¶ The World of Messianic Discipleship: The Status of Messianic Identity!
Aloha; Saludos; あいさつ; Namaste; Bonjour; Ahoj; Shalom; 问候; Hallo! I am Pávlos, a Messianic disciple; a monk of YHVH ; a Tekton ; an Oracle of my Adonai our Elohim (1Pe 4 :11), and thus compelled to be a servant author (Eph 5 :6–13; 2Ti 4 :1–4). A fraction of my knowledge comes from the academic world; therein I am a Sociologist .
This writer is a mere implement, used by YHVH , to live in the early to middle part of the Eschaton Era, inspirationally writing about the sum condition of those times, culturally and contextually, for those who will have to endure the coming Eschaton finale; the young or unborn, as of circa 2020→. The power to just click away, or turn away, is yours. I will not be offended; indeed I cannot be. Like YHVH, I respect your superpower of volition.
Publishing since 1999, all this belongs to The Lord; all writings belong to The Lord; all possessions belong to The Lord; the very time I have had (and will have forward) on Earth, also belongs to The Lord: I am a mere steward of all these things. Naked and poor I came into this world, and everyday unto my last day, I am an impoverished servant of My Lord; I withhold all my rewards for the hereafter (Matt 6 ). Please respect that and withhold all earthly praises and rewards.
I am much like my Master, Messiah Yeshua; I am a carpenter by trade (now retired from such Mammon chasing); I am money poor; I do not have a display wall lined with academic credentials or other rewards to boast of; no list of worldly accomplishments to post for all to see, thus using these things as validation for all that is communicated herein. I am merely a servant of The Lord and at One with Ruach HaKodesh (John Seventeen ).
As a Bride of YHVH and a volitional servant, I am universal in scope. There is no nationalism or patriotism in the life of the Heaven bound, for I (we) acknowledge that this planet, among countless others, are all the sole property of Adonai Elohim (Psa 24 ). There is no continent or locale on Earth, more superior than another; such superiority paradigms are manifestations of Satan, whom the religious simply call God. Like children (and dogs), all Messianic disciples accept everyone without judgment; we Love all Creation without reservation. Love Is Holy; Hate Is Evil !!
Living my first 3 decades as an atheist, and the fourth as an American protestantized evangelical, I tried but failed at being a westernized capitalistic and successful consumerist christian. I failed because I prayed a prayer that was answered; a Prayer that is always answered for everyone if prayed from an honest and fervent heart (Matt 7 :7–11; James 5 :16).
Hurting emotionally from a series of relational losses, I literally pounded the ground, in the literal wilderness, while fervently praying that my eyes be opened to the sum truth from/of my Maker; and truth above all else, and at any personal expense on my part: And it cost me dearly! But that failure turned out to be a great success, but of another more enduring kind. Now I understand what I lost and what I won; these words were written by another, but they were lived by me too:
What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Messiah Yeshua. Yea and doubtless, I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Messiah Yeshua my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Messiah; to be found in Him, and not having my own righteousness that is of the Torah, but that which is through the faith of Messiah Yeshua, the righteousness that is of Elohim by faith; that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death, if by any means I may attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
And not as though I had already attained, or were already perfected, but I follow after, so that I may apprehend that for which also, I am apprehended of Messiah Yeshua. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended. But this one thing I do; forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things that are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Elohim in Messiah Yeshua. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded. And if in anything, you are otherwise minded, Elohim shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, and let us mind the same thing. (Phl 3 :7–16)
As there went great multitudes with Him, He turned and said unto them: If anyone come to Me, but will not forsake his father and mother, or wife and children, or brothers and sisters, or their own life also, they cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not bear their own cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether there is enough to finish it? Lest haply, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying: This man began to build and was not able to finish! Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not first sit down, and consults whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him that comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends an ambassador, and desires conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever he is of you that does not forsake all that he has, he cannot be My disciple. Salt is good, but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that has ears to hear let him hear! (Luke 14 :25–35)
Then said Yeshua unto His disciples: Amen, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you; it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. When His disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying: Who then can be saved? But Yeshua beheld them, and said unto them: With men this is impossible, but with Elohim all things are possible. Then Peter answered and said unto Him: Behold, we forsook all, and followed You: What shall we have therefore? And Yeshua said unto them: Amen, I say unto you; that you which have followed Me, in the Regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first! (Matt 19 :23–30)
Of course, the temporal part of me was cheated; those I Love (even still), and would even die for, this very day if needed, they replaced me (long ago now), with someone more empowered in this life; an upgrade in a humanist estimation of things. True Love rarely reciprocates itself. And on top of that, by living too far from genetic kin and for too long, they do not even know me, and now, they do not even want to. I could have died a year ago and they would not even know it; sad right? But without YHVH Love, all that remains is microscopic in scale.
I did not voluntarily give up all to be a Messianic disciple; indeed the very concept would have seemed strange at the time. And yet, it ended up that way, anyway. Marvelous! The Lord our El is marvelous! I wanted Jesus Christ to make me a successful westernized consumerist capitalist christian, but not knowing (then) that The Way was in an entirely different direction; indeed a radically different paradigm.
Had any of it been up to me alone, it never would have happened: I nearly worshiped my wife, and would have continued giving her all I had and all I was (Exo 20 :4–6). But I was, to her, just a relational steppingstone unto that perpetually sought after upgrade. And I was/am easily replaceable. I am like my Master, Messiah Yeshua; standard; regular; average; poor; unremarkable.
Even though, as a monk, I am alone much of the time, I never feel loneliness, alone or lonely: This is because of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (John 8 :16–29 & John 17 :20–23). Many people feel or experience loneliness even in the midst of family or in crowds, because humans are alone without YHVH–in–us; the Living Water and the Bread of Life that keeps us fulfilled always. Churches are popular because (like any bar or club) they are social, not Spiritual.
Orson Welles famously said: We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone: Only through relationships can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone! This is an accurate secular view (and sad, too). As a consequence of that reality, which is the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit; that fulfillment is complete to overflowing (John 16 :32–33; Col 1 :27–28); nothing else can come close, but more than that, there is simply no more room: My cup runneth over!
This is why I am monk, which is just a modified version of a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, and everyone on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven is a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; all Heaven bound are walking in (what Anabaptists call) Kingdom Living: that Kingdom is potentially within you (Luke 17 :20–21). We are all under a Discipleship and cannot imagine life without this honor. A life lived only to consume would kill us!
I can surely enjoy physical human connection, but I do not "need" those connections: While I prefer to be among the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, other people around me is not necessary for my mental or emotional health, for YHVH is in control of that part of me. What I want, versus what I need, is thus different. I am the same whether I am with others, or alone, because YHVH is always with me, via the auspices of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, and that is what defines my attitude and promotes joy.
In fact, it hurts me to see lonely people; those who live by themselves and rarely have visitors or other human contacts. These people get pets to alleviate loneliness, and visitors can help in the short–term, but loneliness has Spiritual roots; without YHVH–in–us, the atheistic, the agnostic , and the anti-Messiahs , will often be lonely, just as people (without the fulfillment of the Indwelling Holy Spirit) can experience loneliness even while always among others.
But being forever locked in Victimism is an open door to relational abandonment, because once an upgrade comes along, all the protestations of love must be quickly undone, so one can move onto the next mate (money/power target). Those who are not Messianic disciples, hate Love, and thus cannot stand those who truly Love them. The women I Love (then; now; forever), had no interest in being adored by a Love conquered husband; they were sampling and I was just one sample! I was easy to upgrade from.
But being a careful observer of the adults around me, there came a time in my young life, wherein I had decided that I was not going to let anyone use me or reduce me to a financial resource, even if it meant being alone. And alone is just how it ended, but then, I was never forced into a monetary dependency; that too turned out to be a blessing, because only when one has nothing, do true friends emerge, if there are any. Better to know the truth and be alone than its alternative!
The reason why Messiah Yeshua remained unmarried, and why He called mostly single people, was not a rejection of the marriage institution itself, but an understanding that if one chooses to marry and procreate, that is an all consuming ministry, in and of itself. Saul did not enter into his missionary journeys until he was widowed, and it was rough on the old man (I feel his elderly pain).
And if an individual is already settled into a comfortable life in this world (Matt 19 :29), and not willing to give up that settled life, for something that will transcend all of this, then they are not ready, or just not worthy, of the vast responsibilities that come attached to/with a Messianic discipleship. What is insane is how people will abandon human relationships for some employment opportunity afar off; but then, that itself is just bitter fruit exposed.
¶ Pain That Is Not Transformed Gets Transmitted!
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Notwithstanding, as a major part of that fervent prayer in the wilderness, I offered up myself; I challenged my Maker to break me; to use and mold me as needed, no matter the cost to me: Oh the costs! I considered suicide more than once, the pain of loss was so deep and prolonged and taxing, feeling as if would never abate. Been there yet? It was only going to go one of two ways: I decided upon the YahWay!
Looking back now, I would not have it any other way; the results that is! Seeing results with hindsight, my life turned out to be an otherwise unsought blessing; whereas, if looking forward in time, it would seem tragic beyond words; a future that only death could have solved. Today however, I am deeply thankful for this thorn ⊛ (2Co 12 :7–10).
Fast forward in time (and skipping over many boring details): Since publishing, I have had an avalanche of confrontations, mostly from protestantized, westernized, christianized White males, and this seeming demographic oddity, is verily, not coincidental.
But there is more on that topic, throughout these writings, for the truth miners willing to invest time in research study. Unfortunately, the worldly masses of culturally christianized, but not Spiritually metamorphosized, are too busy in and with the World , to spend time consuming any, much less all of this meat (TLDR , or more likely TLCR ). But many will not like what is written herein. And yet, they almost never replied in respect of their elders, and too often lately, without even a base–level of social decorum , common among Atheists and others outside of christendom.
All of that is not coincidental; fear drives the carnal–primal humans to extreme reactions always (1Jo 4 :17–18), and pride–ego–emotion shows heavy impacts on the psyche and thus the mentality. The cognitive dissonance of guilt–shame–condemnation eventually makes people hypersensitive , and so they must/will react, either subtly, or with even more fear–driven paranoia, degrading into their final, eternal fate state of religious self-righteousness, where they spend every waking minute targeting the faults of others so to avoid their own worsened sin–state.
Almost never is it a logical counterargument; at least, not a coherent one. They read something that opposes their lifestyle or Enculturation embedded belief system, and without further research, summarize and then strike back. Some will troll the Internet seeking those who agree with them, perhaps for the praise or comradery that mammals long for. But the longing is placed within all humans, at our design beginnings, is a longing to be in a Messianic community with our eternal family, and not in the anti-Messianic, fallen world of men: Therein is where it all goes wrong.
And then there are those who seek others they can pick a fight with who disagree with them; ever trying to find reasons to strike back; to contend or debate; to sow discord ; ever hungry to enemize (Matt 5 :43–48), which is sometimes cleverly cloaked in a mock kindness upfront. These kind are among the most dangerous; they offer trust bait, then followup with disparagement, correction, or misdirection (1Ti ).
Being distracted so many times, by getting sucked into the endless debates, by the birth of the 21st century, I needed to focus my time on writing the flood of word pictures being exposed to me, while long soaking in prayer and fasting and meditation, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit. This experience is not emotional, but it is inspirational, and peace instilling.
The writing went from a dozen hours a week (in the nineties), to several hours daily at times. Being able to invest this quality time in eternal things, meant giving up much in the temporal world. But the beauty of Simple Living is that the manna from the heavens is far more nourishing to the Soul, than anything that can be bought with Mammon .
However, these kind are obvious to those with Spiritual sight; they merely skim through the pages, but surely not as a student studying to show themselves approved unto their Maker (2Ti 2 :15–16; 1Th 4 :9–12), because they are too busy serving mammon. Those who do not study to show themselves approved of YHVH, are easy to detect by their responses, because they focus, only on the parts (of scripture or any inspired writings) that seem to expose their fraudulent ways and thoughts; those lines they do not like to read; statements that wound their ego, as they react emotionally to those sentences, alone, while ignoring all the rest (Matt 23 :23–25).
They are oblivious to most of what is written, as they get tunnel vision in their ad hominem habit of counter punching anyone exposing them to the Messianic light (John 3 :18–21). Wounded dogs bite, indeed! The crowds preferred a warrior over a Savior; this is the bent of the Broadway masses.
So likewise, they are also blinded to what my fellow disciples wrote, in what we now call the bible (i.e. Bibliolatry ). They have been shaped by Enculturation , and then, they become (or are born into) the religion of cultural christianity, and thus, they have to repaint it in their image: How they live now, is at the center of their theological painting. Therefore, Scripture is interpreted in such as way, so as to be painted around them in the center: Egocentrism .
Christianese includes: believer; faith based; bible believing; God; christian; church: these are among the (currently acceptable generic) terms used by those, quietly ashamed to be intimately linked with Messiah Yeshua (Mark 8 :34–38; Rom 1 :13–17; 1Co 1 :18–24). The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH (Matt 7 :13–14), identify primarily with our Master and actual Lord; we call ourselves servants, followers, sisters/brothers, disciples of Messiah, even Saints !
Messianic disciples will deliberately select words, as identifiers, which link us personally, directly, daily, and intimately with our One Master — our only King; President; Lord; Preacher; Guide; Spouse; Bishop; Coach; Hero; Priest; Governor; Teacher; Rabbi; Boss; Shepherd; Pastor; Leader; Voice; Paradigm; Archetype; Friend — Messiah Yeshua!
