their daily lifestyles of sin–evil.

The final temptation was equally sinister; that of defying natural laws for showmanship; in this particular case, defying gravity, which only Messiah Yeshua, as YHVH, could have actually done. We mere mortals are governed by all natural laws, which were created by YHVH, by the way; therefore, only those who follow Satan and/or listen to the many voices of the demonic realm — and there are trillions of them — will believe they can defy the natural course of events, as their god will protect them in the doing.

This is why the religionists, meaning everyone that claim their religious roots of any branch of Abrahamism, believe that their god can be manipulated to do their will, mainly through Prayer. Here in the Eschaton, these sacrilegious acts have been so prostituted over so many generations of people, that the abject sin–evil of open religiosity on public display, not only does not bother them Spiritually, they actually perpetuate it into the next generation.




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