¶ Firmware From The Father: Love Consciousness!
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The (metaphorical) download of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom 8 ), has only 1 main file: YHVH–Love; true Love; uppercase Love; Messianic Cross demonstrated Love! Sacrificial Love! True Love puts others first; false love puts self and self–interests first. With YHVH–Love there comes true wisdom and true humility. But without YHVH installed Love, what remains is only pride–ego–emotion; they rule within the eternally lost, regardless of their self–beliefs and/or religious affiliations and/or education.
The lost remain as little more than meat for the table; Jude describes the lost as analogous to lower forms of animals; beasts like cattle, meant for the slaughterhouse. Perhaps they lose the Soul they were given at birth as the YHVH–breathed eternal life into them at their corporeal Genesis. And if they do not lose their Soul entirely, it remains dormant within them; the Indwelling (of the) Holy Spirit is what makes it alive.
If the Soul is lost, then they never regain consciousness after their body dies; it is lights–out forever. If it is there, but remains dormant within them, they will only be aware of, or woke to, the presence of that eternal Soul, on their Judgment Day, in the Presence of YHVH (same trigger). Keeping Love safe is why they must be cast into empty space void of planets and light and life: Darkness !
They proved (on Earth) they would be dangerous for their self–interests; they thrive on us–against–themism; they are Satans people and will share his fate (Rev 2 & 20). The demons within them coerce them indeed, but they have a propensity for the dark side and volitionally lean into that direction; they prefer darkness (John 3 :19–12).
The Holy Spirit in the world, tries always to redirect them toward the Messianic Cross, via guilt–shame–condemnation, but most do not heed that still–small Voice, opting for demon voices who infect them with the venom they have become accustomed to and desirous of/for. Instead, they take the guilt–shame–condemnation, and the us–against–themism, and play all that to wage war on all that YHVH created.
But for the Elect of YHVH, this One Love file download, comes many other sub–files intrinsically. However, none of the sub–files are even comprehensible without the first, One main file that is YHVH–Love, for it is the root and core and power behind all others: Love is the fulfilling of the Law . Love is how we arrived and why we exist at all. YHVH is Love! Love is YHVH! Love is Holy! Hate is Evil!
The (metaphorical) sub–files are: Spiritual wisdom and thus, superior critical thinking skills, original thoughts and independent thinking skills; that which transcends mere academics, and with that I recommend at least an Associates degree level of academics for all, whenever possible. (1Th 4 :11–12; 2Ti 2 & 3; Isa 11 :1–4; John Seventeen ). From the Love core, comes all other traits that are real and everlasting, because some traits can be faked or copied and acted out publicly, without being a permanent part of ones character.
The Love traits are a genuine and living peace, contentment, meekness, equanimity , self–awareness, self–control, conscientiousness , emotional maturation, humility, intellect, eternal wisdom, mercy, leniency, grace, dignity, forgiveness, gentleness, faithfulness, unity, community, egalitarian equality, longsuffering, loyalty, duty, honor, pacifism, bravery, fearlessness, integrity, purpose, Simple living, conservationist, anti–hierarchical, personal sacrifices and an equal distribution of resources. Meism dies immediately; Acts 1 thru 5 summarized.
All these sub–files or sub–attributes, are the mere byproducts of YHVH–Love, which was witnessed physically and most prominently upon the Messianic Cross (Luke 23 :33–34). The bravery it took to remain for a much higher purpose ― the Sacrificial Lamb ― was itself overshadowed by the proof of what Love actually is; Love is a verb and thus it is not an emotion. Love is a character trait; (lower case l) love is a brain trait and dies with the brain. Character is the measure of what and who we are forever. True Love is eternal, or it was never there at all!
YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!! It is pride that is the opposite of Love. As such, it is pride that is the core and root of all other evil; pride is why all sin occurs. The love of money is the root of all evil, and all kinds of evil, but it is pride that makes money possible; Mammon is one byproduct of pride. There will be no money, nor any ideas that are even similar to Mammon , and no Monetizers in any of the Kingdoms of YHVH. Pride is what creates virtually all the barriers experienced among the entire human species; pride is the source of all sin–evil.
However, without Ruach HaKodesh (the Indwelling Holy Spirit) installing Love, these are (all) mere words, which Atheists, the religious, and the anti-Messiahs , must parrot back and forth. However, they do so without any real or meaningful concept of what they mean, must less do any of these features define their observable character. Love is a character trait!
Naturally, all mammals are driven by fear and paranoia, but also the drive for reproduction, as well as the (designed) attachment needed to raise caregiver–dependent offspring. These emotions are assigned the word "love" to them, but the masses will live and die without a clue of what Love even is. Hence, I employ the differentiation word, YHVH–Love or (lower case versus) upper case Love!
Attachment can only be concerned about the trauma the individual (in question) would have to endure if (say) their child died: They would only be worried about themselves. They do not Love the child (or anyone) and sacrifice self for others. The proof of that would be to not participate in the Car Cult at all. There is no such thing as a car owning Love conquered person; that is oxymoronic: We Are What We Do And No More! Attachment, mistaken for love due to the temporary closeness felt toward offspring, has no connection to Love.
It is assumed that most readers know the Important Difference Between Emotions and Feelings . When stating that Satan controls humans via pride–ego–emotion, the emotion portion has to do with emotions controlling us, rather than we controlling our emotions. We all have emotions; that is not a sin. All normal functioning humans do; indeed all mammals experience emotions. But emotional maturation should align with physiological and mental maturation, which is always assured within Spiritual maturation.
For the potentially malevolent human ― the only species capable of malevolence ― primal–carnal fear degrades until it manifests as a state of pathological us–against–themism. This degraded state is summarily, the World : The modern day christianized are among the worst of them; a sure and prophetic sign of the Eschaton Era. Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!! Satans internal trinity is pride–ego–emotion. The converse for the Elect of YHVH it is Love–wisdom–humility!
All love apart from (or absent of) the Indwelling Holy Spirit is merely simulated; monkey–see–monkey–do; mere attachment . In the absence of YHVH–Love, people remain egocentric and thus driven primarily by primal–carnal directives; by fear and paranoia; controlled by possessions and territorialism; compelled by pride–ego–emotion, rather than being guided and controlled by Love–wisdom–humility. Simply put: You Either Love Everyone The Same Or You Love No One At All!!
The Loveless do not have the Messianic mind (1Co 2 :10–16); consequently, they evaluate the world around them, based on things that are not eternal. For just one example, the Loveless masses, who see all things in/from a monetary point of view, will decide upon participating in the Car Cult, based on money costs for operations, and for the conveniences of the machine, but not on any human costs. If they kill someone with their car, that is just the acceptable risk of collateral damage. The core of all thoughts are first money based; that itself is the tell.
Whereas, for the Love conquered, the infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH ; we care only about the potential damage to other humans that could come from participation in the Car Cult, and so, we do not partake or enable, but instead, warn of its dangers, both to the human body directly, as well as to the planet itself.
But the Loveless need to justify all of this (Luke 16 :13–15), and so they simply deny that the Car Cult is damaging the planet, and that driving is safe, with relatively few accidents. But there is no such thing as a car accident . But facts are irrelevant inside self–justification. All Love conquered people could provide scientific validation for why they do, or not do, all that they do. This page is one such example.
¶ Love Is Global; Love Is Eternal; Love Is Holy!
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YHVH–Love is impossible without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, because YHVH is Love, and humans are not, by nature, Love capable. Therefore, Love is Holy; the very word holds that same reverence as the Holy name of our Heavenly Father, YHVH. YHVH is Love; Love is YHVH! To say or use the word "love" as anything but Holy, is blasphemy. But the primal–carnal (churched or not) have no idea.
Every time a person says the word "love" they are saying YHVH. Love is expressed upon the Messianic Cross; Love is what help The Master there, while possessing the power of Heaven itself. Therefore, anything and everything else, that is not at that level, is a sin–evil, a blasphemy, and demonic. Satan moves the human masses via pride–ego–emotion; it is the emotion that is exploited to blaspheme the Messianic Cross by using the word "love" so casually and so meaninglessly.
YHVH Loves everyone the same, and proved that upon the Messianic Cross. YHVH–Love empowers us, whereas pride weakens us. All who actually truly believe in Messiah Yeshua, follow Him in that empowered Love paradigm. But those who are not under the Messianic Cross, religious or not, cannot fathom a Love for everyone as the same thing. To Love evil people exactly as ones does their own child, sure seems impossible; with Elohim all things are possible (Mark 10 ).
This is because they are self–centered, not Spirit centered; they only care about how the harm of those emotionally closest to them, will impact them emotionally and/or financially. As the god and center of their own experiential reality, the only things that really matter, are whatever happens closest to them; it is truly, out of sight and out of mind! But for the Elect of YHVH, we are as painfully aware of suffering happening globally as we are locally. We Love the unknown sinner every bit the same as we do our closest kin.
Thus, the primal–carnal mammals (humans) can feel emotions like all mammals, but like all animals, can only really ever care about themselves. Even when they claim to love a child or a parent or sibling, what they are really expressing, is the loss or emotional trauma that they would personally have to experience if anything bad happened, to those they have an emotional and/or a monetary and/or a proxemic investment in.
They cannot Love, and so they assign values to other humans, in direct proportion to how, what might happen to them, would effect themselves emotionally and/or financially. E.g. No Love conquered parent has ever put their child into an automobile, outside of a medical emergency. This is because of the great dangers associated with this unnecessary action; that of the catastrophic Car Cult .
This also explains why a parent can murder their young progeny (commit filicide ) if they can capitalize on their death; if the children have been assigned a monetary worth, or, if they are simply in the way of the next life with another new partner; perhaps yet another reaction to female monogamy.
And we see this elsewhere in the animal kingdom, where male lions will kill the kittens of a lioness whom they are sexually driven to mate with; the next day they mate. For the animal kingdom of mammalian humans, love is a mere word assigned to an emotion of attachment, and of course, all mammalian emotions fade and end over time. All relational abandonment is an expression of Lovelessness.
¶ Love Can Evoke Emotions, But Emotions Cannot Evoke Love!
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Consequently, the very concept of love is just another topic their ego must contend with. To say to them that they have no concept of what Love is, and that they live in a state of Loveless indifference, they must deny this reality because their ego demands it; because they experience emotions. They say the word love and therefore it must be true for them. But I am not better than you because I Love as YHVH–Loves; there is no "better than" in the world of Love: Only in the primal–carnal competitive world do humans contend over such things.
True Love is demonstrated through the 3–C's: Commitment, Compassion, Communication (Logos). In the absence of YHVH–Love, there is only pride–ego–emotion, which rule and reign within the Loveless masses. Conversely, the future resurrected Saints of Adonai are driven by Love–wisdom–humility. In Spiritual blindness there is only the self; in YHVH–Love there is everyone! The human masses squander their existence in that blindness, conquered by what others think of them; they keep up appearances.