Preserve me, O Elohim, for I put my trust in You. O my soul, you have said to YHVH: You are my Adonai; my goodness extends not to You, but to the Saints who are on the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight! Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another god; their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, nor take up their names unto my lips. (Psa 16 :1–4)
Unfortunately, these World centered masses (churched or not, religious or not, educated or not), must and will, look upon most of this writing, as strange or even extremist, but verily that only exposes a blind Enculturation and a sociocultural isolation. Remember, He is Lord of all, not just of your little world.
¶ To Test The Heart Just Nudge The Ego !!
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The westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized; the anti-Messianic religious; the anti-Messiahs ; the churched; these masses of people will speak christianese around others that are churched, but everywhere else, they are somebody else. They copy christianese, but never learn the language of Love !
To protect their true god, money, they must adhere to closet coworker christianity; even in the greater secular society, they still show forth their shame, though covertly, by hiding behind current socially acceptable terminology, such as their employment or economic role, or their education title, even their religion business brand name (Mark 8 :36–38).
They compromise eternal relationships to assure temporal ones; they are so yoked with (and soaked in) the atheistic World , they cannot and likely will not, be set free of it (Luke 9 :23–27 & 18:22–27; 1Jo 2 :15–20). They live consumerist economic lives and lifestyles, not communal people centered lifestyles, with Messiah Yeshua as centerpiece: They have openly and unabashedly chosen serving Mammon over Messiah, and tragically think they can do both with religion (Luke 16 :13–15; Matt 7 :21–23).
Christianized celebrities (and this should be an oxymoron) will pretend Pray in public, or cross oneself, look and/or point up into the air (Eph 2 :1–3), or kneel or stand, bow or salute, or some other similar piety show, to subtly announce their christianization; their Enculturation ; their cultural assimilation and Spiritually blind indoctrination.
Perhaps they are churched, and thus displaying their religiosity in public, gains egocentric rewards (backslapping) during church services (Matt 6 :5–15; Matt 23 :1–8). For the Messianic disciples everywhere and in every generation; we are the (fans) fanatics of only one Person: Messiah Yeshua! The Bravery Of Pacifism Was The Messianic Cross !!
Without YHVH Love , which comes only from Ruach HaKodesh (1Jo 4 :7–16), only (uppercase L) Love can purely produce all the other Messiah centric traits: commitment, compassion, communication (the 3–C's); hearing, listening, wisdom, humility, mercy, forgiveness, dignity, integrity, fearlessness, pacifism , bravery, self respect, self Love, self compassion, repentance and a repentant–evidenced lifestyle, faithfulness, simplicity, simple living , contentment, peace, calmness, patience, longsuffering, openness, accountability, equanimity, full equality, economic sharing, egalitarianism , community and unity; Love endures eternity (Matt 5 :38–48).
All of these are Love rooted attributes; in their pure form they are impossible without YHVH Love within. Thus, they are instead replicated or mimicked or faked by the monkey–see–monkey–do, automaton drones; the bulk of humanity, who like noble ideals; e.g. their ego craves the social roles of hero/savior, or victim/victor, or bossy/boss, or hierarchical leadership, or other displays of attention seeking disorders , including Histrionic Personality Disorder .
While still trapped in the mire of Satan's social stratification productions, the Faithless Loveless masses, simply cannot see The Savior in anyone, including themselves (Matt 25 :37–45). They are Spiritually blind, especially the devout church goers, who are stuck in the glue of (religious) adherence. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
Hence, all noble traits are all faked or simulated; without the Voice of Truth, which is Ruach HaKodesh, occupying, guiding and (if allowed) dominating the human heart–mind–Soul, almost everything is either faked, or mimicked. Fake caring has become pandemic, and oddly accepted as normal. But then, this is the Eschaton.
But this is why the Elect of YHVH are, at all times, unequally yoked with the masses that surround us (2Co 6 :14–18); even the religious churched. The worldly churched, not being One with YHVH, suffer from almost all the same things that the atheistic world suffers from; they are the anti-Messianic religious. In that state they seek a "higher power" to protect them or to fix the woes, which too often result from their anti-Messianic lifestyle choices to begin with.
But being a disciple of Messiah Yeshua (and for me individually, also as an eremite ), means an entirely different life and lifestyle while on Earth. E.g. All Messianic disciples consider money a Spiritual carcinogen, which we purpose to avoid and are dedicated to living without, as much as that is possible; the Car Cult being a more extreme and public commitment to Mammon commissioned church services (Luke 16 :13–15).
Conversely, the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, are devout servants of mammon (Matt 6 :22–25): Every thought and subsequent action, comes from that root rot. We Messianic disciples often face a barrage of ad hominem confrontations (mostly from the religious churched), thus drawing us ever closer to our Master; understanding His life experiences all the more personally (Mark 6 :1–4; Heb 4 :14–16).
Indeed, the initiation into Messianic discipleship is not baptismal, nor by verbal proclamation; it is usually a rejection; an exposition; a loss; a rebuke or other insult or disparagement, for not being like the worldly masses in proximity: We get Petered! (Matt 26 ): Finally we break; we die with Him (Gal 2 :20).
Conversely, the worldly seek only the World ; their barometer and compass and core is money, and their benchmark is power and/or social status in this life: Mammon service is at the center of their corporeality. Most people here in the Eschaton, cannot even imagine (even fictionally), living a life, void of money, for it is their life, evidenced by their time investment into it. We do not study for money, formally or informally, ever!
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH get all basic needs from the soil, the land, the rivers and lakes; directly from Earth as much as that is possible, here in these unique times. Thus, with free time, us Messianic disciples can better study to show ourselves approved unto our only King, Boss, and Leader; our actual Lord (2Ti 2 :14–16). We study tall that carries over into eternity: We study people!
All Messianic disciples deep study the human experience and condition, via Sociology, e.g. social stratification , and the other Humanities . Of course, with Ruach HaKodesh as the very Inspirer of Scripture, who abides only within Messianic disciples, we do not need others to "teach" us what we possess; to "teach" us who and what we are intrinsically (1Jo 2 :26–27; Luke 12 :11–12; John 14 :25–26).
The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, are shaped by Enculturation ; their cultural influences like the sinister YHVH–commodifying Cult TV , and any/all other media feeding devices; and finally, their education. Then, they dabble in the good book, make faith self–professions, get churched and ritualized, and believe they can tithe their way unto the future Resurrection; what they think of as the big gold–adorned Heaven Castle! Unfortunately for them, there is no Romans Road , only Narrow Way and Broadway (Matt 7 :13–23).
¶ The Anti–Messianic Masses Become What They Watch–Read–Hear!
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Without the mind of Messiah Yeshua (1Co 2 :10–16); without the barometer, compass, benchmark, root and core, which is exclusively Ruach HaKodesh; without YHVH–Love or Spiritual sight, the Spiritually blind masses (churched or not, religious or not, educated or not), can only access the resources they have before them or around them; the secularized world. They have little to no original thoughts or critical thinking skills, and so they are the products of the cultural Kool–Aid they guzzle daily; they remain automatons; monkey–see–monkey–do; copy–mimic–parrot drones. They and their religious professionals, all feed from the same TV trough!
The Monetizers value everything in monetary increments; natural resources, animals, people, etc: Money is the core determining factor of all things. They believe in the monetization and commodification and adulteration of all the creation.
A blind person may convince themselves they are sighted, and even try to appear sighted, and even fool some for a time, but a truly sighted person can merely observe their action and inaction; their daily lifestyle, and eventually their blindness will manifest unto all who can actually see; i.e. the Spiritually sighted (Matt 23 ). Verily I say unto thee; all human "worship" is the sum of whatever we time invest in most, for time is the immeasurable gift of this life.
Imitators must (and will therefore) avoid any/all connections with people who perhaps seem too radical; too different; a bit too set apart from their secularized world (2Co 6 :14–18; 1Co 10 :20–24; Eph 2 thru 4). After all, such a connection might harm their professional or personal image, and/or their social standing, and/or their income stream.
These part time religionists must protect their true lord god, Mammon (Matt 6 :19–24); some even exploit words that reflect the Holiness of YHVH, our Adonai Elohim, as they monetize their very Maker: Anathema ! A sin worse than any human to human sin–act or sin lifestyle.
The Xians of Religianity must traverse that tightrope between fitting into the secular World , which they truly belong to and are dependent upon (1Jo 2 :15–17; John 3 :19–21); all the while trying to project an outward christianesque facade. Since they are the blind followers of blind leaders (Matt 15 :7–14) they are all equally oblivious.
People who have only been socially or culturally christianized, cannot so much as define the word Lordship, much less does a Lordship define them! That is why the outward fruits of christianity (or false Messianic discipleship) becomes so obvious to those, not incarcerated within christendom.
But this Earth life is easy to comprehend: We are one (human) species, created by Adonai Elohim (YHVH), from the natural elements of this planet, and thus designed for this planet; to exercise or to exorcise , our superpower of volition , which is our YHVH likeness; even our Imago Dei . And power can corrupt; therefore, we disciples yield ours daily (Luke 9 :23–27; 1Co 15 :31) unto the Lordship of another: Messiah Yeshua.
Our Heavenly Father (YHVH) is recording everything, even our thoughts and intentions, but without any interference. Using the bowling ball–bowler analogy: YHVH released the ball of life, long long ago; as the ball rolls down the lane (spacetime ), YHVH does not interfere with its course, yet like the bowler, knows its course and when/where/why/how it ends: Predestination & foreknowledge!
Well, there was that one brief but epochal interference; the paradigm shift , Messiah Yeshua (Heb 10 :19–22). On the Cross, He said and meant: It is finished! YHVH will not so much as move a leaf, from that fateful epoch until the Second Advent. In the meantime, we Messianic disciples, are the hands and feet of Messiah Yeshua on Earth (John 14 thru 17); we stand in His stead until He returns for us; Messianic discipleship summarized (Matt 5 :13–16; John 14 :12–14; 2Co 5 ).
To summarize Earth life: we are one race (Acts 17 :24–28) on one planet with one chance; everything else that takes place here, is human created. All the cultures and ethnicities; the babble of human systems; the lines drawn on maps and the subsequent political, legal, and military systems that perpetuate them; all the customs, traditions, religions, rituals, wars, economies, politics, dramas, and so on.
All of this is not of YHVH, but are the Satan–driven works of demon oppressed mortal men. Humans are Satan's only source of power. When one fully comprehends the world as it was for (the paradigm of) Adam and Eve, one then may understand the YHVH design paradigm. Everything else forward of that timeline, YHVH tolerated for the sake of the human state, back then (Acts 17 :29–31).
What Earth looked like before humans; that is what YHVH created (think Garden of Eden); everything altered or polluted or destroyed by the atheistic human infestation, is not. You can either discover all this and seek Narrow Way passionately, or, you can be swept up by it all, and remain blinded by, and in, your Enculturation shoebox. But know this: If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed! Or, your enculturation will define you, and be your incarceration resulting in your incineration and annihilation.
¶ Hebraic Homeland: Aliens From The Commonwealth Of Israel!
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Therefore, remember that you, being in times past, Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands; that at that time you were without Messiah Yeshua; being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise, having no hope, and without Elohim in the world.
But now, in Messiah Yeshua, those who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Messiah Yeshua. For He is our peace, who has made both One, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us, having abolished in His flesh, the enmity; even the Torah of commandments, contained in ordinances; to make in Himself of twain, one new Man, so making peace; and that He might reconcile both unto Elohim in one body, by the Cross, having slain the enmity thereby, and came and preached peace unto you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
For through Him, we both have access by One Spirit, unto the Father. Now therefore, you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the Household of Elohim, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Yeshua Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom all the building fitly framed together, grows into a Holy temple in The Lord, in whom you are also builders together, for a habitation of Adonai our Elohim, through the Spirit. (Eph 2 :11–22). {cf. Isa 28 :14–22; 49:8; 1Co 3 :10–15; 1Pe 2 :1–8; John 17 }
The Messianic Cross represented the biggest paradigm shift in the Cosmos for infinity! For its effects on Earth, it was the reunification of the human species; it was the final Love act because it defined what YHVH Love was/is (hint: it has nothing to do with human emotions ;-). It served to take all the things that once divided us as a species, and break them all down; to end them, at least for those who want to end all division. And indeed, that is what this life–test is all about; to divide those who prefer darkness over light; the (metaphorical) sheep from the goats or the wheat from the weeds.
That habitation of Adonai our Elohim, was once found in temporal structures; now it is only the human soul. We are the Temple of The Lord! All religion businesses are the frauds of true Faith! To make money because of the existence of The One Almighty Theos , who the religionists just call god; this is top among the unforgivable sin–evil acts that motivate Satan's humans.
Messianic disciples, will contrast with the christianized, ultimately making them appear (or feel) not–Christ–like; a hypocrisy which is eventually recognized, even by Atheists (and others outside Christendom), who thus, publicly expose it as hypocrisy, which the Xians of Religianity then twist, and staunchly unrepentant, will label it as persecution. They like being victims, so they can subsequently be heroic survivors: the Heroistics of heroization here in the land of fictional heroes.
Thus, the merely christianized will avoid the Messianic disciples, for now, because they can: The Elect of YHVH are, well, infinitesimal and inconspicuous; we are not numerous enough to impact their religion business cash flows. One must understand Messiah Yeshua versus the Pharisees and lawyers, and the temple money changers, and also fully understand this vital lesson: Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! Human worship is seen likewise today with (fictional) entertainers and (real) politicians.
Messiah Yeshua was the first and perhaps only corporeal manifestation of YHVH on Earth, and this was necessary because the very purpose of such a corporeal presence was to clear up all the bibliolatrous confusion that was perpetuated by the religionists, who were merely monetizing YHVH for Mammon , the single greatest sin–act, possible for a human, operating with no real knowledge of Theos as the One Creator and Owner of all; YHVH our Heavenly Father; Adonai our Elohim. To the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized people, "God" is just a word exploited to sell a product, or productions, for mammon/money.
