¶ Names Have Meaning!
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The infinitesimal and inconspicuous Elect of YHVH, are the only remnant Ekklesia on Earth today, deep into the Eschaton Era. In times past, names meant more than just picking out someone from a crowd. Today, we may call a spouse, Honey or Baby, but they are not actual honey or babies: They are terms of endearment, even though they have official names on birth certificates given by parents.
Saul of Tarsus or Shaul , comes from the root sha'al which means, to ask, inquire, borrow, or beg. Saul was a formerly well–established Pharisee; he even commanded executions of members of The Way ! But post–Messianic Cross, he became a tentmaker for a time, and thereafter lived a paupers life. Based on worldly standards, Saul became insignificant: Paul ! It was/is not about his physical stature but his societal stature. And then there was Abram who became Abraham, which means, "seed of many" and specifically, "father of many nations". And Jacob to Israel , and so on.
So why use the words, Yeshua and YHVH , when everyone else just uses Jesus and God? First, not everyone else did or does this ⊛ ; it is primarily among those acclimated to, and molded by , English as their first language.
Furthermore, it is only among those in the modern era, who are obscured by, and limited to, their Enculturation . Their worldview is microscopic when compared to any Messianic disciple. They openly, but often obliviously, announce to everyone hearing or reading them, that they are comfortable with copying the terminologies of whatever their culture tells them. Nothing can appear grotesque to those born eye–blind.
In other words, most linguistic mammals repeat what they hear and rarely care otherwise; they monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot, always, as automaton–drones. Fortunately, Ruach HaKodesh eliminates this trait; Spiritual enlightenment radially transforms the human heart and then mind; all Messianic disciples are driven by Love–wisdom–humility! Without Ruach HaKodesh, humans are only driven by pride–ego–emotion.
The religionists are any/all who make money (serve Mammon ) from the existence of the god, a god or the gods. The YHVH Monetizers are among the most sinister of humans, from the sum of our species. They are self–righteous, bibliolatrous, and thoroughly the anti-Messiahs . They come in all forms, but predominantly from the Abrahamic and Pharisaic religions of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and others. Among the most Satan–manipulated of them all, Christendom, there are divisions galore; they are called denominations but they are just abominations (John Seventeen ).
The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists have spun a lot of vague theological ideas, by not being guided (internally) by Ruach HaKodesh; they are (instead) guided by Satan and crew, via the internal and external trinity's: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
Satan uses pride–ego–emotion for the internal trinity of control, to implement his (society–wide) external productions. Whenever Satan or demons are referenced, it is not the incorporeal beings that do the work; it is always (corporeal ) human hands. When Yeshua said: "Satan comes but to kill, to steal, and to destroy" He was referring to the humans that Satan works tirelessly through, from generation to generation. Since Satan and crew are not physical, they cannot do anything in this world, apart from humans.
From among humanity, come the most evil of humans; they are heavily invested in this, The World , of which they are of/for (John 8 :23–24; 18 :33–38). As we dip deeper into the Eschaton Era, they are even posing as Messianic (mostly copying lingo), to infiltrate and infect that as well. This is done the same way it always has; via the manifold temptations of money–power. But the tree is known by the fruit it bears. The anti-Messiahs are heavily self–righteous; they cannot see their own sinister ways; in Spiritual blindness and eventually outer Darkness , they point their hypocritical fingers at other humans who are not as they are: This distraction keeps the light off of them!
But anyone who gets even close unto the Messianic Cross (Mark 12 :29–34), begin to experience the enlightenment for which it exists, and there, still afar off, the self becomes illuminated unto the self, and for the first time, the individual can see their own utter depravity, and even worse, the sickness of self–righteousness (Heb 6 ). Indeed, self–righteousness is proof or fruit–evidence of demonic oppression (again: John Seventeen ).
From that point forward, some come into the Light; unfortunately, far too many turn away from the Light and the woke state, and they turn back to the darkness of which they have been all–too familiar with, and conditioned by, and acclimated to. Then the guilt–shame–condemnation drive some into the waiting arms and hands–out takers of Satan's COP Cultists; they trade money for assurances based on self–proclamations, self–beliefs, and repair–prayer.
Spiritual blindness is the worst and most eternally costly form of blindness. Those infected with christianized theology are among the most disturbing. This is (in part) why they just say God rather than YHVH, Elohim or other such Holy designations. All Messianic disciples know what the word God means, but confusion comes because of the many extant gods, linguistically speaking.
So, when I hear the christianized say God , I assume they mean Satan, god of this world (the god of the Satan oppressed human masses); the prince of this world; the prince of the power of the air! And this is true, though they are oblivious to this, or, they know it but just do not care. Most people are not truly interested in The One Creator (YHVH); religions are mere cultural productions that succeeding generations copy, mostly just to belong; to fit–in; it is lifestyle memesis and nothing more. Any serious challenges to it and they will disown it or just become dechurched.
Likewise, there would be nothing wrong with the name, Jesus , if everyone knew what they were saying when declaring it. But it is analogous to a modern day word: Gay! Before the late sixties the word gay originally and always meant, being joyful, carefree, full of mirth, bright, showy and flamboyant. Sung on The Flintstones cartoon of my youth: You'll have a gay ole time! So, it was (in part) more about attention–seeking behavior than ones sexual preferences. Then it took on its current meaning: homosexual . Nowadays, no one says they are gay unless it is to share their sexual disorientation. Thus, I use Yeshua The (<>Christos ) Messiah, so there is no confusion.
There may not be anything wrong with the name Jesus (or Joshua), and outside of this website (or paperback or e–book), I do not elaborate on it, nor do I discuss it in person. I am a friend to everyone; I Love everyone equally; I have no person on Earth that I oppose, or consider to be my enemy, though I may be someone else's enemy; of that I do not know, and cannot control even if I did. As hard as it can be, we are instructed to walk away from those who are not open to Messianic discipleship (Luke 9 ).
I do not contend with anyone on this or any subject. But religion, and too often the name Jesus Christ , has for centuries been linked with wanton murderousness . Too many have hijacked that particular name–form, and made christianity offensive unto those who have not yet made their way toward the Messianic Cross. To murder, or just to want to (Matt 5 & 15), are fruit–evidence of demonic oppression. All violence is an expression of self–superiority and a God–Complex , which itself is Satan incarnate.
Unfortunately, christians may be the very obstacle to that possibility. The Christian Alt are those who are protestantized; the mostly westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, but who change things around with made–up words and names, so they seem less mainstream. They seek a niche market with a new religion brand style.
Those that have contacted me throughout my life (born in 1958) that have tried to provoke a fight with me, and brandished their doctrine guns; they did not get a fight from me; I deny them battle! But there are few other names that exit the human mouth, ever, which has so much pain, bigotry, hate and antisemitism , suffering and death, associated with it, than Jesus or Allah or God .
This is not the case with Messiah Yeshua, not yet anyway. And, this is not about mere translation differences either; this goes way beyond that. But the christianized will battle over this topic as well; they battle always, because the hate that is within them, is fueled by the demons within them, and so it never ends. Pride is the force! Love Is Holy; Hate Is Evil !! The younger churched try to distance themselves from distasteful older churched people, by adopting anything cutting–edge to differentiate themselves.
¶ Everything Christianized Is A Mockery Of Messiah Yeshua!
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Christians and their battles in sect with one another, and then also with secular society, and then also with other religion brands; this is the fluff of Mass Media and Social Media . Messianic disciples do not involve ourselves in any of this, anymore than is needed. Once again, this is central to in–depth understanding: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !!
And likewise, the internal mechanisms that Satan exploits to control the masses is also a trinity: pride–ego–emotion! Our calling is to expose these realities; to exhibit Simple lifestyles that attempt to eliminate these forces. Obviously, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH as the only remnant Ekklesia on Earth, cannot replace them all; not while in human form anyway! But since these mechanisms account for the bulk of all that humans live for, it is hard to get people to see beyond these mechanisms of Satan. Hint? There is way–way more than these things!
It is pride–ego–emotion that compels Satan's religious to (proverbially) plant weeds among the wheat. Visit any place online that allows comments and patterns emerge; sites and places that proclaim Yeshua and YHVH as the only Name Above All Names will see covert lines like this: Praise Jesus the only Lord!
In other words, they have been indoctrinated with Christianity and cannot refer to The Messiah as Yeshua. The pride is so powerful within them, they have to make sure they get the word Jesus in; it is a subtle correction; they simply cannot believe that Jesus is not the name of The Messiah.
I am a Monk, but I am also a carpenter and drafter, a student and teacher, a musician and writer, and more. I have a name on my birth certificate, and that helps to communicate with me when there are other humans around. However, I am not my name; I am not any of these other roles. And neither are you! We are (each) something far more transcendent than these mere titles or roles.
And it is all the more true of YHVH, The Creator of all. YHVH is One! The Great I Am! But unlike us corporeal beings who also have a Soul, YHVH is many things, but still One! We humans have a corporeal body and an eternal Soul (that is the current understanding anyway). YHVH does not have a corporeal body, at least not on Earth currently. But YHVH did once come onto Earth, as a Human, and we call Him Messiah Yeshua.
But YHVH–in–skin, transcended and ascended the corporeality of Earth, and yet, YHVH is still here. That present manifestation of YHVH is incorporeal, but manifests on Earth, in the corporeal, via the Temple of YHVH, which is the Elect of YHVH. Are there other physical manifestations? Well, YHVH is most certainly able to do so, but it would only be speculation on my part, even as an Oracle of YHVH, to say either way.
Unfortunately, those who do so; those who refer to themselves as Christian , are not Messianic disciples; they are not eternally bonded sisters & brothers of the human tribe; they are not the living servants of Adonai our Elohim, as the Elect of YHVH; the Saints who will be resurrected into transformed bodies, which can be corporeal and/or incorporeal, and that do not age or die (1Co 15 ).
They are those who mock YHVH via their worldly religion brands (1Jo 2 :15–21; Gal 6 :7–8); their public displays of religiosity and religious adherence; their (perhaps unintentional) belittlement of Adonai Elohim. They are the prophesied Matthew Seven Christians, who call upon themselves, just like my Master said they would (Matt 7 :13–23).
They use Jesus Christ in their title, but as a mascot, not as a Master: Jesus Christ is a religious avatar; a mere meme of all Christendom, along with the bible as its brandishing talisman. In justification, many argue that it does not matter what Name is used, because God knows who you are talking about. Indeed!
But in horrifying fact, very few christianized people have a clue about Adonai our Elohim, Creator of all. Nor are they really interested in YHVH truth. They will live and die without even a conceptualization of what it would mean, or even look like, to surrender unto a Lordship. They will never know what it is like, living under the Messianic Cross; abiding in genuine peace and living unto overflowing; that Living Water & Bread of Life, consumed daily under the Tree of Life!
Instead, they seek to be lords among men, via worldly empowerment such as money wealth; they seek only to enable and collaborate with God Satan daily, in their works righteous religions, rituals, rites, holidays, studies, businesses, and traditions (Col 2 ); often oblivious to even doing so. It is the duty and calling of everyone under the Messianic Cross, to expose and reprove it all, not collaborate in any of it/them.
However, the mere christianized do not call upon the Name above all; the very Name my Master also called upon: YHVH! They have not surrendered unto any lordship, except what the world offers; money is their true lord, and barometer, benchmark, core, root, and compass. They are the World . Their lifestyle itself exposes this reality; the tree is known by the fruit it bears.
By the 2nd century, Christendom devolved into a religion, worse than the Pharisees of the 1st century; over time and into the modern era, it devolved further and faster, and by the 21st century, it bears no resemblance to Messianic doctrine, which is found only within the red letters. The sedentary nature of the creation–hating masses is exemplified within the Car Cult ; the avoidance of and attitude about Labor ; and the wide acceptance of the Mammon culture that defines the Eschaton Era.
Christians are as Spiritually blinded as are the rest of the culture; they blindly accept whatever Satan left behind for them: Economics & Politics & Religion! These are all accepted casually and openly; Satan's people are unaffected by them. Indeed, all mimicked exhibitions of Enculturation are (themselves) fruit–evidence. This is why they adopt whatever is popular in the culture at that time–place; they become the culture, then morph their religions to that. They are culture–centric but never Christ–centric!
Rock music as christian or christianized music, is one modern example of this blind culture followship; nothing wrong with rock music, by the way. Christianity is just pop culture; it morphs out of the culture, rather than being its paradigm; it adapts to the Satan made culture, rather than transcending it; rather than remaking it into a Messianic culture. This is because it is a market (capitalist) product that has no direct connection to YHVH whatsoever; not anymore than all other things do.
All Messianic disciples understand that the Spiritually blind cannot see; religious or not, churched or unchurched or dechurched, and formally educated or not. Therefore, for Messianic disciples to judge or condemn others, for any manifestation of blind followship (or Spiritual blindness, or even sin acts), would reflect a lack of compassion, understanding, and self awareness. One can be self–aware and not be a Messianic disciple, but one cannot be a Messianic disciple and not be self–aware.
Messianic disciples are not yet qualified for Judging ; that is, while we are merely earthlings. Metaphorically speaking, we do not condemn a blind man who runs into us; instead, we kindly guide the blind man to his destination, unless he refuses that guidance; then, Love commands us to let him go, even knowing he is potentially in danger. YHVH honors volition, and so must we; brush that proverbial dirt from the shoes and move on. There may be prepared soil ahead.