All of life centers on how others perceive them; they live in the ultimate and the maxim of selfishness; impressing others. But what is sop absurd about all of this, is that others rarely care because they too, are so self–absorbed in themselves; they too are so conquered by what others think of them; of how they are perceived by (often) complete strangers. These people will live out their Earth life and die, utterly Loveless, and utterly oblivious to what Love even means or represents.
The enemies of the Cross (corporeal and incorporeal) exploit humans via ego and money most of all, with emotions being the outward and often unrecognized reactionary. For example, an excessive devotion to the bible (Bibliolatry ) is a byproduct of pride, not of Love. YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!!
If an individual does not possess the Love of YHVH (the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH), that individual will be forced to fake Love: And if they are faking Love then they must also fake all the sub attributes (sub–files) or byproducts of Love: Consequently, they will eventually become exhausted in this effort to keep up the acting. A person can act for only so long, before the real person within reemerges or reasserts self. People who must fake Love, and thus fake caring , wear out in time, and must change the narrative to hide the fact that they are only acting. However:
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! Being money lovers, all the Pharisees also, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim! (Luke 16:13–15).
Therefore, the atheistic masses must fake love, and thus, every other trait (the sub attributes) that comes with/from Love: fake caring, fake loyalty, fake integrity, and so on. When a person has to fake Love, and thus any/all the Love centric attributes, this faking manifests itself, such as with pastor burnout (yes, an actual thing, apparently); trying to be, and thus do, something one is not, will surely have negative impacts on the human psyche; e.g. the epidemic of cognitive dissonance .
Conversely, True Love is itself the everlasting fuel that will take the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, flying gloriously through this life, easily, and then on into eternity! Serving Adonai our Elohim, from the root of YHVH–Love, is all we want to do, daily and eternally; it is our only motivation for life. We disciples are not burned out, we are eternally fired up!
Nevertheless, faking love, or any of the sub attribute traits, will wear people down in a comparatively short amount of time. That is why human to human (indeed, all) relationships fail in a blink of time; inside of a few years or a few decades: The parable of the sower somewhat summarized; the rich young righteous ruler exposed.
¶ Love Is The Great Mystery: Why So Few Become Love!
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Without becoming Love, people must (and can only) simulate it. The Faithless Loveless, westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized masses, like to hear themselves say those noble words; they like to believe they are like the characters of fiction and media, which truly shapes their very mentality, and thus existence. They play/act or simulate love; they play/act social heroes and saviors and rescuers. They are even so twisted that they think that anger and revenge, violence and militarism, heroism and machismo , are somehow Messianic: They are not! They are fruit acts of the anti-Messiahs !
However, the bulk of humanity will live/die, in an utterly Loveless state of existence, and, will not so much as even comprehend these words, much less does Love define their every action and thought, or permeate every cell of their being. Instead, its absence exposes their true character, nature, and mentality. Love cannot be their barometer, which leaves only money as their life compass. Love is truly the great mystery. Ironically, so are untranslatable human emotions , once you understand their complexities and how they are governed by enculturation.
If I tell someone that they are a Loveless being, and this is an observable fact, the evidence does not matter to them because, after all, they have emotions, and, they say the words I love you emotionally, and therefore, it must be true. That is pride–ego–emotion! They cannot admit to themselves, nor to their Creator, and thus to other humans, that they live in a perpetual state of Lovelessness, and their pride–ego–emotion will not allow this truth to penetrate their consciousness; to expose them; the power of pride is why Broadway is so wide and Narrow Way so narrow (Matt 7 :13–15).
The (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH are effectually the Lord, walking on Earth today; we replaced Him physically, because we have the exact same Holy Spirit inhabiting us, as did Messiah Yeshua following His baptism (Matt 3 ; Luke 3 ): Indeed, the Messiah Soul comforts and empowers us (John 14 ). But the anti-Messianic religious unwittingly mock YHVH (Gal 6 :7–8) when they believe that Love is an emotion: In fact, Love is a Verb! ⊛ True Love can surely evoke strong emotion, but Love itself is not an emotion; Love is what we become (or not): Love is thus the manifestation and the culmination of our actions and inactions.
However, since the bulk of humanity will live, from birth to death, in a virtually Loveless state of existence, the only other option for them is to claim it (or identify it) as an emotion; otherwise, they would have to acknowledge their Loveless state of existence, and very few people do that. Using the word love is rather easy, but the Elect of YHVH know that YHVH is Love and the Holy Spirit is YHVH! The Holy Spirit is just another manifestation of YHVH; Ruach HaKodesh exists only to inhabit or to dwell within humans; to yoke with our Soul; to become One with us now and thus forever (Luke 17 & John 17 ). (For more in depth discussion on false love, see: Bibliolatry )
In the book of Acts (1 thru 5 mostly), we got to be witness to a small sample of how Love works. Radical change did not takes decades, or years, or months, or even days; it took just hours! It is the preeminent lesson in Love! Once the Indwelling Holy Spirit enters into and yokes with a willing human host, change is immediate. But the key here is a willing host; this is because it is easy to fake change.
That is why we had Ananias and Sapphira included (Acts 5 ); they were the capitalists on the scene. They put on a good show; initially, few doubted their Spiritual transformation, but unlike Salvation which is immediate, faking it can take time to expose itself. Personality is a mask; a show mastered to hide a persons character. That is why Messiah Yeshua said that the tree is known by the fruit it bears (Matt 7 ); however, the fruit tree only produces fruit once a season, and only for a quarter of the year. Sometimes we have to wait for it to expose itself; but with patience it always does.
I could change the world radically and rapidly, if I had the power to force everyone to Love. But Love cannot be given. The Loveless masses can be made to feel guilty for being Loveless, but that will not make them be Love! But not even YHVH has that ability; not within volitional beings.
I am sure that YHVH could program us to be automatons and then do whatever we are programmed to do, but what would be the point of that? YHVH created equals; that is, we have volition and free will; we have Sapience and know that we are created beings in a created universe and upon a created planet among countless trillions of them in an endless Cosmos. The thing we lack as humans is immortality.
But immortality comes with one condition; Love is that one condition! For the religious, it is being an enabler of whatever religion–brand they are marketing for Mammon . The theological product for many of them is just to "believe in Jesus" and parrot some sinner's prayer, and like magic, you are given eternal life.
It does not matter if you are Loveless and anti-Messianic; all that matters is that you (proverbially) jump through a set of hoops they position for you, and those hoops, and the number of them, varies from one religion brand to another, from among those spawn from Abrahamism .
¶ The YHVH Mocking "Christian" Nation!
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When comparing the Love Of YHVH, versus the word love, (YHVH) Love always puts others first! Love always thinks first about how lifestyle choices impact everyone everywhere (e.g. the Car Cult ). When people are not conquered and radically transformed (or born–again) by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, they instead, remain Spiritually blinded, and thus, they cannot see this; they cannot truly fathom any of this. Thus, they can only justify it away.
Sure, they can and will read these words throughout the writings of this Oracle , academically, but in doing so, they still cannot become Love. Words alone changes no one; nay, not even scripture: The demons believe and tremble indeed! Consequently, they unknowingly mock YHVH each time they say the word love while still existing in a Loveless state, observable in lifestyle choices. Everything must then be justified.
Nations such as the bastard child of medieval period , the USA, have taken their already morbidly twisted theological productions from the fifth century, now many more steps deeper into the proverbial pits of hell, wherein the culmination of it is terrifying to anyone even nearing the Messianic Cross. Prayer in public, alone, is more impure than the sum of the Porn Industry.
It has made a profoundly personal and deeply intimate act, a public mockery, thus imposing the idea that the Creator of the corporeal and incorporeal universe, is little more than The Celestial Money Dispenser! The Great Fixer of all the acts of sin–evil, perpetrated by the anti-Messianic masses; the christianized being among the worst of them. They mock the Holy Spirit in the world, which is the only unforgivable sin–evil.
The entire westernized population of mostly christianized people, have created and/or maintained and/or perpetuated and/or collaborated, in the creation and continuation of a world, so corrupt, that one has to be fully Spiritually blinded, not to see it all. The anti-Messianic masses strive to kill, to steal, to destroy, to lie, to deceive, to con, and scam, and exploit, and take. An entire economy; capitalism, which centers entirely on money as an exploitation mechanism, is ran by money–serving parasites and predators, who have completely normalized it and the a society that is staggeringly corrupted.
As these people continue to crash and burn from living these anti-Messianic lives and lifestyles, which is literally driving this planet, owned only by YHVH, by the way, to the brink of ruination. Then, in the greatest exhibition of mockery in the known universe, they pray to their god (or otherwise expect their god) to fix all the woes that befall them, as they live in total defiance and rebellion against virtually every paradigm taught and lived by Messiah Yeshua.
They give god credit for all the things they want to feed their ego and serve their sedentary lifestyles, and then blame Satan for all the stuff they do not like or want. They think that god blesses them with money and earthly power, but Satan works to deny them these perceived "blessings". They live without any conceptualization of how the Holy Spirit works in this world, and on this planet.
He that is not with Me is against Me; and he that gathers not with Me scatters abroad! Therefore I say unto you; all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else, make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt, for the tree is known by his fruit! O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof on their Day of Judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned! (Matt 12:30–37)
Ruach HaKodesh is the Holy Spirit, in all that entails and implies; however, the demarcation between the differing manifestations of YHVH via Holy Spirit in the world, and Ruach HaKodesh as the (Holy) Spirit that is yoked with my Soul, right now, in a Spiritually (metaphorical) sexual relationship, is that the (Holy) Spirit in the world is everything and everywhere and all the time: Elohim Omnipresent ! The Holy Spirit is All In All
But why "sexual" you might ask? Thanks for asking! When most humans think of sexual, they think first of human coitus (intercourse with copulation) for the purpose of procreation. Of course, this very act is among the most beautiful and pure things possible on Earth; it is exactly and only how Adonai our Elohim decided to bring all life into being, making it the purity of all righteousness.
Only the self–righteous, Satan–driven evil religious men, twisted it into something dark or evil, and in doing so, became the sum of all evil themselves. They pimp and prostitute YHVH by monetizing and objectifying and commodifying Adonai our Elohim; a sin–evil that goes far far beyond any human sexual act, no matter how depraved it may be perceived by human sensibilities.
In certain versions of scripture, to know someone means to have (or have had) sexual relations with them (coitus); it is from the Hebrew word yada . We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are referred to as the bride of Messiah Yeshua; we are His spouse, and He ours! We are closer than a biological sibling indeed! Even some Catholics get the gist of it.
Unlike with the religious who only market The Messiah for earthy gains, the acts of Prayer for all Messianic disciples is compared to such a level of pure intimacy; hence, our prayer closet, rather than out in public, like what is witnessed so mockingly among the Pharisees, past and present. When my Master, Messiah Yeshua, said these words, I never knew you , it meant this level of intimacy, exactly:
Not everyone that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of My Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you! Depart from Me, you that work iniquity* ! (Matt 7:21–23)
No one but self–proclaimed Christians will ever refer to The Messiah as Lord (Adonai)! Atheists do not; Muslims do not; Buddhists do not; Baha'i do not; Judaizers and other Law keepers, (past or present) also do not. Only Christians refer to The Messiah as Lord, though for the last 600 years they have been regurgitating the religious Jesus Christ avatar. That is why the chapter is called, Matthew Seven Christians, for it is referring only to this people group. Christians are today's Pharisees, and are even worse in some cases, being patently anti-Messianic, and in some cases outright Satanic.