Messiah Yeshua exposed all organized religion, and all the physical paraphernalia that came with it, as the dens of thieves; the unforgivable sin: He was hunted and murdered via a mock trial for doing so. But this is just a model for the way of the World that the infinitesimal few on Narrow Way need to learn now: the Way !
Brother Saul experienced a similar rejection or opposition for costing the professional profiteer religionists, their mammon (Acts 9 :22–30). The anti-Messianic religious are literally hellbent on monetizing the very existence of our Heavenly Father, for personal power and/or to avoid Labor .
But one day, during the Eschaton Era, these christianized masses; the YHVH Monetizers who already collaborate with the secular world (and are now fully politicized ); they will join forces in an actual, prophesied persecution of the Elect of YHVH, once we significantly tax or ax their lord god Mammon , or offend their true god Satan.
For the Christianized here in the Eschaton Era, they have barely any trace of Messianic doctrine left in their scriptural conclusions or theology's. Establishing an official religion that will be politically defended (as it was in the 1st century), are among that ever–growing pile of fruit–evidence. There will be no future resurrected Saints who will participate in Satan's heinously evil politics; indeed, all Saints oppose and expose these sin–evils; it will be this exposition that will result in the persecution of Messianic disciples, by the Christianized, among others.
Persecution will occur, not because of religion label differences, but because of radical lifestyle differences. The revelatory proverbial or metaphorical mark of the beast is money (Rev 13 :16–17); it is economic; any and all that dominates the mind and moves the hand; but, the details of that is another entire writing. In summary, one's dependency upon money to survive (to buy food and shelter, at minimum) is the precursor to one"s certain future yoke with the enemies of the Cross, however that plays out. Summarily, people compromise themselves for money.
¶ 21st Century Pharisees: Politicized; Self–Righteous; Bible Centered!
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All religion business personnel (organized church service businesses) try to fill their salary feeder troughs, with the monetary windfalls generated by the "gifts & tithes & offerings" of other "blessed" people, which they monetize for personal use, but, under the disguised guile of "ministry" or other "serving god" models.
It is the Eschaton Era; thus, it is a supernatural (paranormal?) level of blindness, which is unbelievable, even under the most extreme of conditions, until one realizes that this blindness is not from a current absence or lack of Spiritual sight or understanding, or even a lack of simple street smarts; it is all of those things for sure.
Because this is the Eschaton Era, it is all prophetic; foreordained; a supernatural blinding, which Scripture describes as a searing of the Soul; a branding iron held upon the human consciousness, and intellect. Oh, the everlasting horrors of the ego–conquered life! But it was all prophesied to be. Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! The internal mechanics that Satan employs is also a trinity: Pride–Ego–Emotion!
Fascism always first promotes nationalism, alongside its most popular religion–brand. There is a famous quote (author unsubstantiated): When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross! In other words, patriotism and nationalism, coupled with whatever religion–brand the drone masses assign themselves to, is that exploitation medium: Mass gullibility is why!
But this was/is Satan's trademark, and it makes sense. The Resurrection of Messiah Yeshua, doomed Satan and his trillion demon army, and indirectly, the bulk of the (accountable adult) human species. In response, Satan and crew, went on a tirade, weaponizing anything and everything, directly or indirectly associated with the Messianic Cross. Christendom was/is a major (or big–gun) weapon of Satan and crew.
Now of course, anyone who has gotten even near unto the Kingdom (the Messianic Cross: Mark 12 :28–34), and assuredly, everyone already under the Messianic Cross; already at One with the Kingdom (John 17 ); we all take on the Messianic mind (1Co 2 :13–16); we are wide awake (super–woke); we have a wisdom that far transcends all possible human brain knowledge.
If YHVH so wills it, any one of us could surpass, not only the level of a super genius, we could potentially be the most intelligent human out of the sum of the entire species, past, present and future. Let me say it another way: far more intelligent than the sum knowledge of all humanity collectively. If it were possible to download every human brain from the first to the last of us, it would be far–far more than all of that!
So, intellect is not at issue here; only the human brain itself is the limitation of what YHVH (with an immeasurable IQ) can bring into us, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which is just the Soul of YHVH. We become One with YHVH (John Seventeen ), once we die completely, and allow daily, Ruach HaKodesh, to own us.
The mortal shell that was once the "me" that I was born into; that "me" died, but the mortal (or corporeal) shell remained; it is a molting; a husk! What emerged in the shell that was once I, is (now) Messiah in Me; it is capitalized because it is no longer I, but Messiah Yeshua that lives within me Me (Gal 2 ). I am not my own; I died so that I could be a vessel; a new clay pot fit for the Potters use (Rom 9 ).
Unfortunately, the bulk of the human species, wants only to be gods themselves, just like their god Satan did and does; they will die to nothing, much less everything. And organized religion is one of those pieces of fruit evidence to support that reality. Their lifestyle supports this; how they think of self supports this.
Without Ruach HaKodesh, ruling within, most humans remain the gods of their own world; they are the centerpiece of their life; their world is truly tiny. The idea of Love for everyone, escapes them: The idea of sacrificing self for others, is absurd to them. Thus, their Spiritual blindness confines them; they can only follow those in front of them; those who came before them; those near to them.
When an individual offers them complete leadership and guidance, what else can they do? They must follow that human leader. It does not matter if it is a religious or political leader, they cannot help but be mindless automatons of the culture they occupy. If that leader tells them a thing they have to believe it, because they lack original thoughts and thus critical thinking skills: Drones of Enculturation ! Welcome to the Eschaton Era.
Know this also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For people shall become lovers of their own selves; covetous ; boasters; proud; blasphemers; disrespectful to elders; unthankful; unholy; without natural affection; truce breakers; false accusers; incontinent ; fierce ; despisers of those that are good; traitors ; headstrong ; aristocratic ; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Elohim; having a form of Messianic likeness but denying the power thereof: From such turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of the gullible; those loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts. They are always studying but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2Ti 3:1–7) {cf. Rom 1 ; James 5 }
The (now) planet–wide normalization of meism, selfishness, greed, defiance, rebellion, open displays of anger, being spoiled and self–focused always; these are huge signs of the Eschaton Era. Even those with a Theological PhD or M.Div are just as blinded, because the academic memorization and regurgitation of input data, cannot and does not transform a Soul; it has never happened.
Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is the mostly christianized, who are blinded to virtually all the evidence needed to see the facts, concerning many topics, such as planetary destruction, primarily caused by the stunningly devastating Car Cult , and the "freedom to do as I please" crowd, all from christianized America.
Evangelicals, the farthest Xians from the Messianic Cross, cannot fathom a devotion to Scripture; they are devoted to human written things, such as the US Constitution, or the parts that empower them in this life. Science is the explanation of the YHVH creation, which they also oddly oppose. As a whole, they represent Satan's demonic realm; they have been on a rampage since the Messianic Ascension.
There and then he was exposed and convicted, and thereby sentenced to an assured eternal doom. Consequently, Satan goes after the claimants of Christendom, because they do not have the overwhelming power of Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, abiding within them. They act as if they represent Messiah Yeshua, but in truth, they do not even know Yeshua (Matt 24 :3–5). They believe in the christian Jesus avatar! Otherwise they are fully controlled by Satan via human pride–ego–emotion.
Like with the Gerasene demoniac (Mark 5 ), whenever Messiah Yeshua, who is currently in the form of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh, who abides within (only us) Messianic disciples, as the Elect of YHVH; whenever we come near to them, the demons, via their demon led or oppressed humans, they will likewise fear our very presence, and must/will respond to us with avoidance, rejection, discord, false witness, resentment, anger, and violence. Cognitive dissonance assures it.
We learned about all of this with/from our Master, Messiah Yeshua, who warned us that if we follow The Way , we too might be abused by the sinister ministers as well as the secularized masses around us (John 15 :16–25). The culturally christianized do not have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
However, they publicly claim an association or an ambassadorship with Adonai our Elohim, whom they correctly call "god" but who is really Satan, the god of this world (2Co 4 :3–4). They do all of this, via their open religionist productions, and therein, the terms that are most popular among them these days, which are God/god, Jesus Christ, Christianity, the Bible, and church services.
Satan has his trillion demon hoards, enter into these people, individually, and then collectively the humans gather within their earthly temples, and bask in egocentric and emotional masturbation, all in the name of Jesus Christ! Satan smiles, as they exhibit their anti-Messianic daily lifestyles unto the world, thus marring the character and nature of The Messiah, because therein, the stench of their self-righteous hypocrisy, drives people away from it all (tossing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater): Success!
The christianized already monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot, all the same terminology as their secular bedfellows; indeed, the religious verbal spectrum of the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, is indistinguishable from the secular political spectrum . Sound familiar?
The organized religious Pharisee's odd bedfellows were the political Federal (Roman) Government, who were empowered and enforced by their hireling militants; they collaborated to crucify Messiah Yeshua. The Pharisees were staunchly biblical and socially self-righteous. Do you see such people and such similar patterns today among the religious?
¶ Monk of YHVH!
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For the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the Messianic disciples; the Kingdom bound; the future resurrected Saints; we the Spiritual few, operate from an entirely different paradigm than does the World . Like our Master, we do not get involved in politics at all; indeed, all Heaven destined individuals are apolitical , and are instructed to expose and reprove the sin–evil around us, not enable it, rationalize it, or collaborate with it (Eph 5 ).
Likewise, we are always willing to teach in "their synagogues" (Matt 4 :23; 9:35; 10:16–18; 12:6–10; 13:54–58; Luke 4 :13–15; Mark 1 ), if we are ever allowed in; however, we do not otherwise enable or attend them. They are money collection stations, and all Messianic disciples teach about the sin of money and mammon economics; a message these dollar dependent dens of thieves do not want to hear. But that is how dependency always works; opposing anything ot anyone that blocks the money flow inward.
I am foremost a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; as for my social and economic roles, I built (over a hundred) homes as a carpenter (Tekton ) for Satan's mammon system (1975 unto the USGR ). But I am retired from all that now: Nowadays I fish, hike and bike, research and write, yoke with and/or serve the unwanted, undesired, unattractive, the economic failures, the disenfranchised, the disabled, and otherwise remain diakonia among today's geographically local neighbors (Matt 5 :13–16).
I am a devout student (and coeditor) of the Messiah Scriptures (since the eighties) with special focus on the Red Letters of my Master, Messiah Yeshua, and like my Master, I am a pacifist and counterculture (2Co 6 :14–18; Rom 12 :1–2).
While in this world, I am disenculturated , Apolitical , an egalitarian , a percussionist (musician), a pescetarian , a voluntarist , an Undergrad , a Sociologist , and a busy webmaster .
I never got into Social Media , and ended all open communications with the world, because it was a perpetual barrage of Satan's people (mostly the christianized), running counter offensives against any and all who are under the Messianic Cross. I came to see the logic of being a stationary light, just like a city on a hill. It does not move about; it is at the top of a rock and it illuminates always: Lifestyle Evangelism! The abject sin–evil of all manifestations of evangelicalism, speaks for itself, but only unto those with Spiritual ears to hear it.
I write by inspiration of Ruach HaKodesh, and am thus compelled to write, regardless, but for those compelled to be here; for anyone on Earth who cares to read it, and indeed have been called to do so. I have nothing to sell; what is left of my ego is not impacted in any way by what you do with (or think about) these texts. I respect and acknowledge your superpower of volition, to reject all of this and turn elsewhere.
Those that YHVH calls, will seek after and recognize YHVH truth; the light on the hill. It is not my truth or your truth, but the truth, independent of personal opinions. Unfortunately, the bulk of humanity will squander the bulk of their life, trying to justify or rationalize or validate, the life they have already decided they are going to live. If religion becomes any part of it, then the gods of that particular religion–brand, are expected to bless and protect them in the self-justification process (Luke 16 :13–15).
All those today, who are conquered by Ruach HaKodesh, are blessed or bettered by the words of this living disciple of Messiah Yeshua. I receive the praises that I ask people not to give me; see the bottom of every page. We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are supernaturally attracted to one another, via the simple lifestyle we share and live, but also, by keywords that we seek and find, employing more modern tools of communication; namely, Web connected computers, for those who use them.
The monk of YHVH will seek to master the art of being disengaged from the worldly, while living in this World , which is dominated by the worldly; the Faithless Loveless masses; the predators, who then must and will, monkey–see–monkey–do their enculturation (blindly).
Most dictionaries define monk as a man who is a member of a religious order and lives in a monastery. The term Friar is also used, but the central theme seems to be isolation for contemplation. I am celibate, but not devoutly, as if such a thing proves anything; it does not. If YHVH brought a female disciple into my life, I am ready. Obviously, being a member of a religious order would have no real world application; it seems they are hiding from something.
The circulating, wandering or revolving monk, would at least, be an effort by an individual to remain disengaged from the World (and the worldly) while migrating within human populated areas: This would put monks in contact with others regularly. But trying to abide among those who daily collude and collaborate with Satan's atheistic worldly agendas, may find this too disheartening; and the temptations that the atheistic endure daily, is an increasing irritant to all Messianic disciples. Under calmer times we would all by in Community, but this is the Eschaton Era; we must adapt to it.
As all Spiritually transformed people know; until an individual is dying inside, and thus seeking truth beyond the corporeal , there is no evangelism (John 6 :44); and pride–ego–emotion is what drives the bulk of humanity. Indeed, the bulk of the christianized world — the anti-Messianic religious; the churched; the anti-Messiahs — they all remain oblivious to Messiah Yeshua, while trapped in their cultural christianization, via blind enculturation, and a highly distracting money devotion.
