¶ Lawyers Are Not Advocates For Moral Justice; They Are Agents For Amoral Profits!
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There will not be one Heaven destined human, if left unrepentant and unchanged from their current path, who was an attorney or lawyer, during this life; nor a politician (Herod), nor a militant, nor a usury profiteer (mammon servants). These human invented social roles were spun, right out of the proverbial fire pits of Gehenna, and were only made possible by Satan's Mammon centered monetary systems: Beware the Monetizers ! The Elect of YHVH live on Earth in an entirely different way: The Way !
Messiah Yeshua came onto Earth in Human form, at a time and place very much intentional; understanding that context is everything. Today, here in the predestined Eschaton Era, the Faithless–Loveless represent the sheer bulk of the accountable adult human race (Matt 7 :13–14).
Therefore, civil law must exist on a large scale (1Pe 2 :9–20), but also (and contrarily) as a living testimony of the volitional dignity that define the Elect of YHVH . The problem of course is always this: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who watches the watchers? Who police the police? Who judges the judge? In this world, money is the only guide.
In other words, since the bulk of the human species are Faithless–Loveless and thus corrupted by Satan daily; incapable of doing the right thing in all possible situations, they therefore, must be told what to do, and what not to do, and then forced to obey if needed; hence, enforcement. But Satan's people are oblivious to Justice as Fairness .
Civil or social law must exist, in effect, to (en) force the Loveless masses, to do what they would only do, if they were Love. However, because the bulk of the human species, will live and die in a state of utter Lovelessness, and for most, without even a concept of what YHVH Love even is, these people must be compelled to do, what Love would compel them to do, without any outside force.
Social law was originally about protecting the makers from the takers; punishing the thieves for taking, without manual Labor , the fruits of the farmers and builders and makers of all simple things. All sedentary lifestyles are sin, as open violators of the Temple .
Nonetheless, when the bulk of a society are corrupted ― and money corrupts everything as the root of all evil ― even the hireling benefactors of the Justice System Judicial Industry are more deviously corrupted than the criminals they prosecute! Who then, watches the watchers? Just so you know, the answer is YHVH! Every thought and action are being recorded in detail. Everything hidden will be made known to all; there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be made known! (Matt 10 ; 1Co 4 1–5; Eccl 12 :14).
Which (human) courts of law could you go to, so that you can prove that the courts of law (themselves) are unjust? This is why law fails, has long failed, and so miserably. Courts that allow money to be involved, in any way, are as compromised as it is humanly possible; they become monetary dispensers; theaters for fiction, rather than respectable institutions dispensing true Justice. This is why the capitalism of the capitalistic, metastasized the globe, via colonialism , dragging the bible and Satan's theology along with it: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
In a culture of Social Justice , many things would be far different than it is, within the money–as–god societies of the Mammon servants. Mercy is a verb; an actionable service to protect people from themselves; those who are slightly mentally ill or just stupid; they (and their victims) are not considered worthy of protection.
Why? Because it is far more profitable to set them loose on society, tell these monkey–see–monkey–do, drones and followers that it is freedom, and allow them to haplessly create enormous amounts of havoc upon the citizenry: The Judicial Industry monetary benefactors, love it and profit from them doing so. Mercy would be to institutionalize them until they can be cured of whatever mental anomalies are compelling them to be loud or violent or destructive (e.g. the Car Cult and the Gun Cult), or have a proclivity to any of the byproducts, seen in the cowardice of machismo .
There are many levels of consequences from this societal bondage; for allowing the stupid to infect others; it is chaos and suffering. We can see and measure this in just about everything experienced, in all Mammon centered cultures. From loud transportation machines that cause a nonstop level of stress upon everyone all the time, to the sum of the Car Cult itself, which will be the cause of the end of the human species: The Car Cult can also be referred to as the ongoing war!
But capitalists are capitalists, exactly because they are first and foremost, the devout servants of Satan, and led daily by Satan's trillion demon army, who go from generation to generation, passing down the Spiritual infections that plague the human species. They possess most humans, to shorten lifespans which lessen the time they will have to seek YHVH Truth; to get people deeply committed to, deeply involved in, and fully absorbed by the World ; this blink–of–a–blink, time–period of the temporal.
¶ The Judicial Industry Is A Consumer $ Service!
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Long ago, the wealth–class, via their Judicial Industry Economic products, replaced corporal punishment with monetary punishment, then labeled that act civilized; that gave it an air of legitimacy and fairness. But this was necessary because, as abject cowards and weakened by sedentary living, the wealth–class knew they would not survive a beating.
But more importantly, they believe they were/are gods (among men), so they naturally assumed that corporal punishment should be restricted to lesser men. Living in denial of how they got wealthy to begin with, which is typically inherited wealth, they think that family money equates to personal supremacy. But all wealth–hoardings are ill–gotten gain, for it is nearly impossible to amass large sums of money by sweat Labor .
The wealth–class understood that monetary fines were something they could pay, avoiding both corporal and imprisonment punishments. Those fine amounts were set by wealth–class judges and others from the attorney–based clubs; they keep them low enough that these White Collar criminals will not be impacted too much, maintaining lavish lifestyles. A million dollar fine seems harsh to everyone except those who have many millions already. And they can hoard dollars via Satan's economic system of exploitation.
In a true Justice System, capitalism would be an impossibility. It is only because of mortifying corrupt men, who that have such a prostituted concept of justice; they built systems, both political and judicial, using the playbook of Satan, to create the sociocultures that now plague the West, and metastasized globally. The Eschaton Era is the dystopia it is today, because of them; it will degrade until Earth is incapable of healthfully supporting mammalian life.
There is no connection whatsoever, with Torah Law, and the secular Judicial Industry and its monetary productions spun by the Law-lords . Yet, the trickster profiteers of all things "God" (all organized religion, its religionists, and its consumerist productions), will market the theologically prostituted idea that secular law is to be written and enforced by "good Christians" in a secular society. Why? Because my brother and fellow disciple, wrote in a letter to the Koinonia (later canonized by catholic monks), summarizing Torah in this way, as an exposition and an exhortation:
Now, the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned, from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling, desiring to be teachers of the Torah; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. But we know that the Torah is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: Torah was not made for the righteous, but for the lawless and disobedient; for the unrighteous and for sinners; for the unholy and profane; for murderers of fathers and mothers; for manslaughter ; for whoremongers ; for those that defile themselves with the same gender; for enslavers; for liars; for perjured persons; and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious Torah of the blessed Elohim, which was committed to my trust. And I thank Messiah Yeshua our Lord, who has enabled me, in that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. Before, I was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious. But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (1Ti 1:5–13) {cf. Rom 7 & 8; Rev 21 :8}
Then came unto Him the Sadducees , which say there is no resurrection, and they asked Him, saying: Master, Moses wrote unto us: If a man's brother die and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, his brother should take his wife and raise up offspring unto his brother. Now, there were seven brothers, and the first took a wife, and dying left no offspring. And the second took her, and died, neither left he any offspring, and the third likewise. Finally, all seven had her, but left no offspring. Last of all the woman died also. In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? For the seven had her as a wife! But Yeshua answering, said unto them:
Do you not therefore, err, because you know not the scriptures, neither the power of Elohim? For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels, which are in Heaven. And as touching the dead, that they rise; have you not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush, Elohim spoke unto him saying: I Am the El of your father; the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Adonai is not the Elohim of the dead, but of the living! You therefore, do greatly err! (Mark 12:18–27) {cf. Exo 3 :6,15}
Behold, a chief lawyer stood up and tempted Him , saying: Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him: What is written in the Torah? How do you read it? And he answering said: You shall Love Adonai your Elohim with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself! So He said unto him: You have answered right! These do, and you shall live! But he, wanting to justify himself, said unto Yeshua: And who is my neighbor? (Luke 10:25–29)
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! Being money lovers, all the Pharisees also, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts. For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim! (Luke 16:13–15)
¶ There Is Only Going To Be One Just Judge On Earth!
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What my Rabbi Master is communicating here is this; there are other commandments/laws, but they have no meaning also, because if you Love , you will always be aligned with Adonai Elohim; our Heavenly Father, YHVH; you will always be righteous, even if/when the results of Love acts do not produce the desired effect; the sower can only sow (1Co 3 ). My Master died for all humanity, and yet, will only Save a few (Matt 7 :13–14).
We are being tested as volition super powered individuals, just like when humans go through sometimes grueling physical tests to see if an individual can endure physically. That is why this life is random and unscripted; why we are being watched and recorded, as evidence for Judgment Day (see Judging ). It is all to see if we can endure unto the end (Matt 24 :13); for those few who commit to being a disciple of Messiah Yeshua, the test endures with each and every generation, until His return (John 6 :66). Why the test?
Is that not works righteousness? No! Works righteousness is specifically religious in nature; that one can attend church services regularly, or pay tithes, or attend bible studies or camps, or pray so many hours daily, or some (any) other ritual or tradition or celebration, which will hopefully appease the wrath of almighty Elohim. James covered this well.
Salvation is His name; Name Above All Names . Messiah Yeshua pays the obstacle of the sin debt, present even before I was born; I am now freed from it, even of all future sin. In that "made righteous now" state, Ruach HaKodesh can occupy my Soul, and work in and through me, in the corporeal.