They participate deeply and with a bizarre devotion, in and with the World that all Messianic disciples (past; present; future) will expose, and avoid like a pandemic. All future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim, are duty bound to Love all life created by our 1 and only King; however, that does not mean that we enable them, or that we become collaborators in lifestyles of sin–evil.
Politics, for just one quick example, is as Satanic as anything that will ever occur on planet Earth. It is deeply demonic at its core, and anyone even in the same galaxy with the Messianic Cross, can see this; even an inhuman can see this! The only way to not see this, is to be supernaturally blinded to it; to be blinded by demonic forces; to be demon oppressed. Satan controls humans via pride–ego–emotion, whereas, Ruach HaKodesh controls those of us, who volition for it daily, via Love–wisdom–humility.
¶ Primal–Carnal Emotion As Love Productions!
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Emotional indoctrination comes from the fact that (almost) all parents instill the concepts of love in children, even instructing them to parrot the word back, but without an adult level understanding of its complexities. Therefore, the word gets logged into the brains emotion packet and it remains there. Consequently, the Faithless Loveless masses, grow up believing that love is represented in that word, which then gets assigned to attachment or even codependency , where dependents become absorbed into the world of the dominant .
Indeed, videos abound of parrots saying I love you! Of course, it is a heinous mockery of YHVH–Love, to so casually use the word love just to entertain oneself: It is analogous to those who mockingly belittled and played with my Master while He was greatly suffering on the blessed Messianic Cross (Matt 27 :26–35).
As deeply insulting as all this is, to the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, our Heavenly Father happens to understand this error. Messiah Yeshua never said I Love you to anyone, but instead, demonstrated Love on the Messianic Cross; again, Love is a verb! And talk ain't cheep, it's free!
It is thus, to mock YHVH by reducing that supreme act of Love, to that of a mere, fickle, passing human emotion; a merely parroted slogan. Prior to the propitiation (1Jo 2 :1–5), it was impossible for humans to harbor the Holy Spirit permanently; thus, we read (mostly in the Tanakh ), its writers will anthropomorphize Adonai Elohim, by assigning emotions instead (See: Personification in the Bible ).
YHVH is Love (1Jo 4 ); this is why the word Love is capitalized. YHVH came in the Person of Yeshua HaMashiach (YHVH Corporeal), to experience the human condition (Heb 4 :14–15), and also, to make a way for us mere hominids to become One with our Creator (John Seventeen summarized); to become soul–endowed ; to be indwelt with Love from on High. Sin was once the barrier; however, the propitiation rebuilt the (metaphorical) bridge destroyed by sin. Even still, we are volitional beings; we have free will; it is our superpower, and thus, YHVH has no power over us in that way, except for what we unconditionally surrender unto Him daily.
The gift of Messiah Yeshua has been offered; however, you can take it or leave it: That is Love: That defines Love! I Love you, but I have zero power over you, and therefore, you can reciprocate that Love, or not. However, my Love for you is independent of what you decide to do, or not to do. YHVH–Loves you and has already proven it; however, it is totally up to you, to Love YHVH in return, or not (Matt 22 :37).
The bulk of humanity will not; they will not become Love, and as such, they will reduce Love to that, which they can attain and understand: Emotions! All mammals experience emotion, and it requires nothing outward, for it occurs on its own, naturally and autonomously: again, Attachment .
¶ YHVH–Love Is The Great Healer And Heart Softener!
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Love is not merely the name you assign to a brain created and experienced human emotion; Love is a verb; Love can only be seen and lived; expressed in and from our mentalities and thus, the actions and inactions that sprout from our newly created consciousness; the mind of Messiah (1Co 2 :10–16).
If you want to see Love, look upon the Cross of Messiah Yeshua; there you will see the sum and the paradigm of Love. YHVH is Love, and the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom 8 ) is the Soul of Messiah Yeshua (John 14 thru 16).
Love can heal us in ways that are often unseen in this world. Dreams can be utilized by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, because doing so does not violate our corporeal volition. I have many dreams where I can offer forgiveness, receive forgiveness, or otherwise accomplish relational reparations. It is healing and how YHVH heals us in the flesh.
People that I Love, then, now and forever, but who have abandoned me for others, or just for a different life, I miss them deeply, even decades along. They could not see a lifetime with a plain man on a carpenters wages. To be loved as I have Loved others, is a gift, received or not; wanted or not. I was (and am) honored to be a vessel of YHVH–Love to give away, without reciprocation.
But my blessed and Love centered Master and fellow Tekton , Messiah Yeshua, as the Holy Spirit dwelling within me, can elicit dreams that allow me to continue and/or complete my Love for them; to tell them again I Love them, and in a way that they fully comprehend and cherish. In my dreams, they actually Love me too; we exchange meaningful words and have a real and eternally enduring encounter. It allows me to say what I was not able to back then. And I always awake from these dreams, fulfilled, joyful, complete, healed.
Love is far more than a mere feeling; far more than a single thing or ideal: Love is multilayered; Love is both simple and complex. I can try my best to use words to define and explain Love; however, one must become Love to fully comprehend its fullness; its complexity in simplicity.
Love was/is the empowerment that allowed Messiah Yeshua to remain on the Cross, even though He had the ability to be delivered from such a fate. Love is what sets us free from the bondage of blindness. From Love comes all other eternally valued characteristics that YHVH is allowing us to become, while here on Earth.
When we do not have YHVH–in–us ; the present guidance of Ruach HaKodesh (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), we remain much as we did from the start. There is no Spiritual transformation, only a religious (or cultural) conformation. As such, we have no Love, nor even the capacity for Love, nor even an understanding of Love itself: YHVH is Love, and either abides in us, or not!
The human brain (alone) is utterly incapable of Love, apart from YHVH. Not since the creation of humanity, has YHVH displayed the sum of Love (on this planet) until the First Coming of the Savior of humanity; the prophesied Sacrificial Lamb: Messiah Yeshua! YHVH in Human form.
That act upon the Cross was the ultimate display and the sum demonstration of Love; complete and total Love; the supremacy of mercy (even while enduring mercilessness). Humans pervert that sacrifice every time they say the word love when they are otherwise Faithless and thus atheistic and thus Loveless (Heb 11 ).
In the world, love is often sexual in nature; or financial; indeed there is no pure and innocent Love among the Faithless Loveless; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized. Thus, all acts of affection are motivated by that sexual component; all actions are assumed precursors to coitus; there is no innocence or purity within them; there are no asexual relational connections between them.
True Love manifests physically and outwardly, not just emotionally. We can feel emotions as a consequence of Love, but Love (itself) is not an emotion; not mere brain chemistry. What happens then, is that we learn about the word love (in any language) when we are young, and its meaning assigned to us via our Enculturation . However, when we do not know what Love is ― because YHVH is not in us ― we need to seek it out, just like a student in a class who is not understanding a topic.
True Love is sacred, but the atheistic have no concept of Love and so they parrot the word love casually and often; they are sacrilegious concerning the word but only because they have no concept. A person could be made to feel guilty or unjust for not caring, but they cannot truly care, because they do not Love; indeed, they are not Love! YHVH is Love; the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH.
The Loveless seek repetition, confirmation and definition; they need to say and hear the word love over and over, but they never come to the knowledge of its truth; they cannot be Love! This means that those who say the word love too often, are likely those who understand it the least.
Messiah Yeshua never once said the words I Love you to anyone; instead, He demonstrated what Love was (and is) by hanging on the Cross; by living it outwardly through action and lifestyle; in truth sharing; in service unto the least of these (Matt 25 ). The question remains: Will you Love the worst of these?
The bulk of humanity will merely parrot the word love without ever knowing its true meaning: Love is a verb! When we become Love via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, we only rarely say the words: I Love you! Instead, we live it daily. We disciples are not merely the recipients of YHVH–Love (we are that); we are also the conduits of YHVH–Love.
The Master also taught us the manifestations of true Love; that of forgiveness, (relational) restoration, compassion, mercy, longsuffering, personal surrender, the eternality of community, and even (if necessary) temporal suffering on behalf of another: That is the witness of Love!
Those who are limited to mere emotion, will thus (and naturally) fear death, and so they worry that they may not parrot the word love prior to death. They think that they must say the word often, so that they do not feel guilty for failing to say the word, within a certain period of time, whenever an untimely death occurs. This is strange to all Love–conquered people, but to the other 99.5% it is quite normal.
This is because love is fleeting to them; it is temporal and does not transcend this life: They believe that Love is trapped in words. This is because they are Spiritually blind, and cannot fathom Love, much less become the sum totality of Love. Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, it is impossible to be Love! People who say I love you all the time, are unknowingly mocking YHVH, who is Love: Aloha ke Akua!
¶ I Do Not Know How To Un–Love You, And I Pray I Never Learn How!
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The most heartbreaking experience possible on Earth, is to learn that someone whom you Love with all your heart and mind and Soul, has decided not to love you; or to un–love you so they can upgrade. In all other situations for the Elect of YHVH, relational separation is natural. If we are blessed with children in our home, it is the will of YHVH that we bring them up in the admonition of the Lord, and then, send them out to find their own path in life.
However, if they die suddenly (still) as children, we know that they are covered under the precious blood of the Lamb; protected by the shed blood of Messiah Yeshua, found under the Messianic Cross; they are with Him right away. Death is a natural part of life; it happens to us all. All humans have lost someone to death; then, they also died, leaving others behind. Losing a child is an unspeakable pain.
Nevertheless, the one relationship that is to last unto our death, is our spouse; our Soulmate: till death do us part! When this person, of whom we would lay down our lives for, one day looks at us and says: I don't love you anymore! Or: I am in love with another! Or: I still love you, I'm just not "in love" with you!
These parroted word concepts ― a demonic level of YHVH mockery ― demonstrates that they have no clue what True Love is. They just walk out of the marriage or relational union, and never show any interest in that union again, forever; this is utterly devastating to the Soul; this is unnatural; it is not a part of the YHVH design, which is, till death do us part.
The Soul and the psyche are just not built to handle this; it is fully atheistic; it is primal–carnal. Of course, it is impossible for those of us under the Messianic Cross, to stop Loving them, now or forever, because True Love never ends. It is thus impossible to replace them; explaining why the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH rarely remarry. I never did!
When two become one flesh (Matt 19 :3–8), they cannot revert back to two again: Oneness is the duty; the responsibility; the honor; the sum of marriage (John Seventeen ): It is not a game we play. But to make it so is an evil unrivaled.
As for my spousal relationships unions; the tragic consequences are of my own making. I was not a Messianic disciple in my early days; instead, I was an evangelical churched nondenominational protestant, and an unsuccessful capitalist. I was not obedient to my Master, and as such, I was unequally yoked with unbelievers: Why? Because they were pretty and tempting, and I was single.