Christian Monasticism therefore, is to replace the time and monies most people spend on materialism, entertainment and self indulgence, and instead, invest those (time/money) resources, in the Lord, for we are His Body and thus, we are very careful with that (daily; hourly) relationship. Metaphorically speaking, we do not go out to party (2Pe 2 ), we stay home with our Spouse.
Hedonism was only possible because of slavery, and slavery is to exploit other humans via the money or economic systems of the Monetizers , thus exploiting the Labor class, who provide the shelter, food, clothing, and all other necessary things, which the sedentary people mindlessly consume, while stumbling in their blinded pursuits of evermore and ever better, desperately clamoring and scratching, keeping up with the Joneses , which is a certain dead end, like the proverbial moving van at a funeral, or tombs filled with gold trinkets.
The idea that separation permits contemplation is a solid concept; however, what we learn, must eventually be applied. It is analogous to the career student paradigm; that a person attends school full time from childhood and through our seventies, but never stops to apply those lessons to life. Learning is indeed, a lifelong endeavor, but for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, we are expected to serve our Master with natural gifts and what we have learned (1Co 3 :1–3; 1Pe 2 :1–5; Heb 5 :9–14).
With that understood, we are not to actively chase people, and that one a difficult one to obey; we are to be an immovable city of a hill, shining brightly for the infinitesimal few that are called, prepared and actively seeking that light; that Truth Mountain (John 6:43–44). The newly redeemed gravitate away from the World as they actively seek the Elect of YHVH; we all (at least) seek to live in Simple Living Community.
Conversely, the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, believe that they are, where they are in this life, because of the efforts and wise choices they make. They believe that they deserve more than others because they went to college, or because they are good looking, or employed, or smart capitalists, or born into a certain economic class of people, or race, or nation, and so on.
Rather than recognizing that social stratification is raw evil, they delight within it, and teach it to their progeny, even as they attend church services and praise a god that is really only them. Satan masturbates their pride–ego–emotion and they think it is a Spiritual orgasm. Sinister indeed!
They do not (indeed cannot) see that all blessings come from above (Matt 5 :43–48); that they could have easily been born into abject poverty, or with a life ending disease before they hit the age of 17, or a thousand other real life possibilities.
Instead, they boast in (and with) their earthly fortunes (Rev 3 :17–19; Job 1 :21; James 4 :12–17), and actually praise god when things are good in their own eyes. But this is the Eschaton Era, so this is to be expected.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit brings light to an otherwise darkened conscious; that Spirit not only illuminates Scripture to us (which is vital), but all of life, even far beyond Scripture; the universe is the creation of YHVH. Ruach HaKodesh acts as a mirror unto the self; this forces us to see deep into the sum of the self.
Soon we become a different species (Gen 2 :7; 1Co 15 :39–50); we remain human on the outside, but inwardly we disciples live by an entirely different mentality; an entirely different entity; we live a radically different existence on Earth, which then continues into the Resurrection.
As a monk and a Messianic disciple, a Tekton (a tradesman), and an Oracle of Adonai my Elohim (1Pe 4 :11; Luke 4 :4; Heb 5 :12–14), I can only share or donate given wisdom, and co labor: I will literally and metaphorically teach you how to fish ; how to build your shelter/home; how to grow or raise all your food; how to live with very little money needs; how to live without a car: I will disciple you!
In fact, it is the mission of all Messianic disciples to teach by lifestyle example, by direct Love service, and by wisdom sharing, simple living models, as well as planetary stewardship. Evangelism is not about marketing Jesus Christ ; it is about living as Messiah Yeshua; to be Messianic, like a light on a hilltop house (Matt 5 :14–16) that burns bright to guide the lost seekers, unto the Messianic Cross.
Only those who have been prepared by the (Holy) Spirit in the world, can receive what the Messianic disciples, have ever–ready and always to give (1Pe 3 ). Merely trying to convince someone not yet ready, will fail, and worse, will add another layer of resistance via resentment, within them (Matt 13 ).
We as living Messianic disciples, cannot compel someone (anyone) to be a disciple of Messiah Yeshua through any recruitment paradigm; not by evangelism or proselytization or assimilation, and certainly not by the use of money, or church businesses, nor any religion productions.
Evangelism by the anti-Messianic religious is nothing more than a well designed exploitation of the emotionally vulnerable during times of trial, to recruit tithe givers into the psychological grasp of religious businessmen; the sinister YHVH Monetizers .
No, being a disciple of Messiah Yeshua is a calling from YHVH within the Spiritual realm; YHVH works directly with the individual, One on one, and once that individual has been sufficiently unmasked, they will, on their own, seek out others who are on the same rare and unique path that they find themselves on: Narrow Way! The Way ! Not the way of the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists, and their theological dissonance . The closest that those from among the COP Cultists ever got to the Messianic Cross, were the Augustinians .
YHVH cannot (and thankfully will not) bodily resurrect anyone who demonstrates lifestyles of indifference unto the YHVH created natural world; this is exactly what this particular life test is all about. With all the proverbial Garden of Eden trees availed to us all, we can demonstrate our willingness to avoid some while enjoying others, or, we can defiantly take from them all. Volition Is Your Superpower That Even YHVH Will Not Alter !!
There is no magical kingdom paved in gold; that is Disney World! Look up at night! There, now you see it; multiple trillions planets orbiting stars. Adonai has big plans, and is building a family of laborers to participate in it all. The laborers are few indeed (especially when considering the vastness of space), but the sedentary money dependents are like a weedy overgrowth; a parasitic infestation (Matt 13 :24–30). They will live and die, unconscious of the fact that this life is not even about this life; they proverbially howl at the moon but never know why!
¶ The Money Serpent!
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(Luke 11 :11): I cannot (and will not) curse anyone by giving them mammon; if I give someone money they will remain a dependent of it; I would be enabling and collaborating with an addict to the monetary system of the devil; they will continue to be lead by Satan, via temptation (1Ti 6 :6–10) and remain bound to him via the money system, as a dependent of it. Money is a weapon of earthly empowerment; the very opposite of YHVH–Love empowerment; an affront unto the Messianic Cross. YHVH never provides money to us; YHVH provides us with a way out of such corruption (Matt 7 :7–11).
As one example among dozens, the Car Cult is stunningly devastating to this planet of YHVH; we stewards cannot participate or collaborate in, or enable or recommend such brazen lifestyle choices. But the Spiritually blind cannot see this; they must/will follow those in front of them; they obey culture, not Christ. Walking in darkness, they have little choice but to follow those in front of them; those who actually lead them.
They are fully enculturated and mere byproducts of their immediate culture, but unfortunately they are utterly blind to it; hence the justification trail (Luke 10 :28–29 & 16 :13–15) which will haunt them for millions millennia while in the abyss of extreme outer Darkness .
We Messianic disciples, obtain only enough mammon to feed the proverbial beasts who command it from us (Matt 17 :24–27); the anti-Messiahs who are thus lords over the land of YHVH; the atheistic hands out takers. We Messianic disciples, design our lifestyles around, and then live in voluntary poverty or Simple Living .
I would live/die with zero monies if that were possible; but, we are now deep into the Eschaton epoch (the post industrial world; the soon apocalyptic world). The lords of land (and of men) have forced YHVH aside, so now they can lord earthly global resources, over others, as if it is theirs; money is now their weapon and Satan their only guide. These are indeed brave people to so "in your face" oppose YHVH.
Over the last 2 decades as a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, I gave up identifying myself by my employment title, or any other secular identifiers that did not magnify Messiah Yeshua preeminently. What we do for Mammon is not what we identify with, and in fact, our participation within the greater secular World (especially economically) is really the only part of this life that we might find ourselves ashamed of.
¶ Living By The Word Versus Living For The World!
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Christians may use a copy of a bible translation, but the scriptures belong to us living Messianic disciples; we are the word in the flesh, because when the word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1 :1–5), He then returned back to a Spiritual state of existence, post–resurrection, and became Ruach HaKodesh; to be able to dwell within us, His disciples, as the collective Elect of YHVH.
Messianic disciples (only) harbor Ruach HaKodesh within this, our mortal shell; we are the living breathing Temple of YHVH; we are the hands and feet Ambassadors and current corporeal manifestation of The Risen King. Messiah Yeshua still walks among us, only, not in His own skin (currently), but rather, within ours as the Elect of YHVH.
I am not an American who merely attends a christianized religion business; I am a disciple of Messiah Yeshua; I was randomly born on the North American continent in the 20th century; my allegiance therefore, is only unto my eternal Master, who is the sole Owner of Earth, and the sum of the Cosmos (and beyond?); the only Land Lord of humankind in all generations and in all places.
But the demon influenced, or demon oppressed, actually believe they own any part of Earth: Obviously, they cannot (and thankfully will not) be resurrected into an eternal body, and placed bodily upon any planet of YHVH. Adonai Elohim will only resurrect humble servants of The Lord, not landlords or other power mongers; and especially those who exploit god/religion/bible, for their own earthly purposes (John 8 :44).
Culture Shock is what happens when all our life experiences are confined to one place and/or culture, and then we enter an entirely different culture, and we are a bit disoriented (shocked) by the new experience. Every person there is human (we all eat, sleep, etc.), but that is about all that is the same.
These others dress and talk, think, act and live, even build and move, in an entirely different way, than all that we are accustomed to; everything that we humans were shaped by: Enculturation . We who have traversed Earth with an open mind, know of this intimately. But the Indwelling Holy Spirit gives a similar, but much much greater eye view; that of YHVH All Mighty!
In like manner; this content (website, or book, or whatever form you are reading this in now), will be a type of culture shock to the masses, including the mere christianized, and especially among the capitalistic minded, westernized consumerist masses, who happen to attend religious services, but will live/die utterly oblivious to Messiah Yeshua, the Lamb of YHVH.
In fact, very few even make it through a few pages; this was actually anticipated; the boredom that imitators often experience, cannot change by merely faking christianity. Truth mining is exhaustive; it requires a real investment that will surely take people away from earthly pursuits.
Without the peace that surpasses human understanding (Phl 4 :6–7; Eph 3 :14–19), the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious (Xians of Religianity ), struggle in strife continuously. Following Satan via the World , is stressful always, but a simple all natural organic life is peaceful and healthy, mind, body and spirit.
As a graduate level, theologically endowed, protestant evangelical, decades ago (late eighties to late nineties), I would hear or read about pastor burnout, and thought even then: How can anyone tire of serving YHVH when we will be doing it for eternity?
Indeed, such YHVH service should be the only thing that motivates, with virtually everything else being the only drag; that is, until you realize they are just hirelings who tire at the till. This disciple of Messiah Yeshua, who transcended mere christianity and the Bibliolatry it depends upon, cannot imagine being or doing anything else.
Monasticism is the practice of renouncing all worldly pursuits in order to fully devote one's life to Spiritual work! That is the generic definition, which would cover all religions, or religion like human actions or concepts. However, as a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, my take on the word (monk) is different from the rest: This is because I do not process information (in general) in the same way.
For one example, I know that Christendom is a male centered religion production, which was/is numerated by the Monetizers , for profit and power, and thus has nothing whatsoever to do with Adonai Elohim; YHVH, Creator of all. Christendom only distorts and obscures a Messianic discipleship, of which women are equals in, and sometimes even more important than male disciples.
As Spiritual beings temporarily occupying human bodies, I comprehend and thus ignore religious gender doctrines (Matt 22 :29–30; Gal 3 :24–28); gender was designed by YHVH, but only for corporeal procreation. Messianic disciples, female or male, can be monks (or nuns if you still must genderize ), who simply decide to remain sexually celibate (Matt 19 :11–12; 1Co 7 :6–9); to be espoused to YHVH exclusively. What you give — in time, resources, energy, even money — to your biological family and to your secular boss, I give all that unto my Master.
As the old man, my brother Saul suggested (suggested, since he wrote no doctrine, only fellowship letters); if a person is too preoccupied with coitus and procreation, that person should seek a mate and marry. But marrying does not disqualify anyone from being a disciple, unless of course, one marries another that is not a Messianic disciple. In that case the mate will need all service time.
And unfortunately, this happens more often than not: I did it, and that marriage would have continued to be a major distraction, all my life, for I was always overly faithful and devoted to my beloved. I would have never left my wife, to follow who is now my sole (Soul) Master; to be a spouse unto YHVH. And Adonai my Elohim, knew that! I sought beauty over substance, and got what I sought after. Every woman I Love (still to this day), abandoned me, a mere Tekton , for a rich man; that says it all!
Far more often than not, we the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, inherit genetic kin that will not be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven; not fellow laborers in eternal things; they are too devoted to the World and invested therein.
In writing, I try to focus on contrasting lifestyles that conflict with or even oppose the paradigm of life and lifestyle: Messiah Yeshua. No proper names are mentioned, because that would be finger pointing and judgmental: Judging . Therefore, only action and inaction (of potentially anyone) is what gets the focus. I/we try not to name names, especially of those currently living.
Publishing online since the Geocities days (2000–07); nowadays, only open source is utilized in almost everything (Neocities it is). In doing this online publishing, I had no idea at the time — and today I really do not care — that people globally could have copy/pasted my written content. I am still for Open Source Theology!
A copyright symbol does not prevent such plagiarism, be it copy/paste or just mined ideas reworded. But freeware and FOSS theoretically align with the path of all Kingdom bound disciples, traversing Narrow Way (Matt 7 :13–14): The Way !
What could happen therefore, is that something I wrote years or even decades ago, could have been plagiarized and published anywhere, but now sold on a global market, and I would not know this. I only use tech, and the Web, to serve my Master, not my ego. I have no motive to plagiarize, since I do not self–identify, nor do I make any monies from authorship, nor do I seek for, or need the acceptance from humans, or the praise of men (John 12:43).