But this eternal Soul recruitment paradigm, is happening because it is a very big universe out there, with much going on, and YHVH needs (us) trustworthy and unmonitored workmen; Messianic disciples! Religion itself is just an assembly of preachers who never Labor ; they teach and believe that religious collaboration and enablement, and religious consumerism and consumption, will save people: Religious rites, rituals, traditions, ceremonies, holidays and so on, wherein money is exchanged: Services! It is what the Pharisees of my Masters first century world, thought like, and peddled as well (Matt 21 :8–13).
Adonai Elohim is Creator of all, and sustains it all via natural laws. The only laws that come directly from YHVH, are the laws of the physical realm; the sum of the scientific laws . All written words were penned by humans, and are therefore subject to the manifold influences of those many volitional humans. But YHVH laws are unmistakable and undeniable (e.g. the laws of matter, motion and time); indeed, all the laws that govern the corporeal . To believe only in the corporeal, is itself a manifestation of narrow mindedness.
YHVH is not a corporeal Being, and evidently cannot enter into the corporeal realm (John 1 :18; 1Jo 4 :12). This is why YHVH had to appear unto Moses in the form of a burning bush; why apparitions or other incorporeal manifestations are peppered throughout scripture, but with no discernible form; that is, until YHVH took on human flesh and walked among us, and we call Him Salvation: Messiah Yeshua; our Adonai Elohim in Person. He died mercilessly on the Cross to atone for each and every sin ever committed by humanity, ever; and yet, the Savior Messiah as the future and only qualified Judge, will be saying this:
Yeshua answered and said unto him: Amen, amen, I say unto you; except a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of YHVH! Nicodemus said unto Him: How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb and be born? Yeshua answered: Amen, amen, I say unto you; unless one is born of water * and then of the Spirit, they cannot enter into the Kingdom of YHVH! That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is the Soul.
Marvel not that I said unto you: You must be born again! The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound thereof, but can not tell where it comes, and where it goes: so is everyone that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto Him: How can these things be? Yeshua answered and said unto him: Are you a master of Israel and know not these things? Amen, amen, I say unto you; we speak what we do know, and testify what we have seen; yet you do not receive our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not; how shall you believe if I tell you of Heavenly things? And no one has yet ascended up to Heaven, but He that came down from Heaven; the Son of Man which is in Heaven. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believes Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Elohim so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Adon, so that whoever believes Him, would not perish, but have everlasting life. For Elohim sent not Adonai into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved. Those that believe Him are not condemned; but those that do not believe, are condemned already, because they have not believed in the Name of the only begotten Adon of Elohim. And this is the condemnation; that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light; neither will come to the light, lest their deeds should be exposed. But those that do truth, comes into the light so their deeds may be made manifest; that they are performed by Elohim! (John 3:3–21)
Enter in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it: Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it! Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves: You shall know them by their fruits! Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you shall know them!
Not everyone that says unto Me: Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me on that Day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you! Depart from Me, you that work iniquity.* (Matt 7:13–23)
¶ The Mask of Personality Cannot Long Obscure The Acts Of Character!
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To simply "believe in Jesus" is meaningless sloganeering; everyone believes in something or someone. There is no Romans Road, only Narrow Way and Broadway. If your deeds, intentions or actions, are deemed as evil by YHVH, you have shown forth your true character (Matt 11 ; Rom 2 ). Self-beliefs are too often delusional; personality is a mask; a show mastered to hide a persons character. Being trapped in the tiny box of ones own ego, is not just superficial, it is horrifying, unless it is all one has known.
For way too long, men used their physical power, or their social or political power, or their monetary power, over women, in order to gain the sexual affections of women who would not otherwise pick them as a mate. And the same basic process happens with children: anti-Messianic men, operate via money, monetization, manipulation, and finally molestation.
Only our fruits or inaction and actions, exposes our integrity or the lack thereof (1Co 13 :1–3). Why would Adonai Elohim, resurrect people and place their eternal Soul into bodies that cannot die, if all they will do is more of what they have already demonstrated, during this Earth experiment? Damage, destruction, consumerism, excess, and self abuse. Now imagine such people many times more empowered, and living eternally! Terrifying!
Even an atheistic court Judge will not set a proven and convicted pedophile, free, simply because they display remorse and repent to the Judge for their acts of molestation; they are depraved and cannot be free, even though they desperately want it. Why? Because they will sin again, and they prove that with and in their lifestyle. They justify, not repent! Repentance is to stop doing, not to start talking! The physical proof of true repentance ?
Yeshua called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them and said: Verily I say unto you; except you are converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. And who so shall receive one such little child in My name, receives Me. But who so shall offend one of these little ones, which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes.
Therefore if your hand or your foot offends you, cut them off and cast them from you: It is better for you to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting fire. And if your eye offends you, pluck it out, and cast it from you: It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, and be cast into the fires of Gehenna. Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto you; that in Heaven their Angels do always behold the face of My Father, which is in Heaven. For the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost. (Matt 18:2–11)
The fires of Gehenna burned always! So it was assumed to be better for the pedophile to be castrated, or commit suicide; that proverbial millstone necklace, which was/is to prevent themselves from ever actually doing such a death–deserving act. Likewise, a medically unnecessary abortion would be an abomination unto YHVH. Out of sight for the Spiritually blinded, sure, but YHVH sees all, and thus by extension, so do all us mere mortals, who are nurtured under the Messianic Cross of our Adonai, El of all creation.
The message in the text is rather clear: it is better to have one chance in a thousand, than none at all. We humans like to convince ourselves that we will do this or that, in any given situation; however, what we think we might do, or not do, is irrelevant: We Are What We Do And No More ! You will do or not do, what you have already done or not done.
Humans are only a compilation of actions, which includes inaction; we are not what we say or think or believe about ourselves. What we do, now, is just an adaptation of what we would do in a collective (e.g. the Car Cult ); or in a crisis.
¶ I Think; Therefore I Am, A Victim!
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Most people cast themselves as some lone victim who cannot help themselves, because they were born into it, and now they have to fight the rest of us, in that perpetual victim status. They do not know (or do not want to know) that almost everyone has to deal with one issue or another, in this life. Corporeality is an exercise in mercilessness! Just wait until you are really old for more personalized subject data.
Consequently, as a part of the victim paradigm, they like to challenge others with: Do you have my affliction? No! So you cannot understand my trials! Woe is me! Therefore, new words were created (hopefully to be added later somewhere) to expand the list of English words on this topic, atop victimized and victimization: victimhood, victimship, victimism, victimist, victimizer, and victimizationist.
Making ones self a benefactor of the victim class, is at the root of Victimism . The victimist is always a victim; they may never claim this as such, outwardly, but that is their mindset or mentality. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before a victimist will experience victimization; it must happen! Just being on Earth, a victimist is always ready to be victimized. Consequently, the victimist is ever ready to expose all the attacks that come just from living on Earth, surrounded always and by villains.
Victims prove their internal struggles with victimship, by casting themselves always as the hero; a hero who is forever in a struggle for good against the forces of evil. And they do this publicly; they protest against all the evil governments (throughout time and culture); against those "others" who are simply, not them! In their mentality, they are victims of all sorts of things, but in reality, they participate in corrupt systems that they rail against, and become their collaborators.
In the victim paradigm, the others are always the flawed ones; always a step (or more) behind them. The victim is always and forever a victim; always self portrayed as the good guy. Consequently, their perpetual worldview is that of them positioned, as the always good one, and thus everyone else around them, are potentially or actually, the bad ones; those in the wrong. It is just a matter of degrees for them.
If the other does not align with everything that is confined in the victims head, they are cast as the villain in their own minds. And villains must be ignored, or destroyed if necessary. Can you see deeper into this proverbial rabbit hole to see where this could lead?
Everything they believe in, is righteousness and truth, and if anyone disagrees with them, they are of course wrong, and now, the victimists must suffer evermore, as they endure the wrongness of "them". Self-righteousness is not only evil, it is demented and can even lead to insanity.
Christianization and victimization go hand in hand; Christians are also self appointed victims, but cloaked in a righteous looking facade. They pretend to endure the evil world all around them (they they are actually collaborators in); they "pray" for their enemies; not genuinely though; in reality, they prey on them! They participate in Satan's politics, and then exact their cloaked victim status onto that political arena.
We see a lot of victimist examples, with things like War Memorials; the enemies are always the bad guys and "we" are always the good guys, and so, wars are about "we" being the agents of good, who sacrificed for others on our side of the proverbial and literal map lines, made by these prisoners of geography . All nation/states have War Memorials and other human praise and worship Monuments.
"We" on this side, are the victim turned victor heroes of "them" as the Goliath like villains on the other side (those who are not here to boast with such memorials). Unfortunate for the Broadway masses, this kind of self-justification will only validate such murderousness and human slaughter, on this side of eternity . In reality, the greatest victim on this planet, was Messiah Yeshua; 100% innocent and still paid the ultimate price. We, as the Elect of YHVH, know painfully, how He responded to it all: Father forgive them!