And yet, they all had a bloody trail of Ex's! That alone would have been a giant warning sign, if I had been even in proximity to any Messianic disciples at the time; I was not. I was only surrounded by Christians, who were as oblivious as I was. The Ex is a secular word for relationship roadkill, or acceptable neighbor hating. It is primal; the black widow spider kills the male after mating , for no other will carry his young, and his only purpose of existence is complete; well, unless he escapes!
My prayer concerning those I Love was/is simple: "Please my Lord, do not let her discover how easily she could replace me, for she is far better than I, and could easily do better!" Unfortunately for me, she did; they all did! Good for them, I pray in hope. Love compels us to let them go, and at that stage, we become totally dependent upon a Love that will never leave us nor forsake us.
As an elder, I now have the honor and duty to warn the young; those who are dedicated to Messiah Yeshua, not to yoke with unbelievers; and, that true believers are very easy to see with your eyes: They dress in modesty and strive to remain pure; they are most likely raised in Messianic fashion, by modest and simple living parents. They are taught the horrors of the culture that surrounds them, and of the atheistic feminism that (prophetically) infects the Eschaton. You will know the tree by the fruit it bears: You can see it plainly.
True Love never ends ― Ever! It is an impossibility. The act of relational abandonment is not just the evidence that your "Soulmate" does not Love you, it exposes the fact that they do not Love, at all. This person has summarily tossed you aside like garbage; moved on as if you never really existed at all; a steppingstone that they merely tripped upon, along the pathway of this life. Being inhuman, the causing of pain from Love lost actually thrills them!
However, YHVH takes this relationship more seriously than all others. We, the Elect of YHVH, are even referred to as the Body of Messiah; the profoundly interpersonal relationship. We know that YHVH placed within us males, a bonding agent that exists, even in atheistic men (though minimally); these men will often stalk, abuse or kill the female when she departs the relationship. This is when the natural bonding propensity becomes unnatural; violent; rancid; evil.
But this is why YHVH selected the male of our species to do much work through. The female was created to be his helpmate. YHVH made men to be more devoted and attached to mates, than females are. YHVH first created male; YHVH used males predominantly throughout the Tanakh . YHVH even came in the form of a male (Messiah Yeshua). But human gender is about procreation, not domination.
The atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, can only see the surface of things, and as such, they must view this (fact) as just another patriarch making up gods, so to have dominance over women. But YHVH did not create dominance; evil men did that part. It is the evil within the heart of men (and women) which has so twisted what YHVH was trying to do. Messiah Yeshua was clearly egalitarian, and died to make it a future reality, and if not on Earth, then in the future eternal Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 22 :23–32).
¶ Consuming The Atheistic World; Expecting Messianic Results!
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The atheistic world includes all religions. We nonreligious disciples of Messiah Yeshua, are to metaphorically, drink from our own wells (Pro 5 :15–20); that is, we seek a life–mate from among the Elect of YHVH, and avoid the worldly. I did not do that; I Love (then; now; forever) non Messianic women. The Love is genuine and YHVH centered, but the object of that Love, was/is not the intent of YHVH for the disciples of Messiah. Human females are magnificent creations indeed; there are no other beings in the sum Cosmos that will equal them; so magnificent that they can unwittingly be worshiped.
My fervent prayer is always that they come under the Messianic Cross before they perish from Earth. Then I can reunite with them among the Kingdoms of YHVH, and there they will know beyond doubt that they were Loved as much as it is humanly possible, during their Earth life, even though at the time they abandoned that Love for money, or for whatever other reason or motive that people abandon Love.
No one taught this principle to me, but that is only because they (also) did not know of it. I was not in the presence of the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the Saved; the redeemed and transformed; the future resurrected Saints of Adonai Elohim. I was a churched person, linked with christianized people and led by the Xians of Religianity . This was my fault, and the price for me (and others) was/is grievous (2Co 6 :14–18).
As disciples of Messiah, we must recognize the true war: For we war not against flesh and blood, but a Spiritual war between good and evil, that began with the fall of Satan and moved into the proverbial Garden of Eden, wherein we humans are caught in between (all: Eph 6 ; 2Co 10 ). YHVH and all Creation coexisted for countless measures of time, prior to the creation of Earth.
And then in the course of time, Satan, the most beautiful and talented and adored of all angels, decided because of his (her, its) beauty and greatness as a star, it was time to abandon YHVH: Satan was now ready to be worshiped; to be treated with "god like" reverence; to be wanted by the multitudes. Indeed, and all Satan inspired humans, likewise seek to be adored; seek to be special; seek the stages of this life; they demand (or expect) respect, rather than earning it humbly.
Thus, Satan no longer needed YHVH; instead, Satan decided to be god, and thus, a host of "angel turned demons" followed Satan, and perhaps in the trillions, with other evil Souls from other now dead worlds. This (Satan leaving Elohim) is the first act of relational abandonment, and the consequences have rippled down through spacetime , and have made a monumental effect upon us Earthlings stuck here on this one blue dot in space. Once you grasp this, scripture takes on a whole new meaning: So does this life.
The collateral damage done by the human masses, living lifestyles known to be destructive to others and to self, must/will be justified away by them, because the only other path is confession, repentance, and the subsequent lifestyle reversals. And what prevents all of that is pride–ego–emotion; that is Satans internal trinity. Externally? Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!!
What prevents change is a demon–level commitment to Satans Earth trinity productions (the internal & external); what prevents repentance is the desperation to appease other people in the "keep up with appearances" paradigm of living. Some are dangerously obsessed with what others think of them! Those conquered by YHVH–Love are the opposite; we would be mortified to spend a full day even mildly concerned about what others think of us. And it is this lifestyle memesis that is collectively so devastating to Earth.
¶ Simulated love!
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To Love the undesirable; the unwanted; the social or cultural rejects; that is the proof of the power of Love. My Master, Messiah Yeshua, Loved everyone the same, proving that on the Cross. How can someone get so close to someone that they look them up close in their eyes, say the words (I love you), and then in a blink of time, cast them aside? Because all acts of relational abandonment are the end consequence of exploitative relationships.
However, what Messiah Yeshua was teaching all His Disciples (then and now) was/is this: If you have nothing that the World (the worldly) wants, the worldly will not want you, or seek after you: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination unto Adonai our Elohim.
But still, people will draw close to those living Love, if only to experience being Loved for a short time. But even that mere curiosity comes to an end, because they never actually Love, at all; like any mammal can and does, they merely simulate love for personal gains or experiences.
Abandoning someone who Loves you unconditionally is a very hard thing to justify. This is why victimism is such a necessary part of the script. If I am a victim, then it is my duty to rid myself of the villain. But too often, villainization and/or false witness, are just the byproducts of a deep internal guilt; when a person uses another person, and now wants to dispose of them to make way for the coming upgrade/s, this process is of course pathetic; however, if the act is to save one's self from the villain, then it is heroic.
The need for the target of relational abandonment, to be a villain, becomes necessary; one would likely be criticized for abandoning a good person who genuinely Loves you. Thus, the closure process must be equally dramatic and anger filled, in order to cover the stench of relational abandonment as a mere upgrade process, which in truth, is an act and demonstration of pure and total Lovelessness.
Faithless Loveless humans abuse the word love in order to gain trust, which is necessary to exploit; to extract material things; to garner social positions; for coitus; or, just to feed their ever draining ego.
People like the idea of being worthy of Love; they like being Loved (adored; worshiped even); they like it when another is willing to forsake all others and marry them; however, they exist in a state of Lovelessness, and thus cannot reciprocate: They exist in that Loveless state, as a consequence of existing without the Indwelling Holy Spirit: For them, the word love is a curse. The term "Love hurts" is perfectly wrong; only Love heals. False love hurts indeed, it is a manifestation of Satan and thus evil.
But in fact, True Love is the state of our Heavenly Father ― YHVH is Love ― YHVH is eternal; hence, True Love never ends; not even for a day; not even one second. Once Love begins, it grows over time, and continues on into eternity. Conversely; false love is typically the word being attached to an emotion, which always fades and ends. The word love is often used and abused to gain trust, get resources or obtain other favors.
The warning and the evidence of the atheistic, are recognized herein: It is evil people who use/abuse the word love , but, who never Love. They mock YHVH, when they use the word love but never actually Love. Relational abandonment is analogous to what the dead body and the smoking gun, is, to the murderer.
¶ Love Is What We Become: Let's Go Do Love!
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YHVH–Love; True Love, is the fruit evidence of Salvation: The fruit of the Spirit is YHVH–Love; YHVH is Love; true Love is a verb (Matt 25 ). It is not what we feel, it is what we do . Love is a verb; an act; an action. Messiah Yeshua never said: I Love you John! He did not need to, for He demonstrated it on the Cross. Anyone can say words (1Co 13 :1): The empty abyss of outer Darkness will host billions who said love words a thousand times, but lived/died in a state of utter Lovelessness.
In fact, the more someone says the words, the less likely they are to be Love; to live enveloped by/in the Love of YHVH–in–us . We mere mortals are perfected, only when the Holy Spirit dwells in us: The Indwelling! We become Love (and therein, perfected): Therefore, it is not a mere word that we assign to a mere emotion. True Love assuredly evokes emotion, but emotion alone, does not equal Love, as all primates have emotions: Attachment would be the correct word, but we are trained to parrot the word love in these instances.
Love is not a thing, it is a condition; it is a state of being. Love is like honor, it is something you live, not necessarily something you feel. Those who Love, keep their relationships for all time and eternity. For the Elect of YHVH, the word "un–Love" is an oxymoron: You can no more un–Love than you can un–die, and only Messiah Yeshua can resurrect the dead (and only He can cause us humans, to become Love). In like manner, once Love begins, it never ends, not in this life, and not in life–eternal.
Therefore, no person who Loves, never ever un–Loves: but in the drug of emotional highs (even in drunken highs), people say those precious Covenant words (I love you), but once the emotion fades or the alcohol wears off, so does the love . Verily; the more often a person says I love you the less likely it is they know, even what it means: Indeed, count the number of times the direct statement I love you is in scripture. Love does not become more real by the (repeated) saying of it, and those who attempt this suffer a haunting failure.
¶ Money–love? False love Is Measured In Dollar Increments!
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To the secular world (the Monetizers ), churched or not; love always directly or indirectly equates to money. Any Faithless Loveless female, will "un–love" her man, one second after a rich handsome guy assures her of a relationship with him. Worldly women like the cultural productions of marriage, but have no clue what marriage represents to YHVH.
They feel their ego being inflated when asked for their hand in marriage; they like being on a pedestal; perhaps they fantasize about the wedding celebration; of being the center of attention; of being adored and worshiped. None of this even touches (unconditional, eternal) Love! In fact, true Love is supremely humbling; it radically changes you.
The beauty of YHVH–Love centers on the fact that those of us who Love, cannot lose that Love, no matter what those Loved by us, do or do not do. True Love is eternal, unconditional, and unidirectional. We can, and do, continue to Love them, now and forever, independent of them. That is (among other things) the sheer beauty of true Love. You can torture me to literal death on, say a cross, and I will Love you, then and forever; even you cannot prevent that reality!