But if I were to now publish that same content, it would appear as if I was the one plagiarizing: I am not, and will not ever do that. Besides, I have all my writings saved on my own storage devices, from date stamped 3.5" floppies to the HDD. My writing services are not monetized by me; others may be doing so, but I am unaware of it. Publishers in the world, only do all they do for money, so I am expecting that from them.
But (circa 2023) the time has come to publish all this work in (digital and paper) book form, otherwise it will disappear under all that is already monetized. Even the truth miners will have too hard a time reaching it. Satan cannot eliminate the works of the Holy Spirit, but burying it deep, works just as well as elimination.
Ruach HaKodesh places much upon my mind–heart–Soul, and I obediently write it down, and then share it; my duty is complete; well done faithful servant; that is music to my ears! Then it is off to homeless encampments or elsewhere, to serve there too. The main goal of all Messianic disciples, is first, to be light in the darkness.
¶ YHVH Provides Thru Nature: Satan Only Tempts With Money!
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My Master never curses me or anyone with more money; instead, Adonai Elohim provides primarily via the natural world, for we as the future resurrected Saints; the Elect of YHVH; we are at peace; Simple Living ; fully contented by being filled to overflowing with the Living Water and Bread of Life (1Ti 6 ). It is a living faith in Eden's Garden!
We disciples are complete with food, work clothing and basic shelter, made with the labor of our own hands, taken from the plant world, and we do so in concert with others disciples when that help is needed. We consider trading time for money, and then using that money to buy the sweat labors that YHVH expects us to do for ourselves, sin in itself.
Usury (to use; to capitalize upon; profiteering) may have been rendered acceptable unto the Darkness destined masses, but to the Messianic disciples, it is still sin–evil (Matt 25 ). I post on open source websites and blogs, and leave it up to YHVH to funnel people here, or there, or not.
The genuine truth miners out there, will actively and prayerfully seek (just as I always did and still do), and the Holy Spirit can work wonders with that, without defying human volition. I write what Ruach HaKodesh compels me to write, and my duty (in this particular matter) is thus finished: Well done faithful servant! So, read it or not; believe it or not; my eternality is assured regardless (Rev 21 :5–6).
I originally wrote all web pages as individual e–books, and as such, much content is repeated within them. This is because I thought people would only read one book (or here, one page), and so I would get as much (proverbial) seed into that small package as possible.
The publishing process itself was initially unattractive for me; hence websites and blogs. But I am compelled by Ruach HaKodesh to write: I will; I want to; I must! I learned that I can publish and make no monies, though all publishers, as devout Mammon servants, will charge fees.
I am a servant; a slave if you will, and as such, I am not compensated with Mammon . I will not be pimped or prostituted; I will not be temptation compromised (Luke 9 :23–27; Matt 5 :11–16; John 13 :13–17; 2Co 4 :1–5); I am not of this World . My Master provides all my needs from the natural world alone, and blesses humans in no other way, even though the YHVH–monetizers have successfully adulterated Scripture to imply otherwise.
If someone copies what I write and publishes it for money as their own, so be it; so long as those words are spread and Messiah Yeshua be exposed and/or praised (Phl 1 :15–18). This is partly why I remain anonymous; I cannot be the focus here (John 3 :30). I seek no earthly rewards (Luke 6 :22–36); I do not want or need the credit or praise, and being excluded is a prophesied expectation, which I am fine with (Matt 6 :1–4).
There are still those who copy these written works: this because just after a posting, the hits will shoot up, then fade back downward when nothing is posted for awhile; they use a ping service . I do not publish for profit, which means I have no ads on my open source websites. But I also have no control over any web services.
The website host has a simple hits counter and that is all I see. I do not care who comes, and who copies this, because I serve YHVH who owns everything, including my mind–heart–Soul and thus everything I do and create and have (Matt 22 :35–40; Mark 12 :28–31).
Notwithstanding; there are no words I could communicate, that can change the mind–heart–Soul of anyone, and especially those who are not already determined to find YHVH–truth on their own (Matt 10 :8–16). It is these earnest seekers that I write for; the predestined Elect of YHVH (Matt 7 :13–23): those destined to traverse Narrow Way will eventually pass by here.
It is the power of pride that will allow Satan to win numerically, but YHVH runs this Earth experiment, to extract the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, from among the massive overgrowth of weeds: I.e. Lot from among all of Sodom Metro, or Noah and kin from among the sum of the human species living within that hemispheric cataclysm (Luke 17 :26–29).
Even my Master (Messiah Yeshua) lost many whom He was in direct physical contact with (John 6 :66): I call this The Judas Conundrum or The Iscariot Paradox . Even Messiah Yeshua said on a few occasions, and in differing ways, that even if YHVH were to come to Earth in Person (which He did); even that would not alter the mind–heart–Soul of those determined to remain in/of/for the World : e.g. Lazarus (John 3 ; Luke 9 & 16 ).
¶ The Inferiority Of The Superiority Complex!
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My Master never named names, but did refer to the Pharisees (or other groups or sects) who demonstrated in their lifestyles, an adherence to religion, but otherwise lived lifestyles as anti-Messiahs ; this was evil because it resulted in social, economic, legal, militarist, and political systems and their inherent injustices; evil because they viewed themselves as superior to other humans, due of their own efforts, birthright, ethnicity, geography, class, or any other human made stature paradigm.
When studying Scripture it is easy to see that there were no full names listed; no one would identify themselves with the writings, other than first names, of which some are pseudonyms . I came to realize that the goal was first, to serve from a state of egoless humility, which then intends to remove the individual (the self) from the equation.
All this serves to keep the words free of personal overtones, as much as that is possible; for me to be a mere narrator, rather than a character. I am a tradesman; I am hypersane ; I am credentialed but a Tekton ; a servant of a Master, not a master in English (an M.A. ); please overlook this shortcoming.
Egocentrism and/or narcissism can be witnessed in the many grand things people construct, especially so they can put their own names upon it, much like a billboard shouting down at you; the narcissist saying who/what they are (i.e.): I am the center of my box: notice me; like me; follow me; copy me; want me; respect me; adore me; obey me; fear me; yes, worship me! The circumstantial descent is rapid in egocentrism. That was the downfall of Satan and the fallen followers; the incorporeal demons, plus the human masses who will soon join them.
Personal names are like grand music to the narcissistic ear: The ego conquered like to see or hear their name proclaimed publicly. The Selfie generation unabashedly thrives (2Ti 3 :1–5): But the ego is never fulfilled (Pro 27 :20 & 30:15–16; Ecc 5 :10–11; 1Jo 2 :16): Conversely, Living Water is always overflowing (John 4 :10–14 & John 7 :37–39); the Bread of Life much more than enough.
The Elect of YHVH understand that it is the Eschaton Era; as just one sign, we know this by how the masses so casually, or obliviously, accept people who are sick with narcissism and self aggrandizement; such people need deep long–term counsel in a facility for the mentally impaired, not freedom and power, money and guns and cars.
The pyramids of Egypt; the Temple Mount; roads and buildings named after popular Xians of Religianity ; towering buildings, stadiums, hospitals (and more) all boldly and proudly named after a money hoarding wealth monger (Matt 19 :23). Even the many grand monuments that claim connection to The Creator: Catholic and Orthodox Cathedrals; Protestant Megachurches; and so much more. But it is all a representation of that anchor to this life, and that itself is revelatory.
Humans create monuments of/for all kinds of causes; they stand to glorify the efforts of other humans. Funerals themselves are an exhibition and an expression of a deep attachment to this life. Most see the physical body as the sum of the self; as the center of their life, and thus of the dead. But Messiah Yeshua said this:
A certain scribe came and said unto Him: Master, I will follow You wherever you go. But Yeshua said unto him: The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head! And another of His disciples said unto Him: Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father. But Yeshua said unto him: Follow Me, and let the dead bury their dead! (Matt 8 :19–22)
Wow! Cold! What could that mean? And I am sure that the COP Cultists have an array of explanations, but, they are not Messianic disciples who are empowered by Ruach HaKodesh; their perspectives on all things with a grain of salt. The physically dead are no longer that person. True believers know that we are not our corporeal shell; that it is a temporary container. It analogous to a bread bag; it is the internal Soul that is the Bread; the shell is a container (a plastic bag) that gets disposed of when no longer needed.
The living dead must go through the ritual of burying the container, because for them, that is all that person was or is. They have made the container (the plastic bag) more valuable that what was in it; they give the container the same dignity and respect as the Bread it contains. And they do all of these things, because they are not true believers, no matter how much religion they proclaim or enable. They do not live in/by Love–wisdom–humility; they are only driven by pride–ego–emotion. And all they do is a reflection of that cold reality. The tree is known by the fruit it bears!
Just look around you: With Spiritual eyes and ears, the evils of narcissism are unavoidable (especially) within the urban sprawl , which is itself an affront unto YHVH; a physical expression of an ongoing (internal; often unrecognized) hatred for the natural world of YHVH, which is slowly dying off, and will eventually reach terminal stage; a bitterly failed stewardship indeed.
Brother John (John 3 :27–31) said that He (The Messiah) must increase, but I/we must decrease: This would be especially applicable to this paradigm. I am a full time servant of my Master, Messiah Yeshua; as an individual who is married only to YHVH, I wanted to follow that paradigm and try my best to keep me out of this.
Thus, I refer to myself as monk of YHVH; more accurately a monk, as being one among many volitionally celibate disciples of Messiah (Matt 19 :12; 1Co 7 :7–9) throughout time and culture, who only served YHVH, faithfully; daily; monogamously; serving no other gods, especially money and materialism and consumerism.
I have taken vows of poverty, obedience and fidelity, but only unto YHVH (Matt 5 :33–37; James 5 :1–12; Gal 1 :1–5). This is because we, as the Messianic disciples, see each other as equals; there is no one on this earth who has the authority or the qualifications to accept my vows.
The worldly of course, uses money power to define who is in charge. But hierarchy is sin and evil; so are class systems, or anything else that money decides. The rich man is the lost man; hoarding money a pathetic (billboard sized) sign of desperation and despair (Matt 20 :25–28; Luke 18 :22–27).
I am merely a corporeal container; a conduit of/for the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom 8 :9–11): I am a mere single little speaker in an otherwise grand and complex sound system, sounding from among every generation, wherein the writer and author, conductor and musician, is YHVH.
As an individual human, I am nothing special (you can just dismiss me): I am not better nor worse than any other person who will ever live. However, I died; the man I was before Messiah conquered my Soul, has died: That old man is no more (Eph 4 :20–25; Col 3 :5–11). The slow rotting mortal shell remains the same, but the inner man is anew: Goodbye old me!
That process was both agonizing and stimulating; painful and joyful; destructive and recuperative (still is at times). I will praise YHVH forever, for this honor; to be among the Elect of YHVH is the single highest calling in the universe, and because of that epoch, the self dies; we become no more; life on Earth no longer has anything to do with life on Earth.
This is genuinely humbling (as opposed to a humility facade). I would rather be a lowly servant in the Kingdom of Heaven (forever) than to be or do anything else, at anytime, anywhere in the universe.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are new creations (2Co 5 :17; Gal 2 :20; Rom 6 :4–12); we are not merely refurbished; we are not given a quick paint job; that is what religion does and is (Matt 23 :25–28). No, we are a brand new construction project, wherein we die to our pride–ego–emotion, which is the first lord guide of all mortals.
Indeed, the power of emotion is how Satan so easily moves most of his human subjects, like pawns on a chess board; human emotions are just that predictable. Heck, even an AI can detect emotions in text and by facial expressions .
From the ashes, the ground is scraped clean, and that outline on the ground that was once us, is completely replaced with a brand new, Messiah molded new creation. The Potter's wheel is emptied and clean before the new lump of clay is placed upon it (Isa 64 :7–8 & Isa 45 :9). If you do not die on the inside before you die on the outside you will die on the other side!
During my blink of time here on Earth, I am at one with my Creators creation; however I am as a foreigner; a pilgrim (Heb 11 :13–16); an alien among the atheistic human masses that Messiah referred to as the heathen; the hypocrites; the Gentiles (Matt 6 ), who have no idea about — nor any interest in — being yoked with YHVH in a personal, daily, intimate, and eternal Love bond that is unrivaled (John Seventeen ).
Consequently, I am often looked upon as strange by the masses (even kin); I am not a willful participant in the fully secularized culture that now dominates, here in the Eschaton Era, and most prominently and decadently among the westernized . (See: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians ).
¶ A Servant Is Not Above His Master!
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(Matt 10 :24; John 13 :16; 15 :20) As a disciple of Messiah Yeshua (Mark 8 :34–38), I do not take Mammon (trade my time for money) as a Sociologist or a Psychologist, but I am erudite in them both. I do not make any monies as an Author (Matt 10 :7–10), and, I do not and will not accept any monetary donations.
I chose to work with my hands: Like my Master, I am a tradesman; an artisan; a Tekton : I am also a gardener, fisher, naturalist, treehugger and hiker. I love the creation of my Creator, but weep at man's wanton urbanization of the once pristine garden world.
Learning one trade obviously does not disqualify a person from learning another: I mastered the building trades young; while working them, I studied other disciplines. Born in 1958 (and employed since 1975), I am now retired from the trades: I am a monk of YHVH; an individual who is daily dedicated to following my Master, Messiah Yeshua, the fruits of which are Pacifism , Simple Living , being among Plain people , and ever hopeful of Social Ecology (just a few prominent paradigms; not comprehensive).
Since all of us, and all of this, are the creations of YHVH, it is of special interest to me as a Disciple of Messiah Yeshua (who was the corporeal manifestation of YHVH): I am blessed to experience a deeply personal, epochal, and eternal relationship with my Heavenly Father, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit (John 14 :10–20; Acts 17 :24–28; Rom 8 :8–17; 1Co 3 :16–17; 2Ti 1 :12–14; 1Jo 4 :11–16).