Whatever a person's own issues may be, it may, or it may not be, an unnatural issue; some bodily bent in the wrong direction. Still, it is life challenges that we are each faced with, of one kind or another, either to overcome, or to be overcome by; regardless, it is an issue of volition every time! Our biological reason for being, is procreation, not meaningless self-indulgence. We volition to honor the Temple , or not; we Love self through self-discipline, not self-indulgence (Eph 5 :28–30).
But when an entire society enables and even promotes the villain/victim/victor paradigm, making heroes out of self-created victims, the number of victims, must and will escalate and sometimes dramatically; it becomes a popular social role to be in, as well as a personality product to market for mammon. Unfortunately, the stress level created by this self-induced victim state, is itself, what ends up being most unhealthy to such individuals. But worst of all, it detracts from the true victims of corporeality.
Lifestyle is the one and only barometer and compass and benchmark, which YHVH will be using on Judgment Day. When you live in true living Faith (Heb 11 ); that is, when you know without a doubt that this life is not all there is, and that we are here (on Earth) to see YHVH truth, and to shape our character unto that YHVH truth, and to train ourselves for life eternal, disregarding this life in the doing; that is what YHVH is looking for in assembling an eternal family of coworkers: i.e. the future resurrected Saints.
For just one example among dozens: No Love conquered human on Earth, owns or operates a car (no, not one). It is not that participation in theCar Cult will doom a person's Soul unto outer Darkness ; scripture does not outright say: thou shalt not own cars! It is just that those destined unto that darkness, will therefore blindly partake in the Car Cult. Such acts (by themselves) do not doom people; instead, doomed people act and live, as the destined worldly that they truly are; they are the World , churched or not.
A person must first be Loveless to (then) justify partaking in the Car Cult, because it is just an extension of a persons devotion to serving money or mammon; it is also an open expression and demonstration of indifference: The opposite of Love is indifference! But this disciple of Messiah Yeshua, telling you this right now, cannot and will not alter your mind–heart–Soul; only the Indwelling Holy Spirit can do that. I can only pass on the words given by YHVH via inspiration: My purpose is fulfilled therein.
The Torah (or Law) of YHVH, was never intended to be a menu of do this but don't do that ; a legalistic laundry list of thou shalt not! What eternal good would that do? It is easy to summarize the Torah into one word: Love ! No one will "keep" the Torah (again, sloganeering); it is futile even to try, and arrogant to believe that one can do so (James 2 :8–12): Arrogance is one manifestation (among many) of all Darkness destined individuals.
The commandments of YHVH were intended to test us humans ― to see who will be willing (volitionally and without any compulsion) to follow whatever YHVH commands regardless of what the written commandment/law was or is ― not to see if we will succeed or fail, but to test us to see if we will do right, or not, unmonitored. I.e. Will we keep the $100 or return it to its rightful owner?
The Torah of Elohim was created to expose those with integrity, versus those without it, unto themselves. Adonai, El of all creation, is eternal; knowing what everyone was going to do before they/we will do it or did it; predestination and foreknowledge are one. In other words, YHVH has already seen this movie called, Life on Earth, to its end. A near death experience is a silly idea; as if we can trick YHVH in the time game. YHVH knows the actual moment all of us will shuffle off this mortal coil.
The Father is ever watching! Why? Because of the ultimate goal of creating Earth and thus the evolution of the human species: The Resurrection of the Just! (Luke 14 :12–14). This is the very purpose of sentient/sapient life on Earth. We humans first experienced Sapience when Elohim breathed an eternal soul into us, as a species.
It is the gifted mental ability to know that you are finite; that you are in a universe, on one planet among multiple other planets, and that you will die; that death means and abrupt end to this reality. Life (itself) is defined as the corporeal state wherein an entity (or entities) are composed of cells, have a life cycle, undergo metabolism, growth, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, reproduce and evolve/adapt.
That includes all life created on Earth; animals, plants, insects, bacteria, and so on. soul–endowed beings therefore, have a conscious awareness of all of these things; a full cognition of what/where/who/when/why. Animals fear because it is a survival strategy; they mourn the loss of others in the pack; however, they do not ponder their life on this particular sun orbiting planet, and are not aware of death in the way that humans are. Emotions are not relevant since all mammals have emotions of differing levels of complexity and depth.
¶ The Flaw Of The Law And Saul!
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Saul of Tarsus (Paul), wrote or cowrote some of the notes and letters to some of the earliest Koinonia, none of which survived into the modern era. Nevertheless, what we disciples can glean from these surviving remnants (their postal letters and notes), more than anything else exposed within them, is how thoroughly Enculturation obscures ones understanding; fiction skews ones view.
Saul, and those around him, did not write an amplification of The Gospels (he read from perhaps portions of one Q-Source ); rather, what they/he wrote was more so, an exposition of just how powerful volition is, in our lives, knowingly or not; the impact enculturation has on all generations.
What these letters and notes exposed, most of all, was how culture can impact ones worldview; how pride–ego–emotion has such a firm grip upon the eternal souls of humans. Saul, much like Judas Iscariot, exposed the difference between being used, versus being called, of/by YHVH.
Being able to perform a physical act, any act, can be a manifestation of pride. The Pharisees thought that if they kept the Torah (the law); indeed, anything written down or etched in granite, they were being obedient unto Elohim. But Elohim offered no Torah (law) that could be kept, and indeed, no human in existence kept the Torah, ever: Galatians 3 summarized.
Without an unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and a subsequent death to this life; a death to pride–ego–emotion; a death to all earthly pursuits and dreams; a death to power and freedom and success; without that death, one cannot be born again (and none are); one cannot be (and will not be) a part of the Resurrection of the Just. For the masses, there will be only Darkness .
Saul never glamorized the gospel. It is not about success, but sacrifice! It is not a glamorous gospel, but a bloody gospel, a gory gospel, and a sacrificial gospel. Five minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more, wept more, bled more, grieved more, Loved more, prayed more, given more! (Leonard Ravenhill Specifically, the Q-Source ; Saul never had the full gospel record. )
¶ Why Church Members Will Not Partake In The YHVH Kingdoms!
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What we learn from the Pauline epistles, most of all, was how fallen and eternally doomed that most of the human species was and is. Of course, Messiah Yeshua, being YHVH–in–skin, predicted this (and many other things) long before they happened. What we Messianic disciples gain from the epistles, is just how desperately the fellowships were falling away from a true living Faith. We have the Johannine epistles written after the death of Saul of Tarsus.
We Messianic disciples (then and today) knew this would happen, as it happened to Messiah Yeshua Himself (John 6 :66); the dreaded 666: From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him! These all represent the seeds that never found fertile ground (Matt 13 ). Religion exists to replace it with a plastic plant.
The early churches were more of a warning than a lesson in righteousness; more like Sodom and Lot than like anything else. Saul (of Tarsus) was not a good example of a Messianic disciple; he said so of himself (1Co 15 & Eph 3 ). This is why and how Satan used, what soon became Christendom, to throw off–course, all the work accomplished on the Messianic Cross.
But those deeply dedicated; yea the called out ones, will keep digging; will keep following. True Faith triumphs over evil, but those who are just shopping around will not last, especially once they see the cost of it; again, all of John 6 .
Therefore, we future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim; the Elect of YHVH; we as Messianic disciples do not see scripture as a YHVH Spoken list of strict commandments to follow (yep) religiously; we recognize that the Living words being transmitted in parables and metaphors (Mark 4 :13), is done so for the explicit purpose of confounding the anti-Messianic religious who have no good intentions but to exploit those words for their own earthly gain agendas; the very fruit to look for (Acts 8 ).
Saul (Paul) began to notice the infiltration of the "other gospel" people, well before the next generation of Messianic disciples wrote the rest of the Johannine epistles, warning of the subtle split between the legalistic Pharisaic type, verses the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; the Pharisaic type were the many anti-Messiahs planted as weeds by Satan and crew. It is why the Johannine epistles were written to begin with as it is their central theme.
Today's religiopolitical conservatives are even farther from the Messianic Cross than 1st century Pharisees were from the Tanakh, and especially when it comes to the demonic domination of anyone not like them; but then, this is the Eschaton Era, so that was/is expected; indeed, prophesied. Satan's Earthly productions are double–cursed; those who are religious and political are among the most demon oppressed and conquered of all humans.
All organized religions were (metaphorically) exposed as dens of thieves by Messiah Yeshua (Mark 11 :15–18); from the unrighteous works of the first century Pharisees (and the Sadducee's), and likewise, all future forward sects or cults with Judaeo–Christian roots: The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultist's commercialized religion; and later their cousins Arabic religious savior adaptation, Islam. But all religions, spawn from Abrahamism , are all one in the same, because they are no longer yoked to Elohim via Ruach HaKodesh: They are the anti-Messiahs .
This is why Christendom does not represent Messiah Yeshua; why the christianized do not represent our Adonai Elohim (our Heavenly Father, YHVH). This is why all church businesses are Satanic rooted, because they exist to confuse relational discipleship, with money–serving religion; they are services indeed!
These (proverbial and literal) dens of thieves, service to monetize YHVH; they are operated by those who do not Labor with their hands in nature (Eph 4 :28); they are devout money servants (Luke 16 ) who pose as ambassadors of Adonai our Elohim (whom they just call god) for money and/or ego: Anathema !
¶ Money Empowers Men Far Beyond Their Design!