Love is the Great Mystery; the great chasm between the emotion and the condition. To say love but not live Love, is to sentence one's self to the Abyss, and those hellbent on going there will never know it; they will just never get it. The Faithless Loveless will attempt to compensate, by saying that they still love those they have abandoned; again, more word noises (1Co 13 :1), but that they are just not "in love!"
What venomous statements! It is a mockery, and worse, an evil twisting of the very substance of YHVH–Love, or as some posit, Agape! The many Greek words for love exposes that the ancient Greeks were also oblivious, as they were even considered heathens (Acts 21 :26–28), and not Spiritually Messianic nor even culturally Jewish.
Instead, most people will likely see themselves as victims of poor mate selection, and now justified, had to end that relationship. The culture (both religious and secular) has all the justification weapons they need to (again) feel good about their act/s of relational abandonment.
¶ Weaponizing Love!
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Void of YHVH–Love, humans will abuse Love, or YHVH who is Love, as a weapon to dominate or subjugate other humans. People will gain the Love of another, even though they have no long term intentions with such people, and do so, only as a way to hurt them in the end, and with a certain end. They like to "be" Loved, but are incapable of reciprocation.
Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, bringing YHVH–Love into us, we mere mortals are utterly clueless, and thus, love is relegated to an emotion, and thus, YHVH–Love is inconceivable. The belief that you once Loved someone, but today you do not, is the fruit of evil: it is demonic; it is accursed.
There is a fate worse than physical death for disciples of Messiah Yeshua; that is, to lose a Loved one; to be separated from those we Love. I have never so much as thought this thought: "I will abandon my Loved one!" Indeed, this has never occurred, once in all human history; that is correct, no human has ever abandoned a Love; ever! Not even one time!
When a person abandons someone, that action is (itself) the fruit–evidence, supporting the fact that no Love ever existed in them, in the first place. One has to be a Loveless person to even imagine such an outcome. It is as impossible as Messiah Yeshua coming down from the Messianic Cross to avoid the trauma to come. Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit bringing YHVH–Love unto and within us, we mere mammals live in a state of utter Lovelessness.
The compound word, Faithless Loveless, is logical, for these are all one in the same. Without actual (inland boat building, water walking) Faith, YHVH is not real, but only imagined; thus, without YHVH–in–us , it is impossible for the mere mammal to Love, for there is only the primal–carnal brain, and no more. Without Spiritual enlightenment, all that remains is what all life forms possess; a body and a brain.
Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some do not have the knowledge of Elohim; I speak this to your shame. But some man will say: How are the dead raised up and with what body do they come? You fool! That which you sow is not quickened, except it die. And that which you sow, you sow not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain. But Elohim gives it a body as it has pleased Him, and to every seed His own body. All flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and body's terrestrial. But the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars. For one star differs from another star in glory.
So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption! It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory! It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power! It is sown a natural body; it is raised a Spiritual body! There is a natural body and there is a Spiritual body. And so it is written: "The first man Adam was made a living Soul; the last Adam was made a quickening Spirit!" Howbeit it was not first, that which is Spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward, that which is Spiritual. The first man is of Earth; earthy. The second man is of The Lord from Heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy, and as is the Heavenly, such are they also that are Heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the Heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of YHVH; neither does corruption inherit incorruption. (1Co 15:34–50)
The brain alone, is incapable of even conceiving Love, much less becoming or being Love. This is why it is restricted or limited to a mere emotion, which fades and then dies over time, and the love object forgotten. While elephants return to the corpses of dead relatives, they too eventually move on, but the human Soul is enlivened only by Ruach HaKodesh, which assures eternal relationships, which are certain because they are rooted in YHVH–Love.
It is utterly impossible to have the Love of YHVH, without having YHVH–in–us : Over and again, the Messiah Scriptures proclaim that those who Love, belong to YHVH. Hominids have attachment emotions that are no deeper or lasting than that of any Zoo primate. True Love actually increases wisdom and intellect; attachment alone does not. True Love opens our Spiritual eyes, and thus our emotional sensitivity; our awareness of suffering that is not geographically near to us: The old saying, out of sight, out of mind thus fulfilled.
Only time is the proof of Love being true or false: True Love lasts every second of all infinity; false love always fades and then ends; always. The difference is not in the words that exit the mouth, or in the sincerity behind them at the time they were uttered; rather, the status of the relationship over time is the only barometer. True Love never ends; never has; never will.
As I have Loved you, so you Love one another! (John 13 :33–35). Messiah Yeshua said this, and we know what happened to Him. Our Love is exactly as The Messiah's Love is, for us: YHVH is Love! There is no possibility of Love, apart from YHVH, Adonai our Elohim. The human, standing alone, has no capacity for Love, at all. If we do not understand the Love of YHVH manifest in Messiah Yeshua, how then, can we live in that Love? How can we be that Love? How then, can we even comprehend Love? We simply cannot.
This is why the bulk of humanity live/die utterly oblivious to Love; this is why they logically conclude that they are atheistic primates that evolved into bipedal hominids (humans). But Love has visible fruit; Messiah Yeshua said to watch for it, and taught His sheep just how to do that, and then instructed us to do likewise (Luke 10 :36–37; John 21 :15–17). While the Faithless Loveless say the word love a lot, they cannot do Love, explaining why they overcompensate and say the parroted slogan so much.
The atheistic place human relationships on life's back burner: the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH put relationships first. The atheistic never forgive faults and restore relationships; instead, they use the power of vengeance to justify severing human relationships. The Godly use the power of Love to restore relationships. Messiah Yeshua said it plainly: They will know that you are My Disciples by your Love, one to another!
Saying the word love during an emotional high, is experienced by all mammals; the human male raping a female believes he loves her during the act of rape, and this same love is present with pedophiles and even murderers. During copulation, love is often proclaimed, just as it is whenever too much alcohol is consumed. Yet, if you are not the rapist or the pedophile, you think he (the other one) is the sick one; you think that his love is warped: Indeed! Why? Because love is as different, as are emotions, when that is all it is! (E.g. Etoro People ).
¶ Love Grows With Time; Emotions Fade With Time!
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They are as convinced of the love they feel at that moment, as every other human does at their moment of emotional peek. But the Love of YHVH is not emotion centric, it is Spirit centric, and results in actions that endure eternity. The rapist ends love, once he has satisfied himself, and then loves the next rape victim: In other words, the love lasts no longer than the emotion it is attached to.
Some people love for months; even years, but no human, void of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, Loves every second of all infinity, completely and unconditionally. If you have ever Loved someone for even an hour, your Love for them right now, is vastly more powerful than it was at the first. Total, unconditional, eternal Love: This is the mystery that the eternally lost (the atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious) will never know.
Love is not an emotion; it is a condition that results from the Indwelling, and is witnessed in human action/inaction. It is analogous to the word faith: For a man to have faith, and to say he has faith, are two entirely different things. Everyone has beliefs, but a belief is not Faith. And Faith is not a synonym for religion! All non–transformed humans can only have brain experiences; in human bonding it is all just Oxytocin .
How we treat one another is how we treat YHVH. The Indwelling is YHVH–in–us ; Love is the fruit. This is not about personality, but about perseverance: Personalities may conflict, but those who are One in Messiah Yeshua, are one in character, and character is far more important (more potent) than personality.
Typically, guilt produces anger, and when a person is Loved unconditionally, but they cannot reciprocate that Love, they feel anger towards those who Love them. This is why so many hate YHVH, for YHVH is Love, and that Love is eternal; they cannot reproduce Love because they do not have the Indwelling Holy Spirit. All they have are mental emotions, which always fail or fade, and that is surely frustrating.
¶ Primate love; Animal love!
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A dog will love whoever feeds it regularly, and more so, to those who will spoil them; this "allegiance to the food" that Loveless humans anthropomorphizing further explains why they do not comprehend Love; why love , then, is relegated and assigned to some emotional high, or some material object or perishable thing (John 6 :26–27). Anthropomorphizing is (itself) evidence of just how clueless humans are about Love, and thus, why they believe that these other lifeforms also love: It is a true comparison, indeed. All mammals experience emotions.
Studies on attachment emotions with primates as well as human child psychology studies on children are comprehensive. There is far more to being a parent than procreation, food and shelter; well, except to the capitalistic Mammon serving Monetizers , where dollar numbers define parenthood or "parental rights". Therefore, the bulk of humanity will likewise, see YHVH (or "god" in their words) via Anthropotheism .
Humans often attach the word love to differing emotional responses; this explains why people think animals actually love; they have no clue what real Love is, and so they merely attach the word to almost any strong emotional response (when considered as a positive response). For the Spiritually transformed, Love is demonstrated on the Cross!
YHVH is Love and Messiah Yeshua was/is YHVH Corporeal, and can be so again, anytime, and will assuredly be again, on His Second Coming. It is impossible to merely speak Love; it is far beyond words: Love is a verb! Animals, and most hominids, are oblivious to what true, sacrificial, unconditional eternal Love is. Greater Love has no man than this; indeed (John 15 :13). Without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, it is virtually impossible to know (or be) YHVH–Love.
It is difficult to think that our mother, father or other close relation will end up in the abyss of outer Darkness ; that all the love words they spoke were but a clanging cymbal (1Co 13 :1); a noise created by manipulated air passing across vocal cords. No one wants to believe they are utterly Loveless; in today's humanist cultures, everyone "loves" (if you do not believe them, just ask them). But Messiah Yeshua taught us to look for fruit; to see action and inaction as the only barometer and compass of the human Soul, and to basically ignore what exits the mouth.
Satan can say with convincing passion, I love you : I for one do not believe him. You and I will never hear YHVH say the words I love you , we will experience it eternally; we will bathe in it; immersed in it like sunshine. YHVH–Love conquers us, or, we live utterly Loveless from womb to tomb and beyond, and Messiah Yeshua is the only bridge; He is the only corporeal manifestation of YHVH. A person can spend every Sunday from cradle to grave in a church service, and on the day they die, they never knew Love for even one second of their corporeality.
¶ Those Who Parrot I love you Most Understand It The Least!
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Everyone I have ever known, who flippantly spouted off at the mouth, I love you , to almost everyone, and all the time, were the most Loveless people I ever knew. It is as if they know ― deep down inside somewhere within one of their many darkrooms ― that they exist in a state of utter Lovelessness, and so, they attempt to make up for that (to over compensate) with words; lots of them! But this can only lead to cognitive dissonance.
It is analogous to Messiah Yeshua teaching about praying (Matt 6 ): That saying them over and over does not persuade YHVH to listen, nor does it make the act of praying real; it cannot replace living Faith. It needs repeating: Messiah Yeshua never said I love you to anyone; instead, He demonstrated it from the Cross. That reality is either the sum of your being, or, you are oblivious. You may have read the bible, but the bible has not yet read you.
YHVH is Love: without YHVH–in–us , the hopelessly human hominid, exists in a state of utter Lovelessness; zero Love, nor the ability to even comprehend it. Like every other animal, the human ideals of love must then be relegated to feelings; emotions; brain chemicals, and copulation is very chemically hormonal. For the atheistic hominid, love is an orgasm; love is violence; love is rape or pedophilia; love is money.
