Yeshuaville! New Nazareth!


Fiction Versus FateThe Earth ExperimentYeshuaville? New NazarethWe Are What We Do And No More!Edible Cities? The Garden Of Eden(bridge content)The Dehumanizing Effect Of Money On HumansWhy YHVH Came As Carpenter Not KingKingdoms Of YHVH: No Paupers Or Kings(chapter ten)Links

Fiction Versus Fate!

Back in the nineties I wrote (and discussed) the subject of human population. I proved empirically how a planet (back then, Earth), could easily support a trillion human (like) beings, but only if 100% of those beings were Messianic disciples. One can imagine this, along the lines of Earth Amish, only, disciples are more ecologically conservative and more science educated than them. All Messianic disciples are scientifically trained (or have much knowledge) in Conservation.
What we know, scientifically, now, is woefully inadequate, no matter how arrogant some science–minded people are; if there were to be humans in the 22nd century, humans will still not know anything too far removed from what we knew in the 18th century. We as a species are advanced indeed, but that is only because of the Breath of Life; our Genesis, where the installation of an eternal Soul began; the Soul consciousness!
The ideas behind the Stargate and Star Trek (franchise) fictions, work to make my points. In Stargate World, many of the Gate planets were uninhabited by any human–like beings, or if any were there, they were often low–tech horticultural or agrarian societies (e.g. the Athosians).
Yeshuaville is likened to this, only on Earth. It is a very real possibility, but it will never be realized on Earth, because the god of this world is Satan. In Scripture, The World refers to the dominate species, humans, not to planet Earth itself!
The first thing one must understand is that this (Yeshuaville) will never happen on Earth. Prophesy is to see the future before it happens; that means that it's already happened; we are waiting for time to catch–up with the foreknowledge, and therefore, all prophesy will happen. And it is grim; the Big Burn has already been lit! Therefore, this is an alternative universe idea, and nothing more.
After cars are banned, all freeways and highways (former motorways) will be utilized for a yet–to–be smart invention; inventing a way to travel relatively fast, though not necessarily as fast as airplanes, and do so with minimal infrastructure (more of it will require more maintenance in perpetuity), and also with minimal rare earth elements, or any limited resources, nor non–renewables; this is the holy grail of transportation design.
All other infrastructure will be classified as Light Infrastructure. The need for heavy equipment will cease. The need for flying objects will also cease, for the most part. We will no longer need commercial passenger or cargo planes, nor any military equipment, because there will be no militants or their military.
Earth is the Lord's, as is all planetary bodies in the sum of the Cosmos, which is the corporeal (physical, tangible, measurable) realm. Elohim gave the human species over to Satan, and Satan/god, is the god of the bulk of the species. The evidence is overwhelming unto all with Spiritual eyes/ears: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!
The infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH, will be the only Earth humans that will be resurrected into eternal bodies that will not age and cannot die. But like our Master, Messiah Yeshua, demonstrated unto us, we can be physical, and yet not physical; both corporeal and/or incorporeal.
Messiah Yeshua reused the Earth–made body He was Earth born into, because He was recognized as His human Self, but only as He willed it (Luke 24). We know He ate and fished with, some of the disciples. But He also just appeared in a room (John 20 & 21), and, He ascended Earth and into outer space, or to another realm or state of existence; we do not know those details scientifically at this point.
When quality Science Fiction (SF) came along, it made my ability to take mind–thoughts, and use the SF imagery to make the case. In particular, there was Stargate, portraying small teams traveling through a Stargate, via stable wormholes to other planets, all of which were so Earth–like they could just step–out and onto them without life–support gear. That was the first thing I noticed with space SF in general, and so I was not convinced early on, but I settled into the fiction of the fiction.