Indeed, this is why these writings exist; it is why my/our eternal brethren and fellow Messianic disciples, wrote what they did in times past; it is why this text exists at all, and thus freely (Matt 10 :8; John 21 :15–17; 1Co 9 :16–18; 2Co 11 :7). My Master provides an abundance (sometimes too much) from the natural world alone, to all who obey the Law of Love ; that of YHVH Love .
¶ Yod Heh Vav Heh = YHVH!
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This one web page (or e–book) has the unique URL: AdonaiElohim.org . This Holy Name topic, among others, really just exposes the truth miners from the faith frauds, who are verily the YHVH Monetizers . The Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Eternal Creator of everything and everyone, technically has no personal name. We humans give names to people, thus, it is a personal name because (yep) we are persons; humans or people now numbering in the billions. If every human male was called man it would be very confusing.
The One Creator of all, is not a person, and as far as we know, has never been corporeal; hence, no one has seen YHVH at anytime (John 1 :18 & 6:46; 1Jo 4 :12; 1Ti 6 :15–17; Col 1 :15; Exo 33 :19–23; Deu 4 :12): no human, ever, not even Moses. Nor will any humans, save The One (John Seventeen ): YHVH in the flesh was/is/will be, Messiah Yeshua; the YHVH–Man!
The Elect of YHVH will be as Yeshua was/is: risen; resurrected; transcendent! We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, will be the only former humans that will see YHVH, and yet, we still will not "see" YHVH in corporeal form, nor will we be able to while we are physical beings. As for the bulk of humanity, they will only see the human form of YHVH, Messiah Yeshua, and only on their Day of Judgment, and then never again, as far as we now know.
I have been asked to give more scientific explanations for all of this, probably because I say often that science is just the revelation explanation of the creation. The "any answer but a Creator" science people, do not like that aspect. Notwithstanding, YHVH is not able to be in the physical or corporeal realm, because YHVH is likely something along the lines of pure energy. But not "energy" in the corporeal sense of that word; like infinity it is incalculable.
YHVH simply cannot "be" in the corporeal, in any natural state. Put another way: If a pin hole was made from the incorporeal realm of YHVH, and into our physical universe, the sum of the cosmos would be obliterated, utterly and immediately. The very power of the YHVH Presence is incalculable. Therefore, YHVH experiences the corporeal, via corporeal beings; via a seemingly burning bush (Moses); via Messiah Yeshua as a (or the only?) Human form!
That Spiritual or incorporeal form, which we disciples call (that Entity form) Ruach HaKodesh, or the Holy Spirit generically, is a manifestation of YHVH, which was (and again will be) the Soul of Messiah Yeshua, The Man! We humans have our own soul; presumably all of us, but that is another topic. That same Holy Spiritual Entity, because of the redemption of the Messianic Cross, can now abide within redeemed humans, still–sin–capable, and in real–time. How?
YHVH as Creator of all — of time and space and matter and whatever else exists that we will not be aware of while trapped in the corporeal — went forth into the future, and witnessed our reality, and knew before time itself, who (among us) would come genuinely and with a pure heart, passionately seeking the Messianic Cross, and do so with no earthly ulterior motives.
So, this predestination, based on foreknowledge, is not special treatment or favoritism; it is not some exclusive club for some but not for others: There is no such thing happening here. To say it another way, YHVH has seen Earth–life as a (metaphorical) rerun; YHVH went forward in time (foreknowledge), and watched as we went through spacetime , making all volitional decisions and lifestyles, from the beginning to the end of this Earth experiment. Now in our time, YHVH can say who is predestined to become One with YHVH, and who will not. Those who do are the Elect of YHVH, but, we were not previously selected as somehow special from the rest.
The Tetragrammaton YHVH is not a proper personal name like humans deploy; all "words" or "symbols" are designations or manifestations. Even YHVH is an acronym: Yod Heh Vav Heh = YHVH: I Was; I Am; I Will Be! The 1 Creator YHVH — Adonai; El; Elohim; Ruach HaKodesh; Messiah Yeshua; etc. — refers to Self in the Tanakh simply as I Am or I Will Be , but teaches humans this in Exodus 3 :
15 This shall you say to the children of Israel: YHVH, the El of your ancestors; the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever; this is My Memorial unto all generations!
What's in a name? Well, this is either gigantic to you, or it is little; the difference is that fruit on the tree for all to see, who one belongs to: Satan or YHVH! It is impossible to get anywhere near unto the Messianic Cross, or to even be considered for the everlasting Kingdoms of YHVH, without first being overcome by what this verse represents. Slapping some letters together to sound unique from others, is a horrifying tell.
When we read of this Scripture, the word "know" often means like one will "know" his wife; it is intimate; personal; yes it is referencing the sexual; to "know" in context, is the physical act of coitus. In the Spiritual, it is far more intimate, and yet it is beyond the human body. The incorporeal realm is unlike the corporeal realm; our world is not of this world (John 8 ). Likewise, Prayer is an intimate act, and as such, it is forbidden in Messianic Doctrine to do so in public (Matt 6 ). Obviously, Christian "doctrine" is not Messianic Doctrine!
Therefore, all Messianic disciples (and others too), will use YHVH in writing, while some will use variations such as YHWH (even though there is no "W" sound or letter variant) with English vowels in between: YaHVeH or YaHoVaH. If vowels are inserted then it would be Yahveh, and pronounced similarly. There are hundreds of gods but only 1 YHVH! To refer to YHVH as "God" after understanding all of this, is insulting, intentional or not. Most who still do so, are perhaps those who are "not far from the Kingdom of YHVH!"
One of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him: Which is the first commandment of all? And Yeshua answered him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, Adonai our Elohim is One Lord, and you shall Love Adonai your Elohim, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength! This is the first commandment, and the second is like it, namely this: You shall Love your neighbor as yourself! There are no other commandments greater than these.
So the scribe said unto him: Well, Master, You have said the truth, for there is One Elohim, and there is none other but He, and to Love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to Love his neighbor as himself, are more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. When Yeshua saw that he answered discreetly, He said unto him: You are not far from the Kingdom of YHVH! (Mark 12:28–34).
Places where English is a Native Language (ENL ), most pronounce it YAH-WAY, as it is YA-HO-VA (Yehovah) by most native Hebrew speakers. But without a "W" sound, the more appropriate (English) pronunciation would be YAH-VAH, or something closer to that verbal spoken sound. Again, for those who truly seek to do it all right, even if they get it wrong, it is an honest heart that counts most here. Native Americans throughout the Americas, some have a similar sounding pronunciation for their All–Creator, The Great Spirit.
Many ENL users will use Yahweh, which may be incorrect, but bless their hearts at least for trying; it is surely an improvement to the generic word/title, God (Satan)! Still others attempt to work around all of this; they will say or write The LORD (Adonai) and/or spell it G-d (Elohim); by swapping a letter with a symbol, they are not actually writing or saying The Name! This is the dagnabbit dichotomy of some translators.
Perhaps it is too Holy unto those of the distant (or impersonal) "god paradigm" and yet, I am sure that Adonai our Elohim is not fooled nor entertained by these attempts at imitation humility. And it is this faking of a personal relationship that is such a mockery unto YHVH, and thus sinister. People will pretend to be "in contact" with The Creator of all, typically in some unholy performance on the stages of this life, literal and/or figurative.
They do this by showing off with public Prayer , or the many "the man upstairs" lines, like pointing upward (unto the prince of the power of the air, or god: Eph 2 ), or crossing themselves, or kissing a cross, or another religious talisman, or brandishing their personalized bible, and so on: Anything that shows off this pretend connection, which is otherwise void of any hints of a Messianic discipleship, in their lifestyle.
Messiah Yeshua countered such public fraudulent exhibitions, by declaring that true relational connections should and will be done in a Prayer closet; that is, in private with no other human even aware of it (Matt 6 ). Messiah Yeshua was exhibiting, among many other things, critical thinking; He was exposing the sin–evil of tradition, ritual, and organized religion in general, as a mockery of YHVH. Elohim seeks a marriage–level relationship; intimate and personal, not one of public prostration .
However, if an individual is in a genuine, eternally Love bonded, marriage–level, daily–dying, intimate, passionate, deeply personal relationship with Adonai our Elohim, via Ruach HaKodesh — the Indwelling Holy Spirit or Messiah within us — as a consequence of unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua; from that Spirit inspiring celestial perspective, all of this is unnecessary and even superfluous: Abba Father indeed!
The vast majority of those who participate in religion (of any brand, but especially those spawn from Abrahamism ), are not Spiritually transformed and metamorphosized; that is, they are not (yet) the future resurrected Saints of YHVH; they are not the living Messianic disciples; they are instead, trapped as adherents of Judaism, Christianism, Islamism, Buddhism, Bahaism, Hinduism, Atheism, and any other religionism.
The bulk of the human species have only added a culture specific and socially driven religion production brand, to their otherwise untransformed , still not yet Spiritually metamorphosized, life and lifestyle, and are thus, still anti-Messiahs in every living way. They have no idea what it is to live under the Tree of Life. They cannot replicate Messiah Yeshua simply because they do not know Him.
They add a religion production, perhaps for some earthly gain; for social or economic reasons; to appease themselves with rituals and traditions; perhaps even to secure their Heavenly ticket, just in case this whole afterlife thingy turns out to be true. But of course, it does not work that way; not at all and not even close (Gal 6 :7–8). It is all evidence of their blind Enculturation .
And worst of all, the religionists and others who profit monetarily from the existence of god or gods — the man upstairs or whatever culturally acceptable terms one may use when/where it is used — they have a product or stage production to market, and so, Theos only knows what newfangled theological products they have come up with (Eph 4 ). To be a Messianic Ambassador is well beyond their mentality and reality (2Co 5 ; Eph 6 ).
¶ We Are What We Do And No More!
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The Pharisees of the first century differ little from those same people types, here in the twenty first century (and all times and places in between). My brother Saul had to deal with these very people types too (more on that later): And we Messianic disciples, in this timeline, must do so as well.
Among the latest theological fads in the West (and there are dozens of them) is "the proper name game!" The Monetizers of this new religion product, market the potion notion that they — a handful out of the many billions of humans that have passed across the surface of Earth thus far — are the only ones who know the truth concerning the personal name of The Creator. Yes of course, this is (both) arrogant and delusional, and both are anti-Messianic traits; but then, this is only one of the many fruits on the tree for all to see, once (and only when) a person has Spiritual sight.
It is actually not realistic to be accurate on this subject, because it is (yep) subjective. None of us really know the way to spell or say "The Name" because The Great I Am has not officially released a proper humanistic Name, nor is it really necessary: YHVH is Everything (Eph 4 ).
Therefore, all Messianic disciples, globally, use what has been shared by the Messianic in Israel; many have been blessed to be in (Internet) Koinonia with them there. This is what I use; they know more than me or any American for that matter!
Israeli (indeed all Middle East) Messianic Disciples, suffer from the same temptations that all humans of all generations (globally) have had to contend with. Spiritual warfare is more about Satan's people — the bulk of the human species — versus the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH. Again: Satan's Earthly Trinity Is Economics & Politics & Religion !! This means that all humans must contend with these paradigms, but the masses actually like them: They are naturally attracted to all things demonic including religion!
The rebellious, the defiant, the contentious, the users (including usury), the discord sowers, and any other like manifestation of protest against anything that is self–centered or self–willed, is what YHVH abhors most about the human being. The protesters of the Catholic Church became known appropriately as the Protestants; this would be insulting to anyone even near unto the Messianic Cross, but to the anti-Messiahs , it is what and who they are; they wave these flags with demonic pride!
Money, and especially the USD, has grown exponentially, in both quantities and in power. As it has been since the Messianic Cross, the Elect of YHVH are overshadowed by the religions of Satan. But this just makes it more difficult to find truth (difficult is The Way ), for it is analogous to mining any precious metal (e.g. gold), as it is there in abundance, but it takes determination and much effort to reach (1Pe ).
For the Elect of YHVH, it is insulting to refer to YHVH as a He; a gender tag for physical beings that must procreate to exist (Matt 22 :23–32). This is either easy, or really hard to understand; those with the mind of Messiah Yeshua (1Co 2 :10–16), do not merely assemble words academically, we become the word (Psa 119 :10–11; John Seventeen ).
However, the unregenerate churched must try to academically and literally comprehend all of this, but based upon words or texts alone, void of the Inspirer of all scripture (canonized or not by the catholic monks); the Inspirer is Ruach HaKodesh, the Indwelling Holy Spirit. The Source of scriptural inspiration, must also be within, for its subsequent interpretation.
Satan's christianized serve their god by exploiting Scripture to justify and validate their intent to kill, to steal, to destroy, to lie, to deceive, to cheat and capitalize upon Satan's earthly trinity of economics, politics and religion. They hunger lust for the power that empowers them to be destructive; they hate the YHVH creation, and live to destroy it as destroyers for Satan.
The religionists refer to Adonai Elohim as God or Him simply because it does not really matter to them; they are marketeers who monetize the existence of YHVH to avoid sweat Labor and simple lifestyles, centered on peace and planetary stewardship. They seek to market religion with scripture; not to allow scripture to cause a death of/to self.
Nevertheless, I would not call your biological father, yo dude or hey guy! It is an act of simple respect (even among Atheists and sociopaths) to use the proper name of a person, and thus, I would allow you to formally introduce us and learn the proper name to call your dad.
How much more therefore, of our Heavenly Father, spoken verbally as Elohim , the Lord or Adonai , written in today's English letters as YHVH, and in current Hebrew as יהוה .