Indeed, there are a series of chemical reactions within the brain during copulation orgasm. This is why Loveless females will love the one who provides them with the best orgasms; the most money; this is why they "fall in love" because to them it is just that fickle. In other words, they fall in, and then at some future time when the upgrade is secured, they crawl out. This is a common trait of the inhuman.
The inhuman are Loveless and to the point of being unnatural, and thus revealed in one or more of these: fallacious; dehumanized; psychopathic; sociopathic; inhumane; immoral; unethical; carnal–primal; power–hungry; anger–ruled; greed–driven; dread–filled; superficial; indifferent; simpleton; domineering; self–righteous; hoarders (money/things).
An Inhuman lacks a Soul, or perhaps has a dormant Soul; they include the beta and full versions of sociopaths and psychopaths. The Mind Sciences are not always as committed to truth, as are the Messianic disciples (of all generations); we would rather be put to death than to lie or deceive. But the World of humans are driven by Satan via money, and that always brings with it, great potential for compromise.
For example, in 1968 the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM ) listed homosexuality as a mental disorder. But by 1973, members of the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, though it was not until 1987 that it was scrubbed from the DSM. So what happened? Compassion? Or money? After all, the human mind did not change in that timeframe; it has not changed in a thousand generations. So the answer is compromise.
Once a society had ever–larger numbers of individuals that identified as homosexual, and referred to today as anything but heterosexual, such numbers began to surface at the voting booth, as well as at points of sale; referring to 20%+ of a population as mentally ill, had monetary consequences. Now, this does not address the merits of either case; it is just a piece of statistical history; make of it and conclude from it, what you will.
As a Messianic disciple, I am commanded to Love all, equally and unconditionally, which means regardless of any circumstances revealed. I am not qualified to be a morality police! But I am also bound to disengage with anyone, regardless of the lifestyle sin–act; I am to avoid, without violating the first commandment, any yoke that goes deeper than a mostly superficial engagement. If I own a public business, I must do business with anyone, regardless, or, make my business private. I cannot (and will not, and so not) discriminate.
How the Elect of YHVH avoid yoking with the world, is to not live by worldly standards or its enculturation paradigms: Think Amish nestled among average Americans! For us Messianic disciples however, those who drive cars, or who casually lie, are as sin–dedicated as any non–heterosexual individual; this refers to lifestyle sins versus single sin–acts; premeditated versus happenstance. They are all, in effect, the same people to us. But we also know well, where we recently came from (Eph 5 ). The greatest sin–evil possible in the human condition, is to assume self–righteousness!
This also explains why some of the religion–businesses are accepting of non–heterosexual individuals, but most are not. It is a matter of cash flow, or in this sin–act, tithing flow. Satans Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion!! Anyone voluntarily and desirously involved in any of them, live in sin always. Therefore, we are duty–bound not to yoke with them, anymore than is necessary for daily functioning. And we do not condemn them, for that is not Love; we are the Messianic Light, while here on Earth.
Since the Eschaton Era is filled to overflowing with Satans economics via the Monetizers and their Mammon , the only option is to live illegally, and that is also frowned upon. This topic is what much of the Corinthian postal letters were about. YHVH understands the dilemma we are in; we are given special dispensation for the times. Keep in mind here that Dispensationalism is one of Satans religionist themes. Dispensation only means, special permission to do something that is not usually allowed.
All humans were created by my Master and King: YHVH! Messiah Yeshua, the Human form of YHVH, died on the Messianic Cross for all humanity. And as such, we Love them all, but, we cannot marry them or go into business with them, or otherwise associate too closely; we must not be unequally yoked. But again and again, all this must be done within the Law of Love!
The Soul that abides within this mortal shell, is me; it is fully autonomous; volitional; individual. Ruach HaKodesh is also a Spirit or Soul with all those same qualities, except Holy; the Indwelling Holy Spirit! I must honor that condition. I am not holy; I am fallen; I am corporeal and my physical body is a sin vessel, which I must work on the keep it as close to the Messianic Cross as I can; I must take up my Cross daily and stay close to the Cross; to the Master! But I do so daily, knowing I am sin–capable everyday: There go I indeed! This obliterates Judging .
As a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, when I look upon another person, I am hopeful that I am looking at someone with whom I will be spending eternity with, in a Love bonded relationship that will transcend any/all mortal relationships on Earth. This person will Love me (now and forever) just like my Master Loves me right now. However, most often, the person looking back at me is not thinking anything of the kind; they are looking at me and thinking what they could gain from me during this life, and nothing more: A totally unequal yoke indeed (2Co 6 :14–18).
For Loveless people (the bulk of humanity), other humans are just resources; they measure love by how much money you give them, or, that they give you. Ordinary men are a steppingstone to many women in their perpetual upgrade mode; a mere means to a sexual and/or economic end, on their way to their rich and famous "dream man". Therefore, the victim role is a great role to maintain, when these Loveless people are about to abandon someone during the relational upgrade stage; they need a justified way out, in order to stave off cognitive dissonance for yet another few years until memories fade.
The only other option is to admit to ones self: This person Loves me unconditionally, but I want more money (or more sex; whatever feeds the ego and stimulates the emotions); therefore, I will claim to be a victim, and then the world will pity me and encourage me to abandon them; then I will trade up! Problem seemingly solved! Victimism however, is exposed here. Then comes the cognitive dissonance, with the many efforts to avoid its reality closing in, as time goes by. And so the burying and distraction must go on, and it all shapes their life.
This is what many people do in action, but it is not how they see themselves; they lie to themselves, and then to others, and of course, to YHVH. Because they have no clue what the Love of YHVH is, they muddle through this life with the word love , as it is attached, and then detached, from one person to the next: True Love (Messianic Love) is eternal and unconditional. They end up like the dog, who gravitates toward those who feed them; indeed, those who will spoil them with the things of this world. The atheistic like to dangle this world's goods over the needy and/or hungry like that.
¶ True Love Is Sacrificial; Faking Is Superficial!
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Most believe Love is expressed in consumerism and gifting, or other more outward and easy–to–do economic acts. Or that love is any strong emotion. The anti-Messianic religious cannot know what Love is, because it is the Indwelling Holy Spirit that brings Love into us.
Consequently, false love is to pretend to love for some personal gain agenda. Humans will be kind to others, only as it will best benefit them; even to make a show of "being loving" to impress others, just like we witness among the anti-Messianic religious. Egoism is a manifestation of false love.
This is why people are not honest with each other (or self); why they lie so easily to one another, even those close to them; why they say what others want to hear, rather than what YHVH wants them to say, which is always truth, despite how that will affect human emotion (John 8 :42–44; Rev 21 :8). Read: What I Learned About Love When I Stopped Being Honest .
The conflict with the word love is truly celestial: The battleground and strategy is mental and emotional. The demonic forces use and abuse the greatest of human weaknesses, emotions, to destroy Souls by deception and guile. Emotions are the brain experience caused by endorphins and dopamine produced from the human experience; the human condition: Humanity's synaptic reaction to outward (and inward sourced) stimuli.
That experience is produced, much like a movie is; human (emotional) intelligence determines how one person will react to outward stimuli as compared to another person. Human intelligence is primarily emotional at its core: E.g. There are no emotionally immature intelligent people; emotional maturation precedes wisdom and cognition, which precedes higher intelligence.
It is the Indwelling that matures us Spiritually, and then emotionally, and then intellectually; wherein we become wise in Messiah Yeshua, as well as the creation (everything). However, the individual's understanding of Love, is the most important thing in a human's existence; it sets the stage for the rest of life, both temporal and eternal.
We who are empowered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit, understand the difference between brain love, and Soul Love or Spirit Love. When we read "the love of money is the root of all evil" we know that this is not the Love that kept Messiah Yeshua on the Cross for all humanity.
Instead, we know that this is the most common emotion that is assigned the word love and yet, it is far from Love; it is lust. Lust has a table full of emotions, all the way from romance to greed, and though they are all the same in essence, they are reacted to differently from person to person. The Love that YHVH has and brings into us, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, gives us the same capacity as YHVH has in Love; that our Love is eternal and unconditional; that it empowers us for self–sacrifice; that it can never end or be taken away.
¶ Greater Love Has None More Than This; To Lay Down Ones Life For Another!
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(John 15 :12–16) Atheistic humans will feel strong emotions (usually romance mating emotions) and then attach the word love to that emotion, and then get married (if it is expected of them to do so). But time will cause those brain chemicals to subside; over time they vacate the brain as they were assigned to a particular outward thing; in this case, ones spouse.
Emotions come and go as outward stimuli affects them (i.e. other humans, animals, money, things), but Love is an entirely different thing than that. It is horrifying to think of myself as limited to such a brain centric process, and yet, for those living in that state of Lovelessness, they are as oblivious to that condition as a person who is mentally retarded; indeed, they are emotionally retarded. I simply cannot un–Love, nor do I even understand how that is possible, until I intellectualize the issue (as I have done here).
Just as I would wish death over living this life mentally retarded, I would evermore wish death, if I did not Love. The very idea of not Loving those I Love, ever, is horrifying: I pray to Adonai my Elohim, always, to never take my Love from me, and that if I ever get to a place in this world, where I do not Love, to take me out of this world right away.
Just as mental retardation is caused by a brain defect, so it is with emotional retardation; the Soul is dormant and thus, incapable of receiving (and then living in) the Love of YHVH via that impartation ; the Indwelling. The human brain is left alone to fend for itself, and so, as it interacts with the World , it hears the words, and then it watches how others use those words, and then it simply mimics the behavior. Children have a greater perspective of Love, because YHVH made all humans with Souls; however, as we get older, the brain grows and we (humans) move farther away from that Soul connection, via our superpower of volition.
Once the brain matures, it must reconnect with that inner child. That need to reconnect (that gradual separation from the child) is due to the human drama that is created around children by the multitudes of Faithless Loveless adults. The anti-Messianic, and Lovelessness, go hand in hand, for without Messiah in us , humans are utterly incapable of Love. Fear is all that remains; thus, people are far more likely to kill to survive, than to die for another.
In the absence of YHVH–Love within, the brain has no choice but to assign the word love to something, or else, confess to self and the world that you live in a state of utter Lovelessness, and few (atheistic) humans are even that mature. Thus, the word love is assigned to endorphin peaks; during copulation, drunkenness and romance, and then in time, dissipates and dies on the proverbial vine.
This shallow (and horrifyingly superficial) experience with love is typically acceptable to the atheistic, for they are Spiritually blind, and so, they must settle for that which they can experience in this life, based on what they have to experience it with, just like a person who is eye blind.
Children are open and trusting at first, but then they witness adult hypocrisy, and then as they understand it, they begin to close the doors to the Soul, and then as adults, they must make a choice as to what to do about it (and why we do not Baptize children, for it will do no good; it is called volition).