But Stargate helps, in that I can use the visualization aids. In fact, there are uncountable galaxies throughout the Cosmos, which have within them, many millions of planets, which can and/or will, be occupied by life–forms, made by/from/for that particular planet, but, that the Elect of YHVH will be able to inhabit, just like Messiah Yeshua was able to inhabit Earth, post–physical Resurrection.
Absorbing the Gospel of John, from it, we can safely assume that we too will be able to take on a physical form, at will, and one appropriate to/for that unique biosphere: We will be able to walk upon any of them, just like they do when they walk out of a Stargate: But, we will not need a Stargate! Our incorporeal state will not be limited by/to the Laws Of Physics because they are (yep) physical. Jumping from galaxy to galaxy, no problem.
There were, and are, many occupiable planets, past, present and future. However, the vast majority are not, and never will be; a sun itself, or an orbiting planet that is too far or too close to the sun or star during its life–capable cycle. But even planets like Earth, are near to planets such as Mars, which could have once been inhabitable, and so there is a zone of planets in a stars orbit that will go through a long period where it is comfortably occupiable, and then it will no longer be; Earth will be like this too!
The garden of Eden paradigm is the model for all planets that will be a part of the "Federation of Planets" as all SF buffs will be able to understand. All of them collectively, are called the Kingdom of YHVH in Scripture. It is not one location called Heaven, just like there is not one location called Hell: There are no single locales called Heaven or Hell! These are states of existence, not necessarily places (see Darkness).
These occupiable planetary bodies will be overwhelmed with life during their life–capable cycle; plant life mostly, hence the Garden part. Not all planetary bodies will ever be life–capable (suns, gas giants, etc). The life–capable planets will thrive abundantly in organic purity. All living beings, soul–endowed or animal, will be plant eaters. There will be no such things as predation, or diseases, and as far as this Oracle can ascertain form Scripture, there will be no such thing as death.
All planets in the Cosmos go through life–cycles; the Cosmos is necessarily in constant movement. Planets will cycle, as their nearby star (sun) dictates. Earth is in a cycle right now, wherein corporeal life can thrive upon it. But this too will end. But there are many regions of the Cosmos where planets will be life–capable, but that are not yet ready. Those life–capable cycles run for about a billion years each. Some have already ended.
The human experiment is not likely the only such experiment–test. Satan and his trillion demon entourage, came into being, like we did; in a physical body with no memory at least of a pre–existence. At some point in spacetime, these beings were born in bodies, on a planet somewhere, and we are the evidence of how YHVH brings life into the corporeal realm. Then, they were incorporeal (as angels) and were among the Heavenly Hosts; then, they were cast out, because the beautiful and talented superstar among them (Satan), wanted to be god.
Now, keep in mind first, the one track mind, or linear thinking principle; two different things, technically, but then all that gets too complex for this discussion, so lets lump them together for easier absorption. The simple idea is that everything that is, now, could not be any other way, or at least, not too much different, than it is now. In reality, there are multiple other ways life on Earth could have gone.
In depth, one would first have to fully understand the Theory of Parallel Universes, and also the Butterfly Effect, just for beginners, and then, expand ones mind outward from there. This specific work will not go there. That requires far more than a biological brain. What is understood by those who are not yet enlightened by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, ends up being, itself, limited.
Most discussion of critical thinking, or out of the box thinking, or linear or lateral thinking; it all ends up, too often confined to economics or politics; these narrow thought paradigms, such as critical thinking, are too often employed by academia as an attempt to explain corporeal life minus a Supreme Creator. This too is disappointingly narrow–minded.
The sum of the physical realm (the Cosmos) does not represent 1% of 1 % of all that is. This is blind Enculturation, wherein those who attempt to discuss it intellectually, are themselves blinded to their own blindness: A Spiritual blindness! It is the worst kind because Spiritual enlightenment illuminates the corporeal and the greater incorporeal realm.