The religious have no real concept of an intimate, marriage–level, daily–dying, personal relationship with YHVH, and so, the generic term God will suffice for the Monetizers and their purposes and social stage shows. Throwing YHVH into the larger pool of human gods, by referring to YHVH as "God", is superficial, incorrect, ignorant, and even arrogant. But, it is also revelatory, just like matured tree fruit, in season, exposes which kind of tree it is (Matt 7 :15–20).
Name use can be important for several reasons, but primarily because there were (and still are) many gods, goddesses and deities in the history of religions, globally and throughout time (Exo 15 :11); all of them were either Satan initiated or demon perpetuated. And Satan was/is the god of them all.
This was especially present during the first century (e.g. the Areopagus sermon ), and thus, written about in scripture (Acts 17 :22–31). The god of this world and human era is Satan (2Co 4 :1–4), and all of this world's religious gods are none other than Satan, who comes but to kill, to steal, to destroy, and to lie, but does all of it exclusively through humans (John 8 :42–44 & 10:10).
Satan is the god figure in all religions, including Christendom; but more importantly, Satan is the emotional force behind all gods and goddesses. We can see this with all the gods of this, the World . Satan goes by many names, but even more themes (too many to list here): e.g. the god of fire; the god of competition; the god of sexuality; the goddess of fertility; the god of power; the god of militantism and war. Gods!
¶ Killing For Jesus?!
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The Bravery Of Pacifism Was The Messianic Cross !! Unlike the bravery expressed in pacifism , the carnal human, like any primal animal, can easily be or become violent or brute. Any domesticated primate can be trained to shoot a projectile weapon at people. All violence is just fear manifest (1Jo 4 :16–21); a public display of demonic influences, churched or not, religious or not, educated or not.
True bravery and courage was demonstrated within the teachings, and in the lifestyle, the doctrine, and finally, most prominently exhibited upon the sacrificial Cross of Messiah Yeshua; this was for the world to see and to know; it was/is the most important reason for that act; it was/is Love on public display. As they tortured Messiah Yeshua to literal death, all He could do, in Love, was say: "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do!"
Territorialism in any form is a main trigger for all carnal–primal mammals: In humans, it runs the gamut from nationalism or patriotism, to ownerism or mineism , landlordism, territorialism, road rage, hierarchy, dominionship, relational domination, authoritarianism, politicalism , and so on (1Jo 2 :15–21; Luke 18 :18–27).
Picture a spoiled child clutching a toy and screaming: Mine Mine! That child gets bigger with time, but never really changes internally, not without a radical epochal transformational metamorphosis , via the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Instead, they remain Spiritually bankrupt, emotionally immature, and thus become dangerous adults, via that power addiction of money–hunger. Some even become the official leaders of (other atheistic) men!
Killing, bullying, insulting, belittling, subjugating, manhandling — regardless of the sociocultural, economic, legal, political, or employment role that seems to justify it — it is always an outward act of fear, and thus cowardice; or summarily, primate paranoia (Matt 10 :28–31; James 3 :13–18).
Brandishing Is An Exhibition Of Cowardice !! Violence of any kind, or for any reason, is proof of ones eternal fate in outer Darkness . There is no such thing as a Spiritually transformed militant; no such thing as a Love conquered Heaven destined gun packer; these are oxymoronic, and sure proof of stupidity : And stupidity (itself) prevents a self–awareness of ones own stupidity. But deep–deep down inside all humans, lies the truth of their eternal fate; that is why so many acquiesce to the demon voices.
The Heaven destined are Cross bearers and Cross bound, not the executioners. But cowards expose their primal/carnal fear and paranoia, primarily through the ownership of weaponry. The outward brandishing of their weapons, is how they hide their shame; behind the great wall of Pride, Satan's largest construct in the cosmos! There is no such thing as a brave man with a weapon, as it is the presence and possession of the weaponry itself, which is what physically confirms the complete cowardice of its owner.
All militarism is an open act of cowardice. The cowardice of machismo is shamefully embarrassing to even those without a soul. My Master demonstrated true bravery, by Loving those He allowed to torture Him to death, and all through the abuse, He declared: Father forgive them! In true Love there is no fear.
Indeed, even back when I was an amoral Atheist teen (the seventies), the gang I was in would collectedly beat up badly, anyone who brought a weapon to a designated fight; typically in the city Park we partied in. If you were too afraid of losing a fist fight (we actually called it man fighting), then just do not show up at all, and accept the humiliation that followed. But a part of cowardice is to be dominated by what others think of you.
But this is yet another reason why Messiah Yeshua is galaxies apart from every other religion concept, revealed on Earth forever, even from among the christianized. Christendom Does Not Represent Messiah Yeshua !! &: Peace Is Not The Hope Of Salvation; It Is The Proof Of Salvation !!
¶ The People Praisers!
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The christianized too, are afraid of death, and for very good reasons; they too are the World and will share in their eternal fate. Consequently, the Darkness destined masses, are enamored by the worshiping of other humans, past and present. But with all human glorification notwithstanding, only One Star was ever born on this planet (Rev 22 :16).
Dead militants are worshiped via the macabre obsession with War Memorials and other human praise monuments, and statues abound of one human or another, and halls of fame comes to us, self titled for its unabashed idolatry. But all of this is normalized unto the Spiritually blinded Enculturation drones that account for the bulk of the accountable adult human species.
These monuments are common among humans everywhere, and especially those of their own race or nationality; those on "their side" of their many meaningless conflicts over human made map lines, as these prisoners of geography have done, all over this planet, which by the way, is owned exclusively by YHVH, its Creator. But as mere primates, who have only this life, these humans are just like their primate brothers; they are territorial, proxemic, lords among men, and very small.
Consequently, they buy into the lies of the wealth class, who have been covertly in charge of them, ever since the acceptable advent of money economics to enrich themselves far beyond what is needed to live a simple a sustainable lifestyle: Again, peacelessness rearing its evil head. They peddle the notions of us–against–themism, which the simpleton masses buy into completely.
They push the generational or inherited mentalities concerning the enemy others (kids, "we" are the good guys and "they" are the bad guys ), with paranoia being a major fruit of the anti-Messianic masses. Then, they exploit them within virtually all military roles to ever occur on Earth; to play as the pawns in their sociopathic war game$, which are all produced and directed by Satan, the supreme puppet master. Participation in or enabling any of it, only cements ones eternal doom.
But this greater understanding explains why so many other religions have such violent gods, or, theological justifications for human violence, therein transmuted legally/politically/militarily; they appeal to the primal within all human animals. Pride, ego and emotions, and from there, hierarchy, authoritarianism, territorialism, dominion, domination, competitivism, and so on. But the opposite of pride–ego–emotion, is Love–wisdom–humility.
Competitivism as a paradigm, the competition mentality, and indeed all us–against–themism; these ideas metastasized globally, like a pandemic, by the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, during their rabid planet monetizing colonization of Earth: Beware the Monetizers .
Competitivism and adversarialism can only exist where/when there are situations that require winners, which in turn require losers: There is no victor without a villain: And the hero seekers need villains, even if they have to fake them or make them.
The egocentrism and the deep insecurities of the atheistic lost (the bulk of the human species), will manifest in a hunger–lust to lord over others; to be victorious over others; to humiliate others placed beneath one's self; to gain temporal self-worth at the expense of another; all of which violates the law of Love . Our lifestyle is a reflection of what we truly believe.
¶ Messiah Yeshua: Master Also Of Critical Thinking!
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The Faithless Loveless masses are drones of their Enculturation and thus, void of independent ideas and the critical thinking that eventually envelops all Messianic disciples via the mind of Messiah Yeshua (1Co 2:12–16), which is because of our Soul yoke or Oneness with Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the Faithless Loveless masses, must/will comply with cultural directives; they remain trapped in tradition, never experiencing the liberty (freedom) that is in and because of Messianic liberation. All Messianic disciples are able to perceive far more than the Faithless Loveless masses, because of that Spiritual enlightenment; our (former) core of pride–ego–emotion is completely replaced by Love–wisdom–humility.
One of the reason why my Master, Messiah Yeshua, instructed us future Messianic disciples, to first walk away from all earthly wealth and power, was to test us, to see if our motives, for anything, were rooted in their earthly benefits, or not. We see this in many places, notably and why it is in there, is the confrontation with the rich young ruler:
And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to Him, and asked Him: Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Yeshua said unto him: Why do you call Me good? There is none good but One; that is, Elohim. You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery; do not kill; do not steal; do not bear false witness; defraud not; honor your father and mother. And he answered and said unto Him: Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Yeshua beholding him, Loved him, and said unto him:
One thing you lack; go your way, sell whatsoever you have and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. Then come, take up the Cross and follow Me! Yet he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved, for he had great possessions. And Yeshua looked round about, and said unto His disciples: How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of YHVH!
And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Yeshua answered again, and said unto them: Teknion, how hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of YHVH. And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves: Who then can be saved? And Yeshua looking upon them said: With men it is impossible, but not with Elohim; for with Elohim all things are possible. Then Peter began to say unto Him: Lo, we have left all, and have followed You. And Yeshua answered and said:
Amen, I say unto you; there is no man that has left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My sake, and the gospel's: But he shall receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life. But many that are first shall be last, and the last first. (Mark 10:17–31).
He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much: And he that is unjust in the least, is unjust also in much. If you therefore, have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?
No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Elohim and mammon! But the Pharisees, who were also covetous, heard all these things, and they derided Him. But He said unto them: You are they which justify yourselves before men, but Elohim knows your hearts: For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Elohim. (Luke 16:10–15) {cf. Matt 6 }
These six things YHVH abhors; yea, and the seventh is an abomination unto YHVH: A proud look; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that devises wicked imaginations; feet that are swift in running to mischief; a false witness who speaks lies; and those who sow discord among brethren! (Proverbs 6:16–19)
All too many people will consume the productions of religion, because of the benefits they provide them in the here and now; simple human contact and socializing, or fellowship; possible business or monetary benefits with such a network of people; and indeed this list could get long; just participate in any religion–business for a more personal experience.
The westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, have and must and will, justify violence; Loveless fear demands it. Indeed, all religions are anti-Messiahs ; they all appeal to human pride–ego–emotion, and/or vanity, and/or bloodlust, or just the carnal–primal in general. They adulterate the protestant bible to rationalize and justify all their earthly deeds: Bibliolatry !
But gluing the Tanakh to the Messiah Scriptures , does not make them one thing, which bibliolatry now requires. This was originally done by profiteer publishers and the (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultist benefactors, to create validation for the tenants, they would extort exponentially to increase Mammon profit$: The economic might of the Roman Catholic Church, and the militant might and colonialist Protestant's, was and still is, the empirical evidence.
The Tanakh had long been considered divine and authentic; but eventually, it (like all things) became a profitable talisman for the authority hungry religionists (the Pharisees). But the New Covenant of Yeshua is not ethnic at all; it is global; indeed universal and time eternal. Notwithstanding, the zoo primate cannot see past the enclosure of Enculturation .
That is why the religionists have constructed theological devices that justify division on this planet, opposing people not like them, and magnifying us–against–themism via domination, nation building, colonialism, patriotism, nationalism, racism, economics, politics and militarism, Law , or any other corporate forms of narcissism, which aids the collective justification process. Social stratification is Satan's greatest and most comprehensive earthly victory.
But the only unforgivable sin is being a religious fraud; to call yourself a christian, or identifying with Messiah (in any way), thus claiming such ambassadorship; indeed, as the Body (be it official or not), but living an otherwise carnal–primal, anti-Messianic existence, thereby mocking YHVH (Gal 6 :7–8; Matt 12 :30–37).
¶ There Is A Name I Call Upon!
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Naturally, Messiah Yeshua just called YHVH Father , and rightfully so. But since the anti-Messianic religious are YHVH Monetizers , and thus, only interested in personal and/or material gain (money and/or pride–ego–emotion) in the here and now, via religion; they are not concerned with such personal, relational issues concerning a daily intimate relationship with YHVH (as a Body), because they do not have such a relationship; hence, organized religion as the replacement to relationship.
Therefore, the word "god" is close enough for their intentions in consuming and/or marketing religion. The same logic held true with the blindly enculturated who translated, marketed, published and profited from scripture itself (Phl 2 ; 1Co 2 :10–16; Psa 138 :1–5).
And now, I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your own Name {יהוה}, those whom You have given Me; that they may be one, as We are One. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your Name ; those that You gave Me, I have kept, and none of them is lost, except the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
As we can read from the single greatest piece of writing ever written on Earth, forever: The Messiah's Prayer (all of John Seventeen ), how my (our?) Lord and Master, Savior and King, said plainly how even He magnified the Name above all Names: YHVH The Elohim! The Great I AM! Since YHVH was/is/always, incorporeal (John 1 :18; 1Jo 4 :12), we know that Messiah Yeshua was fully Human, but His corporeal shell possessed the very Soul of YHVH: Yeshua was/is YHVH–in–the–flesh ; Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) was/is simply the Soul of Messiah Yeshua.
Put another way, the Soul within me is my own, and the same with you; we are individual creations of YHVH and will remain as individual, in whatever form I/we are allowed to take, forever. However, the Soul within Messiah Yeshua was not a separate entity; Messiah Yeshua was not a separate individual, and YHVH as yet another individual entity. This is why the "math" of the Catholic Holy Trinity, as a theological concept, is wrong, simply because it is incomplete.