I would be classified by the worldly minded, as a Euro–American (White), and, I am not of Jewish heritage; these are human created ethnic or racial designations (1Ti 1 :3–4; Titus 3 ). Rather, I am one individual (among unknown millions, past, present, and future) who is tethered to YHVH, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit (John 14 :16–18; 1Jo 3 :23–24 & 4:12–16).
In fact, the myth of race is powerful indeed, but primarily as a form of self-justification for bigotry as an accelerant to fuel the demon influenced hate that covertly or openly controls them. Race is not a scientific nor a biblical reality (Acts 17 :24–28).
Thus, I am non bigoted, counter cultural, and non–religious; not an enabler of, or collaborator in, any religion business (Luke 19 :45–48); not of Judaism or Christianity, nor any other, as they manifest in the World . My Spiritual status is not centered upon, or rooted in, any such human–made creeds. As much as it is in my power, I am like my Master, Messiah Yeshua! Spiritual transformation is only Spiritual; it has (almost) nothing to do with corporeality (John 18 :33–36; Rom 8 :6–7; 1Co 2 :14).
As we move closer to our Heavenly Father, we also move farther away from the worldly (the secularized masses); the christian biblical canons abound with such definitions. Scripture identifies the Elect (of YHVH) as peculiar people; set apart ones (Psa 4 :2–4; Jude 1 :1–3; Eph 2 ).
Messiah Yeshua said we would even be hated by the masses (Matt 10 :22; 24 :9–14); and this, because we are nothing like the masses on Broadway (Matt 7 ; Luke 13 :24–28). We will be different; we will seem strange; we will not fit–in well with the secular masses that today surround us, religious or not, biblical or not, churched or dechurched or unchurched.
Just like the Amish are perceived by the average American, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH (summarily, the church invisible ) will be more of a sideshow than a routine participant or enabler or collaborator of the culture at large: But the advantage of such peculiarity is easier recognition.
Such separation however, does not insure that every Amish (or anyone else for that matter) will see Heaven's Kingdom as resurrected servants. Even so, the secular masses, for the most part, aspire to cultural directives: Spiritually blinded, the masses are enslaved to their Enculturation , and thus, shamelessly ethnocentric , and as such, they cannot be Christ centric!
The three nails represented in my Masters crucifixion (2 hands; 1 feet), are today, the COP Cultists; the prophetic anti-Messiahs , with the most divisive of them all, being the final nail, the Protestants, and their thousand division, anti unity denominations (1Co 1 :9–10 & 3:1–4 & 11:17–19; Rom 16 :17–19; John Seventeen ).
Out of them all, the most sinister of all, are the americanized, White Nationalist evangelicals; they are where Satan is most active, and why they are so brazenly delusional, and oblivious to it. They represent those farthest away from the His heart, His land, His culture, His times, and His ecology; they are the prime collaborators of Satan's Eschaton Era paradigm. E.g. Is Christianity Anti Jewish?
As a devout disciple of Messiah Yeshua — in a deeply profound, personal, daily–dying relationship that far transcends any human to human relationship that is void of the Indwelling Holy Spirit — I do not enable, prescribe to, collaborate with, or participate in, any religion business on Earth (anywhere and forever): No Saved person does! The duty of all Messianic disciples (of every generation) is only to expose them (Eph 5 :6–11; John 3 :19–21), and to provide lifestyle evangelism (Matt 5 :13–16); a witness that mimics my Master.
¶ Missionary Monasticism: Anabaptist–Like Hebraic Monk!
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There were/are the COP Cultists, but there is a way off that beaten path: Anabaptism . For me, it is a different path down Theological Way (John 14 :6), though many Anabaptist too, stumble for being too close to the protesters. Indeed some think they are merely another branch of protestantism, while some Anabaptists do not think of themselves as protestants.
Nevertheless, there are always morsels of truth inside of every cookie cutter religion–brand, spawn from Abrahamism . There are many truthful things within all Abrahamic religions . But Missionary Monasticism ?
And why be a Monk anyway? Because of the life and lifestyle of Messiah Yeshua Himself, and most His Apostles like John the Baptist . But I believe that marriage and coitus and progeny, are the very designs of YHVH; it is how we all got here.
Today, monk is a more interesting title, which then ignites conversation; but there is more. Many powerful things came via monastics: However, things are different now; there are far too many people to live in the same way humans once did, and, we are well into the Eschaton Era. Disciples must adapt to the allotted dispensation.
Being a male monk is a lifestyle; it is similar (but not exact) in lifestyle to being a female nun; it is to commit (the rest of) one's life to, what has been coined, the counsels of perfection : celibacy (chastity), poverty (charity), and obedience; faithfulness!
And because the Elect of YHVH all abide in the priesthood of Messiah (1Pe 2 :4–10), none of us could ever be (or are) a religious professional; none are money dependent and thus compromised hirelings, trading time for money as employees among the many dens of thieves, which my Master died while exposing to His disciples, then and today.
The anti–Messianic religious want to be money makers, consumers and materialists; they must then, convert YHVH into a commodity; a consumer product; a thing to monetize so that they can avoid Labor . The church businesses provide that venue for a tithe, wherein they can be religious for a few hours weekly; a replacement to daily dying (Luke 9 :23–27 & 11 :1–4; 1Co 15 :27–31).
Give us this day our daily bread is not a pet slogan framed on our wall, it is the sum of our very existence, which is not a deliberate impoverishment as abasement, but rather, a complete disinterest in materialism, consumerism, power, wealth, or any form of keeping up with the Joneses .
It Is Not Freedom With Money; It Is Freedom From Money !! We loathe money because Messiah Yeshua loathed money; He would not so much as soil His hands with it, as He had one more suited to it (John 12 :6–7 & John 13 :29). However, this revulsion was/is not because of monies mere existence, but rather, because we are forced to use it; because it corrupts all it consumes; because we live in a corrupted World that demands money from us (Acts 2 :42–47 & 8 :18–23).
It forces everyone to participate in an obviously rigged economic system ; forced into capitalism ; forced into westernization itself. Just talk to any indigenous people who was conquered by the European colonizers for more details.
If it were possible, we the future resurrected few, as the Elect of YHVH, would live completely without any money; however, in a money–centric and capitalistic culture, this is the least likely scenario in which to live in such a state of freedom, for all things come at the service of Mammon in capitalism. True freedom would be to live without money, or the need of it; freed also from those it empowers in this world.
The restoration of the church will surely come only from a new type of monasticism which has nothing in common with the old but a complete lack of compromise in a life lived in accordance with the Sermon on the Mount in the discipleship of Christ. I think it is time to gather people together to do this. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer ).
To be a monk is a unique calling; a modern adaptation of a more YHVH–centric version of Asceticism ; indeed, even a pacifistic Christian Anarchism . Not only do we hear His voice, we also feel His heart, because we are yoked to our Master and Lord.
¶ Spiritual Apotheosis!
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Monks aspire to perfection as practitioners of the Gospels; metaphorically, monks (indeed, all disciples) prefer a degree from The Master, far more than a masters degree; more than a Theological PhD or M.Div; He is our divinity, and because of that we are Saints.
Still, monks are often thought of like artist portrayals: Most think of a monk as some xenophobic slave to dead rituals and perpetual prayer (Matt 6 :5–8). Prayer is about seeking what YHVH wants from me, not the other way around. Now, there may have been monks like that; however, that does not describe the life that Messiah Yeshua calls anyone to live.
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the Heaven bound; the Messianic disciples; we are to be the model of how YHVH desires all humans to live upon Earth, for it is how we live (via our lifestyle primarily) that shines the true light of contentment, peace, simplicity and purpose. We are the proverbial city lights on the hill; we are the light of the world.
Telling one lie is exactly the same as committing one murder unto YHVH (Rev 21 :6–8; 1Ti 1 ; Pro 6 :16–19; 19:5). In fact, telling one lie (a false witness ) could cost many lives! Left unrepentant, the eternal price is the same. What is YHVH approved is vastly different than what is human approved! Thus, our lifestyle is that fruit evidence of who we truly belong to.
Conversely, for the anti-Messianic religious, and the atheistic; they will be given strong delusions, which will manifest as us–against–themism, and fear, paranoia, wealth hoarding, materialism, discontentment, violence, and murderousness. They will believe repeated lies, and then repeat them again and often, and sound, yep, delusional. Sound familiar?
You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, so it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. (Matt 5 :13–16)
If you Love Me, keep My commandments, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter; that He may abide with you forever; indeed the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him, neither knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more; but you see Me, because I live, as you shall live also. On that day, you shall know that I Am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He that has My commandments and keeps them; it is he that Loves Me, and he that Loves Me shall be Loved of My Father, and I will Love him, and will manifest Myself to him.
Judas (not Iscariot) said unto Him: Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself unto us, and not unto the world? Yeshua answered and said unto him: If a man Loves Me, he will keep My words, and My Father will Love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that Loves Me not, keeps not My sayings, and the word that you hear is not Mine, but the Father's that sent Me. These things I have spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name; He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14 :15–27)
From whence come wars and fighting's among you? Do they not come hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? You lust, and have not: You kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: You fight and war, yet you have not, because you ask not. You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts.
You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of Elohim. Do you think that the Scripture says in vain: The Spirit that dwelt in us lusts to envy? But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: Elohim resists the proud but gives grace unto the humble! (James 4 :1–6)
¶ Volitional Eunuch: Marriage Unto YHVH Alone!
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For a biological eunuch , no penis meant there was no chance of coitus, and thus no chance of a pregnancy or an STD; women would know that the male that she is in the presence of, could not rape her (at least, not in the traditional sense). Males born without a viable penis (one that cannot ejaculate) remain unsullied, never experiencing a true male sexual experience.
But much like those born deaf or blind, humans are resilient in that we acclimate to the life given us at birth. The only way for a (born) deaf person to feel shame for their deafness, would be by contrasting their deaf state, with the hearing world, via hearing people. If everyone were deaf then that would be the norm; no possible shame, like (for example) having a debilitating regret for the inability to fly without assistance. Messiah Yeshua spoke of various manifestations of a eunuch:
The Pharisees also came unto Him, tempting Him, and saying unto Him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And He answered and said unto them: Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning, made them male and female, and said: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be one flesh? Therefore, they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore Elohim has joined together, let not man put asunder. They said unto Him: Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away? He said unto them:
Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away your wives; but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, whoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery, and who so marries her which is put away does also commit adultery. His disciples said to Him: If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. But He said unto them:
All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb, and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men, and there are eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it! (Matt 19 :3–12)
The Mammon empowered men among us, would literally castrate young males so they could be their castle servants, without any risk of them copulating with any of the collected pretty females they (yep) owned. But something supernatural occurs, once we (broken and wounded) finally bend the knee and surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua.
Only then and there, at that epoch in time, we (metaphorically) die, and then, defibrillated back, we begin anew; an entirely new and different creation emerges from within us; a new and transcendent being that we perhaps, knew was always in there, yet afar. We remain fully human; still trapped in our corporeal shell; we still have our superpower of volition intact.
However, we begin to recognize something within us, which is far beyond mere psychology; beyond merely achieving more confidence or understanding or wisdom (those surely happen). Following a genuine kenosis , only then will we see ourselves as eternal beings; as participants of/in the Noumenon ; that this Earth life is a mere vapor and a blink–of–a–blink of time by comparison.
It will be one mere experience that will rebuild us, and prepare us for an eternal service unto our Master, as we seek to serve YHVH, now and forever. Most people never even understand Lordship, much less does Lordship define their every waking moment. They serve their true lord god Mammon daily, and then mock YHVH, via the minutiae of religion, and its rituals, rites, traditions and holidays.
Singleness was one of the costs of Discipleship; to be metaphorically (and for a few, literally) castrated for Messiah Yeshua, who remained single Himself, and called other single men, or for other traveling disciples, to remain so, but only among those that were able (1Co 7 :8–9). Unlike the protestant tainted assessments on the subject of marriage as preferred in ministry, most of the Disciples (Apostles; Saints) were single; unmarried or widowed. Attraction changes little as we age, and so it is always a challenge.
Attraction is mostly (but not entirely) a matter of ones enculturation; but stereotypes always prevail on the surface. Still, this is a biological imperative; that is the part most people are either in denial of, and thus do not want to face within themselves, or it is just an ignorance of the Science. But romantic attraction is really only procreational; it is in fact, how all mammals exist at all: We would not even be having this debate otherwise!
Humans are more complex than other mammals, and thus, many will see all of this, from a more sociological perspective than our mammalian cousins: they do not even think in age or race or type terms, other than biological capability; sperm ejaculate infiltrates egg which equals offspring! So, if viable sperm can be ejaculated, and the egg is viable and fertilization possible, this is the simple scientific biology of mating in all mammals, including us. Everything else is sociocultural and psychological, not physiological.
And self-righteousness is (itself) a symptom of cognitive dissonance; and cognitive dissonance is (itself) a manifestation of mental illness; and mental illness is (itself) a manifestation of Spiritual vacuity. But the Spiritual side of the equation is too deep for most, and so they deny it all, altogether; it is easier that way. So for the topic of attraction I am staying within the much smaller confines of the corporeal for now.
The self-righteous think they are superior to others (esp. the religious self-righteous) and must pretend the biology is irrelevant; they project a superior individual in the self, within their own life–staged play; now referred to as Main Character Syndrome : "I'm superior to all of that!" It is a part of the god complex, which is why Satan and crew was rejected to begin with! Indeed, some people think that seeking a mate outside of their ethnicity (race) is every bit as forbidden as is someone considered too young or too poor.