Once the Indwelling Holy Spirit inhabits us; jumps into our Soul vessel, we are now tethered to the Creator of the Universe; the Light goes on, and we begin to see everything: Was blind but now I see! When we are directly connected to YHVH by the tether of the Holy Spirit (The Messiah's Soul if you will), we are plugged in to the power cord of the sum universe.
Indeed, we have the Love of YHVH, directly from YHVH, and thus, we become Love; we are capable of Loving others forever (that is Heaven); this is why YHVH will separate the sheep from the goats; the wheat from the tares. Those who cannot Love others here and now will certainly not be able to Love others forever and ever: the math is elementary.
¶ Love Transcends Emotion!
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Indeed, Love makes us emotionally mature. This same brain experience happens with religion as well; multitudes of humans have an emotional experience concerning God/religion/bible, and then assign the word salvation to that emotional experience. But like Love, Salvation is the consequence of YHVH–in–us ; therefore, it is not something that vacillates with time (as do emotions), but indeed, it is a rebirth; a new beginning. Yeshua is Salvation!
Salvation is the result of a metamorphosis, and the evidence of that is not subtle; rather, it is radical (like night versus day). Whenever salvation is emotion centric, is turns out just like love does over time; it deteriorates into a job or a boring social club (thus the need to jazz it up). But Love radically transforms how one lives on Earth.
Though the tithe dependent religion businesses try to keep the emotional stimulation going, be it with cheerleader style services of applause, or by gloom and doom; eventually the world wins out, and they either leave religion, or Spiritually die in the pews. Those who started out on church stages, but were discovered by the atheistic world, are quick to abandon the church stage for the world stage.
Without YHVH–in–us , we are subject to the physical world, and thus, it becomes our all in all; it becomes all we see, hear, smell, taste and touch, and thus, pursue. There is no Spiritual life beyond the emotion experience and the words that are attached (and detached) to those emotions. Thus, church businesses thrive monetarily from emotion stimulation and excitation, both high and low.
Conversely, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, bond relationally with others, now and forever: Those without the Indwelling, fade in short order. However, time is the test of what is emotion centric, and what is Spirit centric (or YHVH–centric). I Love people right now and forever, who long ago, forgot I even exist. They mean everything to me, and I mean nothing to them. True Love is unidirectional; I do not need them to Love me to Love them.
But this is also why this life (corporeality) need not be for hundreds or even thousands of years, for the test of time does not require much time. If you cannot Love for a mere 30 years, it will be an utter impossibility for you to Love unconditionally forever. This is why the religions will teach that we will (somehow) change once we are in Heaven; that we will somehow become Spiritual automatons, and will then Love as we are, by default.
But YHVH is not building an army of "love me" automatons, to appease the human trait of ego. YHVH is assembling a Family; YHVH is watching and recording us, here and now, to see if we will ever Love; if we will, in this life, be able to surrender volitionally; to submit daily to the will of the Holy Spirit, and not our own.
Humans do not change in character after (physical) death, we only change in nature. Once we prove ourselves to YHVH in the small things, YHVH will then, give us greater things; Himself. And then eternal life begins, even now! (Luke 16 :10–16 & 19:17)
The anti-Messianic religious are blind, and thus, they see YHVH as Santa Claus who, if they are good, will get more toys. Thus, religion centers on this pathetic need to have more things; to show off to the other humans how god likes them more; how much more important they are than "those other" humans. Some protesters even think that Spiritual gifts are the measure of the man: They are not!
¶ The More You Know, The Less You Need!
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Note how humans differ in their understanding of another single word: Pride, a learned behavior and mentality. But pride is sin; pride is the end consequence of a atheistic Soul; the evidence that no humility or contentment exists; indeed, that no Love exists, because YHVH is not with them or in them. Humans who are prideful are (likewise) oblivious to that state of being.
In that state of oblivion, the prideful are the opposite of those who are humble; who are complete in Messiah Yeshua. In the YHVH economy, all pride must be crushed and as dust at the foot of the Cross. In the atheistic world, pride is a good thing; a positive attribute.
Consequently, they use the word pride in positive connotations: I am proud of my successes; I take pride in my work; I want others to be proud of me; I am proud of my country; gay pride; and so on. Pride is ego; and, it reveals a certain desperation for self acknowledgment.
Note also the thread of us–against–themism and primate paranoia theme, indicative of all anti-Messianic. The prideful will read this right now, and yet, not understand what is being communicated, beyond what emotions they feel (now) in this reading. They are led by emotions and pride greatly impacts emotions.
Pride reigns in the absence of Messiah–in–us; thus, prideful people are not teachable; they are falsely self–assured and thus arrogant; they rely on the opinions of others to a fault. They place high value on worldly validations such as educational credentials, or wealth accumulation; they expect everyone else to value the things they value; money, property, employment, machines, and so on.
Those who live a Messiah centered life, will focus solely on what YHVH thinks of them, not mortals (no, not any other created thing). Consequently, they do not seek positions, possessions, or other "outward" things that seemingly add substance and purpose to their existence: Nor are they slave to any one thing (food abuse, substance abuse, self–abuse) that eventually manifests physically; that bears fruit, which defines the true nature of the tree fruit that we all can visually observe (Matt 7 :15–20).
Matthew Henry wrote this in his commentary on the book of James (James 2 :26): The best works without faith are dead. It is by faith that anything we do is really good, as done with an eye to Elohim in obedience to Him. The most plausible profession of faith without works is dead, as the root is dead when it produces nothing green, nothing of fruit. Faith is the root, good works are the fruits, and we must see to it that we have both.
Notwithstanding, what the religion businesses must do, is to redefine fruit; hence we have speaking in tongues (easily faked), and the teachings that all boil down to (and end up with) you giving them money. They can fake some strange talk as their proof of Spiritual impartation (which is always demonic), but they will live and die, not living anywhere near the Messianic Cross.
No matter how the message (and the bible) is prostituted, the business of religion is self–evident. But again, the blind cannot see, even though they can know; the blind are not dead, they are just blind. The blind experience life, just as we all do, except that they can be easily tricked, exploited, and lead; easily hurt by others.
The Protestants have little soundbites like: "christians are not perfect, just forgiven." In fact: You are perfect (Matt 5 & 19; Luke 6 ), or, you will perish eternally: Darkness . The presence of the Holy Spirit within a mortal's own Soul (the Indwelling Holy Spirit), radically alters the very consciousness, the mentality of the person, but , in direct proportion to that person's volition. You and I always have all the control; it is daily dying indeed (Luke 9 :23–27).
All humans thirst and hunger; I do, you do, everyone does. The Living Water, Bread of Life; that is how YHVH quenches that thirst and hunger, replacing ambition with peace. However, YHVH only sets it down in front of us; we must pick it up and eat/drink it! Get it? It is not a church service ritual. I (alone) have control over how much room the Holy Spirit will have within me, not the other way around. I decide the extent the Holy Spirit can work in and through me: honoring human volition (our superpower) is a delicate balance for YHVH.
¶ YHVH–Love: Prerequisite To Spiritual Sight!
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That is the complexity of volition; YHVH is there, and yet, not to control, but to abide. We must pick up our cross daily; we must surrender our will unto YHVH by surrendering our volition completely; freely. Do not get too caught up in the over thinkers views here; there is only One Creator. The reason it is important for you to believe the assessments found in their theology, doctrine, creed or ordnance, has less to do with these human created laws, and more to do with a willingness to hand over the power to them: This is the sin–evil of human centered authoritarianism.
Salvation is a consequence, not a confession. A human can make an altar call every weekend of their existence on the planet, professing Jesus as Lord and Savior daily, and yet, at the stopping of their heart muscle, be cast into outer darkness for the remainder of this timeline. Blindness is to be blind; it is impossible to see, to understand or comprehend light when your eyes are broken. The Messiah Scriptures refer to the disciples of Messiah Yeshua; the chosen ones, the Elect, the called out ones, the set apart, and so on.
Conversely; the lost, the blind, the reprobate, the worldly, and finally, those intentionally blinded (or drugged) by YHVH so that they cannot see (1Ti 4 :1–2): Why? Because they have volition (volition is our superpower), but more importantly, because they will have volition forever; volition is eternal. The great abyss of Darkness is to protect the innocent, not to punish the indifferent; they will suffer from the sum of self, being rerun forever.
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit does not result in YHVH usurping human volition (that is impossible). Volition is the number one most powerful function in the Universe. YHVH gave humans a power that is greater than the power of YHVH; that is John 3 :16 in a nutshell: It is the supreme Will of YHVH, Creator of the Universe, that no human created by YHVH, will perish (Matt 18 :10–14).
To prove that, YHVH became a mortal ― our precious Adonai, Messiah Yeshua ― and died tortuously as an innocent, to be that final sacrificial Lamb; to demonstrate the resolve of YHVH to save all, by becoming the Propitiation Vessel, subsequently demonstrating what True Love represents. True Love is exhibited comprehensively upon the Messianic Cross.
Every human can be Saved, and yet, Messiah Yeshua said that only a fraction will traverse Narrow Way (Matt 7 :13–14); the key word here is will; free will; human volition; but more specifically, pride. No one goes to hell because they are a sinner; all sin is forgivable upon pure repentance; all sin (every act forever) has already been paid for on the Messianic Cross; the debt of sin is over: It is finished!
Ego–pride–emotion is that impenetrable wall that prevents humans from confessing that they are wrong to begin with. Pride is the great barrier between humans and their Maker/Creator. Only pride; that stubborn pride; that mile thick solid pride wall that prevents people from a sincere, humble, unconditional surrender unto the actual Lordship of Messiah Yeshua; that wall which separates them from YHVH, and thus, all the blessings and fruits that spill over from that Union; and no, money has zero to do with any of this!
Church attendance is like every other gathering; it is a form of socialization; a flesh fest; peacocking ; a way to meet others with the goal of finding a (short or long–term) mate, or upgrading from the current one. That is what all human socialization is, anywhere but under the Cross. What church businesses are not, is a congregation of the Elect of YHVH, communing for the service of/to one another, and those in greatest need first in the local society.
Pride is often considered a personality trait, but it is a character trait: to act humble is rather easy; to be humble is not. Humility results in intelligence because the humble are open at all times to learn; and they do. But the pride–conquered are arrogant, no matter how well rehearsed their staged personality is.
They grow intellectually very slowly, and thus, they cloak their ignorance within their pride: The Holy Spirit is repelled and repulsed by this (Pro 8 :13; 11:2; 13:10; 14:3; 16:5,18; 29:23). They spend most of their life, well trained at justifying ignorance, rather than learning and maturating; first mentally, and most noticeable, emotionally: this is the end fruit of the anti-Messianic.
Emotional maturation is manifest (or revealed and exposed) in self–esteem. But the atheistic spend the bulk of their earthly existence chasing after their own ego; a human vessel that is so full of holes; so damaged that it can never be filled; never be satisfied.
The blind can only lead the blind; this discontentment is so obvious that only those blinded by it (and to it), cannot see it in the self, or see it in others. But the matured among the Elect of YHVH pick it up almost right away. The damaged ego is fruit–evidence to look for in others; Satan faithfully rewards the egos and emotions of the compliant.