It is a mathematical fallacy that 1 = 3 or 3 = 1 because that is just a cloaked version of polytheism; demonic indeed! If one reads scripture at face value (literalism); like a list of set rules, or a recipe, or a book of Law , or of history, such will surely misinterpret most of it, and almost every time. But in the simpleton mind, the literal words can make it seem that way, so I get it: It is far easier to understand a blatant "do not do that!" And especially if you are the power drunk who is the one to enforce it.
But the "good–cop–bad–cop" paradigm of the catholic doctrine presumption of the Holy Trinity, is a necessary element in the narrative of presenting a savior/rescuer/hero god, and contrarily, a judgmental sadistic eternal torturer god, all in the same monotheistic (or one) god paradigm.
Since the term "person" only implies a human, or at least a physical entity, the idea that there are 3 Persons in the Catholic trinity is simpleton at best, and even theologically dangerous. There was and will only be one Person on Earth that was Holy; Messiah Yeshua! But the Catholic trinity concept, does expose the copy–mimic–parrot mentality that infects all unregenerate people (churched or not) throughout time and culture.
And since the capitalistic peddlers of everything under the sun, also includes Seminaries, one must extend that logic to its conclusion as well: i.e. follow the money. We, who are the bondservant of a Master, do not get paid for our services (Matt 6 :1–4 & 10:8–10; 2Co 12 :14–19).
¶ Trust No One Who Needs Your Money To Exist!
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Trust is multifaceted! For example, when you put your trust in a pastor or a politician, and they turn out to be less than honorable, or even criminal, the trust is not really broken because now it is an issue of pride and ego, not just the initial trust issue. Because trust was given and even believed in, if the one who trusts their religious or political leader/s, learns they are frauds, that trust makes them look naive, even stupid for putting their trust in them to begin with. But this is where true humility prevents such issues.
We have to trust those we are going to be in a personal relationship with, be it a marriage or just a business. We have to believe what they say to us, otherwise it will never be a personal relationship. But Messiah Yeshua, via Ruach HaKodesh and the scripture, taught us how to test the proverbial waters before we step out. As humans, we are what we do and no more! The tree is known by the fruit it bears! From this wisdom package, we will always test before trust, as much as that is possible to do; much harder to do in a marriage.
In spite of what people say or think or believe of themselves, it is show and tell, daily, and unto the world, of who/what they are: Lifestyle! But people get love blind, pride blind, or greed blind, and do not see it, or just do not want to see it. But human lifestyle itself is The Great Reveal!
People fool themselves easily; however, when that fooling is culture wide, there is much support for it; think of any charismatic and famed political or religious or economic person, as modern examples of such collective herding, initiated by people with a god complex, and loved by those who are just like that: The madness of crowds indeed; sheeple indeed!
If for example, a woman has even a passing interest in how much mammon a man possesses or can access, that is a gigantic billboard sized sign, where her heart really is. Because a gold digger first fools self, they will always seek to fool everyone else as well. The nongender specific term gold digger was popular two hundred years ago, and yet, very few of them see themselves as such.
All money dependents are Satan inspired or demon driven; they are continuously faced with temptation (Luke 11 :1–4); it is all around them, and they would feel deprived outside of it. If a person owns a car and/or partakes in the Car Cult ; this is just one example among possible dozens, on display for all with Spiritual sight to see.
Unfortunately, driven by pride–ego–emotion, they have been soaking in the vat of temptation and blind followship for so long that they will live and die without so much as a concept of what it would be like, to live a YHVH–centric lifestyle on Earth: And me saying this now cannot and will not penetrate the pride and the self-justification loops, racing through one's brain at this very moment. Only a complete death–to–self can even make that process possible at all.
Satan and his crew of fallen angels (demons), seek out human followers; the gullible. The crew exploit the natural part of humans that hunger to follow The Lord, and use it to make people blind followers. Then, the demon masses prey on the human masses, first by masking their very presence and influence over them, and then by tapping into followship drives. Satan uses this world; economics and politics and religion, to make the masses followship drones.
Without Ruach HaKodesh within us, humans can only hear the voice of their leader, Satan and crew; the sheep are thus led to the slaughter. And worse, they cannot see themselves as the sheep. But it is easy; are you a devotee of anything that is not the Messianic Cross? Messiah Yeshua saw them all, past present and future, as sheep; He had compassion on them as gullible beings, but, beings with volition and free will. They have to want to follow the voice of Truth.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit does this differently; Ruach HaKodesh allows us to keep our volition, and thus the tether of the Holy Spirit is gentle and passive, and the voice is small. This is to prevent any violation of our volition; we are truly free. Unlike the followship drones who only think they are acting on their freedoms, but their freedoms are false. They will follow Satan until he lead them into the ditch.
Satan makes earthly freedoms appear as if it is good; even as Messianic freedom. But all of that is the lie, from the chief of liars. Political cultists believe they are working for the freedoms of men, when in fact, they are the slaves of Satan doing all his work on Earth. This is why even those who are not Messianic disciples, can see the blind devotion of many religious people who are also very political; hence, religiopolitical ; they come from the same Satanic root: They are of the World ! True freedom is freedom from all the things of (and in) this world, with Politics being the second throne of Satan.
Still, among the greatest offenders among humans, are those who monetize YHVH in any form; professionalized religionists especially. In other words, like my Master, I will teach you how to fish, hunt, farm, build, grow (and so on), from the natural world of YHVH, but I simply cannot enable you further, by giving you money, because that money is (itself) the wedge between you and YHVH. Here in the Eschaton Era, Mammon , and the devotion of the Monetizers , is all abomination unto YHVH, and all who are Heaven destined see that plainly.
Until a person dedicates self to living without, or needing only a minimal amount of Satan's greatest temptation product, Mammon {$} , such people are eternally doomed, and these words will bear no eternal fruit. But then, the christianized masses are mere religion consumerists, who will never surrender unto any Lordship, nor will they likely even know what that truly means. They are first and foremost, consumerists. Everything else spills out of that; all things are shaped by consumerism.
For them, human generated religious Law (versus the 1 Law of Love), exists only so they can gain power over others; i.e. the Messiah Scriptures are not there to change them, from the inside out. That is how you know who one serves! They become bossy bosses; control freaks; power seeking!
Collectively, this is (in part) why the name selection is so relevant: Jesus? Or Yeshua? There is more going on than merely the translation of a name from one language to another. But this is how Satan manipulates; subtle deception; just a pinch of leaven will suffice, given time and much stirring. The good news of all of this, is The Good News, and the fruits of that reality, shaping ones life or not, is measurable in lifestyle choices.
The (Catholic; Orthodox; Protestant) COP Cultists (the bulk of christendom) make biblical claims, which their lifestyle choices defy. To be blunt, knowing all that we know today, it is nearly impossible for anyone ruled by the Love of YHVH, to be continuing in lifestyle choices that are proven to be physically dangerous, or polluting or planet–harming. The Car Cult itself is one of those one–ton pumpkins (versus a strawberry), as the fruit–evidence for all to see (well, all with Spiritual eyes and ears).
But so is the prophetic conclusions of the COP Cultists. The end times or the Eschaton Era, will not conclude with Earth as a blissful place where all goodness will reign. Satan, the true god of the COP Cultists who they accurately refer to just as god; that god will destroy Earth, via Satan's human masses, ecologically and environmentally: The Big Burn! The Car Cult itself will be a major weapon in this prophetic eventuality. Consumerism is the main fuel that will finance Armageddon.
Even if were true that human activities were having little to no impacts on the environment, what about the dangers of blunt force trauma on humans, and especially children, via the massive Car Cult? That all by itself would prevent anyone even near unto the Messianic Cross, from participating therein. Love compels all who are YHVH Love, to expose all sin–evil, not to collaborate, finance, enable, or in any other way participate in the sin–evil. Abortion is really bad; the Car Cult is even worse!
Therefore, the twisting of the scriptures by the COP Cultists, went from being outright wrong, to ludicrous, to fully insane, here in the Eschaton Era. But the leaven is introduced by demons, from generation to generation, as the demons exit the dead of past generations, and continue their sadistic manipulation march, in the next generation: They become even more twisted than the generations before them. Demonic oppression genuinely makes people crazy; they get evermore angry, loud, violent, polluting, destructive, and vengeful.
The reason it is important for one to believe the assessments found in COP Cult theology, doctrine, creed, law or ordinance (the Catholic holy trinity being one among hundreds), has less to do with these human created themes, and more to do with ones willingness to hand over power to them: This is the sin of authoritarianism, which is ultimately, the ultimate sin.
This is because the unforgivable sin is to blaspheme Ruach HaKodesh; the Holy Spirit! And that is only possible if you are a self-professing christian, or any other word or ideal that creates a link between self and the Messiah of scripture. These YHVH Monetizers had to create many other ideals that were/are extra biblical, or to misrepresent those that are at least in scripture: Words such as heresy .
¶ Law Of Saul!
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Without the overwhelming empowerment — which is Love brought upon us only by Ruach HaKodesh as the Indwelling Holy Spirit — the Faithless Loveless masses, mostly among the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, will never experience the Spiritual , and as such, they must materialize everything (e.g. Bibliolatry ).
Even the bible becomes a mere talisman of their religiousness; a weapon to justify away, some of all YHVH–truth (John 3 :19–21). This is why the living word was soon reduced to a textbook for the Spiritless religionist academics to exploit for personal power; why Bibliolatry thrives to this day. The first and biggest customer for the mass (press) printed bible was church businesses. That is why (today) there are bible churches, bible camps, bible colleges, and so on. The bible is now the only god of the COP Cultists, here in the Eschaton Era.
The religionist YHVH–monetizers, did with the Messiah Scriptures , what the Pharisees had done with the Tanakh ; they monetized it. The Ten Commandments was expanded over time into the human created 613 Mitzvot . But YHVH–in–the–flesh, corrected those errors (Matt 22 :29–40): His disciple and half brother summarized it even further, into 1 Royal Law (James 2 :8–17): Love, like Faith, is a verb! But Satan exploits the egos of men to monetize YHVH (indeed to monetize everything and everyone), which itself, is among the greatest of sin–acts, possible on Earth forever.
For only one example (among hundreds), the Catholic dogma of the Trinity (later copied by their two stepchildren, Orthodox and Protestant), was a fallacy in its attempt to explain, what was clearly beyond their comprehension at the time of conceiving it. The corporeal and incorporeal manifestations of YHVH, in scripture, only exposes the differing functions and capabilities of YHVH, but there is nothing that teaches the Catholic trinity as a certain theological concept, nor is such even necessary; unless of course, you are a religious professional trying to monetize YHVH to avoid Labor .
If YHVH so whims, YHVH could manifest Self in three dozen ways (indeed, three thousand): In other words, we are talking about YHVH here (Sovereign Creator of everything; space, time, mass/energy ; everything), and therefore, setting any such limitations, based solely upon one's own conceptual or perceptual limitations, is itself a Gnostic styled form of heresy. All COP Cultist theology is heresy on some level.
In fact, the early Gnostics (and before them, the Essenes ) were closer to YHVH–truth, than anyone involved in modern evangelical protestantism today; protestants being the endpoint (in time) of the great falling away (Rev 3 :15–19). It will be the reemergence of Messianic roots along with the dying of organized (secularized, politicized) religion itself, as the final fruit/act that will inaugurate the return of The King; the Second Advent .
Judaism's view of Messiah makes an important point; that Judaism forbids the worship of any human as a form of idolatry, since the central belief of Judaism is the absolute unity and singularity of YHVH. Messiah Yeshua did not seek worship, never claiming to be YHVH, but rather, showed us how those who seek YHVH with all our heart, mind, Soul, and strength (Deu 6 :5; Matt 22 :37; Luke 10 :27); that we too, can become one with YHVH, even while in human form (John 10 :25–30 & 15:12–17 & 17:9–15) and then beyond the corporeal. The summary of the Messiah's Prayer (all of John Seventeen ).
YHVH cannot exist in human form, nor in any corporeal form, since YHVH is only and always incorporeal, and thus, the general statement: No one has seen YHVH at anytime (John 1 :18; 1Jo 4 :12–13). Corporeal beings, versus incorporeal beings, are greatly limited by and within corporeality.
Messiah Yeshua was surely YHVH–in–the–flesh, but in that temporal state of existence, was also greatly restricted in what Yeshua could do (e.g. destroying and then recreating the entire universe). We mortals cannot, and do not, raise the dead or move mountains (Matt 10 :8; 17:20): Archetypes and metaphors, proverbs and parables (Matt 13 ) help to keep sacred knowledge sacred.
It will be the 1 Anti Messiah, which will fulfill what Judaism has assigned to their (still awaited for) messianic militant hero rescuer. But what Messiah Yeshua brought unto Earth, via The Cross, was the destruction of the entire mentality of us–against–themism, and the manifold consequences of such evil; namely, race or ethnicity or gender bigotry, economic systems, social classes, hierarchy, divisional inventions such as politics, and any other such justifications exploited to express indifference: Lovelessness! Social stratification will be among Satan's greatest achievements.
Thus, us–against–themism is a Satan inspired distraction to avoid the Light, which provides, via the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the only source of true power: universal, unending, unconditional, unidirectional, uncontrollable Love (John 3 :16–21). The primal/carnal, prefer to remain as such, thus avoiding the actual truth that could set them free of Spiritual blindness, enculturation confinement, and money–hunger. They prefer to serve money, for it gives them a purpose to live, because they cannot find the greater one: The Way !
Messiah Yeshua intently points us back to His (and our) Heavenly Father. But I (too) Love Messiah Yeshua, more than my own life, and so I totally understand why my Spiritual brothers and disciples and fellow Saints, wrote so grandly in this preserved postal letter to a short lived but important Philippians fellowship. Messiah will indeed, judge the world (Acts 17 :30–31; 2Co 5 :10), and will again, be recognized in His human form, as Messiah Yeshua.