The Earth Experiment! (Back)

And so the reasoning goes that Earth cannot support 8 billion+ humans, but that assumes they are the current masses of anti-Messiahs, which is an easily provable fact. The only reason why there are that many people on Earth now, is because humans are using a millennia of banked energy (fossil fuels for one), annually. If you were paid one billion dollars (after taxes) every week, your lifestyle would be radically different than it is now too.
But Earth is a fine lesson in resource use; well, for the Elect of YHVH. Satans people are here but to kill, to steal, and to destroy. His humans have depleted Earth to the point of no return, which was at the turn of the 21st century. Earth could be restored but it would take millions of years. YHVH is going to let it die off; there is a good reason for that.
Repeat: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! Being driven by YHVH Love — not by money or economics or politics or religion, nor by any of the other human centered traits — all Messianic disciples would live on Earth, just like Messiah Yeshua did: not a land or property owner; Simple lifestyle; unmarried; a Tekton!
In any single year in the 21st century, the anti-Messianic human infestation will consume roughly a thousand years worth of energy stores. That resource, spread out over much longer periods, would not be nearly as destructive (like smoking one cigarette a year, versus a pack a day). Destructiveness is only because of how humans live, and that comes, only from why they live, (in a word): Peacelessness!
To then believe that somehow the Creator of all, will rescue humans and Earth from this onslaught, is simply not a scientific fact; science is the simple observation and measuring of the corporeal portion of the Creation itself. Scripture paints another picture; that of a new Earth, and, in a different part of this galaxy, or even another galaxy. Earth will be a floating monument to the end–consequences of rampant sin–evil.
Indeed, it will likely be countless other habitable planets from all over the corporeal Cosmos. (2Pe 3; Rev 20:11―21:1; Isa 65:17 and 66:22–23). It will be far more like the fictional movie, Avatar, than anything you now see on Earth. The YHVH–led planets will all be void of Satans human infestation, wherein they take–take–take only, from the natural world. The people of YHVH will be one with the rest of Creation; we will be natures stewards.
On each of those planets, this human/demon experiment will not be running. Things will not go as they have on this planet, nor anything even close to it. Any one of those planets could be a twin of Earth, and with a species exactly like humans, and yet, how those beings live on that planet, will be so radically different than what we are experiencing, it would be difficult to explain, within the confines of the human brain alone. Read: Intro to Quantum Mechanics.
Now for even more context: the bulk of humanity are Spiritually blinded and thus without vision; therefore, the money–see–monkey–do, copy–mimic–parrot, automaton–drone, human masses, can only replicate those in front of them or near to them, in space and time. The bulk of the human species will live/die with zero original thoughts; without a clue of what critical thinking even means. That creates a problem; one that will be proven empirically with this 1 project, as it is proven countless times daily on Earth!
The Butterfly Effect (Wikipedia) is defined as the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The concept has been used outside the context of weather science, as a broad term for any situation where a small change is supposed to be the cause of larger consequences.
Baseball announcers often get caught up in doing this; they assume that if a player did act A instead of act B, the following plays would have had the same end–result. But everything changes when say, a batter gets hit by a ball and walks, then the next batter hits a home run, netting 2 runs. The announcer assumes that batter would have hit the home run, weather there was that runner on first base or not.
However, if the hit batter strikes out instead, it is now two outs and the bases are empty, and everything changes for all players: the pitch selections; the defenders positions on the field; the very thoughts of the batter; the crowd responses; and many other possible variables, but hopefully you get the idea here.
Most humans believe that all there is in the world today, could only have arrived here, in the way that it did, when in fact, tiny changes in the past would have yielded massive changes; just a few little tweaks to human history here and there, would be so noticeable that Earth itself would look different than it does now. And unlike a baseball game with many limitations, the game of life universally, would go off in unimaginable directions, and with great variations of possible outcomes, that are simply incalculable.
Imagine just one relatively recent event; let us say that Adolf Hitlers mother instead dies during her childhood from the flu. The possible courses of the human condition, are not only numerous, there would be multiple billions of possible outcomes over longer periods of time. Since the small–minded can only see what is in front of them now, the ability to extrapolate a few trillion differing scenarios, is of course way beyond them.
If things would have been very different, like say the Industrial Revolution never happened, it is very likely that there would be more cures for more diseases now, than we have today, by taking this, our present course. The pharmaceutical commercials bear witness to the reality that treatment is preferred over cure (See: Temple). The hands–in–the–pie taker profiteers, have spun some wild assessments of life, if it were not for this or that science or technology; that all humans dropped dead before 44 in the past; things like that. But that is all just excusatory.
If you could be taken into an alternate future (from where the fictional multiverse idea developed; a parallel universe would be highly improbable), you would think you were on an entirely different world, if it were not for the familiar land formations themselves, or our orbital locale in the Cosmos. However, only humans can change an entire planet; Satans human masses are uniquely, destroyers of worlds! Think about glacial rebound as just one scientific paradigm worth understanding.
It must be understood now, that the demons keep pounding the drums of human ego, keeping almost everyone too focused on the minutia (e.g. politics), to see beyond their shoebox sized world. This needs repeating: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion! And Satan uses the internal trinity of pride–ego–emotion to manipulate the masses. Within that manipulation, money and politics reign. These are devout mammon servants, knowingly or not (Luke 16).
Consequently and evidently, for them, all things are about political affiliation and the conversion of the planet into monetary units. Satans people are being driven to drive; to kill and to steal and to destroy, the very Creation that YHVH gave them as potential stewards, which is itself the test of this life. But they serve Satan (god) with fervor: Satans people are now the bulk of all accountable adults.
And they reduce Earth life to political affiliations at war with one another. Therefore, any effort to teach sane and wise ecological paradigms, can only be met with us–against–themism; their political war! All who want to protect the Earth, owned only by YHVH, hunger lust to damage it, and those who want to protect it, are given labels that the destructive people see as an insult: Leftists! What is so ironic is that all Messianic disciples are anti–political, exposing the sin–evil altogether.