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Among the many reasons why the money empowered dollar hoarding people, hate social programs, is not only because the very poor are not employees of wage slavery , or perhaps because they are not devout money servants, but also because the wealth–class cannot manipulate those on social programs through the "legal system" via the withholding of those resources. That is how the money empowered control others.
The idea of a wealth–class cabal , is no more conspiratorial than human history itself. Our history is predominated with those with money/power, ruling or lording over those without it; it is indeed, the very summary of the human condition. It is also the root of Messianic theology, as we come to acknowledge just how the enemies of the Cross operate.
We Messianic disciples learn about this first, via the great temptation of our Lord and Master, Messiah Yeshua, as well as other similar examples of earthly power temptations, throughout the written word, and then finally, in our own personal lives. The Lord was tempted by exploiting His human side or vanity, pride and ego and emotions.
And He was temptation tested in this way, while physically weakened from fasting; obviously such an attempt had no chance in any other setting. But as a bit more time exposed, not even upon the Cross. The victory therefore, was to endure unto the end, while under the bombardment of temptation, wherein human vanity, pride, ego, and emotion, are pressed upon: To Test The Heart Just Nudge The Ego !!
For millennia, wealth empowered men used their money–power to control and manipulate everyone around them. They used it to pay for militant brute force, to enforce their will; they used it to take the resources of the working man, especially if they wanted what he had, such as his pretty young wife (e.g. Bathsheba ). Money too often drives women to men they would not otherwise pick for themselves; a compromise that became so common for so long, that only now, in this century, is it being seriously confronted publicly.
In the modern world, food or rent or income assistance programs cannot be taxed, nor can lawsuits be made against those who use them. These people cannot be manipulated by the legal threat of resource losses, or the withholding of needs, via garnishments, liens, levies, evictions, credit report damage, and the like; not yet anyway. That was why social programs were created to begin with; to protect the basic rights of being a human.
Socialism is to take the excess resources of everyone, place it into a neutral pool of resources and then use that pool to protect those who lack; this is done so that everyone will have access to at least the basic needs of food and shelter. But the power hungry, hunger–lust for money–power, and will exploit the Mammon riches they could not possibly earn through the sweat of their own brows in Labor , to lord resources over others; logically they do not like Socialism or social programs!
They want to be the ones who dole out any ill–gotten gains; money–resources they have conned or otherwise gained through the sin–evil of usury, which is simply to gain money without any manual Labor. We are in the Eschaton Era, where capitalism is not only legal, it has been normalized.
But all this is necessary for Eschaton Era prophesy to manifest; Satan is of course, the leader of the bulk of the human species. They obey Satan via his highly destructive and species–ending productions: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! The masses, trapped in Spiritual blindness, are easily guided by the triune puppet strings of pride–ego–emotion.
The power–hungry capitalistic takers want full control over all others, especially those who are not rich, or those who do not respect their self-imposed authority, or those who have not sold their souls to the devil by being devout money servants, or those who do not fear or respect or obey the wealth–class for being their betters (James 1 :9–12; 2:5–10). The money system is directly responsible for the presence and preeminence of social stratification , Satan's crowning glory, as it represents the most sinister acts of inhumanity, possible within the human condition.
Dominating land by force, is the only way to coerce and scam and cheat and con other humans; it is a major source of power on Earth. Capitalism would not even be possible in a YHVH–centered economy (and I know; that is an oxymoron, but stick with me here). All food comes from land, and even food from the oceans are connected to land; we mammals live on land and so it is needed for human survival.
When the Americans first learned of land ownership they were confounded by the notion: How can a finite little (human) being possibly control any land on a huge planet? Even great empires of the past could not sustain such control, even with massively more militant brute force than any individual could create or maintain.
Capitalism and mammon–centered economics, is what Satan devised for and from his Earth humans, thus making it impossible for Unity of Community, as was demonstrated in the Book of Acts (1–5). Communalism and unity is considered impossible; a utopia in Mammon economics. That is true! Nevertheless, it will be the supreme replacement to economics in the many Kingdoms of YHVH, but that will require virgin planets that have not been polluted or stained by Satan's productions. Those works are manifest for all to see; Earth is itself, one giant experiment of what happens when sin–evil is allowed to reign.
If no humans ever suffered from Satan's hunger–lust to be lord, and thus had no control issues, everyone would just leave everyone else alone, and would instead, labor with their own hands the things that are good, in Simple living, (food and shelter mostly), then where we build a shelter and gain food for our own consumption, everyone else would honor that effort and allow us to be and do, there and then. That describes the future YHVH Kingdoms well, for corporeal beings.
But this world (Earth) belongs to Satan, but, only for the length of the human species, which is a blink–of–a–blink of time inside spacetime. YHVH decided to use Satan and his trillion angel demon army of followers, to apply pressure to the emerging human species, so that YHVH could watch our responses to these random events; to empower us with the greatest force in the Cosmos; volition! And then mark which path we choose: Broadway, or the much more difficult path, Narrow Way!
All young men watched former generations of elder men, as they used their land controlling power, to secure the finest looking women, and to be the envy of everyone else that did not have such control power; they wanted that! And that is how Satan extends his evil agenda from generation to generation; Satan uses temptation via human pride–ego–emotion, to control humans who actually like the process.
Simply put, if you want to eat, you have to go through me! It is my land, and I control it via a money economy that finances a military presence that will enforce my dominionship over this land. From that core root, the Eschaton Era was assured, and thus easily foresaw: Predestination and foreknowledge. Personal lordship, rather than equity, sharing and distributive justice , had only one inevitable outcome.
This is why my Master, Messiah Yeshua, said that you are free indeed, once you are no longer a slave to the many sundry sins of economics. This is also why land ownership was so important to the greater economic scam; if I own the land that you are on, I control you: And YHVH made us dependent upon land for the food and trees it produces. Thus, land ownership is analogous to food and shelter ownership, which is a sin unrivaled. That is why Augustine said this:
Those who wish to make room for the Lord must find pleasure, not in private property, but in common property: Redouble your charity! For, on account of the things which each one of us possesses singly, wars exist, hatreds, discords, strife's among human beings, tumults, dissensions, scandals, sins, injustices, and murders.
On what account? On account of those things which each of us possesses singly. Do we fight over the things we possess in common? We inhale this air in common with others; we all see the sun in common. Blessed therefore are those who make room for the Lord, so as not to take pleasure in private property. Let us therefore abstain from the possessions of private property, or from the love of it if we cannot abstain from possession; let us make room for the Lord.
Those who dominate land prevent all others from building or growing or making for survival. They must first pay the lords of that land, or face death by starvation, or from the elements; to be Homeless ! Poverty is not a natural state, it is a human made one. The garden of Eden paradigm offers us this reality. If I cannot build my home shelter somewhere (anywhere) without first giving monies to some human lord; money that I do not want any part of to begin with, then my only other option is homelessness and then poverty. A forced participation was the plan of Satan from the Genesis and unto the Eschaton Era.
The parable of the primates coconut trap ⊛ always comes to mind when pondering this particular topic. A trapper cuts a hole in a common coconut, just large enough for their targeted adult primate prey to slip its hand inside. And what is put inside of this hollowed out coconut shell, is a fist full of that primates favorite food. The coconut has a small hole in the opposite side, with a long thin rope, knotted inside so that the coconut can then be tied to a tree trunk.
The trapper, with club or noose in hand, patiently awaits for a primate to come down from the trees, find the coconut, reach in and grasp a fist full of that favorite food. Temptation trapped (Matt 6 ): Doomed! Why? With the fist full of food, the primates hand cannot come back out of the coconut. One might think that as they are running toward the primate, the primate would just release the food and escape. And primates are not completely stupid; we know from many primate studies that this not so.
All primates (humans included) were hardwired by The Creator of all (YHVH), with survival instincts; in this instance, not to let go of a sure meal. And yet here, the primate ends up becoming the meal, or ends up on the black market. This is predation , and its cousin mentality, territorialism . In the coconut allegory, Satan is the trapper, and humans are, fittingly, the primates.
¶ Ruach HaKodesh As The End Of Predation And Dominionship!
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Almost everything in this life is expressed in the coconut, and so, we either transcend our primate state; escape our carnal–primal instincts; our very nature; or, we are surely doomed, no matter how pressed, primped, proper, and buttoned up , we outwardly show ourselves to be (Matt 23 :25–28). YHVH is not interested in your brain, but your heart! The brain dies with the body, and thus, so does all human (mammalian) emotions. The only part of us that transcends this life is character and integrity.
The very reason why the Book of Acts was written, and then included as the first written works after the YHVH–Speak of the Gospels, is for chapters 1 thru 5; when Ruach HaKodesh initiates the Temple ministry; the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, within human temples! YHVH is not longer working through physical, lifeless human built structures; YHVH now only works from the inside of the Elect of YHVH. And what we learn from those chapters is profoundly epochal. Suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, humans are radically transformed from carnal–primal mammals, and literally become {as} Messiah Yeshua. We become Spiritual !
Torah was inaugurated by YHVH, at a time when our species did not have a propitiation for sin, short of ritual sacrifice, which sorely and utterly failed at any reformation of the human heart. Therefore, Torah was for those who did not have the Indwelling Holy Spirit to guide them, via Love; to guide and teach them in rightness and its subsequent righteousness, incorruptibility and irreproachableness.