¶ This Life Is An Exhibition Of Who We Will Be In Eternity!
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This life is the tryout; a test; an exhibition; an experiment; a sample; and, it is far more than that. Can you be Heavenly for a few decades? If not, you cannot and will not be eternally. The kingdom of Elohim is within you, right now, or not (Luke 17 ). If you suffer, right now, from controlism, or territorialism, competitivism, or adversarialism, authoritarianism, consumerism, or summarily dominion ; any of these become the evidence that you have not been born–again: Cultural conformation, not Spiritual metamorphosis.
And all religion is cultural. It means that one has not yet surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and died to this life; primarily to one's ego and pride, by placing all addictions, self–interest, and personal desires, unto the foot of the Cross, prostrate before YHVH, seeking wholeheartedly to be a new creation.
Church membership or self–beliefs are irrelevant to YHVH, and indeed even a distraction. We must be born again; it is not a pet slogan that we say; it is the total, utter, eternally enduring, Soul transformation, of your very being ... or not!
The Indwelling fills every part of the inner person. No longer are we leaky vessels; weak and unfulfilled; we get our all and all from YHVH–in–us (now and forever). When we succumb to Messiah Yeshua, we are broken and beautiful; we are the potters vessel rebuilt as a glorious restoration project. We do not merely receive the Holy Spirit in us, we then become Love: YHVH is Love.
Love is witnessed also, in the Love of self: It is not about narcissism (as Satan was/is), but about a healthy Love of self; the exact same Love YHVH has for us; the same beauty YHVH sees in us. The atheistic and the anti-Messianic religious, serve the flesh, not with self–Love, but with self–loathing, which manifests in many ways, including self–superiority, hypocrisy, and self–righteousness. The inability to see ones own sin–evil, is (itself) proof of Spiritual vacuity .
Know this please: You are a precious creation of YHVH with an eternal Soul of incalculable worth. Please do not cheapen that! Those who Love self as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, do not try to change that precious gift; they do not color their hair or skin, get tattoos or other body art; indeed, the true art is seen in what YHVH uniquely created from the womb. Those born with functional abnormalities, such as a cleft lip, would be exempt from this. This is about vanity (i.e. cosmetic surgery): It is blind followship.
But among the greatest of open and willing sins, is that of the YHVH Monetizers , who take money for our Heavenly Father (professional religionists), or anything created by YHVH for all of us, such as hydrocarbons or other natural planetary resources. But the most heartbreaking of all, is when humans sell themselves (or other humans) for Satans unrighteous Mammon .
The atheistic (which includes the anti-Messianic religious; the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized; the anti-Messiahs ); they are not contented or satisfied with anything (or anyone); all the more dissatisfied with the self, as the temple of YHVH. The atheistic are insecure, unstable and have no self–esteem (esteem exists or not, there are no lows or highs), except those with culturally derived exceptional looks, and even then, many will not see the beauty that others see in them (physically). Why? Because there are no "hot and sexy" centenarians. One day we will all look into the mirror at an old person.
How many of the rich and famous have we witnessed, dying from drug overdoses, or who get dangerous cosmetic surgery's to make the self even more alluring; to be desired; to keep up with the beautiful people; to stave off aging? You see, this was exactly what Satan did with YHVH in that celestial battleground all those millennia ago: This Spiritual battle rages on, to this day; played out in you and me, if allowed. The beautiful people do great in the secular world; is that your living testimony? Lookism ?
Evil manifests itself in relational abandonment; in self–superiority; in the craving desire to be worshiped and adored by others; in keeping up with the rest. This is why humans seek wealth and beauty; to be powerful, admired, desired and respected by other humans. But they do so, to their eternal peril, and why humanity needed Messiah Yeshua.
What is worse; they age and become old looking, way too fast. But in vanity, looks and youth is all they are; it is what and who they are. Some die just to stay young, or because they are depressed for not being the youth they once were. Their very existence and reason for living, all centers on their pride–ego–emotion. All the subsequent medical intervention to extend beauty and youth, is embarrassing and sad to witness.
The disciples of Messiah, bask in the fullness of Messiah Yeshua: We get our ego from YHVH, our esteem from YHVH, our self–worth from YHVH. We need NO outward accolades; no outward compliments; no human (external) affirmations whatsoever. We are complete in Him; indeed, we are overflowing: Living Water, Bread of Life !
Conversely, the atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, seek to be filled within, from without: They thirst but are never quenched. This is what leads to, and causes, what is referred to as External Validation . This is why people, still trapped in sociocultural plagiarism, will copy those around them; why the tragedies of life, such as the ravages caused by the devotion to Mammon ; to the Car Cult ; to the heinous gun cult; to mass consumerism ; and all other forms of hunger that drives the Faithless Loveless masses.
For those of us who Love the atheistic, we are just a disposable cup that they take a sip from, and then discard; a steppingstone on a path that (ultimately) leads to a dead end. But you see, with YHVH–in–us it is impossible to un–Love, for Love is the great mystery unto the Faithless Loveless masses (churched or not); they cannot fathom continuing to Love someone they have already enemized , objectified, villainized , abused, consumed, used or discarded. They have justified the act of relational abandonment, and that person (that now object) cannot be anything but discard to them.
¶ One Cannot Love YHVH, Separate From People!
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We Love YHVH through other people; there is no way to Love the incorporeal, once we understand Love (John 1 :18; 1Jo 4 :10–13). I repeat again: Love is a verb; the tree is known by its fruit: We Are What We Do And No More! Yeshua said: If you Love Me, keep My commandments! Not, if you Love Me give Me affection or money (or ?)!
Those who make themselves busy with the world, will not have time to Love and serve the brethren. Those who get too busy in ministry, will not have time to bond with those YHVH brings into their path. YHVH gives us humans, only so much earthly time, and then it is over. And the "holy bible" teaches us nothing; it is not Holy, it is human made; it is a guide book, inspired to influence us; YHVH The Great Influencer!
We learn from it that heaven and earth shall pass away; the only thing that is eternal is the human Soul. The only thing Holy on Earth are His Temple . And the only thing worth investing our time into, are other human Souls. All that we do here on Earth is to Love and serve and bond with other disciples of Messiah Yeshua; to share the Love of YHVH–in–us , with unbelievers, as fate provides clear opportunities to do so. Our witness is our lifestyle.
If anything gets in the way of the bonding fellowship, we have missed the point; the Love of the brethren. For all Messianic disciples, fellowship is a trillion dollar business; it is a priority. If our prayer gets in the way of our fellowship, one to another, who then are we praying to? If our worship separates us from the beloved, who then do we worship? We do not (and cannot) Love YHVH, separate from people; we Love YHVH in and through people.
The Holy Spirit is YHVH; that Spirit abides in all disciples of Messiah. You cannot get any closer to YHVH, and YHVH cannot (physically) get any nearer to you, than when I am standing next to you; indeed, when anyone conquered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit is standing next to anyone else (Matt 18 :18–20).
It is the supreme will of YHVH that zero humans remain atheistic; unresurrected (John 3 :16–18); however, the Messiah Scriptures also expose to us, the sobering "math of the Messiah" (Matt 7 :13–23; Luke 13 :24–28; John 3:19–21).
YHVH created us all to live in unity with Him, proving that in an earthly unity/community with one another (John Seventeen ). However, YHVH made us in His image, and that image was not about our physical bodies or appearance or gender; it was about our Sapience ; our volition as our superpower: YHVH gave us temporal beings the power to make eternal decisions about the fate of self.
YHVH will not Spiritually resurrect a bunch of Spiritual automatons or mindless drones. YHVH wants us to want YHVH, and, based on our own power to choose; our true desire for Adonai our Elohim, independent of outward influences. Therefore, corporeality is all about that human superpower: Volition. True Love is produce of surrender.
However, the dread of life and the source of all depression and inner turmoil, is to live, knowing that false love is not enough. It is horrifying to go on, limited and confined to the emotional peaks of the primal–carnal human; the short term, fleeting and shallow love that primal–carnal lust gets labeled, both in the mind and upon the lips.
It is that trap, which drives the atheistic to the brink of internal (and then eternal) death, and it is that internal death that works its way outwardly, as time marches on, relentlessly; hence, the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized now overwhelming Earth, here in the Eschaton.
As age and mortality draws closer, the verbal speaking of the word love will increase, and at the same time as its meaning decreases, eventually into oblivion. The atheistic hear themselves saying it over and over, but they know deep deep down, that it is empty words; mere sound like noise (1Co 13 :1); this reality slowly drains the Soul. It explains why the Spiritually lost are desperate to unload on their death bed, but by then it is already far too late for most.
¶ Word Of Oath; Vow Of Love!
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Elohim is powerless to make anyone Love. YHVH can alter a person's brain, or intervene in one's corporeal course; YHVH can change the arraignment of the Cosmos, but YHVH cannot do everything or anything. YHVH has awesome powers; even beyond our own Earthly comprehension, but the one thing YHVH cannot do, is to alter our will; human volition is our superpower; our likeness unto YHVH.
Adonai our Elohim gave us mere mortals a power that even YHVH cannot override; if it were so, it would not be volition at all. YHVH gave us another awesome power; the power of our word; our vow; our oath (Matt 12 :31–37; Matt 16 :18–19).
When we say the words I love you , this is a publicly proclaimed vow or oath: With it, we are either honoring or blaspheming YHVH: To say I love you , and then not Loving ― in action ― is anathema; abomination; accursed; an unforgivable sin–evil. It is to (proverbially) spit upon the Indwelling Holy Spirit (Matt 12 :31–33); it is to mock our Master, Messiah Yeshua, and all mocking is just a form of bullying. Your word is an oath; say it and mean it or do not say it (Matt 5 :33–37; James 5 :12; Gal 6 :7–9; Jude 1 :17–19; Ecc 5 :4–7). Remember, YHVH is Love (and thus, Love is YHVH); hence, we can also say it this way: I YHVH you, or I Messiah you!
The Law of Love is a commandment, not an option; you either Love everyone, or you will perish, and no matter how my professions of "faith" you proclaim, or how many church services or bible studies you attend. We as the future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim; we Love everyone exactly the same, and therefore, we will let YHVH sort it all out, on Judgment Day.
We are not called to judge, nor are we qualified for Judging ; we are commanded only to Love. If a person cannot Love ― completely; indiscriminately; unconditionally ― any one individual, for a mere 7 decades, they cannot (and will not) Love, 7 million others for 7 quintillion decades (i.e. ∞ Matt 25 ).
To summarize: the Love of YHVH has ample evidence, and it is as simple and observable as this ― True Love never ends & false love always ends ― and time (eventually and always) exposes which one it is. Love is always enough; it is overwhelmingly fulfilling; it is literally everything, and it is anything and everything else that falls short or that fails us. Lower case love can suck; Love cures all and conquers all!
True Love manifests in action and inaction only (Love is a verb); false love manifests in words alone: i.e. saying I love you! all the time, while living in a state of complete Lovelessness (or even a conceptualization of what Love even is), and from adulthood until death, and then beyond the grave; from Judgment Day and on into the eternal abyss of outer Darkness .