Yeshuaville? New Nazareth? (Back)

This is an under–development; yea, even an anti–development! Yeshuaville (or New Nazareth) is a conceptual ecovillage or even a small city paradigm that is car–free, heavy–infrastructure free, ICE free, and fossil–fuel free. Leave it in the ground!
Natural Capital protects the animal kingdom foremost (including insects), via the land, the ecosystems, and the biomes, and does so at the expense of money; not the other way around, like it is among the profit–hungry, wealth–desperate, greed–driven, pathetic power–clamoring, which devolved into capitalism. Earth is not a monetary unit, nor does it exist for a select few to reap all of its bounty. Eat the Rich indeed!
Thus, any vehicle–type that is over a gross weight of 500 pounds will be prohibited; there will be no places for them anyway. There will be no trash service allowed; no utilities infrastructure of any kind, except potable water delivery in specialty instances. All living units will be self–contained and self–powered; everything will compost. Here is a small sample list; notice that in all things, nature takes priority:
  ፨ The ground is free of Asphalt, concrete and other poured solid surfaces; no mowing or non–native grass growing:
  ፨ Buildings are stilt or pier built so that animals and people can freely traverse under them:
  ፨ Multi–units are all mid–rise with core elevators, decks on all units, connected by sky–walks:
  ፨ Roof tops will be a network of plant–works with shade provided by solar panels:
  ፨ Cars and car infrastructure would be banned; fossil fuels and ICE are banned:
  ፨ Everyone will work from home; micro–mobile locally plus elevated mag's for city connect:
  ፨ All current political paradigms are unsustainable and must be replaced:
  ፨ No building codes; no real–estate profiteering and no landlordism:
  ፨ All living constructs are self–sustaining and self–supplying:
  ፨ Heat Pumps as well as natural design to improve heating and cooling:
  ፨ Septic tanks are banned; no long sewer pipes; compost & gray–water systems only:
  ፨ No trash services; all things recycled or composted; no plastics; all must be biodegradable:
  ፨ Industry is no longer heavy; Earth life is scaled down to a forever sustainable level:
  ፨ Food is grown everywhere by everyone; fruit and nut tress abound: the Garden of Eden Paradigm!
All travel pathways will be limited to slightly elevated compact crushed stone alongside a designated grass trail. Travel will consist mainly of walking, biking and other micro–mobile devices of all kinds (current and future), as well as mounted horses on the grass trail. Alongside solar, we will also be electrified by the power of motion: literal horse power, as well as wind and moving water power, and of course, mostly caloric power.
It would be ideal if 20% of all (Earth) forests — which would be the size and composition they were before the human infestation — would include a massive scattering of fruit and nut bearing trees; my estimate would be roughly 30 trillion such trees. Trees are life! Leveling them for grain crops is insane. There is more than enough grass lands (land naturally without trees) to grow oats and other ancient grains. Monoculture is all about monetization {$}, not growing food.
As for meat, I am Pescetarian when it is possible, but I am not locked into it. The only thing I am locked into, is Messiah Yeshua and living under the Messianic Cross. Everything that humans can sustainable eat, has already been blessed by YHVH (1Ti all). However, this never justifies violating the One Law: Love! Anything that violates Love is against Law. Love first, all else second, including all allowances and blessings described in all Scripture. Setting traps for smaller animals (e.g. rabbits) that like to invade gardens, will provide meat for the village.
Eating plant life is always preferred, and we know this not only by Scripture, but by science which is the deep study of all things Created; we are the Temple of The Lord! Thus, as the Elect of YHVH, we are all scientific, and apart from Scripture, we deep study the natural world; not The World, for it is all about money and power and Labor free living: Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!