In the law's exhibition of abject failure (unto everyone), Adonai our Elohim decided to take on Human form, and be the atonement that would subsequently offer to us volitional and autonomous beings, the opportunity to take upon us, the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit; to literally become the Temple of YHVH. To become One with YHVH, like the Father/Son (John Seventeen ). But to make room within us, we first have to die utterly of self. Ashes! That is all that should remain of our former self.
Academically correct theology established in the brain, that is functioning within a destitute heart, will not result in the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and thus Love, and thus an assurance of being a future resurrected Saint of YHVH. Discipleship must begin here and now; there is no reason for YHVH to try to reach us once we die here on Earth. If pride–ego–emotion is your lord and this life the focus of (this) your life, there will never be room for The Lord, hereafter.
The main purpose of an Indwelling Holy Spirit ― versus what came before, which was the Holy Spirit in the world, but not yet allowed within us due to the sin shield ― was YHVH trying first to affect us volition super powered bipedal hominids, from the outside, then inwardly: Abject failure! Think of Sodom Metro and the Noah flood: Clean up on isle Earth! Thankfully, a New and Living Way ⊛ was devised (Heb 10 :19–22): The Way !
But this same thing happened with the discipleship paradigm of Messiah Yeshua. The many anti-Messiahs among us, were simply those who posed as disciples, and blended in with the Elect of YHVH, and were later referred to collectively as Christians, but who were in fact the unwitting secret agents of Satan, the god of this world, whose infection metastasized globally via westernized White male euro colonialism, as was prophesied, and thus culminated to be renown as Christendom (Matt 7 :15–20; Matt 12 :31–33; 2Co 4 :1–5).
But what separates the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, from Christians, is in how we live in the World (1Jo 2 :15–20; John 18 :33–38). We disciples hold onto nothing whatsoever, that is of and/or for this world. In fact, we purpose our lifestyles to avoid as much of Satan's trappings as we possibly can. Conversely, the christianized will (and do) exploit god/religion/bible, for the benefits of this life; however: This Life Is Not Even About This Life !! (Luke 12 ).
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also! The light of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is single, your whole body shall be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other; you cannot serve Elohim and mammon! (Matt 6:19–24)
Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else, make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt, for the tree is known by his fruit! O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. (Matt 12:33–35)
¶ Atheism: A Natural Outflow Of Christendom!
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The Satanic (human) hunger–lust for control and dominion, is simply overwhelming to the Spiritually lost; it was indeed, Satan's downfall, as it was and is of those who humans who serve Satan, willingly or not (John 8 :44–45). The commodification of Adonai our Elohim is that ultimate insult, mockery, and unforgivable sin.
There are no humans who have been under the Messianic Cross, who for one moment thereafter, saw any other human as a lord or king or leader. The Enlightenment that comes to all who are conquered and controlled by Ruach HaKodesh, frees us from the simple–minded bondage of/to blind followship; we (the Elect of YHVH) only see The Lord as The Lord, and all other humans as either the humble subjects of The Lord, or pride driven lord seekers themselves. There are no human leaders or human followers among the Elect of YHVH. Followership (or followship) is a classic sign of Spiritual blindness.
Without the overpowering Presence of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, humans are hungry to be kings, lords, presidential dictators, and other dominionist roles, and, they are easily sucked into the followship roles of those who achieve power centered roles in society; mostly religious and political, but also economic. Popularity for almost any reason, breeds followship in the Kool-Aid guzzlers who are not under, or anywhere near, unto the Messianic Cross.
This explains the presence of (mostly) political and religious cults; it explains the gullibility of those who blindly follow charismatic humans with power; these days, money power. The Spiritually lost, lust after other devout Mammon servants with hoards of money.
The lords of men are evil, no doubt, but they simply resolve this psychologically, by claiming that there is no God: Atheism! Or worse, that god wants them to be rich and powerful: e.g. Christendom (via the COP Cultists), and the gross adulteration of the written word: Bibliolatry . The fictional god products of the COP Cultists disuniting theological potpourri, are not real, and some people eventually figure that out.
The mammon serving Monetizers find a thing they can perform, to appease the gods, and market it for Mammon ; that is works righteousness! Thus, humans have been doing symbolic outward acts, such as animal sacrifices and other religious rituals, in almost all cultures, as a way to prove their Spiritual status unto other humans; but YHVH is not fooled or mocked by any/all such outward posturing. And virtually all religions do this on some level; it defines the purpose of their very presence!
But what separates a Messiah discipleship, from virtually all other religions practiced by humans on Earth forever, including Christendom, is this: we disciples of Messiah Yeshua know that our physical bodies are the only Temple of the Holy Spirit; that we are the priesthood; that no outward religious act, can/does/will, Save anyone. YHVH is (Spiritually speaking) in the heart transplant business; YHVH is building a kingdom of select (or Elect) individuals on Narrow Way, to be resurrected and used in eternal matters, corporeally and universally; the discipleship never ends.
Writing in a coffee shop, a couple and their teen son came in, all dressed to impress, complete with ties and shiny shoes and all the other sociocultural badges and popular bling of capitalistic success, and I realized it was noon Sunday and there were several church businesses just down the road from the coffee shop business. But what stood out was the expressions of the boy, which exposed a deeper but covert (and quite disturbing) reality.
This boy still had an underdeveloped personality cloak; the self-righteousness and Judging by sight, glared unabashedly from behind his eyes and cocky demeanor. But, he learned all that from his parents and other adults he was/is influenced by at the church, because kids see their parents all the time, not just briefly on the social stages of life. Dad was eye pointing at others and whispering, and the boy delayed a look at the person, then back with a scowl; subtle to most, but clear to the Spiritually sighted.
Self-righteousness is learned, just as is all bigotry and any manifestation of us–against–themism (Luke 6 ; John Seventeen ). Self-righteousness is also a manifestation of elitism and privilege. Being in/of/for the World, means the same lifestyle mimesis, in thought, mentality, and privilege or birthright.
Laws, rules, ordinances, rituals, commandments, and any form of controlism, are all the same; they create an outward thing (i.e. words in a written form) that a person can read and then perform; a tangible item to use as physical evidence to show like an idol, and thus to lord over others with.
One problem with all of this; those who do not perform those same things, well, they are just not as holy or good, and, perhaps they are even downright evil. Judged! Written things; tangible things; supposed proof things; they all become talismans; today, especially the holy bible for the bibliolatrous COP Cultists, and do not forget Quranism and the Quran Jihad. It is the secular law libraries that stand for the Judicial Industry money–serving parasitic profiteers.
But this is how and why Torah instruction were written to begin with; it was unrighteous men (who sure liked to write of themselves otherwise), trying to transmute what YHVH was trying to teach them, via the physical world and life experiences: But as we know today, they not only failed miserably, their descendants went in the opposite direction, because of those written instructions. YHVH had to come in Person to set this upright. I call Him Messiah Yeshua (as did all those around Him): YHVH in the flesh!
While exposing these truths to those during His time–culture, these monetizers ― any/all who made mammon from the existence of a god or the gods (even the "Jesus" avatar or mascot) ― these people did not like the idea of being challenged by this homeless brown skinned Aramaic speaking carpenter and His lowly fishermen entourage. After all, the Pharisee, the Sadducee, and their scribes and lawyers, were upwardly mobile, money empowered, and thus of a higher class, and all deeply yoked to/with the Imperial cult of Rome , who were lesser gods themselves, and glorified or celebrated by those around them; sound familiar?
The only way we can disengage from the control that money–power has over us, and thus, those with the big money assets, is not to need it to begin with. E.g. I am not tempted by tobacco or alcohol advertisements, because I do not consume either of them; I am not an addict of/to anything. Those addicted are pulled uncontrollably by temptation advertising, but to those who do not partake, it is nothing; these things do not exist in my world. But for the addict, it is the bulk of their world.
My Master instructed His first century evangelists to travel with very little possessions, to avoid being a target of thieves, but also, to depend instead on the daily bread of Elohim, via fishing, hunting and gathering, and even manual Labor for hire, if/when such opportunities arise at homesteads (Luke 10 :3–7). Therefore, all future resurrected Saints of YHVH know how to build shelter and grow food, at minimum.
The duty of the disciples of Messiah Yeshua (then and now), is to Love all, even the Spiritually lost and the morally depraved. Why? Because I cannot know who might surrender unto the Lordship of Messiah Yeshua before they die; perhaps after I die. We disciples therefore, are to reflect and mirror, primarily in lifestyle, but also in word (1Jo 3 :14–20), the Gospel message, and via Love–wisdom–humility, to develop the courage to shake it off and move along, whenever someone balks at us, or rejects our message, or ridicules our lifestyle witness (Luke 9 :1–5; Acts 13 :50–51): Ironically, the christianized reject discipleship the most.
¶ The Lawyer Scriptures?
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Or: Putting The Word Of The Attorney Over The Word Of The Lord! Indeed, anything written today by the attorney–class, should be considered demonic at its root/core. The lawyers that Master Messiah Yeshua had to contend with, were lumped in with the Pharisees and the Sadducees (Atheists) (Matt 16 :6–12), and the scribes, the priests, and the politicians, like Herod (Mark 8 :15 & Luke 11 & Luke 16 ). Why?