The Soul within Messiah Yeshua was YHVH; that is, Messiah Yeshua was not an individual that was independent of YHVH, as we are: He is/was (Spiritually) YHVH. The Lords Prayer (John Seventeen ) was not to extol the sacred Name of YHVH (it does that properly); it was/is to show us mortals, our place in the grander scheme of things: One Creator; one (human) race; one planet; one purpose; one chance! All us–against–themism mentalities are but the fruit of the anti-Messiahs that now dominate humanity, here in the prophetic Eschaton Era.
Messiah Yeshua prayed this Prayer , then, knowing you/I would be reading it now; He refers directly to future Messianic disciples (John 17 :16–21). Simply put; YHVH Loves all creation, not just you, or your ethnic group, or those on your continent, or any other beings connected to you: YHVH is the center and the core, not you, though you very well may not get that, especially if you have been the center of your world thus far.
When a person are filled with YHVH–Love, via (and only) from the Indwelling Holy Spirit, they will live and breathe that Love, by how they Love all the other creations of the only King, YHVH, and without exception or reservation. To oppose anyone in any way, is the proverbial fruit on the tree for all to see. To use god/religion/bible to do so, is simply demonic. It is Judging .
These (my) writings are shared publicly, not to change anyone's mind; that is not even possible, for YHVH alone, foreknows those individuals who will fervently seek the Way/Truth/Life/Light, sometime during their time on Earth. Nor is this publication, incentive to join a church or a sect, or to solicit praises, or to sell something, or to receive money, which would be refused if offered. There are no ulterior motives here, but only to share freely what Ruach HaKodesh inspires within: You can simply click away.
To reiterate: my Master, Lord, Savior and King, is Messiah Yeshua: All Messianic disciples are my sisters, brothers and friends, but Yeshua is my only Lord and Master; my only Superhero; my only Leader; my sole paradigm for living and lifestyle. Understanding that radical difference will (equally and radically) alter one's perspective on the Messiah Scriptures as well. But there is only One Supreme Creator of all: YHVH!
¶ Why YHVH Rather Than Just God?
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Because all gods are the many masks of Satan, the god of this world; the World . When traveling where English is not the dominant language, I would see a particular word posted often, and so I would ask a local, the meaning and the correct way to pronounce it: I assume that those who speak and write that language natively, will know far more about this than I.
The first local who teaches me, will be the one I will mimic, unless of course, someone else later tells me that I was deceived; that the word is pronounced differently than I was first told. I am innocent, even if I initially pronounce the word wrong, because I do not know the language and so I must trust those who do, natively .
In the same way, I use the Name YHVH, for the same reason. I know that YHVH is not a name, in the same way we humans have; that YHVH is really a Tetragrammaton representing the One and only, true and living Creator of all things; our Heavenly Father, Adonai Elohim. But I learned this from others, who are far more learned than I am on the subject. I examined the subject over time, and trust in their teaching (as it has been confirmed) on this subject: If it is incorrect, then (again) I am innocent because I am honestly trying to be correct. Why?
Because I Love my (our) Heavenly Father so much that this topic is very important to me. YHVH is my eternal Spouse (my Mate; my Friend), and so, a personal relationship always involves a personal name. For those who merely and casually consume the outward productions of a religion — any/all of them — they must/will monkey–see–monkey–do and copy–mimic–parrot what the others say within that sect, and "god" is the most common; it is generic and thus suitable for market purposes. Nothing personal, right?
However, I will not just casually refer to YHVH as god because the god of this world is Satan (2Co 4 :1–4), and likewise, so are the many thousands of (religious and secular) gods and goddesses, which Satan has created and/or perpetuated, all over Earth, and for all of human existence. YHVH came onto Earth, in Human form, to clarify and correct all of this; His Human form name (YHVH) was/is Messiah Yeshua: Salvation is His Name! But this is not limited to an ethnic group; this was/is universal and applies to the sum of the human species globally.
Brother Saul had to confront these "gods of men" everywhere he traveled. Today, there are many out there trying to peddle alternative name spellings; yet, as far as I know, none of them speak Hebrew natively. So why are they trying to correct the locals? Like the Gnostics before them, they imply some secret knowledge that only they are made privy to: And that sounds just like the evil one. Satan goes by many names, which brings to mind the lyrics from Sympathy for the Devil (RS) : Pleased to meet you! Hope you guess my name: But what's puzzling you, is the nature of my game! Indeed!
¶ Marketing Messiah!
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Many religion producers and readers of the word (James 1 :22–25) have, throughout the last two millennia, used the presence of our Heavenly Father, and scripture, as marketing tools (or weapons) to monetize YHVH, which is among the greatest acts of evil on Earth: To monetize YHVH is demonic at its core. All organized religion falls under this curse (Matt 21 :10–14; Acts 8 :18–24). Messiah Yeshua was murdered by those who avoided Labor by monetizing YHVH, the maxim of evil.
But men still do this anyway, and in record numbers, especially as the Eschaton Era come to a close: Even this was predicted to occur as well (that scripture be fulfilled). Therefore, the Spiritually blind cannot see themselves as collaborators in Satan's ruses. Churches are powerful lures, due to tradition, social connections, emotional appeasement or excitement, loneliness alleviated, and mostly the temporal comfort of religious rituals, rites and traditions (Matt 15 :1–9 & 19:28–30).
However, Messiah promised to replace any losses experienced in this life, once a person devotes self completely to following in His footsteps, and to live by His doctrine and lifestyle paradigm, completely and unrestrained. A disciple can be defined as individuals who live by the paradigm of Messiah Yeshua, daily; conversely, the fraudulent anti-Messiahs exploit YHVH for personal earthly gain.
Among the latest niche market schemes peddled for mammon, is of the proper name game! It is yet another attempt, among many throughout time and place, at cornering the market share on "the truth" concerning anything and everything connected to the gods/goddesses, and their respective religions (and the monies they produce), but issued anew and often in contrast to all those other "good but wrong" people (Pro 6 :14–19). The investigators key is always this: Follow the money! Beware the Monetizers !
What is consistent, and surely not coincidental, is that none of these people live Messiah–centric lifestyles daily. They are typically sedentary do nothing, grow nothing, build nothing, make nothing, non producers, who are blindly enculturated, westernized, money dependents, who only know English, and live exactly like those that truly influence them: They are culture–centric, not Christ–centric. They do not meditate on truth; they salivate on correction. They are egocentric, not Messiah–centric; not Yeshua Loving.
¶ Ekklesia Of The Apostolic Age!
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The called–out ones, or called–out from/of/for; the Ekklesia of the Apostolic Age differs very little from the Ekklesia of the Eschaton Era. But one of the many major proofs it is the Eschaton Era, is in how humans interact with one another. Money has so compromised and corrupted everything and everyone, that over the last few dozen generations, humans have become so acclimated to it, that it all seems quite normal. Making profit from the very existence of YHVH, or in religious parlance, God or another translation of Theos ; this is all casual and normal to almost everyone, but in truth, doing so is Satanic at its core and root.
Today, there are over a hundred websites as niche markets for monetizing god figures: Yahshua ; Yahusha; Yahushua; Yahawah; Yahushuo; Yahuwah; Yahushuah; Yahuwshua; Yahawashi; and other minor and major variations of the same basic thema. Since the Yah part is correct, ENL speaking and writing people — especially Americans as the Eschaton Era core — think that Yah must be placed in front. Next, it will be YahJesus or YahChrist or YahLord! YahAll!
But these heretical thinking individuals and groups, are only playing with Yah (YaHVaH or YHVH) in this name sampling game, as they seek to be different from those around them; for them, it is psychological in nature; a mental exercise if you will, which leads to egocentric and/or financial benefits. What it is not, is a deeply honest and humble effort to come closer to Adonai, El of all creation. That requires a death to self; from those ashes, will arise a new creation. But for them, it is yet another pride train they are riding on this month. They do not spend any quality private time under the Messianic Cross, or even near to it; their religion is all for show.
Messiah Yeshua and His kin spoke ancient Aramaic. Yeshua is Aramaic and means Salvation. Yeshua in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue" or "to deliver" (Source ). This is what His parents named Him and what all His disciples called Him, then and now. But for the Mammon serving Monetizers , and those still trapped in pride–ego–emotion, the name game presents a (potential) monetary value or reward (Acts 8 :14–24). These kind (past; present; future) are marketeers and nothing more; if they have or ever will, make any money from the existence of Theos , they are the eternally doomed.
The cults of Christendom therefore, continue unabated, from the first century to the twenty first (and final human) century; from the First to Second Advent : The YHVH monetizers will always be among us. There is been a link to the Hebrew-4-Christians website for years now; if studied intently, it will get all ENL speaking/writing people, to at least a high–school–level understanding of scriptural linguistics. But the capitalistic egocentric Monetizers care nothing about actual truth above all else (John 18 :37), except where said content aids in their preset directives and profit motives.
Those directives are always egocentric (and/or money centric); that is, they always serve to magnify the one touting or spouting them: Self! Look for the sweet sounds of their personal name being spoken or written; look also for their face being shown (or shining down) upon all the misguided people in the world that needs their guidance and correction (their lordship renamed as shepherd or pastor).
These self proclaimed leaders, like prideful peacocks who fan out their feathers, hunger to show off to all, that they alone, know the truth of this; they become self anointed appointed teachers; rabbi's; heads (Matt 23 :8–12).
These days they disproportionately consist of old, sedentary, privileged, money serving, White males, likely within the bible belt , who may find it cathartic to openly oppose those who (perhaps) bruised their egos in some church business they once attended, or still attends. But their cult like dedication to their superficial research into all things truth, though egocentrically self-serving for a season, is ultimately futile.
But this bears repeating: Do not trust the words of any who are dependent solely upon money for their survival: Ye cannot serve YHVH and money. One must decide, because not one person has or ever will, do both; but one must first understand monetization. Consequently, all money dependents will say or do anything to survive. I respect that effort, but I cannot (and do not) trust any of the outcomes of their life (Jer 17 :5; Psa 118 :8–9; Isa 31 :1; Gal 5 :17).
Money servants and dependents live in a state of demonic compromise, 24/7/365. The mastery of the scriptures (themselves) lies in their covert but deliberate ability to expose those who use the scriptures only to be more Messiah like, versus those who abuse the scriptures to make their earthy life what they want it to be. Beware the Monetizers !
Some brazenly, unabashedly, proudly and openly, monetize YHVH; those who adulterate or prostitute or exploit the scriptures (2Co 2 :14–17 & 3:1–6 & 4:1–5), do so to avoid laboring in the dirt and by the sweat of their brows, to provide for themselves. They accept and use the monetary system built by Satan's earthly servants, to likewise remain disobedient, lazy and sedentary, considering daily manual Labor beneath them (Matt 13 :53–58; Mark 6 :1–6).
This would include all religion businesses and church profiteers, plus the educational institutions dedicated to such endeavors, as well as the individual free market capitalist christianists, the most vile of all, who are peppered all over the Internet and elsewhere, peddling their cheap wares for money or other earthly gifts and rewards, or for pride–ego–emotion.
I am formally educated and recommend it; however, and as a warning, I would not recommend any educational institution that has its roots in any of the COP Cultists. Never trust a man that does not work with his hands ⊛ . (Eph 4 :28; 2Th 3 :6–12; 1Th 4 :10–12; Pro 18 :9). Do not trust those who live sedentary lives by trading time for Mammon . Laziness and sedentary lifestyles are warning signs, and clear violations of the Temple .
These people — indeed the bulk of the westernized world here in the Eschaton Era — are anti-Messiahs ; they are capitalistic, money dependent, egocentric, god for gain , monetizing, under educated, English speakers and writers, totally disqualified from any linguistics studies on any level above grade school, and as such, should be avoided or ignored. If they ask for money, or will accept money, this too is a huge warning sign, so be careful (Matt 10 :5–10). All Heaven bound individuals labor for their food and offer all the gifts of YHVH for free: Always!
¶ People Of The Lord Or Lords Over People!
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All Messianic disciples (past, present, future), we all give away what our Master provides for us, we do not take anything from anyone in this way. Messiah Yeshua warned us disciples about people who seek power in this life, considering them as potential predators and economic parasites. The most sinister of all, are those who pretend to be under The Messianic Lordship, but are only players who exploit scripture to gain power over other humans.
Always take what is heard and read, first unto The Lord in prayer, and await the wisdom of the Indwelling Holy Spirit (1Jo 2 ), who is just Messiah Yeshua, here among us, but in different form (John 16 & 17): Ruach HaKodesh!
Cautiously learn about linguistics, but seek first from the Messianic Jews born in the Middle East, and/or those who natively speak the language or study it devoutly; and even they can get things wrong. But who is more certain to get it very wrong? ENL speaking/writing people; the ubiquitous capitalistic, non degree holding, old white guys! It is those among the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized, mostly Americans, still trapped in consumerism and the capitalist mentality; Satan's greatest weapons of/in the Eschaton Era.
The Messianic Middle Easterners predominantly say and spell it Yeshua, and thus, so do I. I was not born/raised or live in Israel, nor with a University Degree in Hebrew and Aramaic linguistics: Therefore, I will listen only to those people, avoiding the proper name game traffickers mentioned herein. They are too often pride driven, not education or meditation driven.