We envision a place that is car–free and ICE outlawed; loudness and pollution criminalized; no heavy infrastructure; a dedicated focus on sustainability: then, we can teach children how and why to make life and lifestyle choices that will impact their great–great grandchildren's generation. We will teach them how to design everything based upon millennia–long sustainability paradigms, via the 7–R: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Renew, Repurpose, Recycle; Replant! These offer ecosystem improvements.
The electrical grid is just another prop of dependency. There is nothing wrong with electricity itself, for it powers many useful things (motors, electronics, and the like). But the grid was always about the owning of it; all this is analogous to trying to own air or water or land, for these things are literally necessary for physical life. And given the power, Satans people would withhold them too for evermore $$$!
And the capitalistic look for every opportunity to monetize anything and everything. Satan a crew works tirelessly (through their humans) to create or maintain dependency; a dependency on money, egocentrism (self–importance), the opinions of humans over YHVH, and so on. One of the goals of Satan is to keep people distracted from a simple life, and the dependents of the wealth–class, because they are fully controlled by demons.
Satan (and his trillion demon army entourage) works tirelessly from generation to generation, keeping his human followers stupid with pride–ego–emotion. They cannot and will not see, just how their destructive choices work, because it is so slow moving. But once it accelerates fast enough for them to notice, it will be way too late; and even then, they will deny it is happening, or, they will blame it on any another force except self.
Can we fix what we have now on Earth? Nope! Not going to happen! Zero percent chance! We must start over, but without any of Satans people. If one looks at what former generations left behind, and can only see that as a possible future, that proves the absence of critical thinking, original thoughts and ideas. You are disqualified from all leadership: Sorry! In fact, prerequisites for any leadership must be a quality formal education in the natural sciences. If it is a system where the masses vote, as a popularity contest, it will 100% fail.
The word "freedom" would have to revert to its former meaning; that you and I are free to do what we like so long as our actions do no harm to anyone or anything else. Prisons are supposed to be for the defiant among us! Currently, the defiant are allowed to do as they please, independent of the greater good, and too often it is bad for their own good, too. But they are Mammon servants; they are Satans people!
Defiance and rebellion and anger, are all proof of demonic oppression, and Earth is Satans planet; Satan is the god of this world, and the religious refer to Satan simply as god. And they serve their god, religiously! But the bulk of humanity are Satans people; they mimic Satan in their god–like status and self–superiority paradigms, via their lifestyle choices.
Born in 1958, I am a volitional non–car owner who uses micro–mobile devices to get around locally. I use trains (e.g. Amtrak) plus Interstate Buses for long–range, but these, only because I am trapped by the Car Cult in North America, and have no choice but to try to Not die by/at the hands on the automobile wheel. I feel marginally safer in larger vehicles. I do not fly and discourage it when/where I can.
There can be no perfect city; not as long as the next generation of humans try to build upon what former generations lefty behind. It's time to flush it all and start over; or eventually die as a species. Grow or die economics on a finite planet has only one mathematical outcome.
We need a generation with their own minds; critical thinking skills and original ideas, not a mass of people still just reshuffling current or generationally passed down paradigms. We need strong leaders, not politicians. Politics is killing us; it is a battle of egos, and those involved will live/die with zero leadership skills.
Virtually all that you lay your eyes upon, stands as a monument to this reality. Building codes and city design, are small facets of a much larger problem. Everyone tries to fix things by getting others to change their lifestyle choices and behaviors. First, be the change: Never preach what you do not live! There is no such thing as a car owning or using Environmentalist!