Consequently, they like to portray the self as superior and thus risen above such culturally unacceptable things as being a white person and attracted to a black person, or vice–versa, and so on. How any of these romantic (or just sexual) attraction paradigms are accepted or rejected, seems to be in direct proportion to the times and culture one lives in: Enculturation ! That is why enculturation is such an important paradigm to understanding; it must be taken into account in/on all human subjects.
Through a deeper understanding of all of this, but especially of the science and biology, we can then see deeper into what YHVH had intended for us humans. We are animals; we cannot avoid being physical beings; our nature is with us from corporeal birth to death, and it is for this reality that we must transcend the biological bag we live in, to become more than what it demands of us.
But denying the realities inherent of/in the biological bag we live in, will only keep us in ignorance, but genuine truth seekers cannot ignore any of it any longer. When I was a child, I thought and acted and believed, like all human children do; however, I/we must transcend that child and maturate Spiritually (1Co 13 summarized). Therein, we soon see all things far differently than those of the World .
¶ The Evangelistic Christianists Role In Satan's Eschaton Era Paradigm!
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Walking into this thing called protestant evangelism, as an atheistic 35–year–old, but with a curiosity and appetite for knowledge since youth, I had a distinct advantage when it came to the versatility, veracity, and volume of their theology, which I could assimilate in a relatively short amount of serious time investment. Reading The Cost of Discipleship early on, it did not make the same impact on me as it did when I reread it as a devout disciple of Messiah Yeshua.
As a protestant evangelical, I listened to teaching on Christian radio; I studied much of the works from such names as Matthew Henry, Thomas Adams, Jonathan Edwards, W.W. Wiersbe, A.W. Tozer, J.V. McGee, D.L. Moody, R.C. Stedman, Albert Barnes, C.H. Spurgeon, L.S. Chafer, and more. I was a sponge for it all. It was also, all I had made contact with at that place and time; YHVH worked with what I had. I look back at it all, and these verses come to mind in Mark 12 :24–34. We study to become a better servant for our Master, Messiah Yeshua, not to boast of or with our knowledge.
Those who have not even read the works of Origen and Augustine , remain (theologically speaking) at a proverbial grade–school–level, but, we are not on the same time train; the elder should be ahead of the young. A must read: Early Christian Belief in a Corporeal Deity: Origen and Augustine as Reluctant Witnesses .
We are all, where we are at any point in time; and it is different for us all. We read, and ponder, and accept what our Spirit confirms, independent of how it impacts our corporeal course. Many of these authors were westernized men of (mostly) European descent, just as I am: But unlike many of them, I am a Tekton , who went through an epochal and radical Spiritual metamorphosis. The truth of this transformational metamorphosis is evidenced by our subsequent lifestyles. Love compels us to live harmless unto all life; the Car Cult is among the most dangerous and destructive lifestyles, possible to live.
But I am certain that all those metaphorical seeds planted back then (for me), was indeed, worth the soil they inhabit. And like the other things that we surrender, in order to live Holy and purposed lives as Saints, once we surrender them, we realize that we were not giving up or losing, we were gaining; like kicking any bad habit, we may suffer initially in the loss, but we gain a renewed freedom from what was left behind (Mark 10 :28–30).
To be clear here; as an individual who honors my Temple (my church), all of my "plumbing" is still in full working order (born in 1958): Daily dying indeed! But how I view all things changed, which slowly but surely finds balance in our mortal shell. Aging alone does have a few perks.
Monk life is about worldly separation; it is about immersion unto YHVH. We do not merely spend a few hours weekly at a church service, and then the rest of our lives spent acquiring money and consuming the atheistic world.
Instead, we pray and sing; study and deliberate; worship and praise YHVH daily; we sweat labor in the natural world, and find Him there, more often than anywhere else. A monk does "church" every day; we Messianic disciples (past; present; future) Sabbath 365 days a year; we commune pray continuously; it is not for show, it is for us. We are verily, Red Letter disciples: Radical indeed!
But because all Messianic disciples are not christians, we do not participate in any of the dialogues inherent to them. Being contacted by christians who are "the words of Jesus only" people, the only response to them, and that, is that Jesus Christ is an avatar and a meme of a religion called christianity, which is a cosplay of/by the anti-Messiahs . It has no more of a connection unto YHVH, than any other religion, consumed by all humanity. It is not academically translational; it is Spiritually metamorphical .
Religion, without exception, is a mockery of YHVH. The reason why Elohim became flesh and walked among us, was/is because the religions that bore the name of YHVH, and in any form at that particular time and culture, was distorting and attenuating, all that the Messianic Cross would eventually come to expose and then to resolve. The Pharisees themselves were a living testament to the abject failure that religion represented. Modern Christianity is far worse than any Pharisee.
My dear brother, Saul of Tarsus (Paul the Pharisee), was just another disciple; he was never an eye–witness apostle. And it was the religions that made such a fuss over the written words, but since many of Saul's postal letters were preserved, and because these anti-Messiahs were building a new religion from the ever–changing compilation of written texts, Saul, as a mere flawed Messianic disciple, was (after his death) transformed into a figurehead: Christendom was the fruit of that effort, and brother Saul would be appalled by what it degraded into.
The power that Paul had availed, is identical to what we have to this day; Ruach HaKodesh; it is all we need. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things; the written words of Scripture are precious indeed, but we see them for what they are; the works of men. Not the originally penned works perhaps (see Oracle ), but the translations and edits of translations and edits, done over hundreds of generations, by men who were not guided by Ruach HaKodesh, but too often by Mammon . These kind are still among us!
YHVH allowed it, just like YHVH allows all suffering and all injustices. The Perpetual Protecting Repairman of the christians, does not exist. But none of that matters, because the more sure word, beyond The Word, was/is the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which cannot be adulterated (2Co 4 ).
Ruach HaKodesh guides all who Love YHVH, and the proof of that guidance is measured by/in daily life choices; by ones lifestyle. Our duty is to expose all religion as sin, not enable it or just ignore it; YHVH became Messiah Yeshua to do just this! Recognizing the affront of all religion, is among the first signs that an individual is getting very close to the Messianic Cross.
How all Messianic disciples live, is driven by why we live. The World — religious or not, churched or not, educated or not — cannot avoid for long, stumbling in darkness; no matter how good they get at faking it, the truth always emerges; the tree is known by the fruit it bears, and in due season they all bloom; it is the way of things. But one must be patient.
Monk life is about patience unto longsuffering; it is also that of service; monks and disciples (in modern urban settings) volunteer at homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, disaster relief, (and rural monks at) farms, barn raising, storm rebuilding, reforesting and ecoforestry: whatever we can do, and for anyone who will let us, as the Holy Spirit inspires and moves us (and them), and as our abilities allow.
But likewise, we avoid what our Master avoided: societal restitution or unrest; and assuredly anything political. We know that those who seek political power are the devout workmen of Satan, and will be used, in concert with the masses of blinded followers, to bring about all Eschaton Era prophecies. We have already crossed that point of no return.
The Holy Spirit in the world (John 16:7–11) allows whatever suffering is necessary to draw people unto YHVH, and thus we cannot interfere with that process. And while the worldly, religious or not, like to be heroes and rescuers and saviors, the truth is, YHVH will allow much suffering so that people are destroyed of all pride–ego, and surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and die to this life: Indeed that defines the purpose of this life. The purpose of this life, is radical transformation via Spiritual metamorphosis!
Few religious people will want to serve all the time; they prefer to use their time for worldly consumption; however, this is because they are still trapped by/in the serving of the self (even in so called ministry, where service burnout is actually a thing). Once you die to self — a prerequisite to being born again — serving YHVH is all you will want to do, and anything else will haunt you until you surrender and die to this life.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, joyfully stay tuned, and then follow our Master, for we know His voice and follow Him only. Like a boy unto his parents, we just want to please our Heavenly Father; to be found worthy of the Kingdom of YHVH, which begins within us, and will continue once we are (corporeally; bodily) resurrected onto another planetary experience or experiment, whatever that may be. We have the very simple duty of obeying our Master and Lord (Matt 10 :34–39; Luke 9 :58–62 & Luke 17 :20–21).
¶ The Aryan Adulteration Of A Homeless Brown Jewish Carpenter!
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Living in the West, it made sense to follow the acceptable directives for past monks in this time/place/culture, since I do not live in a strictly free nation. In North America (where westernization metastasized from Europe), land is not open or free, but is owned by other humans; even State or National land is also not free to use. This fraud is bizarre because it is Americans that praise freedom, but who themselves, are the supreme violators of freedom, via ownership and landlordism.
This corruption in the service of Mammon was brought with them in the 14th century, from an already morally bankrupt, capitalistic culture; feudal Europe, where the faith frauds were expanding or colonizing their Monetizers operations, under the sinister guise of evangelism. Their descendants are still haunting North America.
But Earth is the property of YHVH alone; anyone who attempts to usurp that dominion, with their own, must/will be eternally separated from the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, cast unresurrected into outer Darkness . Fear leads to murder; my Master on the Cross demonstrated how we, the Elect of YHVH, engage those who oppose us; we Love them even as they are killing us.
The reason why propitiation was necessary was because of the stubborn sin nature of man. YHVH tried to impose Law to govern the (now) life breathed Soul harboring hominid, and yet, again and again and from the beginning, the human species was hellbent on allowing their pride–ego–emotion to rule them.
Wiping them out in a flood did not work; incinerating a bunch of them, or destroying Sodom Metro as a warning to others, also did not work. YHVH had to work from the inside out, not the outside in, so not to violate our (YHVH likeness) superpower of volition. Hence, the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Dominionship is a tell; the proof of fear, which is a fear of death and suffering, which all Spiritually doomed people share in common. It exposes the true Spiritual vacuity of these bibles and bullets anti-Messiahs that invade Earth; to kill, to steal, and to destroy, and all in the name of Jesus (or Allah or any other religion–head): (Matt 13 :37–50; John 10 :10).
The Native Americans suffered greatly from genocide (Rom 13 :9–10) and driven from their ancestral lands by the more "superior" Aryan bibles and bullets invaders that god (Satan) blessed (2Co 4 :1–7), who are still hellbent on the monetization and commodification and adulteration of all the creation.
Anathema! All Love–conquered people acknowledge what these mostly White men did to the Native Americans as pure and unrestrained evil: And their equally genocidal descendants are here among us, every bit as pride–conquered and determined to lord over those, not like them, as were their demonic but culturally christianized ancestors.
The USA, the most anti-Messianic nation on Earth in recorded history, has become the throne of Satan, bringing about the Eschaton Era, but all the christianized here, are oblivious to it all, just as it was prophesied to be, by Messiah Yeshua. (See also: Native Americans (PBS) ). But this blindness is supernatural in nature; it explains why they worship politicians rather than expose them as those on the dark side.
These anti-Messiahs; these culturally christianized masses, are blinded to, and thus trapped in, a Nazi styled militant patriotic pride, which they must exploit as a justification for the guilt driven anger that exposes their true mind–heart–Soul. They need this to maintain their (ethnic or economic or nationalistic) dominion over all others, not like them; they are Spiritually bankrupt and blinded, and thus pride centered and outer Darkness destined.
But their anger over others, not participating in their sociocultural delusions of self-superiority (measured in USD quantities), is witnessed in their blind followship of the sociopolitical indoctrination, which they actually like and thus partake in and thrive in (John 8:42–44). Their daily lifestyles are compromised, which creates or exacerbates cognitive dissonance (John 14 :25–27) predominantly among the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized masses.
However, once you are Saved; transformed; redeemed; emancipated; prepared for a future Resurrection; you will know then (and painfully) that not one human on Earth ever, died for or served a country or a nation (Psa 24 :1). Such are the cultural slogans that the copy–mimic–parrot masses, will indeed, parrot back and forth among themselves, until they actually believe it.
But such "freedom" is just an illusion; indeed, the neighbor haters (Mark 12 :29–31) live to enemize anyone everyone everywhere, who are not like them or near them; those "others" that are separated by geological features, or ethnic or racial features: This is the greatest manifestation of imprisonment, possible on Earth (Matt 5 :43–48).
But this was the pattern (and the pathology) of the anti-Messianic religious militants that circumnavigated Earth, killing, stealing, and destroying for Satan; for gold/mammon/cash, queen/king/lord, priest/pastor/pope, and all this no less, in the name of Jesus Christ ; sinister indeed! It is blaspheme unto the Holy Spirit (Matt 12 :30–33) and anathema.
The Europeanized manifestation of dominion , especially of the America's, was among Satan's great achievements; it cemented the Eschaton Era, and using self–professing christians to covertly serve Satan in this way, has and will increase over time. And Satan loves it!
When He was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of YHVH should come, He answered them and said: The Kingdom of YHVH comes not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of YHVH is within you! And He said unto the disciples: The days will come, when you shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you shall not see it. And they shall say to you, see here; or, see there: Go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning that lights out of the one part under heaven, shines unto the other part under heaven; so also shall the Son of Man be in His day. But first He must suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away. And he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot's wife! Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. (Luke 17:20–33) {cf. Luke 9 :62}
The capitalist plutocratic corporatocracy — Un–Messianic States Annexed or Gomorrah 2.0 — has obviously become the most mammon centric, politicized, and money corrupted nation that will exist on Earth, from the first to the second Messianic Advent. Slavery and human genocide being among many other manifestations of the many anti-Messiahs that was (and still is being) perpetrated under the name of Jesus Christ and/or the banners of Christendom generically.
But Satan's pride–conquered christianized masses of anti-Messiahs, must and will, try to justify, rationalize, and validate all their ancestors actions, because they are deceived; they are blindly enculturated, and thus they will remain that way until their end; they represent the Soulless lost; the seared minded . When they meet Messiah Yeshua for the first time on their Day of Judgment, they will be shocked at their eternal fate.