For example, they accept what they are told, that 2+2=7, and then they tell others this; now, they are committed to the lie, even in the presence of much truth. Messiah Yeshua taught us a proverb principle of these kind of people; to wipe the dust from our feet and move on; a bit analogous to foot–washing (Matt 10 ): Perhaps another time! Pride owns them: YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride !!
As a devout seeker of truth above all else, I have spent much time reading from the many proponents of the proper name game but what I gathered was ultimately no different than any other production of religion, or outward religiosity: Those seeking a niche market to peddle their newfound theological wares for a tithe/tax/fee, as cut takers.
But as with any entrepreneurial religion–business startup will attempt, the words soon become Law , and then those laws and rules are exploited (ultimately and eventually) to lord power over others; any power over any others, and from that the money pours in: The true Soul status, thus exposed. If people use god to make money, they are demon oppressed, simply put.
Almost all peddlers of religion products (in any venue), are seeking some form of monetary {$} reward, while still but fewer others, already satisfied with their Mammon hoardings from some other source of ill gotten gain, will seek the inflation of their egos; the empowerment, which comes from proclaiming to be teachers or leaders or pastors! And the chicks dig powerful men! But money hoarding is itself, a manifestation of fear, which is itself, the fruit of Faithlessness (Matt 6 :24–34 & 23:8–12 John 6 :26–27): Money hoarding is yet another warning sign.
The sin of denomination thrives under all banners of Christendom, but mostly from among the catholics least liked stepchild, the protestants (all of the which, is enabled by the westernized–monetized–christianized–industrialized anti-Messiahs ). The anti-Messianic religious, crave the personal recognition and praises; just look for personal names; look for human pride–ego–emotion; look for stages; this stands out most clearly to those with Spiritual eyes and ears (Mark 4 :9–13), though to be fair, even some among the Spiritually blinded can still smell crap from a distance; often expressed in secular publications.
¶ YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride!
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(Pro 6 :16–19; 8:13; 11:2; 13:10; 16:5,18; 21:24; 29:23): Pride is a heavy burden! When a person has pride in this, and pride in that, and pride in the other; these collections of pride centric ways and mentalities, add up to metaphorically keep people trapped within the shoebox of enculturation: As we let them go, one by one, we slowly begin to move upward; closer to the surface; the light gets brighter closer to the top.
As we move through that still dim light, we see even more of what we must let go of; those things that hold us down. Once the process begins, it has a chance; freedom from the shoebox is not too far (Mark 12 :28–34 James 4 :6–10; Phl 2 :3–4: Rom 12 :3).
What I have learned about, most of all here on Earth, is the power of pride; the "P" word. I know all about it; I was once seriously infected with it too. I now consider the very word "pride" to be analogous to a very bad (curse) "F" word. But if people will fervently pray unto YHVH, and genuinely humble self, and are prepared to be wrong (even way wrong), and passionately want and seek Messiah truth, far far more than wanting to be proven right; something miraculous begins to happen.
But it will surely hurt, so everyone has been warned, and will not like it: Think Damascus Road : And yours might be worse. But even a seed of genuine faith (Luke 13 :18–19 & 17:5–6) that is watered (1Co 3 ), will eventually grow and expose that place in time, where one will then know that this life, is really not about this life: Then, it will not matter what one endures here in this blink of time (Rom 8 :18–23).
The Epistle of Saul and Timothy to the Philippians , was written by two (or more) men, neither of which knew Messiah Yeshua personally: They were not eyewitnesses; not apostles nor the Q-Source scribes, who silently trailed the long prophesied about Messiah, writing down His every word. I.e. Tim and Saul never directly spoke to, labored with, dined with, nor walked alongside Him; never listened to His voice; they never saw Messiah Yeshua poop! 😇
Saul and Timothy — among others mentioned in the Messiah Scriptures — lived their lives, just as I am now (and perhaps you too); a person who believes completely, and even unto death, and yet, by faith alone (Heb 11 :1) since none of us actually stood in the presence of YHVH–in–the–Flesh: Messiah Yeshua, as eyewitnesses of His impossible acts.
My dedication and thus my Messianic discipleship, exists by faith and not by sight, and thus, these writings come by Spiritual inspiration alone. I do not need to walk on water to know that my Master was/is real. Instead, I proverbially build a big inland boat, whenever I am inspirationally compelled to do so, regardless of what other humans say or think or believe.
Interpretation basically means how one looks at scriptural passages; mostly what is read into scripture; what gets overlaid onto existing text, pulled from the present culture (or enculturation ) of any/all generations who handle them. Typically, misrepresentation is done for some earthly want or desire; ego mostly, but also, for material reasons; today it is mostly for money.
Capitalist christianity and its adherents who sailed to the Americas — who by then, were already far from the Cross of Messiah Yeshua — made the very notion of Manifest Destiny palatable. This was the ultimate anathema, surpassing even the Jewish Holocaust among the tragedies of this human experiment, which has been born and accelerated from this dynamic, all of which will be causal to all Eschaton Era cataclysms. Even now it flourishes unquestioned in a vat of theological debacles, unrecognizable to any Spiritually transformed person, from Messianic times and throughout the early twentieth century.
The letters and journals that were canonized by the catholic monks, were not all that was written; this we, the Elect of YHVH, already know. These men (see: Councils of Carthage ) made an educated decision on inclusion, based more upon their enculturation, and their gender, than upon their Spiritual status.
We know this by the themes (of enculturation) they stuck with; namely, those that minimized women, and still other people that were considered lesser, from within the shoebox of their enculturation, which they were obviously limited to. This fact does not negate nor attenuate what was included in the biblical canon , but it does show us why YHVH decided to allow other writings, not written by those who had first contact with YHVH–in–skin, Messiah Yeshua. In fact, at the end of the Gospels is this line (the last verse):
And there are also many other things which Yeshua did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen! (John 21:25)
Now, since Messiah Yeshua only lived for 3.5 decades — created as The Lamb for sacrificial slaughter — and was a mere Tekton who never left the Galilean region, what could this statement possibly mean? Thankfully it is simple; what the catholic monks decided for canonical inclusion, is still only a fraction of all that was (and is, and is to come) written concerning Messiah Yeshua, Savior of humanity forever, and the very Holy Spirit that occupies the Elect of YHVH (John 14 :15–20). A tiny piece of it is displayed before you now (for those that have ears to hear, let them hear).
¶ The Granite Tablet Typology!
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People extract a line of text in scripture (be it the Tanakh or a protestant bible today); a sentence or two, or even many verses, and then they would snag another from some other source, and then yet another, and finally, paste them all together so that they imply a subtle, or even an entirely different thing, from what the original context meant. They will claim this to be Exegesis and/or Hermeneutics, but these are simpletons with no formal education and therefore, they have no idea what Hermeneutics even is!
But even a degree means nothing to the Spiritually lost! This can all be diversionary; a redirect from what these verses were lifted from; hence the desperate need for the addendum writings of the Johannine epistles . YHVH knew the Academics were a threat (think Pharisees), but only Ruach HaKodesh; the Indwelling Holy Spirit, the very inspiration of the original texts, can interpret (decrypt or decode) scripture for people, from within people; only the Elect of YHVH.
Furthermore, just because these writers lived in the first century, and we live in the twenty first (and last human) century, or in anytime in between; this changes nothing from a Spiritual standpoint. All scripture is written by inspiration (and of course, 2Ti 3 :16–17 was referring to the Tanakh), but the canon is not the only things written that Ruach HaKodesh inspired; no, not even close (John 21 :25). The Indwelling Holy Spirit functions exactly the same, from the day of Pentecost , daily until the Second Advent .
The catholic monks rightfully canonized the epistles (and this monk agrees with that decision); however, this act did not magically make the postal letters Holy, or sacred, or doctrinal; but they are verily useful. Only the words (now printed in bold red letters) spoken by Messiah Yeshua was/is Gospel — literal YHVH speak — and monumentally greater than any other words, spoken or written on Earth ever; greater even than the Ten Commandments (Heb 3 :1–6) delivered by Moses (hot off the press) just after Elohim etched them into granite stones. Those red letters summarize it all!
Consequently we, the Elect of YHVH, do not read these notes or postal letters (epistles ), passed about by other Messianic disciples, as if we should formulate doctrine from them, and in fact, that summarizes Bibliolatry , and that is heresy at best (2Co 2 :17 & 4:1–5). These postal letters were included in the canon to assist us in understanding what occurred (in the few decades) after Messiah's Ascension from Earth.
The postal letters were an important record that aids us in understanding how the evil one works, post Messiah (Matt 10 :16; Eph 6 :10–13 & 3:8–12): Of Satan and his trillion demon incorporeal army, plus, all the living humans that live under the spells and the daily material temptations of the evil one, which is today concentrated in consumerism. We, the Elect of YHVH, are as sheep among wolves (pacifists among economic predators), and thus we must be "as wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Wolves are quick to bite and to fight; it takes genuine power (Love) to overrule the animal within.
Our main goal and purpose as Messianic disciples therefore, is to mimic the Master; to live and teach truth, come what may, and to "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear:" Of which has this developed perspicuously from among the thousands of pages typed over the last few decades. If/when asked: "Are you a Christian" I reply: "No, I am a Messianic disciple!" The next question is verily a logical one: "Is that not the same thing?" I reply: "No! Not even close!"
From there, I usually have an opportunity to explain what that means. Those who are "seed ready" will tune in, but the majority respectfully tune out; they will deflect or just kindly depart, or we do (Luke 9 :1–5). As with all Holy Spirit inspired words, everyone has the volition to be moved by, or to move away from, the truth that the Holy Spirit will otherwise confirm (Matt 10 :14–16; Rom 8 :15–17; 1Co 2 :12–16). The darkened Soul must point out the sins of others in order to deflect the light from self). And the self-righteous, blind leaders of the blind, actually expects everyone to see, what they think they see.
This is vital because Christendom (overall) is just cultural christianity consisting primarily of nominal christians , which is a purely social thing; a mere product of Enculturation indoctrination. Christendom itself, has nothing whatsoever to do with The Creator of everything and everyone: YHVH! Christendom Does Not Represent Messiah Yeshua !!
The lesson we all learn from the life of Saul (especially) is how the Indwelling Holy Spirit withholds things from us to buffet us; to utterly destroy the pride–ego–emotion that once shaped our mind and world; to keep us from ever being proud of anything. Pride is the eternal doom of the masses. YHVH will only reward laborers, not lords.
The pride–conquered openly demonstrate how yoked with Satan they are, and especially nowadays from among the Xians of Religianity! And Satan has one primary enemy target: those who claim Yeshua Messiah as Lord. And human pride is the easiest to exploit because it is socially acceptable; indeed, fully entrenched in enculturation.
Enculturation is vital to comprehend; it is central to human understanding; indeed, an entire book was written about it. Summarily, people live or die because of it. Teens commit suicide because they are not accepted by classmates; people become addicts because they feel like they have failed at whatever social or economic scheme has been prewritten for them; wars were/are fought because of misunderstandings between cultures.
The main reason why YHVH had to make a way (The Way ) to become one with us (the summary of The Lord's Prayer of John Seventeen ) was because of the overpowering force of the human spirit, easily led by the forces of this world (Eph 6:10–12), plus, the influences of the evil human masses. Remember this core wisdom: YHVH Is Love; Satan Is Pride !!
Pride is easy to see with Spiritual eyes, but impossible for the blinded, because pride itself is blinding. The pride–conquered are small thinking, and as such, they will take pride in whatever everyone else around them takes pride in/about: This is because of their pathetic need to be accepted by the atheistic that surround them, and verily, surrounding us all nowadays (Acts 20 :29–35).
Therefore, they are proud of their religion brand, their State, their Nation, the university they attend or the degree they attain, the color of their skin, their social position, their employment, their economic successes, and so on; this list can get long, but hopefully one gets the idea (Rev 3 ). Any self-justification for division, on any level, is proof of the anti-Messianic mind. Self-justification is an exhibition of pride; pride is an exhibition of Lovelessness, which in turn is an exhibition of Soullessness.
The Kingdom of YHVH now (Luke 17 :20–21), and Kingdom of Heaven future, will be defined by oneness; an eternal bond of unity, and if one cannot do it here and now, one cannot and will not be allowed in there (all of Matt 24 & 25). Summarily: Whatever you do unto them, you do unto Me (said Messiah). Whatever you say or think about other humans, you are saying/thinking about the One who created them and died for them (for all of us).
But notice the pride pattern: Whatever I do or say, or think or believe in, or live by, or consume or buy; these are superior to all the others (whoever or whatever the "others" are), and I take pride in this/that/them. Religion is Leviathan among the pride conquered, but the tell is simple: Look for their personal name plastered all over their works! Look for ego! Look for the preeminence of I and me! Unabashed pride actually requires demonic oppression. A servant is not above his Master (Matt 10 :24; John 13 :16 & 15:20); a bondservant is never seen; humility is a character trait; fruit.
It is all self-centric; a display of how limited the thinking is; the shoebox of their enculturation is tiny when compared to the expansive freedom of Spiritual enlightenment : To be awakened; alive; Conscientious! E.g. If you pray for what will provide for you now (especially Mammon or $), you must pray to the god of this world, Satan.
However, if you pray unto YHVH for the power and the wisdom to live without money, or enough just to buy the base things needed to serve YHVH only, you can expect an answer. Thankfully, prayers are never answered in the form of money (Luke 11 ; Matt 6 ; Heb 13 ; Heb 4 ; 1Ti 6 ).
Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord, Messiah Yeshua, and Love unto all the Saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: That the Elohim of our Lord, Yeshua the Messiah, YHVH the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened ; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the Saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Messiah Yeshua, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the Heavenly places, far above all principality and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the Koinonia, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all. (Eph 1:15–23) {cf. Heb 6 :1–8}
¶ Christendom: Whore Of Babylon!
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For most of human time, all religions were culture specific: they did not extend much beyond their origins. It is important to note upfront that Satan (and his trillion demon army) have been on Earth since the first humans, and once a major player in human events: Then Yeshua the Messiah doomed Satan on His Resurrection Day.
Not only did this act seal the fate of Satan (and army), it also sealed the fate of almost all the humans from Earth (future demons), who will be cast into outer Darkness (empty space; dark matter), alongside any other beings from any other earth like experiment, going on somewhere else in the universe, which ended in times past. And while the Ascension of Messiah served to attenuate the powers of Satan on Earth, it did not eliminate his influence completely (Eph 6 :10–12).
We learn from the Temptation of Messiah , how Satan can affect and infect humans, then and today; namely, to give people what they want; to create power hunger via pride–ego–emotion. The easiest way to tempt people, is to do so, while they are free to absorb it all. But this is just how Satan works in the minds of the masses, and especially among the Xians of Religianity or christianists who attend and enable the church businesses, but otherwise exhibit lifestyles as anti-Messiahs daily (1Jo 2 :15–21).
For 99% of human time, all the gods and goddesses, everywhere, were Satan created or Satan perpetuated: That is, until YHVH came onto Earth in human form: Messiah Yeshua. The reason for that act was/is multifold: a few main reasons were the legal and social acceptance of money and the coming future of Mammon economics in general; our time.
But more importantly, it was the complete failure of humans to even conceptualize the Creator of everything/everyone, even among those who were already monotheistic . YHVH came to show the world, who/what YHVH is/was, via the corporeal presence of YHVH–in–skin: Messiah Yeshua! If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, are simply the Messiah replicators that He will be returning for.
The archetype used here should be obvious: A whore is a prostitute (and vice versa), and we see this variation, even within translations themselves (using one term or the other). Simply put, a prostitute will pretend to like you; she will pretend that she finds you attractive, and will take you all the way sexually, just as a wife would when the marriage is not tainted with money reasons (as most are in the world): E.g. The whore fakes being real; an adulterer who tries only for an hour, to replace a wife; also not real.
This is what the Pharisees were doing, operating their religion businesses; it is what the Pharisees were doing with the Tanakh ; they exploited those YHVH inspired words, to avoid laboring with their own hands (to toil, via the Labor curse); they used its power as their own: That is what Bibliolatry is in a nutshell.
But it was the continual exposing of the Pharisees that most angered them (John 3 :16–21), as well as the masses (Matt 27 :20–23) who (later in time) were content with the proverbial weekly Mass; the replacement show to daily dying (Luke 9 :23–25) within a real communal Koinonia (see: Monastery .
Messiah Yeshua became a religion by the works of Satan through evil men: Religion is the fake relationship; the replacement to a deeply personal and profound, daily–dying, personal relationship with YHVH. Communal living therefore, is too personal; too unified; too equal; too real; too accountable. Pews are for hiding behind.
In a true (Acts 1 thru 5 implied) Community, there are no leaders, bosses, or hierarchy, and especially not the economically superior; there is no form or type of superiority at all. Individuality is not about uniqueness; freedom is not about being free to do as one pleases. For the World it is all about independence, inequality, sin without conviction, and freedom without accountability, responsibility, or restitution from loses associated with such lawlessness.
¶ The One World Religion Is Christendom Itself!
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The Whore of Babylon is Satan's organized religion businesses: All of them, past, present and future. This was/is possible because of the global acceptance of the mammon serving, money dependent religion businesses that are yoked legally (or in any way) with the fully secularized government, which represents all of them; the worst of which in modernity are in the westernized world, and the most evil among those, are the most powerful and wealthy. Satan only uses Loveless money; YHVH only uses moneyless Love !
The organized religionists, during the time of Messiah Yeshua, were the Pharisees; they were in bed fornicating with the (first century) attorney class, who worked the Judicial Industry courts of the Law-lords , for the (then) secular Roman government, and this alliance still remains into the twenty first (or last human) century.
Christendom is worldwide; there is no place on Earth, and for many decades now, where the religion of christianity does not have a foothold socioculturally: It is verily the only worldwide religion; hence, the preeminent one world religion, for all intents, and (proxy) from it, the One World Government. But the
Armageddonists will be Satan's Christianized masses against Satan's Mohammedan masses at Megiddo .
But this is recent, mostly because we are only lately, a globalized species; a global economy. But Christendom itself was/is the byproduct of the Mithras cult that it closely followed; hence, the need for the Deuterocanonical Johannine epistles which exposed those who came out from the ranks of the early Koinonia, but ultimately, were not of The Way : They are the Darkness destined YHVH Monetizers , as the prophesied anti-Messiahs .
But YHVH taught us from the Genesis (onward) that we are to labor with our own hands, and to grow or raise or catch our own food, and to be independent and thus free, especially of the bondage's of men, the greatest of which is the human centric economy, the god or master of which is mammon or money, which most people serve with a devout fervor.
We, the (infinitesimal and inconspicuous) Elect of YHVH, do this by avoiding the atheistic world's money economics, and money–hunger, and are contented with a Simple life (1Ti 6 :6–11). Money is power, and power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely! And the One World Governing Religion is (circa 2024) already in the works.
This may sound a bit like Preterism , and I do see their point of view. Remember that there is some truth within all lasting myths or themes or legends (religious or otherwise), though stories are surely embellished over time to accentuate them further for the next generation; hence, the process or logic of canonization itself.
The most brazen of lies they parrot is that the inspiration of YHVH ceased at some point in time: Anathema! If that were true then this, the last verse of John 21 :25, makes no sense. But it does when it is known that the very Soul in Messiah Yeshua, was/is the Holy Spirit, which dwells likewise in all His disciples, in the very same way. What one is now reading, is every bit as Holy Spirit inspired as every jot and tittle of scripture. And now the Bibliolatrous gasp! But that is because they see the written word as that which is Holy.
¶ The Iscariot Paradox!
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Anyone can claim to be a believer in Jesus; they can consume the productions of Christendom, play Christian, and even be used by Father Adonai (YHVH) for a greater (eternal) good: But in the end, they, like Judas Iscariot, will be eternally doomed (Matt 26 :20–25).
People can be used by YHVH regardless of their Spiritual status; like the donkey who spoke literal words on behalf of YHVH (Num 22 :23–29), the donkey will not be rewarded with eternal life via bodily resurrection, and then as an eternal servant of YHVH, commissioned upon planets, with some still in the cosmic nursery, not yet ready to support life.
Being an instrument of YHVH does not assure personal salvation; the only thing that can assure that is for each individual to (first) surrender unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua; no one can be (or is) reborn until they first die (John 3 :3–8); only then can He even begin that Spiritual resurrection process (hence the term born again): Study intently the parable of the sower . They are bible christians but not red letter disciples; they will not give up their christianization for a Messianic discipleship.
You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and trodden under the foot of men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, so it gives light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. (Matt 5:13–16)
Yet a little while I am with you, and then I will go unto Him that sent Me. You shall seek Me, and shall not find Me, and where I am, there you cannot come. Then said the Jews among themselves: Where will He go that we shall not find Him? Will He go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles and teach the Gentiles? What manner of saying is this that He said: You shall seek Me and shall not find Me, and where I am, there you cannot come? In the last day; that great day of the feast, Yeshua stood and cried, saying: If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believes on Me, as the scripture has said: Out of His belly shall flow rivers of living water! But this He spoke of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him, should receive, for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because Yeshua was not yet glorified. | Then Yeshua spoke again unto them, saying: I am the light of the world; he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 7:33–39 | 8:12)
Have I been so long a time with you, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He that has seen Me has seen the Father; why do you say then: Show us the Father? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak unto you I do not speak of Myself, but the Father that dwells in Me; He does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; or else, believe Me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on Me; the works that I do, he shall do also; and greater works than these he shall do, because I go unto My Father. And whatsoever you shall ask in My name, that will I do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.
If you Love Me, keep My commandments, and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter; that He may abide with you forever. Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him, neither knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you . I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world sees Me no more, but you see Me because I live, as you shall live also. On that day, you shall know that I Am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He that has My commandments and keeps them; it is he that Loves Me, and he that Loves Me, shall be Loved of My Father, and I will Love him, and will manifest Myself to him.
Judas (not Iscariot) said unto Him: Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself unto us, and not unto the world? Yeshua answered and said unto him: If a man Loves Me, he will keep My words, and My Father will Love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that Loves Me not, keeps not My sayings, and the word that you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me. These things I have spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name; He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:9–27)
I (Messiah Yeshua) am the Light of the world — I (Messiah Yeshua), I Am the Indwelling Holy Spirit — My disciples {us}, via My Spirit — The Indwelling Holy Spirit — are now the light of the world, until My triumphant return! (John Seventeen )
Awesome! We as Messianic disciples, mirror the Love of YHVH that is only possible because YHVH is Love (1Jo 4 :7–16); the Indwelling Holy Spirit is YHVH, and YHVH is/was Messiah Yeshua (John 1 :1–4): It is finished! Now, we disciples are His hands; we are the mercy of YHVH; we are the Love of YHVH. We disciples are His servants; His ambassadors; His representatives; His hands and feet.
¶ Capitalism As A Mentality!
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The mentality or mindset of capitalism is (summarily) the monetization and commodification and adulteration of everything and everyone, and then, the subsequent calculation of all things in life, based upon this economic monetary paradigm . Capitalism itself is but one of many byproducts and consequences of blind enculturation, and the roots of all Eschaton Era prophesy. But as predestination determines, the masses will live and die oblivious to it all, until after their Day of Judgment.
E.g: my designation is very much likened to a corporate designation; that is, I am a Monk who serves my Master, Messiah Yeshua, who was/is the corporeal manifestation of YHVH. Employees likewise serve their boss. Side note: Whenever YHVH takes on human form, He then (past; present; future) is the male human we call Messiah Yeshua. The Human form of YHVH, has appeared on Earth many times, besides during the revelatory corporeal lifespan as Messiah Yeshua.
The etymology of Saul comes from the root verb Sha'al which means "to inquire, borrow, or beg." Thus, the name change or modification makes sense. Read: Why Saul Became Paul by Alexander Maclaren. Alex was insightful for a Europeanized man, so far from Jewish roots, understanding that Yeshua was a Jewish Man.
But inside the tiny Enculturation shoebox of the capitalistic mentality, and thus capitalism itself, everything and everyone is but the sum of their mammon making titles, and as such, I too can be relegated to the officiated title of Monk of YHVH (Internet wide), even though that is not some slogan that I picked to be identified with, in that way.
It is not my title, it is my designation and my very existence, here on Earth, and perhaps throughout time eternal. If one is a female that does not mean ones name is "hey, woman!" I am a bondservant of YHVH; I am a now through eternity disciple of Messiah Yeshua, an Oracle of Adonai, and until my Master changes that I will remain as such.
But money is the god and core of capitalism; to those blinded by this brand of enculturation (or indoctrination), money is how love is determined. Humans show our love for someone by the percentage of monies that is given to (or shared with) them. Or, by the effort one makes to get the Mammon to begin with. Money is the only barometer!
Thus, the inevitable bigotry and manifold injustices that was born from capitalism (via the capitalist mentality) has shaped the westernized world. Money itself is a hideous weapon; the wealth–class built economic capitalism as the ultimate form of Socialism for the rich , wherein most of the money is redistributed to the top one percent wealthy; to enrich and empower them, over those who honor YHVH with their/our sweat Labor ; the Tekton . (More at Law )
Even marriages and parenting are centered upon mammon and the directives of the Monetizers ; indeed, today, all human relationships are monetized. The parent with the most monetary resources gets the most say in parenting offspring; just ask any Family Attorney (e.g: Murky Laws Make It Too Easy To Label Good Parents Neglectful ). This is why all Messianic disciples with offspring, do not raise them in the World .
Abortion is not a reaction to pregnancy, but to a monetary burden. Indeed, money is the barometer, compass, core and benchmark, of and for all things, among the atheistic as well as the anti-Messianic religious. Religion itself, was/is the outcome of men monetizing god, or the gods or the goddesses, all for personal gain agendas.
Marriages between the offspring of the elitists (the wealth–class; the kings/queens, etc.), were demonically "blessed" by the morbidly corrupted COP Cultist religionists, throughout Europe, to keep earthly kingdoms empowered. Unfortunately, all power seekers must/will be cast into outer Darkness ; there will only be one Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven (sorry earthly leaders).
Christendom (itself) is actually anti-Messianic; these men fell (and still fall) victim to Satan and his temptation paradigm of earthly wealth and power, materialism (consumerism) and self importance, via money hoardings. Messiah Yeshua came (when and where He did) primarily to expose this evil of the YHVH Monetizers , first displayed so openly by the Sanhedrin, the priests of the Pharisees and the Sadducee.
These religious professionals were the only real enemies of the Messianic Cross, as well as their enabling bedfellows the attorney–class and their hireling scribes, who collectively established themselves, first legally/politically, and then culturally, and then economically: the ultimate deprivation of that sin, here in the Eschaton Era, being capitalism, and its now massive monetary might, and thus, its ultimate and prophetic species ending war machines.