We Are What We Do And No More!

Messiah Yeshua said it better: Therefore, by their fruits you shall know them! (Matt 7) The tree is known by the fruit it bears. People who do not live, what they say and/or believe, will always suffer from cognitive dissonance; the evidence of that is expressed in a proverbial machine gun magazine, loaded with self–justifications; they rapid fire them every time the dissonance incites the guilt–shame–condemnation that haunts them.
Keep in mind that this is a village of Spiritually transformed, indeed Spiritually metamorphosized, individuals, who Love and thus are driven by YHVH to be as one with one another and with the YHVH creation. Think of the first century Acts (1–5) Koinonia as a general model, driven by the totality of John Seventeen.
That means that we all share in the overwhelming fulfillment of the Indwelling Holy Spirit; the veritable living water and bread of Life; the overflowing abundance of completeness and the subsequent Peace that cannot even be fathomed by any other humans. Simple living is a reality, not a slogan, ideal, or a sought after lifestyle.
YHVH Love, always results in peace and contentment and balance, and that is what keeps the carnal–primal drives from overwhelming us; e.g. that of ambition and rebellion, compulsion and addiction, just to name a few. The peace that surpasses all understanding, thus cannot be taught or learned, only installed; the Indwelling Holy Spirit. We become it!
Rejoice in The Lord always! And again I say, rejoice! Let your moderation be known unto all men; The Lord is at hand! Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto Elohim. And the peace of Elohim, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Messiah Yeshua. (Phl 4:4–7)
Moderation is a mystery for the hell driven masses; they do not live under the Messianic Cross; they are driven by demonic forces that have (through them) shaped the very planet and all that occurs on it. Thus, we are strangers and pilgrims, aliens and foreigners, while here on Earth; our Kingdom is not of this world! We are driven by an entirely different Force!
We do not need to go to every crevice of Earth just to see what is there (e.g the Travel Industry). We do not need almost anything when compared to what the masses need and want; e.g. consumerism. We buy what we need, not what we want; everything is just a tool. But to the empty of Soul, things are life to them.
The biological drive to leave ones village is ancient. The motives for leaving, say, a 20 mile radius of the village, which was once the average range of hunting and gathering, was only risked, to meet other humans to mate with; males seeking girls to be specific. This biological drive is witnessed far less in populous areas, where lots of people live.
But jumping ahead in time here; sailors during the Age of Sail brought back home, tales of alluring exotic women, which stirred the males provocatively, and resulted in what we know of today as History (specifically, Colonialism). But the motive of biological drive itself, is at the center of this discussion. What drives people to travel all over aimlessly?
There is no logical practical reason to risk extending ones self too far beyond ones (village or town) hunting and gathering range; everything needed comes from inside this range, and outside of it were ever greater life threatening risks. Villages were once moved, or rebuilt, once a range was tapped out of natural resources; this allowed for its natural restoration. But Johnny Appleseed was surely onto something quite ambitious!
Today, in the short term, we must try to work with what was inherited from former generations, no matter how poorly these things turned out to be; things such as designing human space, be it on a local, city, county, state, or nation wide level. Obviously, the me–here–now human masses, did not have any future forward thinkers; they only cared for immediate profits and benefits. And since most of humanity are still like this, we are therein, doomed as a species anyway.
For now in the short term, it is more ecologically sound to use electric vehicles to deliver all things, driven by fully trained drivers, who are fully accountable for their driving; they cannot drive under the influence of anything, and understand their employment is on the line. This, as opposed to every individual with money and cars, to venture out to get whatever they want to get; many who venture out, only to make noise and burn gas, and that is only because they see it as their possession because they paid money for it.