But what makes one act, more evil or demonic than another, such as comparing the Jewish Holocaust to the Native American Genocide , is all a matter of who gets the credit or the blame. History is indeed, written by the victors! To assign an evil act, or the collections of many evil acts (as manifest in all war), to YHVH; this ranks among some of the greatest manifestations of evil that is even possible on Earth.
All evil is evil (James 2 :8–13); evil people are destined to the abyss of outer Darkness . But to assign any kind of evil to YHVH or Messiah, is evil unrivaled. It is the unforgivable sin; it is to assure a destiny in empty outer space, where the blackness of darkness forever, will be but the result of the Spiritual darkness and the freedom hunger that the Faithless Loveless masses, so covet in this life.
¶ Self Justification Obscures The Voice of Truth!!
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Study Manifest Destiny ; the single greatest corporate manifestation of anti-Messiahs , known about in human history, and verily, the pinnacle of anathema thus far; acts of profound evil, done or enabled or condoned, by self–professing Christians , who were/are in truth, the many anti-Messiahs among us, warned of in the addendum writings of the Johannine epistles (1Jo 2 ). Anyone who is exposed to such things, but still tries to justify any of it, are themselves demonic at their core (self–beliefs, cultural christianization and church enabling, notwithstanding).
For this reason — living in a money–lusting nation of greed–conquered, consumer–centric, mammon–servants of the bloody and destructive, Asphalt dystopia that is the Car Cult — the Elect of YHVH are in a potentially dangerous place here.
We are of course, dead to money, but, we trapped in a place and time, where money is the compass, barometer, core, and benchmark of the (mostly anti-Messianic) masses; where the money–servants display a cult–like devotion to it, and all it affects and infects. Where ever the Earthly trinity of Satan thrives, all Messianic disciples therein are in constant danger. We must be as wise as those serpents, yet as harmless as doves.
Indeed, the love of money is the root of all evil (and of all kinds and types), because power and money are synonymous. And money itself alleviates any true dependency upon YHVH to provide from the natural world; the only resource YHVH uses. Only Satan uses monetary temptations or any other facet of the corrupt economic systems he created and perpetuated (Matt 17 :24–27). The Eschaton Era is marked heavily by the wide acceptance of capitalism as a normal way for humans to live on Earth.
Every powerful person throughout time had large sums of money, or other holdings that exerted the same social or political power. Moreover, greed makes humans irrational and dangerous. Therefore, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH will ultimately be persecuted (again) by the COP Cultists; the anti-Messiahs , in concert with their bedfellows, the attorney–class and politicians; indeed all money servants. Few there be that find Narrow Way (The Way ): Remember Lot's wife!
To exploit any of the scriptures, by referring to bible passages or stories, so that the lifestyle of wealth hoarding and money–serving, seems good or even righteous, is not just Bibliolatry (it is surely that); doing this is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (Matt 12 :31–32).
Those among the Eschaton Era protesters, will even point to wealthy godly men (mostly those mentioned in the Tanakh ) as justification for their money hunger and other like domination pathologies, but doing this is sin–evil.
Exploiting any Scripture to justify an anti-Messianic existence, is itself a sure sign ⊛ of demonic oppression: The Monetizers of YHVH are demonic; it is evil at its core. All Scripture is used in one of two ways; for the Elect of YHVH, Scripture is used to change how we as individuals, live upon Earth, which itself, is a mirror of our character and thus our eternality.
Conversely, the evil people exploit Scripture to justify, validate, or rationalize their covert hunger–lust for dominion and power and lordship over others; hoardings of money, and/or land lording, and/or social positioning, are all central to their desperation for power.
Being a disciple of Messiah Yeshua therefore, is a calling; an election (1Th 1 :2–5; 2Pe 1 :9–11), for it cannot be coerced: YHVH honors volition even to the extent that the stage of eternal darkness (the vacuum of empty space) was/is necessary (Matt 6 :19–24). Remember that Messiah Yeshua was also belittled for the radical and disenculturated lifestyle He lived (Mark 6 :1–4): E.g. do this keyword search in the (KJV–based) Messiah Scriptures : their synagogue . Ponder those results!
If the majority of secular people around you, are accepting of what you do and/or who you are, then you are probably doing it all wrong. All Messianic disciples, on Earth today, live much different than the bulk of those around them; sometimes radically different. Most spend the bulk of their existence trying to be acceptable to the secular masses in close proximity to them, and not to be set apart for YHVH. To fit–in is the norm for the masses; conversely, it is a fate worse than death for the Elect of YHVH; that would be our hell on Earth!
¶ Monk In The Metro!
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Monkness is analogous to baptism itself; metaphorically speaking, we are held under the water as a symbol of our death to this life; a humble and unconditional surrender; we return out of the water as a sign of our rebirth: to be born again. We are immersed so that we are fully soaked by the water and thus symbolically washed; symbolically conquered; overwhelmed; submerged; drowned; soaked; saturated; surrounded on all sides by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
From there, this new life is not religious at all; it is purely and only Spiritual; personal; intimate; radical; epochal; a lifestyle about face. Religions exist only to masturbate the pride–ego–emotion of the eternally doomed, not to castrate or circumcise them Spiritually.
As you have therefore received Messiah Yeshua, The Lord, so you walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware, lest anyone spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Messiah Yeshua. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power, in whom also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Messiah Yeshua. Buried with Him in baptism, wherein you are also risen with Him through the faith of the operation of Elohim, who raised Him from the dead.
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has quickened together with Him, having forgiven all of your trespasses, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His Cross. And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore, judge you in meat or in drink, or in respect of a holy day or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days. They are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Messiah Yeshua. (Col 2 :6–17).
Monks often take vows to some religious sect (e.g. catholics), but the individual celibate disciple (or monk), has a self regulated commitment to keeping oneself unspotted from the world (Rom 12 :1–2; James 1 :27; 1Jo 2 :15–17). Thus, the monk who passes through an urban setting, typically resides in the least expensive unit, or uses homeless shelters when not camping; and monks almost always walks or bikes (or buses or trains, here in modern times).
This is because all Messianic disciples try to follow all His ways: His dress (always Labor ready); His trade; His economics; His lifestyle. Like the child who copies the parent, imitation is the greatest or highest form of flattery; indeed, such mimicry is itself, one major act of worship.
And true worship has nothing whatsoever to do with anything going on inside of any religion business, to ever exist on Earth forever. We, like our Master, likewise keep ourselves mostly in the midst of the poor; the disenfranchised; the humbled; the broken; the rejected; the ugly; the failures; the unwanted; the outcasts; the losers in this life.
Conversely, the anti-Messianic religious prefer to stay away from their society's versions of a loser. They prefer flaunting worldliness; an open act of Satan–centric pride; it is to display one's hunger for the validation and approval of the atheistic masses, ever oblivious to what YHVH thinks of them. But the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are not concerned about ones possessions or social status.
The ancient rulers (or the rich in general) could afford the wealth package; superior clothing, housing, grooming, (etc.); they were their look at me bling or social posturing; their badges of earthly success. But the empty Soul exposes itself (to the Spiritually sighted) by seeking outwardness (Matt 6 :28–29).
Today of course, it is also the suit and tie, the automobile, the big home, the jewels, and all other openly recognized badges of social and/or economic superiority. The look–at–me bling of the superficial masses, holds no attraction to the Elect of YHVH.
But the atheistic masses (religious or not) think they are better than others, based upon money–centric themes; these Monetizers are witnessed everywhere that the human infestation, had promoted social class throughout the ages globally.
Even the employed with mortgage or a rental contract, will oddly consider themselves as superior to the unemployed or the unhoused; that is the hardhearted capitalist mentality (James 2 :1–10). (Read these secular sources: Prejudice of Poverty: Why Americans Hate the Poor and Worship the Rich & Why the Wealthy Favor Harsh Punishment for Criminals and Errant Schoolchildren ).
Since an urban monk is settled in one spot, as opposed to itinerant; s/he will still possess little in the way of material things, and this means no automobile, simple clothing typically acquired at used clothing outlets, and will frequent public libraries and coffee shops (etc.) for web communication to others globally. In modern times, the best tool is a used laptop with a Linux OS; ever keeping one's ecological footprint small (3–R ).
Many monks were writers; imagine brother Saul never writing anything! Most may not intend to publish, but some get published anyway, such as with some of my favorite (dead) monks, Augustine and Luther . Obviously, I do not know them personally, but there is much continuity in thought, and long before I ever read their writings.
What Ruach HaKodesh inspired or enlightened or awoke within Augustine (or any of the authors of canonized work), is just the same for us today; time has changed for us mortals, but the wisdom YHVH wants us to possess, has not not, and will not ever change. Thus, continuity throughout time is one of the many fascinating dynamics of YHVH, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
¶ Temptation Cathedrals!
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Like capitalism and consumerism (itself), shopping centers are the natural outcome of the pathology that drove us into the Eschaton Era; they mark an important period in the greater Eschaton epoch, which we are now deep within. As was predicted, self superiority, narcissism, self–centeredness, self-righteousness, and a profound egocentrism, are among the many manifestations of anti–humility (2Ti 3 :1–5). Whatever is claimed; whatever a person is associated with, must be superior, just because it is them. Satan is pride indeed!
For example, my language is superior to all others, hence, the KJV only cults; my country is better, hence, patriotism and nationalism; my skin color is superior, hence, racial bigotry; my consumer based product brand is superior to your selections. Literally anything that can possibly be linked to an individual applies. If I selected it, it is superior because it is me selecting it. If I am any part it, then it is superior for that reason alone. Oh the extreme Spiritual depravity exhibited in egocentrism, narcissism and meism!
Competitivism is primal and carnal for sure, but nowadays it has many masks to hide it in plain view. This is what being self–centric looks like, but you have to know what to look for, and for the Spiritually blinded masses; they only see what is in front of them, as they can only live in the immediate and the proxemic .
I walk everywhere, because I do not copy my culture and believe that I too, must drive a car (auto dependency ) and risk hurting others and pollute this world with air pollution, a paved Paradise ⊛ , and especially Satan's landfill culture, which is that gift which keeps on giving, just like with forever chemicals . This is because this consumer centric culture has already buried enough trash to infect their grandchildren's grandchildren. What a legacy! But, they will not be there, so who cares, am I right?
And the Car Cult is profoundly anti-Messianic; consumerism, materialism, and general possession; these are a tell (Heb 13 :5; 1Ti 6 :6–10); a sign of the times, and of the lost. As an eyewitness to such dedication to Satan (and his causes), I am impressed, and also horrified, but the Parable of the Shrewd Manager indeed manifests herein. Oh, to find others as dedicated to YHVH, as much as the average worldly person is dedicated to demonic directives (Luke 12 :32–34).
¶ Predestination: You Can; You Should; But You Won't!!
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Of course, the Second Coming will likely occur before your grandchildren has children who make it to adulthood. The anti-Messianic religious, Broadway trekking Matthew Seven Christians, must and will, justify their anti-Messianic lifestyles of money–hunger, materialism, capitalism, militarism, Labor free living, and general excess: Peacelessness!
And they will do this, all the way into the Last Judgment and there is nothing that can stop this. Predestination! They will not die to their pride–ego–emotion; die to their enculturation paradigms; die to cultural scripts; die to this life.
Once Satan the chief devil, and his trillion demon army (as well as the bulk of the accountable adult human species) are secured in deep outer Darkness far far into the abyss of empty space (or Hell as it is often titled by the religionists), the rest of the planet's of YHVH will be safe from these massive hordes of evil driven, Creator hater – planet trasher people, always polluting (Rev 11 :16–18), fully indifferent (Loveless), anti–stewards; those who just take–take–take–die ; no worthy workmen among them, just sedentary waterlogged weeds (Matt 13 :24–30).
They extort others by enabling and prospering from Satan's economic Mammon system, so they can live a sedentary life by making others do all the manual Labor on their behalf. They justify this by its normalization, but, it is not normalized for Messianic disciples. The dedication to anti accountability is how they define the word, Freedom! Then they employ that word to justify all their lifestyle decisions. It is all abomination unto YHVH.
How they live now, in this life test, is how/who they will be eternally; hence, they will never again be given a physical body (resurrected bodily) upon another planet; they cannot, should not, and will not be resurrected corporeally. Their lifestyle choices scream unto the Cosmos, of their rage–hatred for future humans; they are committed to drain Earth, from birth to death, never adding (or even preserving) anything good, and even after death, they intend to leave a legacy (pollution and trash) that keeps on damaging and harming. Imagine being a human who would benefit Earth if they just died now; they exist only to take–take–take!
But the Eschaton Era will be the inevitable fruit of all of this; their unabashed rage–hate against YHVH and against their own future progeny is a terrifying level of sin–evil, and why YHVH cannot allow them any participation in the future Kingdoms of YHVH, which in the corporeal, will take place on other suitable planets peppered throughout the Cosmos .
All Messianic disciples, care deeply for all planetary creations (this is our Masters world); indeed, we of modernity, can only dream of experiencing a virgin planet in the corporeal; to walk upon a non humanized, earth like planet, just the way YHVH created it from its genesis: A true and everlasting garden of Eden, freed from those – Satan's demonic hoards and their oppressed human drones – who demonstrate their indifference to this planet we call Earth, created by YHVH.
YHVH created the Cosmos, and all the planets therein including Earth. When you look at the virgin natural world, you are looking at the artwork of YHVH: Thus, tearing it up, butchering it, paving over it, mining it, tapping or drilling into it, and polluting it, becomes an open proclamation of the atheistic human rage against the creation and its Creator.
Prostituting Scripture (namely, Genesis, but surely all of it) to justify this rage, is pure demonic evil. Simply put, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, prefer the Elohim created natural world, but the anti-Messianic and the atheistic, will prefer the human–made world. The tree is known by the fruit it openly bears.