The Pharisees were (and still are) money–loving economists and businessmen, empowered by money and lawyers, and the mighty Judicial Industry, who exploited (or capitalized upon) god for gain (2Co 4 :1–4; 2Pe 2 :1–3; John 2 :13–16); among the greatest acts of evil on Earth, ever. There will not be one Satanist who will be as evil as anyone who profits from YHVH; from first century Pharisees unto the modern day peddlers of Christendom; the churched.
¶ Don't Talk To The Box!
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In 1976 I attended Summer Jam at Royals Stadium ; Kansas played that evening. It was the greatest musical experience in my 17 years of life on Earth. I had to go up to congratulate the musicians. There, I admired the towering speaker boxes that just gave us all a case of noise induced hearing loss. Behind me I faintly heard someone say: "Don't talk to the box!" I replied: "I'm waiting for the musicians!" The stagehand said: "They're not coming back out!"
Three decades later, and after I had surrendered unconditionally unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, died to this life (pride–ego–emotion; earthly want and dreams), and was then reborn or born–again Spiritually, and then became His (now and forever) disciple, I thought about this experience in another context entirely; and that happens often: Predestination indeed!
Disciples are analogous to the speaker box. We are not the musicians; we are not even the instruments; we are merely the containers that produce outwardly, what has been recreated within us; we merely echo the sound, which comes into us via the tether (wires) of Ruach HaKodesh. As an Author, I am more analogous to a sheet a paper!
We cannot mirror the sinless life of Messiah Yeshua, but we can reverberate the sound and refract the Light that He carefully placed, only within His Messianic disciples; those in an intimate, personal, daily–dying, real, epochal, life altering, life affirming, relationship with our Heavenly Father.
YHVH is the Author, Conductor and Musician: The Indwelling Holy Spirit is the Instrument; the one and only source of all human inspiration (and without the Indwelling Holy Spirit, all humans die uninspired). Thus, you really should not talk to the box; please do not thank or praise this loud speaker (Matt 6 :1–8). I am only one speaker box among countless others throughout spacetime and place: If I were broken, or nonexistent, the concert would/will still go on, loudly and unabated and gloriously.
We who serve Messiah Yeshua, as His daily–dying disciples, do not mention our given names, because we are not relevant to YHVH–truth. If you do not want to listen or read, that is your prerogative; volition is your superpower, your YHVH likeness, and like my Master, I (too) honor that. I am not hiding, however, if I am identified, then all this becomes about me, and not the inspired words.
Satan's play, especially here in the Eschaton Era, is ad hominem , which is now culturally epidemic; attacking the messenger is a prime directive. But I suppose it has always been (Matt 13 :54–58).
It became a convention in the period between OT and NT that works should be published under the authorship of a fictitious name, such as Moses or Enoch, or the sons of Jacob. Such a name imparted a certain authority to the writing. In the OT the book of Daniel is pseudonymous, and in the NT it is widely held that Second Peter and Jude are pseudonymous, and also the Pastoral Epistles. Literary standards of the time did not necessarily condemn pseudonymity as deceitful. Nevertheless, Tertullian reports that a presbyter, found to have falsely attributed a work to Paul, was forced to resign. (Oxford Biblical Studies Online)
So, read this, or do not read this; believe it, or do not believe it; I am only a speaker box anyway, so it surely cannot matter to me. Nor do we disciple's name others, be it their personal name, their church business name, or anything that might point to them personally. This is because doing so would be Judging (John 7 :18–24); an act I am simply not qualified for. Why?
Because you may be evil all your life, and then a Saint next year, and I have no idea if that will happen or not. My one and only commandment therefore, is the Royal Law (James 2 :8–13; Matt 5 all). I often think about the thief on the cross, next to my Love and precious Master, Messiah Yeshua; here was a man who lived an atheistic life (1Co 6 :8–11), and would have been lost eternally, had it not been for his final hour conversion, which, according to Messiah Yeshua, was genuine (Luke 23 :39–43).
It does not take a lifetime; study Acts one thru five. Indeed, all YHVH needs is one quality hour, to radically alter your very eternal (and current) existence; metamorphosis in a day or so. But those who intentionally wait, will only be hardened over time; they will not be as fortunate as this poor fellow was, for his was not premeditated.
In other words, we do not know who will truly bend the knee , at some point in time future and be Spiritually transformed. In the meantime, we Love (as we are Loved), and from that force and source, we serve and we pray, and, we share inspired truth (verbal and written), and hope that YHVH can use what we say, and write, and live, and do, to cause those metaphorical seeds to find good soil (1Co 3 :1–9; Matt 5 :13–16).
¶ Differences Between Christians & Messianic Disciples!
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The differences between Christians and Messianic Disciples is vast. Messianic disciples can recognize those who live evil lifestyles, just like anyone else can, but there are major differences between the Elect of YHVH purposed as the future resurrected Saints of Adonai our Elohim, versus the hypocrites of organized religion, and especially here in the Eschaton Era, the Christianized; Christendom; the many anti-Messiahs . We disciples truly Love all sinners all while opposing sin; here, we are not qualified to judge anyone. And all public Prayer by the christianized is itself Satanic!
Christians are individuals or groups of people, who adopt one of the many cultural productions of Christendom, as it is told and sold to them, by those of that particular brand name entity, from the generations who came before them. They are merely the byproducts of their Enculturation . They remain locked in demonic pride, and then process their religion through that filter.
As a consequence, it is always a battle for dominance in the religion brand arena. They are haunted by self-loathing that they express as self-righteousness; their religion offends most everyone, which when rebutted gets labeled persecution. Messiah Yeshua attracted all but the rich and powerful! This and this and this are small and current samples of what Christianity looks like today, to the unsaved they believe they are going to save.
Christians are not radically and eternally transformed by Ruach HaKodesh, which comes unto (and into) us, only through an unconditional surrender unto the supreme and eternal Lordship of Messiah Yeshua, and a death to this life. That death is primarily witnessed in a death to self; a death to pride–ego–emotion; a death to any/all earthly desires such as wealth or consumerism or power or social standing. The ego all but dies! Compassion reigns! Love exits the emotion–centered brain, as we become the sum of the Messianic Cross. A rebirth requires it; from its ashes we are born again. It is not a remodel, it is a rebuild!
Such surrender is witnessed in true Love; in true humility; in true unity with all humanity, for whom our Master and Mate, died for; the human tribe or family (John 17 )! We Messianic disciples are Cross bearers; we mimic our Master, as much as we are empowered to do so. We too, have been crucified with/in Messiah Yeshua! We pick up that Cross daily, and follow in His ways and doctrines. Our Spiritual brothers (e.g. Saul and Peter) wrote no doctrine; only our Master did; it is encased within the red letters.
Christians just go to church, dominated daily with pride–ego–emotion. That pride and ego demands that whatever they are told and sold by those who came before them and stand on the stages in front of them, are right and righteous in all perspectives. The doctrine guns are fired often by them, as the demons within them battle to move people away from the Messianic Cross, and ever–deeper inside of the sin of religion. The stench of 2000 years of rotting Christian leaven, is now inflaming the noses of almost everyone, here in the Eschaton Era.
Anyone can witness this subtle battle for supremacy, especially in things that matter most: The Name above all names is YHVH: His earthy human–form name was/is Yeshua! "God" is Satan the god of this world; of this timeline; the god of this (human) species. When the religionists (of Satan) translated words, they made these subtle changes, and since the path is wide that leads to destruction, the bulk of humanity bought into it: the result is Christendom!
However, once an individual has died to this life, and is focused only upon pleasing their/our Master, Messiah Yeshua; what other mere mortals think of us, fades into oblivion. We get a kind of tunnel vision wherein we only care what YHVH thinks of us, every moment of everyday, because we truly believe that Adonai our Elohim is watching us always; that our life is (metaphorically) being recorded always: We live this life for YHVH only. Messianic disciples are not here to tell others how to live; we are here to replicate how Messiah lived.
Consequently, our lifestyle is our daily Messianic Cross–bearing demonstration, unto our Elohim, and that lifestyle is free of any of the trappings of Satan, the god of this world and the god of the bulk of this species. We are no longer slaves of our enculturation; we not only care nothing about copying our culture, we may even oppose it, especially here in the Eschaton Era. The Eschaton is clearly marked unto all with Spiritual sight.
For one obvious example (among many), the Car Cult is a massive affront unto our Lord & King, and so we avoid it, oppose it and expose it. But cultural drones cannot see any of this; they are Spiritually blind, and as such they can only copy–mimic–parrot others around them. They stumble in Spiritual darkness, and as such, they can only follow those in front of them; those who came before them; hence the lifestyle mimesis , no matter how destructive it is to Earth, which is owned exclusively by its Creator, YHVH! The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof! Those who abhor The Lord, work tirelessly to pollute and destroy what YHVH owns, consciously or not.
Conversely, we Messianic disciples are the light of/in the world. Our primary goal is to enlighten any and all who are destined unto the Messianic light, by YHVH (Matt 5 ): called to be so, even before Earth was! Our light is stewardship, and lifestyle, for in order to be empowered with responsibilities that are timeless and cosmic in scale, we must first prove to be wise stewards over the smaller things, we are now granted power over; that is Earth and all life upon it (Luke 19 ; Matt 25 ). Lifestyle choices say it all! How we treat others is our witness; how well we replicate Messiah Yeshua, our purpose for being here.
Messianic disciples do not willingly enable the trinity of Satan: Economics; Politics; Religion! Messianic disciples do not use public schools, drive cars, own guns, or enable pastors or politicians. Messianic disciples do not surrender to any sociocultural directives that harm the YHVH creation in any way, like overconsumption, or any act that can endanger others.
We are pro–life and anti–gun! Guess who we anger? Many and on all sides! Messianic disciples do not take sides; we are anti–side–takers; we abide under the Messianic Cross. Thus, we are not involved in politics in any way. And, we prefer and protect the natural YHVH created world, but not so much the human–built world. Satan's humans se Earth as their own to do with as they please; mostly to monetize it for personal power agendas.
For now, we are stuck on Earth; we are as sheep among wolves, and so we navigate this predation and extortion and exploitation, by being as wise as serpents but as harmless as doves! And, we care only what YHVH thinks of us, not what humans think of us. We live to prove our ability to be stewards over other planets and even other Peoples. Conversely, the Satan–led are here to serve Satan; thus, they are here but to steal, to kill, and to destroy: Satan compels them to suck Earth dry!
Messianic disciples do not look upon Earth, or any potion if it, as our own property; we keep it pristine for progeny and for the many generations to come (potentially). Thus, we do not seek to change it or destroy it or abuse it in any way. We rarely (if ever) plow snow or cut grass; we do not burn fossil fuels; we do not see this creation property of YHVH, as anything but what we are here to be the wise stewards of.
It is not our private human–only space (what I call Golf Coursing Earth); it is wild and there are many reasons for that! The Eden Garden of YHVH is being systematically altered into human–only space. The mass extinction of animals is catastrophic to anyone even near the the Messianic Cross, but to the Spiritually doomed masses, it goes nearly unnoticed.
The Elect of YHVH study so that we may be well approved of; that study exposes itself in what we know about our Creators property, and then how we treat it. We study (and then nurture) the YHVH made world, not the human made world. There is nothing wrong in using the things of Earth, but we learn what is sustainable and what is not.
The greatest sin–evil possible on this planet is to present ones self as an ambassador, or a representative, or as otherwise connected with The Creator of all, YHVH, and then, live as a self-righteous Pharisee (James ). They stand on the proverbial street corners, announcing their righteousness by the condemning of others; this is called moral grandstanding , which itself is evidence of demonic oppression.
During the Eschaton Era, as Satan is nearing final judgment, it is expected that false Messianism will increase. We disciples see this with Christendom (itself) as the One World Religion in coitus with secular government. It is the 1st century all over again; Christians are the Pharisees, and disciples of Yeshua? We are the same in all generations.
There will be an ever increasing effort to try to marry Christianity with Messianic discipleship; many will claim they are one in the same thing, but then imply some differences as a way to distract from the much larger issue: That Christianity, as with all religion, are of Satan, and so it is Satan (god) that is doing this leavening; this attenuation.
All of Christendom is anti-Messianic, and those adhered to them are not the future resurrected Saints of Adonai, El of all creation. They mimic Satan in some or all his ways, who was/is power drunk, violent, fear driven, anger conquered, obstinate, and narcissistic. They copy the World , which all Messianic disciples are not a part of; they help to shape the world, devoutly serving Satan in virtually all they do. Satan's goal always, is to devalue the Messianic Cross.
Messianic disciples are not in the business of imposing some organized religion theme upon volitional human beings, who can, if called, read te Messiah Scriptures also, and be guided by Ruach HaKodesh, just like we are. YHVH came in Human form; Messiah Yeshua, who died on the Cross for everyone; not just for atonement but more as an exhibition of just how far Love will go. We cannot have the power of the Cross until we first possess the Love of the Cross.
Thus, all disciples simply Love everyone exactly the same, and we will let our Eternal King, sort it all out on Judgment Day. Messianic disciples are unqualified for such Judging , and we know it. We just Love everyone all the time; that is our calling! I may not like what another does or thinks, but the duty of all Messianic disciples is to Love others toward the Cross, should they volition it, for it cannot otherwise be sold to them (e.g. evangelism & proselytism).
To be among those honored in the Kingdom of Heaven, as humbled participants in the process, is our only desire. In the meantime, we Philippians it! The only Name worthy of mention is Adonai our Elohim, YHVH, or His (human form) purpose / title / name: Emmanuel Messiah Yeshua!