(bridge content)! (Back)


Edible Cities? The Garden Of Eden! (Back)

Edible Cities is a wise and ancient model. John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) was onto something; well, just common sense really: Plant trees that produce food suited for humans, virtually everywhere and in massive quantities; apples, pears, avocados, plums, peaches, and a long list of others. Nuts, fruits and seeds should be a majority of ones daily diet.
Food bearing trees draw insects, and they (too) are life! Of course, the human masses, being void of Love, can only see insects (and the wild in general) as a bother to themselves. Void of the wisdom that comes out of Love, everything is about their own comforts; their own life experience: I call it: Me–Here–Now! Earth is the Lord's mine, and it must bend to my wishes and endure my will!
Because the vast majority of the human species will serve Satan for life, this particular planet is doomed; at the very least, for supporting mammals. Our (human) species is money first; Economics is Satans first weapon in his earthly trinity. Everything is about Mammon: Even politics and religion! Neither would exist without it.
Converting all things into money units, the Monetizers cannot even imagine a world that is free; their brains cannot even imagine true freedom! For them, freedom is found only on the inside of the prison trap of money–hunger itself; that is the proof of its evil roots.
The love of money is the root of all evil, and all sorts of sin–evil, but it is the presence of money that makes that possible. And it is the need for money that is at the root of all that sin–evil. The very process of monetization converts Earth into numerical units; those can be collected, hoarded, and then used as power against others on Earth. Today we call this capitalism; to capitalize upon!
The idea of free food ended with the garden of Eden paradigm. The original plan of YHVH was freedom; Satan had other plans: Welcome to Earth! The freedom of YHVH was/is radically different than the freedom concept of Satan, via Satans people. Satan does not actually do anything in the corporeal, relying on humans exclusively for all transactions. To differentiate, I will call Satans humans, the inhumans; they are the vast majority of humanity.
Consequently, the inhuman masses began the sin centered process of taking the YHVH creation (any/all of it), and deciding along the way, upon some arbitrary numeric figure or number assigned to it all. Food and land were the first to fall under the control of the inhumans. Since we need food to survive, and land is food, that was/is logical. (inhuman = Loveless and thus unnatural; fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane; immoral; unethical; carnal–primal; anger–ruled; greed–driven).
Moving forward in time to the Eschaton, the normalization of monetization, infects everyone, except the Elect of YHVH. But we represent a small fraction of the species, from among all generations. In the Eschaton, with billions of humans, we are even fewer still; I estimate one per a hundred million {+/–}, (only) of accountable adults.

The Dehumanizing Effect Of Money On Humans! (Back)


Why YHVH Came As Carpenter Not King! (Back)

Satans people (naturally) mimic their god and master, Satan! When know all about Satan and the demon entourage or hoards, from our Master, Messiah Yeshua, who was (and will again be) YHVH in Flesh. Satans people are the hands and feet of Satan, just like we Messianic disciples are the hands and feet of YHVH. And we know that YHVH could have taken on Human form as any human being; a king that becomes dictator of Earth even. So why a mere carpenter? That is not some random thing; that is gigantic in its scope and meanings. Anyone with so much as a passing interest in all things YHVH, study and ponder this intently.
But the Christians -- via the theological productions of their grifters; the COP Cultist professionals as YHVH Monetizers -- they all have little interest in this massively important theological root, as paradigm of the rest of the canonized works.

Kingdoms Of YHVH: No Paupers Or Kings! (Back)


(chapter ten)! (Back)


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