Today, in these prophesied Eschaton Era, we live in a culture that treats anything written by a lawyer, like it was written by god, and indeed, that is the case once you realize that it is the god of this world, Satan (2Co 4 :1–4). Hence, the written word called scripture, is exploited in just that way, and that mentality is called Bibliolatry .
For one example (and there are now millions of examples); a city employee hired by a police business, who, by military force, enforces the will of the attorney–class; the Law-lords . Then, an officer will duty kill a local citizen, and yet, they all justify this killing by what was written down somewhere, by yep, some attorney!
But to them, it is their bible, and they most assuredly, bet their eternal Soul upon it. Their policy writers are observantly their gods! Start holding police policy writers accountable and watch things change fast! Whoever told police that subjugating the citizenry is anything but a crime, should be the very people being prosecuted. But the attorney class rarely cannibalize their own, unless it is a pack kill that will ultimately feed them.
Police brutality (itself) is just an outcome of what I entitle, Bully Policy. Police Policy writers must include the steps of dominionship in those policies, otherwise the bullies among us (as a species) would not be interested in the job. The bully is a dominionist; a dominator; a pre–murderer; a serial abuser. They need an outlet to expel their rage upon. Nevertheless, calling Emergency Services cannot remain a permission slip to assassinate the unruly citizenry; thus, we need to prosecute and imprison the Police Policy writers!
They all think (in a morally twisted way) that what was written down on paper by one of these anti-Messiahs , is somehow superior to the word of Adonai our Elohim, concerning the taking of a human life, or any form of human subjugation. There is no such thing as killing by/for the law, because all killing is lawlessness! There will be plenty of justifications for doing so now, but not one on your Day of Judgment.
Let me say this stern warning plainly now (knowing it will likely fall on dead soil): You kill another human, under any possible circumstance occurring on this planet, and you are eternally doomed; you have sealed your eternal fate. People justify killing with terminology such as wars, and with militant organizations, but just know this: YHVH looks upon all of it with a rage that will be utter condemnation, at the moment of your Day of Judgment, regardless of how much denial, cloaks this truth from your mind–heart–Soul, during this life.
That is why those who commit such atrocities often become depressed and even suicidal; this is because deep deep inside of all killers, this cold eternal reality looms. It is the Judas Iscariot conundrum! Unfortunately, this fundamental principle cannot be taught nor understood, by the Broadway masses (Matt 7 :13–23; Isa 44 :18).
And the insanely corrupted anti-Messianic church businesses, need the needy, because in desperation, needy people will give them money for their corrupted theological validation paradigms, which are products like verbal confessions as redemption; easy to do things.
Back in reality however, YHVH has already judged them; they cannot come unto the Messianic Cross, or comprehend the Gospel beyond an academic assessment (i.e. all COP Cultist theology). YHVH has already seen this Earth life movie, and already knows via foreknowledge (which initiates predestination), who will truly repent and turn from, the darkness of their current life, and who will not.
Being already sealed unto damnation (i.e. the walking dead); this comes from YHVH, not Satan, because Satan has no such powers. At that already eternally doomed, stage of existence, the individual will only then, take up arms against others. By the time one is buying human killing weapons, they are already eternally doomed, and have been so for quite some time already.
Keep in mind also, that an individual has to be Spiritually lost, to even involve themselves in any of Satan's organized religions to begin with. Therefore, it is analogous to asking Satan, who is already eternally doomed, what to do, to be a partaker in the Kingdoms of Heaven.
A truly repentant life, like blossoming mature tree fruit, is witnessed in lifestyles that mirror Messiah Yeshua; all other lifestyles are mere self-justifications (Luke 16 :13–15; John 3 :19–21), like for just one example, those collaborators of the Car Cult , or those who own firearms. These are warning signs unto the Spiritually sighted. Is it the Law of the Lord or the God of Law?
The reason why "the law" was such a problem then, can be seen commonly in the world to this day. In the ancient past, moral law was the only law; there were no secular law entities with any real power to enforce secular laws, at least on any large scale nor for a long timeline. In modernity, secular law is all the law. But the same attitude toward this inanimate object, still referred to in the third person as "the law" brings with it the same sets of problems that existed with all written law (forever), moral or secular.
As for the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH; we say "the Lord" or our "sister/brother" said this or wrote that; whereas, the World (christianized or not), will say "the law says" or "the bible says", but by doing this, they create an imaginary, inanimate but empowered entity, which by proxy empowers them. We see this normalized in all Europeanized business incorporation paradigms, and especially within the capitalist plutocratic oligarchy made by/of the Law-lords .
Making a living person out of a thing, is idolatry at its worst, but it is also a sign of an anomaly; an epidemic of enculturation . But in fact, all businesses, from the smallest to the biggest, are just a collection of individual humans; all governments are equally the same! Likewise, Adonai our Elohim is not an impersonal Entity that requires any kind of academic paraphernalia to communicate. We now have a direct line via Ruach HaKodesh; the tether of the Indwelling Holy Spirit, benefiting the Elect of YHVH specifically.
Therefore, to say "the government" or "the law" or even "the word"; these are all rather sinister attempts to (fictionally) create a real personhood from what is otherwise inanimate. Simply put, if it does not have a body and a face and a Soul, it is inanimate! But note the root of this very mentality; namely, Enculturation via the pandemic of European Colonization .
¶ The Judicial Industry And The Political Industry Are Mass Corruptions!
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Aesop (590) famously said: We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office! Some things never change! What is illegal unto YHVH is more and more often, legal or legalized by the inhuman masses: We are well into the Eschaton Era after all. The USA is the finality of such corruption; it is the final scene; it is bottom of that proverbial barrel of rank pollution: The USA is Satan's prize; the most evil of all humans on Earth forever; many claim to be Christian.
The brazen gender bigotry (misandry and misogyny) represented in the Spousal Support Law crime, perpetrated by the legal system Judicial Industry Monetizers of the Democratic Republic Capitalist Plutocracy ; they stand as evidence ― indeed as monuments ― to support that cold fact; justice for children is a mockery. Litigation is often a way to harass victims .
The Judicial Industry is often weaponized because it is only a consumer production; a product of the capitalism that created and maintains all facets of inequality. For a society seemingly bent on gender equality, there are laws that brazenly favor one gender over another. Weaponizing Judicial Industry statues is a game; once one learns the system game, they can play it to their advantage, and the attorney–class actually teach and coach the game.
In the monetized West, Fatherhood is not a right, it is a commodity for sale. If a male does not have the money to hire an attorney, he can lose all contact with his offspring; any attempt to keep in contact outside of the Judicial Industry precepts is actually illegal. Any mother can just lie, saying that the (low–income) father threatened to kidnap or harm any of them, and without any evidence, he is, from then on, considered the only real threat to his offspring.
The Judicial Industry no longer even tries to hide these (and other such) injustices: Why bother? Everyone knows it is all corrupt and unjust, but can do nothing about it. The citizenry (including children) are the victims of the corrupt Judicial Industry. I actually once believed in it; like most, I was rendered gullible by fictional Justice stories. But that is all fully fictional: Justice as Fairness is a mystery to the attorney–class. Capitalism itself is the end–consequence of centuries–long, justice–free societies, allowed to metastasize. The final act of the Eschaton Era was foreseen by ancient prophets, and normalized injustice was/is a necessity.
Such fickle justifications occur in all religions too. Look within the Mosaic laws ; in there you will find many directives about Earth life; eating, tradition, holy days (or holidays), circumcision, Sabbath and such; things that have nothing whatsoever to do, with living on any other of the countless trillions of other planets, created and owned by YHVH. The very idea of a 24 hour day, a 7 day week, and years; these ideas are limited to Earth and its current orbit around its sun: On any other planet these astrological solar system mathematics are irrelevant.
So is eating! My resurrected (eternal living) body will not require daily food for survival, and yet apparently, I can eat if/when I want (John 21 :1–14; Luke 24 :36–45; 1Co 15 :35–49; Phl 3 :20–21). I will not need to copulate to reproduce, and as far as I can tell, I will not be reproducing (Matt 22 :23–32).
This Life Is Not Even About This Life !! This life is a stewardship test, and your own body, is one such example, for you are the Temple of YHVH. Earth itself is also a stewardship test. We demonstrate our Love for YHVH by how we Love the property of YHVH.
Satan has all but taken over the human species; Satan is the god of/in all religions. And Satan is prophesied to use his human masses to bring about the Eschaton Era, via their hate of YHVH and all creation. They hunger–lust to burn–burn–burn; to drill and mine and rape; to collectively pollute and destroy the natural world.
Notwithstanding, these kinds of hierarchical sins are centuries old. The King of kings and the Lord of lords, would make no sense to any culture, wherein all people were treated as fully equal, because there would be no one above or below another at/in anything. All the justifications for such human hierarchical roles, was obliterated upon the Messianic Cross. But the fall of Satan was the great sin–evil of power hunger, and so it will be for his humans.
People are to worship only YHVH, and by no means, or on any level, any other human, under any possible circumstance. But the bulk of the human species serve Satan; thus hierarchies will continue until the return of The King! In the absence of YHVH in the heart, humans are Spiritually dead, and as such, they can only worship other humans. This is witnessed in the World, via the hailing (or just a recognition) of kings and queens, popes and presidents.
¶ The Immorality Of The "Legal" Establishment!
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The entirety of the human experience, is one giant pool of physical empirical evidence, supporting the fact that it is all, a compilation manifestation of immorality. The immorality of Capitalism itself, is but the end–consequence of an abjectly immoral species; its Judicial Industry, its Politics and its Economics, are daily exercises in immorality and unethicality.
Humans accept Satan as their god; Satan is the god of all religions, but Satan hunger–lusts to infect and effect Christendom most of all, due to the fact that the Messianic Cross was the final act of eternal doom for Satan, his trillion demon army, and the bulk of the human species. Wide is the path to destruction indeed; the bulk of humanity will daily choose, via Satan's Earth productions, to serve Satan, with their lives, both corporeal and eternal.
Conversely, once a human brain is endowed with the Wisdom of the Ages ― Ruach HaKodesh ― all the lights come on; was blind but now I see, indeed! It is the Great Awakening; an ultra–woke state, which of course, is on a One–on–one basis; there is no such thing as a collective or group awakening, and there never has been. Satan's Religions often claim such things, but those are particles in the greater evidence pool, supporting the fact that anything and everything, not found under the Messianic Cross, is a Satan–inspired corruption.
All the things that are limited to being human on Earth, are only temporal things; they have no eternal relevance, and indeed, no relevance even beyond this planet, in the rest of the universe, which was also created by YHVH, and thus, just as significant as Earth is, in the grander eternal scheme of things. But for most of human–time, people were fascinated by celestial bodies, and so YHVH allowed it to be a part of Enculturation , working within these paradigms: YHVH works with us, where we are!
Everything and everyone (everywhere) that YHVH creates/created, is vastly important to me as well. But during the time Moses was writing his part of the earthly Torah, no one fully understood, what are now common scientific truths. It is where the distorted ideals behind the protestant dispensations comes from. Notwithstanding; YHVH knew that we would know, what we know today: Praise be, for YHVH works with us where we are! The reformations are continuous and ever changing, just as is, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (John 21 :23–25), all the way until the return of The King.
All this is analogous to creating a dozen laws for you to obey, over the next one second! This life is a vapor; a blink–of–a–blink of time; a millisecond amid a millennia, when compared to the uncountable millennia of time {♾} that I will be in my resurrected body/state, serving my Master, Messiah Yeshua, doing something besides participating in the COP Cultists imaginary eternal worship service inside the giant gold lined castle they perceive as the Kingdom of Heaven (which is also metaphorical).
If the inheritance is of the Torah, it is no more of promise, but Elohim gave it to Abraham by promise. Wherefore then serves the Torah? It was added because of transgressions, until the Seed should come, to whom the promise was made, and it was ordained by Angels in the hand of a mediator. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but Elohim is One. Is the Torah then against the promises of Elohim? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the Torah. But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith in Messiah Yeshua, might be given to them that believe. But before faith came we were kept under Torah, shut up unto the faith, which would afterwards be revealed.
Therefore, the Torah was our schoolmaster to bring us unto The Messiah; that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith comes we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For you are all the children of Elohim by faith in Messiah Yeshua. For as many of you as have been baptized into Messiah, have put on Messiah. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua.
Now, I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, differed nothing from a servant, though he is lord of all, but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Even so we, when we were children {Spiritually immature} , were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time came, Elohim sent forth Adonai, made of a woman made under Torah, to redeem them that was under Torah, so that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, Elohim has sent forth the Spirit of Adonai into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father!
Therefore, you are no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of Elohim through Messiah Yeshua. Howbeit then, when you knew not Elohim, you did service unto them which by nature are not gods: But now after that, you have known Elohim, or rather are known of Elohim, how can you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, where unto you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months, and times and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have bestowed upon you, labor in vain. (Gal 3:18–28; 4:1–11) {cf. Acts 13 :38–39; Rom 7 :1–6; John 17 }
¶ The Sin Evil Of Parasite Politics And Its Elitist Economics!
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For one example, politics, law, and the rigged financial economic mammon $ system , are all the collective constructs of the atheistic (and the anti-Messianic religious) over many generations, and YHVH has nothing but contempt for it all (Luke 16 :13–15; Matt 10 :16). Capitalism was built by lawyers ! It is indeed the Golden Age of White Collar crime . And while the Spiritually blind see all that is, as all there is; conversely, the Spiritually sighted see all that is, for what it is!
The entire system and economy is rigged , by the wealthy and for the wealthy; great for those willing to comply with (and thrive) in Satan's corrosive money system, as the mammon servants of the Eschaton Era. But for the truly free, we are forced into all of it by law!
The tax codes are so bent toward the wealthy that it is no longer even hidden from the masses , especially nowadays with the Internet. And why hide it? Almost everyone wants to be rich too, and so if there is a way for them they too are all in. If corruption and lying and deception are the way to mega wealth, most will be for it, and thus will keep quiet about it.
The bankruptcy laws are designed to allow an individual to incorporate their business venture, and with (say) $7 million in annual profits, the "CEO" (individual) takes a $5 million annual salary, which of course will drive the company out of business after 4 or so years. With loan debts accruing to keep the business afloat, that individual can declare bankruptcy, and all that individuals personal assets are protected via the Incorporation. 2 years in the Bahamas and its back to starting a new business, repeating the process.
If you build a home yourself without any debt incurred, it is still not yours; try not paying the manifold taxes, created by and for, the hands–in–the–pie build–nothing do–nothing cut takers. When buying an electronic device, you are only the user, not the owner. Oh, they sell it for a profit, but they own all that is on it: i.e. proprietary versus open source .
All politicians are either lawyers themselves, or they are surrounded by them, and as such, these skimmers and takers, fakers and moneymakers, schemers and dreamers, need a revenue stream to extract massively large sums of monies from, in perpetuity. Therefore, logic dictates that laws are written to favor those in the socioeconomic system with the deepest pockets; big corporations, finance and banks, large land holders (lords) and so on. Greenwashing their destruction, tax dollar dependent governments must look away.
One has to be demon oppressed to even allow self to be referred to as (a) lord; Satan himself demands it, as does his earthlings (John 8 :42–45). Those who want to impose and enforce laws on others, do so as a distraction from their own greater sins. But humans quickly acclimate to demons, so that the demonic oppression goes unnoticed: And then desired!
Of course, there is more money to be made, if you are on the side with the most money pools available to be squeezed or extracted, via the Law-lords : Capitalism is just Parasite Economics! Logic dictates that there is no profit in writing (or enforcing) laws that benefit the poor. Therefore, capitalism and true justice are incompatible.
The supreme acts of disrespect are authoritarianism and hierarchy: In other words, one cannot "respect authority" because authority itself is an expression of disrespect and dishonor. Satan's humans are the masters of distraction; emotionalizing nobility is only one of them. There are no leaders who are bosses and there are no bosses who are leaders! To blaspheme the Holy Spirit (Matt 12 :30–33) is to claim a connection, then dishonoring The Lord by partaking in the World : Satan's version of it? Economics, Politics and Religion!
Thankfully, there is only 1 Supreme Creator: YHVH . But whenever someone tries to justify any of the anti-Messiahs agendas, within the context of Christendom, they must sell the bible as a single book, authored by god, verbatim, and thus, as a holy law book that lists (no no) commandments, which (then) they can dispense for a fee (e.g. Bibliolatry ): An evil so profound in its magnitude that YHVH had to become flesh and dwell among us, to expose it all, in Person, for what it was/is (Luke 19 :45–48), and was crucified for doing so. Men love their darkness indeed (John 3 :19–21).
¶ ALL RISE! The Royalty Depravity!
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The monkey–see–monkey–do, keep–up–with–the–rest Europeans, risked death by traversing oceans for their shot at wealth or at least independence: The Americas! Europe was becoming overpopulated; everyone battling for a piece of Mammon pie; land was scarce; most marginalized. Once sailing routes were established, every wanted criminal, and those rebellious to the Church of England and the Catholic Church, and all the money hungry capitalists, merged! The genocide of indigenous peoples paved the way for them to make the Americas New Europe.
Christianized Europe was a place of imperial, royal and noble ranks ; a sinister breeding ground of/for kings, queens, emperors, monarchs, lords, dukes, princes, earls, viscounts, barons, squires, (etc.); and the subsets of many of these, simply too expansive and confusing to list here.
The common denominator? Self-imposed self-superiority; lots of money and a supernaturally powerful (or even paranormal) devotion to Mammon service; land ownership (landlordism) and the hunger–lust for dominionship. But only Satan's humans crave power. And self-superiority is the precursor to self-importance and self-righteousness.
The wealth–class, who have been converting Earth into dollars to hoard for self–empowerment (mostly hydrocarbons or precious metals), will surely want to continue to ravage this planet for personal gain: This madness must be stopped. But it won't! Not by the power of humans alone.
The planetary (especially non–renewable) natural resources, should belong to the entirety of the human species, hundreds of human generations into the future. But there are those with the god–complex who are convinced that all planetary resources, belong only to them, because after all, they are gods. Because they have the investment money for extraction, this gives them this belief. Money hunger is power hunger, which is evidence of demon oppression; the fall of Satan and crew was over power hunger.
If Earth could support it (and it won't), this planetary rape would continue unabated for millennia. This is not mere human greed; all mammals are intrinsically aware of habitat limitations,and adjust accordingly. Only humans operate in disregard for theirs, and thus, it is an anti–natural display. Most humans are unwittingly driven by demonic forces; thus, this has paranormal or supernatural causes or forces.
A major component of the prophesies of the Eschaton Era, humans will become evermore destructive to the planet owned only by YHVH; these humans are acting out Satan's hunger–lust to be god; they are oppressed by the demon hoards, and eventually take comfort in that oppression; they come to like it and them. Those people seek power positions, then use that power to create ecological destructiveness.
The irony of all this, is that in the 1st century, Messiah Yeshua was common and humble, without any land holdings (homeless), brown–skinned and Jewish, and came intentionally to be of the Labor class, as a Tekton . Messiah Yeshua was hunted and assassinated at the behest of the organized and bible centric religious elites, alongside their fornicators, the Roman (Federal) Government, via their bully gangs of armed employees (militant weapons bearers). Any part of this seem familiar today?
As distant as the vast majority of White Europeans were, from the Messianic Cross (from the 1st to the 21st century), their often–seedy progenitors were even farther away. The Americas were conquered by Satan's bibles and bullets christianized hoards of YHVH–hating, planet–destroying, human–killing, inhuman machines. Some of the most evil humans from all humanity, were among these people. And as sinister and evil as they were in earlier centuries, here in the Eschaton Era they are reaching new levels of demonic insanity.
White Supremacy, White Privilege, and White Entitlement; these spawn capitalism and Mammon service, the monarchy, the aristocracy, kingship's, imperialism, militarism, royalty, gender and racial and generational bigotry, the bourgeois ; a general Europeanism which degraded further via colonialism into Americanism, by the anti-Messiahs , as well as others deeply influenced by Enculturation and thus its cultural products of christianism.
This deviance manifests in just how much it is made to appear righteous, when it is ghastly sinister and a sin–evil, grossly violating the Law of Love , in every possible way. The goal of Satan, via his human puppets of all generations, was/is to normalize the elevation of one human over another. Of course, all humans are equal to one another in the eyes of YHVH, but Satan (remember) was all about self-superiority. Satan wanted to be God, and so, YHVH allowed Satan to be Earth god; he is the god of all religions. For Satan, to make humans atheists by souring the religions, works just as well: Satan plays all sides against one another.
As the Eschaton Era deepens, we are seeing evangelical protestants posing as disciples of Messiah Yeshua, to fool (if possible: Mark 13 :20–23) even the Elect of YHVH, bring in damnable heresies indeed (2Pe 2 :1–2). They use Messianic names and words, but they are still "primal protestants" inwardly. The one Christ Commandment, the Royal Law , eludes them! And this, even after soaking in theology and academic study.
The mostly White (mostly male) have for nearly two millennia, pimped and prostituted Adonai our Elohim (our Messianic Spouse), via westernized Christendom, making it among the greatest sin acts that will ever occur on this planet, or anywhere in the Cosmos for that matter. Earth will be a celestial corpse unto the consequences of sin–evil.
Hence, the COP Cultists, and those influenced by them, function a heavily destructive theological dumpster fire that has burned for millennia; the evidence to support that, literally the History of Humanity, summarized! And while some are being awakened to all of this, the demonic forces, like they have always done, seek to deflect or disguise or cloak the realities of the past; to formulate their own versions of History; to make Spiritual enlightenment, or just being awoken, appear to be a negative.
The Satan inspired divine providence of the Americas , the White man's burden , and manifest destiny , are historical testimonies to this "cult of class" that has fueled the Eschaton Era. Satan's great victory of social stratification also works great as a fruit inspection tool. Remember: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
White Supremacy and White Privilege overwhelm the sum of the western colonized world (indeed, they define it): politics and militarism and war; monetary systems themselves, and their inflationary economic paradigms; the whole of the Judicial Industry; the US Constitution; and yes, even evangelicals (evil angels?); these are all the byproducts of Supremacy Privilege Entitlement. They are anathema unto YHVH! The very notion of a White Jesus is itself a racist offense unto the Messianic Cross.
¶ Spiritual Bankruptcy And The Subsequent Mental Illness Of Hate!
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Rage/anger is just the tip of the demonic iceberg. White Anglo Saxon Protestantism itself, is just the entropy of Christendom here in the Eschaton Era; it represents the finality to the sinister expressions of the fake faith, religion run, witnessed now in all the COP Cultists.
Among many other proofs, Faith itself exposes this: Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11 ): Put another way, that which there is zero physical evidence to support, then and only then, requires true faith. What requires Faith? To believe more in the next life than you do in this one! The proof of that? The Noah's Boat Paradigm! More basic is ones daily lifestyle choices (e.g. the Car Cult ).
Read the rest of what my fellow disciple expounded upon in chapter eleven. Then look at modern protestantism, with evidence–based productions, or any of the COP Cultist's six literal Earth day creation paraphernalia, being peddled to the simpletons for Mammon . Why? Because these are the productions of the Faithless–Loveless, the YHVH Monetizers . They need their religion brand to stand out from other competing religion brands, as well as the ever growing irreligious competitors, all vying for hands–out money taking. Simple living and Labor is too far from them.
The reason why (my Master) Messiah Yeshua would fellowship among the poor and diseased and hungry, healing and feeding, was not inconsequential; it was because they were disenfranchised ; they were the byproduct of monetary poverty, just as it has (almost) always been. The great sin–evil of Mammon indeed. They were not sick because of being cursed; they were sick because they were poor and lived in squalor. And they lived this way among those who had far–far more than they needed to live comfortably. Sound familiar?
All Love bound, future resurrected individuals, live and believe in only 1 Lord, and we are all 100% equal among one another (Matt 23 ), and in every way possible (Acts 4 :31–35). Earth belongs only to YHVH! Consequently, we see any and all manifestations of social stratification , to be Satan's greatest earthly victory, and thus, it is all demonic at its core. Sedentary living from money empowerment greatly corrupts men; they lose touch with those living close to the land; they become spoiled and entitled, and thus drawn too far from the Messianic Cross to ever again get even near to it (Heb 6 ).
Authoritarianism, dominion, domination, hierarchy, colonialism, nationalism or patriotism, bigotry, and entitlement; indeed, any type of us–against–themism or self-superiority in any form; any justified neighbor–hating (Gal 5 :13–14): This summarizes the anti-Messiahs . YHVH allowed that error with Satan, but (thankfully) will never allow it again; the parable of the sower indeed.
Of all of them, the most sinister are those based on ethnicity or gender or map lines, or any such outward distinctions; these are all an exhibition of evil and thus, sin unrepentant. It is the worldliness of the World , summarized (1 John 2 ), and thus proof of continued Spiritual blindness, even in the midst of prolonged christianization. Hence, Christendom does not represent Messiah Yeshua! But Justice will come, only at the return of The King! (I.e. When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of Civilization )
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Torah. But thanks be to Elohim, who gives us the victory through The Lord, Messiah Yeshua. Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in The Lord's work, because you know that your labor is not in vain in The Lord. (1Co 15:56–58)
¶ Proof Of Love: This Life Is A Love Test!
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What separates the disciples of Messiah Yeshua (the future resurrected Saints) from the Christianized masses ― and all other religionists and consumerist religions, developed from/for the sum human species globally ― is witnessed in how we imitate our Master, and also Love all unconditionally. Just as any truly caring parent would not treat their offspring the way that society treats other humans, the Elect of YHVH (represented as a body, a bride, and as progeny or kin) cannot and does not copy worldly ways.
One of those worldly ways can be witnessed in Satan's hugely successful exhibition of social stratification , a primal production of/for the Mammon of the mammals! What differentiates the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, from virtually the rest of (and the bulk of) all humanity, can best be contrasted herein.
Needing perpetual, ever increasing, and overwhelming confirmation and affirmation of ones god or goddess status, the nagging hunger–lust that drives this near dead egocentric state, is finally and inexorably terminated (or at least greatly attenuated), once one enters the geriatric stage of life. Well, this is true for the bulk of humanity at least; whereas, there are those special few who can hold onto their self-imposed god like greatest unto death, when surrounded by great wealth and enabling sycophants.
The Faithless–Loveless masses remain primal; carnal; animal like: Most have mastered the good guy facade in good times, but their true character is exposed in the need for being self-superior, and thus, participating in, or enabling, any/all such sociocultural self elevation paradigms. The masses just go along with these sinister ways, because they are Spiritually blind and thus, they must follow closely, those in proximity to them.
The atheistic, and the anti-Messianic religious, are both the same people Spiritually; they are Spiritually blinded, and as such, they become or remain the bigots of this life. The anti-Messianic religious become the moral police who believe it is their duty to legislate morality on the Law-lords social platforms, which ironically, are themselves Satanic at their core; namely, the Judicial Industry and the Political Industry, and all their bedfellows who fornicate within Satan's whorehouse of Economics.